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: Victoria's Secret  ( 7698 )
: 22

« : November 09, 2012, 10:24:37 PM »

This is the story I was talking about.  I have posted the begining and stopped to where another person can jump in or people can leave feed back.  I know the name is corny but it works, lol

As the sun comes up on the Spencer Estate, better known as Temptation Playground, crews and staff were already setting up for the annual Halloween party.  Temptation Playground was founded at remains of an old Russian castle on the out on the outskirts of Moscow.  Temptation Playground serves as the throne of Temptation Productions queen, Victoria Spencer, known as the “Female Hugh Hefner of Europe.”
Not much is known about Victoria’s past, but there are many rumor how she got her start.  The most popular rumor is that she started out as a doing amateur porn for an up and coming porn producer by the name of Ivan Sterling, they feel in love and married only 2 months of meeting.  A mysterious fire burned down their home, killing Ivan while Victoria escaped unharmed.  Rumor continues that she then inherited the startup company and turned it into Temptations Productions, skyrocketing the company into fiery success becoming the name in the porn industry in Europe.  Despite this rumor, no charges were brought against Victoria, and the investigation of the fire was ruled, “Freak natural disaster.”
Despite being the lead producer of porn in all of Europe, Victoria lives a rather secluded life.  She rather not be in the public eye, as indicated by her choice of her new home, renovating an Old Russian castle into her own personal modern adult playground.  Despite choosing to live in seclusion in the Russian countryside with her small staff of employees to keep the mansion running, Victoria loved to throw parties.  Tonight was extra special for it was the annual Halloween charity event, Victoria’s favorite holiday.
No expense was spared for this event, for Victoria wanted this event to be extra special, for unlike other parties during the year, this one was for charity.  Also unlike other parties, since it was for charity, it was open to the public; all they had to do was buy a ticket.  A standard ticket for the event was 500 dollars, for 1000 dollars, a guest could reserve one of the extra guest rooms in the mansion.  There was also the special online auction that Victoria had set, where the lucky winner would end up spending the entire day with her as her honored guest.  The rule was though if a person won before, they were ineligible to enter again, but were sent VIP invitations future parties.
Preparation for the party was under the strict eye of Victoria’s personal assistant Benjamin Droggal.  Benjamin was stickler for detail, nothing to be less than perfect for his employer.  Benjamin stood with an almost dictator like stance as he observed the preparations.  Watching two men lumbering with brass fountain shaped like a gargoyle, Ben screams at them.

“The wine fountain goes into main hall.  Careful not to drop it, had it imported from Germany!”

The men bring it to its destination and start to install the lines, where Ben snaps out another remark.

“No, no, you idoits.  The tube is supposed to come out of its mouth, not its crotch.  Like its spitting blood, not pissing it.”

Before Ben can continue his tirade, a young blond maid interrupts him.

“Excuse me, Mr. Droggal?  Where is Miss Spencer?  Why isn’t she helping with preparations like she does all the other parties?”

Ben looks down at the young woman, with a stern look, but his smile warms up slightly, chuckling to himself.

“Aw, Becky, I forgot you’re new to the staff only been with us since May, right?  Well Miss Spencer is resting up, preparing for the party.  Her costume takes lots of work and don’t want to be disturbed until the party starts.  In addition, it will ruin the surprise if she strolled around the mansion now wouldn’t it?  Now run along this place isn’t going to decorate itself.”

Becky ran along, leaving Ben to dictate once more.  The rest of the morning went on like this until 6pm when guest were scheduled to arrive.  Right at 6pm just as guest were being let into the front gates, Ben knocked on Victoria’s door.  Out emerged a woman standing 5’9 wearing what looked like Hollywood style red latex skin over her entire body, horns that look like constructed of ivory protruded from her temples, large bat like wings from her back.  She wore a very tattered top barely concealing her heavy D cups, and similar style leather skirt with a spaded red tail poking out the back.  Victoria strutted out and embraced her assistant.

“Mmm someone’s been working hard.  So any plans with Antonio tonight?”

Ben gasped in surprise, not because of her behavior but because of the question.

“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Victoria laughed.

“It’s all over the tabloids.  My personal assistant and my top gay star making out in the hottest gay bar in Moscow?  I’ve known about your relationship for while now.  I just don’t want you taking advantage of the boy.”

Ben just blushed as he backed away from her.

