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Crystal Lake.
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: Crystal Lake. ( 149821 )
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: Crystal Lake.
#105 :
August 30, 2014, 02:29:40 PM »
“Aha, There’s the bulldozer” I tell the dwarfs as I pull into the driveway. It’s parked outside all yellow and bright. I feel quite excited.
“Ok guys, I just need a bit of a practice run first. I’ve never driven one before” It seemed bigger now as I get closer.
The dwarfs sit on the fence looking bemused. Suddenly I feel a little self conscious as I climb up on it.
I sit in the seat and feel 7 pairs of eyes on me. I take a deep breath and turn the key. It bursts into life. So far so good.
I press the pedals and throw it into gear. It’s a bit stiff but seems ok. I push a button and the bucket moves down.
I start it to go forward, it kangeroos a little but settles again much to my relief and I try and remember if the bucket should be up or down.
I move the bull dozer on to the grassland by the lake. It’s clear, long and perfect to drive up and down.
It ambles forwards and I shift gears. Then ... something goes wrong! I press a button and the bucket keeps going up and down. I panic and try to stop it and accidently shift it into the next speed, it’s not too fast but would hurt if I had cause to jump off. It was a steady but determined pace.
The dwarfs are standing on the fence, stretching their necks wondering what the hell I was doing!
“O oh” Doc says trying not to laugh, then looks alarmed as I manage to turn it and head straight for them.
They scatter in a starburst as I knock into the fence they are on. The fence gets flattened, as does the cabin sign “Moose Lodge” and I head on, rambling on target for my truck! Unfortunately. The see-sawing bucket obscures my view!
“Oops” I manage to turn it, fighting with the steering wheel but I glance off my truck toppling it into the ditch!
“Damn and blast” I cuss, turning the steering wheel some more and heading back onto the grassland.
A wasp suddenly decides to enter the cab and I swat at it and scream my annoyance when I loose the steering wheel. It buzzes round my head and lands on the steering wheel and looks at me evilly.
“This is not going well” I scream at the wasp, “I’d leave if I was you” trying to scare it off. But it just sits there buzzing its tail.
Meanwhile, Coves is in the shower and is just switching the water off when he hears my stricken shout.
Never one to leave a lady in distress, he grabs his muddy cowboy hat and high tails it outside, naked as the day he was born, except for the hat of course. He stands on the porch in disbelief.
He sees a runaway bulldozer and a panicking red head waving her arms wildly around.
He grabs his lasso and shouts “Put it in neutral”
I hear his shout and look over. “Covems you’re naked! I can’t hear you” still waving erratically. The noise of the bull dozer drowns his voice out.
The bull dozer carries on and I try and swat the stubborn wasp again off the steering wheel.
Next I feel something whiz by my face and see it’s a rope neatly landing on the gear stick pulling it into neutral and then a naked cowboy, smelling delightfully of brut shower gel crowding into the cabin and turning the key to off.
The bulldozer rumbles to a stop. He leans over and pulls the hand brake on.
“Are you ok Miss Brandy?” Covems asks.
“I had it under control” I mumble a little embarrassed by the whole episode and very aware that I was sitting down and he was standing and a certain part of his anatomy was near my ear.
The wasp then conveniently decides to fly off through the opposite window.
Coves jumps out the cab and I get out after him.
His eye is still showing the bruise I’d given him and being a red blooded female, the temptation is too much not to check him out. I look down. Bad Brandy.
“Wow, You are so not like a straw that’s for sure” I mumble.
“What? Did you hit your head Miss Brandy?” He moves towards me to check for bumps.
“No. No I’m fine” I quickly assure him, flat hands raised to stop his approach. “And go put some clothes on before you catch your death”
Coves chuckles as I stomp off towards the cabin. “You’re very welcome Miss Brandy” he chortles at my retreating back.
He looks at the keys in his hand and then at the Bull Dozer. “Wonder what she wanted to do with that?”
I return to the dwarfs who are laughing their heads off. “Ok guys, funny, funny. I’d appreciate it if you would get my truck out the ditch and collect all the fencing up for firewood.”
