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: Crystal Lake.  ( 149809 )
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: 1600

« #120 : October 01, 2014, 01:04:27 PM »

Stretched out on the Hammock, the autumn sun strong on this gorgeous fall afternoon, I doze in and out consciousness. All is perfect in my world except this damm fly that is tormenting me. It lands on my nose,  I swipe it away, then my cheek then on my chest.
Fed up I open my eyes to see Stone has been touching me with a milkweed reed. Laughing she backs away cautious of my reaction. Swinging my legs down to the deck floor I am too groggy to be angry.

“you need a hobby, you nap more than a new born puppy”  stone says as she gathers up the dishes from my lunch. Following her back into the cabin I open the fridge and reach for a quart of grape juice.

“Use a glass and put on the kettle for me.”  Stone shouts from the bedroom.

Stone walks back into the kitchen having changed into jeans, T-shirt and one of my baseball caps. Making her tea, I fill her in on the latest news.

“We have new neighbors”

“Who?” Stone responds with interest.
“Terric and Pookie,  just  down the road  the sign says  Lapdoodle.”  I laugh.

“Lapdoodle?”  Stone says a bit puzzled.

“That is what the sign says, and Amy123 has moved in a little further west, her place is named Okie Dokes Cabin.”  I grin.

“well, we must welcome them proper, some kind of gift” Stone says getting excited.

“I got that covered, I had to make do with things on hand but I think you will like them.” I point to the trailer on the quad runner.

Hero Member
: 1842

« #121 : October 01, 2014, 02:27:03 PM »

Jayc tells me about the new neighbours who had recently moved in and that he had quickly put a few things together as a  “Welcome to Crystal Lake”  We still hadn’t got round to proper shopping since the “Dwarf Raid”

He proudly shows me the gifts he had prepared and I smile.  Beer and nuts in a box. “He is such a guy at times!” I mutter, then smile  “but real thoughtful too” 

“That’s lovely Sweetheart,” I say out loud. “I may have some chocolates hidden I can add to the mix and cellophane and ribbon.”  I always had arty stuff round the house. I loved making things, jewellery, vases and things. Some even sold quite well at the local market.

I searched out the items and walked down into my studio by the lake and boat house. I saw a couple of deers grazing close by and tried to be careful. They soon caught my scent and cantered off a safer distance from me.
I knew it was rutting season so kept my eyes open for the Stags who no doubt would be prowling around after those Does.

I opened the studio and went to the ring jewellery I had recently been working on..

Spoon rings originated in 17 century England when servants would steal or be given odd silver spoons from their Masters houses so they could make and shape into rings for their loved ones. Lots were used as wedding rings in that time. Now they were used more as friendship and dress rings and could be worn by men or women alike.

I chose 3, knowing they could be bent to size their fingers –

1  for Amy

1 for Terric

1 for Pookie

and then  I turned to men’s rings and picked one out for Covems.  He had been round Hyperion helping J with some odd jobs he wasn’t able to do himself. It was a way of saying Thank you.

He had also mentioned, he needed a cleaner to keep his place spic and span. I offered to drop in a couple of hours a week and clean and dust for him if he wanted.  He smiled and accepted the offer.   

I returned to the cabin, quickly wrapped the two boxes with green and white ribbon to look prettier and more gift like and wrote cards of welcome.

Covems ring was placed in a smaller box and Jayc then started up the quad bike and I jumped on the back hugging him as we rode round the cabins, placing the gifts on the door steps.

The cards were just simple saying –

"Welcome to  Crystal Lake.  From your neighbours – Stone & Jayc  at  Hyperion Homestead x "

On returning about  40 minutes later,  we saw our neighbours had had the same idea.

"Oh bless them,"  I say to Jayc, holding up the  gift from Terric &  Pookie. " We have  Home baked Cookies."
Jayc salivated,  " mmmm Thank you ladies " he said,  trying to pinch one.
"After dinner"  I scold sternly and burst out laughing as I keep them out of his reach.

« : October 01, 2014, 02:39:09 PM Stone »

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #122 : October 02, 2014, 11:33:45 AM »

“Jeeze,  these bags are heavy” I grumble to myself regretting listening to Stone last night. I load the last one into my dented truck. Coves had done a pretty good job of mending it and knocking the dents out. The dwarfs had even painted it for me. The only thing was, instead of yellow – it was now yellow and black stripes with BBee on my number plate.

I fire it up and hitch up my trousers to cover my boobs again and drive out at of MalWarts shopping centre. I glance out the window and wave to the Forum Villagers. It always amazed me how they all make the effort to visit the shop and dress up.

