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: Crystal Lake.  ( 149827 )
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: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #135 : October 13, 2014, 03:03:21 PM »

The Bonfire get-together was a brilliant idea. I was in tears of laughter when the two girls - terric and pookie - began bathing in the lake. Nothing they ever did surprised me anymore. I was beginning to expect the unexpected with them.

I heard them ask for a towel and looked for one when, I saw Grumpy hiding them behind the Gnome Hotel. I chuckled and glanced over at Bear, Aussy, Jayc & Covems standing guard as guys do. Be a pity to spoil their fun.

Just on cue, mrsexlover – the NSPD Chief of Police - arrives and arrests them for polluting the river with soap or something. That makes me, Amy, Lover & FoxyRoxxy laugh. He duly handcuffs them but as they pass me, I push a pin, slipping it in terric’s hand for the cuffs, “He’s open to bribes” I whisper “and don’t forget to include Rum Donuts”

I fetch some Roasted taters and chestnuts out of the edge of the fire and place them on plates with other bits and pieces and hand them out to the guys with more chilled bottles of beer.

Stone approaches me with a wide grin on her face. “You know that fussball game was played tonight”
“Mmhmm” I grin with my mouth full of potato and butter.
“Well, you lost” she guffawed.

I nearly choke on my tater and Roxy, Lover, Amy & Bear join in the laughing.

“I thought the SeaHawks had the best pom poms” I mutter, seeing the belly dance performance disappear in a puff of “I hate Rabbit” smoke.

“Means…” Stone paused and exchanged knowing beady eyed grins with Bear,  “Your team is crap and you are working in the bar in a Halloween buxom wench outfit and serving all the customers. I sure hope there’s lots of spills & splashes”

I give her my best false smile.

“Oh yeah,” she continued, “And you got to keep Coves place neat and tidy for him. I’m sure the dwarfs will keep you busy”

I grimace picturing the state of the kitchen at The Cove and his bedroom after … guests.

Bear hands me a bicardi and coke and grins dangerously, “Yeah, it’s a real shame the SeaChickens arn’t doing so well”  and then ambles back to join Amy and the others.

I curl my lips back and " Hhhiiiiisssssss" at his retreating back, in the much the same way a pantomime audience does every time the "Baddie" appears on stage.

AusWoody offers all the girls a ride on his bike around the lake and they all come back, looking slightly flushed and bright eyed, especially Roxy who kisses Lover deeply by the fire.
“Steady girl,”  I tease her. “Let him breathe”

Aussy offers me a ride and I jump on the back. When he fires up the bike, I suddenly realise, I was really going to enjoy this. No wonder the other girls were grinning when they got back.

He takes me round the lake and fondles my leg, higher and higher causing me to gasp. Together with the vibrating bike, it was a ride I would remember. Especially when he kisses me the moment the fireworks begin.  They looked spectacular over the lake. The reflections in the water were pretty awesome.

We rush back to watch the rest of the show.
I slap Coves on the back “I see the remote worked then” He grinned back, pleased at the display.

We all  “OOOOOO”  and “arrrrrrrr”  and clap at the bangers and rockets and Catherine wheels.

Then Stone & Coves go fetch the guy to burn with the chant.  I second look the Fawking Guy. That face looks familiar….

« : October 13, 2014, 03:11:58 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
: 15

« #136 : October 14, 2014, 01:54:19 AM »

I fumbled the piece of paper in my fingers for the hundredth time, unfolding the squares and checking the directions Brandy had given me again.  Seems each time I unfolded the paper the instructions to the lake and bonfire were different ... and running into a cop earlier who insisted that I had a caused a fuss at the mall made me even more late!  not my fault the man driving the pick up truck had crashed into the back of the car in front of him while he was driving just because I was walking down the street.  Honestly ... men needed more blood to keep thoughts going in their head while they were horny.  Was a wonder the whole earth didn't stop turning when summer time came and us ladies slipped on our mini-skirts and shorts.  The men act like they ain't never seen a pair of legs before. 

"Oh I am so late.  Brandy is going to hate me!" I mutter and beat my fingers against the steering wheel of my car. 

The gravel path winds its way through the scattering of trees, along cabins and side roads, leading down into hidden dens and people's private retreats.  Normally I love the mountains, but being lost in the woods when I am not sure where I am going is not the best thing to settle my nerves. 