“Well I’m sorry for hiding it from you, didn’t want you think I was using my position to get with your male stars.”

Victoria giggled.

“I don’t mind, I just don’t want you hurting him.  He’s our top money maker among the gay community.”

Ben sighed a bit before muttering.

“And I’m glad to be dating him.”

“I suppose you’ll be using the dungeon tonight?”

“What?  I have to manage the party.”

Victoria reached down into his pants, grabbing hold of his member, squeezing it, rubbing it slowly.  Smiling as she see the uneasiness in his eyes of having a woman touch him like that.
“Mmm you’re so tense though, you deserve some relief.  I’ve arranged for Maria to come in to supervise.  Now run along and have fun tonight.”

Victoria lets go of Ben’s cock, leaving him flushed and flustered for a moment before he regains himself.  He digs out an envelope and hands it to her.

“These are the details of tonight’s auction winner.  I have a driver already on route to the airport to pick them up now.”

Victoria opens up the contents and looks them over while his assistant runs off like schoolboy out for recess.
: 22

« #1 : November 12, 2012, 07:35:38 PM »

This is the second part of the story, still more to come, but would like some feed back if someone wouldn't mind.

Rodger Hutchenson Jr., owner of the Hutchenson’s Beer, the fastest growing beer company in America, had his bags packed and on his way to Denver International Airport for a flight to Moscow.  Unlike Victoria, Hutchenson’s life was much more open to the public.  He had inherited the company from his father Rodger Sr.  Rodger was known as maverick, willing to do anything to get his business ahead.  He often had crazy stunts he’d pull, as if jumping the Grand Canyon at the age of 53, raising wild grizzly bears on his property, even would enter MMA fights just for the thrill.  Besides his addiction for an Adeline rush, he also could never get enough of the women.

Rodger had been kicked out of every strip club Denver area for being too aggressive with some of the dancers, while some have lawsuits against him trying to collect child support from him.  He tried buying “Silver Dollar Cowgirls Club” until the city put a stop to it due the lawsuits.

Rodger wasn’t too happy he had to fly on a commercial flight when he had his own pilot’s license, but he begrudgingly took the ticket from the packet Temptations Productions had sent him week earlier and had his driver drop him off at the airport.  Even though Rodger was in foul mood having to ride commercial flight, his mood changed to estatic when he remembered what would be waiting for him when he got to Moscow, an entire day with his favorite porn star, Victoria Spencer.  From 6pm October 30 until 6 am November 1, he’d be in heaven.

Ever since Rodger first watched, a film Victoria starred in, Rodger was hooked by her.  Even in younger years, early in her career, she was putting on performances that most veteran starlets couldn’t even dream of.  Despite the official Temptations Productions website listening her age of 45, Victoria looked like she possessed a body of someone 20 years younger, which was also a big turn on for Rodger.

Every year he’d enter the annual Halloween auction, but always end up being shot out.  Therefore, for his 54th birthday, he was going to win this chance, bidding whopping 2million on his dream date.  This of course angered or scared the piss out of his accountants, but he rationalized to them that the auction was charity based, so would be good publicity for the company and also big tax write off as well.

The flight to Moscow wasn’t so bad for Rodger, despite the airline not offering any Hutchenson Beer and being slapped by the stewardess after he grabbed her ass.  Rodger collected his bags and was met by an elderly Russian man.  Rodger chuckled at the man.

“You’re from Temptations Playground?  I was expecting a big breasted blond in tight bikini.”

The driver just gave him sighed and motioned to the limbo.

“This way Sir.”

Once Rodger got into the limbo, it sped off faster than he expected, it would be at least over an hour’s drive from the airport to Temptation Playground.  Meanwhile the party had already started, music was pumping throughout the main hall, where people were dancing, bumping, grinding the night away.  In the East theater wing, all 10 screens were showing Temptation Production films.  9 were fan favorites, while the 10th was an exclusive sneak peak TP’s newest film.  The West Wing contained a mini casino where people could exchange whatever form of currency they had for TP Bucks, where they could gamble or purchase merchandise with in the Temptation Store.  The basement as often referred to The Belly of the Beast, was the den of sin itself.  Containing a fully stocked dungeon in the main room, and several smaller themed rooms that have also been served as set pieces as well.  The second story contained all the guest rooms where a couple could go if they paid the premium for a key for a more private encounter, of course this also where Victoria’s bedroom as well.

