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: New Game - Blind Date  ( 77226 )
Full Member
: 206

I bite but not hard :p

« #120 : May 23, 2013, 08:48:24 PM »

Had my blind date with Alita today and she was quite attentive towards me in her dance ;) any guy or gal that loves to be with females will never regret being with Alita.

awww *blush*  thank you.  you were a wonderful person to be with also :)  i hope we can dance again together sometime.
Hero Member
: 2755

« #121 : May 29, 2013, 06:11:39 PM »

had my date with old_goat and he was quite the gentleman while I gave him my lap dance even with my enticing moves hehe. He was wonderful anyone who gets him will find a true gem.

Sr. Member
: 450

« #122 : May 29, 2013, 07:03:45 PM »

Had my blind date with Sexilicious. She gave a most alluring lap dance. Her beautiful body swaying first this way then that. So near yet so far away.  The sexual tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. And her kiss, words cannot convey the electricity.

Enticing does not come close to describing her dance or her perfect body. Any man lucky enough to be with her even for a few minutes should count himself among the few who have been with an angel.

Bottom line guys is. You have been with the rest but not the best.
That is Sexilicious!

Hero Member
: 10350

« #123 : May 30, 2013, 05:15:24 PM »

I had my first secret dance. After a few times missing we finally met. We had a nice talk first as we left the crowded house and went to the terrace.
She was dresses in Prias hot bikini, boots and a hat. Dunno why, but suddenly the music played "You can leave your hat on" ;)

She started to dance on the pole, teasing me with her hot words and moves and i frequently forgot to breathe. Slowly she moved closer step by step and with each step she did my eyes got bigger. She danced close to me, I almost could touch her but definitely smelled a wonderful scent.

It was a great dance - just as it has to be. Seducing and promising but also unable to reach. She had to be careful not to slip on my spit - I was drooling and my heart was beating fast.

After she finished we sat a while and talked to get to know us better. Thank you stone and jayc for doing this event, thank you fate for giving me this date and most of all special thanks to Amy - I enjoyed your show and just can congratulate everyone who is allowed to watch her dancing.

Wonderful Amy :)

Hero Member
: 705

*Go Beyond The Reason To Love*

« #124 : May 30, 2013, 11:53:50 PM »


First off, I'd like to thank Jayc and Stone for making it possible for me to finally meet Lover!

I had a good time dancing for Sir Lover  ::) He described the situation perfectly in the post above and I couldn't have depicted the scenario better  :)

I'm glad you enjoyed my dance Lover   :-* It was honestly great getting to finally meet ya and getting to know ya.

Any lady would be lucky to get to spend time with him. He's a true gentleman and a sweetie pie. I'm glad my first ever blind date turned out to be with him.

CHEERS *Clink*


« #125 : June 03, 2013, 12:47:30 AM »

As Ms Amy just did, I would like first to express my thanks for the lovely couple Stone and Jayc for putting time and effort into such a nice game.

When I received the PM from Mrs Stone with my matches for the blind date, I was grateful for the luck that matched me with a young lady that has been attracting my attention and I was chatting to for a short while already. Eventhough I was sure there was no 'fixing' (  :) ) , it couldnt have been fixed any better for me.

I had the chance to talk with her on several occasions, but we both realized that due to our different availabilities it was not likely that  we would manage to arrange the date. We even thought of faking the date :p . As hopes were fading away with time, the young lady popped on Friday Morning for my great and pleasant surprise.

I felt a bit clumsy at the beginning, but her feminine charm and youth impulses soon melted away the tensility and I realized she also was relaxing to my smooth rubs of her shapely legs and soft feet. The net stocking she was wearing was conspiring to ignite my desire towards her whenever my fingertips friciton against them after touching her warm skin.

