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: Laura's bunny  ( 33992 )
Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #15 : November 17, 2012, 09:06:06 PM »

First, Thanks every one for comments and encouragement. There is nothing worse for a writer than Apathy, thinking no one is reading or cares. you keep me going.  Oh and always, Thanks Steve. kiss

Second, I just wrote this next piece and It IS short but very interesting I think. We get more into Laura's head and how she feels about her "Hobby"
And I don't want to wait. I want to share it now.  Thanks.

Mistress Zythra had an appointment for Friday night at a hotel in Columbus. The Manager job paid her bills but just barely and when she started this it was fun. Now it was a chore but $200 dollars could go far. A key was waiting for her at the front desk. She goes to the room and dresses. The client will never see her street clothes. She has a black vinyl teddy with red striping on the seams, dark hose and over the knee boots with a studded strap that wraps to the top of them. Finally she covers her blonde locks with a pure black wig. With riding crop in hand she is ready for the worm. The client is an older business man. She has seen him before but still at the door she is all business, collecting upfront. With the door locked, the performance begins. And that is what it is, a show, an act. She smacks his ass around the room, commanding him to strip. The old codger is dropping his pants and taking off his shirt and tie until he is kneeling before her in boxers and socks, begging for her mercy. She won’t give it. He didn’t pay for mercy; he paid to be spanked and sat on, to be forced to sniff her ass. She swats at his cock inside his boxers with the crop and the old fart loves it.

Mistress Zythra finishes the routine. The old guy is on the bed already spanking his monkey begging her to stay and finish him or at least watch. She grabs her small case. She will change in a lobby bathroom and no one on the hotel staff will say a word, if they see her. This crap and worse is done by their rich clientele, besides she is fully dressed, old geezer in his room…not so much.

: 15

« #16 : November 21, 2012, 10:17:47 PM »

Momma_Andrea, thanks for the continuing story of Laura and her bunny. Keep it up very hot and erotic
Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #17 : November 23, 2012, 11:00:29 AM »

(its big, took up 2 posts, enjoy  ;) )

Saturday morning came and Laura had a raging headache. Mistress Zythra had stopped for a bottle of Bailey’s Irish cream, to wash away the memory of her appointment. And looking at it on her nightstand, it looked empty. Laura pulled herself out of bed, took some aspirin and got into the shower. The water washed away the last of the Bailey’s but not the memory that caused it. ‘He kept his socks on!’ she thought ‘God, I hate that’.

Wiping the steam from the mirror, Laura looked at herself, she was 37 and not getting younger. She looked at her blonde hair, holding it in her fingers ‘I should let it grow longer’ she thought ‘Johnny would love that’. She paused for a moment and another part of her brain just realized what she had thought.
“Where the FUCK did that just come from?!” she cursed at herself. “I don’t do anything for a man, they DO for me!” GRRrrrrr. She stormed back into her room looking for clothes.

Laura was at her PC. She had calmed a little and coffee was helping her headache and mood. She had the Messenger on and was in the chat room they first met in. Her first thought had been to go to his house and BEAT him or fuck him, she wasn’t sure which. 
It was noon. Usually he was the one hunting her down. She pulled her hair forward and looked at it again, while she waited. ‘I would like it longer. Put it in a braid…like a Viking Goddess.’ She smiled at the thought.

Johnny’s name changed from grey to black. He was on but she waited. ‘I’m the Goddess’ she decided ‘he comes to me.’ She sat for a minute and then 2. Then before she can message him he goes back offline. “Mother Fucker” She says to no one.
“Hello my Mistress” appears in an opening chat box.
“Johnny?” She types back “You went invisible on me?”
“It’s my new phone, Mistress. It has messenger but it says I’m offline” there is a pause “Do you need me, my Mistress?” John’s thumbs put out as quickly as they can.
“I need you to come over, just for a bit.” She tells him.
“I can be there in 10 minutes, Mistress.” He types back.
“Good” and she logs off.

John got away easy. The kids and Jill were making cookies and he went out to “get an oil change”. So in under 10 minutes he was on Laura’s porch ringing the bell.
She opened the door “Get in here” , she said without a greeting. John had no idea what he was in trouble for. So he got in the door quickly and shut it behind him.
Laura was pacing a little on the other side of the room. She reminded him of a restless tiger. “Kneel. There” she spat out. John obeyed quickly and dropped to his knees. He looked to her shoes and not further. Laura still paced and started to approach him but stopped. “What do you think we have?” she tossed out, waving from her to him.
“I don’t know Mistress. You had said we would play it by ear.” He answered truthfully and a little lost.
She did approach now and lifted his chin, “When you say I am your Mistress, do you think you own me?” she interrogated him
Now he was really confused, “My Mistress owns me”
“That’s right, I own you.” She paced again, “We’re done playing by ear. You are MINE.” She abruptly decided.
“Mistress?” He was worried.
“I’m not saying you have to leave your wife and come live here.” She spoke quickly and  waved at him as she still paced and pointed a finger at him “But you will give me more.” She lifted his chin again. “Do we understand each other?”
“You want more of my time, Mistress?” He was guessing.
“Yes!…no. I want more of you” and she nearly clawed into his chest, she was so animated.

John could see her brow was furrowed and she was upset with something but it wasn’t really him. Should he speak and invite her wrath or stay in the darkness and not be able to help. Still she walked the floor.
“Mistress, please sit.” He said with concern. Laura flopped into the couch, her legs wide with her hands lying between them.  John crawled the few feet to her. Gently he lifted a foot and took off her shoe. Slowly he rubbed the arch, his fingers massaged the balls of her foot. He decided not to talk, just to serve. Slowly he looked up to her. If she wished to speak to him she would. But he would be here, regardless. He left her sock on but still kissed her toes as he massaged his Mistress.

Laura looked at him. ‘He was so sweet…and it wasn’t his fault’ she thought. She gave a half smile to him ‘he is such sweet boy’. She reached out to his head and played with his hair. John smiled, glad that somehow he helped. She still looked troubled but she was calm.
“Next Friday night, can you get away? I need the whole night.” She asked him.
“What time Friday night, Mistress” He asked.
“We need to leave by 9 I’d say.”
“A fake late meeting in Detroit, then I stay overnight instead of driving home.” John suggested.
Laura had her chin resting in her hand “I worry that you can lie so easily.”
“I’m a salesman Mistress. Half truths are my bread and butter.”
“You lie to me and I’ll beat your ass.” She said flatly.
“Noted, my Mistress.”

John came over on Wednesday again. They seemed to have formed a routine.  But no NCIS this evening, Laura was teaching him simple commands and the positions that went with them.
“I have been too nice to you, Johnny. I neglected my duties as your Mistress.” She patted his head as he kneeled. “The easiest command ‘Kneel’, which you are doing, with chin up and eyes down at 45 degrees. Palms on your thighs, slave.”
John adjusted to her instruction. “From ‘kneel’, I may command ‘Open’ and you will open your legs wide. I may wish to step on your cock or maybe I just want you too.”