Victoria was in the middle of doing a pole dance for group of previous auction winners when she was pulled aside by her secondary assistant Maria.

“I was just informed that Vance just called, he’s ten minutes way with your auction winner.  Shall we meet him by the front gate?”

Victoria listened to her former starlet, now part time assistant, and nodded.

“I’ll go meet him outside.  I think these boys still need some entertainment.”

Maria couldn’t believe what she was hearing.  Victoria wanted her to perform for these men?  Maria retired from being in the spotlight 15 years ago after being knocked up while on set and instead settled for the assistant role she serves now.  Even though she was Victoria’s second assistant, Maria was envious of her employer for able to look as good as she does even at her age, plus always second most popular starlet behind her.  Victoria noticed the nervousness in her manner.

“Oh come on it’ll be fun.  I can see the look of desire in your eyes, how you crave the attention of men on you.  You were always my most popular starlet, plus you look fucking hot tonight, don’t she boys?”

The men cheered and chanted for Maria.  Maria sighed and got on stage, causing the men to cheer.  Within seconds, her insecurities had washed away and were feeling like her old self as she set the stage on fire with blazing spins, hot splits, and fiery kicks, while Victoria made her way out to the front gate.
« : November 12, 2012, 07:37:14 PM TaraRizen69 »
Hero Member
: 3007

« #2 : November 13, 2012, 01:43:50 AM »

It's good Tara, keep it up we want to read it all  ;D

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
: 22

« #3 : November 13, 2012, 06:15:27 PM »

Thank you Blue, I'll admit I didn't have much of clue of how to write the character that eventually became Rodger Hutchenson, for in my mind I had planned something different but as I actually got to typing, I went new direction.  So thanks it might be another day or so before I get another post done, I don't want this to feel like work and get burned out.
Hero Member
: 3007

« #4 : November 14, 2012, 01:24:04 AM »

Absolutely not, but you can only write it when your muse is on and some times you can write a whole page and then throw it away because it made you think of a different way to take the plot.
Good luck and hope you don't get the urge in the middle of some important meeting or work, lol!

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
: 22

« #5 : November 27, 2012, 12:32:08 AM »

Sorry took so long to update this story, just been distracted and such lol  I hope this part isn't too long.

As Victoria’s personal driver arrived back to Temptation Playground with Rodger, he pulled into a side driveway, avoiding the massive line of cars waiting to be let into the front gate.  Vance got out, opened the door for Mr. Hutchenson, whom was impressed with his driving skill.  “Dam, man, if you’re ever in the States, hit me up.  I can get you behind the wheel of number 42 the Hutchenson brewery red and gold bullet.”  Rodger stuffed one of his business cards into Vance’s breast pocket, before the driver parked the limo in the underground garage where rests of the guest cars were being stored for the day.

Before Rodger could take in the scenery of Temptation Playground, he turned to see a glorious creature approach him, the hottest little devil he’d laid eyes on.  He felt his loins stir at the thought of getting with that hot piece of ass, but he had to remind himself of his true dream woman tonight, Victoria Spencer.  Maybe they could have a threesome, but he didn’t have time to ponder this when he was interrupted.  “Rodger Hutchenson, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Rodger snapped out of his daydream once he recognized the voice of his dream angel coming from the devil in front of him.  He took her hand and kissed it.  He was surprised how soft and smooth her skin tasted, felt completely natural unlike any skin paint or latex he’s felt before.  Rodger quickly gathered his thoughts and was trying to act as gentlemanly as possible for he didn’t want to blow his big chance tonight.  “The pleasure is mine ma’am.  I’ve been a fan of yours for 25 years now.  You’re the best porn actress in the world.”

Victoria could not help but to chuckle a bit at his remarks, as she hooked her arm with his and proceeded to lead Rodger into the mansion.  “Awe you flatter me, Mr. Hutchenson.  So you finally won our big auction this year.  Records show you dominated 2 million for our date.”

This was Rodger’s turn to chuckle a bit.  “It was nothing; I’d give my right testicle if I got to spend the night with you Mrs. Spencer.  I’d have to keep the left one, of course.  By the way are all the proceeds really going to charity?”

Victoria was amused by how openly flirtatious Rodger was being with her.  She just cocked her head towards him with a grin.  “If you did donate your right nut, I’d kiss and make the left one feel all better, but I prefer my partners with both testicles, more yummy delicious cum to swallow.  And yes all proceeds will go to charity for if I kept them that be prostitution.”

