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Crystal Lake.
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: Crystal Lake. ( 149817 )
Hero Member
: 705
*Go Beyond The Reason To Love*
Re: Crystal Lake.
#90 :
April 27, 2014, 04:54:48 PM »
I sigh heavily as I close the door of the main entrance to the cabin behind me. Placing my suitcase down on the porch, I step forward and take in the horizon. All the memories of the past year flood my mind and my eyes get a tad bit watery as I take in the beautiful sky and the lake's water shimmering against the reflection of it. I take a deep breath before I kiss the key enclosed within my hand and then turn around to go carefully place it under the mat.
With that, I proceed to pick up my suitcase and head on my trail. I quietly hum to myself as a distraction from my thoughts. I walk and walk and walk... and keep walking onto the next chapter in my life with his plaid shirt on matched with black leggings and a pair of sparkly red heels, along with a brown suitcase filled with memories that my hand clutches onto tightly.
Hero Member
: 1688
Re: Crystal Lake.
#91 :
April 28, 2014, 05:34:47 AM »
*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 1688
Re: Crystal Lake.
#92 :
April 28, 2014, 08:27:55 AM »
Feeling a bit of resolve, after running through all the emotions. My morning started out as any other morning... happy... contented. Then I read the lines... and like waves washing up on the lake shore... there washed my emotions. Disbelief... sadness.. that empty feeling a man gets when he's suddenly stunned and isn't quite sure what to do. Then I got angry.. upset...
Finally after all those feelings from my past came bubbling up... I thought of something. I'm going after her.
I saddle General Hancock and lead him from the stable to the front porch.
"Doc," I say, "keep a watch on things here. You lads have been the best companions a man could hope for, I want you to know that."
I continue, "I'm going after Amy. General Hancock and I may be gone for a while... who knows.. we may never return. Anyways... I want you lads to mind Miss Brandy, let her know where I've gone and keep us in your prayers. Leave the cabin unlocked, in case Amy comes back."
I climb up into the saddle... and stoop down a bit. "Bye lads."
I pull the reins and turn the General... we make our way from the cabin and head for the railroad tracks. "It's our only clue General," I say, "if she wants to be found, we'll find her."
*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: Crystal Lake.
#93 :
April 29, 2014, 10:23:34 PM »
It had been a gruelling day at the AB&G and I was looking forward to getting back to Moose Lodge at Crystal Lake. As I pulled up to my cabin the dwarfs were sitting on my porch, looking glum.
I wondered how they had beaten me back. They had been in the bar when I left. I mused if there was a secret tunnel they had built or found. They were excellent miners after all.
I got out my truck and walked round to the other side to get my groceries. They scurried up to me and it was obvious they had elected Doc as their spokesman.
“Miss Brandy, They’ve left.”
“Who’s left?” I ask absently, loading my arms. Some of the other dwarfs take some of the bags
“Mr & Mrs Covems” Doc answered, looking tearful.
“Where’ve they gone?”
“We don’t know” Doc answered.
I knew something was wrong then. “What’s happened?”
Doc shook his head. “ Miss Amy left for the railroad track on foot. She had a case with her. Master Covems seemed upset and went after her on General Hancock. He didn’t know when he would be back”
I looked at all the dwarfs who were sniffling and fighting back tears. I felt a lump in my throat and tears in my own eyes starting to well.
They looked devastated.
I go to the paddock and see Zee grazing the field. I’m thoughtful for a moment. Bear’s horse is too big for my inexperienced hand and then think of one of Covem’s horses. Blossom of course.!
“Is Blossom over at Coves Cabin?” I ask. Blossom was a gentle palomino horse.
Doc nodded miserably. “They are all there” he told me referring to the 7 donkeys too.
“Go saddle up Blossom for me and I’ll make some sandwiches,” I suddenly decide, “ Oh and can you fetch me some of Two Feathers' liniment from Coves medicine cabinet” Thinking it’s very useful for saddle soreness, especially an inexperienced English Arse.
Doc suddenly began to smile, “When did you last ride on a trail and live off the land and shoot a gun?”
I grin at him, “mmm, Happy Trail last summer with The Mantle Drive” and remembering how sore my bottom was after. “ Lived off the Land and guns? Never” I admitted. “ I couldn’t kill anything. I have a sling shot to frighten things though” I added brightly.
“I will go and get ready.” I continued, “Go and saddle up Blossom. And drop a note in to Stone and Jayc to look after our places. I’m not sure when Bear will be back.
