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: The Order Of the Tudor Rose.  ( 24628 )
Hero Member
: 1600

« #30 : October 05, 2013, 06:27:03 PM »

Paladin opened his eyes. It was early, Astrid was sound asleep curled up next to him. He pulled the covers back and moving slowly, he brought his feet to the floor and sat on the edge of the bed. He jumped when Astrid  poked his sides with her nails.

“And where do you think you’re going?” Astrid said with a laugh.

Paladin spun around and pushed Astrid down pinning her lithe shoulders to the bed and kissed her deeply.

“I have to get back,” Paladin said between kisses.

Astrid scowled in displeasure, “So you’re a love them and leave them type of guy?” she teased.

He shook his head, “No, I have classes this morning and need to get my ass in gear.”

“And what a nice ass to get in gear,” She said with a sly smile.

Paladin got dressed and patted his pockets doing an inventory, his phone was missing.  He walked into the kitchen and saw it on the counter flashing with a message. Astrid slipped on a robe and started making a pot of coffee. He read Kade's text and let out a sigh.

“Oh, that’s just great,” he muttered

“What’s wrong?” Astrid asked with a yawn

“I think I pissed off one of my associates,” Paladin answered.

“Got time for a cup of coffee?” She offered. 

“No time” Paladin turned Astrid around and kissed her goodbye.
“I will call you when I get a chance”

“Well you better Mr Paladin,” Astrid said with a smile and held her hand to the side of his face.  Paladin turned it palm up and kissed her palm.

He let himself out and started a fast walk back to the estate.
In a hurry and his thoughts on Astrid & the night before, he failed to notice the car with two men taking pictures of him and slowly driving by.
Hero Member
: 1842

« #31 : October 05, 2013, 06:40:30 PM »

Kade sat in his kitchen drinking coffee, he was tired and cranky having been up half the night waiting for a response from Paladin. He decided to shower and go to the estate and wait for him there.

Kade knocked on Paladin’s door, Pet65 opened it a crack

“Master Kade,” she bowed her head and stood aside to let him into the room

“Good morning, is he here?”  Kade looked around the room.

“No, he sent me a text last night saying he would be back this morning”

“I got the same message,” Kade said with a hint of anger.

Pet65 was wearing sweat pants and a tight t-shirt and flip flops.

“I was just about to go have some breakfast but you can wait here if you like.” Pet65 offered, sensing his anger or was it worry, she was not sure.

“No. Mind if I join you?”  Kade said with a smile.

Pet65's heart skipped a beat.  “I’d like that Master Kade,” she blushed.  Kade made her feel nervous. She was very aware of him with his good looks and his fit experienced body. She was very attracted to him, yet she sensed a danger about him. She felt he could look inside her and snap her in two if he wished.

She had heard other submissives at the Order speak of him in awe. He had advised their Masters of discipline techniques and punishments to assert their authority over them and make them understand that they had given up their control and were there to serve. There was no question or debate as to their status.

But what had amused and intrigued her, in their quiet, girly, chuckley moments together was his abilities as a lover. His stamina, self control and authority in the bedroom and the submissives who had experienced him, would swoon and bask in their memories. Be amazed at the boundaries, they had so willingly crossed and in the aftermath of their sexual antics, he had held them afterwards, tenderly congratulating them and instilling their self worth as a submissive.

They walked to the dining room. Pet65 wondered if she should try to engage Kade in small talk but his mind seemed to be elsewhere and his answers though polite were short and strained. She had only met him a few times but on those instances he was all smiles and friendly and she wondered what Paladin had done.

They reached the main foyer and they both spotted Paladin walking in to the main entrance.

“Give me a moment my dear,” Kade marched with purpose towards Paladin.

 He had purposefully left her out of earshot. She watched covertly as Kade spoke with his recruit. From his body language she could only assume it was not a pleasant conversation. Paladin  looked as if he was trying to explain but Kade was having none of it. After a minute or so, Kade led Paladin to the staff entrance to the kitchen. They both disappeared for a few moments. A short time later, Kade returned to her side. He smiled at her and the fluttery feeling deep in her belly returned.

“So sorry for that but my wayward recruit needed a reminder of the rules,” Kade told her but stopped short, omitting to tell her that a morning of scrubbing pots, pans and peeling potatoes should put him on the right path again.
She could tell, however, Kade was clearly relieved that Paladin had returned safely.

They entered the busy dining room, the couple made their way to the buffet. They were stopped by several people Kade obviously knew. He was gracious and spoke briefly to each of them and always introduced Pet65. She felt giddy being with this man, it seemed everybody knew him and everybody liked him.

They filled their plates and found an open table on the deck. Kade pulled out Pet65's chair and he let her sit before he sat down. She was stunned by his chivalry and sat murmuring her thanks. She was actually in need to sit down, feeling quite light headed being the center of his attention.  It was not going unnoticed by the people surrounding them either.

Pet65 looked down at her plate and picked some single items on her fork, eating tentatively.

“I make you nervous,” Kade observed aloud.  She nodded and he chuckled.
“Look at me” he commanded softly.
She looked up slowly, seeing his shirt, the buttons, his neck, the cleft in his chin, his mouth and nose till she eventually stared into his strong brown, thoughtful eyes.

“I should make you nervous.” Kade locked onto her eyes, “I am most definitely an Alpha male and I will bed you, but know this Azure, nothing will happen that you don’t choose to happen or allow to happen”

The strength of his words and the unexpected use of her true name, caused her breath to catch and her heart beat to rocket.  At that moment, right there, right now, she knew she trusted him like no other and knew that he would take her to heights of carnal pleasure, no other man would ever be capable of.  She was excited and scared at the same time.

Kade smiled, knowing of his effect on her.  “Eat. Our time will come.” Then he began tucking into his own hearty breakfast.

Kade was head of security at the Tudor Rose Order and well respected for his knowledge and wisdom. He had a natural authority about him and that coupled with his handsome features and fit body ensured he was noticed by both sexes. He was a Dominant male and liked being in control. He liked taking the lead in his line of work as well as in the bedroom and was fully capable of doing so.

He liked to push his sexual partners to their extreme pleasure, to test their limits and desires and to leave them sexually exhausted in his bed or any other room for that matter.

In his past he had robustly performed for pain sluts but he never really enjoyed that extreme himself. He preferred the gentler teasing whips and paddles although he had a firm hand for spanking that he did enjoy and often indulged in.

He preferred more the pleasures of carnal desires, sometimes playing on the uncertainty of his partner, causing nervous sexual tension between them. But he was never sadistic and although the odd bruise or bite mark was inevitable, he did not like his partner to bleed or scar from wounds he had inflicted.

Kade was at an age, he knew what he liked and his instinct was rarely wrong when it came to women he found to be of interest.

Kade did have a dark past as he was training and learning the craft of being a Dominant male. He had tried many practices to push his own limits, some he was not particularly proud of, but it had made him the man he was today.

Kade could be callous, he could be hurtful and he could disassociate himself when required from his encounters allowing his primal lust full reign. He referred to this as his inner beast that was always lurking and simmering under the surface but Kade was Master of this wild beast within.

He had taken part in rituals and punishments in the Order to reassert a submissive’s place or to ensure they knew they were in a secondary disposition and never a primary, and even surprisingly, as a reward for a submissive who wished for such a used fantasy.

Other Masters often sought his advice and services which established him as a highly respected member of the Order.

He watched Pet65 eat her breakfast, his Azure.  He wanted her and would have her. He lusted after her and wanted to feel her tender body under his. He wanted to feel her shudder time and time again as wave after wave of orgasms racked her slender body as he impaled and possessed her.

He was curious how far he could push her and he smiled at the thought that soon she would be released from Paladin’s care and he had every intention of becoming the man she wanted.