Rodger couldn’t believe his ears, a porn star that wasn’t jaded and actually enjoyed being slutty and not just when the cameras were on?  He had to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.  Instead of pinching himself, he reached down and pinched Victoria’s ass, and much to his surprise, she wasn’t wearing underwear underneath her tattered skirt.  He was expecting to be slapped but all he heard was a low moan.

“Mmm you sure are a slut aren’t you?”

“If I wasn’t a slut, I wouldn’t be in this business.  I absolutely love sex and everything about it.  I love the physical connection you make with someone, the emotional ride you take, it’s almost spiritual.  In addition, you’ll find the same attitude shared among all my stars.  One does not stay employed long under me if they don’t have the same passion as I do.  Now let’s start with the grand tour.”

Victoria led Rodger through the giant front doors and into the main hall, where everyone was dancing and raving the night away.  Victoria spoke over the music as they wove through the dancing guest.

“This is the main hall, as you can see, converted into a giant rave fueled by specially designed two in one sexual and energy enhancers.  Just one of our special Temptation Pills can give you the stamina to fuck for 24 hours straight without needing to rest.  It’s a popular here Russia and I’m trying to move it into the worldly market.”

Rodger was impressed with how smart Victoria was and how she handled herself.  She was truly a businesswoman with a good handle of her products.  He chuckled a bit.  “I’ve got a friend in the FDA that I can give a sample of your pill in exchange you endorse my beer here in Russia.”

Victoria politely smiled at him.  “I’m sorry, this a pleasure date, not a business date.  Besides, I don’t endorse anything that isn’t made by my company.”

Rodger gave a good chuckle.  “Couldn’t blame a man for trying could you?  I bet anything with your face sells like hot cakes though.”

“It’s more my ass, tits, and pussy that sells things.  People only want to see my face if it’s covered in cum.”  Victoria replied, as she was getting more and more comfortable with her guest.  As they made their way to front of the crowd back to the stripping stages, they came across Maria who was now on the lap of a VIP guest, riding his cock hard, while jerking two more guys with passion.  Maria seen her boss approach and was about to stop but Vicky’s look encouraged her to keep her fun going.

“Mm Vicky dear, you’re so right, I haven’t had this much fun in years.  I want to renegotiate my contract.  I’ll still be your second assistant but I want roles in upcoming movies.”

Victoria smiled.  “Of course.  I already have a new contract in my office you can sign in the morning.  You have fun, and don’t worry about the party.  Been doing this for 13 years now, the party runs it self now.  I’d let to stay but I’ve got a tour to conduct.”

Victoria then lead Rodger to the West wing and into Temptation Casino, but Rodger didn’t want to spend too much time there for he was in a 12-step gamblers annomyous group recovering from gambling addiction.  They then made it over to the East wing movie theater where Rodger was impressing Victoria with knowledge of the 9 fan favorite films being shown during the party.  “Wow you really have seen every one of Temptation Production film haven’t you, even if it didn’t star me did you.”

Rodger could only blush a bit.  “Well I’m a fan of high quality, and you Miss Spencer produce the best porn and porn related products in the world.”

“Oh please, call me Vicky, and for a special treat you’re also going to get a signed copy of our newest film just finished production 2 weeks ago called ‘Time Traveling Sluts part 3 Curse of the Dragon.’  In this one I resume the role of Becky, the scientist nympho  who’s time machine takes her not the distant past but to an alternate reality where dragons and magic rule.  Becky gets captured by the Dragon King and made his slave.”

“You always play a good slave.  First slave to alien invaders from the future in part 1, a Roman slave to Emperor Caesar in 2 now to a dragon in 3.  You guys have the best effects and make up, give old George Lucas run for his money am I right.”

“He’s actually a nice guy, had meeting with him to green light StarWhores series.  Quiet a reasonable man only wanted to fuck my ass after 3 days of gridlock negotiations as a deal maker.  Come on I’ll show you where film most of the movies shot here in Russia.”

Back out into the main hall, Victoria leads Rodger to an elevator that lowered them to the basement, aka belly of the beast.  They made their way through several sets, sharing tid-bits of information with each other until they came to Victoria’s pride and joy, a fully stocked bdsm dungeon, filled with anything and everything a kinkster could desire.  To her surprise, she found Ben secured in some stockades while Antonio was fucking him from behind.

