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: Vote for your Favourite Story ...  Voting Ends   31 MAY 2013
1.   The Order Of The Tudor Rose.   -19 (20%)
2.   First Customer.   -5 (5.3%)
3.   That Black Box !   -5 (5.3%)
4.   First Time on a Ranch.   -8 (8.4%)
5.   A Night on the Car Bonnet .   -4 (4.2%)
6.   We Take Care of Our Own.   -12 (12.6%)
7.   Mile High Delight .   -3 (3.2%)
8.   A TGirl  Diary.   -7 (7.4%)
9.   Cross Dressing Adventures: The Exclusive Club         -1 (1.1%)
10.  First Night.   -10 (10.5%)
11.  Undisclosed Desires of My Heart .   -1 (1.1%)
12.  Real Date Surprise.   -1 (1.1%)
13.  The Porn Lady.   -12 (12.6%)
14.  The Neighbour.   -7 (7.4%)
: 94

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« : March 31, 2013, 12:49:10 PM »

1.      The Order Of The Tudor Rose.            Part  1     -       Jayc   

“ So are you interested? “  Mike asked Steve.  They are seated in a discreet booth, in a local Bar enjoying a Bass Ale together.  They had been friends for many years but this was the first Steve had heard of this.
Steve was incredulous  but definitely interested in what he was hearing.  “ So let me get this straight, you are part of an exclusive club, where you service women either bored with their sex lives or they enjoy the idea of the club & what it offers- their sexual kicks if you will, or they are not in a relationship & its where they get their supply of unattached sex”
“ Yes” Mike grins, “ It’s the best club I ever joined and very discreet”
“ And how do you become a member?” Steve asks

“ Oh by special invite,  you sign a contract, legally binding about the discretion, agree to be photographed in a compromising position for added protection and you are a life member and can be as busy for as much or as little as you want.  Once that’s done,  you will be given a pseudonym and club mobile phone”

“ How long you been a member now?”  Steve asks
“ Coming up to five years and there’s other branches for other orientations.. of course, you will be part of the heterosexual division if you choose to join us” Mike answers.
“ How big is this club? “ Steve asks
“ No one knows, only  The Founders of the Order”  Mike answers.
“ What’s the catch?”  Steve asks, thinking  this sounds too good to be true.
“ There is none,  you are not forced to do anything you do not wish to do.  You fill in a questionnaire, so like- minded people can be matched up.  You have to have regular checkups & up to date papers ,  and apart from a little Tudor Rose tattoo  on your inner wrist to show membership to the Order and attend the 3 monthly meetings, that’s it really. “

“The check ups?” Steve asks
“ Yes, The Order arranges them, usually at their private HQ . They are mandatory whilst you are sexually active.  The 3 monthly meetings are for networking, fundraising, eating, drinking and one big orgy” Mike smiles, “ Everyone looks forward to those”
“ And you can walk away anytime you want?”  Steve questions.
“ No, you are a member for life. But you can stop being sexually active with the order if you want too and stop attending the meetings, however, you are obliged to keep them updated on your current whereabouts in case, they ever need to contact you for whatever reason.  They become like your family.. always there but never a pest . It’s to protect their discretion clauses”

“ And the tattoo?”  Steve asks.
“ Color coded,  a small Tudor Rose tattoo.  Right inner wrist for Dominants , left inner wrist for Switches,  side of outer left lower hand, same side as your little finger, for Submissive.  An ink blue / black one means your hetero,  colored red = gay,  colored green = bi sexual,  colored  yellow & another color =  transsexual & their preferred partners, blue for boys, pink for girls and blue & pink means they like both sexes.”  Mike answers.

“ Where’s yours? Steve asks.  Mike chuckles and shows his discreet  black Tudor Rose tattoo on his inner right wrist.
“ So you’re a Dominant in this exclusive club?”  Steve  verbalizes the significance of the symbol.
Mike smiles and nods, “ Oh yeah, I can order the ladies to do my bidding then” 

“You know, I have never had a tattoo before, that will be a first experience for me”  Steve muses
“ Oh trust me, you will experience a lot of firsts in this club...  human fuck toys,  real fuck toys, very attentive ladies “  Mike smiles at him.

Steve chuckles,  “ Where do I sign?”  He  grins at Mike.  “ And when can I start fucking these sex starved little tarts? “
                         *                                     *                                        *                              *

Steve arrives at the impressive looking mansion in the middle of the country side. His nomination for membership  by Mike had been accepted by The Founders and he had been summonsed for a week’s induction course into The Tudor Rose Order  He is wearing a very smart suit and tie as directed by the acceptance letter  and course notification.

The walls  of the building are made from sandstone and the building has turrets and  big dark oak studded doors.  The black ornate iron decorations on the door make the place seem very exclusive and disciplined somehow.  He rings the pulley cord and waits,  with his black smart  suitcase by his feet.

He  catches sight of himself,  reflecting in the glass of a large bay  window. 
He sees himself in his new 20’s type suit, bought especially for this occasion. The label identifies it from the exclusive Dutch designer , Tightfit74.
The cut is perfect and shows off his muscular, lean body.  The dark charcoal suit has a very thin,  lighter shade of charcoal grey,  pinstripe in it. The breast pocket has a petrol blue, triangle handkerchief showing , which is purposefully,  the  exact same shade as the colour of his shirt underneath. His shirt  has a meandering  swirl, lighter blue,  pattern woven into the thread.
He is wearing a black tie, tied smartly in a Windsor Knot and finally,  highly polished black brogue shoes. His socks are the same petrol blue as his shirt & handkerchief. He looks smart and carries a powerful aura about him. He has a new grade 3, crew cut hair style and looks very handsome.

He eyes the  fresh black tattoo on his inner right wrist, and remembers the signing of numerous legal documents and then the photographs taken of him in highly compromising positions wearing a baby’s nappy. He definitely would never like them to be made public, but then, that was supposed to be the idea.

He dismisses the thoughts and looks at the tattoo again , just visible by his cuff. It is his very first tattoo and the thought of what it represents excites him.
He takes a deep breath, he is pleased with his appearance and the Tudor Rose tattoo. Then his attention is drawn back to the door. He hears movement behind it before it is opened.

He is greeted by a slim beautiful woman  dressed in a long gown that is elegant  and deep purple. The gown is loose fitting in all the right places but strategically held in place to hide her blushes by a halter neck and ties at the waist.  She is wearing strap tied flat sandals.

She looks at him briefly and then averts her eyes to the floor ,  “ Please follow me ,  We have been expecting you”  She leads him through  an open hallway with several  oak doors leading off it and up a  wide spiral staircase to a bedroom at the back of the house.
She opens the door for him and they both go inside.  “ This is your room, for your stay here.  The room  comes…” She pauses, “with me. “
She hands him a leather bound book with a ribbon tie. On the front is the Tudor Rose white emblem . 

Steve opens it up  and reads the A4 size  welcoming letter.  It outlines his  training itinerary for the week & meetings , starting tomorrow,  meal times and important rooms such as the kitchen .

It also tells him that his name is obsolete, whilst here & when carrying out  Tudor Rose duties, he will be known as  “  Paladin “ .  The girl  assigned to his room,  and to look after him, is in training too . She knows nothing of his status.  She has already completed one week of her training and is in the final week before being assigned to a Chapter of the Order.  She is there to serve his every whim  but mutual consent for any kink out of the norm must be obtained.  Due to the type of training she is in, she will be referred to  as “ Pet 65”

He glances up at her,  “ Pet 65”    She answers him, eyes still to the floor, “ Yes Sir”
“ What have you been told about me and my stay here?”
“ That you are Paladin, My Master this week. I am to serve you and be available for your needs.  If I receive good assessments I will  earn my place in a Tudor Rose Chapter.”

An interesting silence fills the room as he looks her over. This is all so new to Steve and he is uncertain what to do. His mind races for a moment then he speaks “Unpack my bags”
Pet 65 immediately does his bidding.
Steve sees a  couch and coffee table in the corner and sits pretending to be reading the itinerary book, his eyes watching Pet 65 discreetly as she expertly hangs his pants and shirts in the closet. Her movements are graceful and he is certainly attracted to her as he eyes her curves. He feels a stirring of interest in his groin.

A few minutes later  his eyes averted to the book , he notices her feet standing in front of him. He looks up & she addresses him “Your clothes are hung, forgive me Sir but I noticed a few of your pants could do with some  ironing. Shall I take care of that for you?”
He closes the book and decides to test the waters. “That can wait. Make me a drink - Absolute on the Rocks”
She moves with purpose to the small bar and returns with a tumbler with the Tudor design etched into the glass.

Paladin smiles his thanks & thinks “A guy could get used to this”
He sips his drink and looks her over again. He decides to test the waters  again “Remove your dress”
Pet 65 undoes the  tie around her neck then her waist and lets the gown fall & pool at her feet.

Steve takes her in,  naked under her gown. She is stunning. Her mousey brown shoulder length hair,  very little makeup, just a hint of mascara to highlight her green eyes. A simple pendant with the Tudor design hangs from her slender neck. Her breasts  while not large are symmetrically perfect for her slender frame, small areolas and pert nipples.
His eyes continue downward to her flat stomach. A simple belly piercing, with the Tudor design again catches his eye....

« : March 30, 2014, 08:44:12 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #1 : March 31, 2013, 12:51:33 PM »

The Order of The Tudor Rose.           Part  2        -   Jayc     

Keeping his surprise to her ready obedience to himself, Paladin gazes at Pet65’s untrimmed pussy, brown curls  hiding her feminine center. She is au natural. Peeling his eyes away,  he makes eye contact with Pet 65  who seems to be waiting for his approval. “You  like Sir ? She says in a quiet voice.
Paladin motions for her to come closer, “You don’t trim or shave? He takes a closer look.
“My former Master liked me  hairy, this way….but  I am here for you now, whatever you desire Paladin, Sir”
His heart skips a beat as she addresses him by his Tudor name and the reality of the situation becomes evident & begins to sink in.

At arm’s length Paladin runs a finger around her belly piecing before moving down and caressing her soft  pubic curls, tugging them slightly. Pet65 lets out a small sigh as his fingers find her labia.
Paladin applies a little pressure and the lips open for his probing fingers, a hint of wetness greets his touch.
Paladin feels his nervousness fade away as he  realizes this is no sham, Mike was right, he is Master of this domain and this lovely young woman is here for him, his wants and desires, all his for the taking.

“Are  you taking contraceptives?” He asks
“ Yes Sir, I have an implant”  She replies.   
He nods his approval and continues.  “Draw a bath , I want you to shave for me.”
“Yes Paladin, Sir” she responds.

Paladin watches as she moves away and moves to the bathroom.
Hearing the water running,  he allows himself  a grin as he unbuttons his shirt and finishes his drink in one big swallow.
He stands and gets a glimpse of himself in the dresser mirror. With a wicked smile,  he says to himself “Bye Bye Steve,  and Hello Paladin.”

Pet65  draws the bath water and makes it mid-calf deep, and fills two silver basins with warm water. She takes soap, a comb, scissors,  a razor and  places them with the bowls and towels on the large bath seat  molded into the bath itself.  She hopes this Master is kind. She was a little shy just dropping her gown in that way and the intensity of his gaze on her, made her tremble a little.

She hears him come into the bathroom and he places a chair so he can view her. He sits and watches.
She gulps and the trembles come back.  She can see he is topless and bare footed in the mirror. He is just wearing his trousers and belt.

She turns to face him, blushing a little.
 “ I am going to watch you shave.   Begin “ Paladin states.

She lies in the water and soaps her body , touching herself all over, slow & deliberate, under his gaze. The smell of a lavender fragrance fills the air. She rinses off. She dips her hair in the water, so it is wet and brushes it off her face with her hands above her head, breasts pushed out in the movement. Then she lowers them , stands and allows Paladin to inspect her wet body.

Paladin boldly looks at the beauty before him, enjoying her wet glistening body as she rises up and the  cascading &  rivulets of water on her naked body, finding their own way  down her body and back into the bath water at her feet.

Pet 65 reaches for a comb and combs her pubic hair, pulling the long hair  away from her body and trimming it short with scissors. The cut hair placed carefully on strong paper tissue to dispose of.
She lifts her leg to rest on the rim of the bath and reaches under her undercarriage, tugging her pubic hair and trimming as best as she can in preparation for shaving.

Paladin’s roving eyes watch fascinated, her beautiful spine, bending and twisting, the flair of her hips, her full bottom, her hanging breasts. He moves his chair and leans forward to view her pussy better as she stretches and pulls her hair, slowly revealing those beautiful pink intimate lips between her legs as her pubic curls are shortened. Sometimes to his delight, she even pulls her labia open a little so his view is very intimate of her.  He groans as he thinks of his fingers and tongue examining her there.

She reaches for the soap and rubs it on her pussy & undercarriage & in the valley between her buttocks, foaming up the now trimmed area. She  feels ripples of pleasure as the remaining pubic hair greedily accepts the soaping. The feeling is very pleasant and she finds herself getting aroused, especially with the knowledge of  Paladin watching so intensely. 

She soaps a little longer than is necessary, enjoying the stimulation of her rhythmic wet strokes. Then she takes the razor and bends. She pulls her bottom apart and runs the razor in the valley by her special star, removing all the unwanted hair carefully, and slowly.  She uses the two bowls to refresh. One to remove the discarded hair. One to refresh the razor. She turns her bottom to Paladin and he watches fascinated as he glimpses sight of her valley and that delectable little rosette.

He hardens at the tantalizing sightings.  He imagines circling his thumb there and thumb fucking her as she sits on his cock.  Naughty and wicked thoughts building at each sensual cheek parting.

She then raises  each leg,  again to shave her undercarriage, cupping her pussy as she pulls the skin tight for the sharp razor.  Paladin’s view is improved of her perineum and the razor slowly exposing the freshly smooth skin beneath the  now removed hair.

He is mesmerized by the erotic intimacy of the situation and his hardness grows at the anticipation of the front being completed. She rinses the freshly shaved areas and then reaches for the soap and stands before him and soaps her shortened thatch. 

“ Paladin Sir,  would you like me to have a landing strip or be completely smooth?” She asks softly. Paladin hears her breathless and seductive undertones and immediately knows she is not as unaffected by the situation herself.

“ A small landing strip”  he pauses. “ Give me the razor”   Her hand trembles as she hands it to him. Paladin knows she is nervous in case he cuts her. “ Pass me the soap”  He moves his chair closer and wets the soap and takes pleasure slowly rubbing the soap on her muff. He can feel her tremble as he runs the soap in her short pubes, teasing her hood and clitoris…  accidentally ..on purpose. He places the soap in the holder and then using his hand wanks her gently as he foams her up.  He can hear her breath quickening and can see her breasts rising up and down with hardened nipples above his head.  He pushes two fingers inside her, indulging himself before taking on the intimate shaving task.

She is beautifully slick and ready for more. He pushes deep inside her, placing his hand on her buttocks pulling her into him and his fingers , fucking her slowly.  She is delightfully tight and very enticing. He can smell her arousal.

He pulls his fingers out and smiles as he hears a bereft little moan from her mouth.  He picks up the razor.

“ Hold yourself taut so I don’t cut you”  He instructs. Pet 65 obeys and he runs the razor over her thatch, taking off the unwanted hair. Soon the landing strip is to the height and width of his liking. He gives the razor back. “ Finish off, while I watch”

Paladin sits back in the chair inspecting his work and the pink pussy lips now revealed. He likes that very much. And his cock is pulsating & throbbing with approval too

Pet65  works quickly disposing of the unwanted hair left.  Soon the area is being rinsed and cleaned of soap.  She then stands and displays her freshly shaved and revealed pussy for Paladin’s pleasure and approval.

She takes some moisturizer and as she massages it into the shaved area, Paladins desire grows, the pink lips, the glimpses of the pink inner flesh,  this woman almost wanking in front of him, the glimpses of her rosette.   

Paladin wants her, and wants her now. His impatience grows as the virile male animal in him rises up & wants satisfying.

He stands and pulls her to him, turns her round to face the mirror. He sees the desire in his eyes in the reflection, His hands fondle her breasts and pussy.  She is so wet! There’s no going back. He will have her. He walks her to the wall and tugs her hips out with purpose, causing her to bend a little and use the wall as support.  He whips his erect cock out and thrusts into her, taking her deep in one quick, deep vaginal thrust. She takes his cock easily, this new, fresh pussy,  hot, wet and tight on his throbbing staff. His excitement at taking a new woman causes him to throb.  She is as wanton & turned on as him after that highly erotic, shaving performance.

His fingers dig into her waist and then  he moves and bends over her to take a breast in each hand. He fondles roughly, liking the soft orbs in his hand and her hard nipples scrapping his palms, the feel of her slender back on his chest. He squeezes her tits a little harder and then he fucks his Pet65. His personal little sex toy.  The thought excites him as he thrusts hard, fast and with a very, very greedy lust.

In this moment, his needs are paramount. He cares little of any discomfort he may cause her. Paladin is turbo charged into fuck mode. The weeks leading up to this moment had been filled with paperwork,  dirty photographs, erotic thoughts … he had been thinking of fucking and now the moment was here.  This was his reward and by God he was going to take it.

Hard thrusts into her body, burying his needy cock into her body, right up to his balls, slapping into her.  He enjoys the excitement of taking a new conquest, a different woman, a compliant woman who was here to service him. He didn’t have to whisper the usual words of endearment.

This was about lust and mutual sexual pleasure.  He enjoys the tightness of her channel sliding along his generous length, stimulating his sexual peak. He fucks like a piston , feeling her wetness and heat on his cock. She groans at the strength of his rod claiming her and  she pushes back for deeper possession which drives him on. He smacks her bottom medium hard, seeing his red finger marks on her skin, liking how her cheeks wobble as he rocks in and out of  her. How her breasts hang & sway in his hands. Then he grinds her breasts again and rubs at her pussy.

