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: [1]
: Kath is paralized by fear while holding in her hands Phylia’s double edged crescent blade and a soldier is approaching her to avoid she can give the weapon to the elf. What will happen now!?   
Kath let the wapon fall on the ground and run away, scared by the soldier and by the fight which is now running in the market   -3 (75%)
The soldier reach Kath, but in some way Phylia is able to gain back her weapon   -1 (25%)
: 4

: ELVES JOURNEY - An interactive story  ( 8420 )
Hero Member
: 7883

« : December 02, 2012, 09:59:41 AM »


   This is the begin of a new and different story. In front of you, there is an experiment, something never tried before here, an interactive story! Probably, you all know what this mean, but I’ll explain it for the ones who never had heard about this. The story will be write by me (with some collaboration, if you like!) and, as usually happen in every story, the characters must take some choices to make a new step and advance in their adventure: when the time comes (or when I want to give you the chance to choose a location or a situation) I'll going to post a poll for a week and you will lead the fate of our heroes with it.

The rules are simple: everyone can make his choice and can post a comment about it in this thread http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,2113.0.html and at the end of the poll, the option with more votes will make the story proceed and the comments linked with it can be included in the story. Of course, different choices can lead to the same goal, but can have different effects in the story line, so don't believe about the fact you made the best choice for our heroes, because even if apparently it can appear like that and the goal is reached, the path can be the hardest one for the main characters! I'm the story teller, your bard, but all of you can influence it, in good or bad way....I wonder which path you going to chose!

And before we start, let me thanks Brandy for the description of the two main characters of this first chapter! As always, she’s very sweet and always ready to land a hand when you ask....thank you, little Bee!

And now....enjoy the story!

Chapter 1 – Phylia & Aily

   Phylia and Aily had grown in the ancient Everious’ Forest, a peaceful place for hundreds of years, where the elves had always lived in close contact with nature, protecting it from whoever has tried to destroy it. In exchange, the giant’s trees of the forest has always give them a warm and comfortable place to live, providing them food and everything the elves can need to have a long and prosper existence. To show their gratitude, the elves had protected the ancient forest for generations, preventing anyone to cut trees indiscriminately, especially the humans, who use the wood to build their cities, their ships and, last but don’t least, their weapons for their wars.

Phylia is the eldest of the two sisters: she is a young adult, slender, tall (around 5ft 7”), strong and athletic. She is confident in herself and in her body and no wonder, she is very beautiful and attractive. Many of the elves species turn their head as she walks by with her elegant & graceful movements and yet, she is oblivious to their  bold admiration, such is her unassuming nature. Phylia is indeed beautiful: she has long silky blue hair that trails down her back to her mid thigh in an elegant  braid, which contrasts with her white skin and her pointed elfin ears protrude her hairline perfectly.
She has a powerful effect on her peers, which naturally  inbreeds their trust and respect for her. She is loyal to her village and even though still young, has the uncanny ability to read situations and has the common sense and sense of fairness, well beyond her years.  Everyone respects her and  they very often turn to her for advice, even the elders in the village who has given her the command of the Wardens, the defender of the forest, and she wear shoulder armory, with polished claws, red forearm and shin protectors all made from the finest of red dragon skin, a clear sign of her role.

Her younger sister is Aily,  who is also of similar, athletic and strong build. She too is tall, and only slightly smaller than her sister. Aily is shyer than her sister but they share many traits. She too is  loyal & wise beyond her years and commands an air of authority in her peers. She too is stunningly beautiful with beautiful long, silver hair, which drapes over her pointed elfin ears and also down her back to her bottom. Her hair frames her pretty face and white pale skin. and adored and admired by  the young elves of the community, hoping she may stow affection on them.  Alas, though, she is not interested,  any more than her sister is at taking a beau yet.
Usually, Aily wears a warm , brown shoulder cover, made from the finest  of bird feathers.  It is expertly woven for warmth and protection and, from this,  hangs,  a matching breast cover and she wears leather slatted shin guards and wrist jewelry and,  on her  left thigh, a bangle which curls round her upper leg muscle like a snake’s tail.

For several years, their life at the village was peaceful and quiet, but nothing never change.... especially with a war running so close to the Everious’ Forest! One day the humans come to disturb the balance of nature in this pristine and mystic place, to cut down the forest and open the way to realize a road to link the new conquered territories with the capital of the Kingdom. The elders tried to convince humans to stop their insane project, but even after a long negotiation they weren’t able to persuade the leader of the human’s expedition to change their plan. In response, to avoid any other interference from the elves, the humans’ army soon advanced towards the village, intending to move out the elves from the forest and make the will of their King, without carrying of the sufferance of the trees and of the elves.

The soldiers advance, covered by the fire of the archers and soon a dense rain of flaming arrows hit the ground, the trees....everything begin to burn around the village putting all the elves in danger, especially the youngest one, which will be, one day, the new generation of the Wardens of the forest. Even for Phylia this was the first battle against a real enemy, but she had prepared herself for this, she has trained every day in the last two centuries and now she is going to lead the other Wardens against the human’s army which is five times their number and, of course, better organized and armed. Holding tight her weapon, a long wooden staff with a double edged crescent shaped blade, she take the lead of the Wardens and organize their movement.

“Hurry! Take the children and their mothers in a safe place!” is the first order Phylia give to the novice Wardens “Aily, assist them!”

Aily nod at her sister and lead the child and their mothers into the deepest part of the forest, where the elder tree offer a strong shelter with his roots to the elves from centuries. From there, she can hear the screams of the Wardens who fall under the blows of humans and the one of her sister who is trying to encourage them to fight against their army. On the faces of the child, Aily can read the fear and most of them hold tight their mothers who are trying to comfort them, in the desperate hope to let them feel safe and stop crying. Aily is tempted to move back to the village to help her sister and the other Wardens, but she know how important is her presence at the elder tree: even if they are hiding it, all the mothers are worried for them self and for the child and Aily know she can't leave them alone, but at the same time she know how helpful her skill in controlling the four elements can be on the battlefield. She really want to support Phylia and the other Wardens, but she can’t betray them and the responsibility they had entrusted to her to protect their friends and families! As the Wardens are fighting for their forest, her duty is now to protect every member of the village which is not able to fight, to grant a bright future to their race.

Meanwhile, at the Village, the Wardens fight with all their might but the overwhelming army of the King is unstoppable: even the strongest Wardens are unable to resist them, they fall one after another under the fury of the humans, it doesn’t matter how hardly they fight, for a human who fell on the ground, six elves follow the same fate.
Phylia looks around quickly and what she can see makes her blood run cold: death and destruction are all over the place she and her people had called home for centuries! Now all seems nearly to be lost, the happy days passed with her sister and with the other elves in the Everious’ Forest seem so far, too much far! But Phylia can’t give up.... not as long as the child and their mothers are not safe! She knows that her sister is with them and can protect them even by herself, but Phylia can’t permit to them to run into more dangers: they are one of the last clan of these lands and their annihilation will lead to the extinction of their race!
While she is focused on the next move, a group of soldiers approach her, determinate to engage a deadly fight against her, probably thinking that a single elf, plus a girl, can be an easy win for them. The first three of them are almost over her, ready to pierce her young body with their blade but failing miserably in their purpose. In fact, with a sudden and accurate swing of her weapon, she hit all three of them, letting them fell on the ground seriously injured, to the point they can hardly stand up so soon to continue their fight. But there is no rest for Phylia!
Another wave of soldiers is coming in to her direction, all determinate to bring her down. This time, they are trying to surround the young Warden, trying to don’t offer to her the chance to have an escape route and, of course, to attack that single elf from every direction, all quite sure she can’t defend herself in a situation like this. Or not for so long, anyway!

But again, Phylia surprise them with her agility and thanks to the length of her weapon she was able to slash four of them in just one hit, breaking their formation around her. Taking advantage of the surprise and of the moment of disorientation of her opponents, Phylia break free passing thorough the breach opened by her attack, but just before she can do that, a second wall of soldiers appear in front of her, blocking her path. Again, they try to attack the elf, who was forced to jump back right in the middle of the formation, exactly in the same position where she was at the begin. The situation was now worst and the danger real, even for an excellent and well trained Warden how Phylia is but despite this, she is not ready to give up and to surrender to an opposite fate as this one.
Carefully, Phylia is taking any soldier under control, paying attention to any little movement they made, especially the ones behind her shoulders. Of course, this is not a situation she can take so lightly and she perfectly knows that just a wrong step can lead her to death, but she even know the fact that she can’t be defeated here and now or this will mean the end of their village and clan. Patiently, Phylia waits with her guard up, perfectly known there will be the moment when the soldiers are going to assault her, trying to bring her down once and for all.

Then, the human’s soldiers made their move, at last. Six of them, from different directions, attack Phylia all at the same time, trying to catch her surprised and unprepared by their sudden action. But Phylia wasn’t unprepared as they tough, her body immediately reacts, avoiding the swords of the first two soldiers just a moment before the blades can scratch her skin. Even the other four weren’t difficult to avoid for her thanks to the incredible agility she have and even her enemies, staring at her elegant movements, can’t avoid to remain stunned by the infinite grace the girl posses.
But at the same time, they can’t avoid to fall one after the other under the perfect timing of Phylia’s counter attack, which involved the ones left behind around her. Her weapon, sharp and unstoppable, can easily cut their armors and bodies and soon, all around her, the ground was painted with the color of the soldiers’ blood, something never happened in the Everious’ Forest for almost nine centuries. The two remaining soldiers of the group, despite the fear which was now gripping their hearts, can’t avoid to admire the grace of her movements, more close to a dance than to a fight and when, at last, she is right in front of them uninjured, the only thing they can do is to step back protecting their bodies with their shields and wait.

A wait which not lasted too long. In fact, many other soldiers join them again, ready to fight against Phylia and soon the deadly dance of the elf begin again, but this time the group can count twice the number of members of the one which previously attacked her, making more difficult for the girl to totally avoid their blades. Her white and pure skin was now violated by the blood which was spilling by the light scratches caused by the human’s swords but despite this, in Phylia’s mind never runs the idea to retreat to save her life. Phylia knows too well what can happen if the human’s army will defeat her and the other Wardens and she really don’t want to lose all her friends and the place they call home for centuries.
For the first time in her whole life, Phylia take the decision to release the true power of her weapon but to do this, she absolutely need to gain some time and sing the chant which will unseal the power of water who is sleeping in the runes carved on its double edged blade. Appealing to all her strength, the girl jumps far enough from the soldiers and begin the chant. The melody she is singing caught her opponents unprepared but immediately, after a first moment of confusion, they run against her ready to put an end to that endless fight and to the elf’s life. Finally, when the chant is about to reach its climax, the runes on the blade begin to shine with increasing intensity, till a flash makes the soldiers stop their advancing for a moment.

