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: Laura's bunny ( 33994 )
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Laura's bunny
November 09, 2012, 06:43:15 PM »
John got up every morning at 5:30 to run. He never drank soda; he kept sugar out of his diet and he would eat his vegetables raw whenever he had the chance. He wasn’t a health nut really; he just wanted to care for his body and make it last. He was 5 ft 10 wearing shoes and 165 lbs. At 36 years of age he still looked in his upper 20’s. John’s life was mundane. He had a house, wife, 2 kids and an addiction he really couldn’t hide.
The Internet was always fun and even when it wasn’t it was better than his life. John loved his wife, at least he thought so and his kids but Chat rooms and forums really made his day. Other people seemed to lead better lives and even if they didn’t, they faked better lives. John loved to talk and post and look at others lives through their pictures. Sometimes, when no one was home, he would cyber. He would talk to women, he even tried it with a man once but he really couldn’t so he closed the window quickly and didn’t go back to that chat room for days.
John loved women, the way they talked, the way they giggled. Even the way they seemed to write was so different. His cybering skills weren’t legend but women were always glad to see him back in the chat room. John wasn’t pushy, he was sweet. He could be flattering but sincere. He loved to make a woman laugh.
That’s what John was doing today. With the wife and kiddies out he was chatting with a woman. Making her laugh with silly jokes and paying attention to her.
“I like you John.” She typed “Would you really eat the banana right out of me?”
John could be inventive in cyber because you never had to really do it. But looking at this lady’s profile pic eating the banana would be fun.
“Laura, once I got that banana out, I’d have to work on those nipples of yours and fill the hole so that evil banana couldn’t get back in.” he typed back.
“Hmm, I might let you do that, if you’re a good boy. Is that really your pic?” she typed again.
“Yeah, that’s me
” John responded with a smile.
“You look good hun. Real good for 36.” Laura typed.
John heard the front door open and quickly he minimized the screen and when he heard his wife he closed it.
“Hey,” she said, “still at that PC?”
“I was getting updates done.” He lied.
“Well the kids are at my mom’s I’m off to take a nap.” His wife kissed his cheek.
“OK hun.” John heard her go up the steps and he reconnected to the chat server.
‘Whew, that was close’ he thought. He perused the rooms to find where he was or maybe a different one when he got an IM. It was Laura.
“What the hell?” she asked.
“Sorry, complications here.” He replied.
“Really? Wife come in, did she?”
“Was a close one.” He admitted to her.
“You married guys, god, grow a pair and just tell ‘em you’re cyber fucking.”
“OH YEAH, that would work.” John typed
“LoL” Laura typed back. “Any days she’ll be gone for most of it? I can clear my schedule and we could have some real fun.”
John could not believe what he just read, a woman wanted to plan a chat date. “In a few days she has to go out of town, I could get the kids to Grandma’s” he typed quickly.
“mmm, sounds good hun. I’ll talk to you tomorrow and we can Iron out details. Bye for now.” Laura signed off.
‘Oh my God’ John thought I got a cyber date. Looking at the clock he decided to get some dinner going.
Sunday came and John stayed logged in, hoping Laura would make an appearance.
It wasn’t till 3pm she finally showed up in the lobby.
“Hi Laura” John IM’d her after a few minutes of letting her get settled in the room.
“Well hey sweetie. Did you wait all day?” Laura teased
“Nah, just since 7am LoL” John sent back.
“So when will she be gone.”
“She goes out of town tomorrow afternoon and I can have the kids to Grandma’s and be back by 6.” John wrote back
“Wow, I can tell you’re really excited hun. Is this getting you horny? LOL when will she be back?” Laura asked.
“The next day. We could go all night Lady.”
“Mmm, I’m looking forward to it.” She responded.
“Do you maybe want to play now?” John hoped.
“Let’s save it sweetie, for tomorrow.” Laura said
“OK, I’ll see you then 6 o’clock”
“You bet, later hun” and Laura signed off.
Monday came and John had the kids off to grandma’s. The PC was on and ready. He wore his most comfortable baggy sweats. He smiled with anticipation of what was to come. And the door bell rang.
“Aarrgh” he growled and then answered it. “Yes”
There stood a tall, thick bodied blonde with shoulder length hair and a long, open, red leather trench coat with jeans.
“Hi John.” She said like she knew him. “Are you going to ask me in?
John was confused and looked it. “Do I know you?”
She gave a broad smile. “I would hope so, I’m Laura.”
It took a second to sink in but John finally made the connection. “W, why are you here?”
Laura had enough of standing on the porch and pushed past the shorter man, and then standing in his living room began to remove her coat. “I’m here to play John.” She said matter of factly. “We were going to play tonight.”
“How did you find me?” His face was still in surprise.
“John” she began to explain. “Amazingly enough, we live in the same town and when I saw your profile pic I said to myself ‘I know THAT guy’” Laura smiled “and I do. I see you at the grocery store all the time. Now it took a little work but your face is also in the Chamber of Commerce photo and when I found that I had a name, then an address.” Laura looked very pleased describing her detective work.
John closed the door and looked sideways at her, trying to understand her angle. “So you’re going to black mail me or something”
Laura’s smile turned into a frown “No, I just came to play and get a bit of that tasty body. You are not being very hospitable Johnny.” She scolded.
“I...I’m sorry.” He stammered “I never thought I’d see you here. I thought we were going to…” He indicated the PC in the corner “You know.”
Laura smiled and slowly began walking toward him. “But don’t you get tired of that thing. Just talking about what you would do. Baby, I am right here” she said with arms spread. She stepped closer. “No screens between us now.” She grabbed the back of his head and kissed him hard, pressing her big boobs into him.
John’s mind was racing ‘Oh my God, Jill will kill me’ he thought. But he could feel Laura’s hard nipples press into his chest. ‘God she’s like a Valkyrie’ his eyes had to look up to her. Suddenly Laura broke the kiss.
“Come on Johnny, I don’t have all night.” And she began unbuttoning her shirt while John stood there watching. When she whipped it off John could see the fullness of her breasts spilling out of a too tight bra. He had seen them in her profile but now, now they were in his living room. Laura unbuttoned the faded blue jeans and pushed them slowly down her wide hips to reveal no panties.
John swallowed. ‘Maybe it was a trap. Maybe his wife knew about his cybering.” He looked and in the bare spot of her groin on the left side of the racing stripe that was her pussy hair there was a deep red heart shaped tattoo. ‘Oh my god, it is Laura’ he knew now. He had seen it in her profile pic.
Laura pulled his unresisting body to hers and she kissed him again, running her hands up and down his sides. John slowly started to respond. “Do you know what I want to do?” she said face to face with him.
John just shook his head.
“I brought a banana” Laura smiled wickedly. “Let’s play get the banana” She pulled john along and sat at the edge of his couch cushion and spread her legs wide. John stared as she splayed open her pussy lips and reaching for her coat pulled a slightly green banana from its pocket. Slowly she peeled it. “Get down and look, silly” she told him “Watching it go in might be as good as getting it out.”
John kneeled down, his eyes now level with her moist opening and slowly she pushed the peeled banana into her pussy. Bit by bit it entered her till just the tip poked out and then she popped that in too. Leaning forward she reached for his head and yanked him down to her crotch “Get the banana Johnny.” And she held him to her pussy. John put his tongue out and slithered it up into her hot hole. He probed with it and found the edge of the banana.
“Get it baby.”Laura encouraged, up on one elbow and her other hand still at the back of his head. “Get the banana out.”
John had his tongue as deep as it could go and all he could do was touch the banana with it, how could he get it out.
“Suck it Johnny, suck my pussy” Laura yelled.
John planted his lips firmly over her entire twat and he began to suck. He sucked hard pulling his cheeks in, pulsating the pressure. Suck, release, suck, release, and finally he sucked as hard as he could. He could feel the tip of the banana with his teeth, carefully he got hold of it, trying to not bit it through, and he pulled more of it out.
Laura smiled, she could feel his progress. “Eat it baby! Come on Johnny, eat the banana.” And he did. As he pulled more and more out he took it into his mouth and chewed the pussy juice drenched fruit. He ate it all from her slot, until it was gone.
Laura looked down at John between her legs. “That was good baby but you know you’re not done.”
