Thank you for the extra input on this rule. Rule 4 - One story per contestant.
Decision made. Two or more persons working on an idea or story together as writers & in the same time span will be classed as one story, no matter how many off shoots , that original idea may create. The authors will be classed as 1 entry and as such will share any A$ credits as if 1 author. Therefore this will exclude any other entry by the same authors either on their own or in another collusion.
If a further off shoot story is created, they may wish to publish it in the " Erotic Story " section, however I ask that to protect the anonymity of authors & integrity of the voting period , they withhold the publishing of any second story until a winner is announced in the contest.
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Everyone has very valid points and I will attempt to clarify the rule in a more simple way . If the potential authors would ask themselves these questions :-
1 ) Is the story in the same time frame, whether this be the time frame of the actual content of the story OR the real time that the authors are planning to write it ? Yes or No
2) Are you planning the guidelines of the story only, that is , the Time, the dates, the Place, and the Location of the story ONLY , no other collusion as to the content ? Yes or No
3) Are you acting together to build & plan the content of the story, to swap ideas, develop & then to write that finished product, whether writing it as a lone author OR together jointly ? Yes or No
If the answers to questions 1 and 2 is YES and 3 is NO - then I would consider this to be two separate stand alone stories. The story content would be different and the originality of the writers maintained. I would consider allowing separate story submissions and both to go forward as contestants. However, I would look closely at both stories to satisfy there is no other collusions & planning.
If the answers to 1 and 3 is YES and 2 is No ( because of the word ONLY ) - then I would consider this to be one story and the writers working jointly together. The story and its content would be the result of the parties discussing ideas, planning, colluding, conspiring together to ensure the finished product is written and submitted. This would be 1 entry , any other stories written would not be allowed by the same author or authors due to the input or collusion on the original idea. The authors would share any A$ allocated as if 1 author.
They can either decide to publish any other stories that have grown from the original idea in the Erotic Story section but , I ask this be after a winner has been announced in the contest concerned, to maintain the integrity of the voting.
Or if they wish, it can be submitted as another story by the authors concerned in a future Erotic Story Contest, however, consider your anonymity may be compromised due to the similarities of the original story submission. It would also, of course, have to fit in with the new contest Story Theme decided .
Hopefully, this clarifies and satisfies any further questions that may have arisen over this Rule 4.
@ Momma Andrea's scenario - Two stories , different viewpoints from the same charachter's involved in the same encounter ... I would most likely consider this to one larger story and one entry to the contest, as the authors would have to collude and swap ideas in order for the time line and events to run evenly and make sense. A classic example of this would be the The Ice House Foursome with Tight, myself, Stone & Jayc - 1 story, 4 authors.
If there is no other collusion except, time, dates, place, location, and different encounters, I would consider as stand alone story submissions and entrants.
An example of this would be " Blu's sacrifice " in the Ice House . This story line involving Bear, Blue & Adera was in the same location and in the same time frame but was a completely separate story to " The Ice House Foursome" and no collusion except to ensure that the authors of the separate stories did not ruin each others story lines. It is fairly obvious that Bear, Blu & Adera did not have any input in the " Foursome" story & vice versa.
However, I would look very closely at such stories to satisfy there are no other collusions evident.
@ Hentaiboy69 - I agree The AB&G is an intertwining fantasy story topic & thread & as such the posters are encouraged to interact together and work their stories together & combined, some stories require more involved planning by charachter's than others but even so, charachter's on the sidelines are still involved and encouraged to become involved in encounters , to mirror post, even if just seeing it happen. I would class this as one large community story.
There may be instances where I may consider stories as stand alone but it would have to satisfy the criteria set out above and again I would have to look very closely at the stories to ensure what collusion there is.
The Erotic Fantasy Tale are stand alone stories at the moment , as it satisfies the time, date, place, & location collusion only, however, that may also progress to the authors working together in the future in the same encounters and therefore a joint story effort.

Phew .... Hopefully, I haven't missed anything

mmm I'm sure Tight never had these problems