“She’s still singing! Advance and kill her! NOW!” one of the soldiers yells, encouraging the others.

And immediately, the others follow his directives, everyone ready to face Phylia and that strange light which is now glowing all around the double edged blade, giving to her weapon a mystical aura which is surrounding totally the girl. Phylia, holding tight her weapon with both her hands, move her left foot back, assuming a defensive pose and waiting for the moment when her enemies are all going to be enough close to her.
Then, when the perfect moment is finally arrived, she makes her move and attacks the group of soldiers now all scattered right in front of her, drawing a crescent moon in the hair with her weapon and releasing from it the impressive power of the water which is usually trapped inside the blade. An unstoppable blade of water slices the body of the humans and everything else right in front of it and in a range of almost seventy feet, without any mercy: corpses, trees, rocks....even the ground was cut by the fury of that water’s blade and even Phylia was scared by the power of that technique she never had uses before today.
« : March 21, 2016, 04:28:11 PM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 7883

« #1 : December 02, 2012, 11:20:05 AM »

But the battle didn’t give to Phylia the time to rest: the army is still advancing and most of the Wardens are still falling below the supremacy of the strength and number of the humans, but despite the desperate situation, no one of them is giving up and they are continuing to fight against an enemy they can’t clearly defeat. Then, while Phylia was again in the middle of the battle, some horrible screams coming from the direction where the elder tree is, suddenly caught her attention: are the humans attacking her sister and the child!? How they were able to reach the deepest area of the forest!?
Without more hesitations, Phylia immediately leaves the battlefield and runs to the elder tree to help Aily and the other novices, slashing and bringing down a huge amount of soldiers which have the disgrace to be on her way. More she is close to the elder tree, more the screams turn loud and bloodcurdling. She can’t clearly understand if they are just of elves or humans, the clash and the horrible sounds of the battle are confusing her fine hears and she can’t avoid being deeply worried for the child and for her young sister. Phylia runs to the tree appealing to all the strength she have, having no mercy for the enemies who try to block her path and soon, her blade and body are covered not only by her blood but even by the one of her opponents.
In her mind, there is just the image of the cruelty of the human’s race and Phylia can’t avoid to think at the possibility they can have killed all the child hidden between the roots of the tree, but when she finally reaches it, she can't  believe to what she is able to see: a huge pile of swirling flames is rising up into the sky and a huge shadow stands in the middle of it fighting against the humans, defeating them one after the other. And not so far from that flaming pile, Phylia can finally see some of the child and her sister Aily singing a chant of the Spirits of Fire, a chant Phylia can heard for the first time.
Believe to what is happening right in front of her is difficult even for Phylia: Aily was able to invoke the most powerful fire elemental their clan known, the Efreet, the Lord of Flames! From what she heard during her whole life, no one in the village was able to evocate that Spirit and now, thanks to this, Phylia is sure of how Aily's skills are impressive, more than how she ever had expected. And now, probably, Aily is the only chance for the whole village to survive at the humans attack!

Even if Phylia is now staring with her own eyes at that incredible and fascinating view, everything appears so strange to her, because usually she is the one who encourage Aily during difficult moments, but now the roles are reversed, with the incredible power of Aily giving to Phylia the courage to fight again with all her strength to survive together and to preserve their race. A sparkle of hope is now rising in Phylia and she is now ready to join Aily in the fight when suddenly a sharp pain makes her wobble, forcing her to use her weapon as support: a human, without she had noticed him, had sneaked to her from behind and had pierced her back with his sword, from side to side.
Blood was now spilling lightly from her wound and from the left corner of her mouth, but she doesn’t want to give up....she doesn’t want to lose everything which is important for her! So, appealing to the remaining strength she have, she kick the soldier right on his stomach, making him fly in the air just to land few feet away from her. But the human didn’t lose his grip on the handle of the sword, which is extracted from Phylia’s body with violence, causing more damage and more intense pain to her.
A copious amount of blood is now spraying out of the wound, making the elf fall on her knees and even if she tries to block it with her hands, she can just slowest it a little. She even tries to sing an healing chant, but she has lost too much blood to be able to do it and soon, at her feet, there is a pound of blood which become largest little by little

Phylia can clearly feel the breath of life leaving her. It’s a sensation she never had felt before and for sure, she was expecting to experience. Not so soon, anyway! She looks again at Aily, which appears so focused in controlling the Efreet and protecting the child, to don’t have noticed what was happening to her. But Phylia isn’t worried for herself: probably, sad days are waiting Aily and the child, but if they all survive they can build a new village and grow in perfect harmony with the nature, as they always have done till today. And probably, even some of the Wardens are going to survive at the attack of human and once they are all together again, they are going to prepare the new generation. The only thing that made Phylia sad is the fact she is not going to see them growing and from now on she can’t laugh anymore with Aily.

But suddenly, something else happen right in front of Phylia’s eyes: several shadows appear from the ground and rush against Aily and with her last breath, Phylia tries to warn her little sister:

“Watch out, Aily! Those shadows.... are aiming to....”

But she’s not able to complete the phrase. Phylia fall exhausted on the ground while those mysterious shadows are totally surrounding her and forming a vortex around the elf. Aily’s chant is being overwhelmed by the disgusting screams of those strange creatures, till Phylia can’t hear anymore Aily’s voice. Then, those shadows disappear in the same way they were appeared, taking Aily with her and leaving behind just the terrorized child. Even the Efreet disappear, probably because the suddenly interruption of Aily’s chant had broken the  spiritual and the material’s world and now the child are defenseless and exposed to the soldiers which can now advance freely.

Looking at this, Phylia lost all her will and lose the grip on her weapon, the only thing which was helping her to stand and her knees, letting it fall down. At last, even Phylia fall on the ground while everything around her is blurring, until the darkness come. With the last strength she has, she hears the words of some humans talking nearby her.

“Sir, this elf is still alive.....what we have to do with her!?”

“Elves are rare in this realm.....we are going to take her and the others with us! Now hurry, we have more work to do.....”

Then she lost consciousness.

   Slowly, Phylia's eyes are opening and a blurred image appears in front of her. Strange noises are all around her, something she can't recognize: her head is still too much confused and all her body is crossed by pain and when she tries to stand up, her body doesn’t answer to her will and Phylia fall again in the dust. The itching smell of the dust fills her nostrils and makes her cough, twice, and some drops of blood spill out again. Some gentle but strong hands grab and help her to sit on the ground, using the stone’s wall as support for her back, then they hands her a bowl with water, helping the elf in drinking from it. Trickles of water spill out of the corners of Phylia mouth while she is sipping greedily from the bowl....the water never had appeared so delicious to her as today, she was really in need of it!

Then, when she have finally finished, Phylia takes a look around at the place where she is, but she is still too weak and the place too dark to recognize it. Then, she takes a look at the one who was helping her. A human girl is right in front of her, wearing a gray robe that barely cover the half of her thighs and judging by what she can see, that is not a dress made of poor material and without any decorations. The girl have black and long straight hair which surround a young face with a sad expression sculpted in her blue eyes, but despite the appearance of the girl, Phylia can’t tell how old she is, she never had met humans....not before they came and destroyed the forest and her village!
It cost her a lot of sufferance, but at last, Phylia talk to her.

“Thanks for the water, young girl……can you tell me your name!?

The girl smiles at Phylia and sitting near her, she answers at her question.

"My name is Kath and I’m taking care of your wounds from three days. You had slept all the time!"

Three days....three days had gone from the attack of the royal army at Phylia's village and now she woke up in a unknown place: she looks around again, then again at the girl. For being a human, she's strangely gentle and respectfully, something Phylia wasn’t expecting in a member of the human race, especially not after the first and only experience she had with them! After a moment of silence, Phylia talk again.

“I’m Phylia, an elf of the Everious’ Forest. Thanks for taking care of me for all this time, Kath.”

Without answering, the girl grab Phylia’s hand, as if that was a natural gesture, and even if at Phylia’s eyes the girl appears calm and quiet, her hands was trembling visibly. The girl was trying to hide from the elf her weakness and the fear she have deep inside her soul and Phylia is wondering why Kath is acting like that. Appealing to her gentle nature, Phylia tries to comfort her.

“Kath, your body is trembling so much....what happened to you!? And where are we!?”
« : March 21, 2016, 04:29:42 PM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 7883

« #2 : May 11, 2015, 02:34:46 PM »

And now, i'll ask for your help.......where are the two girls!?
  • In the hold of a ship
  • In a cell of a slave market

Poll will close next sunday!

Edit: poll closed, with 6 votes for a cell of a slave market! Soon, the next piece, i hope!
« : May 20, 2015, 02:22:18 AM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 7883

« #3 : June 09, 2015, 06:47:47 AM »

Chapter 2 – The initiation to slavery

   Kath didn’t answer immediately to Phylia’s question. The silence of the place, is just breached by some light noises coming not so far from them, or this is the impression Phylia have when she tries to focus on them. She can clearly hear voices coming from different people: some are men, other women....she can heard even some children crying! Most of them are yelling for pain or to someone else, but Phylia isn’t able to recognize what is going on in this unknown place.
Phylia looks around her and finally, with her eyes now used to the few light which is entering in the room, she was able to see how small is the place where she is. The room is probably just sixteen feet on both sides and its walls are made of solid stones. The two only exceptions are the wooden door and the small windows right in front of it, which have bars to don’t permit to the peoples who are closed inside the room to use it as an escape’s way.

Looking at all this, Phylia begins to suspect about her actual situation, but she need a confirmation of it, so she asked again it to the human girl.

“Where are we, Kath!? I’m sure you know it very well!”

Again, the girl hesitates to answer her, even if she knows very well she was ordered to assist the elf once she woke up. After have taking a deep breath, Kath answer to Phylia.

“We are in the City of Vailoon and this place, till two years ago, was the most well known Sanatorium in the whole Continent of Drakoonia....”