I pick up the broken sign. It's the name of my cabin “Moose Lodge” and look at it sadly.
“Don’t worry Miss Brandy, I’ll make you a new one” Dopey promises.
“You hired a bulldozer to knock your fencing down?” Doc asks incredulous.
“Yes! … No. I was going to flatten my cabin but I changed my mind” I mutter, looking up at my beloved home.
“Why would you want to do that?” Bashful blushes.
“Change my mind? Why, It’s a woman’s prerogative of course” I grin and go inside to get some rope, and fix up donuts and drinks for the thirsty work ahead of them.
“I’ll never understand women” Sleepy yawns
“I don’t think we’re supposed to” Grumpy agrees.
I return with the goodies and Happy pipes up, his mouth full of donut, “Oh I forgot to tell you, Master Covems is having a party at his place. Everyone’s invited”
“Hey that’s cool” I brighten up. Suddenly my dented truck doesn’t seem so bad after all.
: August 31, 2014, 01:02:15 AM Brandybee
Hero Member
: 1688
Re: Crystal Lake.
#106 :
August 31, 2014, 01:47:03 PM »
"What? No hug?" I ponder as I make my way back to my cabin while coiling the rope back up. “Dang.” I start to chuckle slightly... the chuckling soon turns into a giggle. "Man," I say, "the things you see when you don't have a camera." I hang the coiled lasso back on its hook.
Having shaved and gotten dressed, I grab a chain and a few tools from the crate on the back porch. Then I climb into the dozer and start it up, it rumbles while black smoke puffs from the stack. Putting the dozer in gear I head for The Bee Hive and Miss Brandy's truck.
I stop the bulldozer and leave it in neutral, applying the hand brake, I drop out of the cab and go inspect the truck.
It's not too bad, the front quarter panel is smashed, but there's no chassis damage. I open the hood, "that's a good sign" I think while peering into the engine compartment. There's no internal damage, but the fender is smashed into the wheel... headlight is busted… the tire is scraped, but still inflated. I shut the hood, then using a hammer and a pry bar I manage to get the fender off the wheel to where the truck will be steerable.
"We can always get a new quarter panel..." I think, "it is a bolt on part and an easy fix."
Using the bulldozer and the chain, I pull the truck up out of the ditch. I put the chain into the cab of the dozer along with the tools, then I put it in gear and drive off to The Cove. Putting the machine into neutral, I apply the brake and bound out of the cab. “Need a peace offering.” I go around to the back of the cabin... I try to conceal my little bundle by putting it in a box, I take it with me and I climb back into the cab of the bulldozer.
Using the levers to manipulate the blade, I start to plow a path from my cabin all the way to the old cabin. Angling the blade slightly to one side, the machine cuts a neat trail through the terrain. The old cabin looks nice, maintained... lived in. That makes me smile.
Once again I put the machine in neutral and carefully pick up the box and tip toe my way onto the front porch. There’s a small table there… I place a little gift on the table…
…then sneak back to the bulldozer with the empty box, trying to be as quiet as I can be… like no one would be able to hear the rumbling of the machine.
Settling into the seat, I put the dozer in reverse and drop the blade another few inches, then back my way along the little road I just cut. The blade compacts the soil and covers the tread tracks.
Satisfied with the “road job”, I take the bulldozer back to Miss Brandy's and park it. "That could be a handy machine to have around here." I think as I switch it off… leaving the keys in the ignition, I pick up the chain and tools then I get out of the cab and down to the ground I go.
After putting the tools and chain away it’s into the pick-up truck and I head off to the AChat Bar & Grill.
*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 705
*Go Beyond The Reason To Love*
Re: Crystal Lake.
#107 :
September 01, 2014, 08:26:53 AM »
Seemingly growing quite a fondness to these quiet mornings by the lake, I admire the stunning view before me while sipping on my freshly brewed tea.
There's a certain tangible serenity around me with everything being quite still and none of the loud sounds that I had grown to be familiar with, living in the city for most of my life and all, being present.
A bee continues to buzz annoyingly around me as I gaze on. Growing quite frustrated, I refrain from swatting it away for the fear of being stung but mostly for the fear of killing or injuring it. Taking a deep breath, I think to myself...
