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: Naughty but Nice Cocktails.  ( 6344 )
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« : October 25, 2012, 07:08:17 PM »

Thought it would be fun to mention some of the naughty  but nice cocktails to try at parties seeing as Halloween is just round the corner.

Here's a few ideas and I bet there's many more around the world worth sampling too   ::)

Many of these cocktails involve vodka, so open a bottle, invite some friends around, relax and enjoy a slow comfortable screw.

You’d better start off with the basic …

2 shots vodka
5 shots orange juice
Pour the vodka and orange juice over ice into a highball glass. Garnish with a slice of orange.

Now you’re ready for a …

Slow Screw
2 shots sloe gin
Orange juice
Pour the gin into a tumbler filled with ice. Top up with orange juice and stir slightly.

Relax and enjoy a …

Slow Comfortable Screw
1 shot vodka
1 shot sloe gin
1 shot Southern Comfort
1 shot orange juice
Shake together in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Strain into an ice-filled cocktail glass.

Or what about this?

Slow Comfortable Screw up against the Wall
1 shot sloe gin
1 shot vodka
1 shot Southern Comfort
1 shot Galliano
Orange juice
Pour the gin, vodka, Southern Comfort and Galliano into a tall glass filled with ice. Top up with orange juice and stir slightly.

Maybe this is more to your taste.

Comfortable Fuzzy Screw
1½ shots vodka
1½ shots Southern Comfort
1½ shots peach liqueur
Orange juice
Pour the vodka, Southern Comfort and peach liqueur into an ice-filled highball glass. Top up with orange juice and stir gently.

But you really wanted …

Sex on the Beach
1½ shots vodka
½ shot peach schnapps
¼ shot Chambord black raspberry liqueur
2 shots pineapple juice
2 shots cranberry juice
Shake all the ingredients together in an ice-filled shaker. Strain onto ice in a highball glass.

Maybe you’d enjoy …

Oral Sex on the Beach
1 shot vodka
1 shot peach schnapps
1 shot Blue Curacao
3½ shots pineapple juice
Pour all ingredients into an ice-filled shaker and shake well. Strain into a chilled highball glass.

If you’re in a hurry what about a …

Quickie on the Beach
1 shot vodka
1 shot peach schnapps
Pour into an ice-filled glass and stir gently.

Remember to always take care.

Safe sex on the Beach
3 shots cranberry juice
3 shots grapefruit juice
2 shots peach juice or nectar
Pour into an ice-filled glass and stir. Garnish with a cherry before serving.

Let’s not forget the body parts.

Fuzzy Navel
1 shot peach schnapps
Orange juice
Pour the peach schnapps into an ice-filled highball glass. Fill up with orange juice. Stir and serve.

Slippery Nipple
2 shots Sambuca
½ shot Baileys
1 drop grenadine
Pour the Sambuca into a double shot glass. Gently add the Baileys so it floats on top. Add a drop of grenadine in the centre.

Buttery Nipple
1 shot Baileys
1 shot butterscotch liqueur
Pour the butterscotch liqueur into a double shot glass. Gently add the Baileys so it floats on top.

And for the climax what about an …

1 shot amaretto
1 shot coffee liqueur
1 shot Baileys
Single cream
Pour the liqueurs into an ice-filled cocktail shaker. Shake well and strain into a tumbler filled with ice. Top up with cream.

Or even better, a …

Screaming Orgasm
1 shot vodka
1 shot amaretto
1 shot coffee liqueur
1 shot Baileys
Single cream (optional)
Pour the vodka, amaretto, Baileys and coffee liqueur into an ice-filled shaker and shake well. Strain into a highball glass and top up with cream if desired.

 :o       Enjoy the sampling.   :-*

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 3771

« #1 : October 26, 2012, 07:21:23 AM »

Nice post, Brandy!  :D

Some of them made me laugh.

