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: What do you think about... OOT  ( 71614 )
Hero Member
: 2044

Never push a loyal person to the breaking point

MSN Messenger - mick.woodman@gmail.com
« #60 : February 28, 2015, 12:00:40 AM »

Imagine if you can a country somewhere in this world, It would also apply on another world, but let's stick to what we know. let's make it an island so that they are isolated.
In this country there is perfect peace. No crime and no wars. The people of this country are very pious and they regularly worship God and thank him for their health and happiness. They have never seen their god nor does he speak to them, but they have a book written by their ancestors which has stories of people that god has spoken to and of how the world was created by God, so they are sure that what they believe must be the truth.
One day a strange ship arrives. Full of curiosity and generosity the islanders welcome the strangers.
The strangers are horrified that the people on this island don't worship the same god as them and tell them that they must all be evil and will be condemned to hell if they do not immediately convert to their religion, worshipping their god, who is described in great detail in a book written by their ancestors. The islanders are very confused, but will not convert as their god must be the one and only god because they have been taught so for their entire history.
So you get the picture, right?
These two religions have never met each other and worship different gods, each religion convinced that theirs is the only true religion because that's what they have always been taught.
How will they ever be reconciled?
One religion's book teaches respect for the world & all the creatures in it and also for Nature itself. This book teaches that after death one's deeds and what one has taught to one's children are all that live on.
The other religion's book states categorically that to kill is a mortal sin and yet the book is full of killing, murder and violence. This book promises eternal wonderful afterlife to everyone who is a true believer in their god, even if they are a thief,  murderer or rapist, just as long as they confess their sins just before they die.

The point I am trying to get across is that people, the human race, white, black, yellow, gay or homophobic, male or female, will believe what is drummed into them from birth. Not many have the intelligence or the will to lift their heads and see that other people have been indoctrinated differently and are just as convinced that they are the only true believers in the only true religion.

anyone  who has spent any time  talking with me KNOWS i am opinionated and yes Arrogant.

this is one of  my favourite  subjects to debate, Blue  you have a innate insight into the human psyche in this matter,

let us go back to the very basics.
In the beginning  there was GOD (who or whatever you choose to call him or her as you prefer, my father called him Huey, so i will choose that)
 and he beheld  the great nothingness
for his own reasons this displeased him and he created the universe
(big bang, creation, whatever you choose to believe)
some people  believe it took 6 days  and then one of rest
personally i tend to think a omnipotent god (Huey)
wouldn't need 6 days  but a mere thought would  create the universe instantly
but  aside from that TIME hadn't been created  yet  so  a measure is  irrelevant

so lets  jump forward in the newly created time line,

to the evolution of man and his  intelligent (SIC) thoughts
man doest have the ability to comprehend  infinity so there is no way he can comprehend  GOD (Huey)

so he tries to create a framework that he can fit to the  universe as he knows it
and of course due to MAN's limitations his theories are  full of errors  and  false premises

and as usual with man  where there are two or more  persons  (number = X) there will be  X + 1 -> infinity number  of theories

and yes they are theories  because they cannot be repeated or proven by any scientific  process

Man has created religion to assuage his inability to comprehend  the incomprehensible
these 'religions" have been handed down orally since the first  religion was INVENTED by man
then along comes  a genius  who creates writing so these  stories  have been  written down and instantly become FACT
animism was the first recognised religion  the belief that every thing has a spirit (read GOD)
Then we have the Egyptian civilisation and SUN worship (this has some merit as the sun is the source of all energy that allows  existence on earth)
but like all religion it  was corrupted by man
(Remember this statement)
then along came Abraham, with his Israelites and because  of  differences of opinion  they split into  Jews and Muslim, again caused by man  not GOD as you know him. these tw2o groups have been fighting over the same piece of ground over since.

then another split followers of Christ  and traditional Jews who were at each others throats  from inception the followers of Christ  were  corrupted into the Christian religion which itself  has been splintered  into myriad  factions.

Are you seeing a pattern here?
GOD is Good until man intervenes, organised religion has been the root of all war   and persecution from its inception man corrupts religion  for POWER and MONEY, so believe in GOD , and  throw religion out  dispose of it  quash any organised religion, the minor  good it doe3s  is far outweighed by the damage it  continues to do, oppression of the poor, not to mention what they have done to children that they are given custody of.

nothing more than hypocritical corrupter of power and money and have laid waste to the world  from time immemorial. you have all been brainwashed into following MEN not GOD.


Join us in the The Achat Square meeting place for broad-minded  adults - fun and games - http://achatsquare.chatango.com

Mean What I Say  -  Say What I Me

« #61 : March 01, 2015, 03:23:29 AM »

How very profound and deep ...and said exactly as I think it ...I don't attend churches or mosques or synagogues ....but I have a far greater belief in god ...good ...etc ....given where we are in the universe and the many other thousands of unexplained miracles that never get mentioned ....I am inclined to agree .
Hero Member
: 2044

Never push a loyal person to the breaking point

MSN Messenger - mick.woodman@gmail.com
« #62 : March 01, 2015, 04:06:02 AM »

Umm thanks  :)

Join us in the The Achat Square meeting place for broad-minded  adults - fun and games - http://achatsquare.chatango.com

Mean What I Say  -  Say What I Me
Hero Member
: 1842

« #63 : March 01, 2015, 04:34:42 PM »

"you have all been brainwashed into following MEN not GOD."