“Why are you talking of the past, Kath!? What happened here two years ago!?” Phylia asks, interrupting the girl, which was now looking away and down at the floor, as she was trying to find the right way to explain it. Then, after a moment of deep silence, Kath continues her explanation.

“Two years ago, the city fell under the control of the Kingdom of Swabia and they turned this place into one where they gather people they capture in every corner of the realm! And....and....”

The girl was interrupted by her sobbing and now her body was also trembling more visibly, as if what she was about to tell to Phylia was something which was truly shocking her. Tears begin to leak down Kath’s cheeks and it doesn’t matter how many times she tries to dry them with her hands, they are not stopping and with them, even trembling of her young body.
Instinctively, Phylia embrace her and immediately, that tremor which was running thorough Kath’s body overwhelms her. Kath’s body is slender and warm, maybe she is even younger than how Phylia had estimated at the begin, or maybe she is not eating enough from long time....or maybe both! Phylia tries to comfort the girl, caressing gently her back and holding tight Kath against her wounded body, not carrying of her actual physical situation. Slowly, Kath begins to relax, but this didn’t stop the tears and the trembles....not at all, anyway! The girl appears really scared by the place and by what happen inside its walls, to the point she have difficulty even in talking about it!

The two girls remain like that for a long and endless moment and only when Kath is finally calmed down, Phylia free her from that comfortable embrace, but not before she dries the last tears from Kath’s cheeks. When Phylia looks again at her, a timid smile appears over Kath’s lips, a clear sign of how Phylia’s presence had helped Kath to relax and win against her own fear.

“Are you fine now!? Did you think you can continue!?” Phylia asks, adjusting the girl’s hair.

Kath nod at her, placing her hand over Phylia’s one, as if she wants to enjoy that small and pleasant moment for a little longer. That little and simple gesture, brings to Phylia’s memory the image of her sister when they were just two little babies and Aily, during the stormy nights, was crying as a fountain, scared by the thunders and their uproar: to calm her down, Phylia always act as she had just done with Kath and, at last, she was able to let Aily fell asleep every time. But now, Aily is alone, in an unknown place for Phylia....a place she want find very soon and fast, to rescue Aily and go back together at their forest to rebuild their village! This is all Phylia is dreaming now, but she knows very well how long and difficult is going to be to realize it and the first step she has to take is to escape from this place. And maybe this girl, Kath, can be of some help in doing this, so Phylia carefully listen at her explanation.

“The soldiers from Swabia have turned this place in a Slaves’ House, a place where merchants or nobles can buy slaves to use at their service. Men are usually bought for work into mines and girls as me or you, usually become sexual slaves or, if you are lucky, maids....”

The words of Kath shocked Phylia. How can humans sell so easily other member of their same race!? Have humans lost all their dignity as beings who live in the same planet where the elves can live in perfect harmony with any animals and with the spirits which protect it!? In the past, when she was just a child, she heard from the elders of the village about the purge of the human race which was started by an ancient creature, disgusted by the corruption of human’s souls, but till few days ago, Phylia never had really believed to those ancient’s stories, so far in the past for a little girl as she was at that time.
But from the day when the humans’ army had attacked the village, everything was different for her and now, after had hearing Kath’s words, Phylia have the final proof of how corrupted the whole human’s race is. She was now blaming her weakness for not being able to protect the forest and her village, plus the fact she have no clues about the shadows which have taken her sister Aily away from her, is torturing her soul and heart, giving to her a pain more intense of the one caused by the wounds on her body.

Phylia tries to stand up, but the pain caused by the wound at the abdomen forced her to lie again on the floor, using the wall as a support to for her back, but not before more blood leaks out of the wound. Immediately, Kath takes the healing unguent she had used to cure the elf during the past three days, but surprising her, Phylia refuses her help asking to the girl to bring her some fresh water. While the girl was running outside the small cellar in search for the water, Phylia can’t avoid thinking at her situation and immediately, she begins to elaborate a plan to escape from that disgusting place.
First of all, Phylia needs to find her full equipment: the light blue vest she’s wearing didn’t offer to her a good protection from the Human’s weapons, to don’t mention the fact she doesn’t feels so comfy wearing something different from her usual clothes. Not that her clothes can offer highest protection, in fact they reveal most of the candid skin she have, maybe too much, and even the sinuous curves of her more than perfect body! Probably, the only protection offered to her by them is the one coming from the shoulders’ plates, forged from the scales of a creature able to resist even sinked in the most burning lava.
The reason why Phylia wants to have them back, is more linked to the style of life the elf and the other villagers has follow for centuries. Every clothes, accessories and even the weapons they had used till now, where made in perfect harmony with the circle’s of the nature: no animals were killed, except the straight number of then necessary to survive, and no threes were cut to build their houses or weapons....everything they used was a gift of the forest and of the great amount of spirits of the four elements which populate it.
In fact, the elders of the village had always narrated a story to the youngest generations about the forest and how it is linked with spirits. A legend wants that century ago, when there were just few sane threes left, the ancient Spirit of Water had visited the Everious’ Forest and when it found the forest almost dead, a tear had fallen down from the compassionate eyes of the spirit. From that single tear and in just one night, a new forest was born and right when that tears felt, a pond of fresh and crystalline water appears from nowhere. From that day, the forest became the house of many elves that had the only purpose to live their life in harmony with the mother earth and all its creatures.
But now, with the annihilation of her village, the forest have no more Wardens who can protect it and soon, the humans are going to destroy even that precious forest, just to satisfy their need of materials for they stupid wars. Phylia can’t allow this and the desire to save her precious home is strong, maybe even more the one to save her kidnapped sister.

And about Aily, Phylia doesn’t have any clues about those shadows she had seen emerging suddenly from the ground to surround her sister and mysteriously disappear taking her with them. That happened too soon, Phylia is wondering if she can had a chance to stop them if she wasn’t deadly injured or if Aily had the opportunity to escape from them, once she was no more that concentrated to control the Efreet! Everything Phylia knows is where to start to search for her sister, she must escape from this city and run back soon as possible to their village! Only there she can find a trace of Aily and of any other survivors....if there are others!
For a moment, the idea to be the last survivor of her village hit the elf mind, making the hate she had started to feel against the humans grown more, to the point a part of her is now wishing to had fallen during the humans invasion, just to avoid to had seen the devastation they had bring into her home. Too many Wardens had fallen and with them, even many innocent children who had just started to live their lives in this world, now too contaminated by the corrupted souls of the whole humanity. For the first time in her long life, Phylia is now sensing a deep and strong hate overwhelming her.

“Humans are the plague of this world!” Phylia continuously repeat to herself while she’s waiting for the fresh water Kath has promised to bring back with her.

And soon, the sound of the footsteps of that apparently innocent girl, comes from behind the massive wooden door which closes one of the two ways to escape from there. But Phylia is too weak at the moment, she must heal her wounds first, and then she can elaborate a plan to leave that place once and for all. And the first point, is about to be realized, thanks to the water the girl have whit her.
But when the girl finally steps back inside the cellar, Phylia is a little disappointed by dimension of the jar she have with her. The amount of water which can be storage in it isn’t too much and Phylia isn’t sure about the fact that can be enough to run her plan! On the other hand, the link between the elf and the Spirits of Waters was always strong and solid, to the point they allowed to infuse some of their powers in Phylia’s weapon. And in fact, the same spirits had leaded Phylia to the dead corpse of a crocus, a sort of giant crocodile which have very resistant and sharp bone’s blades on its frontal paws used by the elves for centuries to realize their blades or, as in the case of Phylia, lances and axes. All she can do now, is try....try and see if she can takes care of her wounds.

When Phylia asked to Kath to leave her alone, the girl didn’t agree at that request, not immediately, anyway. The young girl didn’t knows what Phylia have in mind but being assigned by the ruler of the Slaves’ House to take care of that precious creature, at the begin she refuses to do as the elf asked her, pretending to knows why she wants to be left alone. Phylia is hesitant in explaining to a stranger, plus a human, about the connection elves always had with the four spirits and of the power to heal wounds possessed by the one of water.
But the girl appears determinate in her decision, Phylia can clearly see it in the eyes of that apparently innocent human. But despite this, she can’t put her trust in a member of a race which had caused the destruction of her village and of the forest where she was happily living till three days ago with her sister and all their friends. Of course, Phylia is conscious of the fact she need an ally to escape from there, or better say, an ally which can help her to find her weapon and the rest of her equipment, something the elf really need if she wants to leave the city of the human unharmed.

Inside her mind, Phylia is fighting a hard battle, maybe even hardest than the one she fought to save the forest and the village. Of course, the wounds on her body are causing her some strong pain, but the one which is causing her the strongest sufferance, is the one in her soul, betrayed by the humans which weren’t considered as a menace till they attacked them. So, how she put her trust in that little girl so easily now!? Did Phylia have to really reveal her plan and ask for the girl’s help!? Those doubts are now tormenting her mind, making the elf unable to take a clear and final decision.
Meanwhile, Kath is still staring at Phylia, waiting for an answer which is not coming....or not so soon how she was expecting, anyway! But she doesn’t give up and after few minutes of silence, Kath asked her reasons to Phylia again, more determinate in having an answer than how she was the first time.

Phylia, still hesitant, at last took the decision to reveal just the first part of her plan to the girl, which appears more relieved by the fact that the elf had shared it with her. Then, after a first moment of hesitation, Kath talks to Phylia again.

“What I really don’t understand, is why you want to be left alone....did you think I can scare the spirits!?”

“No, it’s not that....” the elf replies, smiling at her words “but this is something we never have show to other races! Can you understand it now!?”

“Mmm, more or less....even if I don’t have very clear in my mind why you don’t want I assist at the invocation!”

“Please, Kath....do as I requested to you!” Phylia asked again, begging.

 The girl, after had taking a deep breath and nod at Phylia, just to moves back to the cellar door with the intention to wait outside the place, but having care to be enough close to Phylia just in case something can happen.