He feels his balls tighten, the  tell tale sign of his climax approaching and fucks harder and faster, until the peak is reached and he explodes deep inside her, growling deep from his gut as the release takes him. He feels his sperm shooting up and blasting her channel.

He leans on Pet65 a moment catching his breath.  He needed that release. He felt good and a glowing calm washes over him.

He reaches down and finds her clitoris. And with his cock still embedded inside her and his head resting between her shoulder blades, he massages her swollen bud. She circles her hips in response and soon she is breathing hard  & crying out her pleasure. He explores her folds and furrows, feeling his buried wet cock inside her,  before returning to stimulate her nub. He rubs with a little more pressure, feeling her fresh wet excitement and then the mini squeals that escape her lips as she  ripples the effect of her climax on the length of his cock. The sweet whimpers as he presses on her sensitive clitoris milking her more.

He smiles in satisfaction at his successful first fuck & the trembling female underneath him.
He rubs her cum in his tattoo, a tradition he decides to maintain for every new woman he fucks to orgasm.

He unattaches from her and turns her round.  He pushes on her shoulders indicating for her to kneel before him and lifts her chin with one finger.  “ Open your mouth, tongue out”  Pet65 does as he commands.  Paladin places his cock on her tongue.  “Lick me clean”

She licks him up, tasting their union. She removes all remnants of their mingled juices from his cock, balls and trimmed pubic hair. “ Now put me away”  She folds her hand around his cock and pushes him back inside his trousers and zips him  up.

He takes her hand leading her to the heavy table in the main room.  He instructs her get on there on all fours.  He positions her how he likes,  head resting on her hands and elbows, bottom in the air. “ Stay”  he instructs and fetches a cold beer out the fridge to drink. He then proceeds to photograph her intimately to remember this occasion and the leaking evidence of their union, seeping down her legs.  She spreads her cheeks for him. He scoops some of the juices and lubricates her anus with his thumb, circling and pushing in as he sips his drink and gages her reaction.

“ Tomorrow, I will take you there” He states to her, thumb fucking her gently “ Have you any objection?”

“ No Sir “  She replies

Paladin  is pleased with that answer, “  Good, you have pleased me tonight” He leans down and kisses her pussy, tasting the produce of their joining,  Then he stands and licks his lips before having another swig of beer. 

“ Go clean up for bed”   She goes into the bathroom and he hears her washing and then tidying the bathroom.
She returns a short time later and begins preparing a bed on the floor, at the foot of his bed.

“ What are you doing?” Paladin asks

“ Preparing my bed Sir”

“ No, you will warm my bed for your stay here, I may wish to eat you or fuck you in the night or when I awaken.”

“ Yes Sir”

She returns the bed clothes to the cupboard and climbs into his bed.

 As he slips naked into bed besides her, he wonders what the rest of the week may bring and felt very pleased, very pleased indeed,  he had been invited to join  The Order Of The Tudor Rose.

« : March 30, 2014, 08:44:47 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #2 : March 31, 2013, 12:55:09 PM »

2.       First Customer      -    PitVK 

I was tired of working for others and figured it was high time to start my own business. In home repairs for electronics is what I came up with because I had always been good with my hands. After spending a day on the computer to get the website just perfect I received my first phone call. It was a female customer and she needed her computer installed tomorrow when it came in the mail. We arranged a time and it would be a day I would not soon forget.

I spent the night before on Achat in my black tux made by TightFit and of course chatted in rooms, like the custom log cabin. Typically they were cold invites, but that's how you meet people.

The next day came and I went over to her house. After we unpacked all the gear I began to install it and she asked me "I am going to go hop in the shower. Will it be done when I get out?" I nodded and went back to work. Most of this was put together already so it went pretty fast. I turned her PC on to give it a final look before getting ready to go and out of the corner of my eye I saw her wet body leaving the bathroom, unclothed.

She walked over to me naked and sat on my lap. I felt this was very direct but was unsure how to respond. She took my face and put them in her breasts. I began to become very erect and could feel her wetness through my pants. Soon she was on her knees giving me a blowjob.
 My clothes came off one by one and I could feel her warm mouth around me, her hands on my ass pulling me deeper into her. I began to thrust uncontrollably, and she begged me for my cum. As I ejaculated into her mouth she swallowed every drop and stroked me fast to get me hard again. She climbed on top of me and told me she wanted me to cum in all her 'holes'.
I could feel the chair starting to give from both of us and we fell over. She picked herself off me and I took her hand following into her room. As we did every position I came several times inside her. She smiled and said she was keeping count, sucking me to hardness each time. I was there for hours now and had lost count of our orgasms. She looked at me and said "I think it's time for you to give me the last of your cum." and then slid my hardness into her ass slowly. She ground up and down on me rubbing her pussy while riding my cock in her behind. Thrust after thrust until I came again and she moaned cumming with me.

She got off me and reached for her checkbook. "How much do I owe you?"

This one was free.
« : March 30, 2014, 08:50:25 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #3 : March 31, 2013, 12:57:54 PM »

 3.        THAT Black Box!.       -   Thundersax   

The plate cracked in her hand. The hot water and Brillo washing her blood away in a wave of pink foam. As she sucked her finger and hurled the last of the once perfect plate set at the trash bin she cursed him with every word she knew.  She wished she knew more words but she was a lady and ladies don’t say things like that. At least not in their own kitchens. Even if the disgusting bastard was a…disgusting bastard!
She leaned back against her sink and looked around the kitchen, tears in her eyes. Clean. Well-ordered. Perfect. Just like the rest of the house. The house she had kept for him. Shit, slaved on for him. To give him a place to live, work, sleep, watch fucking football with his fucking friends. A place that wasn’t the horrid rat’s nest he kept before they were married. The bastard was drinking out of peanut butter jars before he met me, she thought in loud screams. Anger and tears mixed on her face. She tossed the towel across the sink and collapsed on a chair, her face buried in her hands, elbows bare on the bright yellow kitchenette.

The whole place was bright and cheerful. She had made it that way. Ever since they bought the place with pennies they had scrounged and borrowed. Every day for the last 12 years. Every damned day of scrubbing and cleaning and cooking for him and the kids and his stupid friends. She looked through bleary eyes at her hands, once soft and beautiful, now tough from 12 years of bleach and hard work, treating him like a god-dammed king while she worked 24/7 with no let up, double time on holidays and super-bowl parties. Fucking bastard!

She looked at the box on the table. At the disgusting piece of garbage inside. She smashed it away into a corner in a wail of sobs. 12 years. She had to leave. Right now. She did not want to look at him, see him, be anywhere near to him. He would console her with soft words, convince her with his touch and with his kisses. She would forgive him. She would be lost. Undone. Less than a woman. A miserable wretch that allowed her husband to fuck behind her back and did nothing. She would be a shadow of herself. The box and that terrible thing within lay in the corner now, silently mocking her. The grey & beige lace showing through like a razor cutting across her heart.

Somehow she made it to the stairs. Her feet feeling incredibly heavy as she leaned against the wall and sobbed quietly. She was old. Old and graying and fucking old. Of course he was fucking around. Her sister’s husband had. They all did. Was he with her now? His hands touching, grabbing, pulling her body onto his, shoving his perfect cock into her, making her cum for him. She remembered the last time they made love. The feel of his hard body between her legs, his strong arms pressing her down, feeling his muscles tense under her fingers. Oh God, he made her wet even now. Even now. He said such things. Wanted so much. Things she could not dream of doing...even for him. With her mouth, her ass. That was it. He found someone that would give him all he wanted. Some dirty tramp who had taken her place. Someone young and tight. It was her own fault. She had gotten old. She sat on the top of the steps unable to breathe, unable to move. Wanting to disappear. Just disappear.

His den. The door was closed. His place. His books and his music and his games and all the stupid things she had gracefully kept from cluttering the rest of the house. All the garbage he refused to toss out when they moved in. Old footballs and pictures, toys, and cigars. He had forbidden her to go in there. He wanted it filthy. 12 years she had respected that but curiosity finally got the best of her. When she had gone in she had nearly choked from the fumes.12 years of garbage and dust. Old cigars, yellowed papers, and to her disgust half of a chicken hero. Left there. Just left there.

And she had found that box.

She was standing in that room now. It was still filthy. The garbage pail was still on the chair where she had left it. The chicken hero still festering there. She scanned the room fearfully, terrified to come across a picture or memento that would be ‘hers’. Needing to look anyway. On the desk, next to his cigars, his PC was alive and bright.
Another stupid game. She twisted her head as she approached her eyes growing large. The woman on the screen was a cartoon. A naked cartoon. What is God’s name was he doing?

My husband is a pervert. She gasped it out. What is God’s name was he doing? She sat on the chair in a daze. The bin falling to the floor next to her. The woman on the screen was bare breasted, a cartoon with grey eyes and an insipid smile. A fucking pervert.

“Lucky, you there?”

The words popped up on the screen. Eve6969? Who the hell was that and who the hell was Lucky? She stared at the screen long moments. Oh God, he was….what? Fucking online? What?

“I am here.”……. Luckyboy45 : “I am here”.

Oh God why the hell did she type that? What was she doing?

Eve6969 : “Well, come on. Tell!”

Words. More words. This was her. The tramp! The fucking tramp! Oh my fucking God!

Luckyboy45 : “Tell what?” .

Eve6969 : “Duh! Did she like it, silly? You did give it to her right?”

Luckyboy45 : “What?”

Eve6969: “The dress. I thought you said you were giving it to her last night?”

Luckyboy45 : “Dress?” God she was having a conversation with this person?

Eve6969 : “The little beige & grey  one we picked out? Oh, don’t tell me you chickened out? You did didn’t you? I knew it! BWAWK!”

Luckyboy45 : “You mean the mosaic lace dress? But it was slutty.” Wait.

Eve6969 : “Sigh. Its not slutty! Its sexy. Big difference. She will love it, trust me. You said she turns you on more than ever now. It’s a good way to prove it. After marriage a woman needs that once in a while you know. (smiley face?)”

The mirror was less than flattering. The dress was barely her size, stretched across her thighs ready to rip. Sheer beige & grey lace showing just about everything. Cut up to her ass. She looked like a cow. A silly cow pressed into a tube of laced nylon. She read the card again disbelieving what she saw in the mirror. She was neither hot nor sexy and the idiot knew it. But still. Okay. Maybe not THAT bad. Maybe with the right stockings and…Oh Lord what was she thinking?

The dress  actually fitted her like a tight  glove,  accentuating her wonderful curves, The lacy beige & grey mosaic design , beautiful against her clear skin.  It is short, just covering the tops of her stockings. The straps strengthened at the back by the same patterned material in horizontal joins to keep the low cut at the front in place,  preventing any potential blushes of too much exposed flesh and nipples.
She had not heard the door. Or his feet on the stairs. He had appeared as if by magic at the bedroom door. Frozen in surprise. His body rock still as he stared at her nearly naked body, her pussy and ass and nipples all but exposed to his eyes. Those eyes. She had seen those eyes before. Dark and hungry like the first time Like every time. She could see the bulge in his pants. Knew the feel of that thing inside her. His hands in her hair as it filled her and made her weak. She did not know what she was doing but she felt a need between her thighs. She needed him. Hard and pounding. insisting. She wanted to scream for him. She could feel her pussy getting wet just from his eyes. He was magic. A wizard. He knew it. His eyes were making her want it. Making her skin burn for him. Slowly she reached up and pulled the lace down, exposing already hard nipples. Nipples that had known only his touch, his mouth.

She was against the wall. Her rubber legs tight around his waist. His hard cock slamming her into the wall again and again as she lost control, screaming, yelling, telling this man to fuck her hard, to split her open, to fuck his slut with his hard cock. And God knows he was doing it. He told her to bite his shoulders and she did, to fuck him hard and she did, to cum for him and she did and did and did. The room shook and the pictures fell and the furniture rattled and he fucked her and she screamed for more. Words she had never used. Urging him on like and animal in heat as he roared into her ear…as his cum roared into her quivering pussy.

She was on her knees, his cock hard in her mouth, sucking out more and more of the precious drops. Feeling them on her tongue, Disgusting. Vile thing. Something only a slut would do. But she was taking him in all the way, hearing him moan her name over and over as he gripped her hair tight. Saying the word she had always loved to hear him say, now and forever.


She logged on for the first time nervous but smiling. Playfully pushing him away as he refused to stop nibbling her neck. Several boxes lay on the bed, half opened. A new closet half filled already with new clothes. A closet with a good solid lock thank you very much. Her legs still quivered thinking about those last few minutes pressed up against that closet, her breasts pressed almost painfully flat as he got her wetter and hotter than ever before. The grey & beige lace dress still lay crumpled in the corner where he had tossed it.

Giggling still and biting her bottom lip she started typing…..

LuckyGirl43: “Hello Eva. Yes, she loved the dress… A lot!”

Eve6969 : “This who I think it is? ”

LuckyGirl43: “Yes, Eva. Could not resist thanking you in person. Its my first time on so be gentle with me”

She reached out and took him in her hand, hard and thick. He was already moaning softly as his fist tightened in her hair.

LuckyGirl43:”Typing with one hand here.  ”

« : March 30, 2014, 08:51:09 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #4 : March 31, 2013, 01:00:46 PM »

4.      First Time on a Ranch.       Pookie77 

Some friends of mine own a ranch in the country and invited me out to stay for a few days. I almost turned them down.  I’m not much of a “country girl”, though I have always had a thing for cowboys, but had never been on a ranch, I wasn’t sure if wanted to give it a go.   After all, what is there to do on a ranch but watch where you're stepping?

I took my friends up on their offer and agreed to spend a few days with them on their ranch.  Once there and settled in, I began to become accustomed to the sounds and smells of life on a ranch, and even agreed to go horseback riding with them.

We had a day all set up, and the horses were saddled when my friends were unexpectedly called away.  They left one of the horses saddled and told me to practice riding in the corral, and that they would be back later, and probably not in time to go.

I have only ridden a horse once in my life and it was a miserable experience.  Now that I was here, and everything was ready,  I thought I'd try again.  I couldn't even manage to get my leg up over his back, I gave up.  I was becoming bored being there by myself and chatting with the horse, who wasn't paying much attention to me.  So I decided this would be a good time to take walk and explore the area.

I was wearing a pair of jean shorts and a denim button down shirt, but I still felt as though I looked like a city dweller.  Oh well, I thought, who's going to see?  A bunch of horses, sheep, and cows won't really care.

I decided to follow the post fence that outlines the perimeter of the property for my walk.  I crossed an open pasture and jumped over a small stream.  And after getting turned around a few times, I began to lose my way. 

I was beginning to become concerned about being able to find my way back to the house.  I could no longer see the fence and the terrain was beginning to all look the same.  I was wishing that I had brought some water with me, as I was now getting very thirsty.

After a while I could see another farm house and barn in the distance.  Using the barn as a guide, I walked toward that direction, and hoped to find a friendly face to tell me how to get back.  Then I saw a white pick-up truck parked there, and started to think that a ride back to my friend’s ranch would be even better.

I had to bend down to get between the posts of the fence and managed to squeeze through.  I tore the shoulder of my shirt squeezing through the posts, but it wasn’t a bad tear.  I walked cautiously towards the truck.

My friends never mentioned their neighbors so I didn't expect to find any.  And I never expected to find someone like this!  In the barn, a shirtless man who was moving bales of hay met my eyes. His hands were encased in workman’s gloves.  He was wearing a white cowboy hat, jeans and boots.  It was obvious he had  been busy for a while because he was glowing with sweat.  The muscles in his shoulders and back were simply breathtaking to me, and even though I was a bit repulsed by the smell of the barn and the stereotype of a cowboy, I can't help but admit that I was taken aback by this vision of cowboy hunkdom. I could only stand and stare at this earthy Adonis, speechless for one of the few times in my life, and I’m sure my jaw was open.

The cowboy turned around to find me standing there, gawking.  He smiled and greeted me with a slightly accented "Hello”.  I wanted to swoon.  I explained that I was visiting his neighbors and was out for a walk and got lost.  I also told him that I knew it was dumb of me to go on a walk without water, but I did anyway.  And I became very thirsty, but when I spotted his ranch, I just had to come and hope to find some water.  He continued to work as I spoke.  As he walked by me, I caught a faint smell of sweat, hay, and animal.  Normally, I would of been disgusted by the "aroma therapy" but after seeing his blue eyes and a handsome, rugged face, I was entranced. He had a large moustache that I just knew would tickle.  He grabbed another bale from the back of his truck and carried it past me.

He removed one of his gloves and wiped the sweat off his brow, tilting his hat up off his brow. He began to walk toward me, making my heart skip a beat, only to open his truck door and retrieve a bottle of water.  He offered me a drink of the not very cold water and I gladly accepted it.  I thought, “Drinking from his water bottle is hopefully not the only time I'll get to "swap spit" with him”.  I handed the bottle back to him and he replaced the cap.  A drip of water lingered to his lower lip and I took the opportunity when I saw it.

I reached up and wiped the droplet from his mouth.  He smiled and thanked me, addressing me as "ma'am."

My eyes were scanning his body.  I couldn't help but notice that as he talkd to me, his nipples were erect.  His chest was fairly hairy but not ape-like.  His pecs looked so deliciously hard.  I so desperately wanted to touch my palms to his chest and run my fingers through his chest hair, savoring those erect little nipples under my palms but I behaved and smiled and nodded at whatever it was he was saying.

I followed him into the barn.  He said he was almost finished for the day and offered to give me a lift back to my friends' ranch.  I couldn't help myself and followed him around like a puppy dog as he stacked the bales.  He suddenly turned around, unaware that I was so near, causing me to back up over a bale, and I started to fall.  I was embarrassed to have been so clumsy, except that he was quick to grab my hand and kept me from toppling ass-over-head backwards.

He steadied me on the bale, still holding my hand.  The blood that filled my face in embarrassment had now become a hot flush.  I reached my free hand to his face and caressed the skin I suspected was so incredibly soft....and it was.  I stroked his moustache, which was wet with his sweat but even that was softer than I expected it to be.  His hat toppled off during his rescue of me so now I got an ever better view of his eyes.  I moved my lips to his and whispered "thank you" as I moved closer, my eyes closed and I softly kissed his lips.