FoxyRoxxy and Lover wave frantically and I smile back at them, thinking, they match my truck

I arrive back at the cabin and the wood of the collapsed fence. I decide to have a nice cup of tea before driving round to Hyperian Homestead to see Stone and Jayc and delivering the goodies.

I approach the porch and am delighted to see a vase of flowers with a note from Coves.
“Bless his cotton socks,” I read the note and smile.

I then notice another gift from Terric and Pookie. “Chocolate chip cookies mmm, Now that is perfect to go with my tea.”
I hear scurrying outside and know its the dwarfs. “Come in guys, I got your rum donuts and I need your help again”

They all troop in at my invite and I make them all a fine English brew as they tuck into the sugary treat.
As I munch on a delicious home baked cookie, I tell them Stone’s plan.
They kindly agree to set it all up.

“Who is Guy Fawkes?” Doc asks
“Guy Fawkes was one of the bad guys who was part of a plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament while the King was there. On 5 November every year, the effigy of Guy Fawkes is still burned on bonfires across England in recognition of his part in the failed 'Gunpowder Plot' of 1605.

“He was the leader?” Bashful asked interested
“No, that was a guy called Robert Catesby but no one remembers him. He was killed evading capture and was never tried. Guy Fawkes on the other hand, was the one caught red handed under the Houses of Parliament with the 36 barrels of gunpowder, matches and fuses. It was his Gun Powder expertise that was essential to the plot. He was part of a group of disaffected Catholics who plotted to assassinate King James I by blowing up the House of Lords. They hoped to restore Protestant England to Catholicism and end the persecution of their faith.
The 'Gunpowder Plot' was foiled at the eleventh hour by the Kings spies. Now it is an event still celebrated annually on 5 November and named for the most famous of the conspirators - Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night.

“How were they caught?” Dopey was caught up in the story.
“Well the plot was organised over 18 months but as the plot neared fruition, something happened which would prove its downfall. Lord Monteagle, the brother-in-law of one of the plotters, received an anonymous letter which warned against attending Parliament for the opening.
Monteagle passed the letter on. The plotters had no cause to believe their plan was in danger. The Kings men searched parliament and caught Fawkes. Torture was illegal then in Britain but the King signed a special warrant to use torture to identify all involved. He was tortured terribly over two days, including the rack, before he finally confessed all. His strong resolution impressed King James 1

This gave time for the others to go on the run. Several died in a shoot out with the Kings men in Staffordshire, miles away from London. The survivors were taken back to London for trial. The ones who fell in Staffordshire had their heads cut off.
Over the course of the next few weeks, the surviving plotters and many others were interrogated. On 30 and 31 January 1606, eight people, including Fawkes, were executed by being hanged, drawn and quartered as sentenced. He was not burned at the stake like most think.
Fawkes was called to meet his fate. While climbing to the hanging platform, however, he jumped from the ladder and broke his neck, dying instantly."

“Why did they want the King dead? Happy asked
“At the time, Catholics could not practice their religion openly. With the king dead, they would put James' daughter, Elizabeth, on the throne, returning Britain to the Catholic fold.  Fawkes posed as a servant called John Johnson, and began sourcing gunpowder. The plotters rented a cellar under the House of Lords and packed it with enough explosive to kill the king and the most powerful men in the land as they sat in the room above.
While religious differences between Catholics and Protestants are largely forgotten on mainland Britain, now, we English continue to celebrate the deliverance of James I and the execution of his would-be assassins - most notably Fawkes - every 5 November.
The burning of a 'guy' atop a bonfire - has ensured the plot endures in our national memory."

“How do you make a Guy?” Sneezy tissooooed
“Old clothes stuffed with newspapers or straw,” I laugh, “Anything really that burns. You used to see young kids go round with a Guy in a  wheelbarrow shouting “Penny for the Guy”  so they could buy fireworks as the night nears, although that’s not so common now. I think it’s frowned on as begging. We also call the celebration Bonfire Night.”

“Why are you wearing your trousers over yours boobs?” Grumpy asked  “Did you lose your shirt?”
“No, I went to MalWarts to get supplies”
He nodded immediately understanding the strange dress code.

“Right, I best get changed and deliver the goodies to Stone & Jayc’s. Will you guys sort the rest out and ask Coves and AusWoody to help out at the Lake”

I hand them part of an English Folk Verse chanted at the Burning of the Guy . They all troop out again singing

“Remember, remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason, why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, guy, t'was his intent
To blow up king and parliament.
Three score barrels were laid below
To prove old England's overthrow.

