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: BDSM Survey by Texas University  ( 3232 )
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« : June 25, 2019, 06:08:36 AM »

I  saw and have taken part in this survey for Texas un iversity. Its quite interesting and you could win a gift card for your taking part.
I have posted it here in case anyone is interested.

Sexuality, Personality, and Language Study - Participate for  $30 Gift Card draw!

Researchers from Texas Tech University are looking for people who are interested in participating in a study that examines the relationship between individuals’ natural language use, personality, and sexual behavior. Participation entails completing a brief 30 to 45-minute survey, answering questions related to demographics, sexual interests, personality traits, and also responding to two creative writing prompts. Participants will be entered in a drawing to win one of eight $30 gift cards. Participation in this research will also expand the literature on the psychology of personality and sexuality. Responses will be completely confidential. Everyone over the age of 18 is invited to participate and is not limited by gender, sexuality, or behavior. If this sounds like something you might be interested in, please follow the link (we suggest using a desktop/laptop computer instead of a mobile device):


Just highlight the link.
Right click  for drop down menu
and choose  Go to   (the link)

Be prepared to write a little story of a current relationship you are in and a short erotic story.
From memory, I think they ask for a minimum of 200 words for each and no upper limit.
This is annoying too, you cant copy and paste it. It has to be typed directly into the text box.

I thought it might be fun to take part and maybe post your naughty stories here for forum membrs to read.

Mine will be posted soon.

« : June 25, 2019, 06:18:59 AM Vaughan »

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #1 : June 25, 2019, 06:16:55 AM »

Here's mine for a bit of fun reading.

The Song & Dance of The Female Heat.  (Current Relationship.)

My date arrived at my home and I pushed her against the wall, next to the door. I didn’t even bother shutting it. I pushed her arms up above her head and kissed her thoroughly. My lips claimed hers and she was in no doubt of my desire or that soon she would be performing in an indecent act.


This was our first meet alone and although we had flirted with each other leading to this point. From the start, there had always been a strong sexual charge between us.


I could feel her heart beating, racing in the anticipation of what was to come.

My right thigh pushed in between her legs and I ground my thigh on to her pussy. We were both breathing hard as I kissed her neck and moved to tease her ear with my tongue.


She likes what I do to her. She liked feeling naughty. She liked I pushed her boundaries and loved that she felt sexually desired!

She was vanilla but wanted to dip her toe into my kink. She was intrigued by the world of a Dominant and the relationship he (I) had with his (my) submissives.


"Sit on the rug on the floor," I whispered, nuzzling her hair. "I want you to masturbate for me, while I watch you!"

She moaned and went to remove her clothes.

I stopped her, "No, I want your top and skirt raised, exposing your tits and your naughty little cunt for me. I want you to look like the sexy little slut you are."

She moaned at my words and I knew talking to her like this turned her on even more.


I moved back to watch as her hands moved to her clothes. I slammed the front door shut. Any Peeping Tom would just have to use his imagination to get his thrills.  This sexy lady was all mine from this point.

She hitched her clothes up. Her tits were nice and round and nipples standing on end. They were a little more than a handful.
My cock stirred at the sight of her first exposure. She looked stunning.

Next was her skirt to reveal her shapely thighs with matching panties and suspenders.
It was nice to discover, she had made the effort for our date.


I smiled for I knew, if a woman's underwear matched, it was not the man's idea to have sex. That thought hardened my cock even more. Her secret was discovered! She wanted me as much as I wanted her!

Next she pushed her panties down to her knees. Her second exposure. Her hairless pussy was freshly shaved and all moist and swollen. She was definitely a woman sexually charged and with a definite liking to be dominated by a man.


"You naughty little whore!" I approved of her slutty look. Her top and lacy black bra sat atop of her breasts. The contrast of her white skin and black underwear emphasised her slutty beauty.

Her skirt pushed up to her waist and her panties pushed down to her knees, completed the obscene look I wanted. I admired her intimate parts with my eyes and felt her sharp intake of breath as they deliberately lingered on her.