"Hmm.. maybe it's the tea. I did unusually mix a spoon of honey in it to make it sweeter..."
Moving in closer to the lake, I throw my cup in, without really thinking. I smile to myself, feeling kinda relieved as the annoying bee finally leaves me be, even though I instantly feel bad for soiling the lake's clear water.
I step in closer again, in order to attempt to retrieve my cup without getting too wet, only to find the floating cup having disappeared from sight and slight traces of the tea slowing diluting into the water. My thoughts wander back to the time there was chatter of some monster named
that supposedly resided in these waters.
With a sudden feeling of unease dawning over me, I make my way back to the cabin and busy myself in getting ready for work.
: September 28, 2014, 08:06:14 PM ItsAmy123
Hero Member
: 1688
Re: Crystal Lake.
#108 :
September 06, 2014, 08:44:56 AM »
It's a little after 1 am... I gather up some needed things from the crate on the back porch. "Lets see," I muse, "a half inch dowel, pointed on one end, check... flashlight, check... garden trowel, check... gloves, check."
Checking over at The Bee Hive, I see that all the lights are out. Then I see Miss Brandy standing on her porch with a bucket and a pair of gloves in her hands.
The night is clear with a big, bright moon. As I walk to her cabin, I see that the grass is wet with condensation from the hot day cooling off so. Perfect conditions for night crawler hunting.
We greet each other with a hug, both of us tilting our heads slightly so we don't bump brims.
"Okay," I start to explain, "I don't know how you folks in the UK go crawler hunting, but I can show you the Montana way."
"The flashlight", I begin
"Torch," Miss Brandy interrupts.
"Flashlight," I repeat.
"Torch," she says again.
"Light" I say.
"Better," she say smiling that smile she does.
"Okay... the light," I continue, "is for spotting the crawlers with. It's a clear night and wet turf, so the conditions are right. The moon also helps to draw them out."
I shine the light on the ground and we spot a night crawler. "Next we take this dowel and plug his hole." I do that and stick the pointy end of the dowel into a little hole in the ground.
"Now we can pick him up." having the gloves on, I reach for the worm, and it slithers quickly, trying to get back into its hole, which we have effectly blocked. Then I pick it up and place it in the bucket.
"We'll need to put some fresh dirt and grass in the bucket, Miss Brandy," I say, "so we can keep them alive and comfy before we feed them to the fishies."
Miss Brandy uses the garden trowel to shovel some dirt and grass into the bucket. We then move off into the grassy area between the two cabins and go night crawler hunting. "We'd be much more efficent if we split up with two pails," I say, "...but it wouldn't be nearly as fun."
I hand her the dowel. "You get the next one."
We spend the next couple of hours, laughing, kidding each other, telling jokes, laughing some more and generally having a good time while hunting night crawlers.
*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: Crystal Lake.
#109 :
September 10, 2014, 08:47:49 AM »
Coves shows me how to catch the grubs and I watch fascinated as he expertly picks them up and places them in the bucket. I’m not quite as successful as some manage to slither away and disappear back down their holes that I hadn’t blocked properly.
I try and teach him English, but end up giggling when he says the yank words back in his best English accent. It turns into a fun game of word tennis, swapped teasing accents and hunting the earth worms.
“Torch” – “Flashlight” ;
“Bucket” – “Pail” ;
“Car Park” – “Car lot”;
“Bin” – “Trashcan” ;
“Rubbish” – “Trash” ;
“Suppose” – “Guess” ;
“Snog” – “kiss” ;
“Tramp” - “Bum” ;
“Curls” – “Bangs”
“Trousers” – “Pants” ;
“Pants – Briefs”
And quickly degenerates - “Bum” – “Ass” ;
“Arse” – “Fanny “;
“Fanny “- “Pussy” ;
“Shagging” – “Banging”.
“Besotted….” Coves looks puzzled.
“Ah haaaaaa got ya! I win,” I gloat delighted and hold up a wiggly worm in triumph.
“One day I’ll have the last word,” he mutters and flicks his head for me to follow him to his boat. We had enough night crawlers now.
