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: The Shanna  ( 3531 )
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« : September 24, 2012, 09:19:11 AM »

Don't know if I'll be any good at this, but I'm sure that Achat is a better place for everyone getting involved, so here goes ...

Please feel free to join in at any time (or contact me in the game about it if you like!)

A single bead of sweat meandered down Beaubelle's forehead.  It trickled down her nose, before making a suicidal leap to join it's departed friends on the hot, dusty, stones below.  Between her legs was her loyal S'Dorg.  A fearsome-looking creature the size of a small horse, but with the temperament of a domestic hound, it's sharp claw-like pincers being used for nothing more than tearing at vegetation.  It's wirey hair tickled the inside of her thighs, and reminded her of the wild, sexy, celebrations of her homeland.  But it had been some  time since she had helped one of the young men of the tribe in the transition from boy to man ... her position as Tribal Priestess was not only one of wild sex parties and celebration, and now she sat silently watching the entrance to a cave where one of her kind was now being held captive.  Or worse.
The Shanna were dormant during the day, but would be sleeping near the entrance to the cave, making it impossible to slip passed without waking them.  When night fell the males would leave the cave to hunt, however, and that is why Beaubelle found herself waiting, down wind, with the late afternoon sun burning her barely covered body.

The sun slipped slowly below the horizon, leaving the landscape bathed in the blue glow from the planets two moons.  At first nothing happened, then, slowly, shapes began emerging from the cave.  In the moonlight Beaubelle could see that the Shanna were not so different from her own kind.  They had lithe bodies, honed from their active lifestyle, and the tickle between her legs seem to turn into a brushing ... she was starting to remember more intensely the pleasure that she had been missing during her days travelling.  Arousal came involuntarily, and she was almost ashamed at how she wanted to feel these creatures inside her.  Years of tribal differences stopped her imagination running away with her, and yet, it was obvious from her own vision, that these people were just the same as the men of her own tribe.
Finally, the exodus of the cave stopped, and Beaubelle knew that it was safe to enter.  Commanding the S'Dorg to stay, she ventured into the cave.  Inside it was not dark or scary, torches lit the rooms and corridors, and the paintings on the wall showed that the Shanna had very similar, sensous, rituals to her own kind.  She thought that her heart would jump out of her chest with the fear of the unknown, but calmed herself down, and listened for signs of life.  She heard a moaning, and immediately thought of her husband, trapped and scared, maybe being subjected to who knows what torture. She followed the sounds down one of the corridors, almost feeling the pain of her anguished lover, and suddenly the corridor opened out into a vast cavern.  She could hear more moaning, not just her husband, but many voices, male and female, and wondered what horrors were going on inside.  Just able to make out some shadows against the wall, Beaubelle realised that her best weapon was that of surprise.  She prepared herself, and with a fluid movement she slipped into the cavern.

Letting out a scream she raised her knife and prepared herself for an onslaught ... only to stop in her tracks.  Around the cave were a number of female Shanna, all in various states of undress.  They were kissing and touching, moaning and smiling with pleasure.  Instantly Beaubelle became wet where it mattered most, and, without thinking, touched herself.  Not knowing where to look, or what to do, her eyes darted quickly around, taking it all in, until something caught her eye in a shadowy corner.  Slowly her eyes adjusted to the light and saw her husband Mara.  He was lying on his back, an animal skin protecting him from the hard rocks, and completely naked.  The only part of his body that Beaubelle couldn't see was his manhood, and that was safely hidden inside the mouth of a daughter of Shanna ...
« : September 24, 2012, 09:21:43 AM BeauBelle »

Say the devil is my saviour, but I don't pay no heed.
Hero Member
: 3444

« #1 : September 28, 2012, 06:23:16 AM »

OOOOWWW what will Beaubelle do next ??????

Waiting For the next chapter with batted breath

Hero Member
: 10350

« #2 : October 01, 2012, 04:35:37 PM »

Please go on Beau :)

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