Looking at the directions again, I make a slight turn to the right and continue on what I hope is the right path.  several minutes later I see a motor cycle, rumbling its way around what might be the dark murky waters of the lake at night time.  I am tempted to hit my high beams, but know that I better not less I piss someone off.  I roll the window down on the passenger side and try to call out ahead of me towards the bike and the two riders ... but after each call on my part no one answers.  I think I hear some laughter, and it sounds like Brandy but I can't be sure in the dark.  I follow them on down the path a little further, and they pull off the road near a cabin by the lake.  Down by the water a fire is building in size, and as I look to the motor cycle I am relieved to see that it is indeed Brandy. 

I park my car, set the brake, and scoot up out of my seat, practically skipping on the toes of my boots in the direction I saw brandy and her biker guy friend go.  When I catch up to them, I throw my arms around Brandy, sigh heavily and say, "thank god!  you would not believe what happened to me on the way here!?! but I made it!"
Hero Member
: 1842

« #137 : October 15, 2014, 11:44:30 AM »

Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves and I cuddle Jayc by the fire as we watch the spectacular firework display over the lake.

At one point, I see some bubbles where the fireworks light up the water and wonder whether Ellie is enjoying the fireworks as well.  I was going to point it out to jayc but within seconds it was gone again.

Coves fetches the Fawking Guy out and I chuckle to myself.  Brandy looks at it and I can almost see the light bulb come on to replace that tilted halo.

“Is that my face on your Guy?”  She asks amused.

“Noooooo, would we do that to you?” I feign innocence.

“Yes” she giggles rolling her eyes and stuffing her face with more chestnuts.

A new girl suddenly arrives and flings herself at Brandybee.

“Hey Brandy, you wouldn’t believe what happened to me on the way here” She laughs

Brandy greets her with a mouthful of chestnuts and introduces her as Darbi.

We all greet her and welcome her to Bonfire Night.

“You really should have a go on the back of AusWoody’s bike” I recommend smiling at Jayc, “ But first you must join in the Burning of the Guy.

The dwarfs start swinging it  by the arms at the legs and everyone counts round by the fire –

“1,  2  and a threeeeeeeeeeeeeee “

They fling the Guy and it lands perfectly on top of the fire.

We all take up the chant - 

“Remember, remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason, why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, guy, t'was his intent
To blow up king and parliament.
Three score barrels were laid below
To prove old England's overthrow.

By God's mercy he was catch'd
With a darkened lantern and burning match.
So, holler boys, holler boys, Let the bells ring.
Holler boys, holler boys, God save the king.

And what shall we do with him?
Burn him!”

We all drink to the foiled plot and the saving of The King -  King James I.

Hero Member
: 1688

« #138 : October 16, 2014, 01:37:59 PM »

I get to chat with Amy for a few moments.  "Hello Sweets," I say and we begin to chat.  We're cordial and pleasant, inquiring how each is getting along.  Fond memories stir inside me, and there's a longing to once again take her into my arms.  But, I have agreed to keep my distance, and I want to respect her wishes.

Showing remarkable self restraint, I take my leave from Amy, and head back to the fire.  I see that The Pookie and Terri Show is in full swing.  The two naked and very attractive ladies are being placed into the back of a patrol car and hauled away to, no doubt, pay their fine.

Woody assures me that he has a plan of rescue which he will carry out.  He does and Pookie and Terri are returned to us, sans clothing.  Someone hands them each a towel to cover their bodies with.  We all applaude Woody for his quick thinking and resourcefulness.

"I can't find my clothes."  Terri says to everyone.

"Me either, " Pookies chips in, "we left them on that chair."  Pookie points to a now empty chair.

A single word pops into my mind.  "Dwarfs."  It seems we've forgotten their fondness of ladies clothing.  Another thought pops into my mind.  "Well done lads."  That thought makes me smile.

I meet Darbi with a greeting and a tip of my hat, welcoming her to the village.  I show off my new spoon ring to everyone, and thank Miss Stone for her kindness.  Calling for everyone to gather around, I propose a toast.  We raise our glasses.  "To friends.  Those we made and those we have yet to make."