I can taste grains of salty sweat from the skin around his mouth and moustache.  I sucked on his lips, drawing them into my mouth as we kissed.  My tongue pushed past his teeth, searching for his tongue. He readily opened for me.  I had pegged him as shy but I was wrong... oh boy, was I wrong.

He bent me backward as he kissed me, laying me down onto my back, his moustache tickled my cheeks.  He straddled the bale of hay, and ME.  This cowboy was NOT shy!  With a serious look in his eye, hands on each side of my head, bracing himself, he leaned down to kiss me again.  His crotch ground down against mine.  His kiss was harder than the first one.  His teeth grazed mine as he jammed his tongue deep into my mouth.  He was not playing around.

I reached my hands under his arms and raked my painted nails down his sides, causing him to jump and bite my lip as he pulls away, giggling from my touch.  His mouth sucked hard at my neck, I thought sure to leave a mark.  I moved under him, against him, dry humping what now felt like a burgeoning erection. I wrapped my right leg up over his ass.  I hadn't done a dry hump since high school!

He sat up on me, and balanced his weight, so he could remove the other glove. Then he leaned back down and began licking against my throat, he slipped his left hand up under my shirt.  His hands are rough, and I liked that feeling more than I would've thought.  His palm cupped over the cup of my bra, and kneaded my tit. My body betrayed every "cultured" bone I thought I had in my body, and I moaned "OH GOD" as he plied me and continued to lick and suck even through the fabric of my shirt.

Pushing the shirt up over my bra, he slid down my body and kissed up my stomach. His hands both settled on my breasts, greedily squeezing, almost painfully.  I could feel my pussy readying herself for him.  I was becoming so wet, that I thought it would show through my shorts.  He kissed up over the lacy cup of my bra, and tugged the cup down.  Not missing a beat, his mouth sucked my nipple into it.  He sucked like a hungry animal.  I don't know if it had been a while for him or if he didn't have a girlfriend but he seemed ravenous, and who was I to deny his hunger?

He pushed my breasts together, creating one hell of a cleavage, he dipped both cups down and sucked and licked at my tits, lapping and bathing me with his saliva, drawing nipples into his mouth, making them stiffen and ache.  His moustache and unshaven chin were really turning me on as he worked my tits over.

He sucked down my body. Taking the flesh in his mouth, I can feel his teeth pull gently. He made his way down my body, unsnapped my shorts as he went.  Then he's off the hay bale, between my knees, he unzipped my shorts.  He looked down my body, to my face, silently asked permission.  I nodded and gave it, shivering with anticipation.  My God, I wanted him so bad!

His ragged fingertips tucked into my panties, nails faintly raking into my skin as he lowered both my panties and shorts. He slipped them off my feet, parted my thighs, and stopped to admire my smooth pussy.  I saw him toss my clothing over his shoulder, then his fingertips trailed over my soft, hairless pubis.  His touch was so amazingly gentle; belying that rugged, handsome face.  He pressed his lips to my pussy, tenderly.  He didn't just spread, lick, and finger like so many men do in such a mechanical way. He kissed my sex.  He covered my lips in soft kisses.  The thorough way he covered me caused me to open more, allowing him even more access, for I wanted his mouth over every inch of me.

His lips sucked my full outer lips into his, tugging softly.  I could see his blue eyes staring up at me, as he watched for approval.   Then his lips parted and his tongue snaked out, rimming deeper, into the inner lips and entrance of my pussy, up one side and down the other.  He was methodical, thorough, tender, and wonderful beyond belief.  His tongue entered me.  I arched; the small of my back lifted off the hay, I gasped as I rose up. I heard him moan as he entered me, impaling me with his tongue, keeping it stiff as his face moved back and forth, fucking my bare, pink slit.  He pushed my thighs up so my knees were to my chest, parted me with his incredible tongue, then he rimmed down into my tight bottom.  He licked so soft and sweet.  He moved from hole to hole, driving me crazy for him.  I would have moaned his name if I only knew it....

Just as I thought I couldn’t take any more, he kissed my buttocks and stood.  He had what looked to be a magnificent erection in his jeans.  He kicked his boots off with a flirtatious grin.  I was NOT disappointed when he undid that oversized belt buckle, unzipped his jeans, and revealed a lack of underwear.  The sight of him made me mutter an "Oh My God."  Considering that I am not a church going woman or even a God fearing woman, I was suddenly considering converting.

His dark bush was trimmed closely.  His shaft jutted forth, proudly standing.  He moved to mount me on the bale but I sat up quickly, and pushed his taut stomach upward.  I sat on the edge of the bale, then I looked up into his eyes and opened my mouth for his cock.  Sliding my lips around his swollen, thick mushroom, I did my best to take him in.  I heard his voice crackling as he moaned an "oh Jesus Christ" as my mouth slid down his shaft.

I held his hips as I moved back and forth along him, lubing his cock, sucking, exploring. His sweet sounds motivated me to be merciless.  I reached behind and took his hard ass in my hands, gripping for dear life.  His cock disappeared into my face, my cheeks hollowed as I sucked deeper, harder, head angled so I could go to the very base of him.

His hands were on my head, he grabbed at strands of hay and hair.  His tight scrotum pressed to my chin.  His thrusts were minimal.  It was as though the blood flowed into his cock, the pulses alone, were his thrusts. And when my lover did thrust, his ass cheeks clenched under my hands and he grunted.

I pulled back to his head and pressed the flat of my tongue against the nerve under his head.  Then I rubbed in a side to side motion, rolling the ridge of flesh under my tongue.  I looked up at him with my blue eyes and watched his teeth clench and his eyes squeeze shut.  I was enjoying the power my mouth seemed to have on him....and his cock.

I released his head from my mouth, I took his hands into mine and kissed the palms of each hand.  I used his hands to pull myself up off the hay.  I quickly undid my denim shirt and slid it off, letting it fall into a heap on the hay covered floor.  My bra followed quickly.  I was completely nude for him now, as he was for me.

I led him over to a wooden ladder that reached into a loft.  Climbing up one rung, my bottom was level to his groin. I poised one foot on the rung above to spread me for him.  Bare breasts to the ladder, I clung and whispered for him to fuck me.

He stood behind me.  His cock erect like a divining rod.  He brought his head to my parted lips and pressed it into me.  Gently, he guided his cock up into me, making me grip the ladder harder as he filled me.  His hands were on my hips, adjusting me until he had every inch inside me.  Once inside, he gripped the outer sides of the ladder and began to thrust.  His pace was slow but deliberate.  I could feel him lifting my body slightly with each thrust upward.  His breath was on my back.  The sounds of our panting and moaning filled the barn.  The smell of animals and hay was replaced by the smell of sex and the tastes of each other on our lips.  He bit into my shoulder as he thrusted harder, the pace became more rapid, more intense.

I pushed my ass against his groin, forcing my pussy down on him.  His hands left the ladder and grabbed my hips. His thrusts were shorter now....getting shallow and more urgent.  I could feel his sack slap against my clit.  His cock swelled and I felt the first rip of a torrent of cum shoot inside me.  Holding tightly to the ladder, I grunted as I pushed back against him and he plunged deeper, surge after surge of warm cum inside me.  He nuzzled against me.  Though he just gave me his seed, he was still semi hard inside me.  He reached around my body, embracing me, and buried his face into my shoulder blades, kissing my skin, and swayed his hips from side to side.

He didn't release my body until his cock finally went soft.  He took my sore hands from the ladder and led me back to the hay bale where he helped me to dress.  He tenderly slipped the bra over my arms and reached behind to clasp it.  He buttoned each button of my shirt sweetly, intently.  He held my panties and shorts for me to step into and zipped me closed.  Then he tended to himself, dressed, and reminded me of that ride back to my friends' ranch that he promised, as he tipped his hat to me.

Holding my hand, he led me to his truck.  He opened my door the way any gentleman would and didn't shut it until I was safely inside, like some precious cargo.  Joining me in the cab of the truck, I watched his face and his body as he drove down that country dirt road, and returned me to my friends.

As I watched his truck driving away from my friend’s ranch, I realized that we never introduced ourselves.  “Hmmmm,” I thought, “I’ll just have to take care of that tomorrow.”  That thought brought a smile to my lips.

The end

« : March 30, 2014, 08:51:49 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #5 : March 31, 2013, 01:04:57 PM »

5.     A Night on the Car Bonnet.      PART  1      -    Tangoracer 

Laying asleep in my nice warm bed just a the point of waking up just as the sun was beating throw the open window warming my bedroom. Feeling the heat of the sun and the heat of my boyfriends body spooning up behind me his arm wrapped over me. Snuggling back into him trying to get the lasts bets of sleep.

His hand gently moves over my body my body down from resting on my belly down onto my hip. It moves slowly down my thigh then back up onto my hip he moves his hand so slowly and gently over my soft skin. I snuggle back more into his body wiggling my butt against him.

Keeping my eyes closed feeling his hand moving over my skin letting my senses race as his hand moves back up over my body and up onto my breast. Feeling his hand cup my breast and squeeze it gently feeling him take the nipple in his fingers gently pinching it and making it grow hard.

He moves his hand over to the other breast and gently plays with its nipple to making it grow hard. I feel his most lips kiss the back of my shoulder soft small butterfly kisses just skimming my skin. His kisses reach the base of my neck and then moves up and onto my earlobe and gently nibbling on it.

He moves back and gently rolls me onto my back with his hand still cupping my breast he moves his head kissing his way down my body around my neck and down to my breasts. Gently he takes my right nipple in his mouth and sucks on it running his tongue around it making it grow even harder making it stand up like a bullet. He gently moves over to my left breast and gently sucks and licks it’s nipple nice and hard.

Still with my eyes closed and half asleep the feel of his warm tongue work its magic on my nipples my body starts to react to his touch and goes all limp as the pleasure starts to build deep in the pit of my being.

My thighs open just a little as my body relaxes with my man still sucking on my nipples move from one to the other I feel his hand move down over my belly and softly brush across my neatly trimmed pubic hear.
The touch of his hand on my little bush sends an electric shock to my clit and makes my take a sharp in breath my thighs open more. His hand gently moves down over my pussy and gently rubs it back and forth.

Feeling the heat of his hand over my pussy my soft lips swell at his touch and from the heat of his hand. His puts a little more pressure on my lips with his fingers running them along there length.
All the time his running his fingers along my pussy lips is mouth was still working it magic on my nipples keeping them nice and hard. With a little more pressure with his fingers I feel one slip inside my lips parting them softly running along them and then sliding in just a little so just the tip of his finger is inside.

He works his way up to my clit with the tip of his finger gently he flicks it and makes it swell. Flicking and pinching it between his thumb and finger feeling him move his finger down my lips again and pushes it deep into my wetness the feeling of him entering my body sends more electric shocks to my clit.

Gently placing my hand on the back of his head I push his head down towards my burning clit. He doesn’t resist and moves down willingly kissing his way over my belly his mouth finds my clit and kisses it softly then sucks on it hard. As he sucks down hard he slides a second finger deep into my heat pushing in deeper and deeper he turns his finger and finds my inner button.

As he sucks my clit hard and his fingers flick my inner button the burning heat building up inside me get to much I grab the back of my man’s head hard pushing it hard down onto my clit. My body starts to shack and I arch my back pushing him in harder my orgasm explodes over his fingers and face my body keeps shaking as wave after wave of pleasure rip’s thru my body. My body goes limp again as the pleasure subsides.

I left his head up to mine and kiss him deeply tasting myself on his lips as his body presses up against mine I feel the hardness of him against my side letting my hand move down between us I gentle wrap my fingers around his shaft squeezing its hardness I work my fingers all his length.
I break our kiss and roll him onto his back making sure not to loss grip of his shaft. I kiss my way down his body stopping to suck and lick on his nipple biting the gently all the time working my hand up and down his hard length.
Kissing my way down over his muscular body till I reach the base of his shaft I left my head and gently kiss its head with the taste of his per cum on my lips I lick it off then take the head of the shaft into my mouth slowly I lower myself down his length.

Working my way up and down his hardness I twist my head as i move up and down letting my tongue run around it in my mouth. I take hold of his balls and squeeze them gently as I take him right to the back of my throat. Feeling him hit the back of my throat I gag a little each time it hits my throat. I keep sucking him right to the base of his shaft feeling it start to twitch in my mouth. I left my head up off his shaft and look up at him.

His eyes are closed and his breathing is heavy in one move I throw my leg over him and lower my hot sex down onto his shaft letting him slid right into me in one move. His eyes open wide as he feels my sex stretch around his thick shaft I slide down then back up taking him as deep as I could his shaft hit my cervix as I start to bounce fast on his hard shaft.

Looking down on him he grabs my hips and in one move rolls me onto my back. He drives his shaft home deep and hard opening my legs wide and pinning me to the bed. Feeling his mass inside me his weight holding me down as he thrusts deep and hard into my hot wet sex. Feeling him grow bigger inside me with each harder thrust hitting my cervix trying to break through.

Then he stops looking down on me and say’s “is it time”
My eye open wide knowing what he wants “NO NO NO” I scream
He smiles down at me and slam’s deep back into my hot sex filling it to its max and start to move his hips slamming right into me each time Feeling him taking his anger out on my pussy his shaft slams in breaking throw my inner door. Feeling him so deep pushes me over the edge and wave after wave rush all over my body and out of my sex over his hard length. As I scream with pleasure at the massive orgasm he has just given me he give one last deep thrust and explodes filling me with jet after jet of his hot burning seed. He looks down on me smiling “good morning my love” he says softly.

Looking up at him “mmmmm morning” I smile up at him. Putting my arms around his neck I pull him down onto me and we kiss passionately deeply our tongue dance with each other as we lay in each other’s arms.

I roll him off me as his hardness starts to give way rolling him onto him back I lay on my front next to him with just the top half of my chest resting on his chest. With my face just a few inches from his looking into his deep green eyes.

“I’m sorry my love for saying no again to you I will let you take my annul virginity one day” I lean forward and kiss him softly. “ Laying on his chest running my fingers around his nipple resting my head down I hear his heart beating and the air filling his lungs as he breaths. Closing my eyes just for a second filling the warmth deep within me I full back to sleep on his chest.

I wake to find I’m alone and a note with a rose on the pillow next to me.
Baby will pick you up at 6:30 tonight, wear something sexy             
love you big kiss XXXX

Sitting up in my bed yes the party I had forgotten about that looking at the clock 10:30 “FUCK only 8 hours to shower into town new dress mmmm new undies something sexy, hair then home makeup then wait for Mark.”

Jumping up from my bed I feel the juices deep inside me move and start to run down my thigh MMMM a smile comes across my face as i walk over to the bath room and turn on the shower. Stepping under the warm water letting it wash the world away I wash my hair and then rest of my body. I step out and dry myself off. Putting on some tight jean shorts and a tight top with no bra and knee length boots I head off into town.

The sun is bearing down it nice and hot and it’s a great day the town is busy with lots of hot guy’s with their tops off for all as girls to look at and all as girls in tight outfits with our legs and ass out.
I walk into Ann Summers walking around looking for some sexy undies finding just what I was looking for I grin to myself as I go to pay I stand next to the shelf full of toys looking at the I pick up a cock ring with a clit tickler on it smiling at the girl at the counter as I pay for my stuff.

Walking out I bump into a girl friend and we go for a coffee setting at the table I show her what I’ve just brought. We laugh about the cock ring and we talk about using it tonight after the party. I kiss my friend good bye as I head off to get my new sexy dress 3 shops and 8 dresses later.

I find a little corner shop with the sexiest Black lace look dress I had ever seen going into the little shop I ask about the dress in the window. The lady replied “It’s from new Dutch designer called TightFit.  It’s his new range,  he only designs a few dresses a year so there very exclusive.”

I go into the changing room and slip it on it fits so good I walk back out into the shop and see myself in the mirror and I have to have it
“OWW yes this is then one” I say to the lady “I’ll take it” I say with a big smile.
The tight black lace of the dress clings to my body showing all my curves. Running my hands down over my body feeling the soft lace against my skin,  tracing the twig like shapes of the lace design.  The dress is very beautiful and the V neck and short sleeves shows my figure off to perfection.
I get home and it 3:30 right 3 hours a nice sock in the bath then hair makeup dressed already  for 6:30 for Mark. Laying out my dress with my sexy new undies on top of it I go run a bath in goes the bubble bath and as the water flows filling the bath and the room with steam.

Striping off I slide into the hot water my body tingles all over as the water covers my body closing my eyes my mind drift back to the way Mark woke me this morning reliving every moment in my mind my hand finds its way to my soft lips and gently work there way inside. Moving my thumb up on to my clit and gentle flick it feeling it swell under my thumb. I feel the fire build inside as my fingers go deeper and my flicks get harder and the heat of the hot water it’s all too much for me my body tenses as my sex closes tight around my fingers as powerful orgasm rushes throw my body.

Laying in the water tingling all over I open my eyes finish of in the bath. Getting out I wrap myself in a towel and dry myself off changing my towel for my robe I move back to my bedroom and sit in front my mirror. Drying my hair and doing my makeup I stand and drop my robe and walk over to my bed.

Sitting on the edge of it I take my new suspender belt and put it on and stand up to make sure the it hangs right. Sitting back down I take the new shier black stocking and roll it up my right leg and then the same with the left leg standing back up I fix the stocking tops to the belt. Moving over in front of the mirror I twist around and make sure the pin line is straight taking the black thong I pull it on over my long legs twisting again to look at it shaping my ass and the then matching strapless bra standing in front of the mirror eyeing myself up and down.

I pick up my bottle of CK1 and spray same on my neck and wrists and a little spray between my breasts. Sliding my dress over my head I wriggle into it. It hugs my body and shows all my curves with the lace showing of my flat belly. Thinking to myself “what a great designer TightFit is”
Looking myself up and down in my new outfit in the mirror thinking “how sexy I look” the door bell rings. “Died on 6:30” I smile to myself and put on my cherry red lipstick.

