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: Vote for your Favourite Story ...  Voting Ends   31 MAY 2013
1.   The Order Of The Tudor Rose.   -19 (20%)
2.   First Customer.   -5 (5.3%)
3.   That Black Box !   -5 (5.3%)
4.   First Time on a Ranch.   -8 (8.4%)
5.   A Night on the Car Bonnet .   -4 (4.2%)
6.   We Take Care of Our Own.   -12 (12.6%)
7.   Mile High Delight .   -3 (3.2%)
8.   A TGirl  Diary.   -7 (7.4%)
9.   Cross Dressing Adventures: The Exclusive Club         -1 (1.1%)
10.  First Night.   -10 (10.5%)
11.  Undisclosed Desires of My Heart .   -1 (1.1%)
12.  Real Date Surprise.   -1 (1.1%)
13.  The Porn Lady.   -12 (12.6%)
14.  The Neighbour.   -7 (7.4%)
: 94

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #15 : March 31, 2013, 02:03:04 PM »

 11.      Undisclosed Desires of my Heart  -    PART   1     -      Cheya 

It still feels like it's just been yesterday when i swell in memories of my first time in france, i had been invited over by a good friend and fashion designer who was celebrating his first major release in the scene.

He had booked a little hotel close to the French Alps, it was in the middle of December and snow was everywhere around us, it felt like the beautiful white landscape was almost frozen in time. Up in the middle of nothing it peaked out into my eyes, the tiny little hotel in the lower mountains of the French Alps, followed by a charming almost being swallowed by the sheer amount of snow log house right behind it. I had never been to France before but the enchanting countryside had a very special charm to me.

All sorts of thoughts went through my head while the chauffeur was moving the limouesine in between the towering mountains of snow. We hadnt seen each other in quite a while, always exchanging calls and mails when we were busy in our own worlds. We always teased and motivated each other as our friendship rose but something was different this time …

My heart was beating a little faster and my excitement rose as the car stopped, a well build and tall man opened the door, dressed like a true gentleman with a noble black suit from versace, mustering me with his glancing eyes and asking with a cheeky smile „What took you so long?“
I shook my head answering „it wasnt my fault“ winking at the chauffeur, he reached his hand over to me guiding me through the icy entrance, pressing on hand against my back and holding my hand with his other.

 Sharing welcoming kisses on our cheeks as we reached the inner entrance, finally feeling the warmth of the hotel. I felt his tickling three-day beard on my skin, getting a glimpse of his smell and warmth for just a brief moment. His hands were quickly unzipping my winter coat as the other guests were waiting already, but he hesitated for a moment followed by a gulp as he saw my deep plunging gorgeous red clubdress... a low cut so deep that it just ended right upon my navel and a ring around it, ift left a gaping area of flesh in between two sides of the dress, enhancing my curvaceous body as well as classy red gloves and thick high boots. I was definitely aiming for attention, enjoying the gazes around and especially his.

„Tu es Belle Lady in Red“ he said with such a charming and bright smile, you could die for as I looked straight into his eyes, blushing lightly.
Blushed by his compliment I lightly pinched into his left cheek before we went into the hall.

The Hotel was filled out with about 30 People eagerly awaiting his speech, I sneaked into the crowd, getting myself a good place close to the podium. He had a terrible sense of humor but we all laughed at the jokes of his speech of thanks.

Lots of kisses and handshakes were exchanged, even a little band was playing a few songs as everyone was chit-chatting at his healthy party.
Excusing ourselves, we went to the bar with a couple of people right afterwards and I started to teasingly flirt a tiny bit in delight with the young waiter, innocently pulling on my outfit, acting like I didnt see anyone around, noticing his heated gaze as I seductively slid up my dress just above my firm buttocks for a glimpse look onto my underwear.

With a mischivious smile i left, elegantly walking away, throwing a lascivious wink back at the bar as i was just to pass around the corner, everyone was looking which gave me a smile of confidence. I just wanted to make him a little jealous, tease him, make him come after me, i wanted him tonight, i really did, just thinking about it heated up my body „Gosh“ i was humming.

It didnt take long until my friend came after me, eagerly looking as we both were stealing oursevles away from the party, just him and me in the cloakroom.
The Tension in the midair was almost catchable with the hands, he shook his head commenting at my flirting with the waiter but i just licked above my lips, giggled and reached under my dress, slowly pulling my thong down past my long tanned legs, the bottoms fell to my feet and i hooked it on my toes, kicking it up for him to catch, his throat went dry and he gulped in heat, mumbling „Naughty Girl“ as i passed by again, my fingers wandering over his chest, collecting my coat, leaving for a walk outside … „You should cool down a little ...“ giggling at him. „Well … dont hesitate too long!“

Those words left a mark on him and he quickly walked after me, with a yet suprised but roguish smile, hooking into each other we took a walk outside of the hotel, it was quite late already and we just catched a small glimpse of the sunset, it was a blue sky on a yet beautiful but also very cold day. I tried to cuddle myself closer to him during our walk, it was just so cold after all.

We were enjoying ourselves in refreshing conversations as time flew by, he had those glowing eyes, that energy and passion when he talked about something that made him very special, i didnt want to waste my chance tonight and lured him under pretence in the little log house nearby close to the acclivity, it was quite old but had a very lovely charm. It looked like right out of a fairy tale as it was covered in snow and there were small icicles hanging from the crooked roof. An old chandelier almost right above the fireplace, even some wood was left next to it. next to two old hunting rifles crossed, followed by a few chairs and a dusted couch with animal paintings on it. The wood cabin had four glass doors and 2 windows, leaving much space for light in the day.

As the gentleman he was, he quickly enlighten the flames of the chimney, it was like on of those log houses in the movies, a few trophies hung on the wall, memories of past hunts … tensing the atmosphere with the romantic spitting of the fire, the flames were dancing passionately with each other, for a moment i believed to recognize us in those, letting out a little breezer, but the night was still young … we shared a glass of an old red wine named Cabernet Franc, gently sipping on it i felt the warmth in me reappering, my fervour rising with every sip i took.

He looked deep into my eyes, everything seemed to stand still for this very special moment until he reached out his hand „May i ask for a dance my lovely lady ?“ My throat went dry, my eyes widened and my heart raced meeting his, trying to hide a blushing, i answered quickly „With pleasure“ my words just left my body when he grabbed my hands already, pressing me close onto him, inhaling his scent and sheer magic presence. Our eyes locked onto each other, he lead me smoothly over the parquet, it felt like we were almost floating to the tender music coming from the square 50's radios crackling sound.

As the music went slower, we did too, in a tender embrace, swaying slower and slower. His arms were like towers, towers over me holding me tight, cuddling me in such a warm embrace. He gave me life again, restoring my happiness, making me feel safe in those arms of his. A tender smile running over our lips, reaching closer and closer to each other until our foreheads met, followed by his marvelous soft hands running over my cheek, pulling my lips even further, almost touching, he then gently teased them, licking and softly kissing bit by bit, hesitantly checking until our lips finally merged.
Gazing deep into my eyes, he was biting gently on my lower lips.

We exchanged passionate deep and hot kisses as our desire for each other burned more, our tongues entwined, dancing even fiercer than we were. He gently sucked on my tongue a little while kneading my hips which made me moan lustfully from his velvet touch. I felt electrifying tickles as he started to play with my navel and stomach, letting his calloused fingertips dance over them, ever so slightly sliding into the cleavage and turning back again. Skating over my hot skin, slick from the heat, my skin presently on fire, my blood slowed in my veins, flowing like molten lava. A small moan now parting from my lips as an exquisite ache was jolting straight to my mood.

Both of us were in heat and want after each other. He quickly turned behind me, starting to nuzzle on my neck in a lusty embrace, the warmth of his breath wafting over my neck, nipping, tasting, teasing, was driving me wild, i was paralyzed by his touch, unable to respond as his lips rose, leaving kisses and bruises on my skin. Even nibbling and biting on my ear for a brief moment whispering with a self assured tone „You wanted that“.
My first instinct was to be offended by his comment but slowly and surely i began to realize just how much i wanted it, i wanted him so bad, my heart raced with eagerness just thinking about what was to come, i couldnt play hard to get with him.

One large palm slid down my back as his kisses continued to wander, this time over my shoulder and rear. His large hands grasping my bottom angle my hips to fir perfectly with his. The touch felt so good, especially as he began moving against me. The rigid length of his erection pressed against my side. It was as if he wants me to feel and anticipate having his manhood inside.

My mouth went dry, sucking in an highly excited moan as his hands finally slipped the two sides of my dress down my shoulders, like a precious and fragile present, ever so slowly his hands moved down my hips, over my endless legs, taking my boots off. Just the red gloves were left but they didnt last long... his demanding fingers reached up again, taking both my arms and putting them above my head, tugging them teasingly apart.
First his left than his right hand started fondling my chest, running fingers up and downwards in between my breasts, my skin was sizzling under his touch, those hands were amazing. Strong and rough yet gentle all at the same time. „Ooh, that feels marvelous“ i moaned. Cupping and caressing my sensual breasts, making them swell and my nipples pebble.

He must know that i was getting more and more turned on, his very lite touch became more and more demanding, making my body glow and my need after him even more urgent, stroking and skimming me in delight.
A sudden cheeky whisper inflamed my mind, making me fancy lustfully „Oh my, seems like i forgot to close the curtains, hope you dont mind being seen“
There was still light in the hotel nearby and any eager eyes could have spotted us in our act. My thoughts went crazy but i felt no shame, the opposite was true, i was even heatening up...

And then, silence … he stepped back, i was still panting madly, catching for breath, hearing the door opening, a cold breath from the outside followed by a strange sound before the door is beeing closed again. I didnt turn around, i was still in so much heat, unable to move. He made a grinning smile „I'm back“ and gently pushed me into the bed „Close your eyes, i have a suprise for you“.

He really knew how to push my buttons, God just what would he to me now ? I bid on my bottom lip, smiling happily. I felt his body coming closer and closer, almost lying over me, covering every inch of my prosperous flesh with kisses right before i flinched hectic, letting out a suprised high pitched cry... just what was that ? An icicle with which he started to draw lines upon my chest, making me shiver and wiggle. „Hey, just relax“ he said.

