and ofc my sexy Puma 

If that is a true black puma then a lot of cryptoscientists would be beating at the door.
Black Pumas have been claimed to be seen around the US but like bigfoot are pretty much a fairy tale.
By chance I have a great link to the discussion of such live smack in the middle of their territory and after a couple of personal harrowing episodes launched my own investigation to better understand these predators. This time of year especially with dry riverbeds and the deer congregating in the valley for the rut, we see them frequently. (It makes the predawn chores a bit more hair raising) I for one am happy never to see a deer about, and as far as I am concerned Bambi can just move along.
(I started investigating black pumas after one of my clients claimed his father was attacked by one some 70 years ago and he had to help fight it off. I thought it a wives tale, even though he is not one to exaggerate, till further interviews with some old folks about told me of their own experiences. It's still referenced as alive, an urban legend of the region. I thought it to be a jaguar,... but they aren't equipped to deal with the cold winters in this region, nor the frigid ones further to the north where other tales are documented.)
The myth of the Yani Puma,..., lol that's enough to keep one looking over your shoulder here in the wild. That would be one big cat.