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: What do you think about... The discussion thread  ( 83619 )
Hero Member
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« #30 : May 21, 2014, 12:35:11 AM »

A male trainee? What you mean a sub? lolz

I would say lets keep sex out of politics, but hell, ain't never gonna happen..

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 10457


« #31 : May 21, 2014, 09:59:13 AM »

I my self was not a fan of  Hillary Clinton  but with her achievements

she has  won my respect .I  admire her now for all her accomplishments 
 I think that any one that can improve the life of children and I see her work she has
done to bring many programs is  ok with me .

She as also  endearing the sex scandal  Bill - Lewinsky and critics  that is not her fault that snake
crawled under Bills table  just so she can get noticed  as we see it was all planed

( Lewinsky confided in a coworker named Linda Tripp about her relationship with Clinton. Tripp convinced Lewinsky to save the gifts that Clinton had given her, and not to dry clean what would later be known as the "infamous blue dress  ) ( Always the gifts  hahah :D )

Hillary endeared all this and  still with him  shows me she has Strength I think she is capable of being  our
 President  its not going to be easy with all we have  and I don't  blame them  for all the  all this is many years of  building up
and is a big challenge  for any one to take on  we know this .
We the  people  are to blame  for it to  I think its so easy for many to just  criticize
 vote  and think that all NO its not!  we need to  get more involved  to make a  change .

( For there personnel sex life's I don't  care as long if they get the job done or try, that's
what matters to me )

who know  maybe  a  male / female intern will crawl  under Hillary table to    :o

And Bill it will  be interesting  to have him as  First  Lady of the  house  :D  or

Hillary Clinton

 A single Lady President  would be a dream  come true
Hillary your in with me go Girl! show them what women can do ;D

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 10457


« #32 : May 21, 2014, 10:03:45 AM »

I am ready for the   next  discussion  when you are ready :)

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 2078

Later, Space Cowboy

« #33 : May 21, 2014, 03:54:16 PM »

She has the popularity, money, political acumen and power to run. It would stun most if she didn't run. At this point it is a for gone conclusion she will run for the 2016 Presidential election.

Currently Hillary Clinton is sitting pretty in every poll, trouncing all Democratic rivals as well potential Republican candidates for the 2016 elections. Of course, who is to say the 2016 elections won't produce another wild card candidate like Barack Obama to derail her bid for presidency.

Can't really answer if she'll be an effective president. That's something only time will tell. From what most have seen, she seems to possess the political know how to push forward whatever agenda's she has planned -if she wins- not to mention the Clinton's are known to surround themselves with cut throat veteran political wonks who know which levers to pull in order to succeed.

Only sour spot is her campaign team. Last time they were in the limelight they lost against a not well known black guy with a funny sounding name. Granted, Obama's team did revolutionize campaigning with the usage of social media to a level never before seen, but still...it seemed like the Democratic nomination was gift wrapped for her.
Hero Member
: 10457


« #34 : August 06, 2014, 09:36:53 AM »

Why is the world   mostly always  about  I me....

Why cant it be they  us  them.

I feel this is  the  most  way of thinking  in Society as time  go's on know a day.With  generations to me I feel

It has  turned more in to I .
« : August 06, 2014, 09:38:57 AM FoxyRoxxy »

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 2078

Later, Space Cowboy

« #35 : August 08, 2014, 07:47:44 AM »

Depending on which part of the world you come from, it may seem that way. For most western nations, especially within the United States, individuality and the focus of the individual has always been a staple of Western culture. Thought to be the main motivators of innovation, creativity and economic growth, most who belong to western nations see individuality as a virtue rather then a vice. In fact the modern era, or Modern Period is defined by being 'man-centered' in contrast to the previous Middle Ages which was God centered (talking specifically of Western Culture).