Both laughing I catch up with him with the bucket. His strides are two of mine and we are soon at the lakeside.
“You packed food,” I say spotting the picnic basket and the bottles of bourbon, bicardi and coke with glasses. The moon comes out from behind the clouds and reflects on the water.
Cove nods and grins. “Fishing is thirsty and hungry work.”
I see the moon diamonds bobbing and winking on the surface. We push the boat out and jump in. We both row out to the middle and Cove indicates the best spot to stop.
“Did I ever tell you about moon diamonds?” I muse wishing I had bought my camera. The view was pretty spectacular in the moonlight.
“I don’t believe you have.” He tilted his head thinking.
“One day, I’ll show you how to catch one but you can only do it in special circumstances and you have to look after it… or it’ll wither and die.”
He nods and passes me a rod, patiently showing me what to do…
Hero Member
: 1688
Re: Crystal Lake.
#110 :
September 20, 2014, 10:54:55 AM »
Miss Brandy and I reach a spot where it looks as if the fishing will be good. I tuck the boat against a partially submerged tree so we won't drift. Next I produce some cord from the pile of things in the bottom of the boat and proceed to tie the bottle of Bacardi to one end and the bottle of bourbon to the other end, then I drop them over the side into the water and loop the middle of the cord around one of the oar locks. "Nature's cooler", I say in answer to the puzzled look I get from her. Finding another piece of cord, I do the same thing with the bottles of coke.
The sky is beginning to brighten as the sun begins to rise. "The fishies will be stirrin' soon." I say, while getting the fishing rods up and ready. I reach into the pail and pull out a wiggler, and begin to bait the hook.
"What are you doing?" Miss Brandy asks in a shakey voice.
"Baiting the hook," I reply.
"You're going to kill it?!" She asks a little louder.
"No," I answer, while still holding the unskewered worm, "the fish are going to kill it when it gets eaten..."
"You didn't say we were going to kill them," are the next words that come from Miss Brandy.
I answer, "We're going fishing, what did you think was going to happen to them?"
"I don't know", she answers, "but I can't kill anything... it will make me cry to watch it wriggling on the hook." I can see her eyes beginning to tear up at just the thought of it.
I drop the night crawler back into the pail. Murmuring a few words under my breath, I open the tackle box and inspect the lures. I find some rubber worms in the box and we decide to use those instead of the live bait. "I have a small can of WD-40 we can spray the rubber worms with before dropping the lines into the water. It's a fish oil based lubricant and the fishies love it."
It begins to come up on noon time, and by now we have the umbrella up in the boat to protect us from the sun. The day is heating up nicely and the fishing has been lively. We catch and release them and chatter away about all sorts of things while also relieving the picnic basket of some of it's contents.
Resting her fishing pole against the side of the boat, Miss Brandy starts to take off her light jacket and that's when I notice it.
"You've got my red shirt!" I exclaim. "When... wait... um. How did you get it?"
"I'm not sure." Miss Brandy states, "remember when we were drowing our sorrows that night by the campfire?"
"Yes", I answer, then state, "I thought the shirt fell in the fire or something... the last thing I remember was you doing that little hootchie kootchie dance in front of the fire and... uh oh... what else happened?"
: September 20, 2014, 10:58:49 AM Covems
*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: Crystal Lake.
#111 :
September 23, 2014, 02:27:23 PM »
“Hmmmm,” I frown trying to think of that night round the campfire and fish out my phone from my pocket. I feel Covems eyes watching and waiting. I blush under his intense beautiful eyes.
“Well, we were kind of dancing to the moon god or something,” showing him the pics on my phone.....
He leans over to look more at the pics and groans. “The bourbon has a lot to answer for” he murmurs into my ear, eyes on his dad dancing and my swaying hips.
“and the Bacardi. It gets worse” I agree and flick to the other picture.
“You begin to start singing about boobs for some reason and wanting to try on my blue shirt”
“So… I do take it off so you can try it on…
“ Let me see” Coves says impatiently and I move the phone away to check the picture.
He grabs the phone off me and looks...