By God's mercy he was catch'd
With a darkened lantern and burning match.
So, holler boys, holler boys, Let the bells ring.
Holler boys, holler boys, God save the king.

And what shall we do with him?
Burn him!”

I change into my jeans & shirt and send a text to Stone that I’d be at hers in a few. 

« : October 02, 2014, 11:45:21 AM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 1842

« #123 : October 02, 2014, 01:35:01 PM »

Brandy arrives and we unpack the car. She’s bought supplies to replenish our cabin and some extra things to celebrate an early Bonfire Night.

“Did you make a guy?”  She asks me
I grin at her, “Are you kidding? You knew I would”
“Does J know you stole his clothes?”
“Only his black trousers. I stole a shirt from Coves place, I owed him one for peaking at some of my underwear” I giggle at her.

I take her round the back to show her my handy work.
“He’s great. Traditional face or someone you know?” Brandy asks.

Sometimes, English folk are devilish and draw a childish face of their boss or someone else who’s butt they would like to kick on occasions. It’s not meant nasty, just funny.

“Not decided yet,”  I laugh again. “You got any in mind?”
“I can think of a few but he’s your baby” She laughs back.

We get the potatoes out and wrap them in foil. And place them on a tray. These are put in the bonfires edge to cook along with some chestnuts.
The rest are put ready to bake on the outside grill.

After a few hours of preparing for our traditional night,  Jayc takes the pig roast, he’d been cooking and set the rest up by the lake.

The dwarfs appeared after awhile, having completed their tasks.
“You put a fence up round the wood like I told you? I don’t want any hedgehogs hibernating in the middle of the fire we light”  Brandy asked.
Sleepy nodded.
“Do we get hedgehogs here?” I asked her.
“I don’t know but I don’t want to take any chances. I might cry if I think I killed it.” She answered, “ Did you deliver the invites?”
“Yes, Jayc delivered them to all the neighbours  on Crystal Lake earlier and Old Joe is giving them out in the AB&G and AusWoody is giving them out at The Square”  I showed her one… on the front was Guy Fawkes

and written inside,

“Dear Friends, You are cordially invited to an Early English Bonfire Night at the lake at Hyperion Homestead. There will be a Bonfire, Burning of the guy, Fireworks over the lake, food, drink, music, dancing under the stars and music.
Just be careful of our Gnomes.
All are welcome.
(It will be Halloween at the bar too soon. Don’t forget to find a scary costume for that big night)

“When’s it start?” Brandy asked.
“Now” I laugh and turn on the music full blast.  It rings out round the lake  and Jayc waves putting his thumbs up as he lights the bonfire.

It blazes beautifully. Not too high, not too low.

AusWoody and Covems waves in their boat on the lake. They had set up the firework display for later on. They begin to row back to shore. No doubt wanting some pig roast and frothy hot chocolate.

We carry the food outside and join Jayc to enjoy the ambiance and the "Spirit of Friendship"

« : October 02, 2014, 01:36:46 PM Stone »

Hero Member
: 1600

« #124 : October 02, 2014, 09:52:44 PM »

Hearing the rumble of a motorcycle coming down the drive slowly I walk around to the front and see Auswoody has arrived right on time.

“You really need to fill in that pot hole up there, ever hear of gravel?” Woody says shaking my hand.

“Yeah its on my to do list on the fridge, funny how those lists never get smaller.”  I laugh.

“So where is Covems?”  Woody inquires.

“On his third and last trip into town for supplies, took a few of the little guys with him, Ole Joe is out back, keeping his eye on the roasting pit.

We enter the cabin from the front and are greeted by the ladies as they work on food for the party. I proudly show Woody all the renovations Stone and I have done. A nice mix of old and new,  old rustic cabinets and counter tops but modern appliances. 
We walk out to the deck where the dwarfs have set up full bar and long tables for the food. The aroma of roasting pig fills the air.  By the cooking fire pit Ole Joe sits in a lawn chair, slowly turning the pig, and  adding hickory chips to the fire when required.

“Almost ready?” I ask over the music.

“No these things take time, it will be ready  when its ready  now beer me.” Joe holds up his had as I toss him a bottle of Bud from the deck.

A honking horn signals us Coves has returned and needs our assistance. Out front we find Coves and the boys unloading crates stamped with the name… ACME  BOOBY TRAPS AND MUNITIONS.

“The fireworks gentlemen” Coves says with a grin
“Acme?  Didn’t  they get sued for like a billion dollars  by some coyote for defective products?” I ask a bit concerned.

“Not to worry, they are under new management  and I got a great deal.” Coves assures us.

