Thank you for updating this pose
Now to jump my spouse
of course released on the day I am unlikely to get aboard... I'll have to shift and find the time!
VERRRYY curious...
luckily Brandy was about so we took a quick look at it....
Well a very big improvement... starting with the pose set up... the man is raised not lying prone...
His actions:
Deeper penetration... very hot , we took a very long look at this setup
fondle breast
rub her lips....
bend forward... a nice intimate hug...almost post coitus... like he has collapsed onto her
suck breasts,
hip roll... his back actually ripples... nice antimation
enjoy damn tooting I am
eat pussy.... damn.. very hot tongue action...
roll her on to her side... nice complex maneuver.
one more but I can't read my scribbles...LMAO
and 2 faces...
kiss... deep passionate... the best kiss possible... (or maybe it was her)
leg hug... wrapping her legs about him very hot response
fondle his chest
scratch his back
close legs
grab inner thighs.... nice wide spread
hip lift... she lifts hers for a good deep grinding...
suck her finger... I was wondering if some clit play was to follow
clit play... I was not disappointed
massage her breasts
pinch his nipples
and 2 faces
starts at a great moderate speed so when you slow it down,... this takes on a tremendously intimate pace... Love the upgrade...
it is still missing a few moves I would like to see added... but perhaps they will set a dedicated pose for that purpose.
Or I need to add the folding chair into the pose requests...
If some one might add the missing male pose I'd appreciate it