Hi jwhit,
as you're rather new i'm sure you will find many interesting things here. Look around, read and feel free to ask. We're all here to have fun and to improve AChat.. and to have a great time.
Send me a pm with your day and month of birthday so we can send some greetings.
How to send a pm:
There are several ways to choose the addresse. The best is to click the small box below his name in a thread. If you move your mosue over this box and then wait for a second, you read: "Personell Message" in brackets you read "Online" or "Offline"
If you click on this box, you get a new page, similar to the page you get if you add a post. The differences:
There is a box "To"
If you did my way, the addresse is still written. If you wanna add more raddresses, go one fiel below to "Bcc"
Bcc means, all other members you add also get your message - but no one knows of the other. If you don't know the correct name you can click the white on blue ! A new box opens (make sure, your browser allows pop up) and you can search for the names. If you don't know exactly, you can use wildcards. A wildcard means, you just type 1,2,3, or 4 letters and then add a star (*)
Goto "search" and you get a list of all members including your letters in this order you wrote them. If you want to add someone of this list, just click the name in the list below. This member is added at once.
If you want use a subject, but it's not necessary.
Write your text, then "send message"
If you want to get a copy of your text, activate "Save a copy in my outbox"
That's all
Now have fun