John performed her commands and Laura would adjust him. “You are a smart boy, I expect you to remember all of this but I’m not going to give you too much, not now.”  She walked around him in circles with a yard stick in hand “The next commands are tricky ‘UP’. From any kneeling pose you simply rise up from your heels.” She smacked his naked butt with the yardstick. “And present an upright form. Now if I say ‘Up UP’ then you will stand my slave.” John stood quickly. “Now from either the kneeling or standing poses, should I say ‘Present’, your legs go wide, your thighs will be vertical on the kneel pose and you will put your hands behind your head.” Laura pushed his elbows back till his arms were perfectly straight. “Ankles, very simple, grab your ankles slave.” Laura gave him a good smack with the yardstick, she couldn’t help herself.

“These are quite simple, ‘Down’ you will lay face down with arms stretched above your head. ‘Back’ and you will lay on your back, arms the same.”
“Up UP” she commanded and John moved off the floor. “’Heel’, or if I raise my hand and snap my fingers you will come behind me and to my right one pace behind. I should just be able to reach out and slap your dick.” She batted at it but not hard. “’Here’ or a crooking of my fingers at you and you will take up ‘Kneel’ on my right side. Right next to me slave.” Laura patted his head “Good boy. Those two commands work if I’m sitting as well.

“What if there is an obstruction Mistress, like a side table or you’re in the middle of a couch?” John Imagined this had something to do with Friday night.
“With ‘Here’ you will kneel in front of me but facing out” She smacked him on the head to correct him. “I will command you to turn if I want you otherwise as for Heel, you will be as close as you can but behind, understand?”
“Yes Mistress. I will hug my back to the wall if I must.”
“My good boy is smart too.” She gave a little praise and rubbed his head.
“May I please Mistress now?” He turned to ask and stared at Laura’s crotch.
“No. Keep practicing.” She shook her head.  “UP UP…Present…Down…Kneel…UP and Heel. Not bad, let’s do it again.”

John spent Friday making cold calls to prospective clients, trying to drum up some business. His mind wasn’t in it though. He knew Laura was taking him somewhere and probably to see someone, why would she teach him commands? He had them all in his head but he was nervous about what was expected. Finally at 5:30 he called it quits and decided to find some dinner.

John sat in his car nibbling a slice of pizza and playing on his laptop when Laura pulled up behind him in front of her house, a little after 8. She banged on his window.
“Go park in back so no one sees your car. I swear Johnny, sometimes you don’t think.” She scolded.

Once inside he offered Laura the rest of the pizza. “Oh thanks Johnny, I’m starving” Taking a slice from the open box. “Next time no onions. They make me taste funny, if you know what I mean.” And she patted his cheek. “Come up stairs my slave.” And she went up ahead of him. John thought she seemed very happy, almost cheerful, which meant she was looking forward to this. He hoped that was a good sign. Laura had some things thrown on her bed already.
“Strip, my good boy, let’s get you ready!” She smiled.
‘Oh my God, she is giddy’ John thought to himself.

Laura first offered him swimming shoes. “Some people let their slaves go barefoot” she shook her head, no “the floors can be disgusting.”  She said with distaste. Then Laura held up a black jock strap. “This will keep my good boy’s pecker in check. And show off his sweet buns.” John stepped into the jock and pulled it up tight. Laura smiled teasingly at him “This next piece I ordered special.” Laura held up what looked like a black skirt made of 3 inch wide strips of fake leather. “I was going to buy you leather shorts but that just screwed the whole jockstrap thing. Then I found this on line” she held it in front of John’s thighs “A gladiators Battle Skirt” she proclaimed proudly. John took it from her and fastened it around his waist while she admired her slave.
“Turn around in it, slave.” She said.
Finally she held up a black leather collar. John knew at some point he would probably wear one. He was curious as to how it would feel. Without direction he turned and took one knee so his Mistress could collar him.
“You seem eager my slave.” Laura said as if curious.
“I have wondered why my Mistress had not collared me already” he said.
Laura grabbed his hair and pulled his head back to see his eyes, “Because I don’t need it. My good boy obeys, doesn’t he?”
“He does his best Mistress” John answered.
Laura kissed his forehead and wrapped the leather around his neck.

Laura clicked a leash on him and John turned on his knees to her.
“Will my Mistress be wearing something special as well?” John asked with hope.
“Need some eye candy, do you slave?” Laura cocked her head and put a hand on her hip.
“My Mistress is a Goddess” He answered. “Her body is divine.”
Laura couldn’t help but smile but still she lightly smacked his cheek. “Fuckin’ flatterer.”
“But yes, I do have an outfit for the occasion.” She didn’t say more, she just disrobed in front of her kneeling Johnny and pulled things from her closet. She knew his eyes were all over her. She thought of making him turn around until her transformation was done but she had never done a reverse strip tease and wondered how it would go.

Laura pulled on black riding breeches with stretchy Lycra crotch and inseam. She hauled out her over the knee boots that she wears for her clients with the wrap around strap. She loved those boots and they screamed MISTRESS. She put on a white blouse tucking it in and only fastening the bottom most buttons, showing plenty of cleavage.  Then she threw on a black leather “biker chick” vest and buttoned it to hold the “gals” up and push them together. Lastly she held a riding crop and smacked it to her left hand.
“Like it?” She looked down to Johnny whose eyes had never left her.
“You are a dream, Mistress” he said slowly.
Laura broke the moment. “Come on, we need to go.”

Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #18 : November 23, 2012, 11:01:01 AM »

Laura had given Johnny her leather trench coat to cover his near nakedness and to keep her slave from freezing to death. They were zipping down Interstate 30 at about 65mph in her Jeep.
“May I ask where we are going Mistress?” John said from the passenger seat.
Laura nodded. “I am going to show you off, Johnny. I’m taking you to a BDSM group in Mansfield. They meet only once a month in an old theatre at the edge of the Carrousel district. There may be exhibitions and scenes we can watch, a few vendors of our type of stuff. And some food and drink.” She looked over at him as she drove. “I need you to be obedient and respectful, slave. Do not embarrass me.” She warned sternly. He didn’t answer, “Johnny?”
“I will do as you command Mistress, as always” he finally said. “I am not performing I hope, Mistress.”
“Does that frighten you?” She inquired.
“I…I ‘m not sure if I could do that Mistress.” He said with unease.
“Not this time, my good boy, don’t worry.” She patted his leg.
“Rules, Johnny. You will be respectful to everyone. Masters, Mistresses, even be polite to your fellow slaves. These things are all about an image.” She explained. “No one is permitted to punish or use you sexually, not without my permission.” She looked over at his wide eyes and gave a chuckle. “Don’t worry baby, I don’t share. If something happens, if someone mistreats you, I will take care of it.”

John was a little nervous but he was a salesman, he was used to meeting people and making impressions. Still, he had questions.
“These scenes, Mistress, slaves will be used I imagine.” He was curious.
“For the most part we are not going to see raw sex, although we might” Laura gave a chuckle. “Mostly a Dom will put the sub through their paces, show spanking or whipping techniques, use of candles or clamps. Bringing the sub to near climax and keeping them there. It’s not an orgy Johnny it’s just a gathering and some of it is educational.” She assured.  “Keep your wits, be observant and make me proud” Laura said, “and then we will talk about what you learned.”