And then looks at the next pic to see if it shows more …
It shows Coves with the shirt on but a tad too small.
And a close up of another ...
“You never told me you took that” he exclaimed.
I grin at him, looking at that pic. “Well that’s for my private collection”
Coves raises his eyebrows.
“That’s mine and I’m keeping it,” I giggle at him, “Besides you look hot in it. ” I pause for awhile admiring the pic and say, “Then we swap shirts and I put some jeans on because I was cold.” Quickly snatching the phone back and showing him the final pic
“See, and that was that” I finish. "And that's how you got my shirt and I got yours"
Coves looks at me suspicious. “What arnt you telling me?” he asks
“Why? Have you got pics on your phone?” I ask him, looking apprehensive, then mutter under my breath…
“I think I might have drawn a rose on you somewhere in indelible ink”
I'm not sure if he heard my last comment and I press my lips together to stifle another giggle, pretending to be busy with releasing more of the fish and pouring us another round of double shots ....
Sr. Member
: 463
Re: Crystal Lake.
#112 :
September 25, 2014, 12:13:25 PM »
"See Terri," I say, "it is just like Covie says it happens. When you're ready to move in, the cabin magically appears and looks exactly as you imagine it."
Terri and I are standing outside a lovely cabin by Crystal Lake. It has a nice big porch in the front that looks out over the lake and a deck on the side. Two bedrooms, each with an adjoining bathroom, one for me and one for Terri. Both bedrooms have a fireplace. There's a full kitchen, and living room, which also has a fireplace, there's a little dining area off the kitchen, it's just perfect.
I continue, "We need a name for it. Naming your cabin is a time honored tradition."
Terri quickly says, "Lopdoodle."
"What?" I ask with a giggle.
"Lopdoodle." she says again, "lets call it Lopdoodle."
I say it out loud and it makes me giggle. "You know, I like it! Lopdoodle it is... it kind of fits us." We both laugh at that.
'Lopdoodle' is situated next to Covie's cabin but not so close that we're on top of each other. There's quite a bit of space between us, but we can see The Cove from Lopdoodle and on the other side of The Cove is another cabin we assume to be The Bee Hive. In front of Lopdoodle there is a freshly made road that circles around into the brush and disappears from sight.
We're all unpacked and moved in. It was tiring but our adrenaline was running on maximum and we finished our work quickly. Feeling very relaxed and satisified, I put the kettle on to heat water for tea. Terri sets our places at the round picnic table on the porch and puts a tin of cookies there also.
"We're going to have to pay everyone a visit." Terri says while pouring the water into our cups. "You could bake some more cookies to take along with us, Pook."
"I can do that." I answer, "and you're right Terr... we should introduce ourselves to our neighbors."
We settle in, sipping our tea and munching on cookies. The soft breeze from the lake feels good on my face, which is being warmed by the sun. I raise my tea cup as in a toast, Terri catches on and does the same.
"To Lopdoodle." I say.
"To Lopdoodle." Terri says and we clink our cups together.
Hero Member
: 622
Re: Crystal Lake.
#113 :
September 25, 2014, 03:49:47 PM »
"To Lopdoodle."
We clink our cups together then Pookie and I each take a sip of the tea. I notice a head peeking out from behind a tree on the property. "Who's there." I call out and a little person steps from behind the tree. I recognize him as one of the dwarfs.
"Grumpy," I say, "you can come up on the porch, we're going to be neighbors."
Then another dwarf pops out, followed by another, then another and still another, until all 7 of them are out in the open.
Pookie asks, "Would you guys like some cookies?"
"COOKIES!??" they all shout in unison, then they rush the porch.
I get an elbow in my shoulder, and then I get bumped out of the way as hands reach in from every direction to grab a cookie from the tin. Pookie gets bumped and jostled and starts giggling. It's all elbows and hands accompanied by the sound of chewing and munching. The dwarfs are a flurry of action with a lot of "mmmmmm" and "mrrphs" coming from them. In what seems like an instant the cookie tin is empty, save for a few crumbs.