Finishing my beer and tossing the empty bottle into the recycle can, I ask Miss Stone if she would do us the honor of setting off the first skyrocket.  She agrees and presses the button on the remote.  Up goes the trail of embers and a star pattern of beautiful colors burst into the night sky, lighing up the lake waters for that brief moment.

Soon it's rocket after rocket ascending into the sky, each bursting and popping with their own unique design.  I begin to count them, so we can be sure they have all been shot off.  I wouldn't want to leave any live rounds out on the little island.

While all the singing and the burning of "The Fawking Guy" is happening, I crack open another cold beer.  The cool liquid feels good in my throat as I take a swig from the bottle.

I go to stand next to Pookie as the remote gets passed around to anyone who would like to set a rocket off.  I lean against her with just a little bit of force, pushing her into Terri.  Using her shoulder, Terri pushes Pookie back.  I press again, and Terri does the same. 

"If you two keep this up," Pookie say, "you'll make me lose my towel."

I lean down to whisper into Pookie's ear.  "That's the whole idea."  I lean back to look into her eyes with a big grin on my face.

*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 622

« #139 : October 17, 2014, 09:25:37 AM »

AusWoody uses an awesome tactic to secure Pookie and my release from the arresting police officer.  Mrsexlover drops us back at the party, and when I get out of the patrol car, I swirl my tongue around my lips, getting them nice and moist.  The I press into the handsome police officer and kiss him fully on the cheek.  I slide up to his ear lobe and suck on it for a few moments.  Then I whisper into his ear, "even though we used all natural soaps from plant extracts, which is guaranteed not to harm plants or wildlife, I'd be happy to pay that fine in some form."  I give an extra suck on his ear lobe before breaking free of him.

Pookie and I wander closer to the fire and look for our clothes.  They seem to have disappeared, and I immediately suspect Covie.  We are supplied a towel each, which we use to cover our nakedness.  We stand next to the fire waiting for our turn on AusWoody's bike.  I love the way they feel between my legs, and knowing that I'll be riding in just a towel heightens my tingles.

Pookie and I squeeze onto the bike behind Woody.  He starts the throttle and we both feel the rumble.  I can feel Pookie's head press into my back and I can tell she is enjoying the ride, too.  Woody is a maestro of the throttle, and he stratigically uses ruts and bumps in the rode to jostle us a little.  I can feel myself becoming wet and I struggle to get the towel under me and to not soil his seat.  Pookie is holding on to me, her hands around my waist.  They dip a little lower, sliding between my thighs.

I can't help myself and presss tighter to Woody.  My hands too begin to move, searching around his crotch to see if his throttling is having any effect on himself.  I think about getting his belt opened, but everytime I start to fumble there, he moves the bike across a rut, causing me to hold on.  I find something big and stiff to grab through his jeans.

We finally end the ride, and we get off the bike.  Pookie uses her towel and wipes the seat clean with a reddened face.  We ask Woody about a skinny dip later, but he's promised himself to Brandybee.

Once again Pookie and I are at the fire, and we look around for a victim, but it seems that all the men are taken.  Covie ends his conversation with Amy and I watch him walking towards us.  "Pook," I say, "look.  Covie's wearing button fly jeans.  You know what that means."

Pookie giggles that funny giggle she has and says, "Commando, and only you would be staring at his crotch."

Trying to use my best Covie Cowboy accent, I say in a deep voice, "well ma'am... a person's attention is naturally drawn to those things they're most interested in."  We laugh, then an idea forms in my head.  "Pook, you wanna take a trip in the boat with Covie?"

"Yes."  She answers.

Covie comes and stands next to us as the remote gets passed around so everyone can have a turn on setting off the fireworks.  We do a little shoving match with Pookie in the middle.  She almost loses her towel.

"Covie?"  I ask, "have you been keeping track of what is getting set off in your firework display?"  Someone hands me the remote.

"Yes Terri," Covie answers, "I've been counting them as they go off.  We are up to 13 right now."

"Twelve."  I say.  "I've been counting, too and I only counted 12."

I press on the remote and purposly miss the button.  "Oh poopies."  I say, "mine didn't go off.  Looks like number 13 is an unlucky one."

"It should be 14." Covie says.  We can see he's becoming unsure of his count.

Pookie's caught on, "Thirteen."  She says to him.  "Terri's right, the next one is 13."

