Erotic Story Contest Rules.
I am proud to announce a new Erotic Story Contest. For anyone to enter, judge or enjoy reading. Starring the theme of the contest:
AS VOTED FOR BY FORUM MEMBERS Something from AChat must be incorporated in to each story, to emphasise the connection with the game, and to recognise the Achat Gods for sponsoring the contest. As before, there will be an entry period with a deadline, and then a voting period with a deadline as well.
For anyone who’d like to enter
THE EROTIC STORY CONTEST ‘s HERE, IN FORUM , please take note of the following notifications:
The writers retain total copyright of their stories if published on Achat, and if Achat wish to use them in anyway, then they will seek permission of the prospective author for use of their story whether in part or in whole.Rules: 1. Please do not break regulations or laws when submitting your story. Refer to Achat's Terms of Service -
Forum Home Page > Announcements > Posting rules > Achats Terms of Service. ( T.O.S. ),2470.0.htmlNo under - age ( 18yrs + please ) or bestiality stories. Fantasy / Enchanted stories will be acceptable.
2. In the story, the central theme and something from Achat must be incorporated. The theme
VOTED FOR BY MEMBER’S MUST BE INCLUDED , the link to Achat must be based on
a room, background or outfit, and easily & recognisably described. THEREFORE DESCRIPTION HERE IS ESSENTIAL. It is not enough to just include one or more of the sexual poses.
3. The length of the story must not exceed 2 posts. 1 post allows 20,000 characters. That includes spaces as well.
Approx 6,500 - 7,000 words, is the upper limit per story.
4. Only one story per contestant.
5. The story has to be original, that is written by yourself or joint co-writers and not copied from elsewhere. It must not have been published elsewhere previously, either here or on another site.
For those who do publish stories on other sites, please could I ask you to refrain from publishing your contest stories until voting is concluded and winners and authors are announced in the contest it is part of. It will protect the integrity of the voting process and from disqualifying the story in question.6. To submit your entry, please PM ( Personal Message in Forum ) your story to the Contest Manager: Brandybee. When the story has been received, you will receive a message confirming the entry. Posting a story on Forum by yourself, WILL disqualify you from the contest. Once your story has been posted to the Contest Manager - it cannot be changed or altered in any way - this is your Contest entry in its entirety.
7. Due to fairness of voting, contestants should not unduly influence voters, in any way, in their decision to vote for their favourite story , or to disclose they are the author of their story prior to votes being cast... Thank you. This could result in your story being disqualified.Please use the following lay-out to submit your story [Subject] (to be inserted into the PM Subject Line above)
"Erotic Story Contest ( Relevent number eg 4 ) - " TITLE OF VOTED THEME” eg – “ FIRST TIME [Message]
[HEADER] = Title of your story.
Pages: Number of pages of your story (A4 or US)
Words: Number of words, without Title
Characters (with Spaces): Number of characters & spaces
Included Components: (Whatever option from
Achat is chosen, please describe here. Please ensure that the chosen Achat connection is described in great detail in your story, so that readers will be able to identify it easily ).
Please also describe briefly the
story's theme " THE VOTED THEME " eg "First Time" experience included in your story.
BODY] (The story submission - to be posted as is by the Contest Manager)
[FOOTER] = Writer's Name & Date of Submission. Please also include your choice of prize you would wish to receive - The relevant A$ credited to your account OR the relevant period of free membership.
Prizes:1st Prize = 12,000 A$
2nd Prize = 8,000 A$ and
3rd Prize = 5,000 A$ In addition to the above, there will be 2 CONSOLATION Prizes4th Place = A$1,500Last Place = A$1,200All other contestants will receive 1,000 A$ for submitting their story.PODIUMS SHARED :-
1st prize - Prize money shared out for the positions in the contest, rounded up to nearest 50A$. Eg 2 winners share out 1st & 2nd prize ( 16,000A$ ) , Runner up to take 3rd prize ( 3,000A$) ; 3 or more winners share out 1st, 2nd & 3rd prize out ( 19.000A$ ), rounded up to nearest 50A$ after sharing . No other prizes allocated.
2nd prize - Prize money for 2nd & 3rd places ( 9,000A$ )shared out for positions in the contest rounded up to nearest 50 A$. Eg 2 winners share out 2nd and 3rd prize (9,000A$). No lower prizes allocated. 3 or more winners share the prize money ( 9,000A$) rounded up to the nearest 50A$ after sharing.
3rd prize - Prize money (3,000A$) shared with a minimum prize of 1,500 A$ for each 3rd podium winner. Capped to a total of 6,000A$ where that money would be shared out between 3rd podium winners & again rounded up to the nearest 50A$.
Dates:The Relevent dates, submission, and deadlines etc... will be notified in the relevant
Erotic Story Contest TOPIC. I wish all contestants good luck, and all Forum Members, Guests and Achat Gods a lot of enjoyment when reading...
Happy writing, reading and other things ...... hehe
GOOD LUCK.Brandybee. xxx
WINNERS OF CONTESTS When the end of the contest comes & winners announced, to confirm you have received your prize you have to go into... "Shop" ( And log in your details ) / " Your Profile" / " Recent Purchases " and then scroll down....
You will find a different boxed section that itemises all " Funding" received from Achat Gods including subscription information, and " Gifts" you have received and given. Green are credits - Gifts / Prizes received , Blue are debits - Gifts given. Your prize will show as " The date " / " White box with a blue A S inside " / " Funding " / Account Funding by AS Purchase / The prize amount in Green eg 600The Contest Manager will PM ( Personal Message in Forum ) the winner when their account has been awarded the Prize and you can check and confirm as above. If it is not shown for any reason and you do not receive your winnings, Please PM the Contest Manager as soon as possible.
Other participants in the story contest will also show their A$ 600 as received in their account in this same way too.