Yes I agree with everyone it's a great game and a big thank you to Brandy & Lover for all the great work that your putting into the game.
Lets hope we get more teams for the next round and get more people involved.@ Lover
I understand about you get the points when your second team member gives in the MP
what I was asking was about the timings of the riddle to answer
Lover sends mails to all teams 12:00
team A answers 12:35 =35mins =10 points Lover sends mail 12:40
team B answers 12:50 =50mins =8 points Lover sends mail 13:00
team C answers 13:10 =70mins =6 points Lover sends mail 14:30
team A answers 14:40 =120mins =6 points Lover sends mail 14:45
team B answers 14:50 =110mins =8 points Lover sends mail 14:55
team C answers 15:10 =40mins =10 points Lover sends mail 17:30
So the points are give for the time the team takes to solve the Riddle
OR IS ITLover sends mails to all teams 12:00
team A answers 12:35 =35mins =10 points Lover sends mail 12:40
team B answers 12:50 =50mins =8 points Lover sends mail 13:00
team C answers 13:10 =70mins =6 points Lover sends mail 14:30
team A answers 14:40 =120mins =10 points Lover sends mail 14:45
team B answers 14:50 =110mins =8 points Lover sends mail 14:55
team C answers 15:10 =40mins =6 points Lover sends mail 17:30
Or get the Riddle first answer first to win the round?

My personal thoughts are it should be done on time taken to solve the riddle not first come first finished.
Lover I hope I have over stepped the mark asking this