Finally alone, Phylia begins her chant, trying to focus her mind on it instead on the pain caused by the wound inflicted to her by the blade which had pierced her body from side to side. The chant she has to sing for invoking the healing spirit of the water isn’t so long and when she finished it, Phylia is surprised to see that nothing has happen. Maybe, she wasn’t enough concentrate, so she tries and sings the chant for the second time, just to sort the same effect of the first time: nothing!
Phylia tries again and when she gains the same effect for the third time, she finally understood about the real problem: the chant was singed perfectly, maybe she had pronounced the words with low voice, but always correctly. So, the problem can’t be the chant but the place where she is or....the water! Why she didn’t think at it before!? Kath was clear when she had explained what place is this and how it was changed from a Sanatorium in to a Slaves’ House!
Of course, even if those structures are in the same place, their use is totally different and if the Sanatorium is a place where deadly wounded people have a chance to be saved, a Slaves’ House is a place where any hope is lost and people don’t hesitate to damn it, forcing the spirits to leave it! And the same had happened to the water of the well which lies in the yard of the structure, so it’s natural that her chant wasn’t able to evoke a spirit, because they left definitely the place forever or, at last, till it’s going to remain a Slaves’ House.

And now, the plan Phylia has in mind can’t be actuated....or, anyway, not so soon as she was hoping till few minutes ago! Now, the only chance for the elf to heal her wounds is that girl, Kath, but Phylia can’t be sure about the true intention she had, even if she said to be a prisoner as Phylia is. All she can do now, is takes some times to learn more about that young girl and finds out if she had said the true about her situation and of the role she has in this place.
Time Phylia don’t have, if she wants to be sure to save her beloved forest and finds some traces about the shadows which kidnapped her sister! Three days and the presence of the humans in the Everious’ Forest are probably both cancelled them or, at last, part of them, making really difficult for Phylia to have the chance to finds Aily soon as possible.
« : March 21, 2016, 04:33:33 PM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 7883

« #4 : June 18, 2015, 06:44:06 AM »

Furious for her inexperience and for the whole situation, Phylia throw the jar against the wooden door, breaking it and letting all the water being scattered all around the floor of that disgusting cellar. The noise immediately caught the attention of Kath, who suddenly steps back inside the room, just to find the elf still sitting right on the opposite side of it, with her back lying on the wall.
The elf, at a first sight, appears fine and uninjured and only when she steps on some of the water, Kath finally understands what was happened in the cellar. Definitely, something didn’t had goes as Phylia had planned and now she seems depressed, with her eyes lost looking around the place, and she is even unable to sense the blood which had started to leak out of her wounds, probably because she has done some strange movement which had re-opened it.

Immediately and without more hesitation, Kath extract the bottle of the unguent and rip off the bandages which cover the wound to block the blood once and for all but Phylia, probably still deeply upset for her failure, pushed the girl away. Kath, unable to maintains a safe balance, let the bottle falls on the floor and inexorability it breaks in pieces, now all scattered nearby the point where the right hand of the girl land.
A strong pain suddenly pervades the hand of the human, who instinctively retract it just to discover that one of the pieces of the bottle is now penetrated in her flesh, causing some copious bleeding from it. Phylia, shocked by her reaction, isn’t able to moves a single muscle of her body, while her astonished eyes are glued on the hand of that poor girl, who just had the only fault to have tried to help her.

Phylia turns her face away, disgusted by her own actions. This wasn’t the elf every member of the village had choose as the highest representative of the Wardens, this is how the humans had act during the attack at the forest and which had caused so much pain and murders between her friends and comrades. She can clearly senses it, the corruption of the humans is now inside her, torturing her soul and gripping her heart, something she never has think it could happen....not to an elf, anyway!
Lost in her thoughts and blaming herself for what she had done, Phylia didn’t notices immediately that the young girl is now in front of her, gently caressing her cheek with the uninjured hand. And Phylia have to admit it....that hand is warm and gentle, even more then how she was expecting, but most important, she has the impression to see a pretty smile on the face of the girl. And, in fact, it was like that. Kath wasn’t upset with the elf for what had just happened, she can understand too well how her new friend is feeling now, after had loosed all her friends and, most important, her beloved sister.
Instinctively, Phylia puts her hand over the one on her cheek, stroking it gently after have closes her eyes. That simple gesture, reminds her to the time when she was just a baby and her mother do the same thing to her when she came home injured after had spent the whole day climbing the highest trees of the Everious’ Forest. Now Phylia can feel the same love of her mother coming from that simple human’s girl: how stupid she was in considering the entire human’s race as cruel creature without a heart! The insensible one now, wasn’t that gentle girl right in front of her, the monster was the same Phylia, unable to look around her and notices how many different humans can be.

“I’m sorry, Kath....” Phylia says, after a deep and long breath “Anger and vengeance were both poisoning me! And because of that, you get hurt....”

“Don’t be worried about it, Phylia....few days and it will be fine! Look!” the girl says, extracting the small piece from her own hand and smiling at Phylia.

That pretty smile on the face of the girl, suddenly took away part of that damn big weight from Phylia’s heart, giving to the elf some relieving, at last, something she really was in need till the moment she opened her eyes in the darkness of this horrible and corrupted place.
Then, as she is used to do with the other villagers, the elf gently holds that young and still trembling girl in her arms, lightly kissing her on the lips. For Phylia, that was a natural action, something the elves usually do to demonstrate gratitude and appreciation to the one who helped them in a moment of deep need. And Phylia was surprised to discover how similar the sensations that humans lips are giving to her are. Of course, the two races are different and have different habits, but looking at their bodies with clinic eyes, it’s clear that the only one difference in their appearance are those long and pointed ears Phylia have....nothing more, nothing less!

It takes a minute or so before Kath breaks the unnatural silence which was now filling the cellar.

“Phylia, what....what was that for!?” she asks, babbling and touching her lips with a finger.

“It’s how we show our gratitude to someone....I was losing myself because of hate, but your kindness helped me!”

Phylia’s pretty smile makes Kath blush. Too many time is passed from the last time she heard pretty words as the ones that mysterious elf had just tell to her, and she really have to admit it....for the first time after several months, she is feeling fine and happy. Instinctively, Kath replicate that sweet gesture but her kiss wasn’t so light as the one Phylia had gave to her just a moment ago. It was a little more passionate and Kath’s lips too firmly pressed over the one of the elf to be a simple demonstration of gratitude.
Phylia was surprised by this, but innocently she didn’t pay too much attention to that, presuming it was happened due to the inexperience of the girl with that new custom. Phylia can remember very well the first time she tried to do the same, to thanks the friend, a male, who helped her during the first mission as a Warden. That was her first time and she was a little too nervous, so she was about to push her tongue directly in the mouth of her friend, causing strong embarrassment in both of them. After that day and for the following two months, they were no able to look at each other or talk as they always have done before....but after almost fifty years, that moment is now just a funny event in Phylia’s long life, something to laugh together while remembering the past.

The past....it appears so far now! Phylia have no clues of what happened at the village after she lose consciousness, but there is a thing she is sure about: as a Warden of the Everious’ Forest, she can’t give up so easily and soon, she will be back at her forest to find out the true about the destiny of the whole village and of her little sister! Of course, she has to take a step at a time and now, the first one she have to faces is the one which will grant her to gain back all her strength to escape from this human’s city. And now, she knows very well she can count on this new friend she have, even if she is not exactly the best ally Phylia was expecting to find in a such situation.

   Two weeks are now passed from the day Phylia discovered to being recluse in a structure where the merchants from the Kingdom of Swabia are used to sell and buy slaves as if they are normal merchandise. The deadly wound on her abdomen is getting better day after day, thanks to the lovely attentions of the elf new and unexpected friend, a human girl named Kath, who is in charge to takes care of Phylia but who is even a servant of the slaves’ merchants. Day after day, the elf and the girl learn to know each other a little more, till they discover to have many things in common: both of them were separated from their families and Kath has no idea of what happened in the last year to her youngest brother and to her sick mother.
Before the girl was captured by the soldiers of Swabia, she was an apprentice in the Sanatorium and according to what the head doctor of the structure always said to her, Kath have some good chance to become a good and respected doctor too, but of course the way to reach that role is long and she was just at the begin. When the soldiers found out about her ability, they assigned the poor girl at the Slave’s House, to take care of injured prisoners who are in need of healing treatment. Of course, even if she had a so important role in the structure, she was designed as a slave too, but never shelled during the monthly auctions, just to don’t lose her precious skills. The first months were the most difficult for Kath, in fact despite the role she had, it happened that soldiers and even the officers had requested some particular “treatment” from that poor girl, who had pondered many times to put an end to that so called “life” she was now experimenting.

Any time Phylia heard a piece of Kath’s story, the elf is disgusted by the corruption of the soldiers from Swabia, but at the same time she knows that’s the future they are planning for her too, something Phylia can’t accept so easily. Fate wants that the last auction was just three days ago and still being visibly wounded, the chief of the House took the decision to wait the next month to sell the elf. Not that buy enough time for Phylia to thinks and realizes at a plan to escape, but it’s enough to gain back her strength and try something during the auction.
Meanwhile, Kath had find out that the whole equipment of Phylia is still storage in the warehouse nearby the market and the Captain who is in charge of the Slaves’ House is planning to sell it with the elf, to increase the price of the auction. Indeed, that was a good news, because Phylia now have a remote chance to rescues it, but at the same time, she soon learned that the warehouse is not inside the walls of the place where she is imprisoned, so the only chance to put her hands back on her equipment is during the auction itself, something not easy to do because of the straight controls during the event.

But that’s not all. In the early afternoon, while Kath is cleaning and medicating Phylia’s wound, the door suddenly opens slamming against the wall, just to let the Captain of the House comes inside the cellar to visit the most precious “guest” of the structure. He’s presence fill the room and the first thing Phylia notice of that tall but apparently slender man is the black eye patch which cover his left eye, probably lost during a battle, judging by the scar over his face and inflicted by a sharpen blade. As usual, he is not wearing the regular armor of the Swabia’s army, but clothes which perfectly resemble his status of high middle class, especially the cape, adorned by the furs of a silver fox, which shines even with the few light inside that small and dark cellar.

“Well, well, well...this elf is much prettiest than how I was remembering....” the Captain says, staring at Phylia, half naked in front of him “What about her wound!?”

Kath hesitates to answer him, perfectly knowing the fact that if she answer him about her true better conditions, the Captain can takes the decision to proceed with her training, to be sure to sells a well prepared slave. Then, after has taken a deep breath, she replies to him.

“The wound is going better, Captain Urak....but not enough as I was hoping! It was worsted than how it appears when the soldiers carried her here!”

