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: IMPORTANT please read.  ( 6609 )
: 20

« : January 01, 2013, 03:07:52 PM »

I don't know if this is right place to put this here but i had friend in Achat who just got robbed of his money, a girl named Deauxma_50 got his credit card info or ccbill info and and funded her account with his money.

If you know any way of letting the Admins of the game know what she as done please let me know. this is just wrong and she should not be able to get away with it.
« : January 01, 2013, 03:43:10 PM happyface »
Hero Member
: 10350

« #1 : January 01, 2013, 03:15:02 PM »

On the upper line of this homepage is a support-button. You can use it to contact the admin.

It's a crime and I hope that is all she did (though its bad enough). He should think about telling the police too.
« : January 01, 2013, 03:47:19 PM Lover »

Hero Member
: 598

« #2 : January 01, 2013, 03:33:04 PM »

I'm very sorry for your Friend Sis, please follow lovers advise and report this the Admin, and if you can you should also get your friend to send the report him self.

 I'm very sorry sis but I not sure how much the Admin can do. so don't get your hopes up.

 I do hope there is away for this to get resolved

true beauty lies in great friendship =)
: 20

« #3 : January 01, 2013, 03:42:28 PM »

Thank you Lover, i have already sent one. I was hoping there might have been another way of getting help.
Dustin thank you for your words, its mean a lot.
I was chatting with him sadly hes quiting the game, it pains my heart to loose such a long and close friend to to such people. I just wish there is more i can do for him. see this women get away with it pains me even more.
I know there little the Admin can do but hope Karma catch up with this heartless monster and it gets what coming to it.
Hero Member
: 598

« #4 : January 01, 2013, 03:47:07 PM »

My Sister, if you need to chat I'm here for you when ever you need me I'll be logged into yahoo waiting if need company.

Love you Sis. 

true beauty lies in great friendship =)
Hero Member
: 10350

« #5 : January 01, 2013, 03:49:16 PM »

Unofrtunately we can't do more for you. Just being there if you or your friend needs someone to talk to as Dustin said.

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #6 : January 01, 2013, 05:18:37 PM »

What this person has done is Theft and Fraud - plain and simple.  She has used his account without his authority and stolen money from him. This should be reported to the police immediately, no ifs and buts and Achats Support informed immediately to block any further use of his card.

These kind of incidents should be treated with zero tolerance.

Your friend should cancel this card immediately as it has now been compromised and hopefully he has learnt a valuable lesson here and the consequences of allowing anyone to have your personal information in this way. Whatever is promised, whatever is said - Do not ever trust anyone with such details ever.

I would like to think the Achat Gods would close down the offenders account and any linked to it, and provide whatever information they have to the proper authorities in an attempt to stop any repeat offending.

Stealing from or taking advantage of  other members in this way should not be tolerated or condoned ever.
Well done for informing Forum and naming the offending profile name to warn our other members.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 7883

« #7 : January 02, 2013, 02:22:21 AM »

Mmmmh, i think it's necessary she send a message to the CCBILL support too, to prevent others use of the credit card there too, till she doesn't have block the card!

honestly, this ios one of the reason why i prefere a rechargeble card for internet then one linked with a bank account. You can put there only the money you need and when they are ended, no more buy!

: 20

« #8 : January 03, 2013, 11:30:58 PM »

Sadly the Admins cant do anything for me, unless my friend send the report him self and he all ready left the game.
I figured this would happen, other monster is getting away with such a horrible act.
Hero Member
: 7883

« #9 : January 04, 2013, 02:02:29 AM »

I'm sorry for you, happyface.....loosing a good friend is always sad, but i can swear you others will knock at your door!

If you like, stay here and enjoy the atmosphere of the forum: it's full of nice people and it will rise your mood! it's perfect in a foggy time like this!

Sr. Member
: 385

« #10 : January 04, 2013, 08:20:25 AM »

What this person has done is Theft and Fraud - plain and simple.  She has used his account without his authority and stolen money from him. This should be reported to the police immediately, no ifs and buts and Achats Support informed immediately to block any further use of his card.

These kind of incidents should be treated with zero tolerance.

Your friend should cancel this card immediately as it has now been compromised and hopefully he has learnt a valuable lesson here and the consequences of allowing anyone to have your personal information in this way. Whatever is promised, whatever is said - Do not ever trust anyone with such details ever.

I would like to think the Achat Gods would close down the offenders account and any linked to it, and provide whatever information they have to the proper authorities in an attempt to stop any repeat offending.

Stealing from or taking advantage of  other members in this way should not be tolerated or condoned ever.
Well done for informing Forum and naming the offending profile name to warn our other members.

I Agree with Brandybee , This cases of stolen acounts should be treated with  ZERO TOLERANCE.
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