Added to her aesethic appeal, her playfull character took us on a sweet ride from passion to wildness for a long time that I was not aware of until she teasingly asked me if I was finally satisfied  ;D

The amazing Ms Stray is a fullfilling and inspring creature to be with. Thank you for the enchanting experience!
Full Member
: 248

Sweet child o'mine

« #126 : June 04, 2013, 06:08:36 AM »

i was seated on the terrace of my favourite club in Rome,it has a wonderful view on the colosseum and it's a very reserved and quite place to have a drink or a dinner,it's the right place to be with a friend talking or just alone lost in your thoughts
i asked for some cake and a glass of white wine
sooner the waitress came back and i couldnt help but notice how sexy she was

she smiled to me and left the glass on the table..together with an envelope
i stared at her butt while she went back inside ....and wowww...what a girl !
i opened the missive and found a message :

your receiving blind date is in Nice , hotel Imperial
tomorow  1 :00 am  gmt+1
S & JC
destroy this msg after reading

blind date
i enter the hotel,i'm in perfect time ,the watcher look at me and before i can say a word he longs his arm and hands me a msg
i check it

20th floor
suite 201
enter and go go straight to the couch in front of you
dont search the lights
if you want......make yourself comfortable
the night is hot

i reach the suite and open the door,the room is dark , just the moonlight comes in trought the glass doors
i see the couch just in front of the glasses
making my way to it i feel the temperature is really high,the cooling must be off, but dont wanna waiste time looking for it
and then....maybe there is a reason why
the msg was clear so i take off my suite and subside on the couch
just the time to look around and a music starts
a slow tune surround me and then a spotlight reveals a girl in front of me..just a few steps...
i cant see her face...hiding in the dark
but i see her body
blue corset and nylons to enhance the sensual body of this misterious girl
her hands are covering the breasts...that's left uncovered by the corset
i see her black lips as she wets them sensually


she starts moving slowly ,dancing to the tune,she turns to show her back,swinging her butt
i stare at this gorgeous girl dancing slowly in the shade
then suddenly some other spolights reveal finally her full person

she's young and very beautiful,her black make up gives her a devilish sensuality
she starts teasing her nipples making me sigh

she comes closer,showing her legs, making me feel her scent of flowers
i'm almost naked but i start sweating however...she's making my blood boling

she comes closer and sits on me
i feel her warm body, her soft skin under my hands
she's caressing her breasts,showing them to me...tempting me wiht her softly moans
then she bends to me ...til her mouth is close to my ear....
i feel her tongue lightly licking my earlobe and then
she whispers:

thats my name

ty Rukya
it has been a very sexy dance
and a very great pleasure to meet you
maybe i could make you dubt about your orientation

Hero Member
: 1600

« #127 : June 15, 2013, 08:08:51 AM »

Just a reminder to all you blind daters, the topic has grown cold and we are still expecting some date posts from some of you. I have been contacted by a moderator and asked to do this reminder post. (gawd I sound like a creative writing teacher)

Thanks to all who have posted and we understand that setting up dates can be difficult being we are a global village and real life commitments can get in the way.

So lets try and get those tardy dates set up and share with us all what took place.

Seems the moderators have another event in the works “secret summer” and would like to get it started soon.

Thanks again
Stone & Jayc
Hero Member
: 2755

« #128 : June 15, 2013, 04:42:13 PM »

well hiya teach then hehe and he is right come on folks lets hear about this super duper lap dances, pole dances, and foot massages so i can figure out who to stalk lol j/k

: 2

« #129 : June 16, 2013, 08:04:15 AM »

i am ready and interested in this :) please count me in  ;D
Sr. Member
: 450

« #130 : June 16, 2013, 08:52:47 AM »

Stalk me sexi.

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #131 : June 16, 2013, 08:53:21 AM »

Hello appendix, welcome to the Forum Village   ;D

This Blind Date is already in the middle of the dates  and  the partners  carrying out the dates and posting them.

Not to worry though, we will be having a secret date event coming out soon,  keep an eye out and you can sign up for that one :)

Please go introduce yourself to the rest of the village and if you are interested we have a sweep stake lottery starting soon.

Forum Homepage / Organisations & Events / Introduce yourself

Forum  Home Page >  Organisations & Events >Contests > Achats Village Lottery. Sweep Stake.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 2755

« #132 : June 16, 2013, 12:14:34 PM »

Stalk me sexi.

hehe ;D might have to now

: 5

« #133 : June 17, 2013, 05:57:40 AM »

count me in
Hero Member
: 10350

« #134 : June 17, 2013, 03:07:56 PM »

Blind date already is running! Join our new event, Secret Summer


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