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: AChat Black Studs  ( 48662 )
: 24

Here to Service all women

« : October 11, 2012, 08:59:38 AM »

AChat Black Studs (ABS) foundered by myself (Tomcumalot) and LeoLion.

The group was setup for women that want or like Big Black Cock (BBC).  Was not setup to be rasist in any shape or form.  I have ask women if I should allow all males from the few women I spoke to the answer was no.

WE respect all women who are part of the group, treat them as they want to be treated.
There are no Free Users in ABS.
I will not accept mistreatmean of women by any ABS members.

TomCumalot (Joint founder and MD)
: 24

Here to Service all women

« #1 : October 15, 2012, 12:05:36 PM »

I guess no one has anything to say about AChat Black Studs. Will remove soon!!
Hero Member
: 7883

« #2 : October 15, 2012, 01:09:27 PM »

tom. there is no need to remove this thread.....even if now there is less interess in this group here, maybe in the fuutre there can be more!

so, please, leave it on!

Hero Member
: 10350

« #3 : October 15, 2012, 02:39:17 PM »

You also may not forget there may be prem member who are reading this forum but don't register. They can't answer here but will do in game.

Hero Member
: 3856

« #4 : October 15, 2012, 06:10:24 PM »

Well it might not generate immediate response, and some might not feel comforatable responding publically.  Your success in this advertisement will have to include ingame messages and PM's. Lover is correct though not all who read the threads are regisatared in the forum.

: 4

« #5 : October 19, 2012, 09:07:11 AM »

hello everyone of ABS i am a new white slut for you .
Is it possible to know the members of ABS group ?
thanks in adevance
: 24

Here to Service all women

« #6 : October 20, 2012, 11:21:15 AM »

godiva, I am working on it there is no way of listing ABS on achat, but most of my group are on my friends page
: 4

« #7 : October 22, 2012, 02:27:10 AM »

hello evryone
tomcumalot decides that i have to prepare a list of male members of Achat Balck Studs .
Then it will be possible to prepare a list of white sluts available for members.
Thank you and bye
: 4

« #8 : October 22, 2012, 04:16:56 AM »

First update of list of members Achat Black Studs :
TomCumalot ( my master )
« : October 22, 2012, 05:13:22 AM godiva »
Hero Member
: 3047

« #9 : October 22, 2012, 06:53:11 AM »

I don't have any particular fetish for dark-skinned guys myself but I have to ask... is the group mostly for those with an interracial fetish? I'm curious because godiva was referring to white girls and not girls in general and I thought that it might be good to point that out... well if that's the case of course?

Anyway I wish you the best of luck with your group.

« #10 : October 22, 2012, 10:48:30 AM »

Not sure how this is going to sound but most of the ''Black Studs'' that I talked to were very rude, obviously had no idea about how to talk to a girl or anything besides the name calling, I am going to breed you and stupid things like that... I did room once but that was before talking to the other members of the group and I can tell you it did not last long as the one I roomed started cumming after one second had passed and all the insulting started too so I left the room and just ignored him, and no I wont name names just yet. Sorry but my experiences are all very negative when it comes to your group and most of them are on my ignore list by now. I kept talking to them because I wanted to see if everyone was the ''same'' and most of them were so they ended up on my ignore list too.

And no my AChat name is not Slut.
Hero Member
: 3047

« #11 : October 22, 2012, 01:42:39 PM »

I guess they don't follow what they stand for then... people that behave badly wont get very far or get much enjoyment out of this.
Hero Member
: 1597

« #12 : October 22, 2012, 04:03:35 PM »

Ok I have to admit never have , only one black guy cottager on the island and he`s married ,
But here my friend Mandingo been a nice guy >  ;D and yes have reade all those delish books yrs ago .
ok had couple > grins cocktails >punt big ones tooo !

cyber serenade < ebony and ivory can live together in perfect harmony ;D

Throw causions to the wind spend time w friends , soon hope to have time, throw a mr blue in there ! ;)
: 4

« #13 : October 23, 2012, 02:00:36 AM »

First update of list of members Achat Black Studs :
TomCumalot ( my master )
Full Member
: 223


« #14 : October 23, 2012, 09:28:43 AM »

Hello kinds peoples of the Dreamworld's Forum.

Well, I didn't really noticed if the ones I will talk about are, were or not members of the "Black Studs" group.
But they introduced themselves having a Big Black Cock, that, I think is related to the group.

Well As Slut says, many ( not all ) were very rude, I don't know if it was because of I am transgender, or because my way to talk ( write )
... But mainly ... well they just defined  themselves as ... a Big Black Cock. Like I was just waiting for them to come to me and applause.

I am not into some kind of Ebony / Ivory fantasy or lust, neither I make any distinction about the ethnic origin of my partner.
I am not also very attracted by oversize stuff. But, well, and that's why I post here: If the only appeal some peoples think they have is BBC ...
( and my experience was that, most did ) well ... it is far not arousing for me. 

I don't mean all Black peoples have this way to act of course.
And I don't even mean that members of the Black Studs do.
In Fact, at least Mister TomCumalot was nice and understanding when contacted in past.
But in fact at least one member is in my Blacklist ( and it is not easy to be into ).

Please accept my best humbles regards.

Flesh open when Mind Warm
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