“Oh?” John looked at her.
“I didn’t come yet Johnny, get back in there.” She didn’t need to hold his head this time, John dove in and she laid back and purred under his mouth work.
John slide two fingers inside her while sucking gently on her clit. The thought that he was cheating on his wife crossed his mind but it also just kept on walking. He licked her juices from his fingers and put them right back in, while Laura would moan and give him direction.
Mmmmm, she purred loudly after the last come and sat up. “Come here baby” and with one hand she freed a tit from her bra and the other guided him in to suckle her nipple. “Good boy.” She smiled and reaching down she got her hand in his baggy sweat pants and found a raging hard on. ‘Not too big but not too small’ she thought to herself and began to slowly fist his cock, occasionally squeezing it hard just to see that he was paying attention. John in the meantime was in tittie heaven. He had pushed his face between them and was licking her cleavage and around her big melons.
“You like that don’t’ you Johnny.” She held his head again. He just nodded with tit in his mouth. “Finger my pussy Johnny and we can cum together.” She said.
Now he left her breast, “Can’t I fuck you?” he sounded so disappointed.
“Not this time sweetie.” She spit in her palm and went back into his sweats. “This is punishment for not being ready for me. Besides, a hand job was all you were planning on anyway.” She laughed.
He couldn’t argue with her and her hand felt so much better than his own. He pushed two fingers in her slit and curled them up to rub her g spot. He actually knew where it was and he could tell when he found it. Laura threw her head back and moaned loud, almost growled. She wasn’t there yet but she was close. John’s own orgasm was building and when she started talking dirty it all accelerated.
“You’re gonna cum for me aren’t you Johnny. We’re gonna fill those sweats with Jizz huh baby? Tell me you love it boy.”
“God yes, jerk me off Laura. Oh god.”
“Say please Baby.” Laura grinned, knowing she had control.
“Please make me cum Laura.”
“As soon as I cum Johnny, so do you. Now faster baby faster.” She encouraged him.
John’s fingers were a blur as they pistoned inside her, trying desperately to make her cum. He could feel it, her walls were closing in, her pussy was clenching his fingers.
“Please cum” he begged.
Laura screamed, filling the house and she shuddered. John watched in wonder as she got off.
She smiled at him as her cum subsided and she fisted his cock faster. “Almost there, almost there.” She coxed him. Until finally he blew it all. His dick shot its wad right into his sweat pants and Laura kept milking. “Good boy, good boy” She kept saying.
John had pulled his sweats off and now sat on the floor. Laura reached for her shirt and slipped it on.
“You don’t have to go.” John watched her put her clothes back on.
Laura smiled down at him. “That was enough for me hun. I got other things to do. Hand me my pants Johnny.”
He passed them up to her. “No one calls me that, ‘Johnny’.” He pointed out.
She smiled down at him as she zipped up. “I’ll be the only one then huh?” Laura found her coat. “Come give me a kiss goodbye hun.”
John stood up “Are we going to do this again?” he asked hopefully.
She put her arms over his shoulders as he was shorter. “I don’t know. Do you want to?” she teased.
“Yes please.” He smiled like a little boy.
“Well next time, you will be more prepared for me won’t you?” she looked down her nose at him.
“Oh yes, I’ll be ready.” He promised
Laura patted his cheek and then kissed him. “Good boy” then walked to the door. “See ya, Johnny.”
John looked around the room. This was reality. ‘I just had sex with a virtual stranger in my house’ he smiled wide.
The next day, Tuesday, John logged into the chat server the moment he got home, waiting for anything. Laura never showed. ‘Dammit’ he said under his breath. But he went to bed and snuggled to his wife who was already sound asleep. Wednesday went the same way. It was usually his big chat day since the wife and kids went to church but he just sat there monitoring, hoping the thick Viking looking woman would show. On Thursday he started to wonder if it had truly happened. John got up for a glass of wine. He only had a small glass a day, for digestive health but he filled the goblet this time. He sat and drank a big gulp and her IM popped up on the screen.
“Hi Johnny” it said.
“HI, I missed you” he typed frantically “been busy?” he fished for an explanation.
“I was actually out of town for a few days.” Laura replied.
“Oh” John smiled on his end; it wasn’t something he did then. “I hope it wasn’t something bad.”
“No, just some business, hun.” She typed. “So you missed me, huh?”
“Yeah, I wanted to talk about Monday night.” He typed.
“Oh, are you regretting it?” she asked.
“No, god no. I loved it.” He put in quickly.
“So what’s wrong?”
“I want to do it again.” John typed.
“LoL I told you we would. God, you’re so eager.” She put up.
“Sorry” he quickly typed ‘god I’m looking like a horn dog’ he thought.
“It’s ok hun. It’s flattering.” She soothed him. “I’m free Saturday if your wife will be gone again.” She offered.
“She won’t be gone. Couldn’t we go to your place?” John asked.
“NO” was all she replied.
John didn’t feel it was fair. She knew where he lived and who he was; he still didn’t know who she truly was. He couldn’t place her.
“How about a motel?” he offered. “Out by the highway.”
“That works but does your wife see the credit card statement?” Laura cautioned him “You give me cash, I’ll get the room.”
“OK, Saturday. What time?” John was excited by the prospect of sex again with Laura.
“Noon, but I have a condition.” Laura typed.
“What?” John was a little leery but curious.
“I get you till at least 8 o’clock. Can you handle 8 hours of me, Johnny?” she challenged.
John smiled on his end. ‘8 hours wouldn’t be enough’ he thought. “It’s a deal.”
“See you then hun.” And Laura logged off.
John had to wait 2 days. He had sex with his wife Friday night and it was hot…because he was thinking of Laura. But Saturday finally rolled around.
: August 13, 2013, 12:35:12 PM Momma_andrea
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Re: Laura's bunny
#1 :
November 09, 2012, 06:43:52 PM »
It was noon and he was standing in the parking lot next to his car. ‘She never gave a room number’ He had a feeling this was bullshit.
Suddenly a green Jeep Wrangler pulled up next to him and the passenger door flew open.
“Get In.” Laura commanded.
John climbed in and she speed through the parking lot, going all the way to the back of the motel.
She looked over at him. “I need 60 bucks for the room Johnny.” She reminded.
“Oh yeah,” he reached for his wallet and handed her the cash.
“Now, remember our deal, I get you till 8 o’clock.”
“Absolutely.” He smiled at her.
“Then give me your cell phone.” Laura held out her hand.
John was about to protest.
“No distractions Johnny, Just you and me.”
John couldn’t argue with that and handed it over. Laura tossed it in the center console and closed the lid.
“OK, baby lets go.”
Inside the room, Laura locked the door, cranked the heat up and made sure the curtains were closed. She tossed her leather coat to a chair and had a small overnight bag. John had nothing, just a few condoms in his pocket. She turned and looked at him.
“Come here baby, let’s get those pants off” she smiled at him.
‘God, she so aggressive’ John thought, ‘I love it’ and he moved to her.
Laura undid the button of his jeans and then kissed him. She shoved her hands down the back of his pants and squeezed his hard ass.
“I love this butt Johnny. I can tell you’re a runner.” She shoved his pants down. “You know what I want?” she smiled at him.
“Did you bring another banana?” John smiled back.
She threw her head back and laughed heartily. “I should have but no. Get that underwear off and get on that bed.”
“Yes Ma’am” John responded and yanked his sweatshirt off and then his whitey tighties and lay in the middle of the bed.
Laura started to remove her shirt, opening it up to that same undersized bra. “Don’t you dare look away Johnny.” She smiled. Then she pushed her jeans to the floor and rolled her panties down. “Do you like pussy Johnny?” she teased again putting a leg on the bed so he could see her glistening slit.
“Yes I do” he responded, his eyes glued to her pussy.
“You said ‘Yes Ma’am’ before. Say that for me Johnny.
“Yes Ma’am. I love pussy.” He responded.
“Do you love MY pussy, Johnny?” she thrust her hips and wiggled it in his view.
“Oh yes Ma’am”
“Good boy” and she climbed up on top of him thrusting her bottom and opening slit to his face. “Show me you love it Johnny.”
John started to reach for her ass and bring his face to her.