I pass the remote to Pookie and she also purposly misses the button.  "Another dud."  She says.

"I better go out there and see what the problem is."  Covie says, passes off the remote  and moves towards the rowboat.  I elbow Pookie in the side.  She elbows me back.

"We'll go with you."  Pookies says, almost in a giggle.  We climb into the boat with Covie.  He mans the oars in the middle of the boat.   Pookie is in the bow, behind Covie and I'm sitting on the seat in the stern.  Covie begins to row with a slow and steady pace.

I start the chant.  "Stroke.  Stroke.  Stroke."  I slip my towel off, fold it a couple of times and use that under my knees. I kneel in front of Covie and begin to unbutton his jeans.  Pookie's hands come around from behind and unbuckle his belt.

"What are you two munchkins up to?"  Covie asks.

"We're going to be your cock swains."  Pookie whispers from behind him.  I can see she also has taken her towel off.

"Coxswain."  Covie corrects her.  "It's pronounced coxswain."  The last button is undone and I reach in and take hold of his semi-hard cock, pulling it out from his jeans.

"Just as we thought Pookie.  No underwear."  I say to her.  "Those button fly jeans are a dead give away for that."

"No scratchy zipper."  Pookie says.

We reach the little island where the fireworks are being shot off from.  There's a plunk sound as one goes hurling into the sky.  The brightness from the explosion lights up our little boat.  We explain to Covems that there's nothing wrong with the display, how we faked it to lure him to the island.  Pookie pulls him into a kiss while I pull his boots off, one by one.  Next I tug on the legs of his jeans and he raises up so I can pull them from him.  I let them drop into the bottom of the boat.  Another explosion lights up the scene.

Covie and Pookie are in one of those lingering kisses.  She's moved around and got him to lay back across the seat while she's kissing him and rubbing her breasts on his shirt.  I slide up and take that magnificently hard cock into both hands, feeling the warmth of his excitement.  Covie moans into his kiss with Pookie when my fingers play across his balls.  Fireworks continue to go off.

Pookie stops for a moment, breaking the kiss and kneels next to him.  She reaches down and grabs his shirt with both hands, and pulls them apart, causing all the snap on his shirt front to pop open at the same time. 

I lean in and my tongue snakes across Covie's balls, leaving a wet trail.  I proceed to lick the length of his cock all the way to the head.  Pookie, meanwhile has pressed her body against him, I can see her breasts flattening out on his chest.  His arms wrap around her, pulling closer.  They kiss again.  Another explosion from above and we can feel the concussion from it.

I begin to suck Covems' cock, holding it straight up from his body.  My lips wrapped around the shaft while my tongue plays with the head.  Using both hands to hold him there as they stroke up and down, all wet and slippery from my saliva.

I hear Pookie moan, and when I look up I can see that she's straddled him, and has just lowered her pussy to his waiting mouth.  Covie is good with that tongue, and I can feel myself beginning to drip from my pussy at the thought of how it feels.

Pookie and I take turns with Covie, one riding or sucking his cock while he eats the other one out.  At one point, we're facing each other, Pookie riding him to an orgasm and his lips and tongue doing wonders with my pussy.  I cum hard when Pookie leans in and takes one of my nipples into her mouth.

We realize that others at the party will be wondering what's happened to us.  Pookie and I get on either side of Covie and work his cock over with our hands, lips and tongue.  He's moaning as his own fireworks display begins to erupt.  He cums, with spurt after spurt shooting out of his cock.  Pookie and I try to catch as much of it as we can.

We get cleaned up as best we can, and Covie puts his jeans and boots back on, then snaps his shirt closed again.  Then we row back to the party, Pookie and I wrapped in our towels, we get out of the boat and head for the beer cooler.  We've worked up quite a thirst.

AusWoody asks Covie, "did everything go off alright?"

"And how!"  Covies says.  Pookie and I giggle.  I hand Covie a cold beer.

Hero Member
: 705

*Go Beyond The Reason To Love*

« #140 : October 21, 2014, 09:27:01 PM »

*It's been quite an eventful night* I think to myself, as many of us now sit around the small, cosy fire and engage in roasting marshmallows.

"Sss...", I bite my bottom lip and wince in pain as I burn the tips of my index and middle finger in the midst of trying to pull of my roasted marshmallow from the stick.