It was a strange sensation, yet incredible exciting as the icicle ran over my already errected nipples, wetting them, making them mount with goosebumps. Satisfied he bend over, blowing on them, once, twice and a third time before starting to kiss and suck. WOW, i was gushing, willing and moaning desperately already but he went even further, his hand reached down my inner thighs, running his fingertips in between them, tip, tip, closer and closer to my wetness, rubbing his finger on my lips, lubing them and tasting me. „Mhm you look ready“ he said tipping the icicle against my swollen labia.
„Dont!“ i moaned up

 „Don't what ?“ he grinned, shifting it slowly into me, parting my lips open, making my muscles clench and me scream out.

God, that was a feeling i've never experienced before, i pulled the blanket firmly with all my might, shivers spreading all over my skin. „Awwwe my poor girl, just relax!“ after a minute that felt like an eternity, he pulled the rest of the icicle out again, before i could breath out of relief he presented his tongue down, burying his face amongst my thighs replacing it, sucking my lips in his mouth, the edge with his tongue tip, getting down, exploring my intimacy with his tongue, inserting it, going deeper and deeper. Hot, urgent, and fiery flames of delight spasmed uncontrollably over my body, my back began to arch pressing my wetness against his face.

I shook my head wildy, intensified cries parting my lips as i was rapidly approaching my climax. My whole body liquefying as my orgasm was pulsing through my mouth.
„That was quick“ he replied playfully, licking my flooding juices before he went back up, sharing its taste with me, fondling my cheek. The sensations were almost too much to bear. Nonetheless, i wanted more and he knew it.

He flipped me over with my bare ass presented at him, kneeling down to work on the swollen flesh of my entrance, desperately, i dragged in my breath, bitting on my bottom lip as his too knowing tongue grindind against my anxious ass valley first sensualy, then a little more firmly. Beginning to trace, stroke and caress me, tenderly testing its elasticity, getting his tongue sharp and hard as a spear, pushing softly on the spasming hole, spreading it lightly

I was breathing heavily, my heart pounded rapidly „Tell me, what do you want ...“ he asked with a confident smile.
He paused expecting my reaction, i needed to catch my breath for a little longer.

He was still closed which was rather ridiculous but i showed no mercy, eagerly tearing his dress apart, unbuttoning his shirt and stroking his gorgeous chest, he was tall, well tanned with rock hard abs and muscular buttocks, i couldnt resist to give him a few sensual licks, admiring his sexy body as he stood now fully naked in front of me, before i got on my knees, crawling closer to him and his risen manhood directly in my eyeline.
„Mmmhh let me taste that sweet lollipop of yours“ i answered with a seductive voice.

My fingertips rose playfully up to his lower chest, tipping, searching and massaging his body, circling closer and closer around his member, just to stop before i'd finally touch it.
Now it was my time to tease him back, i didnt want it to make too easy for him.
My mouth was watering as i stared at his fully erected manhood, presented before me.

I bend forward, the tip of my tongue lightly caressing his underbelly at first before my soft lips start to wander around, kissing and licking tenderly, drawing lines around his shaft, joined by my fingertips, finally tipping and touching his pole, examining his size and hardness to begin a sensuous wank, pleasingly enjoying his gentle groaning, stopping again.

Using my palm i cupped his balls very very lightly, just touching the tips of my nails into his skin, causing his hips to rise a bit and his shaft to move.
Starting to run my nails up and down his length followed by gently but firmly gripping his pole. Starting to work my way up and down under his groaning, tracing the length and guiding it to my mouth. First i ran my tongue down the underside, grasping the base with my fist squeezing as i swirled my tongue around the head, tipping, and teasing. Swirling around his head, scooping and finding hesitantly into his little opening, leaving no part unlicked.

Then i opened my mouth and slid my lips down, taking him in. My tongue curled around him and his continued groaning became more intense. I could taste the tartness of my desire as i laved hungrily on his phallus.

His muscles bunched and flexed as he thrusts his shaft into my throat. His head falling back, his fingers twisting in my hair. He sunk to the balls in my willing mouth. Pumping and bobbing my head as i slid my hand up and down his length.
„Get down on the bed“ he moaned up, bending me down to finally shove his member into my wanting wetness, i cried out at his entrance, very slowly easing himself into me, inch by inch.

I could feel the the coiled tension that held him. The leashed tension he had been holding back. The power, the force, i could sense in his locked muscles, in the taut sinews that surrounded me, compelling me, making me grunt as he pushed further and further into me. Feeling his need, his muscular body pressed onto my back, those inquisiting fingers pulling, tugging my breasts, presenting his need.

Our hips matched in rhythm as his strokes imprinted himself vibrating into me. Our devotion for each showing off by the increasing pace. „Yes, yes, more ...“ i gasped between hard breath, hearing his own right on my ear, the panting and moaning driving me crazy.
His muscles tensed, his grip tightened, i could feel how close he was … grabbing my hands, entwining our fingers, tightening. Just one more step, one more thrust and i would be lost in the overwhelming friction.

„Mmmmh“ i feel his powerful release, our hot reunion, its wonderful and needed.
„God you are so hot“ he mumbled, both of us panting heavily but we couldnt let our hands loose each other. I couldn't get enough, my desire and lust was still there and so was his.

He reaches back, licking the pearling sweat down from my back until he arrives at my buttocks, sliding his tongue in between, teasing and torturing me, suddenly spreading my cheeks and rubbing his still firm member among them.
„You want some more?“ he knew i would and i would have begged if i needed to but he already spread my burning entrance open, bit by bit. Squeezing my eyes, heavy lidded from pleasure as the burning invasion proceeded into me. It was painful yet very enjoyable, i felt so full like i was going to split wide open, the burning heat from our flesh.

He rested for a while, waiting for me to get used to him, before he slowly began to move. My nails digging mercilessly into his arms as my lust rose, it felt like a torrent of pleasure, like a stream, joining river and my eyes rising from the headsplitting feeling. He goes back and forth, quicker and quicker, twisting and twitching my breasts with one hand as the other reaches down to my sipping wetness.

I tasted blood from my lips, bidding on them just as hard as i could bear.
„Almost there … just a little longer!“ i cried out. My toes curl up, my hips rise even further plus his heavy moaning, thats all it takes to push me over the edge again, errupting, quaking in cries of ecstasy as i feel his pump and stream of hot seed, its heavenly.

« : March 30, 2014, 09:00:56 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #16 : March 31, 2013, 02:04:45 PM »

   Undisclosed Desires of my Heart  -    PART   2      -    Cheya     

Its almost morning, the first sun rays reach over the mountains through the window as we both collapse on the bed, sweatening exhausted in a relieved cuddle onto each other, gently kissing my shoulder in our warm embrace. Humming happily i turned around giving him my brightest smile which he started to kiss tenderly.
He was rubbing his nose onto mine, looking deep into my eyes „You should have come here earlier“ i blushed widely before playfully pushing him aside.

„Fuck, its morning already, i need to leave“ he rasped after a few more minutes of lovely embrace „You totally made me forgot time and space naughty girl“ I laughed happily „I take that as a compliment“. We quickly pulled our clothes together, sneaking back into the hotel, giggling as we pass the questioning face of the hotel portiére, sharing a final deep cuddling with our melting lips before we part ways. I was in love, letting out a long drawn sigh "Au Revoir".

Many years passed since then, we kept brief contact but fortune wasnt on our side as we never met again.

The buzzer rang a few minutes later, waking me up out of my daydream.

This heart only beats for him, my heart only beat for him, only him, it was his „my heart beats for only you“ i sighed in a moment of romantic melancholy, trying not to shed a tear, remembering the time, i pulled out my brightest smile, my heart still felt yet heavy and happy from the fond memories i had, sure to treasure them to the end of time.

« : March 30, 2014, 09:01:46 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #17 : March 31, 2013, 02:10:01 PM »

12.     Real Date Surprise      -           Lover 

I’m selling products as traveler for Achat company. I have suitcases full of special toys – dildos, handcuffs, sponges, clamps, butt plugs… the “secret” is inside. A new technology makes it possible, those toys are remote-controlled. Both partners are using software called Achat. If they are in room, one partner can control his ava while the other partner is using the dildo for example. The man now controls the dildo via the game. The dildo is moving inside the pussy of the girl in exactly the speed and strength, the man is using the ava.
My job is to sell the software and toys to shops and private persons. And of course I help installing the software, explaining how to use and to check if it’s working.

The technology is new, but we’re already well known and the demand is huge. So I am very busy. Of course, many people are afraid to tell in public what they are doing. As I know the true names of our members I am not allowed to know their names in game. For checking the function I always use a test ava…

I love my job and I love this game. So I use each free minute to play it too. Looking back, there are many hot memories in my mind, many exciting adventures I have experienced…
As usually I start the game in the evening in my hotel room. What else should I do?
I login and look for other user online. No, to be honest I just look for one special girl online. The last few weeks she and I have spent many wonderful hours in room. She is full of fantasy and her mind is really dirty. Short and sweet, she’s a girl to my own taste.

 “Hello naughty boy”. I smile. The game doesn’t support voice chat, so we just read and write. But these few words, flashing up in text command, are making me happy. Beside some awful chat lines like “For money I do everything” (my answer was “Ok, here are 100A$, now go and place your ass in the middle of a camp fire”) and some silly “I’m totally desperate, please fuck me” signs (actually it’s called cold invites, but I prefer this meaning) SHE is on and talking to me. Just as I want to answer another silly slut is sending a message “Are you on?” I sigh… “No, my ava just is green because yellow colour was out”… “Sorry, didn’t know that”.. “No problem”..

“Hello naughty princesa” Finally I can answer to her message. I click on her name and see her ava. She is looking hot in her red lingerie and my little friend is asking to be released – he wants to see her too. She is asking if I had a busy day and as I agree, she says “Then I have to pamper you.” I imagine her saying this with a really sweet and seducing voice.
“I like my ass being sucked, pleazzze do it” suddenly is flashing in chat window. Oh god, one more of those idiots.. “What did you have for dinner?” I ask her. Silent… then “chicken and potatoes..why?” “Sorry, I don’t like chicken, I can’t suck your ass”

“Let’s go into room, I go crazy outside” I tell her and invite. Just one second later she has accepted and our room is starting. The room isn’t really a room. It’s an outside area called Tropical Beach. It’s rather new and we both love it. There is sand, you are close the water, which is animated like floating in background and the beach is surrounded by some palms and little rocks. It’s the latest release. A bit expensive… but hey, it’s a good place for a good fuck.