He remembered some words, his late Mentor once told him years ago, “Respect the woman,  Devour the slut,  and Cherish the little girl inside, Then you have the mind, body and soul, and the heart will surely follow.”

Advice he would use with Azure.

Hero Member
: 1600

« #32 : October 05, 2013, 06:43:40 PM »

Paladin followed Kade into the kitchen and stood looking around as Kade spoke to the Head Chef.

Signaling Paladin to come over he spoke, “Antonio, this is Paladin and his sorry ass belongs to you today.” And with that he left the kitchen.

Antonio sized up Kade's recruit with an evil eye.

“I don’t know anything about cooking, I’m a banker!” Paladin protested.

“You no cook! You clean pots and pans for me!” Antonio yelled tossing Paladin an apron, and pointed to the heap of pots and pans soaking in steamy soapy water.

Paladin resigned to his fate, rolled up his sleeves  and put on the apron. The water was scalding hot and Paladin carefully began to scrub, already angry at this Italian tyrant.

“Hey Banker Man put on net for hair! The Chef barked in broken English.

Paladin could not help but notice all the lovely pets busy working all around him.

“Hey Banker Man, eyes on work, not pretty girls!!!!!”

Paladin tried to make conversation with a stunning blonde who was bringing him more dirty pots.

“Hey Banker, less chin music and more elbow grease!!!”  The Chef screamed now red faced.

“Yeah yeah yeah EL Duce,” Paladin muttered to himself.

Soaked in sweat, his dress shirt ruined with bacon and sausage grease stains, Paladin began to make headway in the stacks of pans. Keeping his eyes low he noticed the Chef was super nice to all kitchen staff except himself. The Chef came over after a few minutes to inspect the pans Paladin had rinsed off.

“No good, Banker!! Filthy filthy!! tossing a few back in the water. The splash, soaking his already ruined shirt even more.

Paladin gritted his teeth determined not to let this frustrating man rile him and to complete Kade’s punishment with honors.

The pans finally passing muster of the evil Chef , the man brought Paladin over to a table of Potatoes and handed him a paring knife sharp as the devil himself.

“You peel,” The chef watched over his shoulder as Paladin attempted the task at hand.

“No. No. No. Not like dat, like dis !!!” Antonio took the knife and peeled with speed and expertise. Handing back the knife, Paladin tried again.

“Better Mr Banker better,”  Antonio said with a hint of praise and went back to sipping his espresso and flirting with the pets.

An hour later, the potatoes were peeled, each new one looking better than the last as Paladin got the hang of it.

The breakfast rush over,  the kitchen calmed down as the chef and kitchen hands started prepping for lunch. The pets left the work area for classes and other duties.

“Anything else?” Paladin dared to ask

Take out the Garbage and mop the floor Paladin”, Antonio said with a smile, “then I will make you something to eat”

Paladin smiled back feeling a small sense of victory. Maybe, he had won over the Italian Chef after all.

Kade finished his breakfast before Pet65 and sipped his fresh orange. Her eyes were averted respectfully to her plate. He wanted her to be aware of the sexual tension between them but he  also wanted her to be relaxed and enjoy his company too.  He remembered from her file that she enjoyed playing tennis as a hobby.

“I have the morning free and know you like the odd game of tennis. We have some nice tennis courts here. Have you seen them? “

“Yes Sir, I have played since being here with a couple of other subs, it keeps us fit,” Pet 65 smiled.

“I like a game myself.  I can give you some pointers if you wish, I used to play for my school in my younger days at quite a high level,”  Kade  offered.

Pet65 bit her lower lip. She was good, really good at tennis having been a junior champion at County level but she decided to keep that little gold nugget to herself.
Maybe, she could teach Master Kade  a lesson in humility and tease his arrogance a little.  It was too tempting not to.

“I’d like that Sir, I have finished my lessons now. I’m just waiting for my assessments to be reviewed and allocated a Chapter.”

“Shall we meet at the tennis courts in say … “  Kade checked his wrist watch, “ an hour for a game then?”

Pet agreed and Kade excused himself to make a few phone calls.  She finished her breakfast and sat back to enjoy her coffee. 
She saw a couple of women spreading towels on sun loungers by the pool. They both had skimpy bikinis on, big hats and sunglasses. They settled with books to read.
She finished her coffee and returned to her room to find her tennis gear and racket.  Secretly, she was looking forward to whipping Kade’s ass on the court.

« : October 05, 2013, 06:49:36 PM jayc »
Hero Member
: 1842

« #33 : October 13, 2013, 05:14:48 PM »

Pet65 was dressed in her tennis gear. She looked very pretty and had an almost innocent allure.  Her brown hair was braided into pigtails. She had on a white vest with a navy blue stripe across her chest over a white sports bra, a navy blue pleated gym skirt over white sports pants, white ankle socks with trainers. 

She was practicing a few shots over the tennis court net to limber up, with another girl who had just finished her match.

Kade drunk in her appearance as he approached the court with his dark green and black sports bag hung on his shoulder. He was dressed all in white with a little splash of purple and green on the right shoulder of his polo shirt. He would not have looked out of place on the courts at Wimbledon in London.

The white of his attire complimented his lightly tanned skin and firm physique and his short dark hair framed his ruggedly handsome features.
Wendy was wagging her tail and tossing a yellow tennis ball in her mouth, snuffling it around on the ground, before picking it up and starting again. The ball was soaked with her saliva and slobber. She was enjoying her little game as she kept up with Kade.

Both Kade and Pet65 were attractive and drew admiring glances from people passing. 

The two women at the pool had already noticed Kade and were nudging each other to admire his toned buttocks in his tight tennis shorts. The fact he had a faithful dog at his side, somehow, just made him even more appealing.

Kade’s eyes, however, were glued on Pet65. He liked how she moved round the court, the gentle bounce of her breasts, restricted by her sports bra and as she bent to hit the balls, he glimpsed sight of her white sports panties.

His cock stirred as he envisioned her kneeling before him, naked, submissive and waiting for him to take her.

He walked onto the court and the girl who was partnered with Pet65 for her warm up made her excuses and left to go shower.

Kade unzipped his bag and pulled his racket out. As he did so, a bundle of green plastic zip ties meant for the roses in his garden, tipped out.

He picked them up and placed them in the side pocket of his bag.

He then replaced the girl who had just left and hit some balls to Pet65 who hit them back. They volleyed gently a little while until Kade walked up to the central net and asked,  “ You ready?”

Pet nodded as she also walked to join him.
Kade asked,  “ Best of three?”

Pet nodded again, then cheekily asked, “ What’s the winner’s prize?”

Kade chuckled, “ You are asking a Dom that question?”

Pet65 blushed, “Yes,”

Kade let her wait as he contemplated what his prize should be. She shuffled nervously.

“I think a drink of wine at my place, then.” He paused again.

She waited for him to continue.

 “A lap dance” 

She blushed.

He continued,  “where you strip naked”   He waited again for his words to sink in,  “ And then, I want you to pleasure yourself as I watch ”

Pet65 blushed more and breathlessly asked, “ And if I win?”

Kade grinned at her, “You won’t” 

He was about to walk back and take up his position on the court, when Pet65 spoke, “ If I do win, I think you should dance for me.” 

He stopped in his tracks and chuckled again.

“And,“  Pet65 continued, “ For those two ladies over there”  indicating towards the pool.

Kade looked a little shocked, “You want me to dance for you and those two?”

Pet nodded.

Kade was just about to nod, when Pet65 spoke again, quickly, “Stripping, till you are naked”

Kade looked at her.  “Anything else?”  He was amused by her bold but hesitant manner,  pushing boundaries with him.

She wanted to say more but couldn’t bring herself, and in the end, gave up, shaking her head.

Kade leaned into her ear and whispered, “You wanted me to stroke my cock for you, didn’t you?”