A few minutes later we are loading the crates onto my boat, the plan being launch the fireworks  from the small island about a quarter mile out.
Woody and Coves head out to the island to set up and I get the bonfire ready.
As the sun slowly disappears behind the tall pines, I can see woody and Coves heading back to shore. The bonfire  begins to really burn, and up at the cabin the music just got louder.
I crack open a beer as Stone and Brandy come down to the lake with their baskets of foiled potatoes. We all have a seat for a quick drink before  our guests arrive
Hero Member
: 1688

« #125 : October 03, 2014, 12:57:21 PM »

Having finished the repairs to the fire pit at the AB&G, I stand back to admire my work.  Reinforcing the blocks with some strategically placed rebar, and using some reinforcing wire between the second and third course seems to have done the trick.

I used the left over mortar to surface the front of the block work which now gives it a smooth finish.  I even managed to reurathane the oak cap on the top.

I was requested to pick up some supplies on my return, and have done so.  Honking the horn as I drive onto the Homestead property with some ACME fireworks in the bed of the truck.

I get assistance unloading the explosives from the truck into the waiting boat, and Woody and I make our way to the little island and set up the display.  I show Woody the remote for firing off the displays and I remark how I hope the range is enough to allow us to do so from the bonfire. "If not, one of us may have to get closer to the island."

Now that everything seems to be settled, and there's no more brain power going to be needed, I crack open a cold one from the cooler and take a long pull from the beer bottle.  "One thing I've always wondered about that Coyote fellow," I say, "if he had enough money to buy all the ACME crap, why didn't he just buy dinner?"

"I really need to get back to The Cove and take a quick shower," I announce, "I'm coated in block dust and mortar, pluse some genuine Covems sweat."

I take my leave from the assembled folks just as Miss Stone and Brandy are making their way to the bonfire area.

Back at The Cove, I quickly head upstairs, undress and hop into the shower.  "Interesting day."  I think as I lather up, "it being Friday and all."

After having toweled off and shaved, I get dressed in my favorite jeans, a soft muslin long sleeved shirt and my western style vest.  I adjust the collar on the vest while checking myself out in the mirror.  Socks and boots complete the outfit and I nestle my freshly brushed hat on the top of my head. 

"All set."

*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 10457


« #126 : October 03, 2014, 02:01:42 PM »

Having  heard all this  great story's the the friendly community where every one is so
kind and friendly ,and I heard its  on a Beautiful lake  and thinking how our family is  growing
I and Lover and are four little pumas and his  hound dog are looking for a new  place to live in the
friendly community of Crystal lake and his sis Brandy lives there we pack up some thing and my grannys and papas
wants to help so we  load up our truck and  head to Crystal Lake  ;D

I hope the  don't mind our pumas  they  the dont bite  but I do  ;D

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Sr. Member
: 463

« #127 : October 03, 2014, 04:28:21 PM »

Terri and I are at the Achat Bar & Grill, but the place seems deserted.  The lights are turned down and it's eerily quiet.

"Come on Pookie."  Terri says to me coming out from behind the bar.  "I just saw the note, everyone is back at the lake.

"How come?"  I ask.

"They're burning some fucking guy.  I mean Fawking Guy."  She answers.  "Look, here's the notice."

Taking the paper from Terri, I read it over.  "They're burning Guy Fawkes, you doofus.  It's some sort of British excuse for a party."

"Ohhhhh,"  she says, "well... I like parties, so lets go."

Using the Dwarf's tunnel, we hurry back to Lopdoodle to get cleaned up and changed.  I find a box from ItsAmy123 that has some lovely cupcakes in it along with a note.  There are beautiful spoon rings from Jayc and Stone, and some beer and even beer nuts! 

One of the packages from ItsAmy123 looks like a shirt.  "That is so sweet of them all to welcome us like this.  Oh... these cupcakes look too good to eat."  I say to Terri

"They do."  Terri says, while picking up a cupcake and unwrapping the paper from it.  She takes a bite of it then says while chewing, "You're right Pook, they do look too good for you to eat.  I'll eat yours."

I laugh, and tell her, "You touch mine, and you'll never touch anything with those fingers again, you brat."

Terri laughs, a bit of cupcake falls from her mouth.  Then she asks, "What in the bag?"

"I think it's Covie's shirt."  I reply while pulling the checked shirt partially out of the bag. I read the note again. "Oh God.  I know it was sent with good intentions, but I can't keep this.  It just doesn't seem right... now, if it came directly from Covie..."  My words trail off.  Then I say, "I should return it to him."

"I think he's at The Cove."  Terri says, "go give it to him now."  A big grin comes across her face.  "Maybe you'll catch him in the shower."

