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: Laura's bunny  ( 33993 )
Sr. Member
: 450

« #45 : June 09, 2013, 04:14:35 PM »

This story is great.
Your writing skills are so well developed.
Someday I think you will be published if that is your goal.
A woman who knows what she wants is a beautiful thing.
Please continue to share with us here on the forum.

Jr. Member
: 93

Dixie Sweetheart

« #46 : June 09, 2013, 11:09:21 PM »

Wow I never seen that coming and in him getting caught. Ooh I can't wait to see what happens and if Laura is still going to want him now that Jill doesn't want him... Thanks for another great add on  ::)

Sr. Member
: 450

« #47 : June 10, 2013, 06:33:09 AM »

John's wife could be as good for him as Laura.
She displayed the traits of the domineer at the new years party.
But she would have to love him and care for him as Laura does.
This turnabout in a marriage is rare but within the realm of possibility.
I wait anxiously for the further developments.

Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #48 : June 12, 2013, 03:27:16 PM »

It was a long time before John wasn't nauseous. Eventually he was helped off the floor by Laura. No one else was seeming to hold much sympathy for him. Even Bianca held an “I told you so” look for Laura. There were no goodbyes, she just got Johnny to her jeep and went home.

John woke up in the spare bedroom and the events of last night came crashing into his consciousness. He had to get home. Maybe someway he could salvage this. But deep in his mind was the thought 'Isn't this what you wanted? You're free.' It seemed so callous, but there it was.

He limped out of Laura's back door and got to his car and sped home only to find a lot of his things scattered on the front lawn as if tossed out the window. His laptop was in pieces. It was destroyed before it was ever thrown outside. All the slide bolts were thrown. She was home but she wasn't going to talk to him. John slowly gathered up all she had thrown out. He kept looking to the windows but she never showed herself. With one last look he climbed back in his car.

John lay in bed in Laura's spare bedroom and stared at the wall until January second. He cried a few times but mostly he was numb. He tried to call Jill but she wouldn't answer. He went to his in-laws and wasn't let in the door. He wondered how much they knew. And so he left and came back here. He lay there not thinking about it. If he thought about it he got a tightness in his chest. Finally Laura came in to talk to him. She sat on the bed, behind him and smoothed his back.

“Sweetie, I'm sorry.” Laura said softly.

“Can I stay here?” He finally asked in a flat tone..

“Of course.” She quickly answered.

He laid there in his melancholy, and she decided to leave him alone. In fact she went to work. When she came home it looked as if he had never moved. So she called Bianca.

“He's really depressed” Laura said with concern.

“That's about normal for a man who's wife caught him cheating and tossed him to the curb.” Bianca was glib and pulled no punches.

“I feel responsible.” Laura admitted.

“Oh Really? Tell me more of this sudden sense of responsibility you have.” Now Bianca was being sarcastic.

“Why are you being like this?” Laura got loud with her mentor.

But Bianca got louder. “Because I warned YOU and YOU didn't listen! YOU are the Domme. YOU should have cut it off until he sorted out his feelings about his wife! And if he chose you then fine, he should have been upfront with her and YOU should have made sure he did it, but if he chose her, YOU should have washed your hands of him. But YOU didn't do any of that.” Bianca was yelling into the phone now. “You played games and now people are hurt.”

Laura was silent on her end. She couldn't argue any of that.

“If you truly are a Domme, I suggest you go take care of your sub, because he is in pain.” Bianca hung up the phone.

Laura made him a sandwich and some carrot sticks and celery and carried it upstairs. The sun was going down and it was very dim in the room, but she left the lights off and set the plate on the night stand.

“Johnny,” she sat behind him again. “I'm sorry, baby. I really am. I was in charge of this and I screwed up.” she ran her hand through his hair. “Johnny?”

“I don't blame you.” He said quietly.

“Thank you, sweet boy, but it has been pointed out to me that it is my fault.”

John rolled over and looked up at her. Even in the darkness she couldn't meet his gaze. Bianca was absolutely right. She put her hand behind his neck and directed it to her lap and then stroked his hair.

“I was selfish. I wanted you and I didn't care about anyone else.” she confessed. “You are the sweetest guy I have ever met and I caused all of this. I wish I hadn't and that is the truth, sweet boy.”