I open the door and do a twirl “WOW yours stunning” I kiss him on the lips
He takes my hand and leads me to his car opening the door for me as I get in my dress rides up and shows the top of my stockings. I see him looking and I smile at him “you haven’t seen the rest yet baby” I say with a big smile.

He gets in the car next to me leans over and kisses me his hand gently rubs my thigh as we kiss. His hand reaches the top of my stocking and onto the soft flesh of my thigh. I rest my hand on his and say “Later my love let’s get to the party that’s for later” I say with a cheeky smile and a wink. He smiles back and say’s “I’ll hold you to that.”

He drives all the way to the party with his hand on my thigh his fingers gently moving in small circles and trying to work higher up my thigh. I keep stopping his hand and tell him to concentrate on his driving.
Pulling up outside a village hall out in the middle of nowhere Mark runs round and opens the door for me just to get to look up my skirt. I open my legs wide to let him see my new panties he smiles down at me “You tease” Smiling back at him “and you love it” I say back. He takes my hand and helps me out of the car and takes me in his arms squeezing me tight into him “Let’s have some fun tonight baby.”

We walk into the hall and see all our friends we chat and get a drink. A few drinks later wine for me and coke for Mark we get up and start to dance. Dancing nice and close to each other rubbing my body against his. His hands move over my body and down onto my ass feeling his fingers trace the outline of my panties under my tight dress. I feel his fingers slide up under my dress his fingers move up over my ass and running up the crack of my ass.

I wiggle back onto his fingers “That feels nice Baby” I whisper in his ear, he gives a little more pressure to his fingers as they run over my ass rubbing my small little thong against my little star. After a few more drinks the music fades at the end of the night. Mark takes my hand and leads me out into the car pack. The warm summer air hits use as we walk to the car. Marks hand is on my ass squeezing it as we walk he opens the door for me as I get in I pull my dress up so my stocking tops and panties can be seen.

Mark closes my door and runs around and gets in he leans over and we kiss his hand is on my thigh and slides it right up onto my panties and gently rubs me throw my panties. I kiss him harder as his hand rubs me more feeling his fingers move over my panties tracing my damp lips. Breaking the kiss I say “get me HOME” I whisper.

He turns back to the wheel and starts the car driving home his hand is back on my crouch gently rubbing me and keeping me damp. The car starts to make a funny noise I look at him “what’s wrong baby” “Don’t know baby theirs petrol and no warning lights on” he answers. Thiers a load bang and the engine stops with the car still rolling we see a small lay bye Marks pulls over into it and stops.

« : March 30, 2014, 08:52:40 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #6 : March 31, 2013, 01:07:35 PM »

A NIGHT ON THE CAR BONNET   -     Part  2.      -     Tangoracer 

He gets out and opens the bonnet and steam comes out all around it he looks at me “SORRY baby looks like we’re here for a bit.” Getting out off the car I pull my dress down “that OK baby it’s not your fault have you got recovery” “Yes Baby” he say’s and gets his phone. He walks down the lay bye and talks to the recovery people.

He turns back towards me and gives me the thumbs up I watch him on the phone this dark figure as he walks back. An idea pops into my mind pulling my dress up around my waist l lean over his bonnet wiggling my ass at him as he was still on the phone. “Come get it BABY” I call over my shoulder and wiggling same more.

He finishes on the phone and moves up behind. “They’re going to be about an hour” he says as his hands run over my ass and down my thighs. Feeling his hand on my body again I open my legs a little wider for him. His hand move up between them and rubs my wet sex hard throw my panties.
He moves his hands onto my hips and I feel him take hold of my panties waist band and in one move had them around my ankles. I step out of them and open my legs wider for him his hand and fingers are back at my pussy 2 fingers slide deep into me with easy. I moan out load as his fingers big deeper into me and finding the magic button.

I feel the heat of his breath over my ass as he drops down behind me I feel is warm tongue against my lips as he starts to lick my wetness from behind. The feel of his tongue lapping at my wet sweet lips opening my legs wider letting him get deeper inside as his fingers move up onto my clit as his tongue flicks my lips and sucks them into his mouth.

I wriggle back onto his face and take a deep breath as the pleasure builds inside me from the way his tongue and fingers are working as a team in and on my sex. My legs start to shack as the pleasure is too much for me and I explode screaming in the night air as wave after wave rushes throughout my entire body and out of my sex and over his face.

As the waves die off I lay flat over Mark’s car bonnet feeling Mark stand up behind me I hear his zip of his pants and then the feel of his hands on my hips. I feel him lean down over me “Did you like that baby” he whisper all I can do is nod “are you ready for me my love” he asks I nod again.

I feel his hard cock rub up against me between my legs and rub along my soaking wet pussy lips. I roll my hips to move my pussy lips along it to he holds my hips tight and I feel him pull back from me. I take a deep breath knowing he was about to fuck my pussy deep and hard just the way I like it when he fucks me from behind.

Holding my breath I wait for that great first thrust of his big hard cock into my pussy. I close my eyes spreading my arms and hands out over the bonnet and wait. I feel his cock against my lips but then he moves back and pushes against my ass. And in one move he pushed it deep into my ass I scream with the Pain as his MASSIVE cock takes my anal virginity.

He holds it right inside me as I scream throw the pain he holds me tight as the pain starts to subside. Then he slowly pulls his cock back letting me feel his length sliding out of my tightest hole. Thinking it’s going to be taken out it slides back in.

This time it doesn’t hurt so much and I push back a little to meet him. He slowly starts to move faster and with more power to his thrusts. Moaning loudly with every thrust I dig my nails into the paint on his bonnet as the pain has all gone and the pleasure Build’s up and up. I’ve never felt this pleasure but I like it and wanted more I start to push back onto his hardness as he start to slam into my tightness .I feel every vain on it as it slides in and out of my ass.

Feeling it twitch in my ass he slams it right into me holding my hips not letting me move as his cock explodes and firers load after load of red hot cum deep into my ass. Feeling this heat for the first time my body shacks again as an orgasm blasts out of my ass. I scream as this pleasure I’ve never felt keeps rush though my ass as Mark keep fucking me hard.

With his cock still deep in my ass he leans over me and whisper “did you like that” “Like it FUCK I loved it” I pant back. He pulls out of my ass and I clench it tight around it as he does not wanting any of his hot seed to cum out. He turns me around and sits me back on the bonnet. Taking hold of my legs he opened them wide and moves in close to my dripping sex.

And with one push he was right inside me leaning down over me as he fucked me hard on his bonnet “You’re not a Virgin any more my love” he takes my legs and puts them up on his shoulders and slams hard and deep. His cock hits my cervix every time it slams home I roll my hips a little and he breaks though my cervix and into my deep inner space.  Moaning loudly with every slam I feel that pleasure again inside me and I can hold it back screaming again as the orgasm flows again as my body relaxes with the pleasure I feel the hot seed running out of my ass.

As I cum again Mark pushes in deep and fills my inner space load after load of his seed fires deep into me. He lets my legs go and falls on top of me. Putting my arms around him I hold him there. As we lay on his bonnet with his cock still deep inside my sex the flashing of the recovery lights break the night’s sky.

Mark stands up and pulls out of me slowly with my legs still wide and my sex still dripping I watch Mark put his cock away and move to meet the van on the road. I sit up on the bonnet and feel all the cum in my ass running out over the bonnet. As I sit there with my legs still open and my dress up around my waist the lights of the recovery van shines up the lay bye. Looking down the lay bye I can see two men standing there I take a quick breath and think they have been watching us fuck on the bonnet.

Two first in one night I think to myself being watched having sex and losing my anall virginity.
Closing my legs I slide off the bonnet and blow the two guys a kiss just as the recovery van pulls alongside I pull my dress down over my ass and smooth it out. I walk over to Mark and whisper “Did you know we were watched and where are my panties” he looks at me with a big smile and I know he know we were being watched. And he pulls my panties out of his pocket and spins them around on his finger.

He puts them back in his pocket “I’m keeping this” he whispers “if you want them back you’re  going to have to earn them back” Just as he puts then back in his pocket the recovery man walks up to us.
“Nice night for a breakdown” he says with a grin Mark walks over and they talk about what happened. They walk over to the bonnet with the light from the recovery torch you could see the cum on the bonnet from my ass. They left the bonnet and look under it and close it just as quickly Mark puts his hand right in his cum as he closes the bonnet he looks over at me with a big smile.

They hook the car up to the van to tow us home I go to get back in the car but Mark and the recovery man tell me I have to ride in the van. With Mark in his car the recovery guy opens the passenger door for me. As I climb up into the van I see him getting a good look up at my bear ass.
Sitting in the van I can feel my wet pussy dribbling down over my lips as the guy walks around the front of his van I slide my dress out from under my ass. Sitting there with my bear ass on his seat and all the cum running out of me.

He gets in and he says his name is Steve we chatted about the nights we have had. On the drive home and every time he turned to look at me he looked at my legs. Seeing him doing it I turn a little to face him letting my legs just open a little. A little smile comes across his face as he watches my movements.

The chat turns a little more sexual and we talk about what are interests here he say’s “He loves to watch a couple going at it and taking pictures of them” He smiles over at me as if he know what we had just done. I smile back and say “I’ve have never done it in front of anyone let alone let them take photos” I say with a smile.

As we pull up outside my house Steve jumps out quickly and runs round to open my door. Seeing him looking up at me I spinning my legs around one at a time giving him a good look. He smiles and he helps me out I fall against him and feel his hand grab my bear ass. I whisper in his ear “thank you.” “No thank you” he whispers back. I straighten my dress and wiggle my ass as I walk around to Mark “I’ll meet you indoors” I say and head off inside. Turning my head over my shoulder I could see Steve watching me I blow him a quick kiss and disrepair inside. 

I stand at the window and watch them untie the car and van they shack hands. Steve looks over at the window smiles and gets in his van drives off. Mark came in and takes me in his arms holding me tight and whisper in my ear “what a great night” I just moan softly back in his ear.

“Time for a cup of hot chocolate then off to bed my love” I say as I get the milk out of the fridge “mmmmm great idea” Mark replies. He makes his way upstairs and gets ready for bed. When the Chocolate’s are done I take then upstairs and walk into my bed room to find Mark laying in my bed waiting for me.

Smiling at him I put the mugs down and stand in front of the mirror and start to take off my dress. Sliding it off my shoulders and letting it full to the floor letting Mark see my new underwear for the first time “WOW” I turn around and show him from the front and take off the bra letting my breasts fall free “keep the rest on baby” Marks say’s and pulls the sheet over and taps the bed next to him.
I get in bed next to him and snuggle up to him feeling his arm around me he pulls me in tight  and that’s where we stay all night.....

« : March 30, 2014, 08:53:19 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #7 : March 31, 2013, 01:10:59 PM »

6.      We Take Care of Our Own             PART   1    -      Momma_Andrea 

Somehow Kimberly Stewart had survived five years as a military wife without Jim ever being deployed. Sure, he spent time in the training field in other units, but was never gone for more than a month, and was never in danger of dying. She hugged his big 6 foot frame at the edge of the parking lot. Jim brushed her red hair from her pale face to see her tear filled green eyes.
“Nothing will happen,” he assured her. “I’m Motor pool Sergeant, not a grunt.”

“Anything could happen in a year.” At 5 ft 3, she looked up at him. “Promise me you’ll be careful.” She pleaded.

He laughed lightly and kissed her. “A hundred times, I promise.” He tried again to persuade her to go home. This was a new duty station where she knew no one. “You should go home to your folks and wait this out.”

“No,” she refused. “Jimmy is just settling in here and this is our home. We’ll wait for you here.”

 Jim smiled at his spitfire redhead. She would do it her way or fail trying. He broke the hug and picked up 3 year old Jimmy and kissed the red headed boy before handing him to his momma.

“I’ll write as soon as we are in country.” Jim waved as he walked towards the company that was just forming up. “I love you guys.”

“I love you!” She said bravely.

After the soldiers all boarded buses and left for the airport, then the young wife broke down and cried, holding tight to her little boy.

“Ah shug, are you OK?” Kimberly heard a southern drawl behind her and then felt an arm wrap around her shoulder.

Kim looked up into a taller, older woman’s face, she looked maybe 34, with dark short hair and the warmest smile. “I’m OK.” Kim lied.

“Your first deployment, huh?” The middle aged woman understood. “It gets better, shug.” The woman patted her shoulder. “I’m Maggie, by the way.”

“I’m sorry” Kim said, wiping her eyes with her free hand then offering it to the woman. “I’m Kim”

Maggie ignored the hand and gave a quick hug “I know. My husband is your husband’s Platoon Sergeant. I’m sorry we’re just meeting but it’s been hectic, you know.”

Kim gave a strained laugh. “I know. I’ve never filled out so much paperwork before, power of attorney and God, he made a will.”

“Well, we’re in charge now, hun, until they get back anyway.” Slowly they walked to Kim’s car. “I’ll come by later. When does that little guy take a nap?” Maggie smiled at Jimmy, who smiled back for a second and then shyly buried his face in his mom’s shoulder.

“At 2” Kim said. “I’ll make coffee” she offered.

Maggie gave a warm smile. “I’ll bring some cake. See you then, shug.”

Kim had straightened the apartment. It was small, but it was on post, so they paid no rent. Jimmy was down in his race car bed and snoring like his Daddy. Maggie showed up at a quarter past 2 with homemade crumb cake with tons of brown sugar in it and got a quick tour of the place.

They sipped coffee and chatted. “It’s good you put him in his own bed. You’re going to be tempted to let him sleep with you on those lonely nights, but it becomes every night and when hubby comes home it’s a hard adjustment.” Maggie said in her southern drawl. “Keep things normal for that little guy. It’s the best you can do.”

“How many tours have you gone through?” Kim asked her new friend.

“5 if you count Korea. We stayed stateside and Bob only had to do a year there, hardship tour if you don’t take your family.” Maggie kept her eyes on Kim, giving her all her attention, even when she got up for more coffee.

“What do you do with your time?” Kim came back with the coffee pot. “I’m so used to Jim being here at 4:30. We eat dinner, we talk, watch TV and we go to bed. I’m going to go nuts without him here.” Her shoulders slumped in despair.

Maggie reached across and took the young redhead’s hand. “You can call me. We’ll talk. We’ll watch TV and laugh over the phone. OK, shug? And if you need it, I’ll talk to you in bed.”

Kim laughed sarcastically at the last part. “It won’t be the same.”

Maggie laughed with her. “No, hun, it’s not the same.”

Kim made it through the first month by calling Maggie every day, or going to lunch with her, or just hanging out at Maggie’s row house on the other side of the base. Maggie’s kids were 13, 10 and 8. Little Jimmy was adored by Maggie’s 13 year old daughter who had to watch her little brother and sister anyway, so Kim had a babysitter whenever needed. Maggie had really taken the younger army wife under her wing. They went shopping on Saturday together and Dinner at Maggie’s on Sundays. Maggie introduced her to the Captain’s wife and the other wives from the company.

Kim’s days were full. She had friends now and one really good mentor, but her nights were still lonely and long. She never brought Jimmy to bed with her as Maggie suggested. She missed Jim so much. His smell was barely on his pillow anymore. She hadn’t washed the pillow case since he left. She would hug it to her chest and face, trying to fill her senses with the scent of him. Some nights, as she lay there under the covers, she would keep it over her face and let her small hand trail down between her pert breasts, then down across her belly with her fingertips as she breathed in the last molecules of his smell. Slowly she would rub her firm white belly letting her hand go in circles that moved further down until her fingers felt the soft tuft of her bright red bush. Kim would cup her small round breast with the other hand. She would tease herself, letting her fingers just press in and rub her mound but not down to the lips, not yet.

Jim would tease her like this. He could play her body, knowing her spots. That hollow were her thigh met her torso and of course her mound. Her Jim spent time on everything but her pussy, so that when he finally trailed across it, she jerked.  She tried to do that now. She ran her fingertips across all of her, making her little hairs stand up but when she went to her wet little pussy the surprise wasn’t there. She would slip her fingers in and rub, but it wasn’t the same. No electricity, no thrill, she got off, but it was still frustrating.

Maggie had to go school shopping, and Kim tagged along even though Jimmy wasn’t even in preschool. Slowly they wandered the aisles and talked. Finally Maggie got blunt like she usually did.

“Shug, you look like shit. What’s wrong?” the older woman asked as she leaned on the cart handles and pushed slowly.

“I don’t sleep, not well anyway.” The redhead confessed.

“Bad dreams?” Maggie guessed.

“That and…” Kim looked to the floor like a girl talking to her mom about a boy, “you know.”

Maggie rolled her eyes and her whole head. “Oh, thaaat” she said loudly and slowly and then giggled.

“Stop making fun of me”, Kim pouted.

Maggie still giggled. “Shug, you are not the only one”, and shook her head slowly.

“What do I do?” she asked

“You do NOT act like those navy wives.” Maggie said emphatically. “We don’t fuck around on our men. Go buy a toy. Put yourself under the tub faucet. Do lots of spin cycles in your laundry and sit on the lid.”

“That’s it?” Kim had hoped for better advice.

Maggie shrugged. “He’ll be back and you’ll be happier then, if he’s been your only man.” She said sagely.

Kim got letters, at least one a week, sometimes two. It helped to read his words, to keep her strong. But by the fifth month, she was watching every fit young man that walked by. It was an army post; every man was strong and fit. The seventh month brought her birthday. She was now 25. There was no party. Jim would have taken her to dinner. She sat in her apartment and shared a box of Kraft Macaroni and cheese with Jimmy. She didn’t even buy a cake.

On Saturday nights Maggie plays bingo, so 13 year old Kristen was home with her siblings. Kim brought Jimmy over and asked her to sit for her.