“She can stand and walk by herself!?”

“Well....” the girl babbles back at him “I’m still not sure she can do that!”

Captain Urak takes a look at Kath, then at Phylia. He stares at the elf with attention, examining everything of her, from toes to head, paying particular attention to the wound on the belly and to the almost perfect body Phylia have, now covered just by the arms of the elf. Then, after has takes his time to complete the examination, the Captain turns to the girl and step closer to her.

“She looks less pale than the day she arrived here....are you sure she can’t stand by herself!?” the man asks, with a firm and solemn tone.

“I am, Captain....the blade had pierced her body from back to front, the fact she survived to that hit it’s a miracle!” Kath replies, with a light trembling voice “I think she needs a week or more to stan....”

But the girl wasn’t able to complete her sentence. Urak slaps her face with violence, leaving on it a scratch with the ring he is wearing and making the girl lose her balance, till she falls on the floor nearby Phylia. Instinctively, the elf moves right in front of the poor girl, to protect her from a second hit, but this proves to Urak what he was imagining: Phylia’s wound treatment is getting better than how Kath had tried to let him figured out! And this is something the man can forget from one of the guests of the structure he is administrating!
Urak bend over the two poor girls and before they can react, he pushed Phylia away and grabs Kath from her throat, tightening the grip of his left hand around it till the girl begins to breathe difficulty. Tears were now flowing from the eyes of the scared girl and on the left cheek, they are mixing with the blood which is barely spilling out from the scratch over it. Both the girl have not enough strength to react and stop the Captain, who appears far way stronger at Phylia’s eyes, too much then how his not so massive physique can reveal at a first sight. Then, after has taken a deep look at Phylia to be sure she is not trying an unexpected action, Urak speaks again to Kath.

“My my....I gave you a role which can protect you from my men, I gave you my trust, some pretty clothes....and you repay me with lies!? This is not fair, my little girl....”

Phylia can reads a deep fear in the wide open eyes of Kath and now the fact that the girl had never lied to her is finally clear in the elf mind. She really wants to help that little scared girl, but the fall had revealed again how far her body is to be totally recovered, even if now she can walk and takes care of her needs by herself. Phylia is blaming herself again the weakness she is demonstrating and all she is able to do now, is to wish that Kath will come out of this situation uninjured, even if the Captain doesn’t appears so happy by the girl actions and he is planning some punishment for her, probably.

“Please, don’t punish her!!” Phylia yells, attracting the attention of Urak, who immediately answer her.

“Oh, don’t worry, my pretty elf....” Urak says, with a devilish smile “I’m not going to punish her! But she needs to remember the meaning of her status!”

The words of Urak didn’t reassured Phylia about what Kath have to expect when the Captain is finally going to leave the cellar and the two girls alone, but she’s sure that it will not be something good. And in fact, Phylia was damn right! The man, visibly upset, grabs the dress Kath is wearing and literally rips it off her young body, leaving the girl almost naked and desperately sobbing, worried for the destiny which awaits her from now.

“Slaves as you, didn’t need pretty clothes!” the man says, then, without hesitation, Urak rips off even the white panties which were hiding the girl most secret intimacy, leaving that young and very pretty body exposed to the eyes of Urak and Phylia.
Phylia was a little embarrassed by that unexpected view and her cheeks turn red, but not as the one of the poor girl, who was now crying and sobbing. And while Phylia was disgusted by that scene, the man was looking satisfied by it, till the point he was licking happily his lips, probably pre-tasting what is going to happens next, something Phylia can imagine very well. And this is why she was surprised to see Urak finally releasing the neck of the girl from his tight grip, something she wasn’t expecting, especially after what he just had done to her. Of course, the whole thing wasn’t over.

“Stand up and follow me, girl!” the man thunder at the poor girl “Tonight I have some important guests and you have to serve us well! And you know what I mean!”

Kath nods at the Captain words, still unable to breath properly. Then, she looks at Phylia, still crying and sobbing, making the elf fills more needless due to the lack of strength she has right now. Phylia really wants to help that poor girl but just before she can try anything, Urak turns to with an icy eyesight which immediately blocked the elf, making her body tremble.

“Kath....” Phylia babbles, looking back at the girl.

“I’ll be fine, Phylia....don’t worry for me!”
« : March 21, 2016, 04:37:09 PM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 7883

« #5 : June 18, 2015, 06:44:59 AM »

And telling this, Kath stands fierce and proud, showing an hidden determination. Of course, that determination was just a mask, inside the girl was overwhelmed by fear and it doesn’t matter how hard she tries to hide it, that was revealed by the trembles all around her young body....a body which was used to what awaits her right now, and even if the mind of the girl had forget it, her body remembers any little sensations, any humiliations and everything else the girl had experienced during the three first months after the day she was captured and became a slave of the Kingdom of Swabia.
Quietly, Kath follows Captain Urak outside the cellar and, at last, they both disappear leaving Phylia alone in that cold and room, continuing to blame herself and crying, perfectly knows what is going to happen to that girl, now so close to her as Aily always was, seen the day her sister was born in the warm and happy place they have called home till few days ago, the Everious’ Forest! In the forest, happiness was all around Phylia, thanks to the presence of her family, her friends....even the chant of the wind passing through the trees was pleasant and had enlight her days for decades....but now!? Is she will be able to see again the smiling face of Aily!? Or she is going to become a slave and serve a disgusting human forever!?

Those thoughts tortured her mind during the rest of the day and during the whole night, so Phylia wasn’t able to sleep: any time she closes her eyes, the image of the naked body of that poor girl appears in her mind, immediately followed by the words Captain Urak had said to her. The idea of what is happening to Kath, makes the blood of Phylia runs cold and she can easily imagines the difficulties and humiliations that poor girl is now probably experiencing.
Phylia is feeling guilty for what happened, after all if Kath was caught in a such situation was because the girl had tried to protect her, still not enough recovered to care for everything by herself, but enough to be initiated to the necessary “lessons” to be educated as a perfect and remissive slave to sell. It was clear for Phylia how much the situation between her and that girl is changed from the first time she seen her in that same place and how they became important for each other, to give support to the other when it’s needed. And in that place, the Slaves’ House in the City of Vailoon, anyone who is imprisoned in it is really in need of a friendly presence to survive and have even a faint hope to gain their freedom, again!
But what Phylia wasn’t able to explain to herself was the reason why, every time she tried to closes her eyes, the first thing she sees is the naked and pretty image of Kath, of her young and firm bottom, of her not so big breast but with two pointing and dark nipples. That image is disturbing her, in all the sixty-eight years of her life, the elf was never attracted by a naked body and never has experienced such similar attraction for someone, except her young sister, Aily. But with Aily it was different, it was sisterly love which makes them help each other any time one of the two sisters was in need of help or of a hint to pass over a problem they can have. So, why the image of Kath is giving to Phylia these unknown and new sensations she can’t explain and understand!?

Unable to sleep, Phylia passed all the night sitting in a corner of that cold cellar, staring at the door and wishing to see it opening soon as possible to let Kath coming again in that small but more safe room. But this doesn’t happened and at dawn, at last, the elf falls asleep, but not for so long. In fact, her sleep was light and not so long, maybe just three hours or less more, and the elf was up staring at the cellar’s door from almost two hours and half, when finally Phylia can hears it creak softly while it opens again.
And Kath was there, exhausted and all messed up, still naked but safe and uninjured! The girl came inside the small room, looking at the floor and walking with unstable steps till she is right in front of Phylia.

“See!? I told you I would be fine, Phylia!” the girl says, with a little forced smile on her lips.

But that was just a lie. It was clear for Phylia, after a first look, which were the real conditions of the girl. Her hair were all messy and from that now fragile body, a strange and pungent smell is coming, something Phylia can’t identify but at the same time, she has a clear idea of what it could be. Without saying a word, Phylia suddenly embraces the girl tight, feeling for the first time that young naked body pressed against her and despite the fact that this embarrasses her a little, Phylia was surprisingly happy to being able to do it.
Kath’s body is lightly trembling but warm, the only things Phylia doesn’t like is that strange smell which is barely disgusting and which is covering the usual pleasant scent of the girl, a clear proof of all the privileges Captain Urak had reserved to Kath till yesterday. They stay like that for a long endless moment, both happy to be together again and conscious of the fact that things are going to change, considering what has happened just the day before. But deep inside them, the two girls now knows they can count on each other and till they are there together, they are not going to lose hope in a brightest future.

The first one who interrupted that pleasant moment was Phylia, still worried for Kath’s conditions.

“Are you sure you are fine, Kath!?” Phylia asks to her new friend, looking at her exposed and dirty body, still embarrassed.

“I am, don’t worry....all I need is some rest and some water!” the girl replies, smiling less forcibly.

Phylia can just tries to imagine what has happened to Kath from the moment Urak took her away and during all the night. Far away, but not so much, till late Phylia was able to hear the sound of laughs and of some music, probably played to gladden the Captain’s guests during the dinner and after it. But, of course, just the music wasn’t enough to satisfy them at all and Kath, probably together with other girls of the House, was the main attraction of the night, which soon turned into a lascivious orgy, where Urak and his unknown guest were finally able to totally satisfy all their sexual needs.
This not so remote possibility, is disgusting Phylia and makes the elf scorn even more those men and the desire of vengeance is now growing deep inside her, as the same is happening to the strange attraction she feels for Kath. But now, the priority is to take care of that poor girl, helping her to clean herself, to let the memories and trances of that horrible night get out of her young mind.

