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: MINE!  ( 5022 )
: 14

« : January 02, 2013, 10:24:25 AM »

His eyes opened. It was morning too soon. The sun was pouring through the window filling the room with amber light. Somewhere outside a very annoying bird was singing its song. Although he was still groggy from too little sleep, he somehow made up his mind to brick up that window and kill that bird. The bed was warm and the pillows had her scent. Her warm, sweet body lay next to his. Each soft breath and each movement of her shoulders filling him with a sense of home. A sense of having something in his life that was actually worth having. Worth protecting. He wanted to reach out and touch her hair which was tussled and wild across the pillow. To slide his fingers among those curls once again. He wanted her. Hell, he always did. She knew it and she loved it and the best thing of all, the most amazing thing of all, was that this perfect, amazing woman wanted him too. He was jealous. He admitted it. Jealous of every moment he spent without her. Of every touch she gave someone else no matter how innocent. Of every glance she received from another man's eyes. Proud of her. Proud that she belonged to him and him alone. That she repeated that over and over as they kissed, as they held hands, as they danced, as they lay on the couch drowsing in front of the TV. She had no idea how proud that made him  feel. How it filled his soul and gave him strength. He felt her body beneath the sheets. 1000 count Egyptian cotton. He could still see her reveling in the softness. Her long legs, small perfect breasts, smooth skin. Stretching her body amid the gathered sheets she was a picture of innocence, of love, of passion, of lust. He could not think of living without her.

Slowly, carefully he slid himself from the bed and made his way to the shower. It was 6 Am and he had to be at work in an hour. He would be working on barely 4 hours of sleep but he could not help feeling wonderful about it. He had spent the night in her arms feeling her lips pressed on his. They had taken each other in that perfect combination of loving, demanding, tender, terrible need. His muscles were still sore and as the hot water steamed over him he thanked God and all the Angels for this woman. She would be angry at him later on for clouding up the bathroom, towels tossed haphazardly across the shower rod to dry. There was always a right way of doing everything it seemed and somehow he (and every other man on the planet) could not manage to follow all these simple rules. It did not matter. He would apologize with a thousand kisses when he got home. Looking down he hoped he could hide that thought in his pants during the day. Although she loved that she still affected him like this every damned hour of the day but it was god-damned embarrassing on the subway. Sliding on his pants he made his way to the kitchen. Today he definitely needed coffee.

She was there of course, already pouring the cream into his cup. The smile on her face brighter than the gates of Heaven and more inviting. Her body slim and perfect in the rumpled purple tank and panties. Long, perfect legs stretching all the way to the floor. He loved simply to look at her. And he knew she was hesitating just a few more seconds just to give him that opportunity. To drink her in with his eyes. Make love to her with his thoughts. He could see her body tensing, shivering slightly as she felt him behind her. Her body reacting to his presence, his desire, his closeness.

She turns to him with a smile, her hair still wild from sleep and his fingers. A lioness' mane of brownish hair and the greenest eyes he had ever seen. She takes his breath away with that smile. Her eyes are bright. Her body pressed along his, soft and strong as she hands him the steaming cup. Her words reach down into his soul as they do every morning filling him with pride and strength. Power to face down the world.

“Good morning, Lover. I am yours.”

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #1 : January 02, 2013, 11:17:46 AM »

Oh, if only every man worshipped his lady like that ... the world would be a happy happy place,  mmmm  Loved it.

You are so campaigned for entering Erotic Story Contest  4  - First Time  :)

 For Entry and Rule Details Go to :-

Forum Home Page / Organisations & Events / Contests / Erotic Story Contest 4    OT   Page 4

Just a thought ... when you have your Secret Santa date with Rigs6  ::)   I hope you post is as good   :-*

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 10350

« #2 : January 03, 2013, 04:51:43 AM »

Thundersax! How could you write something like this???? Now every woman wants us to be like the man in your story... oh no.... WE fought so long for equality and now you're coming up and destroy everything....

It's great and you have to continue... and as Brandy said you have to join the erotic story contest.

Hero Member
: 3771

« #3 : January 03, 2013, 09:20:42 AM »

Oh, if only every man worshipped his lady like that ... the world would be a happy happy place,  mmmm  Loved it.

You are so campaigned for entering Erotic Story Contest  4  - First Time  :)

 For Entry and Rule Details Go to :-

Forum Home Page / Organisations & Events / Contests / Erotic Story Contest 4    OT   Page 4

Just a thought ... when you have your Secret Santa date with Rigs6  ::)   I hope you post is as good   :-*

Agree with Brandy... "Oh, if only every man worshipped his lady like that ... the world would be a happy happy place,  mmmm  Loved it."
Very nice! :)

My alley: http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,1884.0.html
: 14

« #4 : March 20, 2013, 09:35:15 AM »

I went to bed last night tired but smiling. Alone but warmed by her love. I slid into a bed  that was once so lonely warmed only by blankets. Now she is with me. Perhaps not physically. I have not been blessed by that...yet. But I feel here there. Her body close against mine. Her thoughts with me. Her heart beating within my chest. Her soul mingled with mine. Three precious hours we were together tonight. And in those three precious hours she had loved me and spoiled me. Filled my heart and mind with her caring and with her passion. Shown me a world of wonderful possibilities and dreams which I still feel I will never deserve. She caressed me with her words. Lifted me up and drained me. I  keep telling her how she is mine and mine alone. Yet with every precious night we spend together I grow more and more her own. She knows this and it binds her to me even more.

We live in a strange world here on Achat. A world where we reach out from our own lives out of curiosity, or loneliness, or simply a need we cannot explain ourselves. Whatever the reason, something is missing and here we reach out to find it. Sometimes it is simple as having someone to pass the time with or simply for a few hours being the person you secretly want to be. Free. Open. Sexual. You meet people, you talk, you make friends, and sometimes – and this is a very rare and magical sometimes – you meet someone that you cannot forget. Not for a day. Not for a second. Someone you have dreamed of all your life. Someone who you feel inside you. Someone you would give the world to touch, to kiss, to hold for the briefest of moments and forever. And - even more rare and even more magical – that one special person feels the same about you. You are with them. And despite all the world and what the mirror tells you,  you are intelligent and sexy and wonderful. That is how I feel now.

If this was your lover or your wife you would come home with flowers, opera tickets, perfumes, stuffed  animals, serve her breakfast in bed, rub her shoulders... a thousand simple ways to tell her how wonderful she is. But we are here. There are no flowers to send. Just words. Words that have been used and wrung out and used again. Words she has heard before by lovers, liars, gypsies and thieves. (You know who you are.) How in the world do you show her what she means to you? How you feel yourself flying through your day. That you cannot stop thinking of her. Her lips. Her legs. Her fingers in your hair. Her body pressed mercilessly under yours. All you have is your words and somehow they are never enough. She tells you that you give her all she needs and more. But it is not enough. You are a man, and that is how she makes you feel. You should be keeping her warm, throwing yourself in front of bullets, laying the world at her feet, moving furniture. Spending every moment making her feel to be filled with roses and  adoration as you do everything a frail and flawed mortal man can do to make her feel like a woman, a queen, a goddess, a wife.

But you are here. And all you can give her are words.
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #5 : March 20, 2013, 09:41:15 AM »

Whispers to you ....    " Thundersax ...  you just did.... everything you said... "    ( Big sigh...  Be still my beating heart.. :) )

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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