Sleepy reaches into the cookie tin and comes out with a lone chocolate chip held between his thumb and forefinger holding it up proudly. Dopey swoops in and his mouth closes around Sleepy's fingers and the chololate chip. Sleepy sadly withdraws his empty, but now slobbered on fingers from Dopey's mouth.
"Are there any more?" Doc asks.
"No," Pookie says sadly, "I'll have to bake some more tomorrow."
"We'll be back then," Happy says with a chuckle. The dwarfs all leave the porch and walk off towards Cove's cabin.
"Well, that was interesting." I say to Pookie.
"And painful." Pookie replies while holding her arm that got elbowed.
Hero Member
: 1688
Re: Crystal Lake.
#114 :
September 27, 2014, 12:22:24 PM »
As I take a sip of the bourbon, a thought crosses my mind of wrestling that red shirt off Miss Brandy. In our tipsy state though, it might spell trouble if we were to fall in the lake. Maybe when we reach the shore... I get a mental image of the two of us wrestling while I'm trying to remove that shirt, and I can feel my face turning red. I quickly turn and look out over the lake in an attempt to conceal my blush.
The fishing has slowed down now and is not nearly as lively as it was. In fact the fish have seemed to stop biting entirely.
"Miss Brandy," I say, "I think it's time we were making our way in. The bourbon is beginning to work it's magic, and there's no telling what would happen if we rowed up to the wrong shore."
"I might get swatted." Miss Brandy replies with a giggle, then says, "I am getting peckish and we've demolished the contents of the picnic basket hours ago... this fishing builds an appetite."
"Yes ma'am," I answer as I place the oars in their locks. We reel the lines in and store the poles in the bottom of the boat. I begin to slowly row towards the Bee Hive.
We laugh and giggle while telling various jokes, and just enjoying each other company on the little trip in. Finally we reach the shoreline in front of the Bee Hive.
I hop out of the boat and pull the bow further on shore. Miss Brandy stands and I offer my hand to help her out of the boat. She takes it and steps out on to the shore, but her trailing foot hits the side of the boat causing Miss Brandy to stumble slightly. I catch her before she falls, and we're in a tangled embrace. My arms are wrapped around her waist, up her back while her arms are around my neck. Our lips are just inches away from each others.
"You smell like bourbon," Miss Brandy says, while smiling, "and fish."
"Well," I look her in the eyes and answer, "you smell a little fishy, too... Miss Rum Breath."
We release each other from the entanglement, and that thought of wrestling the shirt from her again crosses my mind.
"Keep the shirt," I say to Miss Brandy, "it suits you... besides, you have the front of it all bumpy now."
She laughs and says, "You can keep that blue shirt, we'll call it a fair trade." Then she kisses me on the cheek and thanks me for taking her fishing.
I assure her it was my pleasure. I watch as she turns and walks to the Bee Hive and before she reaches the cabin Miss Brandy turns and asks, "Are you going back to the AB&G soon?"
I answer, "yes, I want to work on that back wall of the fire pit."
Miss Brandy gives me a thumbs up sign and I push the rowboat back into the water and row my way to The Cove. I see there is a new cabin that's popped up nearby. "I will have to take some flowers there too, as a welcoming", I say out loud as I pull up onto the shore.
Hopping out I pull the boat to it's stake and throw the looped rope over the post, securing it. Then gathering up the fishing equipment, along with the bottles of booze, I take the gear around the back of the cabin and store it in the crate. I pour the bucket of unused worms and dirt into the flower garden. Next I go into the cabin to shower and clean up before going to the bar.
*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 1688
Re: Crystal Lake.
#115 :
September 28, 2014, 10:59:42 AM »
All cleaned up now and ready to head to the bar, I suddenly remember I wanted to do something. I go out the backdoor and rummage through the crate. Finding what I was looking for I take a couple of Mason Jars and go into the flower garden by the hammock.
Getting two of them ready, I head first for The Bee Hive and place the little "thank you" offering on the porch table along with a note thanking Miss Brandy for a most enjoyable fishing trip.
Next I go over to the new cabin... there's a sign screwed to the front porch railing that reads "Lopdoodle" the name makes me giggle. "Two knuckleheads", I think as I place the jar of flowers on the table, "can't help but love 'em."
