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: Why women refuse to reply.  ( 81528 )
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« : January 14, 2013, 05:57:53 PM »

I dont quite understand why women refuse to reply on this game. I know they aren't afk because 2 mins later there yellow. Or i just seen them get on. Im tired of hearing "oh we have tomany people in chat" If you cant take 2 secounds to reply with a "hi busy" Hi not interested" "hi your to young" or whatever then you need to learn to multi task. It isnt hard ive had my page filled up with chat but i still take the time to reply to people im not interested in letting them know. It really irks me sometimes. /end rant lol feel better now
Jr. Member
: 97

MSN Messenger - a123lolo@hotmail.fr
« #1 : January 14, 2013, 06:12:08 PM »

This is a good question.
I ask myself the same question.

Perhaps because she is not interested and she don't want to pass any time to answer.
Perhaps because she has lot of friend and she has no time to answer.
Perhaps because she is impolite.

or perhaps I don't understand women  ;)
Hero Member
: 3047

« #2 : January 14, 2013, 06:15:53 PM »

I dont quite understand why women refuse to reply on this game. I know they aren't afk because 2 mins later there yellow. Or i just seen them get on. Im tired of hearing "oh we have tomany people in chat" If you cant take 2 secounds to reply with a "hi busy" Hi not interested" "hi your to young" or whatever then you need to learn to multi task. It isnt hard ive had my page filled up with chat but i still take the time to reply to people im not interested in letting them know. It really irks me sometimes. /end rant lol feel better now

I don't know how others handles it but yes... sometimes I wont bother replying if the person seems boring or uninteresting. There are also some times when I am in fact too caught up chatting to take notice of each and everyone greeting me.

Btw, are there many girls that are actually telling you that you're too young for them? I hope you wont get upset by me saying this... but I don't think you're too young. ::) :P
: 8

« #3 : January 14, 2013, 06:26:47 PM »

Ive been told by several older ladies that im to young. Im 27 not a child nor am i looking for some kind of mother fetish. I just prefer the older more experienced women because the play is deeper and more passonate. I know alot of guys on here give younger guys a bad name... But ive seen plenty of 50+ men who act like there 12 lol. But on to the topic... I find it really rude that you cant atleast tell me your not interested... Instead of makeing me feel dumb or like im ugly or something lol...

P.S Adera i dont mind lol i actually tried talking to you once :p
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: 177

Sweet with a Chance oƒ Sass ♥

« #4 : January 14, 2013, 07:07:59 PM »

Hello Fantastical

You might be right to a certain degree but you always have to consider the other side, first of all it can really happen that we are away from our keyboard or getting flooded with messages, i consider myself pretty experienced in multitasking but if i get about 10 people spamming me with messages it can be a litte much and on sidenote, they way of approaching has an impact as well. If some people are spamming me with messages or having a rude choice of words i do tend to ignore them as well because it annoys me.

About the age question, from my general experiences here i can tell that older persons are usually a little more polite but there are always exceptions of course. If you are as mature and polite as i expect you to be you will find someone eventually ;).
People can just have a bad day as well! as adera and a123lolo pointed out, there are so many facts than can come into play....  dont let yourself be discouraged that easily and keep trying! :-*


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Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #5 : January 14, 2013, 07:58:50 PM »


From a personal point of view I do and try and answer most who message me, however sometimes I am AFK or on Forum, sometimes I am answering someones question and by the time I have returned to the message, that person has logged off or roomed or already put me on ignore.. 

Sometimes I am in conversation and actually lose their message in my chat thinking its the person I am talking too or miss it completely.

Sometimes , as a role player, I am deep in descriptive play and like a phone suddenly ringing,  I am too busy to answer and am not willing to ruin the moment   ;D

There's several reasons why I may not answer, so please do not jump to the conclusion that I am ignoring you,  there's usually a perfectly good reason  :o

If I can answer, I do.  If I cant I dont.. Please do not take it personal ... I dont... I just presume the person I have messaged is busy :)

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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: 598

« #6 : January 14, 2013, 08:00:06 PM »

your not the only one  Fantastical,I find very frustrating as well and leave littles desire to play the game. best keep at it, there are quite a lot of people playing.. alway be respectable to those you chat with as well. you know the basic of being a gentlemen. right

I also agree with Cheya, you can never really know what could be happening on the other side.  

