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: AChat Black Studs  ( 48678 )

« #15 : October 23, 2012, 10:59:49 AM »

I have nothing against black guys and I have many really good friends here in AChat and in real life that are black... I just dont like rude idiot people that really are walking live dicks at times and nothing more.
: 24

Here to Service all women

« #16 : October 23, 2012, 02:51:27 PM »

To chien_lubrik  and slut

I am sorry if some of my group have been rude to you and treated you with disrespect. If you let me know there names I will speak to them. I did not creat this group to enslave anyone, but to make women happy who like blackman. I will do all in my power to root out the bad guy's in my group, but at the end of the day I can't control them. I do not like bad press I am here tp please. You can speak to me or Spade.

One love we are all here to have fun.


: 24

Here to Service all women

« #17 : October 23, 2012, 02:59:34 PM »

Ladies once again i am very sorry, but not everyone that has ABS is part of the group. That is why Godiva is creating a list of ABS member. I have tried to put moat og the group on my friends page. I will do all to make you happy


Hero Member
: 1597

« #18 : October 23, 2012, 06:55:02 PM »

First not to insulted but leave me off your so called slut list , cuz I`m not one ,and second I don`t do with this Master crap I`m equal.

I treat people as indivinduals not black , white , Indian , well as others > I think what next crazy canucks fuck group

Big black beautiful do it w pride and some class pffff slut sheet my little white ass

my Mandingo spent time getting to know me  , so just got off late boat , real tired , just dont want this turned into a race issue .

small ideal make thread maybe like Bold , Big Black and beautiful that way you dont leave out any of your sisters > Smile from little white girl

Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #19 : November 17, 2012, 04:53:29 AM »

I know tom and he is one of the good guys on here. and a few of the guys in his group are what i call A1  assholes but i have met more A1 who are not in his group 

Hero Member
: 7883

« #20 : November 17, 2012, 11:34:50 AM »

The point is not how is the group etic line.....the problem are the singol member! So, i think it's right to jugde all the member cause some of them are really airhead!

Too many idiots run free on AChat and, at latst, it's normal to find some in a goup like the AChat Black Studs or anyothers! I'm sure Tom don't had create this group with the purpouse of collecting dick head but with the one to create a community with the same passion.

Full Member
: 111

« #21 : November 17, 2012, 12:04:23 PM »

I dont know him either but i know Lydia.  If she says he is a good guy I believe her
Hero Member
: 7883

« #22 : December 04, 2012, 03:04:25 AM »

I had the chance to talk with Tom sometimes recently and i had the impression he is a good guy, gentle and respectfull, a proof that not all the men of his group are rude.....so, before to judge, try to look well inside the box!

Full Member
: 177

Sweet with a Chance oƒ Sass ♥

« #23 : December 04, 2012, 04:49:29 AM »

Whether or not people from the black studs group are nice is usually shown by their approach i'd say, a few so called Achat Black Studs" talked to me with their normal approach "hey baby, i have a big black cock - wanna fuck?"  I didnt check the friendlists if they really were from that group but a conversation with such an approach ends right there for me, oh well i might tease them a little  ;D.
I wont judge the whole group just because of single approaches, i just judge the person himself:)

~             Be Sensual, Wild and Wonderful       ~
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: 7883

« #24 : December 04, 2012, 04:56:35 AM »

And i agree on the whole line, Cheya! you can't image how cold invite or opening chat like that i have.......and there are some who say "I want to try a shemale" like if sweet girl as Adera, Evelyne (slaved) or Stephanie are just object! my God, what a pain they are!

Hero Member
: 1597

« #25 : December 16, 2012, 05:39:40 PM »

Approach as a man enough said 
: 24

Here to Service all women

« #26 : December 17, 2012, 01:38:33 PM »

Not all men have manners, it's not just AChat Black Studs. Women can be just as cold. I get "Hi wanna fuck" when I ask why "because you got a black cock"
Hero Member
: 1597

« #27 : December 18, 2012, 04:50:42 PM »

Do to respect on each part > just be known I`ll never be on a slut list and > no matter who you are > live , like , laugh

Well cyber motto

what can I say have a good day and smile ! Roger that little Canadian signing off

Jr. Member
: 93

A condom loving girl from Germany...

« #28 : December 20, 2012, 03:30:16 PM »

Dear AChat Black Studs Members,

my name is Daniela, i am 30 years old and single in real life. I have less but very close friends in AChat which you can find on my friend's and lover's list. But what I not have is a black friend in AChat.

That is why I try to approach your group for help and audience. According to my friends I am an educated,eloquent, sensible, sexy and talkative girl.

I lived for some time in South Africa and learned aboutthe sexual fascination that comes with black men. Therefore I would really like to find me a black friend in AChat.

You should be talkative, interrogative, at least my age (prefer older) and you should be willing to use condoms. Anything else we can chat when you contact me in the game.

Hope I got at least one black man from AChat interested in me now?

Kisses, Daniela
« : December 21, 2012, 04:11:36 PM CondomGirl »
Hero Member
: 1597

« #29 : December 20, 2012, 05:45:45 PM »

Lol Ok explain why some just like that little white booty I`m open mind , but never judged by color , my friend Mandingo has always treated me w respect , and if i was busy , he understood.
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