I’m soon dressed and pick up Bear’s old battered hat to put on.
“What’s you plan?” Doc asked.
“To bring them back of course.” I answer simply. “They belong here”
The dwarfs all grin at me. “You could die out there in the wildness. It’s a big country,” Doc reminds me
“Well you best pray I find them soon otherwise I’ll haunt them forever,” I mutter as I fill my saddlebags with food and water & carrots for Blossom. And then, “Take this note to the bar & give it to Old Joe.”
I practice sitting on the horse when one of the dwarfs give me a boost up. I set off. Luckily it seems like the weather may hold and I head off passed the lake hoping my English butt will measure up to the punishment and that I can remember how to pull the rains properly to guide Blossom.
Thirty minutes later, unknown to me, the dwarfs have done all the notes I have asked them and begin to follow my Happy Trail, following Covems, following Amy.
Hero Member
: 1688
Re: Crystal Lake.
#94 :
July 30, 2014, 01:52:00 PM »
Sitting high in the saddle on General Hancock, I pull my binoculars out of the saddlebag and peer into them. Using the focus wheel, I pull the cabin into view. It doesn't look worse for the wear.. the grass is high, showing signs of not being maintained... all the windows look intact and the front door looks to be closed.
It is quiet. Very quiet. In a way, it seem eerie to be so still. There was always something going on at the cabin... some sort of activity, but now... well... it's just plain quiet.
"General," I say, "let's get closer."
Giving a tug on the reins and little heel to his side puts the General in motion. We move in at a slow pace, and I can sense that General Hancock is taking it all in, too. We approach the front porch, and I survey the grounds.
The canopy has been taken down from over the picnic table. The fire ring is still there... though it looks to be unused for quiet a spell.
I dismount from the General, and lead him around the back to the corral. 'Lets get that saddle off you," I say to him, and proceed to unbuckle the straps. I pull the saddlebags off and hang them on the corral fence. I put the saddle under feed cover along with General Hancock's blanket.
Having taken care of the General, I left him in the corral and walked around the cabin. The flower boxes need to be cleaned out and replanted, but other than that and the high grass, the place looks pretty good.
I get to the side of the cabin and see the pick-up is parked there, though if my memory serves me, that isn't where I left it. Moving to the front of the cabin, I open the front door and go in. My feet sink a little bit into a loose board. "I don't remember any loose boards," I think.
That's when I heard it. That unmistakable sound of ropes being pulled through some pullies. "Dammit," I mutter out loud to no one, "they've set a trap."
Sure enough, in the blink of an eye, my feet are yanked from the floor, the entire room flips upside down, and I'm swinging... feet in the air... in a simple, yet very effective snare trap. My hat drops to the floor with a little thud... I can almost reach it with my hands... almost.
Hanging there for roughly 10 mintues, gives me time to look about the place. Though it was with an upside down view. It looks pretty much as when I left it.
I hear voices... very familiar voices coming from the back porch. "He's here!" He's back!" "No more Mr. Rules!!"
Then there's jostling and some arguing... the back door practically bursts open and four of the dwarfs come scampering across the floor. I'm hugged and swatted on the back and my hair gets tussled and they're all talking at once.. well.. except Dopey, but he never says much. Then Dopey plants one of those big, sloppy kisses on my face.
The dwarfs free me from the trap, and after our greetings and getting reacquainted and catching up, the four of them decide to go back and tell the other three dwarfs that General Hancock and I have returned. "I'll be along shortly," I tell them, "first thing lads, is I want to just sit and think."
The sun has gone down by the time I set up an aluminum chair next to the fire ring, and using some tinder and a match get a nice fire going in it. After a while, I pour a cup of freshly brewed, camp coffee... sit back and take in the view of the lake. It doesn't seem as pretty for some reason.
*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: Crystal Lake.
#95 :
July 30, 2014, 04:02:04 PM »
My ass is as sore as hell. I shift in the saddle and stretch my aching body. I reach in the saddle bag for my drink caddy and bring out Four feathers liniment. There was hardly any left and I had no idea where I could get more. I’d stolen it from Covems cabin but I reckoned he owed me, the weeks and days I had spent in the saddle looking for him.
“Damn Cowboys,” I mutter under my breath. “Time to take me home again, Blossom, maybe we will have more luck tomorrow”
She flicks her ears as though listening to me and we head home. My riding was improving and Blossom was teaching me quite well. She was a great little mare.