I suck on both fingers to ease the pain and smirk as my thoughts question my logic behind touching the freshly-roasted marshmallow so quickly.

The pain swiftly subsides and I cautiously blow on the marshmallow this time, before taking it in and savouring the delight of it melting in my mouth.

"Mmmhmm..." I murmur a subtle moan and then suddenly feel a little embarrassment as I look up to see some of the guys' eyes on me in response.

Realizing it's become quite late in the night, I rub my hands together over the toasty fire for a mere few seconds before heading on over to Stone to thank her once again, for inviting me and for the lovely ring.

Giving her a warm hug, I nod my head at Jayc, and the rest, before heading off back towards my Okie Dokes cabin.

Hero Member
: 10457


« #141 : October 24, 2014, 03:13:16 PM »

Omg  I love this place

there is never a dull moment with this wonderful friendly community we have

as soon as we came in   we where  greeted so kindly  even   G-pop & G-Mom
feel so welcome

after greeting every one Woody started giving  all the lady's rides on his bike
me and G-mom  had to fight taking  turns  sorry Momz  pushed her back it  is my turn
lucky my sweet  love, catches her fall thank you baby  keep a eye on  here you know she loves
to drink that moonshine  ;)   ..........

weeeeeeee Weeeeee Weeeeee

faster  faster woody  I  smack him in the arm .Drive faster  I say
Know I know why you love bikes  I will ask lover if we can get  one now ....

then we hear the siren of the police car ,  Now we did It I thought but then
we look and it was Martin waving us to move out the way on the back we see
Terry and Pooky  trying to  jump out the car ...wounder where he is taking them ..

Well that was  fun  thank you Woody  for that  ride   Lover meets me  hands me his  hand
and ask me how it went    .. I lean in give him a kiss and said that was  great baby we need to get
a chrome bike with a Puma on the side of it   hehehe ...

After eating dancing and  having a lovely time

After Amy murmur pa has his  eyes on her  or is it the marshmallows

G-mom  takes  G-pop
by the  hand  time to  go home,   PA

before he  they go  he runs to Stone and  gives her a big  Hug  for being so sweet  ;D

well every one is been a great time thank you all we  are going to go to and get ready to go to the party at the  Bar we get up
and walk  hand in hand with my love me giggling like a teenager in love looking at Lover ...

look back and waves to all byeeeeeeeeee .....

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 705

*Go Beyond The Reason To Love*

« #142 : October 25, 2014, 07:49:01 PM »

It's still.

And quiet.

Very quiet.

I sit on the very edge of the boardwalk, breathing heavily with my eyes closed in the wee early hours of October 30th. I have my white, see-through nightie on and nothing else as my mind wanders...

My thoughts are scattered and I try to regroup them into a single focus. I'm thinking about everything... from my mother, to my absentee father, to work and waitressing, to my pending performance at the bar later tonight, to the events that entailed the happenings of last year and how it all changed unexpectedly...

Feeling frustrated at my failed attempts of trying to turn my mind off, I feel this sudden urge to jump into the water and before I know it...


Everything starts to go black and white... my surrounds slowly losing colour as I float almost lifelessly in the cool water...

My mind is at ease. All those thoughts have submerged... and have seemingly resulted in a single, desirable focus. Him.

Memories flood my head... soothing and comforting my soul in the process.

The warm, sensual... comforting baths...

The night we left our clothes in the woods...

I feel a sudden presence sneak up behind me an engulf me in their arms. Soft nibbles and tugs at my ear, as I whimper and shudder in response.

"Amy... Princess", he whispers.

Another flashback of pure ecstasy implodes my mind.

My soul cleanses itself with happy memories for what seems to be a long-lasting while... sending me into a trance-like state.

I end up on the porch, drying my naked body off under the shining bright sun...

My eyes dart back to the clear lake water and I notice my white nightie floating away and chuckle to myself, thinking "Oh well..."

For a mere second, I think I see him actually emerge from the water.

Before I can blink, the figure I thought I saw disappears. I scratch my head and chuckle to myself before heading back inside to fix myself some breakfast and then get my costume and performance outfit ready for later tonight.
« : February 22, 2017, 02:29:18 AM ItsAmy123 »

Hero Member
: 705

*Go Beyond The Reason To Love*

« #143 : December 21, 2014, 02:04:12 AM »


... Blasts from my speakers as I dance around my cosied up cabin, totally consumed with adding the finishing touches to the process of putting up my Christmas decorations.