It was after 10pm when they walked through the doors. Laura had John’s leash in hand and had taken back her coat and he was right behind her where he should be. There was a small registration table and Laura paid an upfront tab and entrance fee. Someone grabbed John’s wrist which made him flinch and in black marker put the number 63 on the inside of his forearm.
“He’s new” Laura explained with a smile about her slave’s jumpiness.
The burly Leather Daddy bear at the desk smiled in understanding, “Lucky you” and admired John’s ass that the gladiator skirt didn’t really cover.

Laura led him inside, explaining as they walked. “You show them that when you get me drinks and they charge my tab; it also says who you belong to.”
John’s brow furrowed, “Mistresses try to walk out with someone else’s slave?” he said in disbelief.
“Or if some big gay Daddy bear tries to rape your ass.” Laura said for shock value. John looked back to the table and the Daddy bear that WAS still eying his ass. “And you forgot to call me Mistress. Don’t do that again.” She put sternly.
“I’m sorry my Mistress. I meant no disrespect.” He said apologetically.
“I know that, slave” she said the word hard “But they won’t and I will have to punish you or look weak.” She reached back and swatted his cock “Don’t embarrass me, Johnny.”

Upon leaving the lobby and entering the theatre proper, Laura immediately found a friend. “Bianca” she yelled to a tall slender black woman in a yellow vinyl cat suit with stiletto heels.
“Laura, Baby” Bianca gave a pure white beautiful smile and the 2 hugged. Bianca noticed John in tow. “Oh and who is this sweet morsel?”
Laura grabbed under his chin squishing his cheeks, “This is my good boy, Johnny. Greet the Lady, Johnny” she ordered.
John looked to floor. “Good evening, Mistress Bianca.”
“A newb?” Bianca looked sideways to Laura, who nodded ‘yes’ rather proudly. “Well, look at you, girl. So many times you came draggin’ air and you get a fresh fish. I’m jealous.”
“You got a seat yet?” Laura asked hopefully.
Bianca nodded, “Yvette is laying across a couch for me, holding it. I got room for you, Sweetie.” She smiled to Laura.

John followed behind, trying hard to take in everything but pay attention to his Mistress. All the original seats were gone from the theatre floor and there were old restaurant booths and stray vinyl covered couches. A few coffee tables here and there but most had nothing in front of them but another couch. Bianca and Laura came to a couch with a pale dark haired slave with just high heels, black panties and electrical tape across her little nipples.
“Up Up” Bianca commanded and Yvette quickly stood for her Mistress. The Doms sat down and Bianca was about to send her slave for a drink.
“Let me get it, hun.” Laura offered. Bianca smiled in acceptance.
“Long Island ice tea?” Laura remembered.
“My favorite” Bianca confirmed.
“You heard it, Johnny. Two of them. GO” she commanded and took off his leash.

John Moved quickly through the crowd, back up to the theatre doors, to a 3 sided bar that stood under the balcony. People where still milling in and blocking the isles but he imagined later it would just be slaves fetching for their Masters. He returned with tall glasses for the Ladies and handed them with a bow.
“Good boy” Laura said “Here” she commanded, and Johnny knelt in front of her on a throw rug that ran in front of the couch. Yvette was to his left. Bianca was stroking her back and Yvette was arching her back trying to push out her humble breasts. She actually was purring under her Mistress’s attention.

A fat man in leather pants and black ornate chest harness took the stage. “Welcome all to our little gathering. I know some of you travel halfway across the state to get here, so let’s get right to it. Our first showing is Master Alex and his little alexia. Seems he has built her a new spanking horse from plywood and rich leathers and he would like to show you how well it works by working her.” He clapped loudly and the crowd joined in as the curtain opened. 

Alexia looked like a slightly overweight middle aged housewife and from the looks of it, Alex was probably her husband. She stood in a red bustier with matching panties and black wrist and ankle restraints. Alex ran a ping pong paddle between her legs a few times and then up between her cleavage and went to kiss her but instead yanked on her brown hair, pulling her head back. He grabbed the D ring with a finger and yanked her across the stage to the spot lit spanking horse with a dong strapped to its saddle. John thought that looked interesting. But Alex threw in a curveball and forced her on it backwards, shoving the red dong into her mouth before clipping her cuffs to D rings on the horse’s sides. He had put the apparatus on wheels and now spun his slave for a better view for the audience. The paddle came into play immediately and he warmed his slave’s backside with alternating smacks from cheek to cheek. The submissive wife could only moan out her pain and pleasure around the dong in her mouth.

John looked around and noticed other slaves being caressed by their Masters or Mistresses. He even thought he saw a slave servicing her Master as he lounged on a booth seat. On stage Master Alex had dropped the paddle and welded a many tailed flogger across alexia’s back and ass. The thing looked like it had 20 tails and it made an incredible noise as he swung it through the air. Poor alexia would jerk when struck and the crowd seemed to appreciate her reaction with polite “ooo’s”. Finally she was taken off but Alex seemed to just toss her over the side of the thing and began to flog her white thighs. Now Alex pulled his wife’s panties down and began to push the retrieved ping pong paddle handle into her asshole. She wiggled and screamed and some of the crowd laughed, she put on such a show. The curtain dropped and the fat man returned to the stage.

John was finding all this very interesting but not really arousing. He half turned to his Mistress and put his head on her knee.
“What is it, slave?” she looked down at him and fondled his hair.
“May I go to the restroom, Mistress?” He asked.
“They are upstairs near the balcony” she informed him. “Don’t wander” she warned.
John was off. He truly did have to pee. He didn’t go at Laura’s and that pizza he had came with a bottle of sparkling water. Not everyone was watching the show. Some Doms with their slaves were talking in the lobby. Two slaves were on their knees locked in an embrace, tongues dancing as their Masters looked on at the little show. Upstairs John finally relieved himself and washed up. He heard noises and yelps from the balcony doors across from the restrooms and wondered what was in there.

Peeking in the door, John saw a leather clad bald Man and blonde Woman with their backs to him. They were putting needles in a girl’s poor tits just under the nipple and she struggled and cried out but was shackled to a wooden x with a steel collar helping to hold her in place. John couldn’t help but cringe when they did it. The girl was Auburn haired, with it falling in her face. Her mascara had run because of her tears. The blond grabbed a handful of the girl’s breast, holding it steady while her man slowly inserted the needle. Once it was in, the Leather clad woman smacked the other nipple with her fingers.
“Cry little bitch, cry!” she said almost angrily.
“Please Mistress,” she cried out “I’ll be good, I swear.” She begged.
The cruel Mistress had other plans and with her fingers, pulled the girl’s pussy lips down and held them out. The Master squatted and poked a needle through. The sweet slave’s breathing came in short gasps. She tried to look down at what was being done to her as another was pushed through the flesh of her clit hood. She threw her head back.
“Please, please please pleeeease.” Her chest heaved with her cry and she hung her head in defeat. But the Mistress would have none of that and yanked the slave’s head back.

John was captured by the scene. Her anguish was so real. His cock was hardening in his jockstrap and he didn’t want to leave. The big bald Master turned for more needles and noticed John’s head in the door.
“Well, what have we here?” he said in a deep baritone. The Mistress snapped around at that.
“Oh, an intruder?” she said
“I’m sorry Master, Mistress” John sputtered quickly
“Get in here!” She snapped imperiously once he gave himself away as a submissive.
 John began to obey and opened the door fully but heard a throat clearing behind him as he took a step.