Then Terri suddenly stops all movement.  "Wait!"  She says.  "It's Friday!  Shower Day!  I'm going to go with you."

"You wait here,"  I answer her, "we don't have a lot of time, so get ready."Leaving Terri at Lopdoodle, I make my way over to The Cove with the packaged shirt and go inside the cabin.  Covems is on the ground floor, admiring himself in the mirror.

"Hey good looking,"  I say to him. 

Covems turns around and greets me with that wonderful smile of his and a tip of his hat.  "Miss Pookie."

"Here Covie."  I hold the package out for him to take.  He does so and eagerly opens the bag.  Covems' shoulders droop and a deep sigh escapes from his lips.  "It was delivered to me, Covie," I continue, "but I would feel funny keeping it."

I see an expression of sadness come over his face and I go to him and wrap my arms around him.  Covems envelopes me with his strong arms, pulling me closer into an embrace.  He is over a foot taller than I am, and my head just reaches his chest.  I can hear his heart beating, and he smells so good.

"I'm so sorry, I know just how you feel Covie."  I say in a hushed tone, hugging him tighter while rubbing his back with my hand.  "I was just there too."

I feel his arm loosen at my back and I hear the package drop onto the floor it feels good when his arm comes back and pulls me even a little tighter.  I go on, "the hardest question I had, Covie, was; 'How could he go from telling me how much he loved me one minute, to not wanting anything to do with me in the next?' "

"Well," Covems says to me in almost a whisper, "there's no tellin' how folks are feelin', I guess."

Then I can feel Covems perk up, that positive outlook he always has begins to win out.  He grabs me by my shoulders and looks into my eyes.  Those blue eyes of his always seem to sparkle.  "Pookie," he says to me.  I watch his lips move as he speaks and I so want to kiss them, "we got a party to go to.  Bonfire, fireworks, it's gonna be great fun."

"Yes!" I exclaim, "Terri said 'they're burning some Fawking Guy."  Covie laughs and I continue, "she's probably in the shower right now, getting ready."

"I'm tempted to go right to Lopdoodle, Pookie," Covems says to me with a little giggle in his voice.  "Maybe catch 'The Terror' in the shower... after all... it is Friday."

"Give me a little head start, Covie."  I say to him, "and you can catch both of us in the shower."

I move around and hop up to stand on the sofa so I can reach him and give him a quick kiss on the lips.  Then I jump off the sofa, scurry out the door and head for Lopdoodle and the shower.

Hero Member
: 705

*Go Beyond The Reason To Love*

« #128 : October 05, 2014, 01:40:58 PM »

Fastening the knot I had made when tying my already-small denim shirt around my waist, I reach for the remote to turn off the TV.

My Sex and the City marathon had been interrupted by an impromptu invite from Stone to a small bonfire get-together she and Jay were throwing at their place.

"Guess the second half of season one will have to wait for another night," I mutter, chuckling to myself.

As I place the remote down, the ring Stone had given me, that I had decided to adorn on my ring-finger, caught my eye. I stood there for a second admiring it, the thoughtfulness of the gift  and all.

Snapping out of my brief trance, I grab the rest of the cupcakes I had baked and head out in the direction of the Hyperion Homestead.
« : October 05, 2014, 03:10:38 PM ItsAmy123 »

Hero Member
: 1600

« #129 : October 07, 2014, 01:11:52 PM »

Finishing  my beer, I remind myself to pace my drinking, “going to be a long night” I think. Stone and Brandy are lost in conversation with Woody as I announce  my intentions  to head up to the cabin to greet our arriving guests. Getting a face full of smoke I say  “I hate rabbits” and  the smoke like magic moves over to Stone and Brandy  who curse me as I leave.

Walking up to the cabin I see that the pig has been removed from the spit. In the kitchen Joe is carving with Doc  supervising  much to Joe’s displeasure.  I sample a piece as Joe waits for my comment. “That is tasty” I say, savoring the rich flavor
Stepping out onto the front porch I am right on time as our first guests arrive. With hugs and handshakes I greet Roxxy and Lover and Amy.
“Welcome to our home, we have a full bar out back and beers and wine coolers down by the fire, the food should be ready in about?”  I pause.
“About an hour” Doc answers for me.

“Everybody is down by the fire, so grab a drink and enjoy yourselves.”  I say as I see more headlights coming down the long winding driveway.
Hero Member
: 1842

« #130 : October 11, 2014, 02:11:30 AM »

I see FoxyRoxxy and Lover arrive with their hillbilly clan, quickly followed by ItsAmy123. 