Thanks goodness, a guard had token a new, biggest jar of water, something Phylia needs to take care of the wound and to refresh her during those first hot summer’s days. Using what remain of the dress the girls was wearing till yesterday, Kath, helped by an embarrassed Phylia, was now cleaning her pretty body from the filthiness those men has leaved against her as a proof of the status of slave she have, something the girl cannot forget anymore.
The touch of Phylia’s hands on the skin is light and gentle, but Kath’s body is now too much sensible and the girl is fatiguing to hide how much she is enjoying it. That was absolutely different from the rough touch of those men who were all interested in her just to take their fun from her young and pretty body. Indeed, in the hands of Phylia and their gestures there wasn’t a second purpose and Kath knows it well, but the girl has felt something for that strange and beautiful creature since the first time she met her when the elf was still unconscious. And the light kiss Phylia gave to her, at last, was the sparkle which made the girl fell in love with a sweet and so pretty elf as Phylia is and for Kath it wasn’t important if Phylia was apparently not interested in her, for the girl just the presence of that elf was helping her soul to felt relieved by all the sufferance she can see every day in that damn structure.
Phylia was now cleaning the girl’s back, but deep in her heart Kath was wishing to feels her gentle hands all over her body, caressing it with that same grace they are demonstrating just in helping the girl just to clean her body. Little by little, that dirty sensation Kath had till the moment she was took away from the large banquet room has started to disappear, leaving the place to nice and warm sensations the girl didn’t has felt for a very long long time, a deep and marvelous love!
Of course, Kath ignore the fact that even Phylia has started to feel something for her, but the elf has never experienced what the real love is, so she exchanged her feeling for Kath with compassion for a girl who had known the darkest side of human’s nature. But soon, while she is cleaning the white and perfect skin of Kath, Phylia begin to realize how much she was wrong about the feelings she has for that girl! She can clearly felt her heart beating faster and the embarrassment for looking at that naked body don’t want to go away from her, till the point she can sense her cheeks burning, but not only them.
Down below her belly, for the first time in her whole life Phylia can feels something similar to a fire which is growing little by little, almost ready to totally overwhelm her body. And it doesn’t matter how hard the elf tries to take it under control, that strange sensation is too strong for her, strong but strangely nice and she can’t explain why she is feeling like this and, most important, why this sensation is caused by a simple human girl as Kath is! Indeed, she has a beautiful and attractive body, but she is a girl, a member of her same gender, even if of another race!

Not that Phylia has never heard about some intimate relationship between two girls, after all even some of her friends at the village had some, but she never felt the necessity to discover the pleasure of any type of intimate moments. Not that she didn’t had any possibility to experimenting them, after all most of the male elves of the village, and not only from it!, of her same age have tried to enter in her graces to be her partner for life, but Phylia always has refused their advance.
But now, with that little scared girl, all seems different. Her young and soft body is still trembling because of what happened to her during the whole time she was taken away from that cellar and in some way, it reminds to the nights Phylia had spent comforting a young Aily during the stormy nights in the Everious’ Forest. At the begin, Phylia was thinking about this as the reason why she is so attracted by this human’s girl, she have a personality very similar to Aily, but now it’s clear for her that there must be something else in Kath which is giving her those strange and new sensations.
Phylia’s hands are lightly trembling while she’s cleaning Kath’s shoulders. The temptation to hold tight the girl against her is so strong, but at the same time she is scared by the possible reaction Kath can have at that simple and often nice action. In a different situation, probably Phylia wouldn’t be so hesitant, but perfectly knowing what has just happened to Kath, the elf didn’t wants to risk to let Kath close in to herself while in her mind she is living again the worst memories of that night.

And it was while Phylia was pondering about this that she felt the light and gentle touch of Kath’s hand over hers. That hand is warm and small, probably even trembling more than Phylia’s one, but was more determinate of hers.

“Phylia, thanks for your kindness to me!” the girl murmur, turning the face to the elf.

“You don’t need to thank me, Kath....” Phylia replies, taking a small break to swallow a little nervously “you did this to me when I was in need and now I’m paying my debt!”

Telling this, Phylia smiles at Kath in the nicest way she ever have done it before. It was natural for her, probably the elf didn’t realize it till Kath didn’t speak again, embarrassing her a little.

“You are very cute when you smile, Phylia.....”

Those simple words, at last, open a breach in the armor of pain which totally surround Phylia’s heart, giving to her the last push she was in need to take the final step.

Without any more hesitation, Phylia wraps the fragile body of Kath with her arms, finally holding the girl tight against her. Kath’s body is still trembling but it’s warm and soft, even more than how Phylia was imagining, and now that pleasant warm was starting to run even over Phylia’s body, making the elf feels better and happy as she wasn’t from the day the village was attacked by the human’s soldiers.
Kath was surprised by that welcomed embrace, but soon the surprise leaves the place to happiness which is now filling her whole soul. She can senses Phylia’s breasts pressed against her back, full and soft, and just the thin layer of the fabric of the vest Phylia is wearing is between their skins, probably the only thing that disappoint the girl right in this moment. Phylia’s arms are strong but delicate, as her hands was while the elf was cleaning Kath’s body, or even more, and Kath is really enjoying this little moment of tenderness between them, something she was waiting till the moment Phylia gave to her that light kiss, two weeks ago.
But the most incredible moment was when Phylia’s cheek was against hers one. Her face was now blushing visibly and her body has start to burn, while in her mind the girl was already dreaming about something more than a simple embrace from her new and attractive friend. But at the same time, Kath was hesitating to reveal her true feelings to Phylia, she have no clue about how the elf can react at her confession, so she takes the decision to don’t reveal them, for the moment.

“Kath!?” Phylia whispers, moving a little away.

“Yes, Phyl....” the girl tries to reply, turning her head to face Phylia, but she wasn’t able to complete her sentence. Phylia’s lips were now pressed against hers, but not in a light and innocent kiss as it happened the first time, today that kiss was full of passion and before the girl can be aware of it, one of Phylia’s hand has started to slowly massage the girl left breast, giving to her some pleasant an intense shivers. Something Kath was really enjoying, softly moaning under that gentle touch.
It didn’t takes too long before their tongues find each other in a more intimate and voluptuous dance, a clear sign of how both the girls have waited for this moment. For Phylia, this was the first time, so she didn’t exactly knows what to really expect from this new but apparently wonderful experience and sensations. The taste of Kath’s lips, those strange shivers and sensations she can feels all over her body....all of them are pushing away the bad memories of the last days, leaving space to something new and wonderful, something she has always refused in the past, but not today, not from Kath.
Even for Kath this moment was wonderful, as a pleasant and unexpected dream. The girl was waiting for this moment for the whole last two weeks and now that this is happening, she found very difficult to believe it’s real, especially after the long night of abuses she had. Tears of joy begin to leak from the corners of her closed eyes, eyes she don’t wants to open because she’s scared by the possibility to make disappear this happy and wonderful moment she is now living.

And the same can be told about Phylia. In fact, the elf is probably even more surprised than Kath by her actions: in her whole life, this is the first time for the elf to experiencing a so strong attraction for someone else who is not her sister Aily, even if that feeling is totally different from the sisterly love which connect the two elves. It is something Phylia can’t rationally explain to herself, it runs through her veins, reaching every single cell of her body and giving to her a pleasant warm which makes her forget in what kind of trouble she is right now. But it was when Kath’s hand has reached Phylia’s virginal pussy that elf was finally and totally conscious of what was really happening.

Slowly and unstoppable, Kath’s fingers were now teasing the almost swollen and full labia of Phylia’s pussy, forcing the elf to break their kiss at least a couple of time in need to catch back her now too heavy breath. The fingers of that girl were gentle but at the same time, skilled enough to cause to the poor elf a strong and deep pleasure which soon makes her body squirm while her pussy was now soaked by a strange juice. Juice which was now leaking all over Kath’s fingers, making them touch turn into a sensation even more intense than how it was when they reached Phylia’s big labia for the first time.
Both the girl were pleasantly surprised by the intense sensations they were giving to each other, especially Phylia, who wasn’t expecting such tenderness from a human. Kath’s fingers were exploring her intimacy, something no one else have ever done before that day, neither the same Phylia has ever touched herself with the only purpose to give pleasure to herself. But now, that scared human’s girl was so close to her, with her body pressed tight on hers and they were both practically naked. The girls can hear each other heart bumping fast while their tongues and hands are now wildest, greedily trying to please each other in a desperate search of something which can makes them feel alive and in some way free from the situation around them.
And it was when Kath’s finger violate her now totally wet pussy that Phylia fall under the strange but wonderful effect of the pleasure she is experiencing for the first time in her whole life. Phylia’s juice was now leaking copious, soaking her inner thighs and the floor right below her perfectly round bottom. The elf, which was totally new to this, was particularly aroused by the sensations Kath was now giving to her and soon, she wasn’t able to stand any longer on her trembling legs. Gently but without stopping the delicate stimulation of the elf sex, Kath made her new friend lay down on the floor and immediately, a cold sensation runs on Phylia’s body, making it twitch due the now too much intense stimulations all over it.

“Gosh, Phylia....your body is so sensible!” Kath says, just before she starts to lightly chew her friend’s nipples.
« : March 21, 2016, 04:42:20 PM hentaiboy69 »

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: 7883

« #6 : March 24, 2016, 04:10:06 PM »

The elf wasn’t able to replies, now panting and moaning as she never have done in her whole life. Thinking at her sister Aily, Phylia was feeling guilty but the pleasure that human’s girl was now giving to her was too intense to rationally think and asks her to stop. For the first time from the day she was captured, Phylia was finally able to pull away all the sadness which was wrapping her heart and soul, and it was happening in a way the elf was expecting. To don’t mention the fact who was the one able to make this happen, a human’s girl! At the begin, Phylia was deeply shocked by the strange sensations that girl was giving her, especially considering the fact that she is a member of the race which bring away from her all the important things the elf has in her life, but soon things changed, till the point that young and defenseless girl is now able to give to Phylia something totally new....and simply wonderful!
Under the touch of Kath skilled hands, Phylia was now totally lost in a deep and pleasant luxury of senses, something she never has think that can be so marvelous and able to turn her mind almost totally blank. There was no pain, no suffering....everything looks so far, totally overwhelmed by shivers of pleasure which become more intense at any touch of Kath’s hands and lips, till the elf was no more able to control her now so much aroused and tickled body. It lasted just a moment, but it was enough for Phylia to reach a first unexpected as unstoppable orgasm which forced her to yell the growing pleasure she feels inside her. Of course, even her body reacts to that strong and wild stimulation: the juice which was leaking slowly from her pussy, was now leaking copious totally covering Kath’s hand and forming a small pond right between the elf’s thighs. And it was far from stopping!