“Please, Kristen.” Kim handed her twenty dollars. “I just need some time with the girls, you know, a few drinks.”

“Sure, Mrs. Stewart.” Kristen took the money and readily agreed. She got nothing for watching her siblings.

She watched Kim walk back to her car in this blue silk Chinese dress with white flowers and black dragons swooping up it. With her pale skin and red hair, Mrs. Stewart looked like a woman wanting more than a night with the girls.

Kim drove to the enlisted men’s club on post. ‘She would get a drink, just to get a buzz on.’ She told herself ‘and maybe dance a little, nothing wrong with that.’ Her mind justified it. ‘She deserved a night out’.  She admired how her qipao dress fit so well after all these years. She hadn’t worn it since before Jimmy was born. Her heels clicked on the concrete as she made her way to the door. ‘She wanted to feel sexy and needed some stares and attention, that’s all’, she assured herself.

Kim started to pull the club door open.

“Where the fuck are you going?” Maggie was behind her.

Kim spun in surprise “How…what are you doing here?”

“Hello!”Maggie said, holding up her cell phone. “Kristen ratted you out. I just guessed you were going here.”

Kim was annoyed. “I came to get a drink and maybe dance.” She said defensively.

“Dressed like that?” Maggie sniffed the air. “And smelling like that?” Maggie shook her head. “You came on a cock hunt, sister, and we both know it.”

Kim looked at her with her mouth open in shock. “I would never…”

“Oh, you would never, right now, but you would get a few drinks into you and shake that little ass out there on the floor, and maybe some young corporal would rub his hard body up against you. You would get all flushed and start thinking ‘well a kiss wouldn’t hurt’ and maybe a few more drinks and the next thing you know that dress is on his floor.” Maggie stopped to let it sink in. “Or maybe you would take him to your husband’s bed.” She accused in an icy tone.

“Maybe you speak from experience, Maggie” Kim spat back, trying to hurt.

Maggie went forward and grabbed the younger woman by the wrist and yanked her away from the door. “Maybe I do” she simply put. It shut Kim up and she dragged her to the car.

“Get in the car!” She stood taller than the redhead and ordered her. Kim obeyed because she didn’t want to party now. She was pissed that Maggie ruined her ‘innocent’ plans.

Maggie drove and talked. “Why do you think I took you under my wing? Let you use my girl as your sitter? I knew this would happen. I was you, Kim. Not so many years back, I was you.” Maggie looked over at her. “Shug, I love you and I won’t let you do this to your man.”

Kim started to protest but Maggie cut her off.

“You are a sweet, gorgeous girl and we are army wives. We take care of our own.” They pulled into Kim’s parking lot.

“Why are we here? I need to get Jimmy.” Kim said defeated.

“He’s fine at my house.” Maggie told her. “We’ll go upstairs. We’ll drink and talk.”

They sat in the dark in the living room, side by side on the couch with their feet pressed to the coffee tables edge. Kim had a bottle of blush wine and they shared it and Maggie shared her story.

“I slept with another man when my husband was first deployed.” She admitted. “Shug, I regret it to this day and I always will. I was just like you. I was young. My body was soft and firm in all the right spots. Men looked at me at the commissary when I shopped. And I got lonely. He was gone for more than a year and I needed him. Deep inside I needed him, but it got to the point where I thought any man would do.”

Maggie put her hand on Kim’s knee.

“Baby, they won’t do.” Kim let the hand stay but looked away to the other wall. “You may not regret it in the morning, but he’ll come home and as you hug him it will be at the back of your mind.” Maggie looked over at her even though they could barely see each other.

Kim sat in silence for a moment comparing notes. She liked to think she was better than that, but she wasn’t better than Maggie. They drank down the wine with a long silence.

“Does he know?” Kim finally asked.

“No.” Maggie confided.

“So what did you do after that?” Kim asked.

“I found other ways.” Maggie sat up.

“Like long spin cycles and toys.” Kim laughed nervously.

“And other ways.” She repeated.

Kim sat up now. “Well, like what? Help me.”

Maggie reached up and pushed a lock of hair from Kim’s face. She leaned in and gently kissed her. It was like a static charge to Kim’s lips, she jumped back away from Maggie.

With her fingers to her lips now, “Maggie! I…I’ve never done that.” Kim was shocked “And what about all that stuff about regret?”

“I’m not a man.” She said simply. “That’s what I did, I turned to women. It’s what a lot of us do. While they’re gone we take care of our own.” Maggie just put it out there.

Kim didn’t know what to say. Her heart was pounding and this was a lot to take in. Maggie just sat patiently.

Kim sat back down but at the very end of the couch. “So…so you’re a lesbian?”

Maggie laughed. “No, I love men, but I only want to love MY man. While he is gone, it helps.”

Kim’s mouth was open as she put it all in her mind. She reached for more wine and drank a whole glass quickly.

“And it’s worked?” the younger woman asked doubtfully.

Maggie gently took Kim’s fingers in her hands, making a connection. “Bob has been my only man ever since. I can stay faithful to him and I think it really helps that the other woman is going through just what you are. You understand each other.”

Maybe it was so much wine, maybe it had been too long, but Kim thought of it. She had never been with a woman. The thought was foreign to her. ‘When Maggie had kissed her though, there had been electricity there’ she thought, ‘but maybe it was just the shock of who it was? But rubbing her own pussy was not working’ her mind admitted ‘and she didn’t want to do that to Jim. She loved him.’

« : March 30, 2014, 08:54:09 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #8 : March 31, 2013, 01:13:05 PM »

  We Take Care of Our Own              PART   2      -     Momma_Andrea 

“What do we do?” the little redhead asked coyly. Her stomach was churning.

Maggie scooted closer, closing the gap between them. She pushed her fingers through the young wife’s soft hair. “I’ll do everything.” she said softly with her southern accent even thicker. Slowly she leaned in and barely brushed her lips across Kim’s. She gently put soft butterfly kisses all over her lips. Nothing like any man would do.  She stayed there just puckering the sweet young thing.

Kim just sat there nervously, letting herself be kissed. Then she felt Maggie’s hand leave her hair and trail softly down her back. Maggie ran her nails slowly down her spine. It made Kim arch her back and press into the kiss. Maggie licked those soft red lips, letting Kim breathe deeply as she rubbed up and down. The older woman took Kim’s other hand and pressed it to the front of the qipao dress. She held her hand over Kim’s and helped the sweet thing massage her own breast. Kim kept her eyes closed. She didn’t think of Jim. She didn’t think of anyone or anything. She was just there.

Maggie gently pushed her head into the curve of Kimberly’s neck. ‘There was electricity now’, Kim felt, and made a quick intake of breath. The woman breathed hot air on the back of her neck as she nibbled softly at Kim’s jugular, little bites and tender kisses that sent jolts through the redhead’s nervous system straight to the sex between her thighs. Kim bit her lower lip but sat stoically with no other response.

The older woman went slowly, running her hands up and down both sides of the silk dress, then meeting in the middle across Kim’s still nervous tummy. Neither woman said anything. There was no pillow talk. Maggie slide her hands softly across the thighs of sweet Kim, running her fingers just up and down the firm outer parts, while her lips returned to kiss the girl. Ever so slowly Kim parted her lips to open up for the woman. It was the first act of participation she had shown so far. Maggie still didn’t rush it. She let her tongue explore just inside those sweet lips and grazing across Kimberly’s teeth.

Kim was breathing harder, she was getting excited and she was tingling between her legs. She was moving her body now to meet Maggie’s touches. She let the older woman’s tongue inside her mouth. Still she trembled though, she was so nervous but it was slowly melting away. She could feel Maggie’s thumbs, each pushing across her nipples as the woman’s fingers rubbed under her breasts. Slowly Kim raised her own hands to the neck of her dress. She began to unbutton it, then down the side of her right breast. Her fingers worked it open, each button giving till she reached her side where the opening stopped.

Maggie paused and watched what was given. Kim pushed the material open till Maggie could see that pale white skin in the soft moonlight from the window. Little rosebud nipples stood straight out, excited and hard. Maggie gently reached forward with just two fingers and rubbed across one hard nub and then quickly to the other. Kim let her head ease back as she opened her mouth and sighed. Her tender nipples ached from being so excited and finally she broke the silence between them.

“Suck them.” She said just above a whisper, pleading but still so nervous.

Maggie heard it though. Her entire world right now was this sweet young thing and the responses she was invoking. The older woman knelt on the floor but not between Kim’s legs. She was at her side and wrapped her arms around the young mom and pulled her closer. She took the right nipple straight into her mouth. Sweet Kim couldn’t take anymore teasing. Maggie suckled as much flesh as would fit in her mouth with the nipple as the cherry center. Her tongue swirled around it and flicked it as her mouth sucked the boob. Kim moaned loudly with her eyes closed and facing the heavens.

Maggie put her right hand in Kim’s lap and pushed down on the mound there. Kim responded by opening her legs. Maggie smiled inside. Her hand went down and under the qipao dress, finding a nylon thong covering the tender pussy. She let her two fingers grove up and down the material, following the curve of Kimberly’s sex. Slowly she felt Kim’s arms wrap around her head as she sucked that rock of a nipple.

Maggie broke from her but still rubbed that wet pussy through her underwear. She looked up at Kim, who opened her eyes and looked at her.

“Kiss me.” Maggie said.

“I can’t.” Kimberly shook her head nervously.

“You have.” The older woman said.

“You kissed me, and I let you.” The little redhead argued weakly.

“Then kiss me and be a part of this.” Maggie urged.

Kimberly bit her lower lip. She made up her mind and moved her head down. Halfway there she closed her eyes and opened her mouth. She kissed Maggie, slowly pressing in until their lips sealed. Kim even brought her hand up to her friend’s cheek. It was Maggie’s turn to moan and she pressed her fingers into Kim’s exposed tits. She pushed into the girl pressing her back into the sofa. Maggie got from her knees and nearly lay on top of her. Her thigh pressed in between Kim’s legs and their bodies mashed together. Kim held the kiss though and held Maggie’s face as they slide down into the couch with the older woman on top. Thighs mashed into pussies and breasts collided together, as they held each other.

Kim’s mind was just lust now. She didn’t think about what was right or wrong by society. She was being loved and her body being played. Her pussy was rocked against a firm thigh and her little clit was poking from its hood.  Maggie was trying to push the qipao up and pull those panties down.

Kim broke the kiss, “Stop, don’t ruin my dress!” she said urgently, thinking about the beautiful qipao that Jim adored on her.

Maggie sat back on her heels and giggled when she let the girl up. Kim stood and pulled her white arms from the dress and pushed it down her slim hips to fall at her feet. She scooped it up and draped it carefully on Jim’s easy chair. She turned back to Maggie who was watching her.

“Aren’t you going to get undressed too?” Kimberly asked almost disappointed.

Maggie smiled wide and warmly. “I just wanted to be asked, Baby”, and began to remove her clothes.

Maggie was on top of her on the couch. Kim had looked hopefully towards the bedroom at the start but Maggie had said, “No baby, that’s his bed.” She honored Kim’s husband and then proceeded to grind against his wife. Kim’s arms were wrapped around the older woman. Maggie bit and sucked at her neck while both of their pussies rubbed against each other’s thigh. The speed was increasing and Kim was bucking against the other woman. She was purring and moaning, her breath coming in raged rasps. Maggie came up from her neck and caressed Kim’s cheek.

“You’re going to cum aren’t you, baby?” She asked tenderly.

Kim, near tears and biting her lip like she does, nodded and a weak “mmhmm” was all she could get out.

Maggie kissed her deeply and passionately and slid her hand in between them. She shoved two fingers inside the little pussy and let her thumb mash Kimmy’s clit. Kim’s hips bucked and her pussy clenched down on those fingers and she screamed into the woman’s mouth as she came. Months of loneliness and frustration by her own feeble hand were ripped away. Her whole body was trembling under Maggie. She gripped the woman to her and tried to wrap around her. She came and she came in violent convulsions.

Finally she lay back in exhaustion, catching her breath and moved her hand through her red hair. She opened her eyes to Maggie smiling down at her, beaming.

“What?” Kimmy was self-conscious now.

“You were beautiful, baby.” Her friend told her in that sultry southern drawl.

Kim blushed. “Thank you.” She said meekly. “But what about you?” she said after a moment

“This time was all about you, baby.” The Matron slowly rolled off of her to kneel on the floor and kissed Kim before standing up.

Kim sat up on her elbows and looked at Maggie’s naked body “But…but surely you need it.”

Maggie bent and caressed the younger mother’s cheek. “And you can give it to me next time, baby.” Maggie’s voice changed to that of the mentor. “Come on, let’s go get your little boy.”

Kim got jeans and a t-shirt while Maggie put her own clothes back on in the living room. Kim sat on the bed putting socks on. She had just had sex with another woman, but she didn’t feel weird about it. Maggie was a friend when she needed it. She looked over at Jim’s pillow. ‘And I didn’t cheat on my husband with some other man.’ she thought and nearly cried in joy.

Maggie stood at the bedroom door. “You OK?” She saw the wet eyes.

Kimmy nodded and caressed Jim’s pillow on his side of the bed. “Thank you.”

Her mentor smiled. “We’re army wives. We take care of our own, shug.”

« : March 30, 2014, 08:54:57 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #9 : March 31, 2013, 01:24:55 PM »

 7.       Mile High Delight.       -       Brandybee   

The steady hum of the aeroplane engine is soothing as I settle under my blanket and  shut my eyes in that semi relaxed state before sleep. The lights have been lowered for the passengers to settle for the 11 hour flight and apart from the odd flicker of the in-flight DVD players on the back of seats, all is very peaceful & quiet.

 This was the start of  a new beginning for me, I had just landed a top job with a new company and secured a new apartment.  I was having two weeks leave before I started,   to get used to my new surroundings.  My gear had been sent on ahead so all I had to do was move into the apartment and arrange my belongings. Maybe buy a few new items but then, it was sun, sea and sand and,  smiling to myself, maybe a little sex too if I was lucky .....

I must have drifted off awhile and then awoken by air turbulence.  I find I have shifted in my sleep and sprawled  over  on to the guy in the next seat. My head is resting on his muscular, toned chest and his chin is resting on my head.  I smell his expensive cologne, a sporty, ocean sea fragrance and very pleasant.  I am a little alarmed he may be annoyed.

I flatten my hand to his chest ready to move away, but his voice suddenly speaks, softly. “ No, stay. I like it”
His voice, is strong, masculine and I feel the vibrations of his voice carry through his chest to my ear. It feels nice, sexy, soothing and I feel the first quivers of attraction. I still....., wondering “what now?”.

He strokes my hair, gently placing loose strands  behind my ear, with a gentle “ mmmm”

He then caresses my hair, twirling it between his fingers and I lean into him a little more, letting him know, I like it... I like it very much. Who doesn’t like their head and hair caressed. It’s so relaxing and sensual. He pulls it a little to move my head closer to his shoulder, so he can talk to me better.
“ You like me don’t you?” He whispers. “ I saw you looking earlier, wanting to get to know me better, but I think you are shy”

He is right, I am. I nod and he chuckles.  “ Well I like you a lot too. I want you to show me that you like me”  He moves his hand to mine under  the blanket, hidden from view, hidden  from any possible prying eyes of the sleeping passengers nearby .

“ Do you know what I mean?”  He lifts my hand and places it boldly on his crotch.  My breath catches.  I should be offended but.... strangely,  I am not offended at all. In fact I’m quite excited by his  boldness & arrogance.

 I feel  he is hard already and impressively big.  I grind my hand on his covered member, feeling him on top of his trousers. Then,  I  stretch out my hand, five digits, stiff & spread out, pushing  my palm out and rub along his length.  My inner hand is sensitive and his hardness quite pleasant as I move up and down him.

“ Like this” I whisper feeling very naughty, touching a stranger I had barely spoken to. I could feel my body respond to the situation and to him. I am hot , flushed and a dampness seeps into my underwear.

“ That’s it, exactly like that. Now unzip me, take me out” His voice is authoritative and commanding. He is obviously a man, used to taking control.
I follow his instruction and slowly take the zip down, pushing my hand inside feeling his hardness and pulling him out carefully, making sure he doesn’t catch on his fly. I begin to stroke him gently. He is silky smooth, warm and circumcised.

“Mmmmm” He groans & pants a little between his words,  “ That feels  so good. Now suck me,....  Oh,..... and by the way, .... you should know... I have an ass... fetish .... and..... I like yours.... very much”    He leans closer to my ear ,  “ And  I looked at yours several times  in the Airport Lounge”

My heart  pounds, at his words.  I move my head under the blanket. I feel him spread the blanket over both of us, totally covering my body except for my ankles ,and then ,covering himself to his chest.  Our movements are hidden from sight.

I feel the heat from his body and my face flushes as I move to suckle him. His scent is intoxicating. I continue to stroke him and put his crown to my lips and kiss him. He is wet , oozing precum  and I taste him, rolling his seepage on my tongue. I  begin to lick his head,  cupping his balls and massaging him. I lick his ridges and full length from his balls to his tip and back again. My tongue is eager and  I ensure every part of his rod receives attention. I find his tiny opening and rim him enjoying  his reaction as he stiffens and circles his hips. 

His one hand pushes into my waist band, his arm fully out stretched , testing to see how far he can reach.  Then I feel him, withdraw his hand and then return to smother something cool & greasy into the valley of my bottom. 

 “ His ass fetish !”  I think and  muse if the greasiness is butter,  from the meal we had earlier,  but quickly forget the thought as I feel him rim my anal star with his finger, spreading the lubrication and dipping in slightly.

 His probing finger is very exciting and again I feel my underwear dampen in excitement. He pushes a finger inside me and I gasp at the sudden invasion.  Pleasure shoots throughout my body as he begins to move his finger  in, then out and small circular twists inside my anal passage. The movements slow, sensuous, & repeating.  I moan on his cock as he continues to stimulate & build my  sexual craving,. 

“ Wicked on the plane like this, isn’t it? ” He says softly so only I can hear him, not really expecting an answer.