My alley: http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,1884.0.html
Hero Member
: 10350

« #2 : October 26, 2012, 07:42:31 AM »

Sex in the jungle
4cl white rum
2cl banana liqoeuer
1cl blue curacao
10cl pineapple juice
0,5cl fresh lemon juice
2 cl coconut sirup
1 lemon
ice cubes

Put the ice into a shaker and give all the other ingredients to it, without the lemon. Shake. Pour it into a longdrink glass, put the lemon on and add a straw.

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #3 : October 26, 2012, 06:10:21 PM »

Thanks Marylin & nice one Lover - there must be others members have tried . lol

Some other sexy cocktails to titilate those tastebuds ....

Pink Pussy:
Another provocatively named cocktail, this one is known to be very popular with the ladies. You use equal parts of vodka and pink lemonade for this one, with a lot of crushed ice.

There are said to be several variations to the pink pussy; some recipes use Malibu, pineapple juice, or pink grapefruit juice. This one should be served in a martini glass.

Sex Appeal:
This suggestive cocktail is to be made with equal parts of white rum, Malibu, Modori (melon liqueur) peach schnapps, Blue Curacao along with some sour mix, a splash of lemonade and a lemon rind garnish.

G Spot:
This one, which uses equal parts of Southern Comfort, Chambord raspberry liqueur and orange juice may just hit the spot for a number of your guests. This one is to be shaken along with ice and then strained before being poured out into shot glasses.


« : October 27, 2012, 10:23:37 AM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Full Member
: 111

« #4 : November 07, 2012, 08:46:13 AM »

 Mixed Drinks  Here are a few that I had.  Hope we see more

Mountain Dew Me

2 oz Midori® melon liqueur
1 oz triple sec
4 oz pineapple juice
1 splash 7-Up® soda

Fill highball glass with ice, then add all ingredients. Shake and serve. Garnish with a Lime.

Slippery Bald Beaver

1/2 oz butterscotch schnapps
1 oz Bailey's® Irish cream
1/2 oz strawberry puree

Pour ingredients into a stainless steel shaker over ice. Shake until ice cold. Pour into an ice-filled old-fashioned glass, and serve.

Bend Over Shirley

1 1/2 oz raspberry vodka
4 oz Sprite® soda
3/4 oz Rose's® grenadine syrup

Fill a 12oz. glass with cubed ice. Add 1.5 oz. of Raspberry Vodka. Add Sprite, and top off with Grenadine. Garnish with two Maraschino Cherries.

Butt Sex

2 oz strong black coffee
1 oz vodka
1 oz triple sec
1/3 oz lemon juice
Fill with whipped cream

Start with the coffee, preferably espresso. Add in the vodka, triple sec and lemon juice (lime juice can be used instead) and stir. Top with the whipped cream.

Suck, Bang & Blow!

1 oz Jacquin's® orange flavored gin
1 oz Rumple Minze® peppermint liqueur
2 oz Goldschlager® cinnamon schnapps
1 oz Jagermeister® herbal liqueur
3 oz Jose Cuervo® Especial gold tequila
1 oz Hpnotiq® liqueur
1 oz Smirnoff® vodka
1 oz Absolut® Citron vodka
1 oz Aristocrat® triple sec
1 peeled, whole lime
5 oz strawberry daiquiri mix
2 cups cranberry juice
1 cup sugar

Add all ingredients to a blender with ice, and blend until smooth. Pour into a hurricane glass, and serve.

Sex on My Face

1/2 oz Yukon Jack® Canadian whisky
1/2 oz Malibu® coconut rum
1/2 oz Southern Comfort® peach liqueur
1/2 oz banana liqueur
1 splash cranberry juice
1 splash pineapple juice
1 splash orange juice

Mix in tall glass w/ice.

The Blow Job

1/2 oz anisette
1/2 oz Irish cream

Layer in a shot glass; Irish cream on top, and serve.

The Leg Spreader

1 oz 1800® Tequila
1 oz vodka
1 oz gin
1 oz rum

Mix in glass and enjoy.

Blue Balls

1 oz raspberry vodka
1 oz coconut rum
1 oz Blue Curacao liqueur

Pour one part of all three ingredients into a shaker, with ice. Mix well and serve as double shots.                                                                                                                     
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