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: Collaring of Erin  ( 18709 )
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: 169

« : May 28, 2013, 07:33:38 AM »

She stood watching herself in the mirror as she swept the brush through her long thick auburn hair. It wasn't how she would act normally, ... normally ... that thought brought the hint of a smile to her lips. Her case already packed stood by the door. A strange feeling passed through her as she swept her hair up in to a pony tail and held it in place with a simple elasticated band. As she left her home, she turned to look at it one last time. Even now it didn't feel like home, it had never felt like home, even though she had lived there for her whole life it had never felt like home.
Now that she was leaving it all behind it didn't seem any different. She turned, thrusting one hand in to the pocket of the tan coloured trench coat she wore, her case rattled behind her but she wasn't hearing it. What she was hearing was his voice ... HIS ...voice. Again her pace slowed as she thought back to that fateful day. The day in question had started normally enough, until she had become bored and started looking at some of the chat sites she had used before.

 It was when she received an invite that the day changed so .... so dramatically. She had entered her chat name and then her password ... Normally that  was enough to enter the room ... Not on this occasion it hadn't. She had been presented with a list of questions and a disclaimer. Answering the questions was simple enough... Reading the disclaimer was another thing altogether. For some reason though she had agreed to abide by the disclaimer and ticked the box.... That was the moment her life had changed. She had walked in to an auction .... names and numbers flashed up on the screen: Peter2:- bids 223.... Han:- bids 345.... And so it had continued ....

Until the names stopped scrolling up the screen. Suddenly her  name appeared ... Angel has been won by ..... It caused her to blink and just stare at the image displayed on the chat room ... It was a list of instructions. Instructions she was now following. Some inner self preservation mechanism was telling her to run and not follow the instructions. Only some thing compelled her to do as  she  had been instructed, even down to the route out of the small town she was to take, the colour, the style of her clothes had been picked out for her.

It started raining. As she left the town outskirts the heavens opened on her. Cars of all makes raced past her, none stopping or even slowing down. As she walked she did wonder what he HE would look like. Would he ... HE .. be kind ... cruel ... Would HE be rich ... poor ... It struck her that HE would have to have money to enter in to the auction in the first place. She tried to summon up a mental image of him from what she had been told was enough to recognize HIM.... She shrugged and picked up her pace. Ahead a car sat in the lay-by. All she could tell of the car was it's colour ... White ... Not it's make until she got closer and realized it was a pure white BMW Z4 ... She didn't want to smile but suddenly she was starting to feel like a school girl, shy and giggly. That feeling lasted until the passenger door opened and HE got out of the Z4.

It was still raining, not as hard but ... The rain had darkened his coat, the hat he wore, wide brimmed was dark,  "Mmm .." she thought "... that fits ... "        I wasn't until she neared him that he spoke ... in a deep voice that compelled her to obey him. "Diane .. Leave your case I'll put it in the boot for you... " He had opened the door for her and as she climbed in she saw that he had smiled at her, her face flushed red, her hands nervously tried to push the safety belt in to the socket. Then the door closed and she felt as though she could breath again. She heard the thump of the trunk lid shutting then the drivers door opened and in he climbed. As he drove off he turned to look at her and a quick smile flashed across his face before he turned to give his full attention to  driving. It took only moments for the car to reach cruising speed. She tensed as his hand lifted from the gear stick to her leg.. She audibly gasped as his fingers curled under her leg and began to stroke he inner thigh slowly..... slowly she relaxed, parting her legs just a little "Good girl ... " His voice was deep, manly, firm ... It was as if he had just given her a command ... Her thoughts whirled at what he would feel like inside her, touching her, holding her... Dominating her, controlling her ... The way he was touching her inner thigh, the way he occasionally gave her slender toned thigh a squeeze spoke of possession, ownership of her even now, so soon after getting in to his car.

She blinked as the sudden glare of a security light blinded her momentarily. Suddenly there was silence but for the soft gentle thrumming of the rain on the car roof and the pulsating beat of her heart. Suddenly her head was turned. Finger tips ... HIS .. finger tips turned her so she looked in to his shadowed face. "We are here ... You are finally home my girl ..." Those words .... They made her shiver, feeling the spine tingling excitement run through her body from head to toe. He exited the car closing the door and she couldn't move ... Until he opened the door for her and spoke so quietly she barely heard his words "Out ... " He took hold of her hand, steadying her and suddenly he was holding her. Strong arms held her body a tight hold that threatened to stop her breathing ....