I had spent nearly the whole week prepping up my cabin in the most festive way and today was the day, on Christmas Eve, that it was going to be put all together and I was anxious to see how it would all turn out.

Britney's voice coos over the booming speakers as I had decided to give Mariah's All I Want For Christmas Is You a rest today and play the lesser known My Only Wish This Year, a personal favourite of mine.

Britney Spears - My Only Wish This Year

I pick up two wires, connecting to the lights outside that my friend Leo had helped me put up, and I plug them in together causing a ZAP! like effect, leading to the lights being lit up all around the cabin in the most beautiful way.

I continue on to dance around the Christmas tree in excitement, adding the final touches as I do. Wearing just my oversized red shirt and a cute Santa hat, I dance, and I dance, and I dance until the song reaches its end.

Clasping my hands together in excitement as I sit down next to the fire, I look around at all the wonderful decorations that warm my heart.

My eyes shift to the lit fire, my mind drifts elsewhere though. Focusing on last night's happenings, I bite my bottom lip as my heart rate almost immediately increases.

Although the fire wasn't lit, I certainly was. Over and over and over again... all night long.

He was wearing my Santa hat. That's all he was wearing as he pressed me up against that fireplace and took what was his. It was primal... true passion to the core. Our hips slapping in a synchronized motion as I struggled to push my sandwiched, tiny frame back up against him, aching in need.

I shake my head, breaking out of my trance as my thoughts retreat from that happy, whimsical cloud of lust and instead try to focus on finding a distraction to keep my wandering mind occupied.

*Should I or should I not head over to the Annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Party at the bar tonight* I think to myself as I lean back against the cushion and take in the pleasing sight of all the decorations again.
« : February 22, 2017, 02:17:05 AM ItsAmy123 »

Hero Member
: 1688

« #144 : January 06, 2015, 09:33:40 AM »

Decided to expand the bath.  Found a deal on a Steam Shower Combination along with an over sized Jacuzzi tub.  It's time to make some changes around here.

Ordered up the marble and the new fixtures.  I'm going to need to revamp the water and drains but it's not that difficult.  It's only pipe. Need to call up to get a Johnny-On-The-Spot, because this is going to take a couple of days at least.

*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 705

*Go Beyond The Reason To Love*

« #145 : February 14, 2015, 04:27:17 AM »

It had been a while since I had last been single on Valentines Day, which always sucks, even though the holiday is quite a frivolous one, come to think of it.

I decided to refocus my energy on sending out Valentine cards to my Crystal Lake neighbours for the very first time, instead.

Having had a friend, Leo, come over the morning of the day, I posed in very suggestive manners to add some extra Amy-like spice to the cards.

He had the cards ready and delivered to me by that afternoon and after personally signing them, I had them sent out to all the neighbouring cabins by the local postman.

Amy xx
« : December 03, 2015, 01:02:11 PM ItsAmy123 »


« #146 : February 15, 2015, 05:41:09 PM »

5.30am the alarm clock rang out .... She stirred , half asleep moving her arm aimlessly and sleepily into the air ... after 3 attempts she finally connected and the noise stopped ....Rolling over she shifted ..her arm moving ..her eyes closed .. she was feeling for him ....but there was an empty space , her slender fingers reaching for him moved further across the soft material , still nothing .., suddenly her mind was reminded to his absence she opened her eyes and let out a deep sigh .. God how she missed him !
She knew she would never get used to them being so far apart , she ached for him constantly , he had her soul and more importantly he'd won her heart .

 Her entire body missed his much needed touch .. His voice , his kisses , his strong toned arms and his soul..each day becoming more painful they were apart and every morning they were apart she woke to a huge sense of loss and it made her mood sink .

She moved slowly across the bed , climbing from his side , her heart was heavy as she told herself  'just a few more days' ...she would soon be out there with him and she couldn't think of any better place .. Crystal Lake was beautiful and had been all he had described to her..it was perfect .

She picked up her soft satin gown and slipped her arms into it, the gown instantly clung to her curves resting perfectly between her breasts as she tied the satin belt. 