“No, no don’t touch. Just mouth baby.” And Laura used her legs to pin John’s outstretched arms to the bed. And slowly let her pussy fall to his face.
John began to lap it, it was millimeters from his lips and he ran his tongue up and down her wet slit. His nose was buried in her asshole. Laura settled in, wiggling her bottom to taunt him more. John licked it and inside it, shoving his tongue as far as he could. Laura teased his hard cock by taking off her bra and letting her tits sway and rub against it, not too much pressure, just a tease.
John was loving the taste of this Viking goddess and it was killing him not to have his hands. He wanted to hold her round ass, to squeeze it, to rub it. He could feel her soft tits rub around his cockhead. It was driving him insane.
“Please Ma’am, suck on my cock.” He mumbled from under her.
“OH Johnny, I love how you said please.” Laura spun around on him. His cock now rubbed her pussy lips but she didn’t let him enter. She hotly kissed his lips, thrusting her tongue into his mouth and holding his face in her hands. She held that kiss and tongue danced with him till they were both gasping for breath.
“Baby, you do everything I ask and I will suck that cock all the way down, deal?” she looked at him wickedly.
John was in a daze, no woman had ever sexed him up like this. “Yes Ma’am”, was all he could say.
“Good boy.” Laura smiled at him and climbed off and went for her overnight bag. “Come here baby.” She said with her ass to him looking in the bag.
John got up and went to her, wondering what was next but sure he was going to love it.
Laura turned around and slapped cuffs on one wrist and quickly grabbing the other cuffed them both. “Mmm, now you’re mine, baby.”
“HEY, What the…” he began.
But Laura put a finger to his lips “You promised Johnny.” She smiled at him. “You’ll love it I swear.” She took him over to the bathroom door and tossed a flat hook over it and closed the door. Then being taller she easily put the chain of the cuffs over the hook, leaving John hanging helpless with his feet barely on the ground. John was getting worried but the big blonde rubbed up behind him pressing him onto the door and then nibbling on his ear. “Don’t worry Johnny” she whispered in his ear. “I won’t hurt this body. Trust me baby.”
John didn’t know what to think. He was a little scared but his dick was rock hard. She was taking total control but always soothing his fears. Something in his mind screamed ‘NO’ but his body said ‘YES’.
She had left him for a few minutes. He could see her across the room getting into her overnight bag. He thought he should say something.
“Laura, Ma’am, I’m a little scared.” He admitted.
She was sauntering over to him with some things in her hands. “I know Johnny. That’s part of the fun, not knowing. She put things down on the sink counter next to him. She grabbed his hair, pulled his head back and lightly bit his ear. John cried out more from surprise and fear than pain. She whispered again. “You’ll leave here whole Johnny. I promise baby.”
In a normal voice she spoke to him and was doing something that John couldn’t see.
“I want you to call me Mistress.” Her hand was gripping his butt cheek, squeezing it, massaging it. “Can you do that baby?”
John was familiar with Femdom stories. He didn’t like how they usually ended up though.
“OK, Mistress, I’m still scared.”
“Tsk, Johnny, I gave you my word.” She pressed a lube covered finger over his tight asshole.
“Aaaaahhhh.” John was very afraid. Nothing had ever entered his asshole.
Laura could see this was going to be difficult. ‘The poor bunny was just too scared’ she slowed down and rubbed her big boobs into his back.
“Johnny, sweetie, this is what I like to do and I’m good at it.” She explained and then nibbled his ear. “Baby you gotta trust me.” She kissed his neck very sensually. She wrapped her arms around him, her hand feeling his heartbeat. “I love your body and I won’t hurt it. I already promised.” Gently she stroked his chest. “Are you there, baby?”
John let it all sink in. Her words were soothing. “It’s…its just I’ve never done this before. I have read about it.” He said still with fear.
“Ah, well there you go, Johnny. Don’t believe everything you read.” Her hands were wandering his body now, stroking him, soothing the scared bunny. “Have I not been good to you so far Johnny?” she asked in a sweet voice.
“Yes” he answered.
“Yes Mistress, baby” she gently corrected him.
“Yes Mistress” he said.
“This is why I wanted 8 hours Johnny, to slowly introduce you to this. I won’t hurt you baby but I will show you new exciting things.” Laura could feel him calming, his heart rate slowing a bit.
Gently she reached down and cupped his balls. Rubbing them slowly, gently “Don’t I always take care of my good boy?”
“Yes” he answered a little calmer. So she lightly smacked his ass.
“Yes, Mistress” She gently corrected him.
“I’m sorry Mistress.”
“I forgive you my good boy. Now, is your ass virgin?” She again pressed the lubed finger to his tight hole.
“My ass is virgin Mistress” he spoke truly.
“Then I will take care, hun but I will have this ass. Do you understand?”
“I do Mistress.” John responded.
Laura continued to speak softly to him. “I’m putting in a finger now, baby. Do you feel it?”
“Yes, Mistress” John groaned out the words.
“Does it hurt?”
“A little, Mistress.”
“You will stretch, baby. You will grow to love it. You see, men have prostate glands.” She pushed deeper as she explained. “And they like to be rubbed. In time,” she whispered lightly in his ear, “I’ll make you cum from just this.
John couldn’t imagine that but she knew how to turn him on so far.
Laura reached around to grab his cock. It was limp now from his fear but she slowly began to pump it while still working his butthole. John moaned. ‘That’s a good sign’ Laura smiled to herself. “My baby not so scared anymore?” She asked him.
“I’m better Mistress. I love how you touch me.” He added.
“Good boy.” She praised again. “I’m going to give you 2 fingers.” She warned before slipping it between his cheeks.
John breathed in deep. His asshole was tight and he wasn’t sure about the intruding fingers but Laura’s voice and her other touches were worth it.
“Mistress, my arms hurt, please.” He begged.
Laura looked him up and down. He hadn’t been up there long. She frowned “He is a scared bunny after all though” she thought to herself.
“If I let you down, will you try to get away?” She asked him.
“No Mistress, my arms just hurt.” He said.
Laura lifted the cuffs from the door hook, letting the scared bunny down. “Go to the bed” She commanded “Face down, ass up.” A pleased look crossed her face as he did just as told. The scared bunny had learned to obey.
Laura came up behind him and her hand smoothed his back and she slowly put 2 fingers back in his asshole and in this position the fingers went deeper and John groaned.
“I’m very pleased, Johnny. You did just as I told you.” She rubbed his back with one hand as she continued to stretch his ass with the other.
“Thank you Mistress.” He said from the mattress.
“I’m going to put a butt plug in you Johnny. It will help stretch you and vibrate then I will let you eat my pussy. Doesn’t that sound wonderful Baby?”
“Yes Mistress. I love your pussy.” He said with some pleasure. John was responding to the ass play.
“You’re such a good boy.” She praised and patted his bottom before getting the toy.
She lubed it well but the plug was fat and she had to work it slowly as to not hurt her scared bunny but finally it went in.
“MMmmmm mmmm mmmm” John moaned from the vibration. Laura was sure it was right against his sensitive prostate. Then she lay on the bed, his head between her legs.
“Come on baby.” She encouraged. “Come get it.”
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Re: Laura's bunny
#2 :
November 10, 2012, 01:43:43 PM »
Part 3 (its yummy, I swear
John moved forward, his cuffed hands ready to lift Laura’s ass to bring her cunny to his lips. He stopped himself. “Mistress, may I lift you to my mouth?” he asked.
“Mm, how sweet to ask Johnny but no. no hands baby, show me your determination.”
John got as low as he could go ‘If she would only tilt it upwards’ he thought, but laying flat on the bed with his neck craned fiercely upwards he brought his lips to her pussy and began by licking the outer lips slowly. He thought of a cat lapping its paw to clean and that is what he was determined to do, to lick every inch to clean every part. He would show her his drive and determination. He moved to the other side and kissed her inner thigh before he began on that lip. Softly he pulled it and let it go. Licking it softly and then pulling it again. Then he moved to the center and licked all around her hole, trying hard to not touch her clit yet, to not rush the goal line. His tongue went inside and then she did tilt her hips and he dove in with a smile. Mistress Laura lifted her legs and settled them on his back. She reached down and tousled his hair.
“You’re trying so hard, baby. Don’t stop.” She encouraged.