We had hot adventures, no matter if we did role playing or just let our hornyness come out. I still remember our sex in the sea, which was suddenly interrupted as I told her, she shall imagine a little shark is swimming around her feet. How could I know she is afraid of sharks???
Sometimes we imagine just lying in the sand, enjoying a good talk while we’re fondling and kissing…

Tonight I do something I never have done before – ask her for a real pic of her. She is quiet. “Shit” I think to myself. Now you spoiled everything. “I can’t send a pic” Finally she answers. “Sure. Sorry for my question. Please accept my humble apology, never will do this again” “No silly boy. I didn’t say I don’t want – I can’t. Don’t have your email address.”

My eyes gets bigger, my heart is beating faster. My fingers are flying above the keyboard, typing hard@achat.com
She laughs... you are teasing me, aren’t you? No… this is actually my email. Few seconds later I get an email. Nervously I open it, also open the added pic – and lose my breath. This woman is looking amazing. She is like the girl I always have dreamed of… I’m speechless. “Do you like me?” “You are very beautiful, a perfect ten” I write back. “Now you have to send me a pic of you, ok?” “Of course.” She gets a pic of me. “Have to go to bed now. Perhaps you get a special surprise tomorrow” she is writing.
We say good night, not leaving without a long and deeply kiss.

As usual I check my next fixed dates for the next day. Three sex shops in the morning, one private person after lunch. A woman. That’s good – can use my male test ava to check it which means more fun for me.

The next morning is successful. All three shops purchase everything I offer. Sex sells, so true. And I have “hard” sales arguments. I always say “If it vibrates in the girls, it's ringing in the purse.”

As lunch is over I drive to the private customer. Most buy our products in sex shop and internet. Just a few ones ask for personal care. Those, buying full stuff, including software, hardware and installation.
Hardstreet 69. I’m in time as always – never too late, never too early…hehe. I ring the bell and wait. Few seconds later the door is opened and I want to introduce myself but – I can’t. The woman has a pair of heavenly eyes, a smile which is able to melt each iceberg and a body, formed by Michelangelo himself. And – I know her. This woman has talked to me yesterday.

This woman has sent me a pic yesterday. This woman is – naughty princesa! My naughty princesa from AChat. For a moment I’m speechless. Then I pinch myself to check if it’s just a dream or reality.
And she is wearing something I also know very well. It’s the same as she sometimes is wearing in game – it’s called “sexy party dress” from Marilyn’s fashion design… the see-through version. Very short, just the breasts are covered with black colour and a dark, but also see.trough pattern around the neck. She is wearing sexy black panties and on her feet is a pair of sexy high… my blood pressure is rising and it feels the temperature is too.

She also is surprised, unable to say a word. Looking around, seems she is looking if any neighbours are watching us.
What shall I do? Shall I kiss her, as it’s the first we do when we meet in AChat or shall I act as professional salesman? Better the second. “Miss Greet? My name is Han Some, I’m from AChat. We have a fixed date.” “You are naughty boy???” She nods, still bit frightened, “Come in please.” In the light I see she is blushed. “AChat comes to make you cum” I say my welcome greet as I enter the house. She smiles and I’m glad to pass this tight spot.

She offers me a coffee and is giving me access to her comp. But there is this special mood between us, this certain tension, when everybody is waiting for the other one to do the next step…She is standing beside me and I smell her seducing scent. As I take a little look at her cleavage my eyes get bigger. Is there one or two more buttons opened then before? Also I look at her long legs, looking amazing in her short skirt.

It takes just few minutes and my work is done. She’s got the extra software and her code for the app, which is allowing, respectively her friends, to control the sex toys. Next step is to check the connection between game, toys and app. Normally we place a dildo on the bed and just do a dry test. It’s always funny to say dry test, knowing this is the opposite from how it has to be. As she wants to take the vibe out of my hand, I can’t hold myself back any longer. I pull her to me and kiss her passionately… She opens her mouth, our tongues snake and we’re smooching like crazy. The vibe falls down. But both know, it’s not needed now. She will get a hard pipe in her pussy but it’s not made of plastic.

I lift her, she puts her legs around me and I’m moaning in her mouth. As I’m holding her, the skirt slides up and I get access to her buttocks. Immediately I knead them, pulling, pushing and pinching them… while she is pinning her body against mine.
One second later we fall onto the bed. She’s on her back, her legs still around me, our tongues still knotted too. My hand almost is tearing her top down, releasing her tits. I massage, I knead, I squeeze them... her nipples harden under my touching, she is arching her back, pressing her tit more into my palm. My thumb is rubbing her nipple, turning it between thumb and index finger while she is gasping, showing she wants more.
We stop kissing…. Just because I want to kiss and lick her tits now. Still squeezing her tits, I lick around her stiffened peak, tease it with tip of my tongue and finally suck it.

From her moaning I notice she enjoys it as much as I do.
If she is in real as in game, I know she likes it bit stronger, wilder. So I suck stronger, even bite her nipple a bit while I’m still kneading… “I want you!” I tell her, looking in her eyes and the sound of my voice let’s her know I WILL do it. With a huskily voice she answers “Take me babe, fuck me as you always fuck me in game.” “You know what I’m going to do first.” I tease her.. “Yes naughty boy, you will lick my wet pussy first.”

I nod and get up. Just as I want to take off her skirt, she lifts her upper body, and as she is sitting in front of me I feel her hands on my zipper. Sssssssssst, she opens it, pulling my trousers and briefs down. My hard cock almost jumps straight to her face. Skilful she takes it with her right hand, kissing my head, then is licking my shaft… I moan… and gasp as her left hand is holding my balls, gentle rubbing them… “oh babe, you’re as great as in room” I say and moan louder, hurrying to take off my shirt. “And… is this as great as in room too?” She is asking, knowing my answer when she is starting an amazing blowjob… “No honey, in real it’s much better as in room!” “Do you like it?” She is going on teasing me… “No… I LOVE it.. go on, you know what I want.” At once she is sucking it deep, I increase her action, pushing my hips against her, fucking her wet mouth… her saliva is wetting my cock, but it’s also precum too.

Put my hand on her head, holding it, watching my cock disappearing between her lips…
Though I love to cum in mouth I won’t do it now. There is so much more I want and I will do it now. So I push her back, looking greedy at her. With one fast flip her dress and already wet panties are removed. Her legs are spread, pulling her closer to me while I go down on my knees. God, I want to fuck her, want to shag her until she is screaming my name but I also want to taste her first. She feels my tongue exploring her heaven, kissing each inch, licking along her lips, enjoying this moist area so much.

 “Honey, you’re delicious” I moan,  licking around her entrance… She doesn’t really answer, I just hear a long “mmmmmmm” and feel her lower body lifted against my face. She wants it, she wants my tongue deep in her tight channel… and she gets it. My tongue is diving deep inside, exploring her inner walls, collecting her honey… “oooh babe, you’re pussy is more delicious then I always imagined” I tell her and lick her faster.. “Take it, enjoy it, it’s all for you” I hear her almost whimpering.

She is touching her own tits with one hand, the other is pressed to my head… she wants me to go on as she always told me before… My tongue now is on the way to her clit. It’s easy to find, waiting for me, swollen and begging… before I lick it, I take a deep breath, sucking her flavour… mmmmm dreams are coming true…

I lick around, tease her as I’m touching her hot button with tip of my tongue… “Suck my clit” she is begging. And I do. I place my lips around it and suck, even gentle nibble with my teeth. Her body is arching, her hands digging in my hair and I can hear her moaning louder and louder. I go on sucking and licking her clit, but also thrust two fingers inside her pussy and finger her hard and fast.
Moving them forth and back in her tight channel until I hear her calling my name “Fuck my Logan, fuck me finally.. oh babe….”

I look at her face and grin. “Without testing the toys?” But before she can answer, I push my hard cock in her pussy. She put her legs around me, closing them on my back, pressing me deeper inside. For a while we stay in this position, looking at us with eyes wide opened, feeling our hot breath… I’m sure the neighbours hear us, as we’re both moaning and screaming.. and even the bed is making noises. “Ride me honey, I know you love it!” I tell her and roll around. Within one second she is up, her hands on my breast and she is riding like a wild horse. I can see her head bent back, her long hair flying around and her tits are shaking.

My hands are holding her hips while I lift my hips against her… “I’m cumming.. NOWWWW” she suddenly is shouting “Yes, yes, yes……” her breath is shrugging when I feel her juices on my cock, coming out as if someone has opened a stop cock. “Me too!” I scream and pump my load deep in her hot and wet pussy.

Exhausted but happy we both are lying side by side. After a minute I pull her to me and we deeply kiss, fondling each other. “When do you have to leave?” She is asking. “I just decided to cancel all fixed dates this afternoon.” I reply, winking. “Mmmmmm excellent idea.” She is smiling.

This was the first time I had real sex with a girl I know from AChat – it won’t be the last time we have met…

« : March 30, 2014, 09:02:30 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #18 : March 31, 2013, 02:14:22 PM »

 13.       The Porn Lady.                  Part  1       -        Covems 

First, some background is in order.  I was named after my father, who was named after his father, but everyone calls me “Kip”.  I was raised on a ranch near Three Forks, Montana.  I spent most of my youth around horses and cattle, and spent a lot of time in the forests of the mountains.  My Great, great grand daddy leased out the mineral rights on the property which has provided for our family during the hard times. 

My Daddy was of the opinion that every able bodied man should serve his country, so after high school, and having no real direction in my life, I enlisted in the Navy.  My reasoning was, that I wanted to see the world and the Navy offered the best opportunity for that.  I was assigned to a ship on the east coast, and found out I had a way with numbers and codes, which got me transferred to an agency in Washington, D.C.  That's where I met my wife.

After my enlistment was up, I spent a few more years working in that agency.  I grew tired of that clandestine world, so my wife and I moved to New Jersey to be near her family and we started a family of our own.  I began tracking trends with numbers and that led me to start my present business of marketing research.

Unfortunately, my wife passed away 8 years ago from an aneurysm, leaving me with a hole in my heart and raising two kids.  My Mama wanted me to stay in New Jersey, as the schools in the east are, in her opinion, better than they were back home, and the kids were pretty settled in their lives.  My ultimate plan though is to move back to Montana.