I follow Jayc. He is my Sex God and ermmm I corrupted him,  or may be ...he corrupted me.  No matter,

We enjoy the worship bit.  ;)

Hero Member
: 1600

« #64 : March 01, 2015, 04:42:34 PM »

The alleged Sex God Exposed

And Congrats on hitting 250 posts ausWoody  :)
« : March 01, 2015, 04:51:35 PM jayc »
Hero Member
: 507

« #65 : November 04, 2016, 12:45:30 PM »

Well, if you want to kill a party start discussion about politics or religion. The bodycount will rise.

As far as I'm concerned religion is meant to keep the people away from any kind of illumination or real spirituality. Our makes us pray to the golden calf, others do different. But what do they do to make us understand who we are?

The strife of mankind for deep wisdom, knowledge and meaning is perverted by any religion in my opinion. Mainly old men telling rubbish.

There are old writings found around 80 years ago. One is called evangelism of Thomas. It says that if you want to find god, you just have to turn a stone. That's pretty much what I feel. You need neither churches, popes nor priests. All you need is confidence and faith. The latter is most hard to find as I judge it.

So to keep it short religion per se is meant to control masses and not for their fortune. It is a tool of power. In the medieval times  there was a saying between a pope and a landlord: I keep them dumb and you keep them poor. As Lenin said opium. It keeps the people away from clear spirit.

One argument pro religion is ethics and moral. So what about? They still refer to a codex old fashioned since centuries. If you act the way that you would accept your actions as a general rule for everyone, it's fair enough. All that is needed. Or treat people as you want to be treated yourself. Slightly different. But Kant in short. So also for a ethical or moral compass religion is not needed and most probable also not suitable. But a punishing god is good for discipline.

My conclusion is that religion is good for nothing. Except for those who rule it or rule through it.

The question about god is another matter. I am not yet decided and I doubt I will during this lifetime. May be her/he/it is a human invention because we are not able to face ourselfs being meaningless and are afraid to face the eternal nothing. My life must have a sense somehow. Must it? We sail on a sand corn through unlimited space. What should be the sense of it?

On the other hand. All this wonders, creatures, living beeings. All this miracles of life just because it happened? From a single cell bacteria or yeast cell is so much to learn which makes you tremble with the perception this must be godlike. And billions of this tiny structures differentiate, build tissues and organs and organize themselves to higher beings. Themselves? As if unlike all other matter life itself strifes for more order and functionality, complexity and intellect. May this be a sign of something higher or is this all just by concurrence?

But we are not the end of the story. We are just one picture from a long movie which is called evolution. Our species is one which has risen and once it will fall. Either developed further to something new or replaced by another. So what makes us special besides our hybris? That we presume we are the only ones aware of our own exsistance? God loves us? US? Killing each other in countless numbers with no reason better than power and money? I wonder why god should have only burned Sodom and Gomorrah.

And than there are ones who show love. Running in burning houses risking their lifes to rescue the children of others. May there be a godlike spark involved?

I am ripped in between and really have no clues what may be or may be not. It is no knowledge and so we refer it to believe. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Though I hope for a merciful god as may be the most of us. Oh, if it comes to judgment we better hope to face mercy! But if I find god, I am sure god will have rested inside of me. Or under a tree. A stone. But not in a temple or church. Or in the words of a "authority".

But in the end to discuss about believe might give interesting insights of others thoughts. May be knew perspectives on things. Or reason for bitter quarrels. It would be close to the discussion about wether you believe red is a beautiful color. You like red? Welcome. You dislike red? Also welcome. Suum quique.

Hero Member
: 2044

Never push a loyal person to the breaking point

MSN Messenger - mick.woodman@gmail.com
« #66 : May 15, 2017, 04:08:24 AM »

I had an interesting thought process this evening while watching the DRUM on ABC TV.

It related to

The Port Arthur massacre of 28–29 April 1996 was a massacre in which 35 people were killed and 23 wounded. It occurred mainly at the historic Port Arthur former prison colony,[1] a popular tourist site in south-eastern Tasmania, Australia.[2] It was the deadliest mass shooting in Australian history, and amongst the worst in the world.[3]
Martin Bryant, a 28-year-old from New Town, a suburb of Hobart, was found guilty of the shootings and given 35 life sentences without possibility of parole.[4] Following the incident, it emerged in the media that Bryant had significant intellectual disabilities. He is now imprisoned in the Wilfred Lopes Center, near the Risdon Prison Complex.[5]
Following the spree, the Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard, introduced strict gun control laws within Australia and formulated the National Firearms Programme Implementation Act 1996, restricting the private ownership of high capacity semi-automatic rifles, semi-automatic shotguns and pump-action shotguns as well as introducing uniform firearms licensing. It was implemented with bipartisan support by the Commonwealth, states and territories.[6]