Pet65 blushed and was feeling very uncomfortable.

Kade chuckled again, “Now Azure, you will never know, if I would have agreed to such a bold request”

He then confirmed their little bet.

“OK, if I win, I win a strip lap dance from you with a grand finale of your orgasmic pleasure.  And if you win, I do a “Chip ‘n’ Dale strip dance for you and your two friends over there. “

He didn’t mention to her, he knew the ladies by the pool.  Very well indeed.  Emerald and Sapphire were good friends of his and they had on numerous occasions enjoyed the fringe benefits of each other’s company.

He took hold of Pet65’s hand, shook it firmly and kissed the back of it. “We have a wager then?”

Pet65 replied, “Yes, we do Sir”.

Hero Member
: 1842

« #34 : October 13, 2013, 05:16:20 PM »

They tossed a coin to see who would serve. Kade won, so served first. He was a competitive player and was immediately apparent, he played to win.

Pet65 tested his prowess on the courts a little as she returned the serve and balls of the volleys. She let him think he had the advantage. As the game progressed, she knew, although Kade could play a good match, she had youth, speed and talent on her side.  She knew she could take him at any time.

Kade smacked a ball to her at a relative high speed, she ran to it and hit it back precisely where she wanted it to land – within stretching distance of his forehand.
He hit it back easily and placed the ball the other side of the court to where she was standing. She ran to it, knowing she would be a little too late to return it.

15 – Love. Kade was delighted at his point in the Set and grinned at her.
She allowed him to take more points covertly in their volleys and let him think he was Master on the court.
 He took the next two game points.  30 – Love.  40 – Love.  If he won the next game, he would win the Set.

The dancing devil inside her was jumping up and down in excitement as she slowly upped her game, making him work a little bit harder for each point. She placed the ball a little further with her forehand and back hands out of reach, making him run and stretch.

She would soon be making him grunt and pant as he fought to return the ball.

Meanwhile, she was hardly breaking a sweat as she played to his standard with ease.

She returned a ball and allowed it to be an easy ball for his back hand. Sure enough he powered it over the net to take the set.

Kade 1   -    Pet65 0

He laughed in delight and threw some balls for Pet. It was her turn to serve.

“I hope you like lap dancing, my expectations are high” He teased. Pet65 bobbed her tongue out to him and he groaned in sexual undertones that caused her to blush.
“The match isn’t over yet,” she mumbled to him and took up her serving position.

She threw the ball high in the air and as it came down, powered it at semi speed to him as she ran closer to the net.
He returned it and she controlled the volley again, placing the balls for him to reach at a run and dive. She had him gently zigzagging the courts, moving up and down from the net, while she was taking more gentle runs on her side.

She allowed him to score 3 more times in the games, to reach match point to take the set,    Love -  15 ;   Love – 30 ;  Love – 40.

Now was her come back,  lose this and he would win 2 sets out of the 3 set match, they had agreed. The lap dance would be his but she wanted his sexy little Dom butt dancing for her instead.

She served again in the game, this time at a slightly higher velocity. Kade managed to return it to her but not so controlled. She powered it back and it flew past him, bounced in and then out of the court.
15 – 40.

“Well played” Kade congratulated, not realising at all she had been playing him in more ways than one.

She served an ace and it flew passed him before he had chance to react.
30 – 40. 
She allowed another volley and got him running to each side of the court before slicing a ball to spin and pass him. 
40 – 40   “Deuce” 

Kade was sweating now and breathing harder. He began to have more respect for her as a tennis player.
He would need to end this game to ensure his lap dance. The thought energised him.

He bent double shifting on his feet to receive her serve, holding his racquet ready.
She served again and he returned it running up closer to the net. She hit it back lobbing it over his head.
Advantage Miss Pet65.

Much to his disgust she took the next point too and therefore the set.
Kade 1   Pet65 1
The next set would determine the winner of the match.

It was his turn to serve. By this time, their tennis match was gaining attention.

The two ladies by the pool had moved on to the grass, spreading their towels in the sun, just behind the chain link fencing. They were intermittently throwing the ball for Wendy to fetch and keep her amused. Wendy was enjoying the attention and on one occasion dropped the sopping saliva ridden ball on Emerald’s bare flat tummy, much to her chagrin and yelp of “ Ewwww”

The women were also watching the match with interest and began to shout encouragement to Pet65 and to heckle Kade’s play.  He pulled a face at them, sending a hidden warning which they delighted in belittling.

Paladin had finished his kitchen duties too and was sitting by the dumpsters, eating the food, his new Italian friend, the chef, had prepared for him.

He saw the play and tennis match with interest and wondered who the two beauties were in their bikinis. He remembered seeing them earlier in the week in the dining room.

He watched as he ate fascinated.

Hero Member
: 1842

« #35 : October 13, 2013, 05:29:59 PM »

Kade bounced the ball a couple of times on the floor, gathering his thoughts. A very desirable lap dance was riding on his win here. He looked at his opponent, lightly dancing on her feet, bent double, watching him like a hawk, ready to spring into action, the minute he fired the ball over to her.

She looked professional, fit and hot. He wanted her, wanted to control her, wanted her knelt, naked at his feet, worshipping his cock as he pushed it to her throat.
He shook his head, he needed to get his thoughts together, concentrate on this match. If he lost, he would be the one dancing and he didn’t really want to think about that.

He threw the ball into the air and hit it in play. Pet65 reached out and returned it at speed. As he ran to get in position, to hit the ball with his forearm swing, his eyes locked on to Emerald and Sapphire.

Oh my God! They were standing at the chain link fence, having lifted their bikinis tops up. Their breasts were squashed into the link, nipples poking through!

Too late, the ball, whizzed pasted him.
Love – 15

“Hey Kade, Did you have your “Ensure” this morning?”  Emerald shouted as she and Sapphire covered up again.
This caused Pet65 to chuckle and hide her face. Ensure was a protein drink designed to energise the elderly. She was oblivious to their flashing behind her.

By the look on Kade’s face, he understood her gibe only too well.  His eyes narrowed on Emerald and then Sapphire. Emerald just made a “ ooooo”  look and made sarcastic gestures of being frightened of him.

“You will get yours,” Kade mouthed, promising retribution in a dangerous but affectionate way. Emerald and Sapphire looked at each other and giggled. They were enjoying playing Kade up too much to stop.  They coaxed Pet65 into telling them her real name.

Kade moved to serve again, determined not to be distracted by soft tempting breasts pushing through chain link, squashed, hard nipples, wanting to be sucked and squeezed. No, he was going to concentrate on the game.

He threw the ball up and served to Pet65. She moved swiftly hitting the ball one side of the court, then the other. Kade was powering around hitting it back, but each time more or less straight to her racquet. He was running all over his side of the court and she expertly made him work hard to return each ball.

“Hey Kade, you move like old people forn-eeeeee-cate!”  Emerald heckled him again and promptly high fived Sapphire, her fellow conspirator.

Kade hit the ball over the net and moved up only to find Pet65 lobbed it high and it dropped in the court behind him.

“Nice play Shakespeare,”  Sapphire joined in the friendly banter and both women giggled.

Kade was breathing hard from all the exertions of the last game. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with his terry towel wrist band. He bounced the ball a few times on the ground, then threw up and served. The ball clipped the net. A no ball. He would need to serve again.

“Kade, Kade,”  Kade looked up at Sapphire. She was holding her mobile phone up, “ Your Grandma’s  on the phone, she wants her serve back”

“Oh very funny, seems you ladies may require a bit of discipline later.” Kade growled as he retrieved the ball.

“You and who’s army?” Emerald goaded.  Kade  looked hard at her, trying not to laugh. He narrowed his eyes and threatened..

“This arm..ie with this hand..ie, “ He retorted flexing his right fist and squeezing the tennis ball. 