I pass the beers out and make sure Ma & Pa Foxy are settled. They start talking to me but their strong yank country accents are too much for my English ears.

“What are they saying?” I ask Lover.
“I have no idea either, he chuckles, “Just nod and say “Ja, Ja” like I do. It keeps them happy”

I look over to them and nod, passing them a beer and saying “Ja Ja” in my best bad German accent. They both show toothless smiles at me and nod, clapping their hands and chattering together.
“See it works,” Lover said.

Amy joins us and I notice the ring on her finger.  “I see it fits ok”
“Yes, thank you, it’s lovely” She said to me.
“You’re welcome” I smile passing her a beer. Covems and AusWoody join us with their beers and admire Amy’s ring too.
“I got one too” Covems told her and dug it out of his pocket and put it on his finger, “What do you think?
“Suits you” Amy smiles at him. He smiles back.
“A toast,”  I interrupt, “To the Spirit of Friendship”

We clink our bottles and swig.

“I want a ring too” AusWoody grumbles.
“I can do you one too,”  I assure him no problem, “but it will cost you a ride on that bike of yours”

His face lights up. I can tell he loves showing off his bike.
“Maybe you can give all the girls a ride” I chuckle.
“They can have a ride anytime” He laughs cheekily.

Dopey comes up to us and I whisper something in his ear. He starts giggling and runs off to Happy and Bashful. They disappear for about 20 minutes or so and give me the thumbs up on their return.

Some 15 minutes later – Terric, Pookie and Bear arrive with wet hair and traces of soap.

Jayc greets them and hands out the beers. “Is that the new fashion?” looking at the sticky up hair.

“Hey,” Terric says in greeting , “Not exactly, Say, Is your water turned off?”
“No, we got water on here” Jayc confirms, looking puzzled at the strange question.

Amy, FoxyRoxxy, AusWoody and Covems all look at me and I roll my eyes in total innocence.

We all giggle and I whisper to them, “Well I didn’t want them to miss the fireworks, shshh  secret. And Scary Bear scares me”

“You have been hanging round Brandy too long,” Covems says sternly, just enough to make me blush & feel guilty, then grins to the others – “You should see the Fawking Guy”
“What have you done?” Amy chuckles at Covems…

The Foxy clan start jabbering again and we all nod at them, including FoxyRoxxy and say in unison  " Ja  Ja " 

Sr. Member
: 463

« #131 : October 11, 2014, 11:26:53 AM »

Showing up at the Hyperion Homestead, my hair still wet with traces of soap from the interrupted shower.  I walk up to Stone and give her a big hug and a kiss on her cheek.  My still wet hair brushing against her causing little trails of wetness on her skin and clothes. 

"Thank you so much for the ring", I say, "I absolutely love it."  Holding it up proudly showing her how well it fits on my finger.

Turning to Jayc, I also give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.  "And thank you for the beer and the other goodies."

I say my hellos to the rest of the gang, giving each a hug and a kiss on the cheek.  Covie is smiling and chatting with Amy, not wanting to interrupt anything, I decide to wait to greet them.  I catch them looking my way during their chat and give a little wave.

I then go grab a beer from the cooler and go to inspect the motorcycle.  It's a pretty machine, and I think I would enjoy going on a ride.  I love the way they rumble between my legs.

I go to Terri, "you know what I'm going to do?"  I ask her, not bothering to wait for an answer, I say.  "I'm going to rinse off in the lake." 

A big grin forms on Terri's face.  "Great idea, Pook."  She says to me and starts to unbutton her blouse.

We both strip off everything, placing our clothing on a chair and notice everyone staring at us.

"Our water stopped flowing at Lopdoodle right in the middle of our shower."  I say to them all.  Then I call to Covie, "Covie, could you come by and see what the problem is?"

"I don't know if he heard you, Pook."  Terri says to me, then giggles.

Completely nude, Terri and I wade into the water.  We dip under a few times to remove all the soap residue.  Then we walk to the bonfire, getting close to it to warm up and have the heat dry our wet bodies.

"Does anyone have a towel?"

Hero Member
: 4985

« #132 : October 11, 2014, 10:48:54 PM »

Patroling in my policecruiser i get closer to the lake. Seems there is a party going on at Stone's and Jayc's place. I better check out if the fire isn't to  big, we don't want to burn down the forrest afterall.

Just as i step out of the car, i see Pookie getting out of the lake, followed by Terri. They are both nude and Pookie walks up to me asking me for a towel. As i watch the trail of water she left behind from getting out of the lake my eye spots something going on in the water.

"wait here bu the car Pookie, and you too Terri" I tell them, the both nod as i follow their trail back to the lake.