Of course, with recent technological breakthroughs has come a greater focus on the "I", taking individuality to a level never before experienced by humanity. To those not familiar with western culture, the recent arrival of twitter, twitch, facebook, etc may seem like an over excessive narcissistic indulgence. Still, even those within western culture who are accustomed to individuality see the expansion of social media as alarming and are still  grappling with the impact it is currently having on both western culture, along with everywhere else in the world.       
« : August 08, 2014, 07:49:54 AM hukk »
Hero Member
: 10457


« #36 : August 08, 2014, 12:28:36 PM »

The  I .   
I was referring  is  to the world  all not  just the  western nations 

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 10457


« #37 : August 14, 2014, 09:51:13 AM »


My dog was shot in the face today by an officer from the Hammond Indiana police department. Lilly was on the side of our house with my two boys ages 7, and 11 years old, my daughter 16 yrs old and my baby boy 11 months were standing 15 feet behind her. We have a sign and flags in our front yard warning everyone that Lilly is on the premises and is confined by an electric fence, there are also flags marking up to what point she can reach (middle of our front yard). The police officer decided to jump out of his vehicle, take out his gun and shoot my dog in the face in front of all my kids and neighbors. He never said a word before he shot her! Our family needs justice, hammond police like to beat up there K9 police dogs and now it seems they like to shoot the residents pets in front of children! What would of happened if he would of missed and hit my kids instead? Something has to be done... Someone please help us get this out, he completely didn't care for my kids safety or well being.

Some people are stupid :

how can you let a  Petbull run around  with a open gate  when you see a petbull  open gate you are not going to see  a  electrical fence sign.
You are going to see a dog with a reputation as dangerous  running  at you  I see why the officer  did what he  did .But as what I think he did
stupid  was  shot  the  gun with  kid's around .... he could used the  pepper spray  and  Taser gun  as they said ....

and  for sure the police  had  no fault paying thousands  dollars insurance claims...

There should be a  gated   fence at all time  when  people feel danger they will not see sings  ...........

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #38 : August 14, 2014, 08:44:57 PM »

There are very strict restrictions in the UK on Pitbulls  and Pitbull type breeds.  If you have one they have to be neutered, tattooed and muzzled in public and insured. You can not sell them, you cannot give it away.  If there is a dispute on the breed, the owner has to pay for a DNA test to prove its not a pitbull or cross breed.  If you dont, the assumption is it is.

If any of these resrtictions are not followed they will be taken and put down.

Any pitbull type breeds abandoned or in dog pounds are put down as they cannot re-home them.

There are other fighting type breeds that are restricted too. 

Too many children have been hurt,  too many stupid owners have lost control of them. All say the same thing, they have never shown any signs of aggression before this attack. There is zero tolerance on these type of dogs in the UK now and they are regarded as a weapon.

Maybe the officer's actions did seem harsh, but he's a trained shot. His shot did not go astray. He shot a weapon, not a dog. And why was such a dog loose around children. It only takes a trigger for that dog to seriously maim or kill a child. One of those triggers is food.
They are not pets, they are dangeous animals.
Pepper spray doesn't work on dogs.
Tazers probably do, but not sure of the length of time it would take to drop it in an agitated state.

If such a dog was coming at you and looked as though it was going to attack, you only have a few seconds to react,   I think I'd shoot it too and I don't kill anything.  I even catch spiders in glasses and put them outside.

« : August 14, 2014, 08:53:52 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 1600

« #39 : August 15, 2014, 12:41:40 AM »

15 Shocking Numbers That Will Make You Pay Attention To What ISIS Is Doing In Iraq


The above article saddens and angers me at the same time.

I am saddened by all the death and carnage, and Angry at the Iraqi government lame attempt  at ruling all Muslim sects with an even hand.

I guess my question is......does the free world intervene  one more time and face this menace  and stop it now?
Hero Member
: 2078

Later, Space Cowboy

« #40 : August 15, 2014, 07:39:05 AM »

If by free world, you mean the U.S with military aid (and U.K with humanitarian aid), then yes we will, albeit  intervention will be 'limited' in scope this time around. So far the U.S has sent military advisers to support the Iraqi government in pushing back ISIS, along with air strikes on ISIS strongholds.

So far, no one is quite certain if the actions taken by the U.S will be as far as they will go with aiding Iraq. Considering a majority of Americans still and will likely oppose any sort of increased U.S military presence in Iraq, it seems certain that this will be the extent of U.S involvement in Iraq, even though there is support from the more hawkish side of the political spectrum within the U.S to be more involved.