Every summer, the kids and I pack up and head for Montana and spend about 6 weeks there, giving the two of them a good taste of the outdoors and life on a ranch.  My Daddy passed on years ago, but my Mama is still there and tends to the spread.  Most of the livestock is gone now, but they still breed horses there, and with the mineral rights, she is financially stable. 

My story starts three years ago, in July when we made our annual pilgrimage to the ranch.  Happy faces were all around as we greeted my Mama and the crew she has working there.  Tom, an old hand who has been with the ranch since I was knee high to a bull frog, told me that Mama had rented out one of the cabins on the mountain for a week to “some folks makin’ a movie”.

After a few days of getting settled in, I arose early one morning and went into the horse barn and Tom was already there.  It was still dark out, but the sun was just starting to brighten the eastern sky.

“Goin’ on a ride, Kip?”  Tom asked me.

“I am.”  I answered.  “It’s one of the things I miss Tom, getting up on the mountain when the sun’s coming up.”

“Do me a favor, would ya?  Tom continued.  "Stop by the south cabin at some point and check on the folks there.  Make sure they're okay.”

"Sure Tom."  I answered.

"Thanks."  Tom said.  "That'll save me a trip."

Tom helped me saddle Jack Cade, a dark chestnut, who is an excellent trail horse, but can be a little skittish around strangers.  I had prepared a couple of sandwiches and a few other things to eat, those I put in one of the saddle bags along with a camera and I put a full canteen of water and binoculars in the other.  I also tied a coil of rope to the saddle.  Mounting Jack, I took a look around and remarked to myself how peaceful things are on the ranch before sun up.

I told Tom I would be going up the Cheyenne trail, and would take the south trail on the way down and check on the folks at the cabin.

After about an hour ride I was on the mountain, the sun coming up in the east made for a wonderful sight, with the sunbeams streaming through the trees.  I spent quite a while up on that part of the mountain.  Going through old trails and re-exploring my old riding grounds.

Jack and I made our way to one of my favorite places on earth.  There’s a clearing leading to the edge of a cliff that overlooks the valley.  It’s peaceful and serene.  No one goes up there much, so it’s unspoiled.  I stopped and rested for a while, noting how my bottom was a bit sore.  “Not used to the saddle.”  I said to Jack.

It was getting near noon when I decided it was time to head back.  I ate my sandwiches while Jack grazed and munched on some carrots I brought along for him.  We finished our noon meal with an apple each and a drink of water.  I mounted Jack Cade and we moved down the trail.

I decided to veer off and check on the cabin, to make sure everyone was settled in okay and if there was anything they needed.  I came around a grove of trees and stopped.  I could see the cabin but could not make out exactly what was going on.  There were 2 men holding what looked to be big video cameras, and they were moving around the front porch.

Being curious and not wanting to interrupt anything I took out my binoculars for a closer look.  I almost dropped them once I saw what was going on.

There were two fine looking ladies on the porch dressed in robes.  My guess was that was all they had on.  One was blonde and the other brunette.  The blonde looked to be in her early twenties and she was taller than the brunette.  The brunette seemed to have a little more meat on her bones than the blonde, and she appeared to be in her late thirties.  I couldn’t see all of the blonde’s face, but the brunette was a beauty.  Not fashion model beautiful, but she had a wholesome look to her that I’ve always found most attractive. 

They were in an embrace and kissing.  The brunette had her hand inside the blonde’s robe and I was sure she had one of the blonde’s breasts in that hand.  The two guys with the cameras were moving around the two ladies, poking their cameras closer then backing off.

“Holy shit, Jack.”  I said.  “They’re making a porn movie.”  There was a tree branch that was in my view, so I nudged Jack with my left foot and gave a tug on the reins to the right.  Jack took a couple of side steps at my command.  I refocused the binoculars.

The ladies were still kissing and the brunette’s robe was open now.  She was sort of facing me, with the blonde having her back to me.  I could see that my assumption was correct in at least the brunette’s case.  She was naked underneath that robe.  Her breasts were ample and sagged just a bit.  They had that heavy look to them.

The blonde was nibbling along the brunette’s neck, pulling that robe off the brunette’s shoulder while she nibbled.  This scene in front of me was having an effect.  I could feel myself growing in my jeans.  I wanted to get closer, to get a better look, so I pulled Jack back so we could circle around the lower part of the hill we were on.  That would keep us out of sight of the cabin.

Jack and I used the terrain to cover our movement and approached the cabin from the front.  There was a small copse of trees I used for cover to get into a better vantage point.  Moving Jack a little to the left gave me an opening and a clear view to the porch and those two hotties.

Putting the glasses to my eyes I focused on the porch again.  There they were.  The brunette's robe was completely off and lying on the floor.  Man, she looked terrific.  Full ample breasts, round ass.  I was getting hard again and adjusted myself in the saddle.

The blonde gently guided the brunette to sit on the glider and she then knelt between the brunette's legs in the Lick Me Quick pose.  I wanted to be there, in between those legs. 

It had been years since I had been on a date and, with the exception of masturbating, even longer than that since any kind of sex.  I was hard as a rock, and I could feel the precum already leaking out.  Jack could probably sense my excitement as he began to get fidgety and move about, turning and hoofing the ground.  I had to turn often to keep my focus on the porch, and almost lost my balance.

The blonde was leaning in, she still had her robe on but from the look of it she was eating the brunette’s pussy.  The brunette was holding the blonde’s head as if she was pulling her in deeper.  The brunette leaned her head back in pleasure as the blonde was really beginning to move her head quickly.

The brunette suddenly straightened her head and looked directly at me!  I froze.  The feeling that I was caught suddenly came over me.  I expected the brunette to scream or shout out or something, but she didn’t.  In fact, I swear she smiled at me.  The brunette then took the blonde’s head in her hands and pulled her up.  Said something to the blonde then kissed her and pushed the blonde’s head back between her legs.

It looked like the blonde was licking the brunette in earnest now.  The blonde’s head was moving side to side and up and down… then she’d suddenly stop.  I could picture the blonde sucking the brunette’s clit and pussy when she was stopped like that.

My hand went to my crotch, rubbing my hard on through my jeans.  I wanted to take it out and stroke it while watching the blonde eat the brunette.  I resisted that urge.

The blonde leaned back onto her heels and let her robe drop from her shoulders.  It landed on the floor of the porch, then it fell off the porch onto the ground.

The brunette leaned forward and I could see her take the blonde’s breasts into her hands.  Squeezing the blonde’s tits, the brunette leaned forward to give each nipple a lick. 

The two guys with the cameras were moving about the ladies, getting better angles of the action.  Sometimes they would block my view, but they never stayed in one place very long, and again I’d have those two hot women in my binoculars.

The brunette pulled the blonde up onto the glider.  The seat moved a bit while the blonde settled in.  I got a good look at the blonde now.  She was gorgeous!  Full breasted, thin, almost too thin, beautiful face.  They smiled at each other leaned in and kissed.

Then, to my surprise they both stood up.  The cameras were no longer moving around them, so I figured they must be taking a break.  One of the cameramen handed the blonde her robe, and she covered up that body with it.  The brunette also put her robe on, then they all went inside the cabin.

"Well Jack," I said, "looks like the show's over.  Damn."

I put the binoculars away, then gave Jack a tug on the reins and guided him to the cabin road.  Jack and I went through the fence line and headed up to the cabin.  Once there, I called in.

"Hello."  I said loudly, cupping a hand up to my mouth.  "Anyone home?"

One of the cameramen came to the doorway.  "What do you want?"  He asked.

"Just stoppin' by to see if you folks are alright here."  I answered.

"We're okay."  He said.  He had a bit of a scowl on his face, like I was intruding on something.  (I probably was).

"Who is it?"  I heard a female voice call out.

"Kip Martin, ma'am."  I called back

The brunette appeared in the doorway like an erotic angel, if there is such a thing, dressed in that thin blue robe, which wasn't tied very tight.  I tipped my hat to her as she put her arm up and leaned into the doorway, which caused her robe to open slightly, giving me a glimpse of her body.  My eyes followed the trail from her neck, down between her breasts, to her navel and then down her right leg.  I could feel myself stirring in my jeans again.  She looked me dead in the eye and had a gaze that would melt the mountains.

"I'm just checking you..."  I stammered.  "I - I mean, I'm makin’ s-sure... you are fine... I mean okay.  That you're not wantin’ anything.” Then I blurted out.   “Hot out, ain't it?"  Inwardly I called myself an idiot as I took off my hat and wiped my brow with the back of my hand, then reset the hat on my head.

She broke into this genuinely beautiful smile.  Her eyes seemed to twinkle a little.  "Yeah,” she said.  “It’s hot.  But I think we're alright, aren't we JR?"   She asked, without taking her eyes from mine.

The cameraman answered, “Yeah.  I already told him that.”

“Sorry if I interrupted anything.”  I said while looking JR in the eye, “but we always check on our guests.  Just want to make sure you are happy with the accommodations.”

“I’m very happy.”  The brunette said, as she walked to the rail of the porch.  Then she leaned on her elbows, this caused the top of her robe to gape a bit, giving me a glimpse of her breast.

I quickly looked back into her eyes and she said, “Yes, very happy.”  She was eyeing me up and down.

“Okay then.”  I said, “If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask, Mrs…?”

“Miss.”  She said, correcting me.

“Miss…?”  I continued.

“Carol.”  She added, smiling at me.

“Miss Carol.”  I said, smiling back at her.

“I’ll keep that in mind, cowboy.”  Miss Carol said.  I tipped my hat brim again, and turned Jack and we went at a walk down the road to the gate.  I turned in the saddle and looked back at the cabin.   Miss Carol was still leaning on the porch railing, watching Jack and I leaving.  I waved to her and she stood and waved back, holding her robe together with her free hand.  I turned back and rode off.

I rode to the stable in a daze from all the erotic sensations I went through at the cabin.  Miss Carol and her smile was on my mind for most of the ride.

Later that evening, while having supper, I told everyone about stopping at the cabin and visiting with the folks staying there.  I didn’t tell anything about what I had actually saw, only about Miss Carol and the other three people there, and that they weren’t needing anything.

Mama told me that she had invited the “renters” down for tomorrow’s barbecue, but they never said if they were coming or not.  “I hope they do.”  Mama said.  “Miss Carol, huh?”  She emphasized the “miss” as she said it.  I could feel myself turning red.