Just as i thought i see a lot of soap floating around on the surfce, so i get back to my car.

"Sorry ladies, i think i have to arrest you both for polluting the lake. That soap you both used is not enviromental friendly, so you have to come with me. Step into the back of the car please."

mrsexlover, loving all girls, any shape,size or color

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« #133 : October 12, 2014, 09:19:02 AM »

Terri and I are cuffed and led to the police cruiser.  "This is another fine mess you're gotten us into."  She says to me.

"Sorry."  Is all I can say.

Terris says, "I guess the party is over for us, Pook."  As we placed into the back of the police car.

Hero Member
: 2044

Never push a loyal person to the breaking point

MSN Messenger - mick.woodman@gmail.com
« #134 : October 12, 2014, 08:33:45 PM »

I leave the attic room and check out the  deserted bar and decide to head to the lake and the Guy Fawkes  BBQ, heading for the store room unlocking the new security bolt,  I open the door, and just stand admiring my bike. There were a lot of miles and  many memories associated with that old  low rider.

Crazy Poms  celebrating a foiled revolution and I was intrigued by the invite to burn the Fawking Guy.

Stone and JayC had asked me and Coves to set up the fireworks on the lake. It was a nice little  community and it was feeling like home and the people I had met were friends already.

Wheeling my bike out, it started with the second kick. No matter what I tried  I could never get it to fire on the first, temperamental old girl!!  lol..
As I head for the lake  keeping my eyes open  for the local cops, all I need is  to lose my brief or get  on the wrong side of the local law. My mind drifts to The cute red head owner of the bar who had really caught my eye though and I grin as I feel the wind in my face.

I am soon at Hyperion Homestead and am welcomed in by Stone and Jayc. Brandy was already there and I was soon busy helping with the preparations.

Coves and I rowed out to the lake and we fixed up the remote firer. Hopefully it would work and we could all watch the display from the shore, or murphy being an optimist,  someone would have to go out and light them manually.

The guests had started to arrive, some I had met before knocking around the village. Others I was introduced to.

FoxyRoxxy & Lover arrive with the Foxy clan. I kiss the good ladies on the cheek and shake Lover’s hand.
We chat and grab beers when, I stop in mid conversation.

Pookie & Terri arrive with new sticky up hairstyles and begin to undress for a dip in the lake.

I obviously watch and keep a close eye on them. I wouldn't want them to get bitten by the fishes or any dangers lurking in the lake. A Bloke has to do what a Bloke has to do and the view is spectacular! Two fine looking women, naked and cavorting in the water, Bear & JayC stands with Coves and I with the same idea.
“Perhaps someone should get them a towel?” JayC murmurs as they continue to tease us with their bodies. “Perhaps someone should” I answer but not one of us was prepared to leave our guard posts, ;)

Then along comes the local chief of police to spoil our perve, “rotten bastard I’m gunna have to have a chat with him about private property and what goes on there.”

I head with Coves towards Amy, Stone & Brandy and join the conversations about rings and bikes. The girls suggest a spin on my bike round the lake.  Knowing how my machine can make a lady feel, it would be rude to deny them.

As wagers seem to be a common negotiation here in the village, I barter a ride for a kiss on the cheek.

I take Stone for a spin first, I chuckle as she settles primly behind me, I think it is time to crack the façade of the little English woman. I tear open the throttle of the bike, it leaps away threatening to blow stone off the back   her arms tighten around my waist making me smile, then I step on the brakes and she is thrown hard against me.
Now she is settled on the back I head out on a circumnavigation of the lake, something I been keen to do   for a while now as I was looking for a place on the lake. Not being in any rush I idle the bike at a leisurely pace making the bike vibrate like a dog shitting razor blades, knowing the effect it has on the libido of women who are fortunate enough to be pillion on my Bike.
Cruising around the lake, I notice a police cruiser parked off the road. It looks like the one that just took Pookie and Terric away from the party.
I cruise up to the cop car quietly and notice Mrsexlover the local chief of police being bribed it seems by his prisoners!!

Using the fact that he is preoccupied, I quietly start taking photos with my phone, as insurance against future needs of course!
Poor Stone is in spasms of laughter as she tries to remain quiet.  Having my blackmail material, I rev the bike up and spray the police cruiser with gravel.
Mrsexlover’s head spins around and he sees Stone and myself leaving the scene of his crime. I give him a wave, and then return to the cruiser and him. I share the photos with the chief, suggesting that the crimes the two naked women had committed, really were not that serious and they should all go back to the party!! Or… they could find there way into the Achat Tattler!!

