« : August 21, 2012, 08:23:56 AM »
I decided to hold a list of the update made in achat i will star with the last on and this will compare the MF updates , the Shemales updates , the FF/FFF , the MM/MMM and the avatar updates (it will include clothes , shoes/boots , body options .... ) .And i will add to each update here just modifying the post .
sun 19/8 New pose thur 23/8 New F clothes
sat 25/8 New pose thur 30/8 New F clothes
sun 02/9 New pose thur 06/9 new F clothes
sun 09/9 New MFF P thur 13/9 new F clothes
mon 17/9 pose update wed 19/9 New F&M clothes
fri 21/9 new FS pose fri 21/9 New FF pose
tue 25/9 New pose fri 28/9 new FS pose fri 28/9 new FF pose
tue 2/10 New M clothes
fri 5/10 new room
tue 9/10 new FS pose tue 9/10 new FF pose
fri 12/10 pose update MF and MS tue 16/10 new F clothes
fri 19/10 new pose MFans MS
tue 23/10 decorations/makeup
fri 26/10 new FS pose fri 26/10 new FF pose
tue 30/10 new MS pose
fri 3/11 MF pose upgrade tue 6/11 new F clothes
MF = 9 / TG = 7 / FF-FFF = 4 / MM-MMM = 0 / AVATAR = 10
Ps , i dont know if its the good place to put this so feel free to move it to the right place .