A couple of hours later, my mood is worst. I’m tired, aching, and in great need of a cup of tea to set me up before heading out to the AB&G.
I hoped Stone and Jayc had been looking after the dwarfs and making sure they didn’t get into too much mischief. That thought made me smile. I’m sure they would have had their hands full.
I near the cabins and see the glowing light of a camp fire. I pull on the reigns to stop Blossom and wincing, slide very unladylike from the saddle. I grab my latrine spade from the saddle and creep forwards.
“What was some squatter doing on the land, it was private for the cabins” I creep on quietly and then see in the glow of the light it was
Covems !
“Covems” I whoop in delight and fling myself on him.
“ What the…” He swears startled and a bit put out having his quiet time disturbed so. He manages to stand up from his deck chair.
“Brandy?” He suddenly says amused, trying to disentangle himself from my hugging arms and then patting hands.
“Are you ok?” I ask checking for injuries.
“Sure,” he seems bemused by my concern. Suddenly I look at him, standing there, not injured, smiling at me.
My red hair suddenly begins to glow from the inside, “You’re not injured”
My blood starts to boil, the bubbles trickling through my veins.
“No” he chuckles, “Why would you think that?”
“I’ve been looking for you” I mutter, annoyance beginning to rise further.
“I wasn’t lost,” he seemed slightly puzzled.
“And I ran out of linament” I mutter
“What?” he looks at me like I am quite mad.
“Maybe I am?” I state loudly.
“What?” he is really confused now.
“Mad, mad for looking for you, mad for caring, just plain old fashioned angry mad,” I shout at him, balling my fist and stamping on his booted foot.
He groans, “Ow!” and bends down in pain as I crunch his toes.
I take advantage and swing back my right arm and punch him as hard as I can in the face.
He stumbles back, unbalanced on his one foot and crashes back into his aluminium chair. It crumples under his weight.
“What was that for?” he asks from the ground, warily eyeing the latrine spade held in my left hand.
"Worrying me," I hiss at him.
I was sure he was trying not to laugh which of course was riling me further.
I wave the spade at him. Words just fail me so I just grrrrrowl at him and stomp off to fetch Blossom. I return to the camp fire and to Covems, checking to see if the chair can be mended. It can’t.
I throw the reigns at him.
“You can do the horsy thing with saddles and put her to bed for the night” I mutter.
He catches them easy and in the firelight I can see his eye will bruise a beauty.
I turn to march off towards my cabin, except it’s more of a hobble. I was getting stiff again from the ride and my ass was hurting. My adrenaline was lowering so I was feeling uncomfortable.
“Hey,” Covems calls noting my discomfort and recognising it immediately as the Greenhorn shuffle.
I turn towards him wincing a bit.
“Brandy, It’s good to see you too.”
I glare at his grinning, handsome face, feeling my temper reluctantly and rapidly wavering down. I didn’t want him to know that yet.
“I need a bath and get ready for work,” I answer, then as my red hair is finally back to normal and the boiling blood calmed in my veins. I smile at him affectionately, “Welcome Home Coves, I’d say sorry about the eye but it would be a plain lie” And with that, I hug him, kiss his cheek and hobble to my cabin.
Cove turns to his fire and pours another coffee, thinking, “I’ve been hung upside down, whupped by a red head and my favourite chair’s broke … “ He smiles, “Yeah, it sure is good to be back home.”
Hero Member
: 1688
Re: Crystal Lake.
#96 :
July 31, 2014, 05:34:40 AM »
Catching the reins with my right hand while my left hand feels around my eye. "Gonna get a shiner from that one," I think, trying my damnedest not to laugh out loud as I watch Miss Brandy's discomfort while she walks off.
"Blossom," I say, "that red hair on her head is no lie. Come on young lady, I'll bet you'd enjoy a good brushing."
I take Blossom to the corral and after removing her saddle, blanket and bridle I bring her next to the stable and pull the step out and proceed to give the palomino a thorough, gentle brushing. "You're still the prettiest horse in the corral, Blossom," I say, while getting her into her stall next to the General’s and making sure she’s got fresh water. "Feed bag's ready for you."
I go back to the fire and notice that the busted chair is gone. I think that Miss Brandy must have come out in a moment of compassion and picked up the chair. Looking around, I notice Miss Brandy upstairs in the cabin headed for the bath.