She woke, blinking her eyes as she looked around .. "Where am I ..." she thought .. Looking around the unfamiliar surroundings. It took her a few minutes to realize that she was naked, naked but covered in a warm comfortable bed. The canopy and the thick curtain are a rich deep  red,  almost the colour of blood, the four posts carved from some dark wood.  She rolled on to her side wondering how she had really ended up naked in a bed that wasn't her own, in house of a man she had not spoken more than a dozen words to. He had obviously undressed her... That very thought caused he cheeks to flush.

Then she heard ... sensed ... something. She sat up and looked down the bed and there HE was. Sat in a leather chair fingers steepled elbows resting on the arms. His legs crossed, left ankle resting on his right knee. A hint of a smile played across his lips as their eyes met. Not sure what she should do she lowered her eyes from his. He said nothing just watched her ... What did he want ... what should she do ... had she angered him already ... was she going to be punished if she did something wrong ....Fleeting thoughts rolled through her mind until she could barely think .... Slowly she lowered the quilt, then let it drop to the bed. Her instincts now took over her body. She moved like an automaton, stiffly, slowly, not wanting to look clumsy she took her time sliding from the bed, to the floor. She stood in front of him .. looking at the high polished shoes. Slowly she folded gracefully to her knees. With her hands folded she rested them on her bare thighs ... slowly .. so slowly she lifted her eyes to meet his piercing blue eyes.

He reached out, finger tips touching her cheek, just a light touch but enough that it sent a chill through her body, visably she shivered under his touch, his gaze. A firm voice soothed her tension. "Thank you, good girl Erin ... " His very words seemed to appear in her head, her eyes closed "Sir ... I am your's to command... " Slowly her head dropped, her arms lifted to rest both  her hands on his knee, crossed at the wrists "I am yours ... "  She sensed more than felt him move, hands that at once seemed strong, capable of inflicting pain, yet soothingly gentle as they stroked over her hair. Panic gripped her once more ... She hadn't checked her appearance ... her hair must be a tangled mess .... He was now holding her head, cradled in his hands she suddenly felt safe ..yet vulnerable ..her body trembled as he took control of her.

 As  he moved  one hand from her head she leaned, pressing her face in to his hand that still cradled her face. She closed her eyes, more lowering them waiting with her breath held and her heart suddenly beating like a drum. She knew what was coming ... then it was touching her flesh cool, subtle, unyielding ... slowly the leather encased her neck. As he fastened the buckle he spoke, that voice so deep and firm so commanding and yet gentle it shocked her to her core. "Now Erin ... now you are mine ... every breath you take, every beat of your heart every thought you have will be for me my Erin." He could feel her trembling, her tears puddled in the palm  of his hand.

The scent of her hair filled his nostrils as his lips touched first her hair, then as he lifted her head, his lips kissing her tears, he tasted her salt, touched her lips with his. Their first kiss was slow, just a breath of his lips on hers, then, ... then their lips met and he pulled her to his lips, pushing them apart with his tongue searching her mouth, exploring her slowly. He heard her moan, his fingers stroked her cheek and her collared throat. Bringing her closer as they kissed deeply, him holding her, she clutching his shirt holding on to him so tightly that she thought her fingers would have to be prized from him. She let out a slow breathless moan, longing for more of him. He kissed her more deeply, with more passion than she had felt before with any other man. By  mutual consent they broke from each other. Breathless smiles on both their faces as he sat back, she rocked back, her ass on her heels, hands folded in to her lap. Suddenly he rose from the chair, shakily she followed his move, rising to her feet and moving so she stood at his right, just behind him. She followed him to his  wardrobe. Once there she took a step back, instinctively giving him the room he needed. She could see him smiling in the mirror, see his eyes looking at her body through the silvered glass. It took only moments for him to turn to her, a silk shirt, pure white, his shorts ...

 "You'll wear these Erin ... I'm going to take a  shower ... And you my girl are going to make us both breakfast .. We'll eat in the kitchen... You will then have all day to familiarise yourself with your home before I get home from work. You may go outside.  "  As he spoke she took the two items of clothing she would be allowed to wear, waiting for him to finish speaking "Yes my Master ... " hesitantly she looked around the room ,.. Watching her, his eyes showed a slight amusement and as she turned slightly his hand landed on her bare ass with a soft slap of flesh on flesh, grinning he pointed to the door "That way my Erin ... " Seeing is grin  she smiled, still feeling the sting of his hand on her ass as she went towards the door. This time though it was her turn .. as she reached the door, clutching his clothes that she would wear to her chest, he bent forward, used her teeth to pull the door open and waggled her hips as she did so. She heard his laugh and grinned to herself.

For the first time in many years she felt the heaviness of her heart starting to lift. This what she wanted, this was something she could do, make him happy, she knew he would do the same for her. It was what she craved, all her life she had felt something was missing ...