His other hand moves underneath the blanket pushing my head fully on his erection. He is so big I nearly gag,  but soon manage to adjust and  get into the rhythm,  directed by his guidance.

There is no doubt, this man is a vibrant, handsome and fit alpha male who takes care of his body, physically and hygienically. He knows what he likes and is confident enough to make it known both verbally & with his body actions. This inner confidence  feeds my attraction to him.

He fucks my head and finger fucks my ass , soon followed by another finger entering my body. He feels wonderful and I am soon moving my ass to match a rhythm to that of my mouth.  The damp patch on my underwear is ever growing.   I am very excited and start to ache with an  increasing need.

I am enjoying our naughty, wicked liaison when suddenly his fist clenches on my head, pulling & bunching  my hair with it, forcing me to stop. I feel the pleasant tightness as he squeezes my hair , pulling at the roots on my scalp.

He slowly pulls me up to his shoulder again and I can hear his ragged breathing and see his chest rising in quick small pants.
“ Are you in the Mile high club?” He asks
 I shake my head, smiling at the thought.  It will be a first time experience for me.

“ Well , you will be soon. Go to the restroom. Take your underwear down and wait for me. I will knock 5 times,  2 quick knocks, then 3 quick knocks”

I nod and quickly fix my clothing, ready for the short walk there.  “ Wait”  He commands “ You will need these”  He pushes 3 small foiled rectangle butters into my hand.  “ I just want your ass. I love anal sex. Make sure you are prepared for me”.  He smiles at me, and my tummy flips over.  “ I  am going to fuck that beautiful ass of yours hard, ... now go “

His words heighten my excitement and the anticipation of what this handsome big man is going to do to me.

 I can barely contain my excitement.  My body is flushed and excited like never before. The dampness between my legs confirms his skilful physical and verbal stimulations.

I can still feel and hear those words he whispered to me.. “ Are you in the Mile High club?”  “ Well you will be soon”

I reach the restroom and enter it, quickly sliding the lock in place to register “ Engaged”  The space is restricted  but will just about hold the two of us. 
I look at myself in the mirror. My face is flushed, my eyes are sparkling and I can see the wicked excited gleam in them.  I watch myself in the mirror as I down my lower clothing & fondle the cheeks of my ass. The cool air teases my nakedness and is enhanced by reruns of  sucking on my stranger’s cock and his sweet  ass caresses back in the  seated fuselage. My mind replays  his sexy, deep , manly voice  “ I have an ass fetish”  Shivers run down my spine at the thought, my anticipation builds.

I unwrap the butter and smear  it in between my buttocks, spreading the grease around my special star and finger myself.  The sensation is exquisite . My anticipation climbs higher still as I touch myself but resist the urge to do more.

The door is suddenly knocked,  2 quick knocks followed by a further 3.

My heart thumps in my chest. My stomach tightens and my breath is shaky.  I unlock the door and he enters the restricted space.  He turns me round and grabs my hair again, forcing me to look at him in the mirror.  “ Watch me in the mirror “ He commands holding my gaze.  I put my hands on the wall, my naked bottom slightly pushed out.  He grinds against me.  His bulging cock evident  in his trousers.

“ I don’t make love, I fuck” He warns, as if asking for my consent. I nod.

He reaches down, brushing my buttocks and releases his hardened staff and then guides it to my star. He covers my hands with his, trapping me.  He grinds more, teasing, circling and probing my entrance with his tip.  All the time,  holding my eye contact.

 “ Nothing else interests me,  just your ass”  He whispers , nuzzling my ear and hair. “  I like talking dirty in your ear ” .

 I nod again. He smiles muttering “ Good, very good”  and with that he gives one big thrust, entering me hard,  and catapults me into the exclusive membership of “ The Mile High Club”

He fills me totally and I gasp & groan at his size and girth as he stretches me and holds there a moment.  I clench my ass on his embedded cock and he smiles approval at me and begins to circle his hips, making sure I feel every inch of his cock buried in my body.

He leans into my ear , keeping that eye contact in the mirror.  “ You like my cock in you, Don’t you?” I nod.  He seems pleased by my silent answers.

“You like the feel of it stretching your tight little ass?”  I nod

“ You like offering yourself to me don’t you?” I nod

“ Are you my sexy little ass whore?”  I nod

“And my little whore, likes to be fucked there. “ I nod

“ Good , touch yourself “  I pull my hand from underneath his on the wall, and reach between my legs.

“ Let me hear you groan”  I caress & fondle & rub rhythmically  up and down, slowly, sensuously,  and groan softly for him.

“ Good,  “  He pulls my hair tighter.  He smiles at me.  “ How turned on are you right now?”

“200%” I whisper without hesitation.

“ I think being my sex toy, excites you. “  I nod again, my eyes blazing with desire

“ Good, you excite me. You please me”  He nuzzles and I feel his growth gently scrape my cheek.

“ Push your ass into me”   I do as he asks and he moans, still circling and grinding softly.

“Tell me what you want?”

I lock eyes with him,  “ I want you, I want you to fuck me”

“ Again, ...  louder” He instructs

“ I want you to fuck me. “  I raise my voice a little louder, this time, in my answer to him.

“ Ask nicely”  He grinds into me more, and my breath becomes shaky , shallow pants.

“ Fuck me, Fuck your little Ass Whore , Fuck me , ... please “  I am excited and impatient now and he knows it.

He smiles, and withdraws, leaving just the crown of his penis resting in my cavity and then enters me again in a forceful thrust,  “ Like this?”

“ Yes”  I gasp again at his size.

“ Keep touching yourself “ he demands and moves my free hand on the wall a little more central to my body, but still allowing for that eye contact.  He takes hold of my waist, his fingers gripping strongly,   just above my hips and  he begins to fuck.

He maintains a slow steady rhythm at first, enjoying my body, enjoying my ass.  My  fresh , tight & buttery cavity thrills him as he slides in and out. He moves  in smooth, strong & determined strokes.
And then he starts to move faster, taking his pleasure in my body.  I respond, seeing the male , lusty desire in the mirror. A sight framed there , that will,  forever be imprinted in my mind. My guilty pleasure in  those  quiet  “me moments”  alone.

 My body is on fire and I thrust back for him to take me as deep as he wants. I rock to his rhythm and he takes me harder still.  I am hot, flushed and seeping my own wet pleasure at the anal sensation and self touching.  I moan and grunt a little as he reaches  deep inside me, physically and emotionally, awakening my deep sexual  spirit within.

He begins to groan and growl as his pleasure builds. His primitive need taking over , losing control in our moment.  He is in total lusty fuck mode now, banging his hips into my buttocks. My cheeks wobble and slap against him with the intensity of his thrusts. His claiming of me is deep and primitive.  My excitement rockets as he takes & invades  and I maintain a steady rubbing rhythm at the same time.  My hand expertly self pleasures,  turning my desire  just as greedy and selfish as the man behind me.

I feel my orgasm build, it’s going to be intense.  I feel  him stiffen  and his rhythm changes.  I know he is close, teetering on that amazing precipice of total sexual release .  And then .... and then he topples into it.  The sight in the mirror so special  as his hand finds my throat and neck,  and squeezes a little tight.

He growls and pulls at my hair , withdrawing from me and spurting his excitement all over my cheeks. It’s all too much & I explode too. My legs weaken and shake and I groan with him. My release is as intense as his. He holds me, gripping my throat and hair, as much for his balance as mine. Both of us are breathing harsh and ragged.

As his jerking body,  finally returns to normality, he reaches down and massages his semen into my bottom cheeks, fondling each buttock.  His movements are slow and purposeful, taking his enjoyment of my toned cheeks to fulfil his fetish.

“ That was a beautiful moment”  He whispers as he feels my butt.  “  I do like sexy asses,” He chuckles , “ and yours is certainly in that category”
I smile back at him,  “ I’m glad” I murmur back. 

He puts himself away and fastens his clothing back up and I begin to fix myself too. He strokes his knuckles on my cheek,  “ Who knows, we may get the same flight back”

I grin back at him, “ You never know”

“ Meet you back at the seats, I think we may both sleep the night away now”  and with that he is gone.

Alone in the toilet, I wash and clean myself up.  My underwear still wet with my scent.  I smile to myself in the mirror , “ The Mile High Club, who would have thought” and a satisfied and pleased  giggle escapes my lips.

I return to my seat and see he has already settled.  I get comfy in my seat and soon my eyes shut as I drift into a very satisfied sleep.

I awaken to the rattling of the cabin crew going about their business  and the Captain informing us the aeroplane will be landing soon.
My special stranger, smiles at me.  “ I saved you breakfast & an orange juice. I thought you may need the rest”
“ I did”  Smiling back.  I stretch and then eat and sip my fruit juice.  By the time I have washed and cleaned my teeth,  we are fastening our seatbelts ready to land.

We are soon sorting our baggage from the overhead lockers and passengers stand getting ready to leave.

“ Wait, “ My stranger calls as I am pushed slowly along the aisle by other passengers , “ My card, you know,  if you ever ... “ He grins at me.   
I reach out and take it,  “ Sure, if I ever”   I glance at it briefly,  noting the deep crimson colour and corner logo of a red heart behind a Capital letter A in yellow followed by the yellow letters  Chat.  On the other side is the front of an expensive white sports car on a blue and black background with his name and number emblazoned across it.
He seemed to be some sort of designer for the company.

“ I’m  Julian ”  He tells me his name  “ And yours?”

“ Nigel “ I answer and then am swept away into the bustling,  exiting crowd....

Julian leans back in the seat for a moment waiting for the right moment and the room in the gaggle of busy passengers  to collect his own belongings .

 He shuts his eyes briefly, thinking of that moment in the toilet cubicle...  “ Nigel ,  Nigel , nice name ... mmmm ....   that man has one very , very  sexy ass  indeed,... were they  ever  destined to meet again...”    Then the moment is disturbed and he too, gets ready to leave........

« : March 30, 2014, 08:55:36 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #10 : March 31, 2013, 01:28:22 PM »

8.     A   T Girl Diary           PART    1      -      hentaiboy69 

Thursday, 24 May 20XX

Dear diary ….
That's how it usually starts, i think, so .... here i am! 

But before i start, maybe i have to introduce me to you, my new friend .... my name is Rebecca but all my friends call me Becca or Becky and i’m living one the most beautiful moment of my life cause fate had make me met a wonderful guy an year and half ago who had accept me as i am, a t-girl!  His name is Angelo and he is a special guy, even if i don’t had understand it immediately: it was at a party of a common friend .... i had notice him immediately, tall with a toned body and a sweet smile on her face, he was talking with the house owner, my best friend Giulia, and i have to thanks her if now we are living together from an year!

Yes, that’s it! After six months of dinners, movies and many laughs, Angelo had ask me to live together! Oh, i was in heaven .... he is a funny and nice guy and he had accept my true self from the begin of our relationship! All was perfect till that moment (and it is now ....) but when we finally start to leave under the same roof, i had found out his deepest secret: it’s not like he don’t like girls (maaan, one of his friend was a really beautiful girl and they had exchange some really hot kiss!), but what he looks for in a relationship is being sodomized, subjected to the penetration of his anus and if it’s a girl who is doing it, it’s the higher ecstasy for him! Now, try to imagine the situation .... we had just transfer in our new apartment and finally the time for our first wild (or it was what i had hope at that time ....  ) night .... i was so excited! and just before the funny began,  he reveal me everything! It was a big surprise for me and i have to admit that make me love him more .... not all the guys will confess something like this so easily! At last, it was different from how i had imagine our first night, but i can’t deny it was a wild and hot night .... hearing his greedy moans was so exciting! But now ....

Months after another, the situation had changed .... i love him as the first time we meet, but sex isn’t as at the begin! I mean .... sex was good with him but looking at his hard and big rod .... oh God .... i desire so much to feeling it inside me! I had try to talk with Angelo about the situation and we had try to found a solution using some toys, but it’s not the same ....   

And now i’m at the point i can’t hold this situation so far .... i mean, i’m not the type who like to be the dominant one during sex with a guy (even if i have to admit that was reeeeally good at the begin! mmmmhmm!), it’s the opposite! Yes, using toys had help a little but now .... i need a cock! A real one, not a simple surrogate!  This situation is driving me crazy....this is why i take the decision to write this diary, to record my thoughts and my feeling!

Monday, 28 May 20XX

Dear diary ….
This morning i had met my best friend Giulia during lunch break and we had talk so much....

She’s good at listen and i usually ask her to help me when i have trouble, so....i had confess her all the doubt i have about me and Angelo: our relationship, our sex life....and all the time i had try to talk with him about this! And after i finish my monologue, she make me just a question....

“Tell me just a thing, Becca....did you love him!?”

Nothing to say....her words were heavy and direct, till the point i wasn’t able to answer her for few minutes, lost in my thoughts: every moment with Angelo was running in my mind....every words we say, every laugh we make....everything! And at last the answer came out by itself....

“Yes, i love him....i don’t want to lose him....”

Good, i was so sad thinking it can be happen! I had try to hide it, but Carla know me so well....i’m like an open book for her! She had try to cheer me and when i was calm, she came out with one of the most incredible things i ever heard: join an adult internet community to exchange experience, some fantasy and, at last she confessed it!, having some real date! I was stunned....i mean, Carla was always a pretty girl surrounded by many boys but this.... and she said it with a so happy face!

“I will send you the link for it this evening....i’m in late!” were the words she said before leaving and now, on my laptop screen, i have the main page of this “community” open and i had read some here and there: oh wow, it’s really incredible....so many people from all around the world sharing about their experience, exchanging their thoughts about sex and dating in real life sometimes! And lot of hot topic....till the point i finish to subscribe and write my first words:

“Hello, Achat friends....i’m Becca and i’m new here!”

And immediately, answer to my simple “hi” appear on the forum page:  some jokes, big welcome and virtual hugs.....wow, this place is full of nice and friendly people! Mmmmhmm, really have to call Giulia and thanks her!   

Saturday, 9 June 20XX

Dear diary ....
It’s incredible! Few days of subscription to Achat and i have some of the most incredible experience! If the first impression in the forum was good, now i’m really stunned for the multiple talents i had seen till today: writers, designer....everything! I have to say, some of them look a little crazy sometimes, but they are all nice and very gentle, always ready to help each other and to help new users like me!

And, of course, i had some experience in the chat too....some not so nice and some (few, i have to say!) really worst but in general, i had met lot of interesting people, who like a simple chat to know better the one on the other side of the screen. And one of this had caught my attention yesterday....his approach was cute and sweet and he invite me in room just for dance and chat about us and about our dreams! That was incredible....an hour just chatting and at last, i had the impression to know him from years!  And the only reason we stop, was cause Angelo will be home soon and i had to prepare something for dinner! Eh eh! Working near home and have the chance to move home at 4 pm have its benefits!

mmmmmm....hope i can see him again.....

Monday, 11 June 20XX

Dear diary ....
My wish had come true today, at last....yayyyyy! I’m so happy!

After i went home, i log in into Achat and after few minutes, i had a simple message message from him:

“Talking with you was wonderful and i had hope to see you again with all my will for all the week end!”

Oh God....his words were so sweet! Dunno what came across my mind, all i know is my fingers were typing on the keyboard an answer, something similar to this:

“I really hope to see you again....i really have good time chatting with you! And i like to know you better....”

And without waiting his answer, i had send him an invite to room with me....one of the most beautiful experience i had on Achat till now! His words, the way he described the action of his hands or his tongue....everything had turn me on, pushing me far enough over then everyone else! Two hours of real sex....in my mind, every image he described was real, giving me real sensation and leading me out of the shell i had create to be sure to don’t be caught too much by the Achat experience! He make me greed of his attention, of his words...and all in one single date! Oh God.....what had he done to me!?

Friday, 22 June 20XX

Dear diary ....
I’m getting crazy! Anytime i went home from work, the first thing i do is turn on my laptop and search for him! I feel guilty for Angelo, but i can’t hold this feeling i have for my virtual lover! Every time we met, i let him discover something new of me and he do the same....our virtual relationship is perfect, we understand each other like it never had happen with Angelo or Giulia....

He was here....he looks for me and i look for him....

“Welcome, my sweet Becca....”

The same words every time, but i like them, they make me feel special and i had never tell this to him, but i know he had find it out....he is smart and open minded and i really enjoy to be with him, to enter in his realm, full of attention to me and to my desire! But i wasn’t ready for what he said me this afternoon....he want to meet me, a real date! Oh gosh....i wasn’t ready to this! I think i wasn’t able to write a word for more then five minutes, lost in my thoughts and in my doubt!

And even now, writing this words here, i’m confused....one side of me is happy for his request and want to accept it (am i fall in love with him!? Oh God!), but on the other hand, my mind run to Angelo and to all the happy moment we had live together and the plan we are doing for our future....what have i do now!?

Monday, 25 June 20XX

Dear diary ....
Yesterday afternoon i had met Giulia and spoke with her about his request. She was surprised about how i was caught by him cause she know i care of Angelo and how my feeling for him are strong! Aaaanyway, at last she’s right....i have to understand if i really want this or i’m just aroused by this strange situation....

So, here i am, leaving him a message where i tell him i’ll answer him tomorrow.....hope the night will bring me the right answer!

Thursday, 26 June 20XX

Dear diary ....
It’s done! I have accept his invite! Oh God, my heart was pounding so faster when we were talking, few minutes ago! But i had advice him.....no promise about the date will end....but seems he had understand my doubt and even a simple dinner is ok for him! We had set our meeting for this weekend cause i know Angelo will be away for work and he will back home only Sunday evening! All it’s planned...where we will meet (not so fast from where i live...) , how we can recognize each other.....wow, i feel like i’m playng a strange game, but in this one, i’m the main character!

Gosh.....am i  doing the right thing!?

Sunday, 1 July 20XX

Dear diary ....
I’m so happyyyyy! Our date was wonderful and, wow,  can’t wait to see him again! But better if i don’t rush.....let’s start from the begin!