Mistress Laura stood there with arms crossed under her ample bosom. Her eyes narrowed and lips pursed, not looking pleased.
 The cruel Mistress then noticed her, “Oh, does this one belong to you?”
 “Yes, he is mine” Laura answered flatly but still glared at John. “Someone was told not to wander off.” She said in controlled anger.
“Someone is in trouble.” The deep voiced Master sang.
The blond gave a wicked grin “By all means, feel free to come in and borrow a paddle. We could use a break and would love to watch.”

Laura pondered it for a moment. They had no safe word set up but this wasn’t play. He would be punished because he was told something for his own good. “Get to that bench.” She pointed.
“Mistress?” John tried to plea.
“MOVE!” She yelled like a drill sergeant. And her bunny moved.
“Stand at the end. BEND AND GRIP it.” She commanded. John did as told, bending deep at the waist and grabbing the low bench but kept looking back with fear on his face. Laura unhooked his gladiator trappings, letting it drop to the floor and there was his tight ass.The Blonde Mistress was happy to hand Laura a long thick paddle with holes in it.
“Thank you.” John’s Mistress said.

Laura reconsidered; she didn’t like the weight of it and tossed it aside.
“Do you have ‘hot wheels’ racing track?” she requested.
The big man winced and the other Mistress smiled “Oh she is pissed” and from the corner gave her a 30 inch strip of plastic, single lane, race track.
John looked back, he was prepared for the paddle but he had no idea what this race track would do.
“I told you I don’t like doing this but I will” She began to wail on his rump, swinging the race track like a tree switch. John jumped and tried to cover his ass.
Laura looked to the big Master. “I don’t have the patience to restrain him, do you mind?”
“Not at all” the big man smiled and straddled the bench and grabbed John’s wrists forcefully and held them to the wooden bench. The blonde came close to watch as well.
“Please Mistress, I am sorry” John was truly frightened.

Laura was deaf to him and began her swats again. John jumped up and down, his feet moving like he wanted to run but couldn’t go anywhere. The burly man held him with all his weight. Laura moved her attack down his thighs, spreading the pain so he wouldn’t get numb or too bruised. She beat him as her mother would say ‘within an inch of his life’ and when he was sobbing uncontrollably and sucking in air like a child she finally stopped. The Big man let him go and got up and John collapsed on the bench. His ass and legs were on fire. He balled, cried openly for all to see. He was broken. Laura sat on the bench near his head. She wiped a tear from her eye and her hand shook a little. She didn’t like doing that. They both took a moment.

“Now, I will listen to your pleas, slave.” She didn’t look at him, just forward.
John was still crying and sucking snot up his nose like a punished child. Slowly he moved off the bench to his knees and placed his head on her knee.
“I’m sorry Mistress.” He said through tears. And it turned into a wail “I’m sorry.”
“I give orders Johnny and expect them obeyed.” She still didn’t look at him “Sometimes they are for your own good. So when you disobey those orders and do as you please, it makes me upset.” She finished.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Mistress Laura.” He hugged her lower legs and cried some more.
She finally looked down and smoothed his hair. “You are supposed to be my GOOD boy. Don’t become a bad boy.” She said like a mother. “I don’t want a bad boy.”
“I am your good boy. I swear. I’m so sorry Mistress for wandering” he said.
Laura lifted his face a little so he looked at her eyes. “It wasn’t the wandering itself Johnny. It’s that you disobeyed.” She explained.

Laura had his leash on and led him back to their place in the theatre. John’s head was down and he just looked at the floor. Yvette kept getting stroked and caressed by her Mistress next to him. John dared not ask. He hadn’t been a good boy. If Mistress was wearing simple shoes or sandals he would take them off and suck her toes to show his devotion but taking off her boots would be a task and she was already not pleased with him. He could hear the Mistresses talk about him.

“It’s the first time he has gotten punished?” Mistress Bianca asked amazed.
“You know me and he is usually such a good boy.” Mistress Laura said of him.
Bianca caressed under Yvette’s chin “This little one gets a morning paddling every day before she goes to work, Just to remind her of her place.” Yvette smiled at this and actually rubbed her cheek into her Mistress’s thigh. “You might have to change a little Laura.”
“Why should I change?” Laura said irritated.
“Because he is your slave and maybe would do better with a firmer more physical hand.” Bianca explained. “You can’t let them go wild and you can’t toss them out when they rebel.”

John didn’t like the sound of that. He would be good. His butt was still very warm. He didn’t want a spanking every time they meet.

Hero Member
: 3007

« #19 : November 24, 2012, 02:06:52 AM »

I love this Andrea,

It's all so real and I wonder how much of it is from personal experience?

Can't wait for the next installment, it's 100x better than 50 shades.

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #20 : November 24, 2012, 05:04:03 AM »

I love this Andrea,

It's all so real and I wonder how much of it is from personal experience?

Can't wait for the next installment, it's 100x better than 50 shades.

This is the greatest praise. This is the hugest payment I have ever gotten.
Thank you, thank you.
 I thought maybe I went overboard on Johnny's first punishment but it made me cry when I wrote it and that's usually a good indicator. He didn't like getting it and Laura really didn't like doing it.  Girl may have to harden her heart though at times.
Again thank you.
« : November 24, 2012, 05:42:01 AM Momma_andrea »

: 15

« #21 : November 25, 2012, 03:49:24 PM »

Momma_Andrea fantastic story as Johnny continues to learn i am so looking forward to reading more. ;)
Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #22 : December 02, 2012, 11:23:39 AM »

(part 9, I think)

Laura had given John the keys and let him drive home. He hadn’t been drinking. It was almost 2 in the morning and Laura’s house was still a half hour away.

“Mistress?” He spoke up for the first time since the spanking.

“Yes Johnny” She answered. Laura had stopped being angry long ago.

“Mistress Bianca and Yvette were very affectionate with each other.” He observed.

“They have been together for a few years. They are very comfortable with each other.” Laura remarked.

“I saw others play and kiss.” He went on.

Laura sleepily looked over at him. “Were you jealous, that I didn’t pet you?”

John tried to apologize and change the subject, thinking he was upsetting her.

“No, be open with me. Let’s talk about this, I’m serious. Did you want to be petted?” she became animated and sat up in the seat.

“It felt appropriate and I felt left out, Mistress.” He admitted sheepishly
“I brought you there to show you off, Johnny.” She looked out the side window away from him. “I guess to prove something.” She paused as if deciding, “but I should have pet you.”

John pondered what she said just now and what Bianca had said earlier, “You have gone to these things alone, Mistress?”

“A few times” it was many, her conscience reminded her. “I guess I hoped of someone bringing an extra” and she laughed loudly.

“Will we go next month, Mistress?” John asked.

“Would you like that, Johnny?” she threw back.

“I would, Mistress?” he confessed.

“I’ll pick you up at nine,” she joked.

They got 6 hours of sleep. She made Johnny sleep in the extra bedroom on the twin bed. Sleeping with her was a huge prize that he was nowhere near. Before he left she pinned him against the front door and kissed him long and squeezed his butt. When she finished he had to catch his breath.

“Next time, I’ll pet you and keep you right by me.” She said softly caressing his cheek.

“Thank you, my Mistress.”

John had to go home and stay dressed in front of his wife for a few days, never letting her see his welt covered butt and legs. His wife liked the lights out anyways, not that they had sex though.