The next day, we had some of the neighbors over and the folks from the cabin came down to the house for the barbeque.  Miss Carol introduced everyone from her crew.  JR, Ted, the other cameraman, and Susie, the blonde were all introduced to us.

Everyone was greeted warmly, like we always treat our guests.  I introduced my family to them along with some of the ranch hands, Tom and our neighbors.

The afternoon and early evening was spent eating and talking and generally having a good time.  We had a couple of the more gentle horses saddled up and they took turns in riding them around the property.  Some of the boys were really taken with Susie, and her pretty looks.  They had brought one of the cameras with them and JR and Ted recorded the ladies riding.

Once the sun dipped behind the mountains, folks started clearing out and going off to their own places.  We had a nice fire lit and those that remained were sitting around it and swapping stories.  Mama asked Miss Carol what they were filming and she replied that it was a documentary, which is why they didn’t have a lot of equipment with them.

Eventually it got late and the kids went to bed, as did Mama and Tom.  The ranch hands were soon moving off once they figured out they weren’t going to make any time with the ladies.  Miss Carol and I stated up a nice conversation.

Around midnight, JR announced that he wanted to go back to the cabin so he could go to sleep.  The others were wanting to do the same.  All except Miss Carol.

“I want to stay here by the fire.”  Miss Carol said.  “I’m not sleepy yet.”

“But we’ve only brought the one car down.”  Ted said, “So you’ll have to come with us.”

“You could take me back, couldn’t you Kip?”  Miss Carol asked me, with a sweet smile.

“I’d be happy too, Miss Carol.”  I said to her.  Then to the others I said, “You can all go on up.  I’ll make sure she gets home okay.”

“You know we’re leaving tomorrow and we have a few more scenes to shoot.”  JR said.  I gave Miss Carol a quick look. 

“I know, JR.”  Miss Carol said.  “I’ll be there, don’t worry.  I just want to stay here a little longer.”

The three others, JR, Ted and Susie left and drove back up to the cabin.  I watched as their dust trail moved up the mountain road.  The moon was bright and the night was cooling off.  The heat from the fire was a welcomed warmth.  Miss Carol and I settled into a lengthy conversation, talking about everything.  How this was her production company and that she goes by a screen name of “Sparrowess”.  She told me about growing up in North Carolina, and getting involved in the porn industry and pretty much her life story.

I went ahead and told her mine.  I told her about growing up on the ranch next to the mountains.  Joining the Navy, working in Washington, getting married… the kids… everything, except my present job and that I was living in New Jersey.  Then at one point, when we were both getting tired she leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek and said.  “I should really be getting back now.”

« : March 30, 2014, 09:03:28 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #19 : March 31, 2013, 02:18:09 PM »

   The  Porn  Lady              Part  2      -      Covems   

I helped her into the pickup truck and drove her up to the cabin, and we were soon there.  That’s when she dropped the bombshell.  Carol scooted over on the truck seat so she was right next to me. 

She put her hand on my thigh and whispered into my ear.  “I’ve always had a fantasy of fucking a cowboy.”  Her hand moved higher on my thigh and towards the inside.  I could feel my cock swelling from the feel of her hot hand.  “I want to fuck him in the saddle, on a horse.”

Miss Carol kissed me on the cheek, then sucked on my earlobe.  “Interested?”  She whispered.

Another man would have told her he wasn’t a real cowboy.  Another man would have told her that he worked at marketing research in New Jersey.  I said.  “Yes.”  It came out as a choking sound, so I cleared my throat and stated.  “Yes.”

“Also,” she continued, “I want to record it.  It won’t be for public consumption…  it will only be for me.”  Her hand moved onto my cock as her tongue snaked its way into my ear.  “I want to keep it to watch when I want.”  She squeezed my hard cock.  “Still interested?”

I turned in the seat and kissed her full on the mouth.  She moaned softly into our kiss when my hand found its way to her breast and squeezed gently.  I broke the kiss.  “Yes, ma’am.”  I said.  “But this will be my first time ever being filmed like this.”

Miss Carol tilted her head back and laughed, then looked into my eyes.  I could feel myself melting into her gaze.  “JR and Susie are leaving tomorrow afternoon.  Actually, that would be this afternoon.”  She said, realizing that it was way past midnight.  “Ted and I are staying behind another day to shoot some stock footage.”  Kiss.  “And don’t worry about it being your first time.”  She gave my cock another squeeze.  “I’m sure you’ll do just fine.”  She stroked my length, “Oh yes, just fine.”

Miss Carol moved her hand from my cock and now her fingers played with one of the snaps on my shirt.  I took her into my arms, pulled her as close to me as I could and kissed her again, my hand moved to her hair.  It was good to feel her being receptive to my kiss and kissing me back.  I felt my shirt loosen as she undid one of the top snaps.  She broke the kiss.

“You could come by next morning.”  Miss Carol said, as another snap on my shirt was undone while she was kissing me again.

I was stroking her hair and said.  “Yes ma’am, I can do that.”  Kiss.  “I’ll come up on Lucy.”  Kiss.  “She’s an old horse, but very gentle.”  I kissed her again.

Another snap on my shirt was opened and Miss Carol slid her hand inside.  “Mmmmm…” she said, “I love hair on a strong chest.”  Her fingers twirled along my chest.

We kissed again, a deep, lingering kiss.  “What time should I come.”  I said.

She giggled and said.  “We don’t know yet cowboy, but if you get here in the early morning… say… around 9, that would be good.”  She kissed me full on the mouth again, and then started sliding back on the seat, heading for the door.  Miss Carol broke the kiss and said.  “The next morning, then.  I’m looking forward to it already cowboy.”

“Yes ma’am.”  I said, “I’ll be here.”

With that, Miss Carol exited the truck and I watched her ass wiggle as she climbed the steps to the cabin porch.  She turned to face me once she reached the door, and blew me a kiss, smiled and went inside.

The next day was spent doing chores and working in the barn, and all the while I was wondering what I was going to be expected to do.  I also wondered if this was the right thing to be doing.  Miss Carol did assure me that this was only to be for her, kind of a memento of her stay here at the ranch.  The day passed by a little slower than I would have liked but it finally did end and I spent an easy evening by the fire.

Dawn broke early on the big day and once the sun started peeking over the horizon, I was awake.  I went about my normal morning chores.  When finished with them I saddled up Lucy, and announced that I was going up to the south cabin.

The ride to the cabin was peaceful.  It was already a warm morning as Lucy and I made our way there.  Coming around a small copse of trees the cabin came into view, and I could see that one of their vehicles was now gone.  Miss Carol was sitting on the porch railing with her back towards me.  I adjusted my hat and Lucy did a little trot as we approached.  Miss Carol turned and waved to us.

I rode Lucy up to the cabin and dismounted.  “I’ve been waiting for you.”  Miss Carol said to me.  She called into the cabin and told Ted that I was there.  Miss Carol then came down the steps and wrapped her arms around me and pulled me down for a quick kiss.  I was a little shocked when her tongue darted between my lips.  She broke the kiss and said.  “I’m already horny.”

I smiled at her and said.  “You’re getting’ me there right quick, Miss Carol.”  I pulled her closer and we kissed again.  My hand wandered down to capture an ass cheek.

“Hey.”  Ted said from the porch.  “Wait until I get the camera, will you?”

We giggled into our kiss and looked into each other’s eyes.  I took Lucy and put her up under the feed stall cover, to get her in the shade.  “I just want to put her up out of the sun until we’re ready.”  I said to Miss Carol.  “Then I’ll need you to tell me what you want.”

“Why don’t you go ahead and get undressed.”  Miss Carol said.  “I’ll do the same and I’ll be right out.”  She headed into the cabin.

I proceeded to strip my clothes off and put them on one of the bales of hay that were stacked under the cover.  I felt a little self conscious standing around in my all-together under the cover with Lucy standing beside me and some guy with a video camera by us.

About 5 minutes later, Miss Carol comes out of the cabin wearing that robe she had on the other day and a pair of cowgirl boots.  “No,” she says, “put your hat back on, and your boots.”  She had a big smile and continued.  “Boots and hat and that’s it.”

I stepped into my boots and placed my hat on my head and held out my arms.  “How do I look now?”

“Fantastic.”  She said and walked up to me and took my cock in her hand and began a slow stroke.  I was instantly hard.

Being a male, and a competitive one at that, I couldn’t help myself and asked how I measured up.  “Oh Kip,”  Miss Carol purred.  “You measure up just fine… except…”

I felt myself blushing.  “Except what?”  I asked.

“Your hair.”  She answered.  “Could I convince you to shave there?  It makes it easier to see all the parts.  I’ll do it for you if you want.”

I had a mental image running through my mind of ejaculating while Miss Carol shaved my balls.  “For you, Miss Carol,” I said.  “I’ll do it, but I better do it myself.  Do you want me to shave it all off?”

She said no, that just shaving my balls would be enough.  Then she took me by the hand and led me into the cabin.  Miss Carol produced a disposable razor and can of shave cream.  I used that to carefully shave and was soon was ready.  I came out of the cabin and Miss Carol smiled and said.  “Perfect.”

I climbed up into the saddle and maneuvered Lucy close to the railing of the cabin’s porch.  “It would probably be easier for you to climb in this way.”  I said to Miss Carol. 

Miss Carol dropped her robe off and got up on the rail with Ted’s help and took my hand as I moved back in the saddle, then she sort of slid in facing me.  We were soon situated on Lucy and Ted asked me to move us into the sunlight.  I did that and while moving Lucy there, Miss Carol had a hold of me and was slowly stroking me.  I was immediately hard again.

Once we were where Ted wanted us, I wrapped an arm around Miss Carol and pulled her into me.  I wanted to feel those bare breasts against my chest.  We kissed passionately, with our tongues darting back and forth in a dance.  She continued stroking me and I could feel myself becoming too excited.

I broke the kiss and whispered, “Careful Miss Carol, it might go off.”

She giggled a bit and said, “That’s okay cowboy.  I know how to reload it.”

Miss Carol then maneuvered and leaned back, she then took my cock and guided it into her pussy.  She was wet and hot and felt so damned good.  We were in the “sitting joy” position, except we were on horseback instead of a bed. 