Then turned to concentrate on his game again.
His next serve went well and Pet engineered more of the same, causing Kade to run around his side of the court, stretching and diving for the ball. He was impressive, hitting and managing to return some very difficult shots. It was an exciting volley to watch.

Paladin, who was watching from afar had even moved in closer to watch, initially hoping that Emerald and Sapphire would flash their beautiful tits again but then becoming quite enthralled by the tennis match itself.

The volley seemed to go on forever until, Pet65 dropped a cheeky one just over the net. Kade dived to reach it but to his dismay, it hit the net and bounced on his side of the net,
Love – 40

Kade was sweating now, not just because of the games he had played, but because there was a very real reality that he would have to practice a Chip N Dale strip dance routine to pay his debt.

He groaned and it began to dawn on him that his little Pet65 had coerced him into a bet he was bound to lose. Suddenly he chuckled, if she had, he had played right into her delightful little hands. He looked at her in a new light. The little submissive had a rebellious streak and that just made him want her more. She hadn’t even broke into a sweat. She was as cool as a cucumber, unlike him, who would probably ache a few days after this match. 

Then to make matters worst, Emerald and Sapphire began to chant “ Go Azure Go Azure “ like cheer leaders, linking arms and kicking their legs.
Did Azure and the two women know each other!

Kade groaned and threw up the ball to serve. He hit it to her and the volley began. As before, he was not in control. She made him run from one corner to the next, then up to the net and back again. She placed each ball perfectly for maximum effort on his part.

He played valiantly to the end, till she took pity on him and ended his misery of the looming defeat.

His last thought as he stretched to hit the shot and the ball caught the side of his racquet, bouncing out in the wrong direction on his side of the court was..  the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.

Saphire’s shrill voice rang out, “ Game, Set & Match to Miss Azure”

Kade  purposely collapsed to his knees then flattened out looking at the sky. The cooling air quite pleasant on his over heated body.

As was his plan, Pet65 rushed over to check he was ok, feeling a little guilty she had over exerted him. He shut his eyes and he felt her near. Without warning, he grabbed hold of her and flipped her on her back, so she was pinned under him.

“Well, well, well, seems like you are a better player than you let on,” he said softly. She wiggled under him but he had her firm.
“Junior Champion,” she confessed giggling.

"Mmm, Did you mention it for your Tudor file?"  Kade was curious and wondered how he had missed it.
"Noooo, I just listed Tennis as a hobby.It didn't seem important at the time," Azure admitted.

“Then you will get your dance Azure, but be sure, there will be consequences for this.”  He chuckled and released her,  “Good game Azure, well played”

He got up, walked over to his bag, took a drink from a bottle of water and discreetly wet part of the towel as he wiped his face with it. He then also reached for four of the zip ties and hid them in his pocket.

He smiled at Pet65, and murmured, “Watch and learn, my dear, watch and learn.”   He walked towards Emerald and Sapphire in friendly greeting.
His demeanour was friendly but his thoughts were of good humoured revenge.

Emerald and Sapphire misjudged his friendly walk and easy going manner. They ran to greet him and each kissed him on the cheek. Kade placed an arm around each lady and quick as lightening had unhooked the bikini tops of each of them and whipped them off. Their reaction was to immediately cup their bare breasts, which he anticipated and put a wrist lock on each.

They wailed in surprise and he used the  pressure point pain of bending them double and facing their fingers sky ward to ensure obedience.

“Now ladies, you will do exactly as I say, Yes?”  he pressured Emerald’s wrist indicating for her to speak first.
“ Yes Master Kade,” she whimpered

“ Sapphire?” He established,
“Yes Master Kade” Sapphire responded as he hurt her briefly, using the same wrist pressure.

“Sapphire, get on all fours on the floor”  Kade commanded. She lowered and he placed both her hands on the floor, on top of each other, and then trod on them with medium pressure.

Then he instructed Emerald to place her free hand on the chain link fence. He had her bent double facing the tennis courts, her butt facing him. He secured each wrist using the zip ties meant for his roses. They acted like plastic cuffs.

Once Emerald was secured, he allowed Sapphire to get up, using a wrist lock once again to get her in the same position as Emerald. When both ladies were secured topless and bent over to his satisfaction, he spoke again.

“ Your heckling, although funny, deserves to be punished, I feel”  he stated.
Emerald groaned, “ But Kade, it was just… “

“Silence, Master Kade to you.”  He corrected quietly. Emerald shut up immediately.
“There are always consequences for insubordination”

Kade then proceeded to take their bikini bottoms to their knees.
He spanked each lady six times, 3 on each cheek causing them to yelp and squirm.

Their cheeks reddened nicely. He moved between them and squeezed their tits roughly.
“Well?” he asked.  Sapphire spoke first, wincing as he squeezed each nipple in turn

“ Sorry Master Kade, Thank you for my punishment”

He did the same to Emerald and she apologised too

“Sorry, Master Kade, Thank you for my punishment”

Kade nodded and retrieved his towel from the bag, still wet. He twisted it and whipped each lady with a stinging flick of his make shift whip.

They both yowled in surprise and felt the sharp pain. That would cause a bruise on their bottom.

He then lifted their heads by the hair and kissed each of them on the cheek and began to pack up.

Emerald turned her head,  “Master Kade, you can’t leave us like this.”

Kade chuckled, “ Yeah, actually, I can”  and with that, he motioned for Pet and Wendy to join him and walked away.

Emerald and Sapphire, topless, bikini bottoms to their knees and bent over still secured to the chain link fence,  repeatedly called him, humiliated by his treatment.

“ Kade, please let us go, Kade”

Kade ignored them but sent a text to Paladin to release them after 30 minutes. They didn’t know that though.

« : October 25, 2013, 07:00:04 PM Stone »

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: 1600

« #36 : October 13, 2013, 05:38:58 PM »

Max Kempf walked into his store. The sign above said “KEMPF ANTIQUES.”

Punching in the code, the tinted glass door opened and he went inside. It was a “By appointment only” store. This kept out the bargain hunting tourists and the competition.

Max only dealt with elite collectors and interior designers for the rich and famous. The store was modest in size but the back warehouse was massive and was a treasure trove of “hard to find” items from around the globe.

Max was proud of the store. The problem was business had been slow for the last year. Max in his late 30s, looked the part, tall with long blond hair he kept tied in a small pony tail, striking blue eyes, and always dressed well.

Right on time the door buzzed again and he let in Ted, an associate of his, and led him to his office. 
Max opened his safe and reached for the small leather satchel the mysterious Mr Issac had given him at the party. Unzipping the case he placed a coin, one of ten in front of the numerologist sitting in front of his desk. The man picked up the coin and let out a gasp of surprise. He examined the coin closely using a jeweler’s loup.

“Max where did you get this?” He asked, his monocled eye devouring all the exquisite detail of the coins.

“That is my concern, is it real?” Max replied

“Yes its real, eleventh century, French, in pristine condition,” the expert stated, still examining the coins, one by one.

“Value?” Max asked

“Hard to say, I have seen them go at auction for ten to fifteen thousand, depending on the condition,” the man could not stop looking at the coin.

“So there is a market for these?”

The man looked up, “Yes of course but coins like this will bring a lot of attention”

Max frowned, “What about selling them privately?”

“You could I suppose, but that would take a lot of effort. What’s the time frame?” the man asked.

Max didn’t answer but looked deep in thought. Finally he spoke, “Okay Ted thanks, keep the coin for your time. Put it in your own collection and Ted, not a word”

Ted carefully wrapped the coin in his handkerchief and put it in his pocket.

“Thank you Max and yes not a word,” Ted said his voice bubbling with excitement.

He saw Ted out and Max sat at his desk and brooded. This Mr Issac was an odd bird and he made Max uncomfortable. His credentials had checked out okay and he was friendly with some very wealthy people. In their recent meetings Max could tell the man was an addict, he’d seen him sniffing coke at the party, and that was a red flag in the type of business that Max did.