Laura worked every day until Wednesday. She cleaned her living room and did some laundry and got some Chinese food. John came over as soon as the kids and wife went to the church for youth group.  She kissed him and patted his cheek.

“I got bad news baby” She started. “Aunt Flo has arrived.”

John was about to ask “whose Au…”

“Uh, I got my period, Johnny.” She said exasperated. Laura sat on the couch with a takeout container of Pork Lo Mein. “Bianca is coming over. She should be here any minute. Treat her just as you did at the group.” Laura stated the obvious.

“Of course, Mistress.” John sat at her feet on the floor.

Laura got the door for Bianca and hugged the taller black woman.

“Come in, come in” Laura greeted and shut the door from the cold.

Johnny wasn’t sure whether to stand or kneel. He moved into a kneeling position.

“Good evening, Mistress Bianca” he said. “Yvette didn’t come with you?”

“She’s at home,” Bianca began “This is more of a…professional call.”

“Bianca is a counseling psychologist,” Laura supplied. “She is going to talk to us.”

“A counseling psychologist?” John questioned.

Bianca smiled “I have a Masters, not a PhD” She explained “But I specialize in…well, us, for lack of a better term.” Bianca sat on the couch “Your Mistress didn’t tell you about this?” she looked down at John.

“No Mistress Bianca, she did not.” John said truthfully.  Bianca looked at Laura accusingly, who was still standing.

 “I don’t mind though” John put in quickly.

“Still she should have discussed it with you. I’m sorry to spring this on you, I’d rather you be comfortable.”

“I’m fine Mistress Bianca, it’s no problem” John could see Laura was a bit embarrassed from being dressed down by Bianca.

“OK, let’s begin. Johnny…” Bianca started.

“With all due respect to you, Mistress Bianca,” John interrupted her. “Only Mistress Laura calls me Johnny.”

For a moment Laura looked as if she would kill him for speaking like that but Bianca diffused the situation.

“No, no, calm down sweetie and come sit, you’re making the poor boy nervous.” Bianca smiled back to him, “So her calling you that is special to you?”

“No one has ever called me that, not even when I was a boy. I don’t answer to it.” John explained. “But when Mistress Laura uses it… it’s just us, as if there is no one else in the world. I see it as a term of endearment, Mistress.”

Bianca patted Laura’s knee, “See sweetie, it’s special to him.” She turned back to John. “John, Laura has kind of snatched you away from your regular life and vanilla sex and thrust you into our world. I as Laura’s personal friend would like to make sure you are OK and that she is OK. That’s all.”

“I understand, Mistress.” John nodded.

“I guess first I should ask, what are your expectations John, what do you wish to get out of this relationship?” Mistress Bianca had pulled out a yellow notepad and now gazed over at him.

“Well,” he started slowly “when I went to that motel with her, I honestly thought it would just be sex, really hot sex.” John looked over at Laura. “And it was hot but…it was more than sex.”

“Go on. You’re doing great” Bianca encouraged him.

“She gave me so much attention and even though she was the Dominant one, I felt special. She makes me feel special, Mistress.” He finished simply.

“Even when she deprives you of release or has to punish you?” Bianca asked.

John laughed lightly, remembering how she coaxed him to masturbate at home. “Even then, yes. She is trying to teach me things, I think.”

Bianca nodded in understanding.

“Laura makes you feel special. You don’t get that at home?” Bianca pressed.
John hung his head. He felt guilt for having to go elsewhere and he also felt anger at having to go elsewhere. “Not…” he cleared his throat, “not for a long time.” He admitted. “Jill and I, well, I think we have always been in a rut. I…I don’t think I please her and at times I don’t think she cares.”

Bianca made some notes. “If you were a free man, would you be fulltime with Laura?”

John barely thought about it, “Yes”.

“Laura” She turned to her friend, “what is it you’re seeking? What do you want from this?

Laura seemed uncomfortable under both their gazes. “Johnny, turn around.” She ordered. He did and faced the other way.

“Take your time, Laura” Bianca said patiently.
“I need someone. I wish it was deeper than that but it’s not” she confessed.”

“Go on Dear” Bianca pushed.

“I don’t know that there is more. He is sweet and very cute.” She offered.

Bianca stared at her, not letting her off that easy. “What is it he does for you, what need gets fulfilled?”

Laura stared at the floor and thought, ‘He made her feel sexy and strong. His eyes looked at her in lust and desire. His tongue knew how to reach her most sensitive places. And he did all this on her terms.

“Laura?” Bianca cut through her thoughts.

“He lets me be in charge. He wants me to be in charge. OK. Maybe I’m not that deep.” Laura said defensively.

“The other night when you went looking for him, tell him.” Bianca said. “Tell him what you told me.”

Laura delayed, looking down at her hands. “I was worried about him. He was a long time in the restroom, so I went looking for him.” Laura confessed.

“You were concerned for him?” Bianca supplied.

“Yes, I was concerned. Someone might hurt my Johnny.” Laura said.

“And you care for him?” Bianca nudged.

“And I care for him.” Laura finally said.

“Was that so hard, dear?” Bianca said rather motherly.

“John, turn back around” Bianca jumped Laura’s authority but he obeyed. “Laura has just said she cares for you. How do you feel about that?”

“I thought, well, hoped she did, Mistress Bianca. It’s wonderful to hear.” John said.

“It is.” Bianca agreed. “This relationship is very new and you two are treading new ground with each other. You need to try and remember that, both of you. There is not enough talking between you two, I guarantee that.” Bianca looked directly at Laura. “Maybe you meant this to be just a fling but it’s growing and you need to take care of it.”
“Has he done the survey?” Bianca questioned Laura who sheepishly shook her head. “Have you given him any homework?” Bianca tried not to show her exasperation when Laura said No.

Bianca reached into her soft-sided briefcase and handed John 3 papers stapled together.

 “This is a questionnaire, John. Learn about each thing on there. Look them up. Think about them and in a week you and Laura should talk about them.” She looked over to Laura “You should prepare your own list.” Bianca put her pad and pen away. “Keep him away from the stupid sites on the internet. Send him to the places you would like him to learn from and TALK to him, I can’t stress that enough. Finally, you both need to face the fact that he is married.” She pointed to John then wagged her finger between them. “At some point hearts are going to get broken. Either he leaves you before his wife finds out or he leaves his wife WHEN she finds out… and she will find out.” Bianca paused to let that sink in. “I’m not judging you and I’m not telling you what to do but be responsible and deal with it.”  She finished succinctly.

Bianca stood to leave and Laura got up to take her to the door. “Baby, you know I love you but you’ve been playin’ fun and games up to this point.” Bianca hugged her. “Take care of things like the Domme should.

Laura finally spoke after being scolded. “You’re right” Laura admitted, “You’re always right.” Laura gave a half smile.

“Oh, I been wrong once or twice, sweetie, got the scares to prove it.” Finally at the door where John couldn’t hear, Bianca said softly, “He is sweet, protect that.” She gave one last tip.

“Yes Ma’am” Laura gave a soft smile to her mentor.

Laura didn’t see John for the rest of the week. They chatted Saturday night on the computer. She sent him one or two links but said most of the internet was crap written by “wannabes” who had no clue.

