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: Erotic sound contribution appeal  ( 133904 )
Sr. Member
: 336

« : October 29, 2009, 07:44:48 AM »

Hi Friends,

you probably noticed already, that Achat has nice music, but no erotic sound during the action. AChat itself is able to play sounds for the animations, just we have not added the proper wav files yet.

Here is a great opportunity to contribute erotic sounds to develop AChat with us together. How can you do that and what could we use? Here are the most important aspects:

- Send short sounds as wav files via email. Moaning, laughing, enjoying, etc. - any kind of short sound you can imagine could be heard during the action.
- We need your permission to use the sound in AChat without restrictions, so please do not send any copyrighted material!
- We absolutely prefer if you record your own sound (or the sound of your friend/girlfriend, supposing he/she knows what you do!), so if we like it, all AChat users will hear it during a given action. Exciting, is not it? :-)
- The sound should be connected with a given animation variation, e.g. a smack when the girl slaps the face of the boy. Of course the sounds of pleasure are much more interesting... So please add written instruction, which animation variation should use that sound.
- As the animations usually run in a cycle, the sound must be short enough to be able to repeat it with the cycle. The program is able to repeat it also in a random way, also not in every cycle.
- As reward you will be listed among the contributors of AChat with the name you choose (nickname or real name).

Ok, that is the first appeal, we will see if you like the idea. We will answer all of your questions if something is not clear enough.

Full Member
: 159

« #1 : October 29, 2009, 08:24:57 AM »

Thanks to the dev team for that sort of user contributions !

I will probably not send you any sounds because i like AChat in a mute mode. My brain does the rest of erotic game :)
but i understand that users need it.

Maybe for the next time.

Best regards

Nicoquin, happy premium user and husband of Friskette
AChat is for fun, not for business !!!
go to hell, you A$ seekers
: 7

« #2 : October 29, 2009, 05:55:31 PM »

i wish i had a girlfriend at present to help with contributing :P
this is a great idea, real good way of building even more of a community in the programme between customers.

worse to be loves lover than the lover that love hath scorned.
Sr. Member
: 336

« #3 : October 30, 2009, 02:42:39 AM »

i wish i had a girlfriend at present to help with contributing :P

male erotic sounds are also needed  ;D
Full Member
: 159

« #4 : October 30, 2009, 07:12:02 AM »

Just one thing...

Think about people that do not make love in English...

It will be horrible to hear "oooooooh yessssssss" while having fun with a french lady (for me, because i'm french)

best regards

Nicoquin, happy premium user and husband of Friskette
AChat is for fun, not for business !!!
go to hell, you A$ seekers
Full Member
: 111

« #5 : November 09, 2009, 02:59:48 AM »

: 19

« #6 : December 11, 2009, 07:57:37 AM »

where can i send the wav file to?
Sr. Member
: 336

« #7 : December 14, 2009, 01:18:48 PM »


I think you guess the end of  the mail address, and I hope robots do not  ;D

: 30

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« #8 : January 03, 2010, 02:57:45 AM »

When will we get the sound files?
Would love it to hear thepeople during sex!

Kisses, Marion.  :-*

Hot shemale - open for nearly everything!
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Hero Member
: 10350

« #9 : February 13, 2010, 08:30:00 AM »

Hi A-Team,
I thought a lot about sounds in AChat. I personally think like Nicoquin. I like the mute mode  and my fantasy and imagnination are doing the rest.
I also understand people using it. I´ve got a question:
Is it possible to create individual sounds that belong to the user? Like clothes, description...
I think there will not be enough memory and a server problem too, to implement this, isn´t  it?

Silent Lover

Sr. Member
: 336

« #10 : February 15, 2010, 05:46:05 AM »

Is it possible to create individual sounds that belong to the user?

That would be a very interesting option I think, but unfortunately it seems the sound project has not too much interest till now...  :-\

: 19

« #11 : March 04, 2010, 08:25:37 PM »


i sent the sound file to u last night. wish u got it! :)
Hero Member
: 1379

« #12 : March 16, 2010, 10:19:35 PM »

honestly the music is horrible(lol), but having sounds added would be niec.  if you don't want sound thats what the mute button is for. heck i mute the music always.  (>.<)
: 11

« #13 : March 29, 2010, 01:41:33 PM »

I tend to be noisy during sex, I know not all women are. Some men don't like women to use words during sex either.  Perhaps when girls make the files they should keep it to moaning?  I'm American, I suppose my accent might turn some off....but others it'd have the opposite effect. hehe! 
: 32

« #14 : March 31, 2010, 02:39:59 PM »

I tend to be noisy during sex, I know not all women are. Some men don't like women to use words during sex either.  Perhaps when girls make the files they should keep it to moaning?  I'm American, I suppose my accent might turn some off....but others it'd have the opposite effect. hehe! 

Moaning with an American accent, now that'd be a thing to behold :)  I wonder if we can get moaning from all the corners of the world, just to fit all the nationalities we might have in AChat :)

Anyways, I think this is a great thing and I'll see if I can dig up a microphone somewhere and fake a few moans (I don't moan much myself while having sex)
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