Of course, even Kath was surprised by how Phylia’s body was reacting to her stimulation.... pleasantly surprised, to tell the truth! And that was exciting her too, to the point the girl can clearly sense a so warm feeling deep in her belly, something men were never able to give her during the two years of her life she passed in this place. Her young but expert pussy has started to drip and the girl was now unable to hold any longer the attraction she felt for that elf, so beautiful and attractive as only elves can be with their slender bodies, their smooth and pure skin....indeed they appear as ethereal figures to the eyes of the humans and this is what make them a so rare and precious merchandise in the Slaves’ House.
Not that Phylia was the first elf that Kath has ever seen in that place, but for sure she was the first one who particularly has caught her attention and more for the lack of experience with sex than just for her beauty which is, of course, something Kath can’t deny. The fact that Phylia is still pure and have never experienced what sex is, was fascinating Kath, probably because her new condition has forced the girl to learn in short time everything needed to totally satisfy a man and, of course, even a woman. Something Phylia totally ignored at the moment, but has to learn soon.
Still playing with the now totally erect nipples of the elf, Kath moves over her, placing her right leg between the now open thighs of that fascinating creature, accidentally rubbing her pussy against Phylia’s soft but toned thigh. It was right in that moment that Kath finally realized how excited she was by that elf: as her pussy touches that soft skin, a strong shiver suddenly spreads all over her young body and before she can realize it, the girl was slowly stroking her now swollen pussy against Phylia’s thigh, soaking it. The girl can’t avoid moaning softly at that strong sensation and soon the voices of the two girls were echoing in the whole structure, till a deep silence fall again on it. Phylia’s lips were soft and delicious and now pressed against Kath once, in a deep and breathless kiss. Both their body were now twitching, totally overwhelmed by the strong sensations they are giving to each other....sensations which are totally new for Phylia but so welcomed, even for Kath!

But in a small corner of her mind, Kath was feeling guilty. Guilty because this all begun to obey to an order which was given to her by Captain Urak, the one in charge inside the structure, who wanted to test the elf and how she will react when sexually stimulated. Of course, Kath accepted to obey to avoid more problem and to gain back some of the thrust the Captain gave to her till the moment she lied about Phylia’s true conditions. But now, and thanks to the tender attentions the elf gave to her, was really fascinated by Phylia, till the point she has started to regret her decision.
Now, Kath was feeling the strong passion which has born between them: it’s growing minute after minute and now it’s impossible for both to take it under control, especially for Phylia who was experiencing it for the first time in her long life. The passion of the kiss they are exchanging become more strong and wild, Kath hands were now exploring Phylia’s body while the elf, still unable to properly react to all those new events, was now holding that girl tight to her, caressing her back. And it was totally natural, just a casualty, that Phylia’s hand reached down to Kath soft bottom, touching it and causing to the girl more unexpected pleasant chills.
The girl stops moving and using her arms as support, she stood over Phylia, panting heavily and looking deep in to the eyes of that beautiful creature. Even Phylia was staring at her, breathing even heavily than the girl, if possible, but despite this the elf was smiling happily at her friend, conscious of the fact that fragile creature is now the one closest to her bleeding soul. They stay like this, in perfect silence, panting and smiling at each other, till the passion which is running in both their body didn’t pushed them again in the arms of the other.

Kath was still on top, with her drooling pussy still rubbing on Phylia’s thigh, soaking it. Of course, at the same time Kath was still using her finger on Phylia’s swollen sex, but having cared to don’t totally violate the elf to preserves her virginity for the one who will buy her during the next auction which will be in just one week. But more they continue, more it become difficult for Kath to avoid to push her fingers, now they were two, too deep in Phylia’s wet pussy and she was about to do it when a strong and so wanted orgasm explode on both the girls, leaving them breathless and exhausted on the floor of the cellar, still holding each other with a happy smile.
That was the first of many nights of pure passion between them. During the day, Kath continue her work in the House, taking care of all the slaves which were gather there day after day, while Phylia was initiated to the art of sexually satisfying men and women, in prevision of the imminent auction. That was really humiliating for Phylia, but the thought to be able to hold Kath in her arms during the night helped her to resist during the long sessions during which she was forced to learn how to properly takes a cock in her mouth or how to properly licks a woman’s pussy, something which become very useful during the long nights she has with Kath.

   At last, the day before the auction arrive. Captain Urak was passing from a cellar to another to chose the slaves which his men have to take to the market, but before they can be moved it’s necessary to properly clean them, to show them all in their best shape and to eliminate the smell of the long days passed between training and, if necessary, punishment. Phylia was expecting to be on the list for the auction, but strangely the Captain didn’t come to visit her. Indeed, on her body there is still well visible the scar of the wound caused to her during the attack at the village and despite all the attentions Kath put in taking care f it, it’s taking longer than how the Captain was expecting to completely heal her. To don’t mention the fact that there is more to teach t the elf before she can be a perfect sexual servant for a noble and his, or her, family.
At last, the door of her cellar remains close till the moment of the usual treatment of her wound come. Phylia was looking outside the small window, when she heard the massive door creak while it’s opening, followed by the sound of so familiar light step. The first impulse of Phylia was to run to Kath and kiss her, but when she turns to welcome the girl, the elf notice Captain Urak right behind her. Immediately, the expression on Phylia’s face change: there was no more happiness on it and her eyes were now looking straight at the Captain, who was now entering in the cellar.

“Are you here to take me to the market!?” the elf asks, showing no fear for that man.

“That was the original plan....” the man replies, moving closer to her and touching the elf right on her wound “but till this didn’t disappear, I can’t sell you for the highest price!”

“So, this means I’ll be your guest for another month?”

The man nods at her, slowly examining the elf’s body just covered by a thin vest. Then, when he is enough satisfied, he lift her chin to have a better view of the face of that amazing creature.

“I would like to buy you as my personal slave....there are many things I can teach you....”

The Captain has a sadistic expression on his face and the temptation to hit him was strong and resist to it wasn’t easy for Phylia but she is perfectly conscious of the fact that will cause her just more trouble. Both her hands were trembling, overwhelmed by the deep desire to punch that man, now so close to her and even if he is probably expecting a reaction like that, he cannot be faster than her. Captain Urak looks at her, then he moves close to her left ear and whispers something.

“I know what you want to do right now....so, why don’t you follow your instinct!?”

It was clear for Phylia what the purpose of that man was: he is looking for an excuse to takes advantage of his position of ruler of the Slaves’ House and abuse of her in the way he desire and like! Those words, anyway, have the effect the man was expecting, it was clear from how Phylia was grinning her teeth she is fatiguing to resist to the desire to accomplish at what the Captain is expecting from her. The elf tighten the grip of her closed hands, till the point her nails were now causing some light scratches on her skin and blood started to drip from them. They stare at each other for a long moment, both patiently waiting in silence, then Phylia broke it.

“Oh, you can’t imagine how badly I want to tear away that smile from your face....but I’m not going to give you any excuse to satisfy your perverted nature!”

Captain Urak smiles at her word and moves a step back. He was laughing, pleasant surprised by the strong determination of that elf, the only girl in the whole structure who has the guts to reply to him. Then, when he finally stops laughing, he looks at her and talks again.

“Well, seems like you will be my guest a little longer, so I hope you are ready for many other days of trainee with my men!”

“I am, don’t worry, Captain....I just hope your men are good enough as you think!”

Captain Urak explodes in a loud laugh then look back at the elf, more fascinated by her determination.

“Now I want you even more, little elf....” he says, particularly euphoric “bend you under me will be really satisfying!”

Telling this, he turns back and step out of the cellar, leaving Phylia and Kath alone. The elf was visibly irritated by that man till the point she smashed her fist on the stone’s wall of the cellar twice, scaring Kath who immediately tries to stop her friend to prevent she can injuries more her hand.

“Phylia, please....don’t hurt yourself!” the girl says, looking at the elf’s hand which is still bleeding and immediately use some medical unguent on it.

Phylia looks at the girl and soon the angry expression on her face disappears, leaving place to a little forced but gentle smile. The presence of Kath have the strange ability to calm her down, maybe due to the fact the two girls are now so intimate and they have started to perfectly understand each other, something Phylia was able to do just with Aily till now. And while Kath was still taking care of Phylia’s hand, the sun has already started to disappear behind the horizon, painting the whole sky of an intense red which is so similar to the one of the fire which was twirling around Aily the day she disappear right in front of the eyes of her sister. Every day, at this hour, Phylia can feel desperation grasping her heart, perfectly conscious of the fact she can do nothing to help her sister till she is trapped in this place and only the presence of Kath is able to give some relieve to the elf.
In fact, every time Kath arrived at the cellar, Phylia is looking outside the small window, thinking at her youngest sister who is now somewhere around the Continent of Drakoonia, all alone in the hands of some mysterious creatures Phylia wasn’t able to recognize or stop. In those moments, Kath lays on the elf’s back and embrace her gently, pervading the body of the elf with a warm sensation which helped Phylia to forget all her sufferings for the rest of the night. Day after day, the two girls became deeply connected to each other to the point they can’t imagine to be separate forever due to the auction even which is now really close but at last, it seems like they have another whole month to stay together. Of course, Phylia is planning to use this unexpected amount of time even to study a plan which can permit to her and to Kath to escape from there, but to do it, she have to totally recovered her strength and, of course, she is in need to have back her weapon, which is powerful enough to grant her a good advantage in a so hostile territory. Something not easy to do in her situation so, first of all, she needs the cooperation of her new friend and lover, Kath.
At the begin, the girl hesitate to do what was requested to her but soon, the strong desire of freedom Phylia has, was shared by the girl too, who is still dreaming to complete her study to become a doctor. Of course, the recent events happened to Kath were another good reason to support the plan of that so resolute elf so, when the girl isn’t too much busy with the other prisoners and the guards are not controlling her, Kath started a discrete investigation to rescue the whole equipment of Phylia, finding it at last.

