I second all that's said here too. I regard Forum as our Forum Village ... The friends I have made here, the things I have learnt, it is a very special community. I like that members self regulate and show respect and understanding to each other and yet guard the right of free speech as paramount. The talent and ideas that are generated and expanded upon never cease to amaze me.
Everyone shows each other the respect, they so rightly deserve. It is a very special and unique enviroment and as our village grows, I hope this strong backbone & foundation that is already here will just grow stronger.
All this is possible because of the wonderful contributions, each and everyone one of you give ... so a special thank you to each of you. It is special to me too, and I am proud to be part of it and its growth.
I think, its only part of natural Achat life, you will lose friends, gain friends, some will come and go... but the essence of the place will always linger as long as there is a cross over of members.
I have found in the 2 years I have been here that members are more likely to stay if they are involved in Forum , even if just for the reading and voting ... I believe its because, they care for the game more and the friends they have made here. They have moved beyond the quick shags in the room, which , lets face it, after awhile, can become tedious if you don't enhance them through friendship.
This is quite unique too

Have you ever looked at the conversations you may have here ... no way would that happen in RL.... Sometimes they just make me grin.
" Hello, nice to meet you. Would you like a Lap Dance or a Pole Dance for a Valentines Date ? "
" Wow , that's great, would you prefer me to wear clothes or not ? "
" And do you like dirty talk? " " Any words you find a taboo?"
The conversations are endless & of course a lot more naughty