So I'm in Trump Tower yesterday, attending to some business, when an announcement is made to evacuate the building. There was an unattended bag found, which was the cause for concern. I helped some folks along, until the NYPD officer took my place, then I went a got a cup of coffee.
The whole thing turn out to be no cause for alarm, as the unattended bag was in fact, just a bag of toys. When I heard that's what it was, this thought crossed my mind:
"Hmmmm... I wonder if Brandybee is in town... "I went on a day trip to London with family and friends and visited the crown jewels. I had a large bag containing picnic blankets and put it down by my feet whilst admiring the sparklies.
We wondered round then left, getting ready to move on to the next tourist attraction when I realised I had left the bag inside.
Suddenly there was a surge of people leaving and I was fighting my way through only to be confronted by a burley Beefeater.
"Bomb Scare" he explained all serious.
"But I've left my bag inside, " I explained and slowly ... reality dawned on us both.
I was the culprit who had cleared the building. I had such a dressing down which is quite difficult to take when surrounded by men dressed like the Queen of hearts from Alice in wonderland. I was just thankful I didn't have an Irish accent.

I got my bag back though and all was well with the Crown jewels again.