I go back to The Cove... gather up a few things... then make my way to the tunnel behind the cabin and head for the AChat Bar & Grill.
*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 705
*Go Beyond The Reason To Love*
Re: Crystal Lake.
#116 :
September 28, 2014, 06:02:47 PM »
Brushing off the remaining remnants of dust from the sign nailed to the front door, I step back and admiringly gaze at it.
"The Okie Dokes Cabin"
I mutter to myself with a big grin on my face and clap my hands excitedly.
It had taken a little while to get used to the transition but everything seemed to flow smoothly now and I couldn't remember the last time I felt so content and affirmingly sure of myself while being on my own.
I head back inside with a little hop in my step and engage in a little cleaning around the cabin before getting ready for a fun night out at the bar.
: November 22, 2015, 12:12:21 PM ItsAmy123
Sr. Member
: 463
Re: Crystal Lake.
#117 :
September 29, 2014, 11:36:18 AM »
"Awwww... Terri," I say, "someone brought us flowers. They're as beautiful as the gesture is."
"You know who brought them..." Terri begins to say.
"Covems," I interrupt her, "it has to be him."
"We need to thank him properly." Terris says while sniffing the sweet daisies.
"Absolutely." I answer, "how could anyone not at least acknowledge the gesture?"
I go into the kitchen and check my pantry for cookie ingredients. Finding what I need, I soon have a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies in the oven, their delightful aroma fills the cabin.
"Hope those dwarfs don't catch a whiff of them," Terri says, "they'll be in here like gangbusters!"
"These are for Covie... his favorite. I'll make another batch of chocolate chip for Brandybee, then maybe some shortbread cookies for the Hyperion Homestead." I smerk as I start to get an idea formulating in my head. Terri can sense something brewing.
"You're thinking of something else." She says. "Spill it Pook."
"I am," I reply, "but it's going wait until we're at the bar... I want it to be a surprise."
Sr. Member
: 463
Re: Crystal Lake.
#118 :
September 30, 2014, 09:18:07 AM »
I got all the baking done and packaged the various cookies into tins. Then I write up a little note as a way of introduction which reads:
"Hello Neighbor:
Please allow us to introduce ourselves. My name is Pookie and my friend is Terri, we visited here at the lake once before during a lovely ceremony and found it to be friendly and fun.
I was on another site, and got myself involved with someone who betrayed my trust. That person, little to my prior knowledge, also uses this site. I have good days and I have bad days, so I have been posting things that may sound bitter, because they are. But with the help of my best friend Terri (who's been through this before with me) and one neighbor in particular I am mending my heart.
Please feel free to drop by anytime for anything, and enjoy the cookies.
Pookie & Terri"
Taking some the tins of cookies, Terri and I take them to each of the neighboring cabins. First we go to The Okie Dokes and place the tin of Honey Cookies on the porch table and slide a copy of the note of introduction under the tin. "I hope she likes honey cookies."
Next we go to the Hyperion Homestead. I was a little taken back by the number of gnomes on the property. Carefully we walk our way around, not knowing if any of them will suddenly spring to life and attack.
Terri and I leave a copy of the note of introduction and a tin of shortbread cookies on the porch near the doorstep.
Still wary of the amount of gnomes, we head off the Homestead property and stop at The Bee Hive. There's a jar of flowers on the porch table and I set a cookie tin there. The tin also has two dozen cookies, but these are chocolate chip cookies. I place a copy of the note of introduction under the tin so it won't blow away.
"I hope they find the cookes before those dwarfs do". Terri says to me.
"Yeah," I reply, "I certainly hope so."
Terri and I stop back at Lopdoodle to get two more tins of cookies. Oatmeal raisin ones for Covems and a tin of some samples from each batch to take to the bar. I go into The Cove and place the oatmeal raisin cookie tin on the kitchen counter.
Terri catches up with me there carrying a gym bag that contains the things we'll want for a night of fun at the AB&G.
"Lets use the dwarf's tunnel," Terri says. I agree and we head out Covie's backdoor and go into the shortcut to the bar.