John looked up at her and they locked gazes and she smiled at him.
“You really want to please me, don’t you, Johnny?” she said.
He kept at his task but nodded as best he could, with wide eyes.
“I’m so glad. It makes it easier for me. I don’t like to punish bad boys.” She looked at him sternly. “But I will if I must.” She softened again “But you’re my good boy aren’t you Johnny?”
John nodded quickly at this.
“You may use your fingers now Johnny, make me cum.” She put simply.
John eagerly moved his lips to her clit and shoved 2 fingers in her hole, slick from his saliva. He began to finger fuck her while gently sucking that sweet button of hers. He moaned sucking her pussy and added a 3rd finger. He pressed his nose into her mound trying to rub her pubic bone, to give her more pleasure. In his heart he WANTED to make her cum. He wanted to make her scream out in joy and know he did that. It would please him to please her. John eased it down to 2 fingers again and curled them upwards, seeking her G spot. He sucked harder now on her clit and tongued it in his mouth. His fingers rubbed that rough patch in her pussy and he could feel her respond. Mistress’s pussy clenched and she moaned loudly. She reached down and grabbed his hair. He sucked all the harder and moved his fingers like pistons because of her response. Her muscles squeezed his fingers hard but he would not stop their penetration of her. Her body shuddered and she ground her pussy to his face and gave a soft cry till she relaxed.
“Stop, stop.” She commanded “Enough. Come up her baby.”
John moved up her body and she guided him beside her in the space between her arm and breast. He could feel how hot her body was and she cuddled him to her.
John tried to lap her nipple and she smacked him lightly on the head.
“No, just relax. Lay her with me. Hhhhmmmmm” she sighed contentedly and closed her eyes.
John could still feel the buzzing plug in his ass but it was good and his rock hard cock lying on her leg. He so wanted release but he was content as well to be so close to her like this. Together they drifted off for a small nap.
Laura woke first and roused her new slave by smacking the end of the butt plug coming out his ass.
It took John a moment to remember where he was and what was happening.
Laura licked his ear lobe. “Are you ready to learn more, Johnny?” She said a little wickedly.
“I am Mistress” John looked down at his rapidly rising cock that had subsided during their rest. “Will you make me cum, Mistress, please?”
Laura shook her head. “At the end my good boy. I promise” she could see the frustration of her poor bunny. It was sweet to her but it would be just as sweet when she made him erupt with just a few touches. Control was so wonderful.
“Go over to the counter and bend over it.” Laura ordered. She began to rummage through her overnight bag and pulled out a strap on harness. She kept her back to John as she stepped into it and synched it tight around her waist and thighs. She had brought a small selection of dongs that attached. She would go with the slim 6 incher, she thought. Her bunny was a virgin and she wanted to teach him the thrill of it and not hurt him.
John waited patiently; he was used to the plug in his ass now and the vibration going on down there. Laura came up behind him and playfully smacked his ass, making him jump just a little.
“Reach back and spread your cheeks for me, Johnny.” She said.
John laid his face on the counter and reached back with both hands and gripping his flesh, pulled his butt open. Laura grabbed the T handle of the plug and slowly pulled it to her. John moaned from the pressure.
“It may hurt a little baby.” His new Mistress warned. “But try to relax and it should come right out.”
John let all his air out and Laura pulled and the plug popped out of his bottom. If she moved quickly while he still gaped, this would be easy. Laura lined up her already greased rubber dick to his butthole and pushed it in halfway before little Johnny even noticed.
“Ohh, Mistress” he cried in surprise.
“It’s ok baby,” She smoothed his back “It’s already in, you already got it Johnny.” Slowly she applied pressure and the dong sank the rest of the way in until her mound pressed into his backside. Gently she ground against him at first but it felt so good she really ground into his ass rubbing her pubis into his butt cheeks.
“You have been a very good boy, Johnny” she said. Slowly she began fucking him, thrusting her hips upward to rub the dong on his prostate. John began to moan and his Mistress smiled.
Laura smacked the side of his ass and then began to fuck in earnest. She pounded into his tight bottom. She looked down at this runner that was now her slave and she rammed his hot tight muscled ass. John moaned and seemed to like it but she wanted him to love it, to crave being fucked by her, that was the goal. She swiveled her hips, grinding on every stroke. She was getting off on this too. The dong pressing back into her mound, the straps running along her pussy lips and then attached in back all gave her a jolt into her sex every time she pumped him. She turned on the oral stimulation.
“Do you like it baby? Do you like me in your ass, Johnny? Tell me it’s good” She grunted.
“I do Mistress, I like it in my ass. I like YOU in my ass.” He said.
“Good boy, now ask for it baby. Be a slut for me”, She growled over his back.
“Fuck me Mistress. Fuck me please.” He begged.
‘He has great instincts.’ She thought as he gave her what she wanted.
“I’m going to let you cum now, baby. With me in your ass.” She laughed a little and then reached around and got a hold of her bunny’s raging cock. Laura gripped it tight and began to pump, ‘it shouldn’t take long’ she thought. In this part of the motel room was floor tile and not carpet, when her slave exploded, he could easily clean up his mess.
At about 15 pumps her bunny began to cry out. “I’m cumming Mistress! I’m cumming!”
She drove the dong as deep as it would go and gave quick jerks of his unloading cock. She could feel the cum flow through the rod in her hand she could feel the throb of his heartbeat, IN HER HAND. At this moment she owned him completely. Everything he was was in her hand. Her bunny shook beneath her, so powerful was his orgasm that his body convulsed and now the aftershocks of that orgasm rattled him. She lay across his back with the dong still in him. Her big tits mashed to him. She just held him, letting him come down on his own. She thought she could hear little sobs that he tried to hide.
“Johnny, are you ok?” She asked.
He caught his breath. “I…I have never felt anything like that…Mistress” he almost forgot the honorific.
She smiled wide above his still bent over body. “You were beautiful my good boy.” She praised him. Slowly she pulled from his ass and stood back. “Drop to your knees, good boy.” She commanded. Slowly her bunny obeyed, his head hung down, his body so spent. “You see that mess you made? You will get something to clean it. Then you will clean yourself and dress, and then we will get something to eat my good boy.”
“Yes Mistress.” He responded still weakly. “Mistress, Thank you.”
Laura smiled wide at that and bent down and kissed his forehead “My good boy” she patted his head and then stepped to the shower.
: November 10, 2012, 01:58:22 PM Momma_andrea
: 15
Re: Laura's bunny
#3 :
November 10, 2012, 02:30:21 PM »
MommaAndrea you are a fantastic writer. I cant wait to find out what happens to the scared bunny next.
Hero Member
: 10350
Re: Laura's bunny
#4 :
November 11, 2012, 05:39:47 AM »
It's great. I like the way you describe the details and feel the mood and excitement of Laura and John. Go on please
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Re: Laura's bunny
#5 :
November 11, 2012, 06:46:43 AM »
Thank you so much. I took Brandy bee's advice and tried to put more paragraph breaks in. I hope it helps everyone.
P.S. I should get a royalty now anytime any of you play "Get the Banana" I may copyright that. lol
: November 11, 2012, 07:03:47 AM Momma_andrea
Hero Member
: 10350
Re: Laura's bunny
#6 :
November 11, 2012, 06:49:05 AM »
YES! It's better to read, well done
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Re: Laura's bunny
#7 :
November 11, 2012, 01:46:43 PM »
Part 4
Laura had taken off the hand cuffs so John could shower and now he was clean and ready for dinner. She patted his butt as they walked to her Jeep. Laura went west down the Highway, away from their town.
“Mistress, aren’t we going to eat?” John questioned.
She looked over at him like he was a silly child. “Johnny, do you really want to eat in a town where someone may notice you and wonder why you are with me?”
He looked to the floor now. The moment she explained it, he felt really stupid for asking the question.
“Also, if people can hear, you will call me Laura and not Mistress. I expect you to use good judgment Johnny.” She looked over at him and her voice got stern “but that “Laura” better be the most respectful “Laura” I have ever heard. Do you understand?”
“Yes Mistress” He said quickly.
They found a Denny’s just off the highway outside of Ashland, populated with old people. It was only 4:15. They got a corner booth so Laura could sit beside John and she slowly rubbed his inner thigh as they looked over the menu.