Yesterday, when i arrive at the hotel we had choose, i was so nervous....a blind date with a man i had never seen before and who can be a psychopathic and, to complete the worst scenario who jump in my mind, even Giulia doesn’t know where i was!

For long minutes i had watch at the entrance of the hotel, trying to catch a man with a light grey leisure suit  and a rose on it (this is how i can recognize him!) when suddenly he appears....not so tall but sure he looks really cute and with a well proportioned body! Staring at him, i had taken all my courage in my hands and approach him: the others men outside the hotel, were staring at me, in my transparent shot black dress, who barely hide my body to their eyes.....i can feel them undressing with their sights, exploring every inch f my body....some of them turn away when i look at them, others continue to stare at me, without caring to hide it.

But my eyes were only for him.....the only one who don’t had notice me only cause he was watching in another direction. I had stop two step away from him, when he suddenly turn to face me, probably cause he heard the sounds of my heels (the highest i have.....7 inch!) ...


The only word he said before i gave him a passionate kiss on his lips, wrapping his head with my arms. His hands hold gently my waist, giving me a pleasent shiver....wild, who run all along my spine. Then, when uor lips were finally away, he spoke again.

“You are beautiful, Becca....more then how i had ever imagine!”

His words make blush and i bow my head to avoid his sight, but i’m sure he had notice it.....

“Want go!? Our dinner is waiting us......”

I had leave him lead me in the restaurant, when a table in an hidden corner of the hall was reserved for us: the dinner was nice, full of tasty food and talk and, of course, laughs, perfect to break the ice between us, but nothing comparable to the night we spent together! He was an amazing lover, full of attention, and had give me what i was looking for all the past months....the indescribable feeling a girl can only find having a man (and not a simple piece of rubber!) inside her!

It was so intense.....during the night and in the shower in the morning.....oh God.....i can feel it right now! But the most incredible think is i had ask him to meet again! Gosh.....i want to feel him inside me again right now!

« : March 30, 2014, 08:56:23 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #11 : March 31, 2013, 01:30:08 PM »

A   T GIRL   Diary.        PART  2   -    hentaiboy69   

Sunday, 29 July 20XX

Dear diary ....
The last two days were incredible, the two most wonderful days of my whole life! But let’s start with the right order....

Friday afternoon i had met him again, in the same place, but this time our date was a little different, cause i had tell him i want to back home before the day ends. Why, you probably are asking to yourself, my friend....weeeell, saturday was mine and Angelo’s anniversary and even if he was away for works, i had understand that is a too important day for me! Oh, but this don’t had stop me to enjoy my date.....he had really caught me, like a mouse trapped by the cat....and i’m that mouse!

But the fun wasn’t over....i was at home, few minutes after midnight, looking at myself in the mirror of my bedroom, naked, caressing my body and my mind was running to my date with him: every touch of his lips and his hands was vivid on my skin and if i closed my eyes i was able to feel them again! I was lost in that dream when suddenly i heard some rumors coming from the main door of the apartment: my first thoughts was about a robber or something similar, but listening well at that sound, it was clear this one was using a key on the lock! Can it be that Angelo is back from his business trip!?

I had take a look form the bedroom door and i was able to see the light of the stairs turned on.....that had confirm what i had think: Angelo was back early from his trip! God.....can’t imagine what can happen if he doesn’t find me at home and if he call me....

“Sorry, sweety, i’m with my lover and we having sex!....aaahhh...yesss!”

Oh my.....i can’t figured out  situation like that! I was feeling so guilty....and Angelo had back home for our anniversary! How stupid i was....i have the most wonderful man of the world near me and i had forget it! Angelo....my beloved and sweet love!

While he was opening the door, i run under the sheet and cover myself, waiting for him to join me. I was able to hear the sound of his step getting close to the bedroom, then to the bed.... the springs creak as soon as she sits near me on the bed, then i barely hear his voice

“Becky, are you sleeping!? Becky!?”

And no answer from me....he get closed to my face and gently kiss me on my cheek, removing the sheet slowly: little by little, he discover my naked body and i was imagining the pleasure he will found at that sight!  The sheet was now running along my legs, till he stop it below my knees and start gently caressing my body with his hand: trying to simulate a was sleeping was really hard in that moment, cause Angelo know well my sensible spot and he had focused on them so much!

“You are so beautiful, my sweet Becky.....”

And meanwhile he said this words, his hand was running on my bum: slowly, it explore every inch of it, giving me shiver who run wild in my spine till his finger barely graze my hole. Perhaps it was just a case, but that feeling had rise my horniness in a row and i wasn’t able to hold a moan. I grab his hand who was moving away from my hole and turn to face him, with my eyes full of tears....a mix of guilty and happiness had caught me, while he was looking in my eyes.

“Becky, why are you crying!?”

“Cause i was stupid....so damn stupid, my love...” i answer him with my broken voice

He fondle my face and stare at me with a sweet smile, the continue

“No Becky.....i was the stupid! I don’t had understand your needs but just had always think at mine....i had notice something was changing in you recently and Giulia had tell me all.....”

I stare at him like he was an alien.....Giulia did what!? He had probably understand what i was thinking cause he continue....

“Don’t blame her....she was worried for you....your words had make understand how you was caught by the situation.....” he take a deep breath “..I had push you in the arms of a stranger, risking to lose the most incredible thing in my life: you!”

Without any other words, he hug me tight: my God, he really had said those words!? It was all his fault!? No, it wasn’t......i had give up, i had risk to ruin all......to lose my precious Angelo! How pathetic i was!

I can hear him crying....i grab his shoulder and push him a little away. We stare each other for a long, endless minute and the i kiss him passionately, like never i had done before: for an instant he doesn’t answer to my kiss but then our tongues was dancing wild, lost in a vortex of passion we never had feel before between us! His hands were caressing my whole body, greedily, like never happen before!  At the same time, i was literally ripping off his clothes: first the shirt with the small button running all around the room, the then his belt and pants. We were both excited, wild.....that was our special night and the right moment to try to change our relationship!

And Angelo surely was! His shaft was hard and big when i was finally able to hold it in my hands! I don’t know if it was the surprise to find me naked in bed or some other strange reason, but surely it was amazing to find it like that! With a gentle grip on it, i start to move my hand long his shaft, slowly, enjoying that hardness under my touch till some precum start to come out of the red head...damn, he must be really excited and i was too at that point! Suddenly, a finger was digging hardly inside me: it was rough, intense......it was opening the hidden casket who he had always refuse to open till that moment! Feeling that finger exploring me, make me feel on the door of heaven....a door who was opened more soon by a second finger. I wasn’t able to hold the excitement i was feeling and i start to beg Angelo to goes on and to don’t stop.

“I want to do more for you tonight, my love.....” he whisper me.
Do more what was the meaning of those words!? Oh, dear friend, i had found it out really soon and it was....it was.....MARVELOUS!

He made me kneel on the bed’s border and he place his self behind me, starting to rub his rod’s head over my anus: it was the first time he does something similar, but i wasn’t sure he want to really do it or this was what i was thinking! With my big surprise his rod had start to push against my anus, trying to open his way inside me: little by little i felt it opening his way deeper inside my (for him!) unexplored cave!  I can felt every inch of it and even if i wasn’t sure it was really happening, i felt so happy!

His movement begun faster.....i can felt his rod digging all the way inside me, his balls hitting on mine and the sound of our bodies and our moans were all around the room: the most wonderful sound i had ever heard! Angelo grab me from my shoulders and pull me up, moving his hand to hold tight my tits, squeezing them harder and making me moan loud: the sudden movement had made his hard rod slip all inside with a rapid flash, impaling me on it! My tits squeezed and my ass penetrated.....or better say drilled....the door or heaven was now slammed, ripped off from its hinges leaving the pleasure enter in every cell of my body.

I wrap my arms around his neck and push his face against mine, kissing him deeply: staring in his eyes, i was able to see all the passion and the love he felt for me and, i’ sure, i can see the same in mine! For an instant, our mouths run away and with faint voice, i’ll try to say some words, but his hands run on my shaft, holding it tight and rubbing it following the rhythm of our bodies: the warmth of his hands and the feeling i had from his rod, make me reach soon the climax and the orgasm explode from inside me wild, irresistible, making me spurt my cum all around our bed, and soon Angelo follow me, filling my ass with a copious load of warm cum. We remain immobile, breathless, me with his rod inside me and laying on his body, trying to catch back some breath, but both happy and smiling each others, while his hand are caressing me.

I don’t know how many time we made it that night, but for sure Angelo was incredible.....he gave his best and he was wonderful! Of course, i had pleased him at last, cause, 8i have to admit....  , i had start to love to see him moaning with my shaft penetrating him! It give me the sensation to have him at my feet and, i have to be honest, i don’t dislike it! Eh eh!

Really hope tonight he want do it again! 

Friday, 3 August 20XX

Dear diary ....
This was a wonderful week for us and, at last, full of surprise....

We had talk a lot about us and about what happen in the last two months and, at last, he confessed something about our first time:  after he know the true from Giulia, he asked her to teach him what he must do to pleased me! I was stunned....Giulia, my best friend had....with Angelo...... unbelievable!

So, now we want to organize something special for the two friends who had help us to get closer, even in sex! Eh eh.....they don’t know what expect them this weekend and i’m sure it gonna be a lot of fun for everyone! And be sure i’ll gonna tell it to you soon, my friend! 

Or maybe, me and Angelo gonna start a new diary.....

« : March 30, 2014, 08:57:25 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #12 : March 31, 2013, 01:40:42 PM »

9.        Cross dressing Adventures: The Exclusive Club     PART  1      -   Sissy_Claire   

So there I am, standing in front of the mirror in my bedroom. Biting my lip as I look over my appearance making sure everything was absolutely perfect. It's not easy keeping up this kind of body, the shaving alone can cause slightly skin irritations which need to be covered. Wig is sat perfect on the cap underneath, eyebrows plucked to create a slight arch, just enough make up to highlight the eyes and lips and cover the darker area where my beard would grow. And of course the breast forms, creating a natural looking C cup when covered with a bra.

I suppose the first question would be why am I doing this? Well, I like it, I love the look and shape of women and want to emulate it. I am a guy, I feel confident in that, but I also feel confident when I dress up as a woman. It's kind of a sexual thrill, as much as it just enjoying the clothes and the more feminine side of myself.

Hooking my favourite bra into place, a simple black t shirt bra, I admire my figure in the mirror. If it wasn't for the bulge in my lacy briefs, I'd have fooled myself. Frankly I look as good as it's going to get, a little masculine but that's fine, the overall effect was as intended. Pulling on some sheer, thigh stockings that snugly stay in place, I look round biting my lip for my latest purchase. A little black dress, with gold rings that circle round the waist, a soft gold trim at the edge and a revealing open front panel to get a sneaky look at my breasts.

Made from thick velvet, so it can give a flattering effect, not showing up all the little bumps, and the skirt is loose enough to hide my bulge underneath. Thankfully it covers the bra and the top of the stockings while standing, the dress straps being a little wider then the bra straps.
Picking it up tentatively I struggle to restrain and impending erection, taking a deep breath and undoing it's back zip to make it easier to put on, I gently put it on the floor and step into it, pulling it up slowly by the straps and onto my shoulders, zipping up the back so it's in place I turn back to the mirror.

I can't help myself and just stroke over the front of the dress, staring agape at the hourglass figure shown up by the dress. I take the extra few minutes to admire the dress, adjusting the open front to make sure the bra is effectively covered and aligning the gold rings of the dress so they sit horizontally without a hitch. This was a special night after all, I managed to get tickets to go to an exclusive club!

This isn't my first time going out dressed like a woman. But still, I have butterflies in my stomach. The idea of being caught causes my mind to race with many situations. Police Station? Blackmail? Maybe even publicly humiliated? Its odd to think of those kinds of things as slightly arousing and there was certainly a lot of risk to it. But everything is paid for, and this is something I've been craving to do.

Picking up my house keys I turn to leave my apartment, and instinctively go to put the keys in my pocket. Oh, yeah. Sighing and turning round I grab my black leather handbag already prepared with what I need. Putting on a pair of black sandals, no heels as I'm already quite tall, I exit my apartment and lock up behind me, putting my keys into my handbag, thinking about how silly I must look to fail at something so simple. I flatten out my dress looking down and smiling to myself, I take a deep breath and adjust my posture and head off into the city.

It's not a long walk, only half an hour to reach the skyscraper in the city. Thankfully I drew no attention on the walk here, unlike when I go out during the day time and get the confused and often appreciative look of some men, the evening is rather quiet, allowing me time to think and get ready.
One of the major problems for cross dressing is actually the voice. And it takes a bit of practice to make it sound feminine and get the mannerisms right. My own voice is quite deep, and even when I do talk with my “female” voice, it is still deeper then most. So the trick is smiling and mannerisms, as well as body language. Kind of got to fool who you are talking to into thinking they're talking to a woman, rather then entirely changing your voice.

Keeping my shoulders low and a slight smile, I walk confidently into the skyscraper, walking up to the receptionist I calmly show him the ticket and he lets me pass after checking. I keep my pace and shoulders low, getting into the elevator hoping for a quick breather though someone has already got there first and it would be silly to avoid them.

Stepping into the Elevator next to the woman I smooth out a slight wrinkle in my dress. She was exceptionally pretty. Easily half a foot shorter then me, but then again I am six foot tall. Her hair is a silky black, reaching down to her breasts. Her dress is so much better then mine! The top cut out to show off plenty of chest without looking sluttish, patches of transparent material. A lush black silky shine hugging a true hourglass figure, with it abruptly ending after the curve of a rather slim bottom. The view descending down those lovely naked thighs...
And then I was suddenly very aware I was actually checking her out. I look back up to catch her smiling at me and can only feel my face burn with embarrassment as I whimper out a rather pathetic apology and look away. She doesn't say anything to it, and the elevator stop couldn't come soon enough with the doors opening up into the clubs lounge.

It already looked far better then I imagined and can suddenly see why the ticket cost me so much! The main part of the floor was covered dark wood flooring right up the bar, which looked like the old mahogany bars with a solid brass pipe running as a rail across the edge. Several bar stools follow the rail in the empty spots between the bar taps, on the outside edge of the room up against the windows are the booths. They were essentially private seating, red velvet couches in a semi circle with a small table in the centre, and a red curtain to cut you off from the rest of the bar if you choose to.

The woman strides out of the elevator and seems to immediately head to an empty booth, sitting herself down and a waiter immediately coming to attend her. I decide to go to the bar instead and sit on one of the barstools, in which frankly the most gentleman bartender I've ever seen, complete with the British accent asks,
“Is there something I can get you ma'am?”
“I er- Can I get white wine please? Just a glass?” I reply rather meekly, if anything I almost felt intimidated by just how much more upper class this place seemed. As he takes out a fresh bottle and uncorks it, I retrieve my purse from my handbag getting ready to pay. As he returned he looked surprised at me.

“Oh no no. Were you not told? All drinks and food are covered by the ticket price. Please, enjoy Ma'am.” I just look at him rather dumbfounded, stammer out my thanks and pack away my purse, taking a tentative sip of the wine. It's frankly, the best I've ever had. I'm no connoisseur, I couldn't even begin to describe it, but it definitely beats the supermarkets best brand.
I didn't notice it but there was a soft click of heels on the wooden floor approaching from behind me. In fact, it wasn't until she sat next to em at the bar I even realised somewhere was there. I looked at them simply out of curiosity with a smile on my face. It's the woman from the elevator, and I feel dumbstruck.

“You're new here, right?” I rather meekly just nod, trying to look calm as I have a sip of my wine. “Well, it's always good to see new people arrive.” Next thing I know she's stroking my leg with her foot. “Come sit with me.” I can only give her a confused look, but the way she simply walks away swaying her hips, how could I not?

Carrying my wine and handbag I calmly walk over to her booth, she gently pats the space next to her. A little odd but I go along with it and sit down on the end of the couch with her right next to me. “Draw the curtain, will you?” I set my bag and drink down and reach across the table, as I'm leaning across I feel her hands stroke over my hip. I can only feel my face burn again as I draw the curtain closed and sit myself quickly back down, somewhat flustered.

“I'm Maria.” She seems rather calm about all this, even as she draws an arm round my waist. “Well? Rude to not introduce yourself.”
“S-sorry, I'm Claire, this is just, urm. A little sudden” I can only let out a nervous giggle as she bites her lip and leans close to my ear, whispering,
“Aww such a cute name you picked out for yourself. I like it.” A very sudden dread washes over me. What did she mean by that? She clearly saw it on my face and explained, “Don't worry, I'm not going to tell everyone. But I can tell. You get an eye for it when enough come through the club. But you have pulled it off much better.”

“Wait... Wait what? Are you...?” I look at her dumbfounded but she just shakes her head and giggles.
“Nope. But I'm guessing you don't know a thing about this club, right?”
“Well.., I just thought...” I can feel myself flustering, my stomach is doing back flips and my face is burning up.
“This is an exclusive club for BDSM Claire. You don't just 'buy' tickets.” She giggles and licks my ear and I can only feel entirely stupid with my mind going blank. I reach out and help myself a generous amount of my drink.

“You can leave if you want to Claire, I'm not forcing you to stay, but I also think you should know you were selected.
“Huh? Selected for what?” I could feel my voice slipping then and take a moment to clear my throat looking at her. Looking into her green eyes I can only feel a little, aroused. Something about her was alluring and confident.

“For me! Of course. I had it so the ticket would be sold to you at a discount rate. You can tell with some people, if they may be right or not.”
“Right for what?” I raise my eyebrow and go to have another sip of my drink. To which she stops me taking the drink gently from my hands I barely have it in me to resist her doing so.

“How about this Claire, We'll play a game.”
“A game?”
“Yes a game, here are the rules. You can leave at any time but if you do you can never come back. If you do as I ask you will be rewarded, if you don't do as you're told, you move a step back in your rewards.”
“Wait wait, you want me to do, what you tell me to?” She just giggles and sticks her tongue out at me.

