Come on Join in HB, Its all good fun & adds a little more of an exciting dimension to the Eurovision Song Contest.
The Contest will close to volunteer Sweepers at 6pm UK time, or when the the Sweepers reach 26, the same number of countries- whichever comes sooner. Then the countries will be shared out equally to the qualifying Sweepers who have gifted their stake, and announced here, together with the final pot A$ or Sweep Stake collected .
The Eurovision Song Contest will be broadcast 8pm in the UK. Yippy

Hurry, hurry, the dead line is looming

Sign up here & gift Osiris_Forum your A$50. Dont forget to PM me too, so I can confirm receipt of your stake.
Sweep Stake Update :
1 Lover. A$50 Stake confirmed as received.
2 Stone. A$50 Stake confirmed as received
3 Jayc A$50 Stake confirmed as received.
4 Tangoracer. A$50 Stake confirmed as received.
5 Bear. A$50 Stake confirmed as received.
6 Mrsexlover. A$50 Stake confirmed as received.
7. Stray. A$50 Stake confirmed as received.
Total Stake Pot - A$ 350
@ Stray, Thank you for your trust, you will soon see it play out. You have accidentally donated an extra A$10 - I will arrange a refund of that when the prize money is awarded to the winner.
Thank you to all qualifying Sweepers. I want more