Max picked up his phone and using the number Issac had given him, he left a message and hung up. A few minutes later Issac called him back, they set up a meeting for later that afternoon.

They met at an outdoor cafe, Max had taken a long route to make sure he wasn’t followed and arrived fifteen minute early to make sure Issac came alone. Max was always careful when meeting clients. Right on time a black sedan pulled up to the curb and out got Issac.

They shook hands, Issac's palm was moist and cool. “Like touching a frog,” Max mused.

When a waitress appeared at the table Issac slowly looked her up and down licking his lips and finally said, “Just a cup of tea Darling.”
The waitress hurried off and Isaac took off the sunglasses he was wearing. It revealed the bruises under his eyes, now beginning to yellow.

“Wow, how are you feeling?” Max said trying to sound concerned.

“The streets of this city are not safe. The coins?” Issac changed the subject.

“Yes they are genuine. How many are we talking about?” Max asked.

“More than you can imagine,” Issac smiled.

Max lit a cigarette, “Mr Isaac, I don't think I can help you”

“But why? I was told you’re the man to see in matters like this,” Issac whined, sounding like a petulant eight year old child.

Max went on to explain the rare coin market, the time it would take and all the attention it would cause.

“Couldn’t you just melt them down for the gold value?” Issac was starting to sound desperate.

Max shook his head, “That is insane Mr Issac!”

Max was a thief but a lover of antiquity’s and his conscience would never let him do such a thing.

Max was about to stand up when Issac spoke again, “What about gemstones?”

Now, he had Max’s interest again.

Hero Member
: 1600

« #37 : October 20, 2013, 12:59:21 PM »

Ivan allowed himself the rare pleasure of sleeping in till 9.00 AM, he was tired and the few extra hours would help. He rose and made coffee in the smaller brewer all American hotel rooms had. Carrying a cup of strong black coffee, and his phone in his hand, he went out on his balcony.  The view was of the pleasant gardens surrounding a tall tree. Hotel staff were brushing the pathways for guests.

He opened his phone. He had several new texts new. First he called Thomas back in France. The phone rang twice and Thomas picked up.

Ivan spoke, “Tom, its Ivan, what you got?”

“Ivan, I have good and bad news,” Thomas said sounding more calm than the night before.

“Okay the bad first.” Ivan replied.

“We were hacked, I am certain of it and the scans back me up. I think we have a Rat in the house.” Thomas said.

“Explain” Ivan said curtly

“A Black Sun password was used to gain entry into the main frame, then our hacker used some kind of program to access bank transfers. A substantial amount of money has moved to a bank somewhere in the USA or South America, I can’t be certain at this point. This has been going on for some time. Our Rat is very good at covering his footprints. When I try and follow the money it leads to a dead end every time. Quite frankly I am impressed at our Rats ability.”

“How much and what are you doing about it,”  Ivan asked

“The system is in complete lock down for the moment, the amount of money.....unknown, I may never be able to find out. As part of your emergency plan, your department was put on alert.”

“So I can assume the old man has been briefed?”  Ivan asked for confirmation.

“Yes,”  Thomas said

“Okay, give me the good news,” Ivan said with sarcasm.

Thomas perked up as he spoke, “Our thief made a mistake that alerted the system last night, he or she copied a file.........the Order client list”.

“That is good news?” Ivan questioned, seething with anger.  Jeeze, they guaranteed confidentiality and discretion to their clients. It’s why they had operated successfully over the centuries. Such a breach could be devastating for the Order, not to mention, leaving their clients open to blackmail, family and business ruin, even suicide if the seedy details of their sexual antics were made public. The Black Sun Order would be smashed to smithereens.

“Yes, that narrows it down to just five people and the file is still encrypted, a fail safe I wrote into the program. It will be next to impossible to open it, a thousand to one odds, I am not worried.” Thomas said with confidence.

“Well my job is to worry, there’s too much at stake” Ivan shot back.

“James is here” Thomas handed over the phone.

Ivan listened to James, his second in command.  Four of the names on the list had been accounted for, the fifth, Eric Branson who worked in the Swedish financial office in London,  for the Order,  was missing.

A search of his home in London revealed he had left in a hurry, his passport and credentials were found in his home office. His servants were interviewed. Branson had been acting nervous recently and his wife had not been seen in a few weeks.
No luggage was missing or any belongings, so the team assumed he must still be in London. All airports in the UK were being watched and contacts within the police were helping to locate his car.

Satisfied James was doing everything possible Ivan hung up and called his team leader looking for the Imp.
More bad news, Issac was nowhere to be found and had to be traveling under a false identity. He was not using Black Sun credit cards or vehicles.

Ivan next called the Imp’s father and gave the old man an update. The elder listened in silence.

“Do you think these matters are linked?” the elder asked Ivan

“Yes Sir, but I hope I am wrong.”  Ivan sighed and ended the phone call. 

Although early in the day, he felt like drinking a vodka.  He poured himself a generous shot and returned to the balcony listening to a lawnmower gently humming in the background. He could smell freshly cut grass wafting in the air.

There’s only one reason, anyone would steal large amounts and go after the Client List, that’s to finish the Order, bring it down, and either make it ripe for a hostile take over or set up a similar venture, obliterating the competition. If that was the case, then The Order of the Tudor Rose would also be in danger, if it hadn’t been hit already. These were only the two orders who operated such a unique business.

Ivan was almost certain that Incubus was behind it all. He was an evil, spiteful little man. He didn’t always see eye to eye with his father or the other elders. He had wanted to diversify into prostitution and supply girls to the Middle East. His business idea was denied by the elders, they did not want to attract any attention from the authorities and they suspected he was already involved in human trafficking and illicit drugs. That was not what the Orders were about. The Orders were proud of the special services they offered to their clients and everything was consentual. It was why they were such a success.

Incubus had to be stopped and his accomplices caught.

Ivan decided to set up another meeting with Kade.  They needed to work together. It wasn’t an option to seek the help of any kind of formal law enforcement. It would have to be investigated internally and the threat eliminated.



Hero Member
: 1842

« #38 : October 20, 2013, 01:17:28 PM »

Pet65 walked slightly behind Kade as he collected his gear and began to walk back to the changing rooms.

Her heart was beating fast after his quick retribution of Emerald and Sapphire.  She remembered the brief feel of his body on her as he pinned her down on the court. He was strong and dominant and she found his display scared her a little but it was damn exciting too.

The dominance and spanking of the two girls had turned her on, calling to the submissive side of her nature. She was extremely attracted to him.
Kade suddenly spoke to her, “Junior Tennis Champion. Mmmm.  It seems you played me well in more ways than one.”

He turned to face her and walked towards her slowly. She stopped walking and automatically stepped back. Her back hit the side of the building that lead to the changing rooms.

Kade dropped his bag and placed an arm either side of her. Testosterone was already coursing through his veins at his treatment of Emerald and Sapphire. The sight of the women helpless and at his mercy had already intoxicated him.

His face was inches from hers. She could smell his aftershave and sweat from the courts. She liked it. He deliberately placed his lower body away from her, so he was bending forward slightly.

“What will I do with you?”  Kade spoke softly, but with promise in his voice.

She couldn’t answer him as her eyes locked with his and she caught her bottom lip in her teeth and pulled on it slightly. His eyes lowered to the movement and watched.

“Did you like what you saw Azure? Did you like me taking control of Emerald and Sapphire,” His words were almost a murmur as he continued to watch that tug on her lip.
“Watching me, taking their tops off to expose their breasts, binding them to the fence, pulling their panties down so I could see the secret between their legs. They were helpless Azure, they were mine” He raised his eyes to hers, looking at her intently, it felt like he was looking into her very soul.
She was spellbound by him.