“I’m gonna have the pork chops and lots of mashed potatoes. You worked up my appetite, baby.” She kissed his cheek. John sat there, looking down and a little nervous.
“What’s wrong, Johnny?” Laura asked truly concerned.
“I…I don’t know how to act. I’m not sure what you want me to do. And I don’t want to make you mad” he glanced around before saying “Mistress”
“Aaahhh, my sweet boy,” Laura said with sympathy. “This is my fault. I didn’t give you any instruction. Ok hun, first just talk to me and be my adorable Johnny that I know you are. Second, just be respectful in anything you say. You can say what you want, just be respectful. And lastly, relax. I won’t take you over my knee in front of all these people, I swear.” She leaned in close to his face and gave a broad grin to him, trying to make him smile. And he did a little.
Laura gave the waitress their order. She got John the chicken Chef salad and a tall unsweetened tea. The only choice he was aloud was the dressing. As they ate Laura asked him questions about his life, his work and his childhood. She knew a few things from the chat room, like he was married and had kids but she wanted to know him further. Finally John got comfortable.
“May I ask if Mistress is married.” John put out there.
“I’m divorced. I have a daughter but she is all grown up and out of the house. My husband got custody of our son” Laura told him.
“Did your husband not like you, m, Laura?” He caught himself as the waitress walked by.
“Ha” Laura gave a sad laugh. “My husband was an ass. He expected me to be something I’m not.”
“So you have always been Dominant, Mistress?” he asked curious.
“No, it wasn’t really that. And I haven’t always been a Domme of course. It’s… well, Johnny I’m a very gregarious person. I’m loud, I’m sociable, I’m outgoing and he wanted this ‘stay at home mom’ to just bake cookies and raise the kids, not me at all, huh Johnny?”
“No, Mistress, not at all.” He responded.
Once they got back to the motel room Laura shoved John against the door the moment it was closed and pounced on him. She locked lips with him and began unbuttoning his clothes. It took just a moment to shake the surprise but John started helping her. He unbuckled his pants and dropped them to the floor and began reaching for her buttons. Laura grabbed his hands and planted them on her round tits.
“You haven’t paid enough attention to these, Johnny” She said, barely breaking the kiss.
She unbuttoned her shirt, opening it for him then worked her own jeans down.
John massaged her big soft boobs within her bra. His eyes stared at her deep cleavage and he slipped his tongue up and down the crevice.
“Mmmm” his Mistress purred and wrapped his head in her arms. “Suck them Johnny.”
John pulled a bra cup down and exposed the light red nipple and covered it with his mouth. Laura held him there in the corner of the door. She wasn’t letting him go anywhere.
She kissed his forehead as he ‘nursed’ at her breast and spreading her legs she ordered his attentions “Rub my pussy, Johnny.” He obeyed and cupped his hand between her legs, his fingers rubbing the lips under her panties and his palm pressing her mound. John’s cock had not been touched but yet it stood out and proud between them. Laura looked to her bag on the little table and the dongs lying next to it.
“Go get that dildo. The fat red one.” She commanded.
John hurried to obey and nearly tripped on his pants around his ankles. Laura couldn’t help but laugh at him.
“Get those off, silly.” Laura pushed her own panties off.
He kicked off his shoes and stepped out of the jeans as quickly as he could and returned to her arms with the toy. She held him again to her tit and instructed him.
“Turn it on, baby and slide it along my lips at first.” John complied. ‘He actually liked being told what to do’ he thought. ‘No mystery in how to please her. She told you’ and he was happy to do it. The toy buzzed in his hand and clumsily he got it between her legs but once it found the crevice of her slit, he just had to run it back and forth. Letting it glide along her wetness.
His Mistress started to purr again. He loved to hear that sound, it meant he was doing well. He took a little initiative and let the tip dip into her opening and then pulling it back up toward her clit and then rubbing down again. She purred and smiled with her eyes closed. “Mmm, my good boy” she said softly, almost a whisper. John kept this up and continued lapping her nipple softly for some time.
“Now put it in slow, baby.” She instructed. John tilted the dong and let it ride down her slit until it slipped into her. It was a thick dong and he pressed slowly as he was told. She gasped just above his ear and it was music to him. Gently he pushed it deeper into his Mistress’ folds until he felt it go no more. He could feel Mistress Laura give a shudder.
“Now slow, baby.” She breathed “Do it slow.”
John’s stared at her face, watching her reactions as he slowly pulled it almost out of her and slowly pressed the fat dong back in. They repeated this and his Mistress encouraged him with her sighs and moans. At times he had to push it harder when her pussy would clamp down but he would force it in and she would gasp.
John released her boob from his mouth and begged a question.
“Mistress?” he said meekly.
“Yes.” Laura opened her eyes and looked at him.
“May we do this with you on your knees, on the bed? I would love to watch it go into your beautiful pussy.”
Laura cocked her head at him “OK” she agreed.
She put John on his knees on the floor at the foot of the bed with dildo still in hand. The she took up position on hands and knees with her bottom sticking out. She looked at her adoring bunny. “Put it in baby.” And John smiled and licked the dong before pushing it back up Laura’s hole. He still moved it slowly and marveled at the movement and give of her folds. John’s wife did not like the lights on and he was not sure if they had ever owned a dildo. But he pushed those thoughts from his mind. He did not want to think about his real life. Laura’s pussy looked delicious to him even filled with the red jelly dong. He put his face to her ass and licked around the dong, tasting her wonderful folds as he continued to gently fuck her with the dong. Laura relaxed and let the sensations flow from her womb to the rest of her body.
John’s tongue was tired after such a long bathing of his Mistress but he still hungered for her and again took initiative by going higher and swabbing his tongue in circles around her puckered asshole.
“Johnny!” She said in surprise. And he suddenly stopped and sat back on his heels with head down, thinking he had upset her.
“Ah, no baby, go on.” She soothed him. “You just surprised me is all, my sweet good boy. Lick my butthole.”
John dived back in with relish and kissed and mouthed her ass while picking up the pace with the dildo. After swabbing all around her tender hole he began to fuck it with his tongue. His Mistress moaned under his touch and he felt so proud for giving her pleasure of his own devising.
“Harder, harder” she commanded under him and John rammed the dong in and out of her while getting his tongue into her butthole. Laura wiggled her ass and laughed as John tried to keep his mouth attached.”Go baby, go.” She encouraged.
John’s hand and forearm was tired but he would not give up with her so close. He ate her ass all the more, WANTING her to cum, hoping for her cum. He dropped his tongue down and lapped above the dong and kissed her taint, letting his nose rub her butthole.
Finally he just pulled the dong out and began eating his Mistress, getting his tongue into her pussy and breathing hard all over her sex. His cock raged and it had never been touched. He just wanted to make her cum. It filled his mind and it was all he wanted. His lust and need was her pleasure. He could feel her push back she was moaning.
“Fingers” She grunted gutturally and quickly John thrust 2 fingers under his lapping tongue rubbing the inside of her hole and now he spoke.
“Please cum Mistress, Please cum Mistress” His plea was urgent and needful. “Please cum for me.” He begged of her.
With a cry she threw her head up, arching her back and her pussy gave a single gush washing his lips in a pungent juice. Then she screamed and let her face and chest fall to the bed. She lay there panting and John just looked at her in awe, amazed at this sexual being.
Slowly Laura rose from the bed, pushing her hair from her face as she leaned on one arm. “ohhhh, oh my good boy.” She smiled at John “Did you do that?”
John blushed a little and smiled with pride. ‘Yes I did.’ He thought. “I loved making you cum Mistress” he admitted. “It was beautiful”
She moved to the edge of the bed and lifted his chin with her fingers. “I’m supposed to be the one giving praise, my sweet boy” and she kissed him on his lips, long and deep.
Then she held his face in her hands. “You” she sighed. “You deserve a reward.”
John liked the sound of that and he smiled up at her.
“Get on the bed” She got up and patted where she was just sitting. John moved quickly to obey and receive his reward. She pushed him backwards and he let himself fall.
“Pull your legs up,” She commanded “hold them to your chest” He had no idea what would happen
“Wider.” She said “good” finally satisfied.
