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: Achat facebook?  ( 14817 )
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« : February 28, 2013, 12:24:04 AM »

If Achat doesn't have a facebook we need one, and if we do I cant find it.
Hero Member
: 7883

« #1 : February 28, 2013, 03:06:59 AM »

there was an user who had put out the same idea, but i don't have news about it..... http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,1176.0.html

anyway, FB don't allow mature content and honestly, i don't see why we need it!

: 28

« #2 : February 28, 2013, 11:02:42 PM »

sorry about that. I have put up a facebook page for AChat. I still need to talk with some of the moderators, and find out some information to fill in for the page. when it was made, ect...  it does allow adult content to be posted and web pages for groups and games for like info. and reference too. I always will be slow in doing things and getting It all together.

silly as I am I am glad to be here and me xoxoxo
Hero Member
: 3444

« #3 : March 23, 2013, 12:18:19 PM »

HI every one I don't do face book as a rule but have set up an account to show support and have a look

Trike_riding has started a Achat page it under  Achat funny adult games play take a look and add me to your friends

Tango Racer is me wooooo there's a surprise  come take a look

Hero Member
: 7883

« #4 : March 24, 2013, 08:29:50 AM »

i don't understand.....why creating a FB page for AChat when we have a forum!? Plus, FB don't allow mature content and uder this point of view, the forum is better or, if people want to be more free about the subject, i can suggest to create a forum with restricted area for the adult materials.

The only thing is to advice the AChat team about the use for non commercial purpouse of their materials.....and take a look at the ToS!

Hero Member
: 10350

« #5 : March 24, 2013, 03:49:25 PM »

Trike, perhaps you want to tell us more about your idea and the reason you did it. I visited your page... be careful to post adult content.

Full Member
: 206

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« #6 : March 27, 2013, 05:42:14 PM »

well Facebook is for meeting people and social networking, sorry to say but we already do that here on forums and in achat.   I personally would rather the Achat Team focus on things like large scale group rooms that can hold like 12 people.  Or a few public rooms that hold like 12 people that users can browse and join in if there is room for them etc.  instead of wasting time focusing on another social networking site because i think they have their hands already full with handling the web site and the development of achat.
Sr. Member
: 450

« #7 : March 28, 2013, 06:56:06 AM »

Don't think the Facebook effort would be a good thing.
Achat is not what most people would expect to encounter there.
Just my opinion.

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: 2208

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« #8 : March 28, 2013, 07:45:02 AM »

I also think it would be better to promote the Forum.
I don't have a Facebook account and I don't want it.
This is just my opinion, of course.

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Jr. Member
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« #9 : March 28, 2013, 08:32:24 AM »


Don't forget that FaceBook is a private company.
All picture and information added in a FaceBook page belong to FaceBook
And if tomorrow, FaceBook want to change their strategy, they will do that they want with all data that people has posted.

So, I am the same opinon of Nat33 and old_goat: no FaceBook page for ACHAT

But, it will be interesting to evolve this forum with more social networking aspect.
I think that our profile (forum or Achat) should be increase in this sense.
Hero Member
: 10350

« #10 : March 28, 2013, 09:35:22 AM »

To clarify:
AChat doesn't have a facebook page (as I know). The page we're talking about is a page started by trike_riding.

Hero Member
: 7883

« #11 : March 28, 2013, 11:06:39 AM »

Let's say a couple of thing about AChat and Facebook.....

AChat is, first of all, a fantasy site where people can share some secret fantasy with stranger but without getting involved in a real relationship (but we know AChat can create some stroooong bond within people!): the avatar on the screen hidden our real identity and it give us th free to act like we usually will never think to do in front of our friends or family.

Facebook give us the chance to explore the life of our friends: i mean, everything we post there, can be under the eyes of everyone and there is no much privacy in it....even if there is some way to make your comment or post hidden to people wo are not in your friend list.

Now......sure is i will never use my facebook account (yes, i have one but no pics and i use it rarely) cause i don't want to mix the two things: Facebook is the real life, with all its rule and AChat, for me, is my little corner of paradice, where i had met lot of wonderful people and my wonderful Master (mwaaahhhh!). A little corner where i feel free to share my thoughts with my friends and, why not!, something more the people i trust and only with them! stop! No one out of my friends circle can't see it and it's right like this!

so, yes, i'm in in promoting the forum, but i'm not ineressed in a AChat Facebook page!

Hero Member
: 6966

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« #12 : March 28, 2013, 03:12:43 PM »

I honestly have no interest in Facebook.  However  Facebook is massive and  someone told me, if Facebook was a country - it would be the third biggest after China and India ....   and it is continuing to grow ...

With this is mind, Facebook is an ideal way to advertise for free...

So,  if  Facebook  can be used to advertise and attract new members to Achat & Forum ...  then I am all for it ...  I believe businesses use it all the time to advertise.. 

If some members wish to do so,  then it seems a shame to miss such an opportunity ....   ;D

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
: 28

« #13 : March 29, 2013, 03:17:26 AM »

I honestly have no interest in Facebook.  However  Facebook is massive and  someone told me, if Facebook was a country - it would be the third biggest after China and India ....   and it is continuing to grow ...

With this is mind, Facebook is an ideal way to advertise for free...

So,  if  Facebook  can be used to advertise and attract new members to Achat & Forum ...  then I am all for it ...  I believe businesses use it all the time to advertise.. 

If some members wish to do so,  then it seems a shame to miss such an opportunity ....   ;D

thank you all for your comments and thoughts. and a big hug and hello to brandybee, I am not trying to mix the facebook and achat up any. but all of my post here are on a google search also. I just saw the opportunity of some advertising, for new people. that is all.  I have not asked anyone here to post on it and I never will.
me>> I can talk well wih people around here and I have found it to be a good clean fun place to let my hair at. and most of the new people I see are 18 to 30 years old. so I was looking for some ways to get some older members is all. 

silly as I am I am glad to be here and me xoxoxo
Hero Member
: 7883

« #14 : March 29, 2013, 04:31:47 AM »

........... but all of my post here are on a google search also. I just saw the opportunity of some advertising, for new people. that is all...........

soooorry!? i know what you mean, but it's like you don't want to be googled around....what's the problem!?

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