ok , here's the moves
- Quick action : I think that even rabbits fuck slower than this
- Enjoy : enjoy
- Anal fuck : anal action
- Ride me baby : The giver hold the receiver , fucking her . Not interesting to me
- Push and pull : grab the receiver's legs and pull out the strapon
- Bend her body : the receiver wave her body , strange move
- Finger asshole : one good move , finger the receiver's asshole with her big finger
- Slap ass : slap receiver's ass , not too violent
- Fondle back : caresses receiver's back , the best move of the pose
- Grab tits : grab receiver's breasts and fuck her
- Lick : move down and lick receiver's pussy .
- Dildo outside : rub the strapon between receiver's butt cheeks
- 2 faces
- I enjoy it : enjoy
- Bend arms : pump on her arms , what are they thinking about when they do moves like this ?
- Circle with hip : make circles with her hips , too ample i think
- Spread legs : spread her legs
- Rub clit : rub her clit , one hand on the bed . Soooo bad , they forgot gravity laws

- Finger asshole : finger her ass hole one hand on the bed . Same remark
- Massage breast : massage her breast , one hand on the bed . Again same remark
- Hug with legs : cross her legs around giver hips . Wonder why this is not the starting pose
- Straight legs : Spread her legs down
- Lick ass : rest her shoulders on the bed and the giver lick her ass . Not a bad move
- Lick pussy : put her feet on the bed and the giver lick her pussy . Good and sexy move
- Suck : Useless move , put her legs up being hold by receiver , and her mouth is fucked by latex . STUPID !!
- 2 faces
Done for the "maaarvelousss" moves of this new pose . If heteros dont have it yet , they dont need to be in hurry for this pose