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: A pray for 20 angels...  ( 10830 )
Sr. Member
: 317

« : December 14, 2012, 07:08:05 PM »

20 angels are gone...

Cherish your little monsters, some don't have that chance anymore...

Hero Member
: 2891

Paddle Queen

« #1 : December 14, 2012, 09:10:32 PM »

hmmm what is it about ?

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #2 : December 14, 2012, 11:12:46 PM »

Sadly a gunman in USA shot and killed 20 children in a primary school, I think teachers too.  The gun man I think shot his mom too. Its breaking news here. God Bless their little souls and let the Angels look after them in heaven and the ones they left behind.  A terrible tragedy, made worst so close to xmas.

Prayers and thought to them and their loved ones.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P

« #3 : December 15, 2012, 01:48:23 AM »

Such sad news.

Newtown, Conecticut  is a lovely little town just off  Hwy 84 and close to Long Island Sound. I stopped there once with my parents on our way to New York from Montreal, on back roads through lovely countryside. It is so alarming to hear of such terrible things happening but even worse when it is somewhere that you know.

Hopefully something good will come out of this and there will be stricter gun control in a beautiful country that is self-destructing in a large part due to those who so forcefully assert their right to bear arms with no consideration for the evil that they breed.

I fully expect the response from such people to be “if a teacher  had a gun they could have killed the person and reduced the carnage”. Lol, why not say “if one of the 5 yr olds had taken a gun to school they could have stopped the carnage”. Regardless of what they say, guns kill people and have no place in a good and decent society, which is what everyone should be working towards.
Hero Member
: 3856

« #4 : December 15, 2012, 02:16:14 AM »

It's not guns,... it is people. A similiar situation happen in China where a deranged individual took a knife to a school and stabbed 30 children.

Sadly a deranged one took the innocence from a whole community, my prayers go out to them all and I hope they will find comfort and peace quickly.

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #5 : December 15, 2012, 04:08:21 AM »

We , in the UK, have some of the strictest  Gun Laws around.  Even our Police are not routinely armed and I rue the day that should ever happen.

We still have gun crime,  although not so many discharged shootings because of it and tragically we have had  a similar incident in Dunblane.

The debate about guns will go on and no doubt this will re ignite it ...   The individuals who tend to go on such a killing spree end up dead anyway and it is their suicide mission... 

It is the indivuals who have access to such guns that is too blame ...  but if a change in the law can save just one child,  then it should happen .. how can it not...  guns are to kill and to maim... 

 The xmas presents, lovingly brought, lovingly wrapped,  under the tree that will remain unopened....   tell that to the opposition to changes in your laws ...

Back to topic, I will light a candle this Christmas at our local church for the children & their families....   God rest their souls xxx

« : December 15, 2012, 04:19:07 AM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 1688

« #6 : December 15, 2012, 05:02:28 AM »

There are two topics that do not get discussed by the politicians in this country, because we are a divided nation on them.  Abortion and gun control... and I don't know what the answer is to either of them.

If a criminal or evil mind wants a gun, no gun control law will prevent them from getting one, or two.  I lived in that clandestine world for a while (back in my other life) dealings for outlawed things happen everyday. 

This was a planned, meditated attack, not a random act of enraged violence.

Now, the cable news organizations will spend the next week talking about this, and making the shooter a recognized name.  That, in my opinion, should not happen, I don't want him to become famous.

Back on topic:

I could not wait to hug my two kids yesterday.

*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 7883

« #7 : December 15, 2012, 05:07:05 AM »

I really really think in the US they must change the law about guns.....it's too easy to have one!

But Bear is right.....there are too people around with ill mind! Last febrary, when we we ha the most cold days in italy, a man had take is own child from her wife mother and tro it in the river.....if this isn't an ill mind, what is it!?

My pray is now for the 20 little angels and fot the adults killed yesterday....and for their family: this must be an happy period of the year, but from now on it gonna be a sad moment...

If a criminal or evil mind wants a gun, no gun control law will prevent them from getting one, or two.  I lived in that clandestine world for a while (back in my other life) dealings for outlawed things happen everyday. 

Maybe.....but with law gun control, it will be a little hard for  them to have it....

Sr. Member
: 317

« #8 : December 15, 2012, 05:15:01 AM »

I agree with you Bear, an unloaded gun in the hands of a good person is as harmful as coton ball.

You don't need an automatic weapon to make a massacre, a double barrel hunting gun is largely enough and it's easy to find even here in France (a little bit harder since the laws had changed)

I also agree that it can happen somewhere else (China, Norway, here in France... Personnaly I know where to find a AK47 on the black market for around 600$) and from time to time. (By the way in China, it was 8 casualties not 30.)


I've looked on Wiki since the beginning of the 90's, 14 of the 28 school killings that happened where done in the USA...

Monday november the 26th were the first monday without murder in NY for decades...

Those are just examples.

Human kind is violent in general but I don't think that have weapon on the open market will help. Of course, there are controls for buying new ones but in many states, 2nd hand market is not controlled.
Hero Member
: 598

« #9 : December 15, 2012, 11:42:58 AM »

This is truly sad to hear, from the info i read and heard the gunman Adam Lanza, most likely had a mental disability or developmental disorder or personality disorder. several who knew Lanza in high school had been told he had Asperger’s syndrome, a high functioning form of autism.