Hero Member
: 705
*Go Beyond The Reason To Love*
Re: Crystal Lake.
#119 :
October 01, 2014, 12:30:19 AM »
I throw down the pair of scissors in my hand and rush to the oven to take out the small batch of cupcakes I had been baking. I had been so consumed in cutting the stems from the daisies I had found on the table outside on the porch, in order to keep them fresh and alive, that I had nearly forgotten all about the cupcakes I had left in the oven to bake.
"Thank God I set a timer,"
I murmur to myself as I slip on my oven mitts and proceed in taking out the fresh batch and placing them on the counter to cool off.
I begin to swiftly start coating the chocolate-flavoured cupcakes with pink frosting and decorating them in a ultra-glam, girly fashion with ribbons and heart-shaped candy sticks.
I suddenly realize I forgot to place the freshly-cut flowers into the water-filled, brand-new vase I had bought for them. Rushing back to the flowers and leaving my cupcakes half done, I swiftly do so.
Propping the flowers up in a presentable way and tying a cute, white-silky ribbon around the vase, I step back and admire my masterpiece while softly humming under my breath.
I decide to carry the flowers out to the front and place them on the same table I had found them on. As I open the front door, I am surprised to find a tin box placed on the table.
*Wow.. got some real nice neighbours around here*
I think to myself while slightly chuckling.
Delighted to find honey cookies inside the tin, I quickly munch down on one, as they are a great guilty pleasure of mine.
"Mmm.. mmm ... mmmm... so damn good,"
I mutter to myself while licking my lips.
I find the introduction letter hiding beneath the tin and as I proceed through reading all of it, I experience a range of emotions and then a light bulb goes off in my head. Quickly adjusting the placement of the flowers on the table to ensure they look perfect, I head back inside with the tin of cookies in my hand.
Placing the cookies in my snack cupboard to munch on later, I return to my cupcakes and quickly finish preparing them.
I place three of them in a plastic gift box, which I enclose with a fancy, pink ribbon.
I head off to my room to retrieve another item enclosed in a creative gift bag fastened by rainbow coloured tie I had crafted up. In it was Covems' plaid shirt that I had left wearing a couple of months back. Having been back for a little while now, I had been drawing up the courage to return it back to its owner. I retrieve it from the corner of my bedroom it had grown accustomed to and head back to the kitchen with my favourite pink-inked pen and a sheet of paper.
Sitting down to write a small, cute note for Pookie, I take a deep breath and let my thoughts flow out onto paper.
Dear Pookie,
I would like to welcome you & Terri to our wonderful, cozy and fun lake community. I have no doubt by having you guys move into the neighbourhood, the fun level is bound to sky rocket. So definitely looking forward to that!
As for the heartache you've been suffering, I'll keep it short and simple and say that life's job is to throw you curve balls. All we can do is learn how to cope and get back up once knocked down and just never lose hope or give up. Just remember that good things fall apart, so that better things can come together.
I'd like to thank for the cookies. They were super delicious! I'm leaving ya'll three cupcakes. One for Terri and two for you. Yummy food helps the heart heal faster. Yummy food and good sex
I'm leaving you another gift personally. It's a fellow cowboy's plaid shirt that I'm sure you'll love. Being able to wear it and having that familiar scent around helped me through the last couple of difficult months.
So keep your chin up and let me know if you ladies are ever up for a cute, little tea party.
Amy xx
I fold the letter neatly and place it within the gift bag, on top of the shirt. Grabbing the box of cupcakes along with the gift bag, I head off towards
. The walk seems to be of a fair distance and it takes me a little while to reach the cabin.
Having arrived, I place the gifts carefully on the porch in front of the door, as no one seems to be home and then head off back in the direction of my cabin.
Even though my initial plan was to head over to the bar and have a fun night out, a day of nailing a sign, baking cupcakes, propping up daises and delivering gifts had proven to be quite energy-consuming.
I reach
Okie Dokes
and head inside with the intention of spending the night with my honey cookies, cupcakes and a
Sex and the City
: February 22, 2017, 02:33:17 AM ItsAmy123
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