 HIM ..and. HIS dominance .. 
« : May 28, 2013, 08:11:05 AM Richard_Wolf »

Sr. Member
: 494

Girl, 20 yrs old, bisex

« #1 : May 28, 2013, 08:04:17 AM »

Oh emh, without some paragraph it's a bit difficult read it ^^

I go from bed to bed looking for bones, as every stray does ::)
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #2 : May 28, 2013, 08:07:04 AM »

Welcome, a new author is in the village   ;D  

Fantasic story..   Is it a short story and that is how you are leaving it?  for the reader to fill in their own story line?  I have to say, I hope not.. I am left wanting more ....  :P  and then some... ;D

May I give a tip to your presentation,  as you are aware, some readers do not have English as a first language  and even us natives speakers find it easier to read if you paragraph a couple of times, after say 5 or 6 lines.  This causes blocks of words.  

This stops us losing our place, especially as we scroll down to read more of your story.  It also looks better.

Try it, you will see what I mean.   ;D

I look forward to reading more and by the way ...   Dom or not ...   YOU ARE SO RECRUITED FOR EROTIC STORY CONTEST 5    ;D  ;D  ;D

Forum Home  Page / Organizations & Events / Contests /  EROTIC STORY CONTEST 5 OT

Voting for the new theme stops soon,  then the authors will have a couple of months or so to write their masterpiece..   keep an eye out for the dates and rules to be published soon.   ;D

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Full Member
: 169

« #3 : May 28, 2013, 08:17:34 AM »

Been a few years since I did these kind of things so I will be making a fair few mistakes on the boards I think !!!!!

I look forward to reading more and by the way ...   Dom or not ...   YOU ARE SO RECRUITED FOR EROTIC STORY CONTEST 5    ;D  ;D  ;D

Contest 5 ...Mmhmmm .. I will need an incentive ....

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #4 : May 28, 2013, 08:28:13 AM »


Mr Wolf...  cocking my head to one side,  I have a way with words that may just bore you into submission,  selling Forum, the contest and erotic stories is one of my favourite pass times ... 

and I have records to beat in Erotic Story Contest 5   ;D

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Full Member
: 169

« #5 : May 28, 2013, 09:30:12 AM »

"Beat what .... Ohh records ... damn ... Thought something else needed beating .... " Keeps a straight face .... (not)

Hero Member
: 2755

« #6 : May 28, 2013, 09:46:39 AM »

very nice Richard and yeah better listen to Brandy ;) she has a way of twisting people's arms  ::)

Full Member
: 169

« #7 : May 28, 2013, 09:50:26 AM »

very nice Richard and yeah better listen to Brandy ;) she has a way of twisting people's arms  ::)

Whispers in sexilicious' ear "Shhhh ...Don't tell her but all she has to do is ask very nicely."

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #8 : May 28, 2013, 09:53:49 AM »

You are recruited too Sexi   LMAO   ;D

Done,  " Wolfie,  Please do Forum the honour of writing a story for Erotic Story Contest  5  ....   you will no doubt pleasure our readers no end "   ;D

Offering you my sweetest smile, and puppy dog eyes,  (  but  my Bee sting tail is twitching like the Devil,  hidden from view behind me ... ;)  )

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 2755

« #9 : May 28, 2013, 09:56:08 AM »

Well Brandy if it keeps going with where the topic will be, I most likely will write a story ;)

Full Member
: 169

« #10 : May 28, 2013, 09:57:38 AM »

Makes a mental note to not to swat Brandy's ass ..... OK Ok ok .... goes to take a look at the contest subjects ...

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #11 : May 28, 2013, 10:03:21 AM »

Yehaw,   that's 3  -  there's no backing out now, oh and jcm ... I see you in the background ...  You are recruited too  ;D    so 4    ;D

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 7883

« #12 : May 28, 2013, 10:03:52 AM »

Please, stop spamming in the story thread! it's not nice!

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #13 : May 28, 2013, 10:07:59 AM »

HB,  of course , you are so right...    Did you notice you are included in my numbers above  :)  I havent forgot the PROMISE  ;D

Back to topic...   Great story.   I hope you continue further episodes here  ;D

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Full Member
: 169

« #14 : May 28, 2013, 04:36:31 PM »

(  but  my Bee sting tail is twitching like the Devil,  hidden from view behind me ... ;)  )

I do have that effect on the Devil ... He twitches every time  our paths cross ...Ohh ... by the way I was wondering about that sting in your tail

« : May 29, 2013, 05:25:33 AM Richard_Wolf »

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