The scene was made even more obscene as I was fully and immaculately dressed in my pale blue shirt, charcoal grey trousers, black socks and polished shoes.


I held out my hand for her to take and then lead her to a prime place on the rug in the living room. She wiggled after me as her panties at her knees prevented her from taking large steps.

I sat on my sofa and leaned back, picking up my glass of whiskey at the same time. While I sipped it, I admired her again and held out my hand, palm up in a silent command.


She knew what I wanted and obediently slid her panties completely off and placed them in my waiting hand.
I sniffed the crotch as she watched.  Pussy & Whiskey. My favourite cocktail!
In the future, if all went well, I would teach her how to serve me my drink with a Slave’s Kiss.

But for now, I wanted to see her Song and Dance of the Female Heat.


I sipped my drink and spoke again, "Good Little Slut. Now wank your hot little body for me baby girl. Don’t hold back. I want to see you dance and writhe in your pleasure. I want to hear your song of moans and heavy breathing and soft little mewls. I want you to show me your Song and Dance of your female heat. I want you to fuck on your hand as though it’s the last time ever and show me how you explode in pleasure and think of me by shouting out my name when you do. Do you think you can do that for me Little Lady?"
She blushed but nodded. She wanted to please me and give me a great, intimate show.


There was something about her that was so innocent and yet so fucking dirty at the same time. She turned me on incredibly. I was certain before me, she had not masturbated in front of a man so lewdly before and yet here she was, in my home, the home of a virtual stranger,  on my luxurious rug, on my floor with her tits, arse and pussy fully exposed to my gaze!

I smiled and sipped more whiskey as she began to masturbate for me. Her breathing and soft moans was music to my ears. Her performance was a complete masterpiece.


The Song & Dance of a woman in Heat is truly beautiful and a vision like no other. Every man should encourage his woman to perform in this way for him. It is very intimate and allows a woman the freedom to show her sexuality and expose her hot and naughty inner slut.


It's an amazing memory to treasure.

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #2 : June 25, 2019, 06:20:37 AM »

The Gentlemen’s Challenge  (Erotic Story.)

"There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a woman orgasm for you. I will never tire of the sight," I mused as I looked at the challenge card I had drawn.
"Then you will take the challenge V?"  Master J asked. He knew my answer already. We all belonged to a small BDSM group where we enjoyed and shared our submissive women.

We did not hide our club but nor did we advertise it. Joining was by invite only and even then, there were induction meetings to test candidate's acceptability and to see if the club met the criteria they were looking for.
Society was not always tolerant of such clubs and looked down on kinky practices, group sex and sharing partners.
In private though, many probably secretly fantasised of belonging to such a group and freeing themselves of inhibitions.

At tonight's meeting, whilst basking in the aftermath of pleasure, the Dominant men decided to set each other cheeky little challenges. We wrote down a fantasy and goal we each wished to achieve on a card, shuffled them up and each took one blindly.
Mine was to make a female orgasm in public.

I grinned at J and answered, "I'll not only take the challenge but I'll do it at The Pamplemousse Ball."
The Pamplemousse Ball was one of the many events in the town celebrating the Real Ale and Beer Festival. Everyone took part in the celebrations and people came from far and wide to enjoy it.
Master J grinned back, "Do you even have a date for that evening?"
"Not yet, but that only makes the challenge more interesting," I answered.

In truth, I had met a lady who I had been flirting with for a while. She was a possible submissive candidate for our club. This would be an interesting test to see if she was adventurous and open to a bit of naughtiness.