John watched her kneel down on the floor. She looked at him and griped his always hard cock “At the beginning of this,” She began “I promised if you did everything I asked I would suck this cock.” Gently Mistress kissed the head “You have been such a good boy, Johnny” Slowly Laura licked down the side. “You made me cum so hard.” She licked up the other side. “You made me so proud when you took my strap on” she ran her lips along his shaft. “And now you look at me with adoring eyes.” She pushed the head into her mouth, letting him feel her tongue tease his head then taking it back out. “Do you want it?” she teased a last time.
John frantically nodded then said “Please, Mistress”
“You tell me before you cum.” She warned.
“Yes Mistress.” He still nodded.
She sank her lips over his rigid cock. She hummed around it as she took it fully in her mouth. She watched her slave moaning and his head rolling side to side. This would not take long she knew and smiled inside. She let him slide to the back of her mouth and out again then back in, letting her tongue tickle the underside of his dick.
John could feel it building deep in his balls. If it was like last time, he would cry in front of her, it felt so good to finally let it go, to have that release. She moved up and down on him tenderly. He wanted to reach for her and hold her on his rod but knew that would be wrong. He didn’t know what to do with his hands so he squeezed his own chest, rubbed his palms across his own nipples. His breathing got shallower, he felt it coming.
“Mistress!!” he gave his warning and she pulled her mouth off of him and began pounding his cock with her fist. It took a second and he was jetting sperm high into the air, in an amazing arc. His Mistress still pumped him, a grimace on her face as she worked his orgasm for him. The cum landed on him, on his belly and heaving chest. He had never came like this before today. The release had never been so powerful, so long awaited and then so perfect. Mistress had gotten up and retrieved a towel that she tossed at him. He mopped it up and wiped the bed spread down and then voluntarily knelt at her feet.
“Johnny?” she looked down at him but he looked at her toes.
“I’m not sure if this is what I’m supposed to do. You said not to believe everything I read.” He finally looked up at her. “Please tell me this is not a onetime thing.” He was pleading with his eyes. “Tell me you Are my Mistress.” He begged with tears forming in his eyes.
Laura’s face softened “Oh my good boy. I wasn’t planning on a one night stand, baby. You are mine.”
“What about my wife, Mistress?” he asked.
“What about her. Let her have the boring you. I get Johnny.” She told him.
“You don’t mind sharing, Mistress?” he asked concerned.
“What sharing, she has no idea what she has. Besides Johnny, I’m not sure I want 24/7 just yet. We play it by ear, OK baby?”
“Yes Mistress” and he hugged her legs.
Laura laughed. “Johnny, if I fall down, I’m gonna kill you.” But she patted his head.
: March 28, 2021, 05:04:32 PM Momma_andrea
: 15
Re: Laura's bunny
#8 :
November 12, 2012, 09:59:25 PM »
lovely erotic sensual and hot. great writing
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Re: Laura's bunny
#9 :
November 13, 2012, 05:25:47 AM »
Thank you, I will do my best for you, Steve. it's not done
Full Member
: 111
Re: Laura's bunny
#10 :
November 13, 2012, 10:24:41 AM »
Momma that was hot. Found it entertaining and stimulating. Hope to read more from you
Hero Member
: 3007
Re: Laura's bunny
#11 :
November 13, 2012, 02:05:41 PM »
More for the guys Andrea, but I like it anyway.
let's have some more!
I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: Laura's bunny
#12 :
November 13, 2012, 06:41:52 PM »
Great Story Momma_Andrea. Its good to read stories from different view points, educational & erotic
Thanks for the improved presentation, splitting the story into paragraphs, makes it much easier reading, for me anyway...
I have really enjoyed it. Please post more
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Re: Laura's bunny
#13 :
November 17, 2012, 11:43:52 AM »
Part 5 (lesson 2)
John went home but Laura said she would talk to him in chat. It was just a little past 8pm and the kids were in the living room with the TV blaring and his wife was in the dining room on the phone. He had told her he had to do a business seminar in Cleveland and it seemed no one had missed him. John took himself upstairs and got undressed and laid in bed hugging a pillow on his side. His butthole was a little sore but deep down it felt good. It reminded him it had been real, it wasn’t’ a dream. He now had a Mistress that gave him attention and he adored her back. He thought of everything they had done and how it had made him feel. He loved eating her out and making her cum. It thrilled him. ‘Mistress Laura’ he ran it through his mind ‘God she was beautiful’ He thought, ‘a sexual animal, that took what she wanted and she wanted him’. He smiled wide at that and being exhausted and sexually fulfilled, he fell asleep.
Sunday morning the wife and kids went to church. John said he wasn’t well and stayed at home. He logged into chat the moment they left. Some people where in the lobby but not many, definitely no Laura. He hung around and talked to a few but no cyber. He just didn’t want that. He left Laura a message telling her how wonderful yesterday was and he logged off.
After lunch, his wife took a nap and he took to the internet while the kids watched spongebob. She was there already and his heart started racing.
“Mistress” he quickly typed.
“Johnny, hi sweetie.” She wrote back.
“I slept so well last night. You wore me out, Mistress.” He put honestly.
“You really liked it?” She teased. “I wasn’t sure.”
“You were amazing. I don’t know what to say.” He told her.
“Say you’ll meet me” she put in quickly.
“I’m not sure I could get away with another 8 hours Mistress” he apologized.
“I just need a 2 or 3 Johnny not a whole goddamn day again.” She typed.
“Today?” his butt still hurt but he was hopeful.
“I’m working today hun, Monday?”
“Right after work, a little after 5?” he offered.
“OK, here’s the address” she typed.
John didn’t want to write it down so he read it over and over until it was locked in his brain.
“I can’t wait Mistress Laura.” He wrote.
“Oh but you’ll have to hun. LOL” and she signed off.
John made it to Monday in a half daze, his mind was already with her. He imagined what they would do and tried to think of new things she might show him. He left a message at home about working late and speed across town to get to his “date”.
The street was off of the main drag and was filled with 40’ row houses. All a little run down but not too bad a neighborhood. He found the house number and parked in front and quickly went to the front door. Before he could knock she opened the door.
“Get in here, Johnny.” She said.
Once inside she shut the door and grabbed him by the back of his shirt collar and forcefully escorted him in front of her upstairs, into what must be her bedroom.
“I thought you didn’t want me at your house.” He said, remembering their first rendezvous
“That was then. Things are different now aren’t they my good boy?” and she patted his cheek. “Now strip, baby.” She lay back on the bed propped on her elbows.
John was pulling his shirt and tie off tossing them to a chair and unbuckling his pants.
“Oh,” Laura put in, “if you leave your socks on, I’ll throw you out naked. I hate that.”
John hadn’t planned to but he would remember for the future. Finally he stood naked before her eyes. His hands clasped in front of him. She was inspecting him, eyeing him all over from her perch on the bed.
“Stroke your dick. Make it hard Johnny.” She commanded him.
John felt a bit awkward but did as he was told. “May I see your body Mistress?” he asked for stimulation.
“No, jerk your cock and stop being silly.” She said a little annoyed.
John closed his eyes and thought of her tits that were in his face on Saturday, her ass that covered his nose as he lapped her hot pussy. Slowly his cock rose.
“What are you imagining, Johnny?” She asked.
“You, Mistress” he answered honestly.
She smiled from the bed, “Good boy. Drop to your knees but keep jerking it.”
John went down quickly. He so wanted to obey. Laura kicked off her shoes and scooted into a sitting position. She shoved her sock covered foot right under his balls and pushed them up to his body. Rolling them and playing with them as he stroked his dick.
“What do I look like in your mind Johnny?” She asked in her sultry voice.
“Perfect, Mistress.” He offered.
She kicked up lightly into his balls. “Oh you can be more descriptive than that, baby.”
John winced but got the message “Your round soft breasts Mistress, I see them in front of me. They look so pale against your light blue bra and that rosy nipple almost pink, as you allow me to suck it.”
“Only good boys get to suck it Johnny.” She reminded him “Continue.”
“I think of your long legs, Mistress Laura’s legs are creamy white like her tits. They feel supple and strong” John was beating his meat as he talked of her.
Laura was smiling and gently massaging his balls with her toes and foot. “Try to control yourself Johnny, if you cum I will be very upset. Can you smell me in your Imagination baby?”