“You want to know the secret I saw Azure?”
Azure swallowed.
Kade continued softly, letting his breath tease her cheek as he leant closer to her ear
“Their shaved pussies were wet. They liked the humiliation. They liked me spanking them.”

His lips were almost touching her ear now. “I know your secret too. I know your pussy is wet. I can smell your arousal. I know your nipples are sticking out in your top without looking at them.”

Azure squeezed her eyes shut, his words were turning her on even more. Her breaths were now small pants and her body tingled at his closeness.

“Raise your skirt Azure,”  he commanded.
She held her breath and inched her fingers to the hem, pulling it up slowly to her waist. The gym skirt stayed there by itself.

He raised his index finger and trailed it gently from her forehead, to her eyebrows, to the tip of his nose, dragging it to her mouth. The tip of his finger traced her lips and penetrated her mouth. He explored the front of her teeth and tip of her tongue before continuing the journey down the centre of her cleavage to her lower tummy.

Kade rimmed her gym panties from hip to hip.

Azure was so turned on, she knew her pussy was leaking into the material of her panties.

That finger made her skin tingle and flutter especially where the panties covered her lower tummy. She was breathing heavier and she knew Kade was well aware of the effect he was having on her.

Her breasts were straining against her top. Her nipples ached. She wanted him to touch her, take them in his hands and lips, to possess her. The movement of his finger was causing her panties to move and rub and tease her sex. It was driving her crazy. She was on fire and a moan escaped her lips.

“Tell me what you want Azure?”  Kade demanded.

“I want you to touch me” She whispered.

Kade smiled and moved his finger down to her mound. He traced her labia over her panties, and found her slit. Her panties were greased with her need.  Just with his index finger, he rubbed up and down gently and found her entrance. He pushed in a couple of millimetres and circled, teasing her. He then moved his finger up her crevice, to circle her clitoris.

She was flooding her panties and began grinding her hips to his single finger, desperately trying to increase the pressure.
He let her, then placed two fingers on her panties and on top of her clitoris. He stopped moving them.

“Stop grinding” Kade ordered. Azure stopped reluctantly, her body was screaming to disobey him.

He made her wait a full agonising minute, just letting the pressure of his fingers on her swollen clitoris tease her.

She could see them in her mind. She was against the wall, holding her skirt up for him. He had one hand on the wall by her head, and his right hand fisted by her pussy, two fingers resting possessively on her sex. The image was so hot, she could hardly contain herself.

“Pleasure yourself on my fingers” Kade conceded, and she thrust her pussy out for him, circling and positioning herself on those two wonderful fingers.
She was past caring now, too turned on. She wanked herself on his hand like a wanton hussy.
“That’s good Azure, Let yourself go. I like I made you get in this state.” Kade encouraged as he watched her.

She was openly moaning now and Kade wanted nothing more than to turn her round and plunder her body. He was after all red blooded and his swollen cock wanted to impale her tight tunnel. He wanted more though, he wanted her to want him more than any other.

To take her now, would be no better than any other Master or man who had had her. He wanted to be imprinted in her mind, to be the man in her fantasies, the man she constantly thought of. He wanted to own her, mind, body, soul and heart.
So, he would give her this pleasure and leave her wanting more.

Azure wanked hard and fast. Kade whispered into her naughty thoughts, encouraging her to let her inner slut escape, to let her pussy control her mind, to feel his fingers on her, to be her sex toy. To openly show him her desire. To enjoy being exposed outside like a good slut, to show anyone who was watching what a good whore she was for him.

It was dirty, hot and crazy and she humped his fingers unashamedly and then stiffened.

She exploded, the lights behind her eyes showering out like fireworks as she moaned Kade’s name. Her body convulsed as her pleasure reached its peak. She whimpered and mewed and nearly collapsed. Kade caught her and held her as her body rode her orgasm.

She began to return to normality and whispered, “You didn’t fuck me”

Kade stood her up, not answering her, and ensured she had the support of the wall.

“Lift your top, show me your tits”
Azure lifted her top right up to her neck, squeezing her breasts out from the tight top.

Kade fondled then both then kissed each nipple.

“Take your panties off”
Azure took them down for him, revealing her trimmed pussy. He held his hand out for them and put them in his pocket when she placed them in his hand.

Kade knelt down, licked her orgasmic juice, tasting her. Then kissed her intimately before standing.

He looked at her, exposed and flushed. She was as beautiful as he had imagined.

“Turn round” he ordered.  She blushed and obeyed him.
He palmed her cheeks and fondled her. He enjoyed her soft flesh. Then leaned in to her.

“I want you Azure, but not yet. This time was for you. Next time will be for me”

He turned her round and let her see him devour her nudity.

“Now walk to the changing rooms as you are, exposed for my pleasure. I will see you again soon”

Azure’s heart was beating so fast. Her body had come to life again as he had touched and kissed her intimately. He had staked his claim by touching her so. She knew that and wanted him badly.

He stepped away from her and she did as he wanted.

Her skirt still at her waist, exposed for him and anyone else who was near. Her top resting on the top of her naked breasts. She must look like a common slut exposed so, outside in broad daylight.
Yet, it was exhilarating and the hum of her orgasm still buzzed throughout her body.

She lifted her chin and walked proudly to the changing rooms, knowing Kade was watching her.

It thrilled her to know she was the subject of his desire.

Next time she would make sure she pleased him, like no other woman ever had.

Kade watched her smiling.  Soon she would be his.

Hero Member
: 1600

« #39 : October 20, 2013, 01:19:27 PM »

The Imp left the meeting with Max Kempf  in good spirits. Mr Kempf had showed interest in the plan, and had said he would give him an answer in a day or so.

“No going back now, the plan’s first phase was already in play and Mr Kempf  was going to participate one way or another,”  the Imp  mused to himself. He sat in the back of the Sedan car.

The Imp had to be careful now, he was committing high treason against the Black Sun and the penalty was death. Ivan was here in the states looking for him, but he was using new credentials so he was off the grid so to speak, still he must be careful. One of his disposable cell phones rang, it was Onyxx.

“It’s done, but we have a problem,”  Onyxx spoke

“What kind of problem?” the Imp raged

“The cash transfers are complete and I left no trace but the client list file is encrypted.” Onyxx replied.

“You must open it! My life depends on it, all our lives depend on it! You of all people surely know this!” The Imp was annoyed and verging on the edge of hysteria.

“It’s not that simple, I have to write a key cracking program and proceed with caution. The file could even be booby trapped. It’s going to take some time...” Onyxx explained.

The Imp hung up and began kicking the seat in front of him. He screamed “ Fuck, Fuck Fuck.”
The driver kept his eyes forward and said nothing. Trembling, the imp reached into his coat and pulled out a vial of cocaine, tapped out some of the drug onto a small mirror. His hands shaking he rolled a dollar bill into a tube and snorted the powder deeply and laid back, his eyes closed.

The numbing sensation of the cocaine taking effect calmed the Imp and he began to have semi lucid thoughts again. He picked up another cell phone and called his Man in England.

The man answered and the Imp spoke.

“It’s done, set Mr Branson free,”  the Imp hung up and began to laugh, the drug haddling his unsettled mind.

 Incubus arrived back at his safe house one of the men handed him a manila envelope. Inside were copies of photos his men had taken earlier that morning. Incubus began to tremble as his rage built into a full blown temper tantrum. Evil thoughts began to take seed.

The men in the house went outdoors and waited for the storm to pass inside.  They looked at each other fearfully as they heard him screaming vengeance and breaking glass as the Imp trashed the living room. “I’ll kill the little fucker” repeated over and over.


Eric Branson stood by his car waiting. A dark colored van pulled up next to his car.  Branson could see it was Mr Abaddon. The big man killed the engine and stepped out.

