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: Some special chars missing  ( 2849 )
Sr. Member
: 494

Girl, 20 yrs old, bisex

« : May 12, 2013, 06:49:59 AM »

I think I'd need a dedicated section for my requests   :(

By the way... I'd like to have few special chars in AChat, like:

^ and |

Why? Atm I canìt write:

^.^" and :|

Two of my fav smiles, that help me explain how I feel...
I've tried to add ^ editing the keymap file adding:

Code: [Select]
005e 0x5eSo now if I press the key it's recognized, but the symbol is just a ?, I've found other files about fonts but I'm not so skilled  :-\

Could AChat Team adds these 2 chars?

I go from bed to bed looking for bones, as every stray does ::)
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