"Don't gawk," I think as I turn away and retrieve another aluminum chair from the picnic area, “it couldn’t have been her.” I also pick out the tin tea kettle from the pile of tinware. I set the new chair up next to the fire. Then head into the cabin, avoiding the loose board and make my way to the kitchen where I wash the kettle out and fill it with water… and some Yorkshire Tea. I go back to the fire and put the kettle on. Looking for my cup, I find it on its side, the contents spilled in the sand. "Damn, that was a full cup." I pour another cup full and once again park my ass in a chair and stare out over the lake. I say out loud to no one, "I don't think I can stay here."
The peace and serenity of the evening is shattered by a commotion coming from behind the cabin. I hear distinctive voices, each one recognizable and there’s a loud squeaking sound. Even General Hancock lets out a few grunts and groans. The sounds muffle and become a bit quieter as I suspect that the dwarfs have entered the cabin via the back door.
“Covems,” Sneezy yells from the doorway of the cabin, “come… aah .. ahhh.. ACHOOO! …see.”
Happy pipes in with a giggle “Hee hee… yes, come see what we brought.”
I get up from the comfort of the chair and with my cup of coffee in hand, head into the cabin. The remaining five dwarfs are in the kitchen and the counters are laden with food. Some of it in cans and some of it in bags. There are soup cans, cans of spam, meats, bacon, cheeses, fresh bread and even a pie.
Then I spot the wheelbarrow, and that too is loaded with all types of food. There are some six packs of beer and I spot a prize among the items … a bottle of bourbon.
“Look what we brought you.” Grumpy says with a guff. It’s loud in the kitchen, with all of them talking at the same time. They start to put the food stuff in the proper places.
“Where the heck did you lads get all of this?” I ask.
“Stone and Jayc.” Comes a reply from three of them at the same time.
“They gave this to you to bring to me?” I question them, “Well, bless their good hearts.”
“Not exactly… but when we first went to Stone and Jayc’s place,” Doc says, “she told us to make ourselves comfortable and to help ourselves. We knew there wasn’t any food here for you, so we helped ourselves.”
Trying not to laugh at the absurdity of it all, and suddenly getting a mental image of Jayc and Stone staring into an empty pantry, I ask another question. “Did you lads leave them anything?”
The dwarfs all stop and look at me with blank expressions on their faces. Then without answering, they resume putting the groceries away.
*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 1842
Re: Crystal Lake.
#97 :
August 01, 2014, 01:47:33 PM »
I was in our truck, driving back to the cabin with Jayc , after another busy night in the bar and some new faces in too.
“That new guy in town seems ok,” I mention to Jayc as he turns the wheel to our road leading to the Lake.
“The biker?”
I nod, “AusWoody, the boss seems to like him, and Jingerbird was getting chatted up by Tango.”
“I never noticed” Jayc mutters.
I roll my eyes, “You are such a guy, if there’s not a ball involved you miss it”
He slows the truck down, winds down the window and we both shout, “Hello Wiggles” at the sentry gnome on guard to the driveway road leading to Hyperion Homestead.
“Any visitors? We should know about?” jayc asks him solemnly. He acts as though Wiggles his answering him and the one sided conversation continues.
“Good, glad to hear it. Carry on Wiggles”
He then continues to drive to our cabin.
“You nutter” I mumble.
“It’s why you love me” Jayc grins.
“True” I grin back at him.
We let ourselves into the cabin and Jayc turns the light on while I go to the kitchen to make a fresh brew.
I open the kitchen cupboard and its …empty.
I check the fridge, freezer and the other cupboards… all empty!!!
“Jayc, we’ve been robbed, Call Tango and Mrsexlover” I shout.
“What?” jayc checks the doors and windows and notices a trail of cheerio hoops on the floor. He points them out to me.
We follow the trail and it leads right to Covems back door.
“Mmmm” Jayc picks up a brick and I pick up a water pistol lying on the floor.
We try the door, it opens and Jayc steps in. Suddenly all confusion breaks lose as he yells and is lifted upside down with ropes from his ankles and I find myself sitting on the floor on my bottom. He’d knocked me clean off my feet. Jayc is hanging upside down cussing.
The doorway had been booby trapped.
We both look at each other and state – “The dwarfs” in unison.
Suddenly the light comes on and there is Covems drinking my Yorkshire Tea in a mug and the offending cheerio cereal packet standing on the table with a torn corner.
