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: A guy that acts like a gurl most of the time,  ( 12510 )

« : January 10, 2013, 04:29:25 AM »

(Sorry i know no other place to post this) but when he gets happy and excited acts like a (dump) guy.  does this happen to anyone else around here?  i know its a game. But i really don't know anyone to have a serious conversations with. So any one with real thoughts or a good hearted ear ,, pleasee.

second take (Brandybee's help)  I think i have confussed some people so i would like to clarify. I am a 45 year old  bisexual  male. I like boys(guys) and girls(gals) and have done since reaching puberty. I am also painfully shy and find it difficult to make friends easily.
« : January 10, 2013, 03:53:30 PM slow2dayandu »
Hero Member
: 10350

« #1 : January 10, 2013, 04:42:46 AM »

Sorry,, are you talking about yourself or in general?
You can be sure here are many with deep thoughts and good hearted ears :)

Hero Member
: 3047

« #2 : January 10, 2013, 04:48:44 AM »

I'm not sure what you're talking about here either.

Are we talking about a guy that acts like a girl and when he gets excited and happy he acts like a guy?
Hero Member
: 7883

« #3 : January 10, 2013, 05:11:25 AM »

please slow2dayandu....i think yo have to clarify your message and i'm sure you will find plenty of nice people here who will help you, if this is what you are searching!
« : January 11, 2013, 04:13:03 AM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 3444

« #4 : January 10, 2013, 06:17:40 AM »

Hi  Slow2dayandu

As HB (MMWAHH) says I think you need to be a bit clearer with your message.

And there are lots of nice guys out there and same of us are good listeners to.


« #5 : January 10, 2013, 12:53:08 PM »

I'm not sure what you're talking about here either.

Are we talking about a guy that acts like a girl and when he gets excited and happy he acts like a guy?

 yes Adera that is what i am talking about, and not try to be general. just really scared, i am totally in closet and i have been trying all other forms of asking this counsel, church, family even GLBT sties . but i was playing with someone i really liked on achat and they asked me if i knew them (and i tell the truth)if directly asked. so i told them that i really did not know them and would like to know them better if they would just open up some and talk with me. Now they don't say hi at all. i only have one person on here that even plays with me still and there really young, so no adult talks there.
i wouldn't even be asking this, but my own feeling and hornyness is starting so i got to get go and talk and trust..
Hero Member
: 10350

« #6 : January 10, 2013, 01:17:06 PM »

What do you mean with really young?

You never may forget: Talking can bring people together, make people fall in love.... but also starts wars. Words can help and also bring someone down. Many people, here and in real life, are very careful in talking about private details. Perhaps the way you asked frightened them or  they just don't like this. Be patient and use your words very carefully when you want to know more about the person. It needs a lot of trust and one wrong word can lead to distrust or break the connection you have built for weeks.

As I'm still not sure if I understand you right, tell me if my answer was helpful.thanks


« #7 : January 10, 2013, 01:30:01 PM »

well 18 to 30 is really young to me im 45 in 3 weeks.  and really i still have not gone out on a date and had my first passionate kiss yet. I'm like a relationship virgin still. thats all you got out of my talking????

« #8 : January 10, 2013, 01:57:45 PM »

What do you mean with really young?

You never may forget: Talking can bring people together, make people fall in love.... but also starts wars. Words can help and also bring someone down. Many people, here and in real life, are very careful in talking about private details. Perhaps the way you asked frightened them or  they just don't like this. Be patient and use your words very carefully when you want to know more about the person. It needs a lot of trust and one wrong word can lead to distrust or break the connection you have built for weeks.

As I'm still not sure if I understand you right, tell me if my answer was helpful.thanks

first question i have answered.
and i know that words are needed to be thoughtful and honest , but my real age will shine when i talk and try to comunicate too.   and i was just asking if anyone had more of a girls side to them/or to there personality with others? and where they bitchy short or mean at times also. like i am coming out in more than one way at once?
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #9 : January 10, 2013, 02:34:47 PM »

Hey Slow2dayandu, hi ya Fella..   

I'm still confused .  Are you saying you are a guy who is more in touch with his feminine side than his male side?   Are you trying to say you have gay feelings ?

I'm not sure .. I guess you need to be a little more direct for us to offer our thoughts on it. There's good people here and  all sorts of orientations so whatever you are feeling, I'm sure there is going to be someone who can identify with you.  And the great thing about here is  , we try not to judge anyone and accept you for you.

You can contact me by PM or any of the moderators if you are having trouble finding the words for your feelings, maybe we can help put it in a post that people can understand and maybe offer advice and support.

Important thing is , you have made the first move to try and talk about things  :)

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 3444

« #10 : January 10, 2013, 02:52:16 PM »

Well said as always BrandyBee

Slow2dayandu I would take BrandyBee up on her offer she is a great listener and we point you in the right direction of someone that can help you.

If not she will help you get your message across so we can all help.

But the first step is the hardest and you'v done that  :)

So here hoping we can help

Hero Member
: 3047

« #11 : January 10, 2013, 03:48:44 PM »

A big problem is that since this is the internet there are lots of mean and unforgiving people, I wouldn't expect to be forgiven because of that simple fact... but you can hope for it at least. :)

« #12 : January 10, 2013, 04:17:02 PM »

yes Adnera << did i get that right? there are mean andect. people out there, but i have enough problems of my own to fix, so i try to be a gentlemen to all, a freind to the ones that are in my thoughts and heart. on and on. and i am sorry, i tried the forums for gays, i cant typa all of that out.  and no adults are replying to honest questions.  anyhow thank you all for the help, i hope your head aches less the more i stay around. mmwwaa huggs.
Hero Member
: 10350

« #13 : January 11, 2013, 04:05:10 AM »

Slow, listen to your own name ;) Be slow, be patient.
From what I read you're a nice guy. Life is rather easy - we get what we believe to get. If you believe "no adults are replying to honest question" you will find only adults with this beahviour. But I promise you, you are wrong -just look at this forum.

Give yourslef a chance to get to know us and also to meet nice people in game. You will. But also accept, some dont want it or need much more time to trust you. And also - trust yourself. You WILL meet wonderful people  -perhaps more you can bear ;)


« #14 : February 01, 2013, 07:31:31 PM »

 I know that my mouth gets away from my thoughts and brains. I thanked brandy for the chatting and help to get my head together. finding a lot of good loving people to chat with and be good with a lot of advise too. But I do think I will be trike_riding  more than this guy without a clue. and lover and bear and all the others that take the time to chat with me. it's funny how something so simple as trying can make living gain a whole new light. So I guess was my sheepish way of knocking at A Chat and saying hi.
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