Whether or not you agree with the knee jerk reaction of the governments of the day, it was the first and only massacre we have had in Australia since the inception of semi-automatic weapons unlike America that seems to have one on a weekly basis. So regardless of your individual opinion of the new laws they exist  and  we the general population (as opposed to the criminal underground) will never have access to these types of weapons

Taking that reaction of the Government of the day I want you to turn your mind to another (in my opinion much worse situation) the fact that 1 in 3 females children  and 1 in 5  male children suffer sexual molestation, rape  or are murdered by paedophile’s  who prey on our defenceless children who are unable to defend themselves, whether it be in their own homes, at schools both private  and public where they are indoctrinated with “INCLUSION” to accept all sexual types  transgender homosexuals  and every type of people who identify as whatever sexual type they wish too, so a man of 40 years is allowed to self-identify as a female and use the female toilets and change rooms in public places, and yes there is a minute % of true confused  people there are a HUGE  number of paedophiles and sexual predators who are and will use this facility to prey on our sons and daughters who AGAIN are unable to protect themselves from these monsters, all for the sake of left leaning political correctness and INCLUSION.

Can you see the stupidity of these two different situations?
1/- a single incident of harm to 60 people causes a complete ban on the tools used!
2/- an ongoing attack on the most innocent members of our community causing an open door policy for these monsters to share the most private of bodily functions where they can prey undisturbed.

Now I ask you to think about the parallels in these two situations and using your natural intelligence and common sense decide if these innocents haven’t been sacrificed dragged into hell by these politically correct members of our society for their own pleasure and gain.

Yes I’m sure I will be called a lot of unpleasant names   etc.  Look into your heart and think about where society is headed in the future. (oh btw  if you do resort to name calling  and hate speech towards me  it is because you know I’m speaking the truth and you are incapable of arguing your point in an intelligent manner )

Join us in the The Achat Square meeting place for broad-minded  adults - fun and games - http://achatsquare.chatango.com

Mean What I Say  -  Say What I Me
Hero Member
: 507

« #67 : May 15, 2017, 11:46:55 AM »

Just  one question in between.
Consider your laws were still unchanged.
This would enable everyone - including the people you consider child molesters - to buy this guns legally.

It's serious if child molesters run around, agree. But more serious are child molester with automatic rifles running around, no?

From an European POV it is anyway hard to understand that 2017 ppl still wear guns like a hundred years ago facing the frontier.

But I don't want to judge it. Whoever wants to live in a country where everyone getting pissed can easily grab a gun, welcome. I am happy about living in a country where it is not that easy.
In my country (80 billion citizen) approx. two dozen ppl died from guns during 2016. Just Chicago had almost 800 during 2016. Plain figures, make up your mind yourself.

But I don't get your point. You're taking an apple and compare it to a pear. I don't get what the one has to do with the other. Would public toilets become safer if automatic rifles were still legal?

Concerning Inclusion: Do you think it would be safer to force the male/female scheme upon everyone?
Or to let everyone live according to her/his mindset? For those who don't fit into this scheme it would be much more disturbing and frustrating to keep up with an illusion and acting each day against what they feel should their nature be like.

So who do you think could be of a bigger threat to society? The one forced to be what society expects her/him to be or the one who can live her/his life as freely as chosen?

If you take mass murders like Ted Bundy or others you will often see in their biographies that they were forced into a frame that did not fit them. If  John Doe, 49, suddenly feels nice being a woman, he may as far as I am concerned. As long he shaves his legs when wearing skirts of course! Oh well, waxing would do!

 If something leads us towards a tolerant, peace- and colorful and understanding society where everyone can find her/his place as long as he does not bug others, I'm all for it.

Oh, and just for the record: Exactly how many transgender where facing trials accused of child molesting? Compared to uncles and aunts, dads and moms, cousins, brothers and sisters or good family friends? Following your logic it would be more reasonable to fight against families, I suppose.

Because I don't want to stay behind in the shadows I boldly announce that I am also open for insults of any kind.
But consider this: If you point your finger at me, you point another three at yourself.

And a very last one: Look at your heart? Exactly not. If it comes to politics or society one should not look into the heart. One should probably get rid of emotions, predjudices and supersticions and get the facts, consider them and decide according to them. Reason and only reason alone.
« : May 15, 2017, 11:50:35 AM Pandorra »

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: 10350

« #68 : May 16, 2017, 08:27:34 AM »

Let me say first: I don't give a damn about political correctness. It's made by people who think they have the right to tell us, what we have to call others. I am for parity, equality, tolerance and against any kind of censorship. Political correctness is censorship IMO.

Now to your question:
No, I do not see a stupidity! Like Pandorra said, these are 2 different situations which you can not compare.

I also notice a link in your argumentation which in my eyes is not existing. Why is inclusion increasing the risk of sexual attacks? Tolerance and acceptance are in my eyes the only way to build trust, to take down prejudices and to live together in peace.

Of course, every sexual attack is too much and may not be tolerated. Every little soul has to be protected. Every child has the right, to live and grow without fear. To suspend someone, just because he is different, is not the right way.

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