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: New game: AChat paper chase  ( 71591 )
Hero Member
: 2755

« #120 : May 03, 2013, 06:09:44 AM »

yay guys we did it at the very end we moved from last place to 3rd :)

Hero Member
: 3444

« #121 : May 03, 2013, 08:14:47 AM »


I would like to thank my wonderful team mate Nat33 and I must thank Lover and Brandy for putting use in the same team.
It made us get to know each other and I must thank you again and again and again  ;D

A there is a

So it was a great week of fun and games thanks again Brandy there a Massage for you and Lover same beers on the bar for you
« : May 03, 2013, 08:22:04 AM tangoracer »

Hero Member
: 1600

« #122 : May 03, 2013, 11:46:05 AM »

A humble thanks to everybody who played, and to Lover and Brandy who had a very busy week. A real big thanks to my spouse Stone and our new friend Mr Sexlover.

It was a crazy week and I have never got so many Pms in my time here.  :o  I humbly invite all teams to the bar for some decompression  and drinks on TEAM IDLEVICE
Meet you there after I clean up my inbox  :)
Hero Member
: 3444

« #123 : May 03, 2013, 12:06:26 PM »

TO Brandy and Lover

What was the funniest answer you got for any of the riddles and WHO sent it in    ( just for laughs   ;D  ;D  ;D )

Hero Member
: 1842

« #124 : May 03, 2013, 01:17:06 PM »

I would like to express my thanks for a brilliant game of  Paper chase.  I really enjoyed it.  I think the close scores of all the teams show that it was always a very close race as teams overtook each other in the scoring.

It was fun and very entertaining.    A big Thank You to my amazing Team IdleVice Mates   MrSexLover , our new friend :) & Jayc  for going till the end,  we crossed the finishing line last but somehow did enough at the beginning  to keep us in the ranking  :o

A thank you to all the other teams- Guerrieri , Nat Flow Racers  & Party BoobyTrap -  as well,  knowing you were always lurking close,  either tugging our tails or in front, throwing dust in our faces  made the game entertaining and quite exciting.

And lastly a massive humongous Thank you to Lover & Brandy.  Your unique questions were both clever & well thought out.  It was fun pitting our wits together as a team and to compete against the other teams to solve each riddle.  A huge cheer and clap for all the hard work you did behind the scenes, the research you must have had to do to create the questions and the diligence required to keep accurate scores.

I think you could class this  game a resounding  success and hopefully  there will be more in the future.   With a few months in between of course to recover !!

Not sure about the other teams, but I would be interested in seeing the scores of each team for each riddle if possible.  :)


Hero Member
: 4985

« #125 : May 03, 2013, 02:11:39 PM »


I Want to thank my teammembers Stone and Jayc for there great teamwork.

The other teams for there good and exciting compatition, with Tango and Sexi sometimes trying to distract me from solving riddles  ;)

and last but not least Brandy and Lover for hosting this great event. Keep up the good work and hope to participate in any form in the next event soon.

But for now it's PARTY TIME at the AB&G

mrsexlover, loving all girls, any shape,size or color

Come and join the chat at the town sqaure http://achatsquare.chatango.com
Hero Member
: 2755

« #126 : May 03, 2013, 02:21:35 PM »

Would distract you that way anytime mrsexlover ;D maybe that should be my job next time around. TEam 1 2 3 4. Everyone look out for sexi as she is the distractor of the game a new twist and turn for the event lol

Hero Member
: 7883

« #127 : May 03, 2013, 02:25:39 PM »

well said, mrsexlover! all to the B&G to celebrate the success of the game!

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #128 : May 03, 2013, 05:25:18 PM »

Hello you Paper Chasers,

I would like to echo Lovers thoughts & thanks for all those who participated in this game. It was hard work but it was fun and exciting to watch and feed you the questions.

                                                WELL DONE IDLEVICE 

I would like to thank each and everyone of you for all the efforts & enthusiasm you showed in participating and making it a huge success.

Your thoughts & ideas to improve it are much appreciated and welcomed.

Here are the scores for each team.

