Everyone is cheering, I can hardly believe I have won... I knew my little bat car wouldn't let me down...

I walk to the podium with a stupid grin on my face, waving to the crowds .. Tangoracer, Lover and mrsexlover hug and kiss my cheek in congratulations. Tango came 3rd and I congratulate him too.

It was a hard fought battle and by all accounts anyone's race but Lady Luck was on my side and Tony Kanaan. I raise my hands as I climb onto the Podium.
Jayc is standing there ready with my wreath of flowers and pint bottle of milk. I raise my hands in victory to the cheering crowd as Jayc guides me through the traditions of the race.
I bend my head so he can place the garland of flowers round my neck and a roar of clapping and cheering goes up as I straighten again and then he hands me the milk.
I hold it up to the crowd, take a deep breath and begin to guzzle it down. The crowd chant ... 1 2 3 4 5 .... I manage to drink 3/4's of it before gasping for breath, then pour the remainder over my head. I have a fabulous milk mustache

The crowd clap and cheer at my efforts and celebratory christening. Then the crowd parts for my walk to the Start / Finish line where the original bricks are of the track to this day. It's traditional for the winning driver to kiss them, so I have been reliably informed.
I walk to the line of faded red bricks, kneel before them , placing my hands flat on the floor and kiss them, offering a prayer of thanks for my win and another safely finished.
The crowd cheers and I stand to wave to all the supporters and Sweepers.
Thank you everyone for supporting and enjoying the race and sweep stake and thank you to Jayc for organising it. I hope we have many more.