 She Reached  down scooping up her phone and pressing a button the screen flashed up , she had a new message ..It was Sam !
'Hi Babe, Signed the papers and bought the ranch, I'll call later and we can make plans, Luv you Babe',
Her heart started to pound a little harder and she was aware of it,  she was aware her body missed his hands on her as they moved slowly together,  taking each other to a new place ..a place only he knew  . a place they visited every morning ... she closed her eyes briefly, feeling him remembering how he made her feel , their intense and deeply moving lovemaking , his warm breath against her skin , his hands holding her tightly  , the feel of him buried deep inside her ..his slow penetrating thrust .just to hear his name was enough to make her needy .. she had to take a shower .. her body needed it ..SHE needed it ...

« : February 15, 2015, 06:29:25 PM Amethyst »
Hero Member
: 705

*Go Beyond The Reason To Love*

« #147 : February 18, 2015, 12:08:40 AM »

It's a sunny, peachy day out as I step out onto the porch wearing just his shirt and nothing else.

I take a seat on the rocking chair and the memories come crashing into my thoughts, invading my mind in the form of waves.

I can almost see him before my eyes.

I can see myself cuddled up in his lap on this very rocking chair, like I had been on several early mornings and late nights.

I can see us both completely immersed with one another, taking each other in that primal, lustful instinct and not having a care in the world.

I can see us both sweating, enthralled in the throes of passion... glued to one another in heat as this very rocking chair, rocked back and forth violently.

I place my leg over one handle of the rocking chair, as my hand dips low and I begin to play with myself as the memories keep crashing in.

The  chair rocks back and forth as I lay on it, completely exposed to whomever passes by, with my moans becoming louder and louder to a near screaming peak.


I rocked there for quite a spell on that bright, sunny day, lost in the memories of the one who had invaded my mind, heart and soul in such a way that showed no clear signs of his presence ever leaving.

~ Pure Bliss ~ one could say.

Hero Member
: 1688

« #148 : March 20, 2015, 06:25:27 AM »

**knock, knock, knock**  I rapidly, but softly knock on the door to The Bee Hive.  It's the middle of the night and I'm restless.  The brightness of the full moon woke me from my slumber and when I looked out the balcony door and saw the condition of Crystal Lake, I just had to share it with someone special.

**knock, knock, knock**  I knock again, a little harder this time.  I had dressed quickly, pulling on my jeans and a blue western style shirt, stepping into my boots and placing my hat on my head, I had hurried the short distance between our cabins.

I heard the knob begin to turn and with a small creak, the door opens.  "Look," I say, not waiting for a response... "look at the lake."

“What are you do…” Brandy starts to say, then I see her eyes widen and brighten.  "Oh my goodness."  She says in a soft voice.  "Do you know what that is?"  She asks.

"Bright, shimmering reflections of the moon on the water," is my reply, "and it's beautiful."
The refracting of the moon light on the water is stunning.  The water seems to have its own light, its own glow about it.  The lights sparkle and twinkle with the movement of the water ripples.
"Those are moon diamonds.  They're..." Brandy begins to tell me.

"Want to go rowing?"  I ask, interrupting her.  "I would love to be out amongst that."

"Yes," she answers, "me too."

"I'll get a few things together and meet you at the boat in 15 minutes."  I say to her… seeing that her eyes also have the sparkle of diamonds to them.

"Ok, I'll see you in 15."  Brandy replies.  My hat brim just barely fits in the door opening as I lean and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

Feeling giddy, I turn and head off for The Cove and hear the door to The Bee Hive shut.  I get to my cabin and immediately go to the kitchen and plug in the electric kettle, and start heating the water.  I pull out a thermos, placing it on the counter alongside a couple of mugs.  I spoon in a couple of teaspoons of sugar into the thermos and pour in just enough milk.

Next I go up, brush my teeth and wash up a bit.  I then get a couple of blankets from the linen closet, and I take those to the boat and toss them onto one of the seats.  Glancing over to The Bee Hive I see a light is on in her upstairs.  "What light through yonder window breaks?" Immediately comes to mind.  That thought makes me smile.  “Wish I had my binoculars…”

I go back to The Cove and into the kitchen.  The water is hot... I place some Yorkshire teabags into the thermos and pour in the hot water, I then close everything up.  I put the mugs, thermos of tea and the container of maple & brown sugar cookies into a soft sided cooler bag and zip the lid closed.  I start to head off to the boat and suddenly remember to grab a can of Spam from the cupboard.  I place that into the bag along with a couple of spoons.