“Yes Mistress. My Mistress wears Obsession. I adore Obsession, Mistress. On you it is the smell of sex and passion, Mistress.” John was calling on all the skills he used in chat and he was really liking this. “My Mistress intoxicates me”
“Oh you are being very sweet, Johnny.” She patted his head “Drop your pecker and take my pants off baby.”
John couldn’t wait to comply. His hands unbuttoned her Levis quickly and he began to pull them off with her still sitting in them. Luckily she laughed at his enthusiasm.
Laura spread her legs wide and leaned back. Grabbing his head, she ordered “Satisfy your Mistress.”
John tried to use his hands to move aside her blue panties.
“NO! Hands behind your back. You lick around them.” She yelled.
John lapped along the seam at first as it ran along her flesh then he worked to slide his tongue under the material. He was just getting a taste of her nectar but couldn’t dive into it. Her panties held all her scent though and as he tried to lick her pussy his nose was bathed in her smell ‘God, it’s wonderful’ he thought. John tried grabbing the clothe in his teeth to move it but it would just quickly go back. Finally he planted his mouth over her pussy anyway and began sucking it and running his tongue up and down her slit through her panties. Mistress Laura moaned deeply and then purred and he knew it was right. He sucked on the fabric and the taste filled his mouth. Mistress finally lifted her beautiful ass.
“Take them off, good boy” John smiled and slid them down her thighs. Now he could dive into her sex and bath her sweet pussy to his and hopefully her delight. John greedily plunged his tongue inside her. His nose rubbed her clit and he wished he had a 7 inch tongue to truly explore all that was her. Laura lay back fully and enjoyed his attention.
“Hold my legs up.” She ordered. And she began caressing her nipples and squeezing her tits.
John held her by her lower thighs just below her knees and kept her wide so he had all the access he could get. He sucked gently on her clit and she moaned loud and arched her back
“mmmmmm, my boy” she purred. John began slurping loudly, eating this pussy like ice cream, licking and sucking on everything that was there. Rubbing his lips over her swollen sex.
“May I use fingers, Mistress?” he pleaded, he so wanted her to cum and cum hard.
“Do it.” She put simply.
John took 2 and slid them with his palm up into her drenched hole. He lapped softly at her clit as his fingers slowly began to fuck her. He found her g spot but he lightly hit it with his passing fingers, he wasn’t grinding it out yet. He just slowly fucked her with his digits. His other hand spread the hood of her clit, trying to expose as much as he could and he tried blowing on it. John licked at it as he had been doing and increased the pace of his finger fucking. Mistress Laura began to moan more under his work and he knew it was the right time. His fingers curled and he stayed on her G spot. The tips of those 2 fingers rubbed that nubby area inside of her. Lightly but quickly he moved them back and forth. Laura really arched now. Then she pushed herself upright with her pussy almost hanging over the bed and her feet on either side of him. John’s fingers worked up into her. She looked down on her little slave.
“I’m gonna drench that face, Johnny.” She sneered down at him.
John pumped her pussy and rubbed that spot vigorously with is face right under his hand. If that is what she wanted, he wanted it too. He could feel her walls pull in, squeezing his fingers. He accidently pulled them out and she moaned loudly as they flicked up as they pulled away. Quickly he got them back in and it started. Her cries were loud and he felt the puffiness of her sex. He pulled his fingers out and his face was indeed drenched. Her juice flowed out almost like pee but from her pussy hole and it tasted of clams he thought. Mistress Laura quivered above him through her whole body. John put his mouth back to her slot and kissed and caressed her again till she shoved him away and sat down.
“MMmmm. Good boy.” She praised him and John smiled up at her. His cock was raging between his legs but he waited on her pleasure. Laura composed herself and moved to her dressing table and pulled out her Strap on harness and selected a bigger dong then last time and sat back down in front of him.
“Take my socks off Johnny” she wiggled her feet at him and quickly he yanked them off. Laura wrapped his dick between the 2 arches of her feet “Open your mouth.” She stuffed the dong in his lips as soon as he did.
“Do you remember being fucked, Johnny?” she asked. John nodded. “Did you like it?” again he nodded quickly with excited eyes. She caressed his cheek and chin. “I love it when you are so enthusiastic, you know that?” She smiled at him. “I’ll teach you everything you need to know my sweet boy but until then your excitement for me saves your ass more than you know.”
John wasn’t exactly sure what she meant but he loved to please her and she always excited him.
Laura stood over him and dropped the straps in his lap. “Put it on me, slave.”
John knew that word should be demeaning but it wasn’t, somehow it meant the world to him from her lips. He helped her step into the harness and once around her waist and thighs he tightened it up for her. Laura took the dong from his mouth and attached it to the base and now his Mistress had a cock.
“Bend over the bed, Johnny” She ordered. As he stood and got into position she took lube from her nightstand and greased up her cock. Then she smeared the remnants into his ass. She lined it up but before entering.
“I’m going to take you hard Johnny, not like last time.” John was a little concerned but he was so excited by her. He reached back and spread his butt cheeks, showing his enthusiasm. Laura grinned wickedly and SHOVED it into him. John didn’t cry out but gave a yelp like a puppy. She showed no mercy, she grabbed his hips and began to FUCK him, POUNDING into his newly deflowered ass. John howled now but with his face in the mattress. Mistress savagely fucked, he could feel her groin smash into his ass. It hurt but something was feeling good. She was hitting his prostate on every stroke and if he clenched down, if he squeezed down on her rubber cock ‘It felt sooo good’ he discovered. Soon her little slave was moaning under her.
She gave a warning, “If you leak cum on my bed I WILL beat your ass. Put your hand under your dick head.”
It was just in time too because liquid seeped out. What seemed like pre-cum. Laura pumped his tight muscled ass for some time bringing herself to orgasm once and poor Johnny was milked but never came.
Mistress Laura pulled out of him. “Take this off of me she ordered.” John turned and worked the straps loose till Laura could step out of it. “Bathroom is down the hall, wash it.” He hurried to obey and when he came back Laura was pulling her pants back on.
“Where should I put it Mistress?” he asked a little disappointed they seemed done.
“Toss it in the drawer, Johnny.” He did and returned, putting himself at her feet. She tousled his hair like he was a little boy or a puppy.
“Get your clothes baby and go on home.” She instructed.
John was a little confused. She wasn’t being mean to him, in fact she seemed satisfied. Why were they done? He needed to cum so bad.
He took a risk hoping his enthusiasm saved his ass like she said and asked the question. “May I cum, Mistress?” he asked hopefully.
“Not here, my good boy.” She said evenly. She wasn’t upset. “Remember how you stroked your cock and thought of me my sweet Johnny?”
“Of course Mistress” It was just a little more than an hour ago he thought.
“You will go home and you will think of me and you will jerk off, or you won’t, however it pleases you my good boy.”
John was still confused but she wasn’t angry and that was good. “Of course Mistress,” he went along. “May I have just a kiss before I go Mistress?”
She smiled at his request, “Stand up, good boy”
John stood and she took him in her arms and pressed that full bosom into his chest and kissed him deeply, even slipping her tongue into his mouth. It was a long kiss that left him wanting more but he did ask for it.
“Dream of me, sweet boy.” And she left him to get dressed and went downstairs.
: November 17, 2012, 11:46:09 AM Momma_andrea
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Re: Laura's bunny
#14 :
November 17, 2012, 06:03:41 PM »
Part 6 ( all I did was write today
John drove home went inside and kissed his wife. It wasn’t too late, his rendezvous with Mistress Laura didn’t last that long. He went upstairs to the master bathroom and locked the door. He took off all his clothes, even his socks and sat on the toilet.
‘I did everything she wanted’ he said quietly. ‘I ate her out, I made her cum. I gave her pleasure.’ As John thought of it, he got a little upset but he looked down to also notice his cock was stiffening. Thinking of the sexual acts with Mistress Laura, even though he didn’t get release, still excited him. ‘She said I could jerk off.’ He mumbled. So spitting into his hand he began to rub the head of his dick. He grew harder and the head got red. John closed his eyes and he saw her. Those sexy big tits, her true blonde hair and her long legs were all beckoning to him. In his mind she stood over him, his tongue lapping her as he beat his meat. In his mind she encouraged him, said what a good boy he was. And said ‘please cum for me, Johnny’ and he did. John caught his ejaculate in a wad of toilet paper. His nipples were hard and his breathing rough and the toilet tissue was filled with a big load that he dropped between his legs into the toilet ‘God, what she does to me.’ He thought to himself. ‘But why wouldn’t she let me cum there. I would have jacked off for her, just so she could watch.’