“I have done all you have asked. You have had all the passwords I know and could get hold of. Now where is my wife?”  Branson pleaded. “I hope you haven’t hurt her.”

“There there,  Mr Branson, you have done all that was required of you. My Master has instructed me to set you both free. Your wife is in the van.”  Abaddon said with a smile.

Branson rushed to the van and slid the door open. At the same time Abaddon came from behind and slipped a length of nylon rope around Branson's neck and pulled back tightly.
Branson fought back, bringing his hands to rope, trying to pull free.  His eyes bulged as the air was restricted from his body, but his efforts were futile.

The last thing Branson saw as his life slipped away, was the body of his dead battered wife, lying in the van.

Abaddon pushed the lifeless body of Branson into the van, piling him on top of his dead wife and drove to the meeting point. Parking in a lot, he got out and exchanged keys with the man waiting for him. He nodded to him. The man knew his instructions. He was a cleaner, a professional who would ensure that the two bodies would never be found.  All lose ends were tied neat and tidy. Neither man spoke and both only stayed in each other’s company to exchange keys before driving off.

Abaddon got in the other car. By arrangement, his luggage was already in the trunk. He had a plane to catch now he had finished his business here.

He was looking forward to a trip to the states. He was a faithful servant and his Master had summoned him. Incubus needed his services and specialist skills.


Hero Member
: 1600

« #40 : October 20, 2013, 01:20:29 PM »

Max drove from the meeting stunned by the tale and plan Mr Issac had told him.

The old adage “If it’s too good to be true then it usually is” kept interrupting his train of thought.

He made a mental list as he drove, of things he needed to check out first before meeting with Issac again. He glanced at his watch and pulled into a gas station, filled the tank and made some calls.
He called his wife Sally, who knew better to ask why, and told her he would not be home for dinner.
Then he called Henry and said he would be there in about an hour. Back on the road, he got on the highway and headed south.

Max had been keeping a low profile for the last few years much to his wife's relief. He was still fencing merchandise but using third parties to distance himself and avoid risk and it provided a decent income.
But bad legitimate investments and slow business at his store had drained his wealth at an alarming rate.
He was not getting any younger and Sally wanted to start a family and together they had purchased a large piece of land on the pacific coast in Oregon to build their dream home. She had been patient with Max and it pained him that he could not fulfill their dream yet.

Slowing down, he turned off the main highway. He took the gravel road for a few miles. He came to the large security gate, reached out of the window and pressed the button. He smiled at the closed circuit camera.
With a buzz, the gate rattled open and Max drove up the twisty road that lead to a big cabin overlooking the wooded property. The gate closed behind him.

He parked his car and let himself in and walked into the kitchen. Maria, Henry's wife was chopping vegetables at the counter.

He kissed her cheek in fond greeting, “Hello Maria, where is he?”

“Hi Max, he is out on the back porch. Staying for dinner?”

“Why else would I come all the way out here?” Max said and helped himself to a beer from the fridge.

Max walked outside and saw Henry at a table tinkering with an old carburetor from a vintage Triumph motorcycle. Henry had just turned seventy but looked like a man in his fifties. Max stood there for a moment and smiled watching him. Henry was the father he never had and his mentor, the smartest man he had ever met. Officially retired from the “trade” as Henry called it, he always had time for Max, be it advice or just a pleasant weekend getaway with Sally and Maria.   

Sensing his presence Henry spoke, 'Make yourself useful and hand me those needle nose pliers.”

Max found the tool and gave it to Henry and sat down.

“Your call sounded urgent. What are you up to now?” Henry said with a grin.

Max went on to tell Henry about his curious client Mr Isaac and his outrageous business proposal. Henry stopped working and asked a series of questions.

“Spain,” Max answered.

 “Soon,” Max answered his quick fire questions.

“Inside job?”

 “We will have all the codes save for one”

“Explain,” Henry listened intently
“Once we’re in, they will know, but it will be some time before they can respond”

“Who is they?”
 “He didn’t say,” Max replied.

“What’s your end?”
 “A flat fee, 50 million, half before and half after, Issac has a buyer lined up.”

They were interrupted by Maria who came out with a platter of steaks for the grill.

“Who's doing the grilling?”  Maria teased

“Max has the honor, and don't burn them, I need to make a few calls before dinner” Henry got up and went inside.

After dinner Henry walked Max to his car.

“Max, this Isaac fellow is in the Order of the Black Sun.”

“Black Sun?  That is a myth, an urban legend.” Max laughed

“Yes a legend, and a lot of good thieves have died keeping it a legend, if you get what I am saying. Tell him you’re not interested. Walk away from this Max.” 

Hero Member
: 1842

« #41 : November 23, 2013, 04:48:01 PM »

Paladin had as requested, approached Emerald and Sapphire after 30 minutes. They begged him to release them.

“What’s it worth?”  He grinned playfully, “It’s not every day, I come across two beautiful ladies bound to a chain link fence naked, except for their bikini bottoms round their knees.”

Emerald and Sapphire looked at each other, and then tried to look at Paladin but he was just out of view behind them, admiring their hind quarters and hanging breasts.
“What had you got in mind?” Sapphire asked.

Paladin chuckled, “You need to ask while you’re bent over like that?”  He paused and decided to let them out of their misery. “Actually, Kade asked me to release you,” He moved between them and cut their bindings. He leaned against the chain link casually watching them. They rubbed their wrists and pulled up their bikini bottoms, then stretched their backs, pushing their breasts out in their movements.

Paladin groaned as their luscious breasts jutted out. “Ladies, I am a red blooded male. Keep doing that, and I may not let you go.”

Both giggled and retrieved their bikini tops off the floor to put back on.

“Are you going to Kade’s dinner tonight?” Paladin asked them.
“Yes, he has already invited us. Are you?” Emerald inquired.
Paladin nodded and leaned against the fencing again, in a friendly casual manner. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Pet65, Azure, texted me. Kade has to do a lap dance for her, apparently for you two as well. She thought, if you were going to be there, she may cash in her prize tonight.”

“Prize?” Sapphire asked. The girls continued to collect their things as they chatted.
Paladin nodded, “She won the wager on their tennis match. His forfeit was to dance for you 3 ladies” He chuckled.
Emerald and Sapphire joined in the laughter, imagining Kade prancing around to music. The image was quite comical to all three.

“Oh I like this Azure very much. We will be there.” Emerald said in glee. They had by now collected all their gear. “See you later then, and thanks, for letting us go.”
They said their farewells and sauntered off to their rooms.

Paladin did likewise, walking back to his own room to shower. He immediately liked Emerald and Sapphire. He liked their sassy, easy going nature and mischievous sense of fun. He thought that maybe they could  become friends for a long time to come.

Hero Member
: 1842

« #42 : November 23, 2013, 04:49:43 PM »

Pet65 was dressed exquisitely.  Paladin could see why Kade wanted her and more. She was a pretty and beautiful girl. He took both of her hands and stood in front of her.

“Look at me. You look beautiful.  Thank you for everything this week, I will write a glowing report and I hope you get the Chapter you wish for. You are released from my care.” He kissed her chastely on the cheek. 

He knew that if Kade was successful in wooing her, he would never sample her delights again, unless Kade requested it, of course. However, he thought that would be an unlikely situation.  For that he was sorry, but he had grown fond of her and of Kade and wanted them both to find happiness.
Pet65 blushed, “Thank you Sir, I enjoyed our week too.”

Paladin then offered his arm and they both walked to Kade’s bungalow.

Kade saw them coming, out of his window.
Two of his guests had already arrived and were drinking wine and listening to music.  They were of course Emerald and Sapphire, two very good friends who belonged to Tudor Rose too.

They had forgiven him already for the tennis court spanking. In fact, in truth, they expected something of the sort from Kade, had hoped for it, and their goading during the match was in part to encourage such interaction with him. They all enjoyed the special relationship they shared together.