Then I go to the boat to wait for Miss Brandy.  I see the lights go off at The Bee Hive, and true to her word, it's been 15 minutes, and I see her approaching the boat.  She has on my old hat, a pair of jeans, boots... and my green, checked shirt!!

"So, that's where it went…" I think, "I should have known."  I chuckle softly and shake my head.

She's carrying a bag and a net.  "I brought some snacks."  Brandy says with a beaming smile.  Her eyes twinkle in the moon light.

"Ladies first," I say once she's reaches the boat, she squeaks a little when I scoop her up off her feet and place her into the boat.  She places her bag and net in the boat then unfolds one of the blankets on the seat and sits on it.  I untie the boat from its mooring post and push off into the water, while jumping into the bow.  Brandy has unfolded the other blanket for me to sit on.

"Is that a tadpole net?"  I ask as I sit and place the oars into the water.  Using the oars I swing us about, I then begin to build a slow rowing rhythm as we head out into the waters...

*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #149 : March 21, 2015, 08:27:25 AM »

Something awakens me from my pleasant slumbers. It’s dead of night. There it is again… knock, knock, knock.

I hurry downstairs and open the door. It’s Covems!   His handsome face and tall frame silhouettes in the moonlight.

“What are you do…? “  I ask, surprised by his sudden visit, but then I shouldn’t be. Coves is always full of surprises.

"Look," he says, interrupting me, "look at the lake."

I look passed him, at the vast expanse of Lake Crystal. It has a magical hue about it.
The night is unusually warm and there is a beautiful aura of soft colours of the rainbow that seem to fade in and out on top of the water’s surface, its own special little northern lights spectacle. The water appears to have its own light, its own glow about it.  The lights sparkle and twinkle with the movement of the water ripples.

Then I see them, the most stunning of all is the moonlight reflections on the water, sprinkling its shimmering diamonds all over it!

My breath catches ... "Those are moon diamonds.  They're..." I begin to tell Coves.
He interrupts me again. "Want to go rowing?"  He asks.  "I would love to be out amongst that."

"Yes," I answer him, "me too."  I look at him. He has no idea of its pull. He rushes off as he calls back about being ready in 15 minutes and he will meet me at the lake.

I smile to myself and look at the lake once more before getting ready. It is breath-takingly beautiful and I feel its pull. I had that pull once before but now it was urging me there again…

There’s a legend on the lake, I had found once in old papers at the AB&G. There was mention of Ellie, the elusive good natured Lake monster but more importantly, Lake Crystal was enchanted!
There is an unseen connection of the lake involving the solar system and spirits and if the conditions are right, the moon will dance and its beams will spread, calling out silently to the souls of chosen lovers connected with that night. Each one is different, each one is unique.

It is said, it will draw the lovers in, wash them with well-being and seal their connection with a special gift but only if you can catch it of course….   A rare moon diamond for each. 

Once caught, the moon diamond has to be treasured and nurtured. It  is precious and has to be looked after. It will glow brighter and dimmer, the same as a relationship.  But be warned,  if you neglect it, it will dim, it will wither and it will die, until eventually it turns to dust, like a dead and dry winters leaf.  The deadened moon dust then will be carried away in a swirl, in a wind unfelt and returned to the lake forever.

I wonder, as I rush to pick up the things for a night time row, “Could it happen more than once?”
Optimistically, I grab a tadpole net and two velvet draw string bags containing empty snow globe type casings from my wardrobe.  “Never hurts to hope,” I whisper to myself.

15 minutes later, I run out to the boat and let out a little squeal as Coves scoops me up and sits me in the boat.

His eyes narrow as he sees the green checked shirt I am wearing. He recognises it as one of his.
“Aarr, yes, I was meaning to tell him about that,” I think as he pushes us off onto the water.

An owl hoots in the distance and the waters lap against the boat as I spread the blankets out for comfort.  The boat rocks as Covems jumps in and then he begins a steady, relaxing row out onto the water and in to the enchanted night with all its beauty and magic…

« : April 14, 2015, 07:40:21 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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