Team 1 =  IdleVice    -   R1 = 1-10 ; R2 = 1- 10; R3 =1- 10;  R4 = 1–10 ;R5 =1-10 ; R6 =1-10 ; R7 = 1–10; R8 – 10; R9 = 1 -10  R10-3=5 ; R11=4-3 ;  R12= 4-3;  R13= 4-3 ; FS=2-8;  R14=4-3 ;  R15= 4-3   Grand Total = 118 Points

Team   2 =  Party BoobyTrap    -    R1 = 4- 3; R2 = 4- 3 ; R3 4-3 ; R4 = 3- 5 ; R5 = 4-3 ; R6 =4-3 ; R7=4-3 ; R8 = 4-3; R9 =4-3 ; R10=1-10; R11=1-10; R12=1-10 ; R13=2-8; R14=1-10; R15=1-10 ;  FS = 1-10.    Grand Total =  97 Points

Team 3  =  GUERRIERI  -    R1 = 3- 5 ; R2 = 3-5; R3 = 3-5; R4 = 4-3; R5= 8; R6 = 8; R7 – 3-5 ; R8 2 – 8 ; R9= 3-5 ; R10=2-8; R11=2-8; R12=2-8;  R13 =1-10 ; R14=2-8 ; R15=2-8 ; FS= 0     Grand Total =  102 Points

Team 4  =  Nat Flow Racers   -    R 1=2- 8; R 2=2- 8; R3=2-8 ; R4- 2 – 8; R5=3-5 ; R6 =3-5 ; R7 =2-8   R8=3- 5; R9=2-8; R10=4-3; R11=3-5; R12= 3-5; R13=  3-5 ; R14=  3-5 ; R15= 3-5. FS=0   Grand  Total =  91 Points

Well done to all the teams &  Lover for being a great mate too :)

@ Tango, still looking, there's a few to wade through.


                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P

« #129 : May 06, 2013, 12:36:27 AM »


For me the game serves:
1- Fun
2- Fun
3- Fun
4- Getting to make new acquaintances with the forum inhabitants (For the first time on Achat I had the chance even for few lines to talk with a guy without the subject being ''do you want an mmf?'' )
5- Discover more the forum

I have few suggestions to make that I think might help improve one or more of the game's goals:
- Enable a gathering and preparation of the teams by holding riddles after declaring team formation say for 24 hours
- A couple of riddles can be related to the members of the team themselves so we get to know each other better
- I guess that one more game mod is necessary to cover more time zones. During the time I am online, I couldnt be as performant as I might have been

Once more, thanks to Ms Brandy and Mr Lover!
Hero Member
: 7883

« #130 : May 06, 2013, 01:55:37 AM »

4- Getting to make new acquaintances with the forum inhabitants (For the first time on Achat I had the chance even for few lines to talk with a guy without the subject being ''do you want an mmf?'' )

If you are talking about your team mate, well, you had talk with two guys without asking ''do you want an mmf?''! it's a personal record for you, Jondas!

And i agree on point 5......the game had give the chance to new users to discover a little this crazy village! and hope this make them more active in it!
« : May 06, 2013, 03:03:36 AM hentaiboy69 »


« #131 : May 06, 2013, 04:11:04 AM »

It sure is HB :) and I intend to keep improving that record!
Hero Member
: 7883

« #132 : May 06, 2013, 04:23:48 AM »

that's good, my friend! sometime a nice chat is welcome......it give you chance to share experience or just know better your friends! but seems like 90% of AChat users think this "game" is only sex.....oh well......their problem, at last!

i'm happy to see the forum community is getting bigger (even if i notice not all the member are really active!) and the most important thing is i can see how people here try to support each others and that's great!

My thanks to all o0f you for making this game and the forum a pleasent place for fun and for (less!  :D) serious stuff!

Hero Member
: 10350

« #133 : May 06, 2013, 10:51:23 AM »

Oh well... I'm really amazed to read all your great posts. Thanks to everyone. My special thanks to Miss Brandybee. When I first came up with this silly idea, she helped me to make it possible. And put as much love and effort to it as I did. It would not have been possible without her help - and I took much of her time :D

Now we have some questions regarding the game. Would be great to get your answers, so we can think about until the next chase is starting.
- Do you think 15 + 1 riddle is a good number?
- Is 4-5 days ok - too short - too long?
- Is 3 members a good number for the groups?
- Would you like more questions of special froum topics?
- What about the mix of questions - is it ok?
- Would you like special questions for each group too? This time, each group has got the same questions. Could it be a good idea, if one or two questions are different for each group?
- Is there something you would change at all? (Beside more directors, a diff point system and some of the suggestions you already have made)

Thanks for your time and opinion :)

Hero Member
: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

« #134 : May 06, 2013, 11:12:47 AM »

For me the more difficult is reading the story and understand the story, very difficult yes and I hate when I don't understand  :)
Don't forget perhaps for the next time, all members are not English.
So some riddles with the language are not less important, I don't know.
I hope a French Team next time to laugh  ;D
4-5 days for me is good, one week max.

Excellent game for me like that.

Bravo to the Sexy Bee and you Lover  8)

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
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