I all so read he had  everal tell-tale signs of the disorder, often making those around him nervous because he was painfully shy and seemed to struggle to be social and form connections with people. It was evident Lanza “had a condition,” a neighbor tells the New York Post. You definitely notice it,” he added. Lanza was “kind of, like, needy. I wouldn’t say antisocial, but struggling to be social.” One “family insider” tells the New York Daily News Lanza “was a deeply disturbed kid,” who “had major issues” and “was subject to outbursts.” A 25-year-old neighbor who sometimes watched Adam Lanza when his mother would go out with friends said he was on medication, reports the Washington Post.

I go the above info here, he also killed him self after a total  of 28 deaths

there is more info on him, Its sad even with all the sign this kid had he should have had been in better care, also the guns were owned by his mother. there other sign for those who do own firearms really need to take better care of them so things like this don't happen. If you live in the USA all way lock your guns up tight. all way practice gun safety.

this will get a lot press on gun control ignoring the the real problem and root of why this happened. Its the same thing that happen few mouth ago the new batman movie came out the guy shot the theater up.

its sad, last year or early of this year a single mother raising  a 6 mouth baby was attack in her home by two people she shot and killed the first attacker the other fled  thanks to the gun she owned she was able to save her self and her child. If she did not have it she most likely be dead and her kid too. people kill, take guns a way  and they will still kill. a gun is just the easy way and most common way of killing some one.

there always a way and when some one want to harm others they will do so no matter what. be it a gun, knife, bomb, or even a car.

I do hope you understand what I am trying to say. Thing like this will happen again best we can do is find the root of why thes action are being taken.

true beauty lies in great friendship =)
Hero Member
: 1600

« #10 : December 15, 2012, 12:05:36 PM »

i agree with Covems, the news media will have a week or longer foucusing on the shooter and the debate over gun control and the victims will be forgotton................and this is just wrong.

Bear is also right,  there is no way to prevent a sick mind from doing the unthinkble. the USA is mostly rural communities where fire arms are a way of life, and gun laws very from state to state and 2nd hand sales are not controlled. im not taking sides in the issue, but how many innocents must die before this country decides enough is enough? and why is "mental health services the 1st thing to recieve "budget cuts " when money is tight? and  is my country willing to accept these horrible attacks as a price for "the right to bear arms"? tough questions with no easy answers.

but in the mean time lets not forget the victims and there families.............the media will do that for us
Sr. Member
: 317

« #11 : December 15, 2012, 12:37:09 PM »

I agree that sometimes having a gun at home could be usefull but saying that having a gun at home wil prevent crime, I don't think so...

Here, in France we have around 10 000 000 registred weapons for a population of 60 so 1/6 rate. In the US, you have a rate of 270/ 300 but you also have a rate of criminality of 5.6 for 100 000 people while we have a rate of 1.7. So objectively, having weapons doesn't solve insecurity problems.

Moreover, to defend my house, I don't think I'll ever need war weapons such as automatic guns

I don't judge your country, I like him and we have a long friendship. So as a friend, I tell you that you really have an issue... :.(

Oh and before being called anti weapons, I've 2 .12 , 1 22LR rifle, 1 .22L hand gun, and a .308 long range rifle at home, hope to add soon 1 AK semi auto chambered in .223 and a 9mm handgun. They are locked in a safe as the law wants me to and the triggers are safed by a lock too. To own them, I had to be registred in a Shooting school, having at least 6 months of shooting records, not having criminal reports, not having mental diseases and make a request at the local authority.

For hunting weapon, we must have a license with some exams and the same conditions than for sport shooting.
« : December 15, 2012, 12:43:00 PM prias »
Hero Member
: 10350

« #12 : December 15, 2012, 01:47:31 PM »

It's the finger that triggers. And if any assholes want to kill someone they get the weapons they want. But the more people have weapons the easier to use. I'm absoultely sure that many murders won't happen and had not happened if less people have weapons.

But I aslo would like to stop the discussion about weapons in THIS topic. It is to remember and to sorrow about the children and teachers. When I heard the news yesterday I was on a way to a party night. I was shocked. So my friends were - we needed some minutes to get back the mood for the night.

Candles are burning - not just for the children but also as a warning for. A sign for everyone to work each day for the good.

Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #13 : December 15, 2012, 02:04:32 PM »

I will not get into my politics.

The Big Issue is that for 20 some odd families December no longer means Christmas time. For now and forever more it will be the time when they lost
Their baby.
 The month when some lunatic in a senseless act of violence cut short the lives of their most cherished.
They will try to make sense of it. They will cry. They will scream at God. they will get no answer. There will be no understanding because that is what senseless means.

My heart pours out for them, my soul prays for them, my eyes weep for them. I ask that my God stands with them and eventually gives them peace, if not understanding.

Hero Member
: 10350

« #14 : December 15, 2012, 02:24:49 PM »

You're so right andrea. I lost my mother few days before christmas too and though you can't compare this I was sad and also angry. I wanted to fight with God but he was too gutless to answer. It's hard when there is nobody giving a helpful answer.

Every christmas will be hard now. Each year they will think about what happened and feel helpless, sad and angry. And other parents and children live in fear that this can happen to them too.

We have to think of the children but also for the parents and those children which survived. They need help, understanding and much patience.

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