I knew I wasn’t going to last very long and tried to slow our motions, but Miss Carol was living her fantasy and kept riding up and down.  I tried to warn her that I was close.  Lucy took a couple of steps and then spun.  Miss Carol almost lost her balance and I had to grab her to keep her from falling off.  I said, “Got a little extra ride there.”

Miss Carol giggled again, then got a look of pleasure on her face that heightened mine.  I could feel it coming on.  I told her that I was going to cum.  I said it out loud, but she kept going.

I felt it begin in my toes.  The sensations traveled like greased lightening up to my balls and I tried to get Miss Carol off, so as not to cum inside her, but the first spurt did.  Miss Carol’s eyes got wide as she felt me cum.  I said I was cumming and she pulled back a little, freeing my cock from her pussy.

I spurted again, and my cum landed on her tits.  “Wow!”  Miss Carol said as another long spurt hit her in the tummy.  She reached under my balls and squeezed, shutting down the flow of my semen.  I was leaning into her, holding her while my sensations died down.

“That didn’t last long.”  Ted said.  That kind of startled me as I forgot that he was filming us.  We decided to clean up and give me time to recover before doing it again.

Lucy was getting fidgety anyway, being in the sun, so I dropped down out of the saddle and helped Miss Carol down.  She slid into my arms and I carried her to the porch.  Her body felt so good in my arms.  It had been a long time since I had held a woman that way and I had forgotten just how nice it was.

We cleaned up with some towels, then after about 10 minutes we remounted Lucy and started again.  We were in the same position, with me inside her.  She was riding me pretty good and I felt confident that I wasn’t going to be premature again.

Lucy took another spin, trying to get out of the sun, and again we almost lost our balance.  So I took Lucy over by the feed cover and took a hold of the rail near the roof.  That steadied Lucy and got her out of the sun.  I told Ted he was just going to have to adjust.

After some time in this position, with Miss Carol riding me she decided to turn around in the saddle and have me enter her from behind.  It took some maneuvering, but once we got situated and Miss Carol got a foot in one of the stirrups she really began to ride me.

There wasn’t much I could do, except lean back and enjoy it.  My free hand was busy roaming Miss Carol’s body and handling those big tits of hers.  Then I hunched forward and got more into the saddle and found I could hold on to the back of it and thrust harder into her.

Her pussy was so wet, so hot and felt so fantastic on my cock that again, I forgot all about Ted and his camera.  I was able now to push against Miss Carol as she went up and down, like riding a horse… up and down, up and down.  She started to moan loudly, and ride me faster so I pushed up harder, burying myself as deep into her as I could.

She started to cum and was talking in a husky voice about how good it was, and how she loved it.  “Fuck me cowboy, fuck me!”  She kept saying.  Harder and harder my thrusts were, trying to bring as much pleasure to her as I could.  Her cowboy fantasy on horseback was being fulfilled.  Those tits of hers bouncing hard on her chest, with her head back was driving me on, wanting to give it to her harder and harder.

She stopped suddenly and leaned back to kiss me.  We kissed hard, deep.  I pulled her close and held her with my free hand.  I could feel her cum and wetness running down my balls and said, “This saddle will never be looked on the same way again.”  She laughed hard at that one, then remarked that she was getting a burn from the saddle leather.

Miss Carol decided that she “wanted to finish her cowboy off” under the feed cover.  So I again helped her off of Lucy and she ran inside the cabin to get a blanket from the bed.  I pulled Lucy under the cover so she would be out of the sun and she could munch on some hay.  Miss Carol came back and we spread the blanket on some hay bales, she layed down on them and I kneeled in on another bale.  We were in the “kneeling boy” position.

Miss Carol was still wet and I entered her easily, completely in one slow push.  Then we really started to go at it.  Me thrusting in and out of her, holding her boot clad feet with my arms as she fucked back against me.  My thrusts were met by hers.  She was moaning and talking, I was moaning and watching her breasts swim around on her chest.  She came again, then one more time.  I was getting very close, too.

She could sense how close I was and said, “I want you to cum on my face.  I want to taste you.”

I pulled out and she spun on the blanket and sat up.  I got up close and she began to suck my cock and pump it with her hand.  I reached in to help a little and I could feel it building.  I let out a moan and let go of my cock.

Miss Carol continued to stroke me as I came on her tongue!  I let loose with spurt after spurt, not a lot in each, as I was not fully recovered from my earlier orgasm.  But there was enough there to coat her tongue, her chin, and some dribbled down to her breasts.

Then Miss Carol took my cock into her mouth and gave me a quick suck, taking more cum from me.  She blew a cum bubble out onto her lips, then proceeded to wipe it with my cock. 

Miss Carol again took me into her mouth and suck the cum off of me and blew another cum bubble from her lips, then said.  “What do you think?  Think it looks good on me?”

“Oh yeah”, was about all I could mutter.  “Yeah I do.”

She moaned and then blew another cum bubble, pressing her lips together and pushing my cum out onto her lips.  Miss Carol sucked my cock a few more times then blew yet another cum bubble and coated her lips with it.

“I like being outdoors.”  She said.

“You like it here, huh?”  I replied.

Miss Carol laughed, stuck her tongue out and licked her lips.  She then looked me straight in the eyes and said, “Thank you, baby.”

“You’re welcome, honey.”  I said to her.  Her eyes could still melt the mountains, I thought.

We cleaned up with some towels and water from the wash basin, and for her “last scene”, Miss Carol wanted to ride double and head out the gate, and she wanted to do it naked.

So we mounted Lucy once again, with Miss Carol in front and me on the rear of the saddle.  We were both naked except for our boots and I was wearing my hat.  My cock was pressed against her ass and I made a remark about getting excited again.  I told her I had fun doing this and anytime she wanted to come back to the ranch, she was welcomed.

Then Miss Carol turned and kissed me “I will.” She said, “You make all my fantasies come true.”  I kissed her neck and shoulder, and she asked if I was ready to go.

I turned Lucy and we rode out the gate.  Only I didn’t stop once we reached the end, I kept going.  I told Miss Carol that I was kidnapping her and going to keep her for my own.  “It’s the Montana way.”  I said.  She laughed and turned and kissed me again, as I brought Lucy to a stop.

After getting dressed, I rode back to the house and put Lucy up.  Miss Carol and Ted stopped by to tell us they were leaving and she wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a big kiss in front of everyone.  I mean a deep, passionate one.  Then she turned to my Mama and said, “Mrs. Martin, I had a lovely time here.  Thank you so much, everyone… for everything.”  Then she got back into their car and they drove off.

I could feel myself redden when Mama said, “You got lipstick on your ear, Kip.  Now how do you suppose that got there?”  Mama walked back into the house and I turned and watched Miss Carol driving off.

I never saw Miss Carol again after that.  Well… not in person at least.  We communicated via e-mails for a while, but our lives were on different paths, and eventually the e-mails stopped.  Every now and then, when I’m feeling a bit melancholy I’ll type her screen name into an internet search and view a picture of her or a short video.  So imagine my surprise when one search turned up a piece of a video of a cowboy, wearing just boots and a hat, and Miss Carol doing it in the saddle.

I suppose I should be angry.  After all, she said it was only for her, but I think of that smile and those mountain melting eyes, and I think.  “Yep Kip.  That’s you in that saddle with Miss Carol.”  And that’s not a bad thought.

The  End.

« : March 30, 2014, 09:04:13 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #20 : March 31, 2013, 02:23:48 PM »

 14.        The  Neighbour .               PART   1       -         Mercer78 

So you want to hear about my first time well first let me give you a bit of background I was 21 my parents hadn’t long finalised their divorce and I was living with my mother in a council house in a not particularly friendly neighbourhood but we got by.

I was unemployed at the time so spent most of my time sat at home playing videogames.  It was on one of these days that I happened to glance out my window and see a moving van drive up and park up outside the house opposite ours.  Being a bit bored I moved to the window and took a closer look, as I did a car pulled up behind the van “must be whoever is moving in I thought to myself”. 

Out of the car stepped the most beautiful woman I had ever seen,  she was wearing a simple Iron Maiden t-shirt and blue jeans that hugged her figure perfectly she had long flowing brownie black hair.  It was a hot summer day so I could see beads of sweat gently rolling down her beautiful almost porcelain coloured skin, she glanced over the road and I jumped away from the window hoping she wouldn’t see me but I did just manage to catch a glimpse of her hazel eyes as I did.

“What were you looking at?” my mum had walked into the room without me noticing “Oh moving van looks like someone’s moving in across the road.” I said trying not to look sheepish.  “Well it’s about bloody time that place has been empty for months, still don’t know who owns it. It’s not council to well looked after, did you see who was moving in?”  “I only saw some woman late 20’s maybe early 30’s at a push.” I replied trying to sound nonchalant.   

“Alone?”She asked, “Just her and the movers I think didn’t see anyone else”.   Mum thought for a second then said “Tell you what why don’t pop over and introduce ourselves? We’ll till tomorrow of course give her chance to get settled in.” What you mean is go over under the pretence of being neighbourly to nose.” I responded. Now she looked a little sheepish for a moment then said “Are you seriously telling me you’re not a little curious?  Plus if she is ok we have to make sure those bloody reprobate’s down the road don’t scare her off.”   “Yeah you’re right I suppose” I conceded. 

That night I couldn’t stop thinking about her questions in my mind.  Who was she? Why would someone like that move onto a shitty estate like this?  My thoughts moved to her shapely body the beads of sweat rolling down her neck then under her shirt I Imagined getting close to her caressing her exploring her body with my hands.  As I drifted deeper and deeper into this fantasy I felt a familiar stirring in my boxers.  I instinctively reached down and began to wank through my shorts little splodges of pre-cum began to form on the front of my boxers but I didn’t care.  Then a thought occurred.  “Why would a woman like that be even remotely interested in a Muppet like me”?  With that the moment was gone.  I sighed to myself turned over and went to sleep.

So as agreed we went over to the new neighbours’ house I was excited and nervous at the same time.  My Mum must have noticed something was wrong because she looked at me and snapped “what’s wrong with you?  As she knocked on the door. 

There wasn’t time to answer as a we saw a figure moving towards the door.  “I’m not buying anything and I’m definitely not interested in finding Jesus” came a voice from behind the door.  My mother chuckled “no fear there my love we live across the road saw you move in yesterday just wanted to introduce ourselves”.  “Hmmmmmm ok.” Came the voice still a little suspicious with that she opened the door. 