“I'm not forcing you to, like I said, you can leave at any time. So? Want to play?” I don't know what it was but frankly, I could only agree to it and nod my head. I couldn't pin point it, her character and confidence, it almost seems overpowering.
She giggles and strokes my leg. “Well, first, I want you to fill your mouth with wine.” I give her a confused look but pick my glass back up and take a long sip, filling my mouth up then sitting the glass back down. She then moves closer to me and wraps her arm completely round me in a sideways huge.

“Tilt your head back.” Doing so I let my head rest on the top of the couch, she move up, deliberately brushing her breasts against my arm as she kneels on the couch. I can feel her breasts pushing against my shoulders. “Open your mouth.” Slowly opening my mouth, trying not to let any wine spill even as a couple of dribbles run down my cheeks taking some lipstick with it, she moves closer to me, part those lips, I never noticed just how luscious they were with the red gloss.

I felt those lips against mine, so soft and warm, I could feel my mind slip into a haze and a tight feeling  in my crotch. She slowly moved my head with hers to keep our lips locked together, her tongue darts into my mouth and begins swilling the wine into her own, swallowing every drop. With my mouth empty and feeling dry she breaks off the kiss leaving me feeling short for breath. The only thing on my mind was the desire to feel those lips again but Maria denied this when I moved forward, sitting herself back down properly next to me.

“See, you did as I said, I rewarded you. And you certainly seemed to enjoy it” She giggles and looks down at my crotch. I follow where she's looking only for my face to burn and my mind to come out of it's haze. I may only have a modest penis at six inches but from where I was sat it was an impressive bulge under the dress. The lower hem of the dress had already shifted up to reveal the lacy top of my stockings.

Naturally I move to cover myself, but Maria holds my hands back from doing so whispering into my ear. “Don't worry Claire, no one will walk in. We can play this game as much as we please. You would like that, wouldn't you?” Her voice seemed to be so soothing and I felt myself relaxing and turn to look at her.
“I, I would Maria.” It felt odd saying her name like that.

“Please call me Miss.” I simply nod in response, but she lets go of my hands. It takes me a few seconds to realise my I managed to whisper out,
“Yes Miss.” She gives me a pat on the head, wrapping her arm back around me.
“Then lets keep playing. Now, I want a drink.” She smiles coyly at me and leans back into the couch, I look at the table and see my drink, but also what must be hers. I pick up the tall glass and it seems to be filled with what looks like strawberry milkshake.

As I'm about to turn to maria and let her drink from the glass. I could only think of what we just did, and how much I want to feel her lips again. Turning back to her, my mind racing and heart pounding, she keeps the same coy smile on her face, watching me. Her eyes almost seem to pierce into me as I first fill my mouth with her drink, a sickly strawberry syrup cocktail, and lean down, gently holding her chin, first trying to ever so gently kiss her but banging my teeth against hers. She giggles and I can only feel entirely flustered she she rather firmly grabs my neck, gently squeezing it as she locks her lips with mine.

My mind returns to a haze as we swill the syrupy substance between us. On several occasions our tongues meet and it feels as if my breath is being taken away. I want it to last but all too soon the drink is gone she disengages the kiss, leaving me wanting more.
“That was your first time kissing someone?” I lick my lips before responding, noting the lipstick smear round her mouth.
“Yes... miss.” She bites her lips and strokes a thumb gently over my bottom lip.
“Aww, that's adorable!” I feel my face flush with embarrassment. “Don't worry. I won't take advantage of you. Much.” She giggles drawing me close for a brief kiss. “Straddle my lap.”

It's not till I stand up I see the sudden dilemma. In order to straddle her I would have to lift my dress to avoid tearing it. Biting my lip and taking a deep breath I gently tug at the hem of my dress, pulling it up little by little. First the top of my stockings showing the lace elastic holding them up, up past the pale shaven skin of my thighs till the bulge indiscreetly comes into view. The lacy thong I'm wearing barely contains my exciting as I lower myself down, kneeling over Maria's lap and gently sitting myself down on her legs.

“Kiss me.” A very simple command, but it sent butterflies rushing through me, I could feel my heart race as I drew closer and closer to those lips. Longing for them I soon find myself amateurishly pecking and sucking gently on her lips, enticing giggles and responses from her tongue, I can't help put pant lightly as our tongues connect and our lips lock together. Alcohol and lust dazzling my mind I don't notice at first when her fingers start playing over the fabric covering my stiff member. The sudden realisation sends shivers up my spine, pushing into her and gently grinding my hips on her lap.

Soon enough she's freed my erection from it's constraints, letting it stand by itself openly. A single finger smears the pre dripping forth, before digging under the foreskin, spreading the natural lubricant round the glans. I moan and whimper into the kiss, whimpering as she breaks it and removes her finger. “Kneel on the floor.”
My mind still addled and fuelled with lust and thoughts of sex, I obediently stand up then kneel myself on the floor in front of her. She moves herself to sit on the edge of the couch, and shuffles while pulling up her dress. My eyes go wide and my mouth hangs open as she reveals her naked sex, shaven and glistening with moisture.

“Kiss me.” A wicked grin spread across Maria's face, she knew she wouldn't have to ask twice. I inched my head ever closer, the smell seemed to be overpowering. Maria holds back a whimper running her fingers through my hair, trying to hold back the urge to throw my head into her. This is the first time I've ever been so close to a woman like this, and unsure of what to do I started to kiss gently round the lips, her moisture clinging to my lips. As the taste entered my mouth I started braving my tongue to run small licks upwards, the taste was anything but unpleasant, it was more like a drug. The more I had the more I wanted, and soon my tongue was diving between the lips and lapping up all the juices I could get.

As I find her opening I spare no time diving my tongue in, locking my lips round her sex as I effectively scoop her insides with my tongue, moisture and lipstick smearing. Looking up at Maria's face her cheeks are flushed with arousal and she's panting heavily as she gently pets my head. Her hips writhe and buck as she stifles her moans bringing herself to orgasm against my tongue. A look of shock crosses my face as she whimpers and stops herself from crying out, the walls of her vagina grasping at my tongue as her juices pour into my mouth. I swallow and pull back, panting as some juices dribble from my mouth and roll off my chin.

Maria bites her bottom lip and stares at me with lust filled eyes, she reaches for her drink and drains it leaving the empty glass on the table. “Sit up. On the edge.”
“Yes miss.” Is all I can say as I stand up and sit myself on the edge of the couch as she was. Maria stands up and pulls her dress down, reaching for her own handbag and taking out a small butt plug with a cable attaching it to a controller.

“You've done well Claire,” She giggles and kneels down in front of me, briefly sucking on the butt plug. “Open your legs.” Doing so she reaches out and grabs my lacy panties, pulling them down then forcefully grabs my legs and pulls, causing me to lean back against the couch, showing her my shaven ass and fully erect member. “Relax yourself.” I can predict where it's going, and thankfully I have experimented at home as the butt plug is driven straight into me.

« : March 30, 2014, 08:58:23 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #13 : March 31, 2013, 01:45:31 PM »

Cross Dressing  Adventures  -   The  Exclusive Club.         PART   2     -   Sissy_Claire 

I grunt and pant, my cock twitches and spasms as pre dribbles out. Maria gives the cable a tug to make sure it's not going to fall out, eliciting a moan from me. She turns the dial on the controller and I openly cry out, the sudden vibrations nearly cause me to orgasm but I'm left panting and moaning as the plug violently shakes against my prostrate. I look down at Maria to see her brushing hair off her face, hovering over my penis mouth open.

 My eyes bulge in thought of what's coming, I grit my teeth and try not to orgasm immediately upon her tongue touching the glans. As her lips wrap around the head I feel the roof of her mouth and her tongue work in unison to apply pressure as she starts to bop up and down.
I moan and twitch, my cock starting to spasm her hand wraps round the base of my erection and grips tightly. I cry out in an orgasm only to be denied the release, left lightly bucking my hips trying to get off into Maria's mouth. “Please...Please miss! I … I can't take it!” I beg, looking directly into her eyes pleadingly as she continues working the head, with her spare hand she turns up the speed of the vibrator  and starts to suck more and faster.

The grip still denying my release as it seem like minutes go by in agony, until the sudden release of the grip of her hand causes me to loose it, my mind goes blank as I moan and whimper, shooting my load directly into her mouth. It felt like all my energy had been drained as she pulls away from my softening member and turns down the vibrator to a slight numbing. She grabs my cheeks and force my mouth open with a squeeze, spitting my own semen into my mouth, gagging and swallowing it until her lips embrace me in another kiss, swilling the cum between us.

We spend the next quarter of an hour kissing cuddling and fondling each other, using the chance to explore each other's bodies. As she begins stroking my cock I feel it regaining it's strength, coming to full erection. “Lets get dressed, shall we Claire?” She giggles and lets go of me, taking out some wipes from her handbag and starts cleaning her face off. I rearrange my dress and pull my panties back on, forgetting I still have the plug in I go to remove it, only to be stopped by Maria, who only gives me a wink before cleaning my face off with the wipe.

She readjusts my dress to show off my erection and uses the cord to the plug like a lead. She grabs both our handbags and tugs gently, leading me out from the booth. Before I know what's going on I'm being paraded towards the elevator by Maria, there's a few stares from other patrons but I didn't care to look, the quicker I got in that elevator the better. As we stepped in and the doors closed, Maria presses a button for an upper floor.

“We're still playing Claire, you can still leave if you want?”

“...I'll stay Miss.” My face blushes as I stammer out the last word. She gives me a coy smile, who knows what's next?

The End

« : March 30, 2014, 08:59:09 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #14 : March 31, 2013, 01:50:00 PM »

10.     First Night.      -        Dotti   

I arrived at your house promptly at 6pm. I was coming to pick you up so we could spend a weekend at a very chic modern hotel in downtown Seattle. I had travelled a long way and was looking forward to being with you finally, it was our first time together in person, however it seemed the rain had other plans for us.  It was raining pretty hard by the time I got to your door. I was drenched from the short walk from the car, but it was going to get worse. The wind was picking up and lightning strikes were getting closer.

You had a huge smile as you came to the door to greet me. I was nervous and shifted from foot to foot as I stood waiting for you to open the door.  There was a strike of lightening as you let me in and I jumped. The lights flickered and you laughed at my surprise.  It was quiet in the house and you had let me know that your kids were out for the night.   It seemed we had the house to ourselves.

You took my coat and immediately noticed what I had been wearing. I had on fishnet stockings, knee high boots, and a short black dress that fell just right. It was low cut and I could see your gaze move toward my cleavage.  I brush my hand gently across your face and lean in to kiss you. I have been anticipating your touch and your kiss.  Your hand moves to my breast and I feel my breathing begin to deepen. 

We should get going, but I can’t seem to pull myself away from you.  I feel your fingers begin to explore my body and a shiver runs down my spine. I want you…badly. I break away momentarily and tell you we should go. You grab a bag by the door and we head out. As we get into the car, I turn on the radio to listen to the weather.  It seems several roads have been flooded out and there are no viable roads leading into Seattle.

As I lean my head against the steering wheel in disappointment, your phone rings. It is your daughter, letting you know the roads are closed. A few minutes later, your son calls with a similar story, he will stay with a friend until the roads are clear in the morning. Frustrated, but still glad you are with me, we grab your bag and mine and head back into the house.  The lights flicker again and we head down to the basement. You turn on the fireplace, you have arranged the couch and table so that we can sit comfortably in front of the fire.

I am shivering, as my clothes are slightly damp and remove myself to change. When I return, I am wearing a red and black Jeanona corset, fishnet stockings, leather knee-high boots and a g-string. I drop my bag next to the couch and order you to strip down. I have been waiting for so long and now you are going to be mine. As you change, I begin to pull items from my bag. I had quite an evening planned and a storm was not going to ruin it. I place 2 candles on the desk and 2 on the fireplace and light them. The flames dance as the lights flicker again. I order you to the bed where I tell you to lie on your stomach.

I tie a soft silk scarf gently around your eyes. I tie  your hands and feet to the bed. I  lean in and whisper “you will feel the sting of my crop and the soft touch of my body, but most of all, you will feel me own you as you beg me to make you cum” . 

You hear me shuffle a bit as a silken hand glides down your back and ass. You then feel the cool leather of the crop as I drag it teasingly over your body. You feel a sharp sting as it comes down hard on your right cheek.  Then quickly another as it comes down onto your left. I move closer to you and place headphones over your ears. The song Blood, Milk and Sky begins to play .  You can no longer see or hear me.

You feel the sting of the crop again then the soft gloved hand over your ass. The contrast between my silky glove and the leather of the crop is beginning to get you hard. I run a finger up the crack of your ass. I feel you tense up, but I continue. The lights flicker again and with a bright flash of light and loud clap of thunder, the lights go out. Only the glow of the candles light the area.  I let out a small startled yelp, but you cannot hear me. My eyes adjust and once again I smack your ass hard, this time with something that feels bigger than the crop. You feel my lips on your back as I slowly drag them down your spine. I remove the headphones and once again you can hear. I untie your hands from the bed and take your hand.

 You are lead to a chair a short distance away. You feel my hands touch and caress your chest, legs and face and once again your hands are being tied down. Each hand tied to the arms of the chair. I move to the floor and tie your legs to the chair legs as well. Again, my hand caresses you. This time I spend some time caressing your cock and balls. I feel the precum that is oozing from you.

 My touch leaves you and all you can do is hear me. I put on Closer by Nine Inch Nails and you wonder if I am going to dance for you. You cannot hear much over the music and it is very intoxicating. Every once in awhile, you feel my breath on your cock and my hand brush your body. My body moves around yours. Hands on your  shoulder, chest, leg.

You feel it soft and warm. My mouth just inches away from your cock. You feel my warm breath. I want to take my time, it is our first time together and I want every moment to last. As the tip of my tongue reaches out to your wet slit, my hand curls around your balls and I squeeze. You move from the slight pain, but then feel my mouth slide down your now rigid cock. I take every inch of you into my mouth then squeeze your balls again. I taste your precum as it trickles into my mouth. It seems you need a bit more warming up.

 With your cock hardening, I take out my cock cage. It is time for you to be confined. I slide it on and lock it up tight. I can see your cock filling the cage as I once again move my hand to your bulging balls. This time, caressing them gently. With you still firmly held in the chair, I put on yet another song,Lick.

 To the rhythm of the music, I untie your hands and feet, this time leading you to the rug in front of the fireplace. I guide you down to your hands and knees and once again slip the silk scarf over your eyes. With the music still playing, you feel me near you, my body warm next to yours. I pull something else from my bag. I have not touched you for quite some time. You are curious as to what I am up to.

 Suddenly you feel a dull thud on your ass. It hurts, but feels good at the same time. You feel it again, this time a little more painful. You realize it is a flogger and you are anticipating the next strike. You tense up, but nothing comes. You wonder if I have left the room or if I am getting another toy, but just as you begin to relax a little, the next blow comes. Then another and another, each one harder than the next. You feel your ass getting red and hot. As the blows get harder, you feel tears well up in your eyes. The sting is harsh and the blows intense, but your cage is full and bulging and you want more. Your breath becomes ragged and I can tell you are getting excited. I stop.

 You are ready and I know it, but I want to play more and I am not quite finished tormenting you yet. I take one of the candles and let the wax drip onto your ass. You feel the hot burn mix with the heat of the flogger pain. The wax hardens and I pour another splash of wax onto your other cheek.You cringe from the pain and heat, but maintain your position. Another splash of hot wax hits you. You feel some hit your spine as you arch your back in pain. The wax is hot, but so sensual. I take great care to let the drops cool before the next one hits you. A few more splashes and I can see you are ready for more.  Playtime is over. It is time.

 My hand glides along your red hot ass. Cheeks burning with pain and humiliation. My finger slides between your cheeks and presses against your asshole. You moan with pleasure. There is a moment of peace and you imagine me taking you. It is at this moment you feel my hands on your hips and my hard rubber cock press against your ass. You feel its girth and wonder if you will be able to take it all. You know I will have no mercy. As I press further into you, the cock begins to enter you.

Lube pushing out around the edges allowing it to glide into you smoothly. I hear you moan as I press forward until the entire dildo is consumed by your tight, wanting ass. My fingers dig into you as I pull you onto the cock. It is stuffed into you, balls deep and it feels so good. This is the first time you have ever been fucked by a woman and you feel my power as I slowly take you inch by inch. You feel the balls of the dildo press against you as I shove every inch into you. I begin to slide in and out of you faster. Your moans getting louder. Your cage stuffed full. You want to release your aching cock, but you dare not ask.

When I feel your knees begin to shake, I stop and move you to lie on your back. I unlock your cage releasing your throbbing cock. You wonder what I will do now. You are mine. I can feel it. You have given yourself to me completely. You lie there and wait for what is next. I slowly lean forward, lips just hovering over your cock. I look up at you and say “such a good boy, now you will be rewarded”.

My lips press gently onto your cockhead and I slide them over your cock. Soft, smooth warmth engulfs you. You feel the back of my throat as I take every inch of your cock into my mouth.As I pull up, my lips tighten around your cockhead and tug at it slightly. My fingers move to your nipples as I pinch and twist them while my mouth once again slides down your cock. Your cock twitches in my mouth, so aroused from the events of the evening. I continue to suck your cock, harder and faster with every stroke.

Your hands grab my hair and force my head down onto you. You are not sure how much longer you can contain it. Did she give me permission to cum? You wonder. You beg me to cum.“Please Mistress, Please, Please, Please may I cum down your throat?” I look up at you, your cock still in my mouth.

A grin spreads across my face and I see yours change to panic.  My mouth begins to work on your cock harder, yet I have not told you whether you can come or not. You know if you cum without permission you will be punished, but you are so close. You do not know if you can hold it much longer.

Your throbbing becomes more intense and you beg more. Hmmm….do I let him cum? 

The End.
« : March 30, 2014, 08:59:57 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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