John felt a little cheated but chalked it up to ‘Women, go figure’ and he put on sweats and went down to eat. He got online that night but not chat. He looked up FemDom stories and hated all the ones he read. None of them were Mistress Laura, she wasn’t like that. They were all mean. Mistress Laura cared for him. He was her good boy and she called him Johnny and she kissed him. Next time he would beg to jack off for her, to show how he adored her, she would let him then.
The next day John went grocery shopping with his wife. He didn’t like it but if he wanted fresh fruit and raw vegetables it was something he had to do. They wandered up to the service desk because his wife couldn’t find white kidney beans. The manager at the desk turned when Jill said, “excuse me, Miss.”
And beautiful blonde haired Laura stood there. John was in shock for a moment. ‘She had said she saw me at the store all the time’ he remembered. John came back to the present.
“They are also called cannellini beans Ma’am” Laura was explaining. “You will find them in isle 9.
“Oh” his wife simply said, she wasn’t much for pleasantries with people she thought were beneath her.
“Thank you very much, Laura” John sincerely said.
“You’re welcome.” And Laura smiled at him. John and his wife walked away.
“How did you know her name?” Jill asked, shrewishly.
“Mm, Name tag.” John waved fingers across his right pocket.
“Oh” Jill said simply.
That night John did get online. He so wanted to talk to her. His Viking Goddess was a manager at his grocery store. How did he NOT notice her?
She never appeared but John sent her a message anyway and she immediately answered.
“What Johnny?” the screen read.
“You’re Invisible? Are you hiding from me Mistress?” John typed.
“Obviously not, I answered you.” She typed.
“Why did you not tell me you worked at the store?”
“Was it something you needed to know?” she typed.
Her writing seemed defensive and that is not what he wanted.
“I’m sorry, Mistress, I don’t mean it like that.”
“Then how do you mean it?” she seemed to type quickly.
John had to answer quickly “I’m just surprised that a woman as beautiful as you, I never noticed you. How did I not see you behind that counter? You were just so mysterious when we first met and I find out I probably passed by you once a week. I’m such an idiot Mistress. That’s’ what I mean Mistress Laura”
There was a long pause and John hung his head, he had fucked this up. He knew it.
“I needed that mystery at the beginning, my sweet boy.” She wrote honestly. “Would you have fell for a stock Manager from Kroger’s”
“But you’re beautiful Mistress, you are a Goddess and wonderful.” He typed quickly
“You are sweet, Johnny. That’s why I picked you.” She told him.
“You picked me, Mistress?” He felt a little special.
“You were different from all the other cyber dicks out there, you stood out and I said ‘I want THAT one’, so I picked you.”
“Thank you, Mistress. And we happen to live in the same town, Wow”
“Wow, Indeed my sweet boy” She typed “I’ll see you in a few days hun”
“Yes Mistress.” John answered and Laura logged out.
‘It was a half truth but still a truth’ Laura told herself. She found out they lived in the same town and THEN she picked him but he was sweet, so very sweet. Much better than the guys that paid her. She wasn’t a prostitute; she didn’t have sex with any of them. She went to their house or a hotel room and beat their ass or peed on them or even once, helped their wife beat them but no one ever entered her, she was a Mistress Dammit. She got the money and left. She was Mistress Zythra and for the right cash you got treated like a worm and loved it.
She let Johnny come over on Wednesday night when his wife and kids went to church. He was ready to bolt upstairs like last time but she sat on the couch and put him on the floor, next to her. She played with his hair as they watched the rest of an NCIS rerun and sweetly, Johnny massaged her feet and she didn’t even tell him to. When the show was over she pushed her pants down and kicked them away. She spread wide and crooked a finger at her boy. He smiled and looked at her pink panty covered pussy.
“Well go on” She laughed. “It’s what you came over for.”
Her Johnny dove between her legs and wrapped his hands around her ass and put his face to her warm pussy. He made mmm sounds as he licked her inner thighs and pushed her panty crotch away with his nose and then started lapping at her honey slit. Laura took hold of his hair, not to guide him, just to remind him who commanded here. She scooted lower into the couch until she was lying down and she wrapped her legs around his head and rested them on his back.
“Get it, Johnny. Get the banana.” She egged him on.
He looked up “There’s no banana, Mistress”
“Pretend, silly” and she lightly wacked him in the head with her hand. John went back down and did his best to shove his tongue up inside of her.
‘He was such a good pussy licker’ she thought as she looked down on the top of his head. ‘and always so eager.’ Laura still holding his hair stood up and laid him on her floor. Then she sat right down on his face, mashing her pussy right to his lips and grinding it.
“You love it, don’t you baby. You called me a Goddess and I am Johnny, I’m your Goddess.” She looked down and all she saw was his eyes but they looked at her so adoringly. His nose mashed her clit and his tongue was deep inside her and she rode his face, moving her hips back and forth, she bent over putting her arms on the floor and ground one out, she gave a quick shudder and pushed her clit to his nose. Laura rolled off of him and looked at her adoring slave.
Quickly she got up and told him to strip while she went quickly upstairs. He was stark naked when she returned and she was wearing the last strap on she had used on him. Slowly and seductively she moved to her boy. She watched him, watch her with such lust and wanting. She ran her fingernails across his chest as she slowly went behind him. She got up close to his standing body and slid her hand up his torso till she got hold of his throat. Then she said in his ear as sexily as she could.
“Spread ‘em bitch” Johnny put his legs apart and reached back to try and open his butt. Laura guided the dong between his cheeks and roughly entered her boy. He groaned, it wasn’t well lubed but a rough fucking was what he needed. They stood there, tight against each other with Laura right over his shoulder and next to his ear. She nibbled it, sending jolts of excitement to poor Johnny’s body. Her left hand rubbed his tummy and the other still held his throat.
“Say it again, my sweet Johnny. Call me a Goddess.” She thrust deeper into his ass.
“You are a Goddess, Mistress Laura or else a dream come true.” He told her. “Oh, you are the sweetest boy” she whispered in his ear while she ground the dildo into him. “You’re MY boy.”
“Yes Mistress. I’m yours. Your good boy.” He admitted.
She held him upright and tight and fucked him with quick strokes. She let both of her hands wander his body now, tweaking a nipple, brushing his hard cock. She nibbled his neck and licked it, all the while Johnny quivered and moaned under her touch.
“May I cum this evening Mistress?” He begged.
“Didn’t you cum last time, Johnny?” She asked as she thrust up into him.
“At home Mistress” He admitted to jerking off.
“And did you think of me?” She questioned.
“Of course Mistress.”
“Then you came, sweet boy. If you want me to get you off, you must really earn that Johnny.” She grunted to him as she pounded into his tight butt.
“I will do anything Mistress asks.” He petitioned.
“I know you will baby, you’re getting there, my good boy.” She could tell he was as hard as he could be and it was getting late. She pulled out of him. “Go to the bathroom, March” she ordered. Johnny obeyed immediately and she followed him.
Upstairs she positioned him with is cock over the sink and stood next to him. “So show me, Johnny. Show me this thing you’re so proud of.”
“Mistress?” He didn’t catch on.
“Jerk it off for me Johnny.”
John grabbed his hard throbbing cock and began to pump quickly.
“Mmm, look at you go. Are you thinking of me?” she said next to him.
“Always Mistress.” He said looking her up and down.
Laura shook her chest to tease him. “Then make it cum, Johnny. Show me your lust for me.”
John grunted once and then threw his head back with a moan and his cum pumped from his rod and splattered in the sink.
“Hmm” Laura was impressed “You always cum a lot, good boy, must be that healthy living.” She lightly kissed him on the cheek and then patted it. “You were a good boy, now go home, baby.” And she dismissed him again like last time.
‘But this time’ John thought, ‘she let me cum…for her.’
: November 17, 2012, 10:30:47 PM Momma_andrea
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