“Bianca has been your friend for a while, Mistress?” He typed.

“I went to see her after my divorce for counseling.” She put honestly. “I was a mess. It was a bad relationship but it was still hard to end.”

“And she got you into the lifestyle?” John clicked at the keys.

“She said she saw herself in me and that maybe she could help. I said OK. So on one particular Friday she took me to Mansfield.”

John was opened mouth on his end. “You were her slave?” He couldn’t see Laura that way.

“NO!” she typed, “I was an apprentice, silly. I’m smacking you the next time you walk in the door.”

“Sorry, Mistress.” He sent. “It was an odd image.”

Laura debated telling John about her semi-pro status. They were supposed to talk and be open and she felt this was the biggest thing she had. Right now wasn’t the time or place, she decided. She wanted him face to face so if he went ape-shit she could wrestle him to the floor until he listened to reason.

“You realize you’re not my first slave, right?” She typed.

“Mistress, I don’t care and you don’t have to share that.” He sent back.

“You’re not curious, Johnny?”

“Was he better than me?” he typed quickly.

“Nowhere near.” She laughed out loud on her end. “My Johnny has an ego?”

“I am your slave, Mistress, but I’m still a man.” He answered.

On Wednesday Laura didn’t want to waste their time together on the questionnaire. She put that off for chat time. Right now she wanted him. John was surprised to see her answer the door in a black vinyl teddy and her favorite boots and that riding crop in her hand.

“Upstairs, sweet boy”, she commanded. She followed him, looking at his butt, “I have no idea why you even wore clothes.”

John stayed silent but had a big smile on his face. Once in Laura’s room, she ordered him to strip and she watched as he put each piece on her chair, lastly his socks. Laura noticed his nipples were hardening from the chill in the room. She was taking him all in.

“Come here”, she finally ordered.

John moved obediently to her and Laura racked her nails down his chest. Then bending down she sucked one of his nipples into her mouth, tonguing it and sucking on it before gently biting it.

John reacted, “Oooo, Mistress”.

She looked up at him wickedly, “You liked it, didn’t you, Johnny?” Then she swatted his ass. She stood back up and breathed in his face, “You never saw me in this, Huh? You can touch me if you want."

John reached out and wrapped his arms around her. His hand fell naturally to her ass. Laura gently kissed his cheek. His poor cock was already rigid between them.

“How long since you last came, baby?” She asked of him.

“Last Thursday” he admitted. John kept rubbing her round ass.

Laura nibbled at his ear and whispered. “Did you jerk off or was it that woman of yours?”

“I jerked off thinking of you, Mistress.” He knew that was the right answer.

“And what dirty things did you hope for in that mind of yours?” She asked huskily.  Laura reached down and held his balls and pulled them tight to the base of his cock.

“I hoped for nothing, I just thought of your body, Mistress.” He told her.

Laura squeezed him, “Liar. Tell your Mistress the truth.”

“I dreamed of fucking you, Mistress.” John said through gritted teeth.

She smiled and released his balls to slowly stroke his cock. “A boy with ambitions,” She said softly and kissed his lips then smacked his cheek lightly. “One day, my good boy, maybe”, and she kissed him again. “Are you hungry?” She asked seductively and Johnny couldn’t help but lick his lips.

“Please, Mistress”

Laura pushed him to his knees and spread her legs, “The crotch unsnaps, good boy. Get something to eat baby.”

John had it open and was licking immediately. His head tilted back hard, he was nearly under her. Laura reached down for his hair and ground her hips in a circle. She loved him like this, he would look up so adoringly at her. John had his tongue deep in her love canal and his lips were massaging hers.

“That feels so wonderful, Johnny” she praised him.

Laura broke from his attentions and pulled a slim vibrator from her side table and lay back on her bed. Her knees up and legs wide she beckoned him with a finger as she slid the vibrating plastic over her clit and along her lips. John, on his knees, came to her and flopped his torso on the bed, putting his face back in her crotch. The little toy buzzed his teeth as he tried to suck on her pussy.

“Swing up here, baby” Laura told him.

John pivoted; his mouth staying at her slit, until, on hands and knees, his cock was in reach of his mistress. Laura reached between his legs and gripped him, stroking him like milking a cow.

“Keep eating, Johnny. Make me happy, baby.” She encouraged.

John used his fingers to open her lips and licked inside her folds. Laura buzzed her clit and moaned. He was doing his best to please her. He loved to make her cum. Laura stopped jerking him and wet her fingers and began to play with his tight butthole. It was John’s turn to moan. Laura rubbed around the ring of muscle and pressed at it but didn’t enter. Wetting her fingers again, she made tight circles on his little balloon knot. John was breathing hard into her pussy. He was loving her attention. Laura moved her vibrator to her other hand and brought it up to her sweet boy’s tight ass. She arched her neck to see and smiled as she pushed the tip into him. John moaned with a mouth full of pussy and Laura laughed.

“I remember when my good boy was so afraid with me at his ass. You love it now don’t you Johnny?” Laura asked.

John lifted his head. “I love all that you do to me, Mistress.”

“Get over top of me, Johnny”, she instructed him.

John straddled her. She pushed him lower so his cock was in her boobs. She fucked his ass with the vibe and began to jerk his cock slowly.

“Make me cum, Johnny and I’ll let you coat my titties”, she promised.

John couldn’t believe his ears. She was going to let him cum, let him cum on her sweet big tits. John dove into her pussy Licking it out and getting his tongue in deep. He almost smothered himself. Laura was jerking him and rubbing him between her soft pillows. John reached in and fingered her, trying to rub her to orgasm quickly. He found her spot and rubbed and sucked her hard clit. Laura clamped her legs together but his two fingers were in there and he just had to move the tips across her “G” spot. Laura’s hips were moving. He was getting to her. He would make her cum. He kissed her strong thighs, trying to get his head to force her legs back open. Laura gave a little. Her hips were circling now.

“Please cum, my Mistress.” He begged.

Laura went off like a gun as if his words were the trigger. She lifted her hips and moaned loud. Arching up, she nearly lifted him. Then her legs relaxed and she settled back down to earth. It took a moment but she kissed the back of his thigh and began to stroke him hard. He could feel it build quickly. The thought of spraying her delicious boobs filled his mind. John grabbed her legs and screamed between her thighs. His cum sprayed from his cock. It coated her vinyl coated belly and just under her tits. John dumped his usual big load. His body gave a shudder from the last of his orgasm. He clung to her with his head resting in her thighs. She gave him that moment, and then smacked his ass hard.

“I need cleaned up now, Johnny” she commanded.

John gratefully spun around and hovering over her, began to lap at her belly, licking up his mess from her perfect flesh and outfit. He kissed her and licked her, getting his own cum with his tongue. Laura ran fingers through his hair, caressing her sweet slave as he adored her.

“My good boy”, she lovingly called him.
« : December 02, 2012, 04:58:27 PM Momma_andrea »

Hero Member
: 3007

« #23 : December 02, 2012, 02:12:20 PM »

Another excellent piece Andrea.

Love it all.

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #24 : December 02, 2012, 07:36:20 PM »

I'm so glad you are enjoying it. I am too. I like this better than the "Andi" one.  We are getting into both of their heads instead of just the submissive's
and I think Bianca is really cool and I want to use her more. plus she is an AWESOME device to move the plot along.