“Covems, you are back” I run into his arms and wrap my arms round his neck and my legs round his waist. He only just has time to put his mug down.
I rain kisses on his cheeks and hug him tight.
“Ahem” Jayc clears his throat, still hanging upside down, “Could one of you let me down please?”
Hero Member
: 1600
Re: Crystal Lake.
#98 :
August 03, 2014, 11:38:14 PM »
Startled but not surprised, I find myself once again hanging by my heels. A fine booby trap I must admit. As the mayhem settles down I can see albeit upside down Stone embracing Covems who sits at the kitchen table drinking tea.
“Ahem, a little help here people” I mutter doing a slow spin dangling from the rope.
Apparently Stone is fine leaving me hanging as she catches up with Covems and begins to tell him that taking care of the gang of 7 was not a problem.
“Not a problem? She only saw them on their best behavior “ shaking my head.
“Great pancakes Miss Stone”,” Yes Miss stone we tidied up the sleeping loft”,” we re stained the deck for you Miss stone and did it right this time.” I seethe at the thought.
She never saw them cheating at poker, the little terrors took me for over 50 dollars before I wised up. She didn’t find my quad runner out of gas and sporting some new scratches and dents.
“Speak of the devil and he will appear” comes to mind as the dwarfs enter the room and form a circle around me. Stone and Covems oblivious to my plight.
“Well if it isn’t Mr. Rules, need some help?” Grumpy says with a smile.
Giving up I simply say “state your terms for surrender”
Doc puts on his glasses and pulls out a rolled scroll and begins to read.
1 We want use of your boat and dock so we can access our fishing camp.
2 One pancake breakfast at Hyperion each month.
Then silence…………………”that’s it?” I say a bit surprised.
“Oh and consider the pantry raid a welcome back gift for Coves” Grumpy adds.
“We have ourselves a deal boys, now get my down before I begin to bleed from my eyes” I laugh.
The dwarfs lower me down and I stagger to my feet and make my way into the kitchen and spot my bottle of pilfered whiskey. Grabbing 3 coffee cups and the bottle from the counter I plop down at the table, a bit mused but no worse for wear.
“oh there you are,” looks who’s back” Stone say with a smile as I pour out 3 drinks.
Hero Member
: 1688
Re: Crystal Lake.
#99 :
August 11, 2014, 01:44:26 PM »
After getting all caught up with Miss Stone and Jayc, I sent some of the provisions back with them, thanking them for their generousity. I was afraid it would spoil by the time I got to it all. Doc and Happy reloaded the wheelbarrow and followed them back to Hyperion. The rest of the dwarfs went to where ever it is the dwarfs go, and I found myself alone in the cabin.
Feeling a little uneasy being in the place, I went out to the stable to check on the horses. Next I took my blanket roll from the back of the saddle and wandered to the fire. I still had the bottle of bourbon in my hand, and took a couple of pulls on it.
I stoked the fire a bit, placing some wood on it then spread out my bed roll next to the fire ring. "I can't sleep in there yet," I thought, "here's hoping it don't rain." I took one last pull on the bottle... replaced the cap... stretched out on the blanket roll and was soon drifting off to sleep, once again under the stars.
*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 705
*Go Beyond The Reason To Love*
Re: Crystal Lake.
#100 :
August 26, 2014, 09:35:35 PM »
I close my eyes and take a deep breath of the fresh air as I walk out onto the porch with a glass of wine in my hand.
"Doesn't get any purer than this,"
I smile, thinking to myself. The moon was out tonight in full form and besides the chirps of the crickets, little creaks from the rocking chair on the porch and sounds other little critters were making, everything seemed to be pretty much still. I make my way down the small boardwalk, conveniently placed at a shortened height in order to comply with the not-so-shallow water of the lake at this end of the shore.
I lucked out being able to purchase this abandoned, small, cosy cabin that was located at a comfortable distance from the rest of the cabins situated around the lake. Through the help of a close friend in Achat real-estate, Leo, I was able to make the purchase with ease and all it took was a little bit of furnishing for everything to be set and become beyond suitable, as well as comfortable, to live in. It took about a month to add my little personal touches here and there, as well as move in whatever little belongings I had.. but having been moved in for about a week now, I was starting to adjust quite smoothly and swiftly.
I take a seat at the edge of the boardwalk, my legs dangling down, allowing for my feet to dip into the cool water. I take a sip from my glass and ease back into a state of relaxation. My mind continues to wander from thought to thought nonetheless as I think about my pending return to the bar the following day. With a planned performance to surprise and entertain all, jitters of nervousness were certainly there but I feel mostly excitement through and throughout.