Unless by some miracle President Obama (or the next President) is able to convince Americans to reinvest troops back into Iraq, it seems likely the chaos that has gripped Iraq, will continue and perhaps worsen. I say perhaps, because the air strikes are at least proving vital for the Iraqi Sunni controlled government. Another deterrence is the fractured state of Iraq. It is difficult to aid a nation (and to sale the idea of investing more in Iraq to Americans) that has become divided into different sects, all with their own political goals.

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #41 : August 15, 2014, 07:57:59 AM »

I think it is our duty to help the vulnerable.  I don't care about politics in other countries but I do care when I hear of vulnerable people being wiped out in genicide,  people being beheaded or stoned for their religious belief and aid workers being killed for helping the sick, bewildered and homeless.

Unfortunately apathy and saying its not our concern, allows the dictators to become stronger. They with hold basic living expectations like water and electricity so normal peace loving people are blackmailed to join their cause to rule the country. Then before you know it, these dangerous people have the means, money and armoury to wreak havoc outside their borders and attack other countries.

I take solace, that the ordinary people can change things but need the means and the spirit to do so.

In our recent riots when the youths attacked and looted in the streets,  the police tried to being order, but the broom brigade rose in disgust out of the ashes. Normal people had enough, It was wrong. They took to the streets and began to clean up with their brooms and marigolds and shamed the offenders into looking at their actions and stopped them dead in their tracks.

That's the spirit, that needs to be bought alive in each of these countries so they can decide their future, they can have a country to be proud of and they can vote freely to decide how its run.

We have to help these people or we have leant nothing of our past. Its our duty to do so or  World War 3 will break out and God / Allah, whoever you worship,  forbids that ever happens.

Time to hand the brooms out and take away the armoury of the bullies and terrorists.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 10350

« #42 : August 15, 2014, 06:10:56 PM »

I guess my question is......does the free world intervene  one more time and face this menace  and stop it now?

We need a strong and powerful union against the ISIS. It's unbelieveable that 10 - 15,000 soliders can threaten and attack countries. Though we can learn a lot about what made it possible:
It's not enough to kill a dictator and hope everything is good now. You have to start and join a long-lasting process with a lot of support, teaching and financial help.
You may not use your own idea of freedom, equality and social culture, way of living and attitude. You have to understand their culture, beliefs and wishes.
You may not decide what's best for them. It has to agree with their background.
You cannot give peace by installing a government. Peace is a process and you need representatives of every group.

Today troubles in one country can become a a major fire. Everything is connected and is influencing. So my answer is yes, we have to intervene. But not just one, two or three nations. We have to bring all together to build a strong community.

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #43 : August 16, 2014, 03:42:31 AM »

Standing Ovation for Lover -   Bravo Bravo

I vote he be in charge of putting the crisis to rights.   Operartion Peace for all.

And ALL nations should join the cause with one purpose -  PEACE  and justice to all.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 10457


« #44 : August 27, 2014, 01:51:04 PM »

On  what the  ISIS Is Doing In Iraq:

there are thing we  dont understand in this world this time as to why  things  happen why there is so much Evil.
To some of  use we understand why this is Happening .This has been  going on  from a long time in many  different  times  generations
It is a  Spiritual war  Battle   evil over good , many of you  will not understand it ,Believe in it,and or even Laugh About It.
it is so real  I

I was watching this movie and  this enlighten me to understand more   and to some you will  understand what has happen in the past  is still     
going on .We as Christian  will always  be  hated  chased  by evil  ( but with our faith we can stand up to the evil for we have the power over it  we are free )we are believers of the one and only true living GOD  we are not afraid to die
for us believing IN our GOD  we now this is  a place we are passing by  our true life is at his side that is where  real  eternal life   no pain real love
peace  freedom  hope  ..watch it you might understand   it..

The Revelation of Jesus Christ,
The Book of Revelations


for the ISIS  justice will come to them no evil is left unseen

What  I do  feel is that  many dont know  to much of what is going on I never know this till I heard it here

Prayers and  faith    I know this will be one I spread more awareness on

I know that  GOD has a plan  for this and it will be over come  for no evil can over win what  is good 

And good will always come  shine in all darkness ....

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