“What should I do?” He asked simply.

“Give her everything, don't contest any of it. And then forgive me.”

John began to cry softly in her lap. He was getting a divorce and the finality of it struck him. Laura stroked him and petted him.

“I still cried when I divorced my ex, even though we were at each others throats in the end.” She told him. “You remember that once you did love them, and the thought of them made you smile.”

It took three months to finalize. John's lawyer used the finances as leverage to get him good visitation rights, it's all he wanted. Jill got everything, so it wasn't that difficult. John lived in Laura's spare room, his room now. Laura had rules for him, if he was to be a permanent resident. She had spelled them out in those first weeks of January.

“First, I don't do laundry. I barely do my own; Your job from now on.” She wasn't reading from a list but it seemed as if she had thought about this. “Next, no parading around naked. I have seen it, Johnny,” She smiled from her place on the couch. “and I'll call when I want it. Third, You may cook in my kitchen, but I reserve the right to eat half of it. Four, if you are going to be late, you better have the courtesy to call. Finally you will not enter my room unless told to.”

John looked up at her from his place on the floor. “I cant sleep with you?”

“I told you before, Johnny, sleeping with me is something you must earn.”

There were no rules that applied to Laura though. She came home late after doing an electronic inventory at the store and came into his dark room with no pants or panties on. She put her blonde covered snatch right over his mouth and brought Johnny to full consciousness in no time. John tried to reach for her ass but she negated that.

“Uh uh” she said playfully. “Give me those hands.”

She held John's wrists while she ground her pussy into his lips and chin. She could see his eyes from the light in the hall and it was all she could see.

“Get your tongue in me, sweet boy. You know how I like it, Johnny.” She commanded.

John shoved his tongue deep inside of her. Her musk was thick, filling his nose. She had pants on all day and John knew her cycles. She was ovulating and horny as hell. The aroma intoxicated him and the stickiness of her pussy was amazing. His tongue lapped from just outside her slit and then swung inside and then he brought it out just below her clit. Laura moaned and ground into him all the more. She looked back at the tent that was forming under the covers.

“I make my Johnny hard, don't I?” she grinned at him from above.

John could only slightly nod. She always made him hard. Laura let go one hand and reached back to caress him through the covers. Her hand pressed his cock to his belly and she ran her palm up and down it.

“Get those covers off.” She ordered.

John's legs kicked frantically until he lay there in his boxers, his cock straight out the slit. His eyes wide, he never stopped lapping his Mistress. Laura gripped his hard dick and stroked it roughly.

“Do you want to cum?” she smiled down at him and John nodded quickly.
“You know the rule. When I cum, you cum. Now eat it, sweet boy.”

She had let go his hands and John gripped her full ass. He massaged and pulled apart those cheeks. He planted his mouth over her sex and sucked on her pussy. She was juicy and sticky like a peach in late season. His nose breathed hard on her clit. Laura had wet her fingers with her tongue and now pulled gently at the head of his cock as if she was plucking something from the ground over and over. John clenched his ass and tried to present his cock higher. Laura responded by going lower and pulling up his foreskin. She kept wetting her fingers and teasing him.

John didn't ask permission but slide two fingers into her as he moved up to her clit. Laura threw her head back and groaned. She looked down at him.

“Keep that up and I'll juice you.” She said eagerly.

John did just that. If he got her to squirt all over his chest and face, he would love it. He rubbed gently at the nodules just inside her pussy. His finger tips where practically behind his tongue. He moved those two fingers just right there, rubbing that spot. He could feel Laura tighten up and and her walls collapse on his fingers. He rubbed a few more times and pulled them out quickly. Nothing, but Laura moaned loudly above him. He got his fingers back inside and her inner flesh was undulating and trying to push him back out and when it did, it happened.

Laura squirted a quick gush of her love fluids over his neck and then his mouth, because she tilted her pelvis in her orgasmic throes. John lay beneath her, smiling to her and at himself. Pleasing Laura and making her cum was the top of his priority list. Laura pushed her fingers inside herself and then reached back to spread her sex juice on his rigid cock. It didn't take long, just a minute of pumping and John shot cum six inches up and it landed on Laura's hand. She bent down to kiss him and smeared the cum with hers into his neck.