After resolving the “BAIL” of the two attractive women  and making them a promise to take them for a ride  as well, I continue giving Stone her ride round the lake, riding leisurely  so we can chat  as we travel.
I ask Stone  if there was any remote parts of the lake that were not  claimed  yet. She smiled and teased me about settling down, and directed me to a nice spot of land by the lake, telling me it was owned by Brandy.   I made a mental note to have a chat with Brandy about making her an offer for the land. 
As we continue around the shoreline I notice Stone, squirming and moaning, softly behind me. I stop the bike  and turn around  to see if she is ok. One look at her face and  I know  she is fine  lol and knowing JayC owes me one  when I deposit his spouse back to him in this state, he will be lucky if she doesn't rape him on the spot.

Laughing  softly to myself  I head back to the party, I'm getting hungry  and thirsty, and from the  actions of Stone behind me  I know she is hungry for some meat. Her grip around my waist is tight and her body pressed hard to mine, I speed up not trusting myself to be a gentleman with this hot and horny woman attached to my back.
Arriving back at the party I pull up next to JayC, Bear,  Brandy, Amy and Coves. It takes JayC a double look to realize where Stones head is at. He assists her to dismount. Stone  leans in close  and kisses my cheek and promises me a spoon ring.  JayC takes her hand  and they wander off towards the forest.

I Head for the  food table and make myself a plate of  pork and  taters.
Sitting down to eat, the ladies all come over  individually and  ask me  if they can go  on a tour as well like  Stone. Smiling I agree. I can see a lot of  riding is going to be done tonight.

Then the police cruiser returns with our  skinny dippers and the Chief of police, looks a little sheepish as he glances over at me. I wave my cell phone at him laughing out loud and pointing to the incriminating photos. I’m sure there wont be any more trouble here tonight.  Coves takes the naked women a couple of towels, which are received with grateful smiles. He kisses them on the cheek.
Soon as I finish eating, Amy is there with a look of expectation on her face. I jump up and lead her to my LowRider, and proceed to give her a joy ride, making sure it is heavy on the JOY.
On our return Amy face is flushed and seems suitably exited like Stone. I help her dismount, noticing Bear’s eyes on her.  I assist Amy to her seat, where she slowly recovers. She kisses my cheek, smiles and promises me some of her famous cupcakes.
Turning around I find myself face to face with FoxyRoxxy, all eager to climb on behind me, settling her in the usual fashion. We proceed around the lake. Again my bike  performs as usual  creating a another horny female to  return to the party. Lover is waiting for us when we return, giving me a knowing look.  We exchange the alpha male grin.  Foxy kisses my cheek and promises me a sombrero. Lover leads her to the fire and they sit and snuggle.

“Oh I’m going to  get a beer or two outta this evening’s work,” I chuckle to myself.
Pookie and Terric are waiting expectantly for their turn on the bike and ask if they can both go at the same time. It’s a bit of a squeeze with Terric behind me and Pookie behind her. Settling them in the usual way   we head off, the bike jumping and vibrating as I play the throttle like a violinist!

Terric’s breast are squashed hard against my back, and I feel something hard behind my arse. Looking back I suspect saucy antics behind me.  That thought is interesting and I almost  drop the bike as it fires my imagination.

We head back to the party and the girls whisper about whether to go for another swim, inviting me to join them.  I’m tempted and ask for a rain check as its Brandy’s turn for a ride.

On each ride return, the girls are all flushed faced and smiling and I must admit, I did drop a gear or two to make the machine vibrate that little bit extra. What self respecting biker wouldn’t with such beautiful women in his midst?

Brandy kisses my cheek and makes me a promise that widens my grin. I settle her on the pillion seat  and  settle her in the usual manner, her fingers  digging into my chest and her thighs  gripping me  hard  as she presses her breast hard onto my back. Once we leave the party area I place my hand on her thigh and slide up under her skirt, finding to my delight, nothing under there that nature didn’t provide as standard equipment!

I head for the spit of land Stone had shown me. We climb off the bike and sit on the cliff edge to admire the view. We chat and snuggle as we look over the lake. Suddenly it is like daylight, with exploding colours filling the sky and being reflected on the surface of the lake.  I turn and kiss her, slow, seductive and promising.

“Come on Aussie, we're missing the party and everyone is gunna wonder where we are…” She whispers seductively as I end the kiss.
I am tempted to take things further, when she giggles, “Oh just get a move on ya big lunk… save this for laters…”

That makes me smile and I make sure the bike is on extra vibrate as we return….

« : October 20, 2014, 09:17:16 AM Brandybee »

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