I was able to get a much closer look at her this time she was wearing simple cut off jean shorts and a plain white t-shirt and had her hair tied back in a ponytail.   I would put her around 5’5 in height with an hour glass figure her legs were slim and elegant and perfectly proportioned her hips were mesmerising as she stood there.

 Although I could only see from the front I could tell she had round perfectly shaped ass.  I could see she had lovely round breasts I could only speculate on size but they were big enough for me.  I realised I wasn’t paying attention to the conversation and shook myself back to reality. I have a tendency to day dream giving me the perfect alibi “sorry what was that?”

My mother glared at me annoyed that I hadn’t been paying attention. “I said since she’s living here alone that you probably would mind helping Ms Cavendish with her TV setup later.”   “Please call me Rachel” the lady interjected.  Ummm yeah ok I I I’ll take a look if you want” I stammered. “What time did you want me to come over?”  I asked. 

About half six?  Rachel responded. “That’s perfect” my mum responded without giving me chance to open my mouth.  “You’ll pop over straight after dinner” she continued.  I just nodded agreement and we left.  I couldn’t believe it I was actually going to be alone with her! I started to fantasise about what might happen.  Then said to myself “don’t be an idiot nothing’s going to happen is it!?”

I arrived at her door with a full ten minutes to spare and nervously knocked at the door.  A short time passed then as I was just turning to leave I heard a voice shout from inside the house “just a minute.”  I obliged and waited, a moment later the door opened. 
“Oh hello Alex” she said looking a little flustered but still enchanting to me.  “Sorry am I to early?” I asked.  “No it’s fine”, she replied “just I’ve been having a bit of a nightmare getting this place organised come in come in so glad you’re here.”   I followed her into the house up the short hallway past the staircase and to the right into the living room.

 It was hard t believe she’d had only just moved apart from boxes and the wires of home entertainment centre strewn about that place looked pretty much immaculate.  “Oh I can’t take all the credit” she said seeing the look of astonishment on my face “my Mum and sister were over yesterday helping out”. 

 “Think you can sort that lot out?” Rachel asked gesturing towards the TV and the mass of cables and speakers sat in front of it.  “I think so” I replied, “might take a little while though” I continued.  “Not in a hurry are you?” She asked, “no I got plenty of time as long as you don’t mind having me around.”  She smiled at me and my legs almost turned to jelly, “ awwww you’re such a sweetheart for doing this.”  With that she went into the kitchen and I sat down and set to work.

After a short time Rachel came back into the living room and sat on the sofa behind me, “Here you go” gesturing with a bottle of water she had in her hand.  “Oh thank you I was getting a little parched” I replied taking the bottle from her, she then opened the bottle she’d been holding in her other hand and began to drink.  “I needed that” she said while pausing for breath I to took a few swigs from my own bottle.

 We began to engage in a little small talk and before I knew it we were just chatting away about various things completely forgetting about the task at hand, she then asked me “So you sure a young lad like you hasn’t anything better to do on a Friday night than sit here playing with cables?”  “Not really never really been the club/pub type” I replied.

 “Really I used to be out every weekend when I was younger, too old now though” she replied. My brow furrowed “Too old!?” I questioned “how old do you think I am Alex?” She asked and I had no idea how to answer so I just decided to be honest “mid to late twenty’s maybe thirty at a push” I answered.  A warm smile spread across her face, “you really are lovely” she said “I’m 37” she continued. 

My eyes widened I was genuinely shocked by this, then she looked shocked “you really thought I was still in my twenties?” she asked.  I had no idea how to respond so I just sat there with my face feeling hotter and hotter, she looked at me brows slightly furrowed then her eyes widened suddenly and she said “ Oh my god you fancy me don’t you? Wait don’t answer that”
I couldn’t if I’d wanted to “ oh did you think?” She began to ask 

 “No no I just wanted to help and thought maybe I could get to know you a bit better.  I’m no idiot I realise I’d be punching well out of my weight class with you.  You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”  Where was this coming from?  The words were just falling out of my mouth before I could stop them. 

“No one’s called me beautiful since………” she trailed off, an awkward silence followed.  Rachel suddenly jumped up off the sofa and said “Well I’m going to go up and have a shower and sort some things out upstairs you ok to finish up?  She asked.  “Ummm yeah not much left to do now I was going to quickly test it all then that’ll be it.”  With that she disappeared upstairs and I went back to work cursing my big mouth.

Time passed I had long finished my work and absently flicking around on the TV wondering what to do.  Do I wait do I leave, I really couldn’t decide so I just sat there admiring my handiwork.
  Then I thought I heard a voice from upstairs so I shut everything off and called “Hello?!”

 “Alex” came the reply “Are you done down there? If so can you come up here and have look at something in the bedroom?” 
So I got up and made my way upstairs assuming that there was a TV or something she wanted me to have a look at.  As I reached the top of the stairs I looked to my right and saw that the door to the master bedroom was wide open but I saw no sign of Rachel.

 I walked into the bedroom and had a look round. Clearly Rachel had an affection for red and black as a colour combination as the rug on the hardwood floor the curtains and the bedspread were all black with red trim, the walls were plain white which made these colours stand out all the more.  As I looked around the room I saw antique dresser with 3 mirrors on top against the right hand wall the window with drawn curtains was to the left, the bed was against the back wall with a small bedside table to the left of it. 

For some reason there were 2 glasses on the bedside table on was empty the other had a green liquid in it.  The room was illuminated by 2 stand up lamps which were in each back corner.  I was a little confused as I saw no sign of a TV or anything, the only electrical devices I could see were the lamps a radio alarm clock that sat on the bedside table and a hairdryer on the dresser.  What had she called me up here for?  Then I felt someone enter the room behind me.

I turned around and saw her and immediately fell backwards onto the bed in shock.  Rachel was stood there wearing a black corset with red trim with matching panties sleeves and stockings that came up to just above her knees with little red bows on the top.

 She was truly a magnificent sight to behold gently swaying her hips from side to side. Her soft brown hair hanging each side of her face falling over her shoulders stopping just above the top of breasts.  She wore ruby red lipstick and just a little bit of black eye liner.  My focus was the corset itself which had red lace going up the front of the corset then splitting to cup her breasts.  I couldn’t help but stare and was unsure whether I could see her nipples through the lace or not.

  “So what do you think?” She asked I couldn’t answer I had no words.  “Oh so you like it!”  She smiled noticing the growing bulge in my shorts.  “You know it’s been a long time since I dressed like this for anyone makes me feel sexy again.” She continued
“how could ever not feel sexy you’re magnificent” I managed to blurt out.

 “You’re sweet maybe you’ll understand when you’re a little older.”  I found her answer a little patronising I think she sensed my change in mood because she leant into me brushing my erection as she did, looked deep into my eyes for then kissed me.  I was filled with a desire that went beyond simple lust.  I leant forward was about to put my arms around her but she pulled away again.  She stood before me again with a naughty smile on her face.  “Someone’s getting a little eager aren’t they?” She teased “Although I think you’ve earned a little treat for being so sweet.”

With that she removed one of the sleeves and dropped it to the floor, the other she took a bit more time over then swung it above head before throwing it my direction.  She danced around the room seductively before leaning into me her beautiful breasts right in my face before backing up and beginning to unfasten her corset, I leant forward in eager anticipation.

Rachel undid her corset top but held it in place with her right arm just for a few moments to increase the anticipation, before opening her arms with a “ta da” as it fell to the floor.  I couldn’t take my eyes of them they looked magnificent large but still firm and pert, her nipples and areola’s almost matching the colour of her lips.
 I yearned to touch them to hold them to gently lick those nipples.  Rachel could tell I was enamoured with them.  She folded over her bosom and giggled “think we can safely say you’re a breast man, but I’m not done yet.”  She gently slipped her done from her chest slide down each side until she caught the top of her panties with her thumbs.

 She then tucked her thumbs under the waistband pulling it outward from each side and began to slowly and carefully pull her panties down over her stockings without disturbing them.  Bent all the way over she stepped out of them gently backwards before picking them up and holding them out gleefully with her right hand.  I could now appreciate this earth bound goddess in her full splendour.

Rachel stood there looking at me leaning slightly to her right with a cheeky little smile on her face.  She had a truly divine body her hips the perfect width her lady garden as I like to call it was perfect jet black and perfectly groomed. 
My cock was iron girder hard and it almost ached.  Rachel kneeled before me and whispered “Let’s see if we can’t do something about that shall we!?”

As she reached for my waistband and pulled down my shorts and underwear in one fluid motion over my feet and off to one side.  My dick sprang straight back up completely rigid, I can’t remember being this hard before or since.

 “Oh is that for me you are too kind.”  She purred huskily as she gently took my member in one hand and gently cupped and tickled my balls with the other. 

« : March 30, 2014, 09:04:57 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #21 : March 31, 2013, 02:28:45 PM »

The Neighbour            PART   2      -      Mercer78   

“Oh my God” I gasped  finding the sensation of being touched there by a foreign hand for the first time almost overwhelming.  I threw my head back and gasped once again.  “You like that?” she teased “well I’m just getting started” She continued.
 Rachel gently pulled back my foreskin and began to tongue my head, as she slowly stroked with one hand still cupping my nuts in the other.  I again threw my head back once again squinted my eyes, as I did so I felt warmth over my member looked down to find Rachel had enveloped every inch with her mouth.

  “oh my god” I said hoarsely as my mouth was almost completely dry at this point.  Rachel’s began head to slowly rise almost to the top of my cock before falling down again, each time sending electric sensations through my whole body.  The pace began to quicken I could barely see Rachel’s head bobbing up and down through squinted vision.

 “Ahh can’t take it gonna blow” I exclaimed.   Rachel just picked up the pace even more, I laid back on the bed.  “gonna cu—“ I couldn’t finish my sentence before exploding in her mouth unleashing shot after shot of what felt like a gallon of semen escaping my member. 

My arms flayed up and down my head jerking up and down involuntarily as the orgasm took over my entire body.  Rachel slowed down then stopped at the tip of my cock and stroked the last few drops.  She then released me before moving over to the bedside table and spitting my juices into the waiting glass, and took a mouthful for the green liquid swished it around and spat that in to the other glass.
 “Right so it was mouthwash” I thought out loud.  Rachel just smiled and kissed me with her now minty fresh mouth.