The two girls passed the last three weeks trying to elaborate a plan to escape during the imminent auction. Of course, to do it they have to find the way to take the whole equipment of Phylia to the market to give to the elf to wear it and, of course, they need a good plan to bring there even the double edged crescent shaped blade, the only weapon which can grant them success. At last, few days before the auction, Phylia came out with a not so perfect plan but good enough to let both of them hope in a not so remote possibility to escape from this now corrupted city.
Of course, during the month which separates the two girls from the next auction, they both continue to act as they have always done. Kath, as usual, has continued her duty inside the House, taking care of the injured prisoners, preparing them in their best shape to be taken to the market, while Phylia has continued to follow the lessons Captain Urak and his men have prepared for her. The elf was surprised to discover that they weren’t just about sex but even about etiquette to properly act in front of members of high society and despite the initial reluctance she have for the first part of her trainee, the second surprised and stunned her: how humans can act in a so different way!? Their etiquette is even more elaborate than the one of her clan and the elf was fascinated by it, till the point she was able to learn it perfectly, truly surprising even Captain Urak.
And now, the Captain was really satisfied by her progress, so he put Phylia on the list for the auction without more hesitation, but he totally ignore the fact that this is opportunity Phylia and Kath were both waiting. The day before the auction, Kath hide the double blade between all the other weapons collected by the soldiers and which will soon moved to the market where the Captain is planning to sell them after have finally sell all the slaves which were gathered again in the Slaves’ House. The second step was to hide Phylia’s equipment between some animals’ skins, so even it will be moved to the market with them. The chance came when the two soldiers engraved by the responsibility to do it leave the chariot they are about to use without any surveillance. Fast and silently, Kath hides Phylia equipment under the skins, then move away but having cared to control that the soldiers didn’t notice them. Just when they reach the door of the House’s yard and leave it, the girl was finally able to takes a deep relieving breath but that was just the begin of the plan Phylia has organized, in fact the difficult part is far from be done.

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: 7883

« #7 : March 24, 2016, 04:10:32 PM »

The next morning, at dawn, the soldiers waked up all the prisoners written on the list and took them at the market, where they are about to meet their fate. As Phylia was expecting, just a soldier was left outside the room where they were left waiting for the begin of the auction and one after the other, any prisoner was taken outside and showed to the multitude of merchants and citizens which are all waiting to buy them. Of course, Phylia was the last on the list, as a main attraction, and more the moment for her to be taken outside is closed, more the two girls were caught in fear and trepidation, especially Kath who was trembling visibly when she entered in the room to bring Phylia’s equipment to her. While she was passing in front of the only guard left outside the room, the girl can clearly hear her heart bumping faster and wild to the point she is quite sure that the guard can stop her and control the chest she has with her. But that didn’t happen, at last!
When she was inside, alone with Phylia, the girl can finally take a deep relieving breath. Phylia, who was looking at her, can clearly read the panic in the girl’s eyes and before Kath can say any words, she holds her tight in her arms, trying to help the girl to relax. And that works partially, but the trembling all around Kath’s body didn’t stop. Phylia, worried for her, was gently caressing her hair, trying to reassure the girl about the success of their plan but despite the warm and pleasant sensation caused by contact of their body, Kath can’t stop trembling in fear. Then, the girl looks up at Phylia and with a feeble voice, spoke.

“Phylia....are you sure our plan will not fail!?”

The elf smiles at her, then gently kiss the girl on her lips.

“If we play well our cards, it will, Kath....trust me!”

They stare at each other for a long moment. The room was quiet and empty, as it was the small cellar where Phylia was imprisoned for almost two months but today everything is different, they are about to try to escape from a place which is surrounded by well equipped and prepared soldiers.

“I’m so scared....” Kath says, breaking that silence and looking down “what if we fail!?”

“Failing is not an option, Kath....I promise you, before dusk will come, we will far from this corrupted city!”

Phylia’s words relieved the girl just in part, but her gentle hand caressing the girl’s cheek was able to calm her more.

“Now go....I count on you!”

Kath nods at the elf, then she left the room. Phylia looks at her till the door isn’t closed again behind the girl, leaving her alone again. She closes her eyes for a moment, mentally focusing on every step of the plan and when she has exanimate them again, she takes a deep breath and open her eyes. She moves close to the chest left there by Kath and without any other hesitation, she left the vest she’s wearing fall on the floor, just to kneel near the chest and remove the clothes which are covering her equipment.
While she was taking it out of the chest, her hands where lightly trembling. When Kath was there with her, she was trying to act strong and well determinate, but deep in her soul even Phylia was scared by the consequences of the failure of her plan because during the time she was forced to stay there, the elf has learned what happened to the prisoners which try escape or disappoint Captain Urak. But there is no more time for hesitation: this is the one and only chance she have to escape and finally tries to find any traces of her sister Aily, even if so much time is already passed from the day she disappear right in front of Phylia’s eyes.

Little by little, while she was wearing her whole equipment, the determination of Phylia become stronger and when the door which lead outside to the stage where the merchants are waiting for her begin to opens, Phylia was ready to accomplish at her part of the plan. A soldier was now on the door, surprised to see the elf wearing something different from the usual vest all the other prisoner wear during the auction, but before he can react and attack the elf, Phylia is already against him, fast and silent, bringing him down and making him lose sense. The nice caused by the armor the soldier is wearing, caught the attention of the auctioneer and of the other soldier who is standing on a side of the stage. Immediately, he runs to the door to give support to his comrade but before he can be enough closer to see what was happening, Phylia jump out of the door, landing with her knee right on his face. The man, unprepared to avoid that sudden and unexpected attack, falls on the stage senseless and with two teeth broken, causing panic in the whole crowd which is assisting at that show.
Phylia was now standing on the stage fierce and proud, in perfect shape and well determinate. All around her, soldiers were now trying to reach the stage, difficulty moving between all the people who are standing in the auction’s square, unable to believe at what is happening right in front of their eyes. Three soldiers jump on the stage, determinate to attack Phylia and to take her again under their control while Captain Urak is watching at the whole situation from the other side of the square. The first one of them, tries to hit the elf with his sword but it was easy for Phylia to avoid that attack and block the soldier’s arm, breaking it. And while the man was screaming for the intense pain, Phylia kicked him right on his stomach, pushing him against one of the other two soldiers and forcing this to fall due to the weight of his comrade. The third one hesitate to attack: the strength Phylia was demonstrating has surprised him and despite the elf is disarmed, the man was trembling in front of her.

“What the hell are you doing!? Attack her!” the second soldier yell at him while he was trying to stand up, moving away the body of the first one.

The soldier was hesitating, uncertain on what to do to properly face the fast movements of that elf. Swallowing nervously, he tries to move closer to her and bring a first and decisive attack but Phylia, again, avoid it with a sudden movement, almost pressing her body on the ground. Then, using her right arm as support, the elf kick him right under his chin, breaking the soldier’s neck and making him fly high in the air.

“Die, bitch!” a voice yell, coming from behind the flying body of the soldier.

The third soldier was now upon Phylia, ready to pierce her body with his sharpen sword. Phylia, still a little unbalanced due to the last attack she took to the other soldier, was now too exposed to the soldier’s sword and she has no time to think to a good strategy to protect herself from that attack. But it was right in that moment that she noticed the sword of the second soldier still lying on the ground near her. Without more hesitation and faster as she can, Phylia grab it and block the attack just when the blade is few inches away from her head. That man was strong, probably even more then how Phylia was expecting, and resist to the pressure of his sword wasn’t easy for her. Slowly, the sword was getting closer to her head, ready to split it in half, while other soldiers were now approaching the stage where she was already fighting with her all her strength but unable to face her enemies properly without her weapon.

Instinctively, Phylia looks in the direction where she knows Kath must be, trying to bring the double edged crescent shaped blade to the elf but the wall of soldiers which is now surrounding her, didn’t give to Phylia the chance to see where her friend is right now. The soldiers are coming even closer to her and with them, even the not so remote possibility to be killed by them, despite the order of Captain Urak was to capture her unharmed or, at least, in conditions which will grant the possibility for him to give to that elf a lesson or two she will never forget.
Looking at the whole situation, Phylia was now starting to worry for herself and for Kath. The girl must be already her, but there is no trace of the girl, who can be even caught by the soldiers before she can accomplish at her part of the plan or, even worst, she has run away, scared by the possibility of the failure of it. Phylia was looking around her, still trying to resist under the pressure  of that sword, when she noticed a jar full of water near one of the wooden pillar of the stage. Probably, that water is not pure enough to evocate the water’s spirit, but she can use it to protect herself and gain some time in hope to see Kath appears from behind the soldiers holding tight her weapon.
Without waiting any longer, Phylia focused her attention to the soldiers in front of her and to the chant she need to sing to gain control of that water. Of course, the soldier tries to stop her but being in a so not easy and unstable position, it wasn’t easy for him to do it and soon, Phylia was able to complete the chant. The water, as it was a snake, leak out of the jar, fast and unstoppable, just to clash on the soldier who is facing the elf and throwing him away from her. With fast movement of her hand, Phylia was soon surrounded by the water, which is forming a sort of barrier around the elf and while the soldiers are approaching her, Phylia tries to focus her mind on controlling the water and use it to push all her opponent back. While she is protecting herself with that thin layer of water, Phylia started to move to the direction where Kath is supposed to be, trying to find any clue of where the girl is. And it was when the elf pushed down of the stage some of the soldiers that she finally was able to see her: Kath was exactly where they planned she must be, trembling and paralyzed by fear, with Phylia’s weapon right near her!
Phylia has put all her trust in that young human’s girl and she has pondered of the possibility she cannot be able to be of some help many times but at last, she was already sure of the fact that Kath was strong enough to do her part. But as Phylia can see right now, she has underestimate the fear which is grasping the girl soul till the day she lost the privileges she gain thanks to her knowledge and skill. The girl was paralyzed, with her eyes wide opened while she was watching at the fight between the soldiers and a lonely Phylia, now supported just by a few of water which cannot protect her for long time. Her body was trembling despite she didn’t caught the attention of the soldiers....not till that moment, anyway! In fact, while she followed Phylia’s movements, one of them has seen the girl holding the elf’s weapon and now he was approaching her. Kath was looking at him, unable to move, while Phylia, to far from the girl to help her, was now sweating cold, and worried for her friend.

Hero Member
: 7883

« #8 : March 24, 2016, 04:18:59 PM »

And now.....a new poll!
Kath is paralized by fear while holding in her hands Phylia’s double edged crescent blade and a soldier is approaching her to avoid she can give the weapon to the elf. What will happen now!?

  • Kath let the wapon fall on the ground and run away, scared by the soldier and by the fight which is now running in the market
  • The soldier reach Kath, but in some way Phylia is able to gain back her weapon

Poll will be closed on April 3!

Hero Member
: 7883

« #9 : April 10, 2016, 03:36:05 PM »

Poll closed! winner is.....

Kath let the weapon fall on the ground and run away, scared by the soldier and by the fight which is now running in the market

with 3 votes!
« : April 12, 2016, 01:34:59 AM hentaiboy69 »

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