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: hi from my dark corner,  ( 3071 )
: 28

« : February 01, 2013, 07:51:22 PM »

 slow's still back there. mmm lol. anyhow I have been here for awhile and I am still intrucing myself to some of the older premiums that hold this place together. xoxox to you all for talking and listening to me and my messes. I say on my page what I like and my kinks,  I started here as slow2dayandu a guy avatar, but I don't really fit with him any. So I thought I would try something more my comfort area.  I start off shy and sometimes open up and sometime blow up new at this and very slow to fit with chatting and serious conversations, so I try to be a lady and a gent finding good ears and shoulders around here and meeting some good friends ( online) as well. but I do have to say I am here. love you all and hugs to.

silly as I am I am glad to be here and me xoxoxo
Hero Member
: 10350

« #1 : February 01, 2013, 08:04:22 PM »

Welcome Mr. Hyde.. sorry I mean trike_riding :)
As you already know this place I won't say much, just I hope your new ava likes this place too and i'm wishing you all the best.

Hero Member
: 7883

« #2 : February 02, 2013, 05:23:36 AM »

A new start......well, that's nice!  ;D ;D

Hope this brigng you samo funny time and lot of friends! And as i had say to you yesterday.....i'll espect some help from you here: i know everyone can give an hand to keep the forum great!

: [1]  
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