I lay on the bed trying to recover from had been the most intense experience to date, sexual or otherwise in my entire life.  When I had regained my faculties I looked over to Rachel who was lying on her side with head cradled in her left hand looking at me with a smile that said, I’m happy with my handiwork.  “Thank you thank you so much I said my mouth still a little dry.  “Oh my god that was the most intense experience of my entire life thank you again” I continued. 
“You’re welcome sweetheart so glad you enjoyed yourself” she replied.

 “Oh I did” I said as I moved in to kiss her passionately once again my hands groping at her beautiful breasts as I did so.  I rolled her over on to her back continuing to kiss and grope her.  Once there my kiss slid down from her lips.  Rachel arched her head back as I began kiss and nuzzle at her neck. 
“Ummmmmm” came the approval from Rachel.  I then began to slowly move down her to the top of her chest kissing all the way taking care not to rush.  I continued down kissing the small gap between her breasts, before pushing them together and kissing them individually.  I stopped for moment looked up into Rachel’s eyes and asked “May I?” 

She just nodded and smiled I grinned back before beginning to alternate between licking and sucking her left nipple while tweaking the right with my fingers.  I kept this up for a few minutes occasionally swapping nipples.  I moved down from her chest kissing her belly from left to right slowly moving downward in a typewriter like motion until I reached her navel and cheekily stuck my tongue in.  Rachel gasped for a moment then smiled down at me “oooh cheeky she cooed.”

 I continued the kissing until I reached the north edge of her lady garden once again I looked up asked “may I?”
I got the same response as before just this time was a little more enthusiastic.  I gently parted Rachel’s  legs a little to get a better look, like I said before she was well groomed with what I could only describe as an archway over her lips
 “ooohh nice” I complimented I wet a finger with my tongue and began to rub it up and down her sex taking special care not to enter.  Rachel moaned arching her back slightly, I moved may hand away and repeated the same motion with my tongue that was met with another approving moan from Rachel.   

Believe it or not I had never done anything like this before in my life.  I had never even seen a woman naked in the flesh before, and yet here I was performing cunnilingus on the most beautiful woman I had ever clapped eyes on.
 This had to be a dream but it wasn’t.  I continued tonguing for a short while then I began to alternate between teasing her clit with the thumb and forefinger of my left hand and tonguing it rest my right hand on Rachel’s hip.  This was met with “Ooooooh good boy” from Rachel.

She then reached down to where my right hand lay gently grasped the first two fingers and guided them to her mouth and sucked them for a moment.
 I knew exactly what she wanted me to do once she released my hand I moved it down and while maintaining the rubbing with the other hand I gently eased in the now saliva damp fingers into her wanton sex.  once they were all the way in I began to lightly jiggle up and down inside enjoying the mild squelching sounds and moans.

 I was loving this so I got a bit more adventurous and started pulling out till only the fingertips were still inside then easing back in all the while teasing her clit between the thumb and forefinger of the other hand.
 “Ummmm you like playing down there don’t you you’re like a little boy with a new toy?”

I just glanced up smiled and nodded in the affirmative as I began to little by little pick up the pace.  I felt her tighten around my fingers slightly but was still able to maintain the pace as she was getting wetter by the second.  “Ahhhhh Oh my god don’t please don’t stop” she pleaded “Ah ah ah ah ah ah” she continued.  My arm began to ache but I refused to stop or even slow down.

 Rachel was now somewhere else head thrown back hands a blur over nipples.  Suddenly her back arched and she let out an incredible moan as her vaginal muscles clamped down on my fingers forcing me to slow down the thrusting but I maintained the rubbing.  “Fuuuuuuuuuccckkkk!” She yelled her whole body seeming to shudder. 

She gestured for to stop I obliged and gently eased my fingers all the out of her.  I looked at my right a clear slightly viscous liquid coated the two fingers, I then looked down at her pussy some of the same liquid seemed to be trickling from her pussy.  Did this mean?  “Did you? Did I”?  I spluttered.  “Oh my god” I couldn’t believe what had happened.  Rachel was gasping for breath but still managed to smile and whisper “Thank you.”  Before pulling me in for another passionate kiss.  I had made a woman cum I really had and on my first try.  I cannot describe what an exhilarating feeling it was wow just wow.

We lay there in each other’s embrace for a while just enjoying the closeness when a cheeky little smile spread over Rachel’s face.
 “Ooooh” I gasped without me noticing Rachel had slid a hand down and was now gently playing with my balls which induced an instant semi.  “Goooood looks like we’re not done just yet.” Rachel purred as she started to gently stroke my hardening member.  Oh it felt so good having her touch me. 

“Oooooh” I gasped again.  Rachel then rolled onto her back and said “Come here big boy!” “God that sounds cheesy” she continued gesturing for me to straddle her.  I obliged and sat with my knees either side in an attempt to limit the amount of weight I was putting on bottom of her rib cage.  “I’m not too heavy for am I?” I asked with a concerned tone.  “No you’re fine and you know you want to.”  She responded with a cheeky grin as squeezed her breasts around my cock and then began to tongue the tip.

 I instinctively thrust forward.  “That’s it.” Rachel encouraged I continued to gently rock back and forth my cock now rock hard again.  I kept this up for a few minutes and then asked.
 “May I? Do you have any?” Gesturing down to towards her sex.  “Ohhh looks like someone is ready for the main event.”  She replied reaching into a drawer on her bedside table and pulled out a little silver packet and carefully tore it open.  Out of the packet came a bright red condom which Rachel held the cap over the end of my cock and proceeded to gently roll it all the way down.  I completed my dismount and Rachel opened her legs inviting me in.

 I didn’t need a second invitation I lay myself between her legs and with a little guidance from Rachel eased myself inside a woman for the very first time.
 The sensation was incredible even through the condom.  “Oh yeah I gasped.”  I lay a hand on each side of her and looking Rachel right in the eyes, I began to move up and down very slowly at first but gradually picking up pace.  I got myself into a good rhythm and after a minute or so was loving every stroke.

 I looked down at Rachel’s face although she smiled back at me I got the feeling she wasn’t enjoying it as much “I was about to ask you that can we try something else?”  I responded “Can we try doggy?” I asked nervously praying I wouldn’t offend her.
 Rachel just smiled and said “Absolutely I love doggy!” Rachel rolled over and assumed the position sticking her arse up invitingly.  What an arse I now had opportunity to truly appreciate it up close. it was full and round and perfectly shaped and just like her breasts before I just had to get a handful.

  My hands bore down on either cheek which brought a surprised gasp from Rachel.  “Ssss sorry!” I stammered.  “Ummmmm nothing to apologise for I love it” came the reply.  I moved into position on my knees behind and with one hand on her firm buttocks, once again with a little guidance eased myself in with the other.   Once all the way my hands on her hips I began to thrust like before slowly at first but slowly picking up the pace until I found my rhythm.

 This time Rachel was a lot more animated and once I was up to speed was meeting my thrusts with ones of her own.  “Oh yes this definitely your position Alex!”
 I glanced over at the mirror on her dresser and saw a wanton sex goddess getting taken from behind well by me. Me!?!?  I was filled with manly pride and began to thrust harder which was met with gasps of “yes yes just like that” from Rachel.

 I turned away from the mirror and back to the task at hand a on each buttock I thrust as hard and as fast as I could grunting and panting all the way.  I saw Rachel’s left hand disappear between her legs this spurred me on.  “Oh my god just like that don’t stop” came a repeated cry from Rachel.  “Fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me!”  She continued my knees were beginning to weaken but I ploughed on through literally and got my reward.
 Her vaginal muscles began to clench around me like before making it harder to maintain my pace the Rachel then once again screamed “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckk!!”  Her entire body shuddered and she collapsed on the bed gasping for breath my member slipping out covered with in the same clear liquid as was on my fingers before I then collapsed beside her with legs like jelly and a big smile on face happy with a job well done.

We both just lay there for a while then Rachel rolled towards me and began to play in my chest hair she glanced down at my fella still semi erect in the condom and asked. “You didn’t cum?”
 No but it’s ok you’ve been wonderful so glad my-.  She cut me off “No we can’t have that she said cheekily.”  As she gently peeled off the condom and began to suck me again. When I was once again fully at attention she slipped on a new identical condom.

 My cock still in hand she threw her right leg over me into a straddling position and said.  “Don’t worry sweetheart this time I’m going to do all the work you just lay back and enjoy.”   With that she eased her still damp pussy onto my eager member with a satisfying squelch.  Rachel leant forward and once again began to play in my chest hair as her hips began to bounce up and down on my pole almost independent to the rest of her body. 

Slowly at first then she began to pick up the pace. I was in heaven I reached up to play once again with those beautiful breasts.   Rachel got faster and faster my hands fell to my side the sensation becoming overwhelming.  “Oh my god I’m close I’m close” I panted.  Rachel threw herself backwards then forwards her hands either side of my head her hair hanging down into may face.

 I squinted my eyes in sexual ecstasy. “That’s it baby cum for me cum for me!”  A few strokes later I obliged letting out a feral roar as I did the sensations even more intense than the last time.  I thrust upwards involuntarily my whole body convulsing as I squirted what felt like a Tsunami of cum into the condom.  Rachel gently slowed down before collapsing on top of me I instantly wrapped my arms around her and panted “Thank you Oh my god thank you.”

Once I’d gathered myself and cleaned up which just lay together once again in silence just enjoying each other’s company for a minute.  Rachel broke the silence by asking “Well don’t want to give you a big head anything but that was probably the best I’ve ever had”.
 I was genuinely taken aback by this and said “Wow umm ok I don’t know how to tell you this but-.” Rachel looked at me questioningly.  “I was a Virgin before this evening” I finished.  Rachel’s eyes opened wide and her mouth fell open for a moment, it looked like she was about to say something but instead she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me even more passion than before.

The  End.
« : March 30, 2014, 09:05:51 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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: 10350

« #22 : May 31, 2013, 12:01:14 PM »

The poll is closed now.
« : May 31, 2013, 01:48:09 PM Brandybee »

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: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #23 : May 31, 2013, 02:16:40 PM »


1.  The Order Of The Tudor Rose -  Jayc
2.  We Take Care of Our Own – Momma _Andrea    AND      2.     The Porn Lady -  Covems
3   First Night -  Dotti

Special thanks to Mrsexlover who designed and created the below poster.   Thank you. 

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
: 1 [2]  
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