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: Secret Easter  ( 83586 )
Hero Member
: 7883

« #135 : April 16, 2013, 01:51:44 AM »

No problem, Jondas......i just want to clarify we are not admin to don't create confusion in the new users who join us! I'll repeat: me, Brandybee, Lover and Bear are moderators of the forum, but we are not part of the staff of AChat, we are simple users who were choose by them to help themm in keeping he forum under controll.

Hero Member
: 3856

« #136 : April 16, 2013, 08:15:07 AM »

Truth in advertising.. lol.. indeed "secret"  throws the idea off a bit... good points jondas.

perhaps we should rename these something else... like "Easter mixer" a chance to openly pair up casually with forum members.

Hero Member
: 10350

« #137 : April 16, 2013, 11:38:17 AM »

The name is based on the idea of Secret Santa. Secret Santa is one translation for a way to play it in Germany. The german name doesnt have "secret" in it but all translators did it.
Well, secret is that you don't know WHO you will get until the couples are drawn. As the secret-events are popular and well known now, I would keep the name. The next secret event will be more secret and probably called blinde date as suggested.

Sr. Member
: 450

« #138 : April 16, 2013, 01:04:43 PM »

No mater how it is done or named it is a lot of fun.
Just do it!

Hero Member
: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

« #139 : April 16, 2013, 02:03:31 PM »

No mater how it is done or named it is a lot of fun.
Just do it!

Yes  8)

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Hero Member
: 2755

« #140 : April 16, 2013, 07:29:29 PM »

will do it soon lol but the days i can meet up with my dates is my full day at work so lot of times come home and crash. SOON SOON will catch you guys.

Hero Member
: 1600

« #141 : April 19, 2013, 12:08:47 AM »

Knocking on Sexilicious’s door with my massage kit in hand, I was greeted warmly.
After a slow get acquainted dance I had her take a seat and got to work. She had informed me she was just home from work and a foot massage was just what the doctor ordered. Filling a small tub with warm water  I had her soak her feet then using peppermint soap lathered up one foot at a time, adding a  pinch of powdered sand to the suds for an exfoliate followed by a warm rinse then padded dry with a warm towel.

Using my strong hands I began the foot massage, firm but gentle thumbs search for tense muscles then stretching her arch with a balled fist. From the sighs I was hearing I knew she was enjoying my attention. I finished off with a deep muscle massage of her lovely calves. Before we knew it the time had flown and I had to take my leave.

To sum up. Sexi  is a sweet and very friendly and quite lovely.  ;)  I had an enjoyable time with her and made a new friend, and look forward to chatting with her in the future. :)

Full Member
: 149

If ignorance is bliss tis folly to be wise

« #142 : April 20, 2013, 01:28:41 PM »

Hello all,

Had a wonderful date with All_for_you last night, I have to say she is truly a lovely young lady.  She knocked at my door exactly on time introduced herself as "your entertainment for the evening" and boy was she ever we sipped champagne shared strawberries. All_for_you then gave me the most erotic and sensual dance it was incredible needless to say that lead to ahem other activities.  Two hours later  I felt a very pampered and happy boy thank you so much All_for_you hope we can meet again soon.  ;)

Hero Member
: 2755

« #143 : April 20, 2013, 04:33:16 PM »

For those of you who haven't had a massage from jayc, boy are you missing out. He gives one of the best massages, and I think I should sneak him to the zoo to give massages to everyone after a day's work. Cause it sure felt nice coming home and getting a massage. Thanks so much jayc and was great getting to talk with you.

Full Member
: 248

Sweet child o'mine

« #144 : April 24, 2013, 05:47:56 AM »

well...after long time i wanna thank Jo_Ann for our lovely secret easter date
she came to my penthouse with an amazing outfit...nylons and heels...a very mini skirt....an awesome top enhancing her body....bunny ears and a funny tail.....:)
we had a drink and my stereo was playing some nice tunes by Santana
so we started dancing to break the ice

she's very beautiful and her conversation is brilliant....she's a very nice and smart girl

then came the time for her dance...she went to my room to change her outfit and i got myself comfortable on my sofa
it was such a hot night so i took off my suit and leave just my blue underwear

she came back and i lost my breath....
she's wearing a black see trough neglige' ....it just hides her nipples...
"this gonna be a wonderful secret easter gift" i think while she stares at me ...
"do you like what you see" she asks me
" oh my god yes" i reply
"goddess pls :)" she whispers ....and slowly starts her dance

she moves slowly to the music playing....showing her perfect body
she knows exactly how to tease a man....and make him beg for more

that was a wonderful dance
simply irresistible

ty so much Jo_Ann...it has been a great pleasure to meet you
such a nice ,kind,smart,funny and sexy girl
i really enjoyed our date and looking forward to chat and meet you again

the best thing of these secret dates is the chance to know such nice people and make new friends
so once again my compliments to Lover :)
count another beer

: 9

« #145 : April 24, 2013, 08:42:16 AM »

I have no more to say only fully agree with freddie
it was really a great spend time   ;)

descriptive RP with many diference roles - every good player is welcome to chat with me... i donot bite  :) sometimes
Full Member
: 248

Sweet child o'mine

« #146 : May 06, 2013, 06:50:17 AM »

i wanna thank Brandy...lol it's a month already but i've been a lazy bastard til today :)
when i first signed in for secret santa i told Brandy " hey i wanna see you dancing for me !" ..she knows i like joking and we'r friend since enough time...and finally for secret easter i get her...but  it's me the giver :)
we had a lovely and friendly date and i really appreciated her presence and the opportunity of chat without being disturbed...
while we chatted ...i think i gave her one of my best foot massage taking care of every single inch of her feet and up to her knees...
i will never forget her toes :)
Brandy is so kind and nice..and a good friend...she talks and listens...
and she is so sexy ....wow...i was so glad i'm already taken!
i think it's so easy to fall for her....so guys beware!....if you get her for a secret date ...be sure to be already involved lol
it has been such a lovely date Brandy..ty so much....now i hope to get you for your dance ..lolol
ahhh ..btw...i loved our date even if you ruined my score :)

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #147 : May 06, 2013, 08:52:16 AM »

Aww,  ty Freddie for your kind words .

Tangojane is a lucky girl.  ;D

Grinning,  either I am having a really good day on Forum, or something is afoot LOL.

I'm certainly enjoying all this admiration though, at least while it lasts.... :P

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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