Blind Date.
The rules are simple and easy to understand:
- If you agree to join up, you are agreeing to offer a lap or pole dance if you're a Girl and a foot massage if you're a Guy
- Couples are drawn by the Director- Jayc or Co- director - Stone - everyone once is a giver and once a receiver
- Couples are NOT published as they are in the Secret Events. The Director or Co-director will forward a PM ( Personal Message ) or a message in game, to the couples concerned, who will post a report on their date after it has occurred in the appropriate BLIND DATE topic. This is to surprise the readers and for everyone’s enjoyment. Valid messages/PM’s are from Stone or Jayc only.- Be aware, there is NO DISCRETION when drawing partners,.... you can have a partner who is MALE, FEMALE or SHEMALE.
- Guys will perform a foot massage, Girls will perform a lap dance or pole dance. If it’s necessary, and a pose does not exist, the Receiver of the gift will make a temporary avatar for the gift to be performed
- The couples have to make the date as soon as possible after the draw and they are expected to post in the appropriate topic afterwards. This is for the enjoyment of Forum members and also, so it is recorded that the volunteers who sign up, do, in fact, carry out their dates.
- Both partner’s know , it's just for fun and just agree for the dance/ massage. If both want more, they can have sex. That is up to the couple concerned & is by mutual agreement & consent.
- If you threaten or try to misuse your partner you will be excluded for the next events
- If you don't accept your partner for three times or don't make a date for three times you will be excluded from future events.
If you are unable to make the date, please let you intended partner & Directors know ASAP ( As Soon AS Possible )
These are meant to be fun and encourage the Community Spirit Of Our Forum Village and for members to practice & gain confidence in posting. We want to spread the Happy Cheer, encourage new friendships or associates & break down any misheld predjudicies.
Please enjoy this game in the spirit that it is meant and for the strengthening of the Forum Village resident's friendships.
Although similar in game, Blind Date is not going to replace the Secret Events. This is to continue a successful formulae of members meeting and conversing with each other.
Please volunteer here if you are interested in Blind Date.
The draw for partners will take place on 20 May 2013.
That's the rules over with, hope you volunteer, They are great fun
Stone & Jayc