well said brandy that about sum it up. lol
« : January 14, 2013, 08:03:16 PM Kingdustin »

true beauty lies in great friendship =)
: 8

« #7 : January 14, 2013, 08:17:32 PM »

i understand all that. But how can they be in deep roleplay or deep chat whn they just log on? It is very frustraiteing and annoying makes me wanna yell lol. But i was ranting earlier cuz 9/9 people i greeted ignored me... and greeted them multiple times
: 31

We are all saints and sinners inside ;)

MSN Messenger - pinoyhomie702@hotmail.com
« #8 : January 14, 2013, 11:21:53 PM »

I understand where the women are coming from they get flooded from everyone. I am sure they have a hard time to answer everyone even just to turn that person down. Would make it easy if achat had a tab function for everyone chat you have outside of a room. Again there are many reasons why the women can't answer back just don't take it personal is all.

Hero Member
: 3047

« #9 : January 15, 2013, 02:38:34 AM »

Some will of course feel as if they aren't getting any time to breath if people starts to flood them as soon as they log on, sometimes I've felt as if I'm getting camped on AChat by someone and that's a bit disturbing.

Most often however I tend to look up the first people that approach me to see who they might be... if not only out of curiosity. :P

I don't think you should greet people multiple times, that will most likely be taken the wrong way, I think the best idea is to simply forget those that doesn't answer for a while.
Hero Member
: 3007

« #10 : January 15, 2013, 02:44:23 PM »

I haven't played for a while, but I don't suppose anything has changed.

Sometimes I can get 10 people I've never spoken to messaging me at once.

I'm sorry, I try. I don't mean to give offense to anyone.. I talk to frees whenever I can and at least give people the time of day, but I can't type that fast even if I'm not in conversation with 1 or 3 people already.

I'm sure I am not a unique case.

Please. you can always try again later. Unless I tell you to go away, in which case I will almost certainly "ignore" you, then I'm not refusing to reply, I'm just not capable.

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 1688

« #11 : January 15, 2013, 03:10:31 PM »

There's many reasons for not getting a reply.  Too many to actually list.  I just don't take it personally...

From my point of view, I look at it like fishing.  I cast my "line" out there and see if I get a bite.  Some days, they're just not biting.  Other days I get some bites. 

Try this line... it's worked for me numerous times:  "Fancy a chat?  Just a chat?"  There are times, believe it or not when all I really want to do is just chat.  Sometimes also, that's all the other person is looking for, too.

The key is to not give up... remember, the only thing that changes is when she does reply.  You weren't chatting with her before you sent your introduction and if you don't get a reply, nothing has changed.  The change happens when you get a reply and get to chat... or more.

*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*

« #12 : January 16, 2013, 01:51:57 AM »

The thread could probably be called "Why does anyone refuse to reply?" or, perhaps more appropriately, as "refuse" is such a strong word, "Why do people not reply?". Perhaps, even, as Covems alluded to, it is more what you are saying to invoke a response that is wrong.

Anyway, with me, it is certainly more what you say that will determine whether you get a response or not than anything else.

Having said that, there are problems with the use of the dialogue box anyway. If I am talking to aaaa and bbbb pops up on the screen, I have to go to a drop-down list, scroll down it possibly, select bbbb type in the response and then do the same process again just to resume talking to aaaa (and the number of times that I have failed to do that and sent a message intended for aaaa to bbbb instead is countless). It would be nice if we could just left-click on the name in the log box itself to talk and right-click  on it to bring up the profile (as an addition to the drop-down box).

I would just add that, if you are deep in conversation with a friend or group of friends and a stranger comes past and says "Hi!", are you really going to stop your conversation to respond? Well, actually, with me, it does depend on what they look like ;)
Hero Member
: 7883

« #13 : January 16, 2013, 03:17:14 AM »

Oh, please....don't talk about the chat system! i don't know how many time i had send a message to the wrong user! My luck was i had never had send a message to Bee when i'm planning the realization of the Tight's chair with him online....feeeew! the surprise was save, at last!

Sr. Member
: 385

« #14 : January 16, 2013, 03:38:54 AM »

I ll give you a reason to not reply !!

Yesterday night i was in Achat , and a premium guy, that i never saw or talked before, his first sentence to me was:

I want you to such my cock, please !!

I love Sex.... But What the Hell, does he talk to a woman in real life like that, first time he opens is mouth?!?

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