: 15

« #25 : December 06, 2012, 09:20:58 PM »

wow keep it up so hot. i like where this is going. you are so talented  :-* :-* :-*
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #26 : December 09, 2012, 11:55:00 AM »

I'm a fan too.  It's not really my type of scene, but its so well written and interesting that I cant help but be enthralled and educated.  So thank you and I look forward to more.   :)

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #27 : December 30, 2012, 01:00:57 PM »

Part 10  ;D

John spent Friday night looking up web sites, and talking to Laura in chat about the survey. He was adamantly against pain. He didn’t like being beaten and would keep from being punished. He enjoyed her bites though and her nails raking him. Light pain excited him. He decided he would like to try hot wax and blindfolds. He trusted Mistress Laura for that.

“May I make a request, Mistress?” He typed.

“You may ask, Johnny.” She typed back.

“The next time we go to Mansfield, if Mistress would wear simpler shoes, I would attend her feet as we sit there.” He typed.

Laura laughed and smiled on her end. “I would consider it, if Johnny would consent to something.”

“Mistress?” John was curious, what would she ask for.

“I want to glam you up. Don’t worry, I’m not going to cross dress you or anything” She could picture him being shocked on the other end. “Some eye shadow, lipstick and a little powder, think of David Bowie or Prince.” She finished.

“Really, Mistress?” He was a little taken back. “You’d have to apply it. I would have no idea how.”

“Oh, I will take care of it, baby.” She responded.

John had great news. His wife was going to a seminar over that weekend, so Friday was good and Saturday too. Laura spent the next two weeks working. For an assistant store manager to have two weekend days off in a row she had to make a lot of trades and cover multiple shifts. John came over on the Wednesday before the big day to find her just getting home.

“Johnny, I’m tired, baby” she said as she let them both in.

“I called for pizza.” He said smiling. “It will be here shortly Mistress. I’ll run you a bath. I’ll take care of you.”

She looked askance at him, “OK”.

Laura soaked in a hot bath while John paid the pizza guy. Then he came in and helped scrub her. She liked being washed. ‘This is nice’ she thought.  She stood up and he toweled her off and under her breasts. She had to smack his hand when the toweling turned to groping.

“I’m hungry, Johnny.” She reminded him.

“My Mistress is a Goddess…” he said smiling, but he dropped the towel and got her robe.
Laura reclined on the couch in her fluffy robe, and watched “NCIS” while eating pizza and John rubbed her feet.

“Why do you need Friday off Mistress?” John remembered she worked last time.

“We gotta be early” She said around her second slice. “Bianca won’t be holding us a seat.”

“She’s not coming?” John seemed a bit disappointed.

“She’s doing the first presentation with Yvette.” Laura informed him. “It should be fun”

On Friday Laura “glammed” up John a little. She applied eye shadow and liner then gave him a dark layer of lipstick. Finally she took bright red lipstick and swiped it over his nipples.

“I feel silly, Mistress.” He complained.

She looked sideways at him. “Now, yeah but once there, you’ll notice there are others.” She walked away. “Let’s just not get pulled over.” She said over her shoulder.

They were early and had to wait a few minutes in the cold. Even with Laura’s coat, John was freezing. John knew the routine and they put the same number 63 on his forearm. He did notice one or two men with make-up. Laura led him by his leash and they found a third row seat. John put his head on her knee and Laura played with his hair and pet him.

“Better?” She looked down at him.

John smiled and nodded and looked to her adoringly.

The same fat man in a chest harness climbed the stage to open the exhibition.
“Hello, hello, hello, and here we are again, another month among our kinky friends. A quick announcement about the New Years Eve party, the hotel down the street will give us a huge discount if enough of you make reservations. You know the rules people, you don’t have to go home, BUT YOU CAN”T STAY HERE.” The crowd yelled with him.  “So, on with the show. Up first is the luscious Mistress Bianca and her precious petite, Yvette. They will be showing us the proper tools, form and fun of suspension.” He paused. “Well the suspense is killing me.”

The curtains open to show an already upside down Yvette. Thick, special suspension cuffs, which looked like a basketball shoe with no bottom, encased her feet which were planted against a sturdy two by four and spread wide. Mistress Bianca sashayed from just off stage, wearing white fishnet stockings and a yellow bustier, to stand next to her petite, inverted pet.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” Bianca began “My adorable girl is wearing specially made binders formed from a pair of Nike high top sports and much added leather.”Bianca used her riding crop to point out details. “The bottoms were removed so that my Yvette could feel the wood of the two by four under her feet. I prefer the two by four as a spreader bar for suspension. I feel that added thickness ensures my little subbie will not fall on her head.” The crowd chuckled together. Bianca gave Yvette a half turn for the crowd to show her bound forearms “Also you will notice my girl is wearing full wrist bracers to restrain her. My Yvette is very dexterous and in anything else could simply pull her arms over her head.” Bianca gave a playful smack to the white girl’s defenseless pussy. “Isn’t that right, baby?”

Yvette could only moan through the black mouth gag.

“These two items as I mentioned were specially made at Lara’s custom leather in Texas. But with good communication to the craftswoman, I am very pleased with her handy work.” Bianca paused and smacked that little pussy again. “And I think so is Yvette.” The Tall black Dominatrix ran the riding crop up and down the girl’s naked torso. “Suspension puts the sub completely in your control and fully accessible to you, as opposed to tying them to the bed or the wall or an X. You never have to choose a side.” The Tall Domme bent her head and suckled the pale girl’s little pussy while letting her hands roam Yvette’s ass and back.

“And of course with properly secured pulleys and a crank, your adorable victim is adjustable for your convenience.”  Bianca fingered the slave as she slowly rose up till she could nibble Yvette’s dark nipple. “As with all play, with your submissive, trust is paramount. Yvette helped do the rigging and my girl knows I would never let her come to harm.”

“Before we close are there any questions or requests?” Bianca asked.

“Paddle that sweet ass!” came a yell from the crowd, followed by cheers.

Slowly Yvette was lowered till her short hair nearly swept the floor. “You heard them, love” Bianca said with a wide grin for all to hear and retrieved a thick wooden paddle from the stage.

John noticed that although the sound was loud, it didn’t look like the swats were hard. Yvette seemed to be writhing but possibly in pleasure.

“She is enjoying it Mistress?” He looked up to Laura.

“I think so. Bianca had her excited and bottom smacking can be pleasurable then. It helps that Yvette is a bit of a pain slut.” Laura explained. “This is not punishment, Johnny. It’s play.”

Bianca and Yvette came to the couch after their show. Instead of kneeling at her feet, Yvette was in the black woman’s lap with her face buried in her Mistress’s neck. Bianca ran her hands all over the petite white girl’s back and her red bottom, cooing to her and praising her for being such a good girl. John found it a bit odd that she was getting praised for enduring something she seemed to enjoy. But Bianca did, she cuddled her and even rocked her, in between kisses. It was sweet to see though.

John had to pee and asked for permission. Laura got up with his leash in hand to escort him. She had forgiven him from last month but was going to make sure her bunny didn’t stray.

Bianca intervened. “I’ll send Yvette with him. She’ll make sure he stays out of trouble.”

Laura debated it for a second in her head. “If you don’t mind.”