In the midst of taking another sip from my glass, I notice a star twinkling in the clear sky... resulting in me stopping mid-sip and grinning foolishly, all the meanwhile continuing to look up and gaze at it.
"Love you mom..."
I whisper under my breath with a twinkle in my watery eyes, raising my glass to the sky.
: April 14, 2015, 06:01:49 PM ItsAmy123
Hero Member
: 705
*Go Beyond The Reason To Love*
Re: Crystal Lake.
#101 :
August 27, 2014, 04:01:52 AM »
... I bite my bottom lip, whimpering.
My hands latch onto his thick greyish hair with my knees in the air and my toes curled, as my body writhes uncontrollably on the bed.
He continues to feast on me with the sole purpose of driving me to that point of pure ecstasy. My moans get louder as the seconds go on, encouraging him further.
I wrap my legs around his head all of a sudden and my body begins to shudder, as I near that edge...
I wake up, panting and breathing heavily. My body still feels hot as I just sit there for a moment, my skin glistening in a certain glow.
"What a dream"
.. I think to myself, smirking and biting my lip.
I eventually get up with a bounce in my step and a grin on my face as I engage in my morning activities: Making the bed, cleaning around my bedroom here and there before heading to freshen up in the washroom and shower. In the evening I was planning on returning to the bar so I had plenty to look forward to throughout the rest of the day.
I step onto the front porch with my morning tea and take a seat on the rocking chair. The lake's reflection against the shining Sun above it is simply beautiful.
Sipping away at the tea, my mind continues to wander, as I take in the great view before me.
: December 19, 2014, 08:11:45 AM ItsAmy123
Hero Member
: 1688
Re: Crystal Lake.
#102 :
August 28, 2014, 05:36:21 PM »
Waking up with a start in the early morning hours, I wrestle the blanket off myself and sit up. It's cooled off tonight, the fire has died down some, so I grab a couple of nearby pieces of firewood and place them in the fire ring. Using a branch, I give the embers a stoking, then I drop the branch into the fire. The dried timbers ignite almost immediately.
Looking up, I see a light from yet another cabin on the lake. "What light through yonder window breaks", immediately comes to my mind. Rustling around in my saddle bag that I have been using for a pillow, I pull out the binoculars and peer through them at the light.
I search for the bottle of bourbon. Finding it, I open the bottle and take a long pull from it. Then I toss the cap into the fire. With each swallow from the bottle the night seems easier to take. I peer through the binoculars at the light one more time then slide my view over to Miss Brandy’s cabin. “Heheh… Peepin’ Cove”, I think, her cabin however is dark. One last peek at the light then I slip the binoculars back into the bag.
Rising to my feet, I stagger a little as the bourbon has begun to work its magic. I grab the bottle and take yet another pull on it. Next I walk, if you can call it walking, to the cabin door and kick it open.... I enter, being careful not to trip the dwarf's trap. I don't know if they have reset it, but I'm taking no chances.
Walking through the cabin to the back door, I kick that door open too, and head for the corral. The horses stir as they do when awoken. Pulling them all out, I tie Lucy and the General to Blossom.
"Blossom, lead them to Miss Brandy's. Now, go." I say, "Git! GIT OUTTA HERE!" Waving my hands and shouting to get them going on their way. They leave, crying and complaining on their way along the trail.
Taking a few more pulls on the bourbon, I go back inside the cabin and look the place over. It seems lonely... deserted. I go up to the second floor and make sure there's no one there, then I go down, grab the hurricane lamp from the fireplace mantle and light the wick. Next I go to the kitchen and throw the lit lamp up along the ladder to the second floor, it clanks and clangs as it lands with the sound of broken glass. Quickly, flames begin to leap up, fueled by the spilled oil from the broken hurricane lamp.
I stumble out the front door, back to the fire ring. I stand there staring into the embers. One last pull on the bottle drains it, I stagger a little before dropping the empty bottle into the fire. Then I pick up the branch from the fire... the end burns like a torch. I begin to stumble as I turn, almost losing my balance.
I stagger to the cabin, with the burning branch in my hand. I throw the branch through the front door, sparks and embers scatter like fireflies. I watch as the embers catch the magic sofa, which smolders then begins to burn.