Kade’s plan was for these two ladies to shower Paladin with affection and hopefully leave him and Pet65 some time on their own.  The ladies had readily agreed. They both liked him and had seen Paladin in action, unbeknown to him, in the dining room with Drayken.

They had teased Kade though, that such sacrifices would also be noted for a favour in return when called upon.  Kade grinned and readily agreed.  The favours asked by these two ladies were nearly always pleasant and naughty.

Kade greeted Paladin and Pet65 at the door and showed them in. He formally introduced everyone and they were all soon chatting like old friends and getting on like house on fire.

Kade was the perfect host. He ensured that the wine glasses were continuously filled, that the music and conversation flowed without too many breaks and was in and out of the kitchen to ensure the food was prepared to perfection.

The table was laid and they had just finished the starter of prawn cocktail on a bed of salad with crustless brown bread.

The doorbell rang. “Arr, the main course,” Kade announced grinning. A few moments later, he bought in plates with Shepherd’s Pie and seasonal vegetables. He placed a plate in front of each of his guests.

“The beautiful potato topping on the top of the Shepherd’s Pie, were peeled by our very own Paladin here,” He announced with a flourish. They all burst out laughing, all aware of the kitchen duties that Paladin had had to endure that morning with the Chef. His hands were still sore from his valiant efforts.

A good natured Paladin stood up and took a bow. “Please, no thanks needed, just savour every mouthful,” They all applauded as though he had just won a “Lifetime achievement award at the Oscars.” Then heartily tucked into the food and more wine.

The dinner was a success and they all helped to pile the crocks in the kitchen. All helped out, at the guest’s insistence, with the washing up and soon the kitchen and dining room were spotless.

They all sat in the living room with more glasses of wine, when all the guests suddenly looked at Kade.
He immediately knew something was amiss, “What?” he asked, “Do I have food on my chin?”

“I believe you owe Azure, and us a lap dance. Forfeit time!” Emerald chuckled.

Kade groaned, “And you want this Lap dance now, right here, right now?”  He asked Pet65.

She nodded and was grinning, from ear to ear.

Kade was an honourable man and knew a wager was a wager and did the only thing he could in such a situation. He went to get changed and to find some suitable music…

Hero Member
: 1600

« #43 : November 23, 2013, 04:59:47 PM »

Kade changed in to a white vest, and dark Calvin Klein trunk shorts. They clung in all the right places and made his muscles and cock look particularly enticing. He put on a shirt, unopened and hanging loose and a pair of black belted trousers. He purposely left his feet bare.

He looked relaxed, semi ready to go out and knew his attire and good looks would catch the ladies attention. 
He turned the music on, dimmed the lights a little and strutted out to the living room.  The three ladies were seated on individual chairs chatting at the table still, and immediately turned them outwards to give his performance their full attention. Azure sat in the middle of Emerald and Sapphire.
Paladin seated himself on a comfy chair, amused and interested by inadvertently receiving the dance too. 

The chosen music began “Like a Virgin “ by Madonna.

Kade smiled at the ladies as he began to move his body to the catchy beat. They cheered as they recognized the tune and that Kade was indeed making a splendid effort to give them a dance to remember.

He slowly outstretched his finger and pointed to each lady before running his hands over the length of his chest, looking mean and Moody. He unbuttoned the cuffs on his shirt and then shrugged his shoulders out of it, drawing it tightly round his waist, and writhing his hips and arms as though bound and in restraints. His chest expanded against the cotton vest, his nipples sexily dimpled out the material. His waist, trim and sexy in his rolls, not unlike sensual lovemaking.

The women wanted to laugh at him, expected to laugh at him, but in truth, he was just too good and their eyes devoured him. Kade smiled and all the women’s hearts skipped a beat. He was beautiful and sleek in his movements.

He peeled one arm of the shirt off, then the other and swirled it about before throwing it, playfully, at Azure. It landed over her face and she grappled it quickly from her eyes, not wanting to miss a single beat of this dance.

Kade continued to sway to the music, inching the vest up, slowly showing his tight abs and then lowering it again. He did it again before turning around to show his back muscles and tight toned ass in his trousers. He teased with more body peaking before finally pulling the vest off and throwing it to Emerald.  She caught it and bought it to her nose, smelling it deeply. His naked chest, shoulders and back were magnificent!

He then slowly, deliberately knelt, knees apart and lowered to the floor in a press up position. His biceps flexed as he lowered, and then up and held his arms stiff. He thrust and rolled his hips as though copulating with an unseen mate. The movements were sexy, controlled and certainly of a very powerful alpha male.

Then he stood and posed his arms in a body builder pose, his arms outstretched, bent at the elbows, hands fisted, showing his bulging biceps, his expanded chest, pectoral muscles and abs outline.  He twisted his waist so his side profile could be seen too, before turning round and flexing his back muscles.  All beautifully timed with the music. 

He turned then and slowly removed his belt. He doubled it, grinning and cracked it a few times to remind the women of his dominant personality before throwing it to Sapphire.
He continued to dance and then stopped to undo his trousers, pulling them down and stepping out of them in one fluid movement. This time he strutted to the music, displaying his toned and tanned masculine figure, and folded the trousers and placed them over the back of an empty dining chair.

He was now dancing in just his black, snugly fitted trunks. They showed off his well hung package and tight bottom to utter, lip smacking perfection.
The tight pants sat tantalizing on his hips.

He moved to the ladies then and stood astride Azure in her chair. He pulled her head to his belly button and ground it on her face. She obliged and kissed and sucked his belly and button.

He pulled Sapphire by the hair to him and kissed her lips softly and sensuously much to her delight. Then he did the same to the waiting Emerald, kissing her, whilst still holding Sapphire’s hair.
The woman should have grabbed him, should have took advantage, but the power he emanated and the white hot sensuality of his dance, prevented any from reacting without his permission.

Paladin was fascinated by their reaction and impressed by Kade’s hidden talent. He could easily get a job on stage doing this.
Kade tugged Emerald and Sapphire to his each hip and gyrated his hips.
Azure was kissing his tummy at the front and Emerald and Sapphire kissing and rubbing their tongues on his hips each side.

Paladin thought the sight was very erotic and the girls slotted in working together, as a team, like a dream. Kade shut his eyes and pressed his clothed cock into Azure’s neck and cleavage.
Then he began to move off Azure’s lap but only enough to stop the ladies touching him. He took hold of Azure’s hands and placed them, down his pants at the back and on to his bare buttocks. His hands still covered hers and ground them into his flesh.

Then he danced backwards releasing her hands slowly and moved back. He rimmed the waist band of his briefs, sexily showing more flesh as he lowered, then higher ed them and turning round and slowly exposing his bottom. 

He teased them some more, stroking his chest, before indicating to each lady to kneel at his feet. They obeyed him. He placed their hands on the waist band of his trunks and encouraged them to pull down.
They pulled in sync and his cock bounced free, big and hard.

The end of the music was coming and he thrust his cock to each of the ladies lips to give a chaste kiss to the crown. 

He then stepped back, removed his pants, and ended the dance, directly in front of them by standing on two dining chairs, one foot centered on each, legs apart and arms stretched out in a symmetrical star completely naked.

The women, still on their knees, clapped and cheered to the naked Adonis before them.  Even Paladin was impressed and clapped with them.

Kade broke his pose after a few seconds, jumped from the chairs to the floor and bowed at the applause.

He poured each of his guests another glass of wine and then swiftly picked Azure up.
He spoke to Emerald and Sapphire, “I trust you will keep Paladin here entertained while I’m away. Please make yourself at home and, help yourself to anything you need” 

He grinned back at the smiling ladies and nodded to a grinning Paladin before striding to his bedroom with Azure cradled in his arms.
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