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| | |-+  "Water Privatization" Blessing or Curse ?
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: Are you ok with the water privatization ?
Yes (here is why)   -1 (16.7%)
No (here is why)   -5 (83.3%)
: 6

: "Water Privatization" Blessing or Curse ?  ( 4965 )
Full Member
: 177

Sweet with a Chance oƒ Sass ♥

« : March 03, 2013, 02:30:15 PM »

Heya Everyone :)

As many of you might not know, i was a little involved in politics in the past, doing some volunteer work, demonstrating and causing riots ;D and a little while ago an important and interesting topic to me peaked my interest. The water privatization that is which i consindered a given
human right for everyone is about to make its way into the private sector in more and more countries ...

The uk already has the water privatization, france in some way, some parts of portugal as well but from what i've heard with drastic increasing of the prices ... so there are good and bad examples so far but how will it continue ?

Will that increase or decrease the quality ? How much will we need to pay for water later on or is it even becoming a luxury ?

That is mainly a topic concering the new initiative of the EU attepting to privatize the water but everyone is welcome to share their opinions and thoughts !

I can only speak for myself, not trying to put up any propaganda but i heavily disagree with the attept to privatize water, it might be true that we tend to be very wasteful with it but it still is a given right and necessarity for living and the sheer idea to put it into private hands does displease me a lot. Of course there are a lot of things to be taken into consinderation, the increasing use of water, the still immense amount that is wasted or the filitering/renewing that needs work but i really wonder if that would change in privatization since there always happens to be corruption, favoritism and the drive for profit... will the price for water increase like the one for oil and electricity or how would they intend to make their profit ?

Just to clarify, i do not say that current system is a still working solution overall, there are changes to be made without question but from whom ?

Every citizen should have the given right to make use of water, without any kind of favorism and that not even just in Europe. What would happen if the water quality depends on the pay and could the supplying still be guranteed ? Will water even become a reason for war or will humanity find a better solution in the future?

I'm looking forward to your opinions, thoughts and ideas guys and girls :D

Here is a link with informations for people that are not familiar with the topic

kisses cheya
« : March 03, 2013, 03:27:17 PM Cheya »

~             Be Sensual, Wild and Wonderful       ~
Hero Member
: 3047

« #1 : March 04, 2013, 08:52:31 AM »

I doubt they'll privatize water where I live, but I do think it's bad where they do it.
Hero Member
: 7883

« #2 : March 04, 2013, 10:05:20 AM »

We had a referendum in Italy about this.....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_referendums,_2011 and seems like things goes well that time.....oh well.......that's was a nice victory!

Hero Member
: 3856

« #3 : March 05, 2013, 11:51:54 AM »

oh my, this is a subject as an evironmentalist I could go ballestic on... ::)

I do a great deal of work in the area of baseline water rights, so let me question your terms here... Privatization in this matter means corporate development as opposed to public operation? The reason I bring this up is that in smaller rural towns of the American west, local owners will often form coops to share the cost of water development. These are small private operations operatiing in efficency of shared costs. They are not for profit operations... but do qualify legally as private.


: 28

« #4 : March 05, 2013, 04:43:12 PM »

hello all, my two cents would be that any time a need goes private the government always has to stop them from using there product to own people. all of the utility companys have had a lot of regulation against what they can do and how much they can charge.  also they don't improve the product. so I am totally against air, water, and some other things being charged a price for.   

silly as I am I am glad to be here and me xoxoxo
Hero Member
: 10350

« #5 : March 05, 2013, 05:05:06 PM »

In Germany we had many things handled by the governemt, respectively a state organizatiion - phone, post, parcel... to tmention just a few. They all are better and cheaper after they have been privatized.
But water is a precious good - we should save it and "use" it careful. If they privatize it, companies want to sell it - they have to maximize their income. So they have to increase the fees or have to make sure we consume more - that would be against saving a precious good.

Now the facts, after reading the plan of the eu. They don't want to privatize - most of the water in Germany already has been given to companies, which belong to cities, communes or amlagamation of communities. In these boards (governing body....) there are old politicians or friends of politicians. This can cause cronyism and corruption. What do they want to change?
If a commune wants to privatize the waterworks, they have to offer it in europe. That's it - nothing less, nothing more.
But I also admit, the new guideline doesn't say anything about the quality - this could (and imo has to) be guaranteed in
the contracts.

: [1]  
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