"More oxygen, " I say while moving to the kitchen area, I grab the toaster and throw it through the window in the kitchen, next the microwave oven goes through the other window. Glass shattering and spreading out into the yard, "All good fires need a draft." The lower section of the cabin is ablaze, thick smoke from the sofa and rug filling the room.
I stumble out of the cabin's front door and trip over a large rock, cutting my forehead as I land on the ground. Cursing the rock, I pick it up and get to my feet, then, while shouting, “I BUILT IT… I CAN BURN IT!” I hurl the rock at the balcony's glass door. The glass shatters with the impact. Falling backwards after I’ve thrown the rock, I land on the ground in a sitting position then I watch as the cabin begins to fill with fire. Flames licking the rafters of the second floor, I can see that the magic sofa is fully engulfed in flames. “Burn damn you, burn.”
I briefly think about moving the pick-up truck, but decide against it. "Must'nt drink and drive." I slur out loud, I begin to laugh as I get to my drunken feet.
Next, I find myself in the row boat, my saddlebags are there and my bedroll is neatly rolled up on the seat. I push off from the shore and begin to row... no purpose in mind... just rowing. I'm drunk and I’m tired... so very tired... I can feel myself beginning to drift off. Looking back at the cabin as I row away, I can see that it is completely engulfed in flames... there’s no saving it now. Great billows of smoke rise from the conflagration. I slowly row on into the night...
(to be continued)
*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 1688
Re: Crystal Lake.
#103 :
August 29, 2014, 12:56:32 PM »
I jump awake... I am in the boat and it seems I drifted off in more ways than one... the sun is just beginning to rise. I reach for the saddlebags, but the effects of the bourbon haven't worn off yet. I stumble... I fall... “SPLASH” …I'm overboard.
My boots are filling with water... pulling me under... I am sinking. I frantically try to kick the boots off, but I'm tired... I'm exhausted... and I don’t have the strength to get them off.
My struggles become feeble as I sink lower into the depths of the lake. Looking up, I can see my hat floating on the surface, which gets further and further away as I sink. Suddenly it becomes peaceful. "I've been here before," is the thought that comes to mind. I see my AChat life passing before me.
Logging into AChat for the first time. Meeting Ms Pafe and Lady Satoire, "Anyone with WALL-E in their profile can’t be all bad.” Doing the surveys for them.
Meeting Miss Brandy ... "What time is it where you are? You’re from the future. Thank you for your time."
MoonCalf and her country ways... “I oughta kick you right in the shins, but I think I'll kiss ya instead…”
Jayc and Stone such a happy couple… “I can’t believe I’m kissing Miss Stone!”
Miss JemStar… “It’s a small world after all…”
Miss Concerto… Who, on a secret date, opened my closed mind.
The Pookie and Terri show… AChat spilling into real life at the Windmill.
Joining the forum... Those threesomes with Norwich... all the others whom I've met and enjoyed. TightFit74, Miss Sexilicious, Bear, Miss Rukya, Lover, Miss Kittenlepurr, Hukk, Miss Cheya, James… may he rest in peace, Miss Mollie, Tango, HB, Miss Momma Andrea, Mrsexlover, Lady Azrielle, Miss Marilyn, Miss Bluedenim, whom I still owe an apology to “I’m sorry Miss Bluedenim… itwasn’tme… itwastheVicodintalkin’… itmademedoalotofstupidthings…”
Miss Amy… “the kharma is strong tonight”....
Eva... oh Eva... always faithful… always there… “Hi, Honey!”
I sink lower and lower…
Peace and serenity are over taking me now. I can see the light, I know the way. I was here once before in my past… in another life. I was so close to getting in that time, but I was turned away at the last moment. There’s peace on the other side, I just know it. This time... maybe they'll let me in…
: August 29, 2014, 01:43:39 PM Covems
*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 1688
Re: Crystal Lake.
#104 :
August 30, 2014, 04:01:47 AM »
I feel myself being lifted up, but lifted up by something from under my back. My hands reach out and I can feel something to hold onto. I grasp them. "My God!" I think, "What is it!"
I burst out of the water, gasping for breath... I roll over onto my stomach, keeping a tight grip of those handholds. I vomit up water, coughing it from my lungs, gasping. I feel very weak, and with an effort I raise my head to look around to see where I am.
My hands are holding on to two horns... antlers of a sort. That's when I realize that I am on something that's moving! I’m on a creature! ...IT’S ELLIE!! We're moving with great speed and just her head is out of the water... she glides along almost effortlessly and has me perfectly balanced on her head.
