Tango, I love this story and as you know am a fan of yours already. I know this is a personal achievement of yours and know of the hard work you have to put into your writings.
I may skim the parts that make my eyes water, but in essence will still read and get a feel of the story you are portraying. Your knowledge in the BDSM kink continues to teach us vanillas.
Keep up the good work, I am very proud of you and the fact you continue to overcome any difficulties and are not afraid to display your work for public scrutiny. You are a credit to our Forum village here and I am glad you are part of the Erotic Story section.
Cant wait to read more.

Hope you are going to vote in the poll for the theme of the next EROTIC STORY CONTEST 6 and that you are seriously considering entering a story when the time comes.

FORUM > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST 6 - OT