“Good night, sweet boy.” She smiled nose to nose with him before bounding off and into the bathroom for a shower.

Hero Member
: 3007

« #49 : June 12, 2013, 11:51:27 PM »

more great writing Andrea, you keep me wondering which direction this is going.... xxxx

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Sr. Member
: 450

« #50 : June 17, 2013, 05:42:05 AM »

I believe we have come to a fork in the road as Kermit would say.

Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #51 : October 06, 2013, 08:31:01 AM »

Literotica has not been updated since Johnny told Laura he loved her (well before the club fight and divorce) what I have from there till now is only about 4500 words.(its usually 8 to 9 thousand) Opinions; should we give them what we got or include a triumphant return to the BDSM club?

By May Laura thought he was ready to move on and maybe end their self imposed exile from the club. First they went to a casual get together at Bianca's on Sunday. It was just them and another couple that Bianca had met at a munch the week before.
Robert and Amy where an older couple with kids grown and out of the house. After twenty two years, they were trying to rekindle the romance in their life when they'd read about BDSM. John and Yvette where wearing collars but dressed casually , and sat on the floor in front of their Mistresses. Amy sat quietly next to her husband on the sofa, her slim legs held together. She seemed a little embarrassed by all this but not skittish.

“I'm not sure this is something we can do...” Robert paused looking for the words, and looking to his wife “All the time. 24/7 as they say.”

Bianca held an understanding smile with her hands in her lap. “Many couples don't. For most it's just bedroom play, but you may find it creeping into the rest of your life. A look, a touch, a whisper of things that might happen later.” The tall nubian queen shifted and rested her hand on Yvette's hair. “You both are seeking a new intimacy with each other. That's beautiful.” She encouraged.

“I...” Robert paused. “I don't want to hurt her.” He blushed before continuing, “But the thought of her... tied up and helpless, it, it does give me a thrill.” He squeezed his wife's hand, who was now beet red.

Laura had to speak up, “In twenty-two years you never told her this?” She asked incredulously.

Now Robert was the one embarrassed. “I always worried...” He looked to the floor, “...what she would think of me.”

Bianca looked to Amy. “And what do you think of him, Amy?”

Amy's cheeks were flaming and it took her a moment. “I, I think it sounds hot.” She looked up at her husband. “I trust Robert.”

Bianca smiled broadly. “That's where it all begins.” She reached to her satchel next to the chair and pulled out two of the three paged surveys. “Both of you should fill these out and then talk about them with each other. Find your likes and what excites you.”

After dinner, John and Yvette did dishes. There was no conversation with her before because of the new people.
“H-h-how are you?” The short brunette asked him with her hands in the sink.

“I'm better. I get to see my kids.” John shrugged, drying a plate.

“But how are you and Laura?” Yvette asked seriously.

John had to think about that one. He was a mess, and except for the occasional face grind, Laura had been distant, maybe giving him time and space. “I guess it's not the same.” He finally admitted.

“You should talk then. Subs are more than allowed to open conversation about the relationship, the US.” Yvette advised him, emphasizing the word by gripping her fist in her other hand.

John smiled at her. “You didn't stutter.” he pointed out, excitedly.

“I told you it would go away.” Yvette said non-nonchalantly, and went back to washing dishes. “If you need to talk, you can call me.”


Wednesday night they watched NCIS as usual. Laura on the couch and John on the carpet, rubbing her feet. He felt her stroke his hair. Now was the time, he thought.

“Mistress, I think I'm better now.” He opened the conversation, awkwardly.

Silence for a moment. “You mean the divorce?”

“Yeah.” John turned and rested his chin on the couch and his cheek at her knee. Laura smiled at that puppy dog look he gave up at her.

“I think so too.” She ran her fingers through his hair.

John hoped for her to speak more but he pressed on. “Thank you for giving me space, but I miss US.” He used the term Yvette had.

It worked, Laura smiled wider.  “I miss us too, Johnny.” She caressed his cheek. “We can go to the club next week, if you're ready. We might be pointed at, but I'm sure most of them have stopped talking about it.”
« : May 31, 2015, 04:48:02 AM Momma_andrea »

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