Two weeks later she had accepted my advances and my invitation to take her to The Pamplemousse Ball. We were there dancing cheek to cheek to some slow numbers. She was pressed in close to me with my lips near her ear.
She was wearing an exquisite purple and black dress mini dress with a discreet zip hidden in a central pleat at the back that went from the waist, over her bottom to the hem.
I was wearing a black tuxedo, a white dress shirt, black dicky bow, black shoes and socks.
I growled softly in her ear, "Today I am feeling predatory. Today I have set myself a goal. A goal to make you orgasm in public... right here!"
Her breath caught and I felt her shiver in excitement.
"What makes you think I am that kind of girl?"  She tried to gather herself admirably.
"Because I attract that kind of girl. That kind of girl wants to experiment and needs a strong man to show her how. Tell me I'm wrong?"  I whispered and nibbled her lobe.
She paused for a moment and having made her decision, she said, "You are not wrong!"
"Are you game then Baby Girl?" I clarified.
She smiled nervously and said, "You know I've never..."
"Shshsh," I told her, "You only live once and besides, when you are old and cranky and sitting with a blanket over your knees by the fire, don't you want a naughty secret to remember and make you smile?”
She giggled and as if on cue, the music turned to an even slower beat.
"Perfect. Now all you have to do is go to the Ladies and take your panties off," I told her.
She blushed and confessed, "I'm not wearing any!"
"Well, well, well! You naughty girl", I admonished her playfully and then added, "I think I like this sexy little slut in you."

I pulled her in close and bumped her off my chest before dancing her backwards to a more secluded corner of the dance floor. A wall partially hid her from view from the back, and I shielded her from the front. It was perfect for what I had in mind. I felt for the zip hidden in her hem and pulled it up so I could easily access her arse and pussy.

When she felt my fingers touching her labia for the first time, she gasped into my shoulder and gushed her pleasure all over my fingers.
"Good Girl" I said to encourage her. "I think you like me fingering and touching your cunt in public!"
I cupped her pussy at first and ground my hand into her so she was drenched in her own excitement and then pushed two fingers into her, using my thumb to part her lips and circle her sexy little nub.
She hid and pressed her face in to my shoulder, breaking into a sweet heat, biting her lip while I played with her. Her breath and little moans expressed her pleasure at my lewd and indecent fondling.

Master J and the other Masters danced slowly passed us, nodding their heads in acknowledgement and approval as my eyes met theirs.
They knew the challenge was well in hand.

"V, I'm going to embarrass myself if you don't stop!" she whispered desperately.
"That's the idea Baby Girl. I want you to cum, right here on the public dance floor.
That excited her more and I felt her tense as I continued to masturbate her quite mercilessly.

A glow began to appear around her. Her skin was flushed. She looked at me. Sparks began to appear in her rolling eyes, her breath caught and she was trying to stifle high pitched mewls escaping her mouth. Then I felt the uncontrolled convulsions on my fingers. It was incredibly beautiful.
I held her against me as she screamed into my shoulder, stifling what she could and I thoroughly enjoyed the moment. Her pussy fluttered on my fingers and flooded them and my hand in her sacred oil.

When she came down from the sexual high, I wickedly stirred my fingers inside her pussy and used my wet thumb to press on to her sensitive clitoris to ensure she and I enjoyed the ambrosial aftershocks.
It caused more delicious pussy ripples, more sexy shoulder moans and caused her to have shaky legs. She leaned more into me just to remain upright.
She was a very responsive and sexy lady and I was a very lucky man to be holding her and share in that moment.
If anyone else had seen what was going on in our corner as they danced by, they were far too polite to say anything.
She took a few moments to calm, only for me to press my thumb again and again on her sensitive clitoris to start a fresh aftermath of convulsions.
How could I resist? The moment was to aesthetic not to milk it in full.

She was so breath taking in her pleasure and I was a man who enjoyed watching a woman in sexual play and then to attain that special crest and climactic crash.
She eventually turned her head to me and whispered, "Please...Say Please,"
I knew immediately what she was asking of me and I adored her for it.

I removed my fingers from her pussy and lifted her chin to look at me. I smeared her own juice on her lips and whispered, "In future, whenever you greet me, you will gloss your lips in your pussy juice just like this and then kiss me passionately on my lips."
Then I made her watch me lick my fingers, savouring her delicious essence while I contemplated her request.


Her doe eyes staring at me, made me want to conquer her right there and then.
I kissed her deeply and passionately.
"Please," I growled looking into her eyes. It was not a pleading please. It was more a demand.  "Please, allow me the pleasure of fucking you till you scream my name!"

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #3 : March 11, 2020, 03:55:17 PM »

Results of Sexuality, Personality, and Language Studies


Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
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