“Now this is a first, Ben being the bitch in a relationship, when usually you’re so dominate Benjamin.”

Ben blushed as his body rocked in the stockade.  “Well Antonio is a persuasive lover.  He has a gifted tongue.”

“Gifted tongue you say?”  Victoria grinned evilly as she turned to her number one gay male star.  “Say has Ben here been given any stimulation yet tonight?”
Antonio shook his head as he kept plowing into Ben.  “No he hasn’t Vicky.  He needs to prove he can handle good fucking first.”

Victoria grinned as she got onto her knees, under Ben, taking his cock into her hands knowing how much she enjoy teasing him and how he don’t like a woman playing with him.  “I think he’s been doing a great job as my assistant that he needs to be rewarded.”  As she said, that Ben started to protest.

“Antonio please stifle your slave, he’d being awfully noisy.”  Antonio complied with his employer’s wishes and strapped a ball gag around Ben’s head.  With him properly gagged now, Victoria snaked her tongue around the tip of Ben’s cock, watching it bounce and respond to a woman’s touch.  Delighted with the look of confusion on her assistants face, she proceeds wrap her lips tightly around his shaft and start to bob and suckle his cock.  Her tongue slivering and sliding around his cock, massaging every inch of it, caressing every vain, enjoying every pulse it makes at her touch.  Antonio’s thrusting and rocking was pushing Ben’s cock deeper and deeper into her throat so she didn’t have to work as hard.  Her lips, cheeks, and throat working in unison to worship Ben’s cock, soaking it with her drool.  Just as she was really getting into teasing her assistant, she could feel him twitch inside her and soon shot a thick load down into her throat and into her stomach.  Satisfied with her efforts Vicky pulled off and wiped her lips.

“That was fun; you can ungag him if you want.  I have one more stop to show Rodger.”
Hero Member
: 3007

« #6 : November 27, 2012, 01:13:29 AM »

Nope, not too long, not too short, juuust right, lol!

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
: 22

« #7 : November 27, 2012, 09:24:50 AM »

Thank you, any opinions about the story so far?  Anyone want to guess on the big secret?  I wont tell you if right or wrong until it comes up in the story but nice to hear ideas.
Hero Member
: 3007

« #8 : November 27, 2012, 01:24:25 PM »

The story is great so far Tara, and regarding the secret.....................

Victoria likes sexy lingerie?

hee hee hee.

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
: 22

« #9 : November 28, 2012, 11:16:46 PM »

Here we are the big reveal, and sorry the title isn't based on lingerie store, I just couldn't think of another title when I decided on name for character.

Victoria lead Rodger back through the dungeon but instead of going through the studio she lead him through a stairwell that was hidden behind a wall and revealed itself by pulling down a candle holder on the wall.  The walked up the spiral staircase and as they reached the top, Victoria pulled a similar lever causing another portion of wall to move and allow access into her bedroom.

Victoria’s bedroom was different from rest of the mansion.  While the rest of the castle was renovated and modernized, she elected to keep her personal chambers, more gothic.  The room was lined with candles that she started to light to present a warm glow about the place.  The bed was oversized lined with purple satin sheets, looking it could hold several couples at once, corned off with iron post and canopy over the top.  In the corner was a bathing pool, heated by coals, steam pouring off the surface of the water.  In the other corner was a fireplace, providing most of the heat for the room, Victoria threw in another log onto the fire, making it jump and crackle a bit.  As she strutted by the vanity table, she got a glimpse of Rodger admiring her and gave him a wink.

After adjusting the room to her liking, Victoria kicked off her heels, stripped out of the ragged leather top and bottom and crawled onto the bed; stretched out into an inviting pose and urged Rodger to join her.  Rodger didn’t need much coaxing and he was out of his clothes in a second.

As Rodger crawled on the bed to meet her, she couldn’t help to admire his physique.  For someone who was 54 years old, he looked like he was in excellent shape.  His body was nice and tone, his chest had some grey hairs and he had some scars, but he looked better than some of her male studs in their early thirties who spray tanned and thought overly huge muscles were hot.

When Rodger reached her, she quickly grabbed his hands and cuffed them in pair of shackles she had waiting at the head of the bed.  She did the same with his ankles.  This caught Rodger off guard for the moment, but he chuckled lightly.  “Should have known you were going to pull the kinky stuff out.”