Bianca waved it off. “Maybe then they will talk. Slaves need mentors too.”

Yvette didn’t protest but John got the feeling that leaving her Mistress for anything but a drink was not something she wanted to do. The petite dark haired white girl, in just black cotton panties and electrical tape on her nipples, lead the way.

John finished up quickly and waited for Yvette on a bench in the balcony’s Lobby. She joined him shortly and sat next to him and lit up a cigarette that she pulled from somewhere in her waistband. Where she hid the lighter was a mystery.

“Don’t tell” she looked at him sharply and took a long drag.

“She will smell it on you”, John laughed.

“M...m me and Mistress h... have a deal. She d...d doesn’t ask and I don’t tell.” Yvette noticeably stuttered.

John smiled at her. “I think this is the first time you have spoken to me.” He pointed out, being tactful not to bring up the stutter.

“I g…get nervous around new p…people. That’s why I st…stay quiet.” She confessed. “It might go away w…w…when I know you.”

“Mistress Laura told me you and Mistress Bianca have been together for years.” John put out there.

Yvette held up four fingers. “F…four years next month.” Yvette seemed to smile with her whole face as she thought of her Mistress.

“You and M…Mistress Laura seem g…good together.” Yvette made small talk as she finished her smoke.

“Did she really come here alone?” John asked.

Yvette nodded with a sympathetic cringe. “Finding the right p…person is hard.” She patted his knee and gave assurance, “But worth it.”

They got up to go and Yvette smashed out the cigarette. The door to the balcony “Play room” opened up. The harsh blonde Mistress stood there and eyed the two of them like meat as they made for the stairs.

“Come here, you!” she ordered to Yvette.

“I…I c…c…can’t my…” Yvette didn’t like this person.

“Our Mistress’s are waiting for us, sorry Mistress.” John was respectful and tried move away

The harsh Mistress grabbed Yvette by a wrist. “I said here, BITCH!” and yanked the pale girl into the room.

John was shocked by this but pushed through the door to be confronted by the same bald burly Master that had held him for his punishment. John was quick where the Master was like a bear. The blonde Mistress had Yvette from behind with a knee in her back and hand on her throat. He dodged past the big man and collided with the Mistress and striped the hands from Yvette.

“RUN!” He yelled to her.

Yvette saw the big Master and knew she would never make the door. The balcony’s edge was enclosed with Plexiglas. She turned frantically looking for an escape. Fortunately the theatre was a true theatre before it was a movie house. In the middle was a solid wall with the square holes where the projection booth used to be in the middle of the balcony and the holes were still open. Yvette dashed to the opening and shoved her face in.

“MISTRESS!” she screamed to the top of her lungs with no stutter and everyone down below heard it and turned.

Bianca looked back. She knew that voice and was already getting up. Her baby was in trouble. Her high heeled shoes were left at the couch and the tall leggy black woman was sprinting up the aisle. Laura was following but wasn’t as fast as the dark Nubian queen. Bianca hit the stairs just as the group’s few bouncers were getting there and she passed them, taking steps two at a time.

She threw open the door to see her girl being held from behind by some blonde bitch with some burly fucker getting a hold of her legs. John was on the floor in a heap, looking unconscious. Bianca grabbed a paddle the size of a cricket bat from a rack and was charging the big man. They both saw her coming and dropped their captive and decided to head for the door.

The bouncers, Laura, and half the patrons were there now. There was nowhere to go. Laura pushed past to kneel by her Johnny on the floor. He had a lump on his head but she gently rolled him to his back.

“Baby? Baby, wake up!” She lightly smacked his face. “Johnny?”

Bianca had dropped the bat and was holding her little submissive, who seemed more angry now than scared, but still was trembling. “I got you, baby. I got you now. Bianca is here.”

 The fat man in the leather harness that started the shows pushed through. It was his group, it was his theatre. “What happened here?” he asked.

The harsh Mistress spoke up. “These two wanted to play and in the middle of it didn’t,” she lied. “They could have just given the safe word instead of causing this entire ruckus.”

Yvette broke away from Bianca’s embrace, with anger on her face. “Y…y…you grabbed me and p…p…pulled me in here! I b…b…belong to her!” she pointed back to Bianca.

The stuttering just convinced the crowd of how upset the poor girl was.

“We were just playing.” The burly Master now lied.

“Then why does he have a lump on his head?!” Laura snarled.

The Dungeon Master had heard enough. “You two are banned forever. Get the fuck out of my place.” The fat man said harshly.

“You have no proof…” The blonde began.

“IT’S MY PLACE!” he silenced her. He turned to the crowd. “Would some of you help escort these pieces of shit out of our club?”

Many Doms and a few Dommes stepped forward and a hole was made in the crowd towards the stairs.

“Fuck this place!” said the bald burly master and moved towards the stairs with the woman behind him.

“None of you know what you’re doing anyway.” She spat back.

Laura was now cradling Johnny’s head in her lap. He was coming to. His first sight was her smiling down at him with a few tears in her eyes.

“Is Yvette ok?” he asked first when his head cleared.

“Oh, baby.” she bent and kissed his forehead. “She’s fine. What happened?”

John conveyed the story of what he knew, right after Yvette yelled, something cracked him in the head and his world went black. Yvette confirmed it and told Laura how John fought to get her free and then she screamed for Bianca.

“My baby’s a hero” Laura smiled and kissed him deeply as he still lay in her lap.

“We should go to the Emergency room to have that lump looked at.” Bianca suggested. “I’m done here tonight anyway.”

They all went to the hospital and John was given an OK by a doctor but suggested he be observed through the night. They all traveled to Bianca and Yvette’s place. It was an apartment but had a second bedroom. Laura had him tucked into the double bed and she sat next to him, cuddling him and stroking his head.

“You should never let me go to the bathroom, Mistress.” He joked. “It only causes trouble.”

Laura giggled. “It wasn’t your fault this time, Johnny. You were a good, brave boy this time.” She kissed the top of his head. “I’m very proud of you, baby. Once that lump is gone, I’m going to give you something special.”

John smiled and snuggled closer to her thigh. He didn’t care what it would be; it would be from her, whatever it was. Gently he fell asleep.

(p.s. while such things should and would never happen at a BDSM dungeon, I went with the "what if?".  I battled this for weeks whether to do this or not, that is what took so long.)

« : December 31, 2012, 05:40:56 AM Momma_andrea »

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: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #28 : December 30, 2012, 08:03:57 PM »

I think I am ready to start posting this to Literotica. I am thinking 3 chapters will make it about 8000- 9000 words per chapter. (the long day in the motel is 1 then from there until his first punishment is chapter 2  and then to the second trip to the club is 3)
A-chat Readers, your suggestions and views are most welcome. I want literotica to not be overwhelmed with to much story in one chunk. you guys have gotten it in 10 pieces or so but that is because of posting limits. I was thinking 2 chapters but not sure where to break it. 3 sounds better.

Hero Member
: 3007

« #29 : December 31, 2012, 02:23:26 AM »

The story is still as good as ever, Andrea. I think you should keep it in the same format, you seem to know when to end the current portion which is a talent in itself.
If you aren't an author or journalist by trade, I think you should give it serious consideration. I am a heavy reader and your quality is better than 90% of what passes for literature these days.

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
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