I'm beginning to fade out again... weak from the struggle... but I'm alive. I can feel myself being dumped onto the ground, face down in the dirt on some shoreline of the lake. I want to look around... I want to see where I am, but exhaustion overtakes me and I collapse...
Time passes, I am now lying on my side and something is moving over me... I can sense it without opening my eyes. There's a shadow moving. I pop my eyes open... it is bright… my eyes adjust to the light… judging by the position of the sun in the sky, it must be mid-morning. I sit up and take a look at my surroundings. My mouth is as dry as if the entire Cheyenne Nation rode through it, and my head is pounding, I rub my forehead with my hand, feeling caked mud on it. I feel my still sore left eye.
I'm next to the fire ring. The fire is out, even the coals are cold and there's a broken bourbon bottle in the ring. I hear some noise from behind me, turning to look, I see Happy moving towards the cabin.
My Cabin… my unburned, intact cabin.
"Whew," I think, "it was all a dream." I rub my head again and wince when my fingers touch a cut on my forehead.
I stand up and realize that my clothes are wet... and... I was lying in some mud. "The boat?" I wonder. "There it is." The boat is on the shore, pulled up in its usual place with the oars in their holders. I go over to the rowboat, look inside and find my hat, which I take and plop on the back of my head... my bedroll... all rolled up neatly on a seat... the saddlebags are there too... and one opened, empty can of Spam.
My head's pounding as I walk towards the cabin, my boots squish water with each step. I notice Lucy, Blossom and General Hancock grazing in the corral. I get to the front door of the cabin and a little memory bubble pops in my head. I bend down and lift the edge of the mat... "Oh look… there it is," I say out loud, "my heart… right next to the key! I’m going to need that." I bend to pick up my heart and the key… my head is throbbing. “Wowsers.” I mutter as I pick it up then I finger the key lightly, feeling its weight in my hand, next I slide it into my pocket. “Well…” I think, “I never lock the doors anyway.”
Happy is making himself some toast in the kitchen, he giggles a bit when he sees me come into the cabin. "Is everything okay?" He asks me, stifling another giggle.
"Yeah Happy," I reply, knowing that I must look a real mess, “everything is okie dokies… it will be even better after a shower.” I go over to the sink and pour myself a large glass of water… I down it in just a few gulps. “…and I found my heart.” I go to the ladder and start to climb up to the second floor, putting one foot up on a rung. I stop and come back down off the ladder.
“Happy,” I say, “lets shoot off some fireworks tonight… gather the lads… lets have some fun.”
“Oh Boy!” He nods his head quickly while he’s buttering his toast, then he starts to laugh in that way that only Happy can laugh. “Let’s invite everyone.”
“YES!” I shout… “YES!!” throwing my hat onto its wall peg… a bit of dried mud drops from my hair, “We’ll fire up the grill… cook some food… after all, we got LOTS of food!” We both roar with laughter at that.
“We’ll get some beer…. But no bourbon… I’ve had enough bourbon for a while. Oh, oh, oh… And Spam, Happy… lots of Spam.” I feel giddy… I’m almost jumping about the place, “Music… we’ll need music… it is short notice, but maybe we can get Cocks and Roses to play. Get the lads to go around and offer the invitations… go to the bar… tell Old Joe what we need… I’ll be by with the pick-up later. Invite everyone… including the couple from the old cabin across the way. I’ll get cleaned up and start the preparations.”
“The crew are all at Miss Brandy’s cabin” Happy says.
“At the
Bee Hive
? I ask with a puzzled look on my face, “What are they doing there?”
I’m not sure,” he replies, “but Miss Brandy is driving a bulldozer.”
I start to chuckle, then I double over with laughter, at the mental image of Miss Brandy on a bulldozer. Happy starts laughing with me. “Go get the lads anyway… and tell Miss Brandy what’s going on.”
“Go Happy, go!” I say to him. Happy eyeballs his freshly buttered toast. I wink while saying, “Eat your toast first, of course…. Then scoot.”
Happy stuffs the entire slice of toast into his mouth, then scoops up the other slice and goes out the back door, heading for Miss Brandy’s. “Man, those guys can EAT!” I think while he scampers off.
I go up to the second floor whistling the “Heigh Ho” song and start peeling off my wet, muddy clothes…. I feel good…. I feel free… I feel… Reborn…
*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
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