Victoria started to rub his chest playfully, flicking his right nipple just to keep his attention.  “Mmm just going to have some fun with you at first, before I let you have your way with me.  We have the rest of the night and entire day together.  I almost forgot.”  She got off the bed, went to a door on the east side which led to her office, retrieved cart containing chilled bottle of wine, a dish of pills she described before and some wine glasses.  She wheeled the cart to the side of the bed, got one of her pills, and placed it onto Rodger’s tongue, then filling the two glasses; she brought one to his lips and gently poured the wine into his mouth to make the pill go down easier.  After making sure his glass was empty she drink hers before getting back on the edge of the bed at his feet, slithering up his body until her face was against his cock.

Rodger not used to being teased, tried lifting his hips to meet Victoria’s lips as her hot breath grazed along his cock.  He bucked in his bindings but couldn’t take his eyes off of Victoria’s body even dressed as the demon before him.  “Mmm that sure is a sexy costume.  Best make up I’ve seen ever.  You steal George Lucas’s make up team after you let him fuck you in the ass?”  This was the real reason Victoria had cuffed him to the bed, she didn’t want him running away from what she was about to tell him, but in reality it wouldn’t matter after the 31st, but her past experience that it best to strap them down before she shared her secret.

Victoria look him dead in the eye, her playful expression neutralized a bit as she replied.  “It’s not a costume.”  As expected, she saw the look of shock and confusion on his face, but it was replaced by laughter.

“Mmm, good one.  You’re a fine good address.  You had me going for a moment.”  Victoria knew she had to prove her demonic powers but she didn’t want to be too dramatic and ruin the night for Rodger, for it wasn’t in her nature, she was unlike other demons.  She then straddled his chest.  She unlocked his left wrist and brought it to her breast.  Rodger felt it, squeezed it, and for sure enough it felt natural, so soft so full.  This explains why she could have a body of 25 year old despite being 45.  He felt portrayed that the woman he loved from afar was a demon, but then fear set in and was only magnified by her next act when she took an ice pick from the cart and jabbed it into her breast, dragging it an inch over her breast causing it to bleed.  Rodger gasped in horror at the sight as Victoria seemed to get off on it, but in demonstration of her powers, the cut healed instantly.

Now Rodger was far from a religious man, but he believed despite his lifestyle, he was a good man.  Hey was now thinking this was punishment for being womanizer but he never hurt a woman.  “Please don’t kill me, don’t steal my soul.  God please save me!”

Victoria giving him a passionate kiss on the lips silenced his protests.  “Shhh, shh.  I’m not going to take your soul.  It’s not my nature.  But mention THAT FUCKING NAME AGAIN, and I’m not sure what the beast will do.”  Rodger looked into her eyes and thought she was being sincere.  She had this kindness and compassion pouring from her that he wouldn’t expect from a demon, unless she was brainwashing him, put under some sort of spell.  Rodger’s mind was racing; trying to think of anything to help get out of this before things get bad.

“What are your plans for me?  Am I to be a sacrifice to your blood lust?”  To his surprise, Victoria or whatever her name actually was, mood perked back to the playful flirtiness it was before.  Victoria just giggled a bit.

“You’re going to have the best sex of your life; we’re going to fuck the shit out of each other that’s it.  Look I maybe a demon now, but I haven’t always been a demon.  In fact, I have a human mortal soul alongside the soul of a demon.  It took me several years to tame the demonic side but little slip ups like yours before, and she can get nasty.”

Rodger was amazed what she was telling him, a human soul alongside a demon’s soul?  Was the love of his life possessed by a demon?  This was nothing like he’d seen in the movies or read about.  She seemed so sophisticated, so in control that if it weren’t for her little stabbing trick and that little outburst she had, he would still find it hard to believe anything about her being demonic.  He had to know more.

“So you have two souls in you?  A human and a demon soul?  So you’re possessed?  We could get a priest to help you.”  Victoria growled and placed her hand around his throat, squeezing slightly.  Rodger was amazed by her strength.  He tried pulling her hand off his neck with his free hand, but was no match for her.  He was for sure she was going to kill him before she let go.  She climbed off him to collect herself as she sat on the edge of the bed.

“No, not possed more reborn as a mortal as banishment.  It’s a long story.”  Even though she tried killing him, Rodger could help feel empathy for her.  He started to stroke and caresses her back with his free hand, even stroking her wings.

“Care to share?"
: [1]  
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