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: Adventures of a princess - Mission to turkey (photo story)  ( 6757 )
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I'm princess Sophie of France. Sixth of the king familly. Everyone has always thought that i was reserved and shy ... but the truth is never the one that we think, maybe i can tell the truth about it another time. This is not the topic of my correspondance today.

One day my father ask me to go to Constantinople. The mission was not easy. The Sultan Mustafa III was at the head of Ottoman Empire since ten years and at this time twilight of the empire had never been so close ...

The route takes me to the the predicted decline in the power of the Turks - Vienna, capital of Austria strong in Edirne, the second capital of an empire weakened bases. Some countries (Hungary, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria ...) taking advantage of this weakness join forces to resist and manage to emancipate itself from Ottoman rule.
The military and technical advances gained through Europe is at the service of the people and is crucial in this process of release, despite the recognition of Turkish combat bravery. The Austrians soon will cross the Danube, a border accepted by both sides now.
Voyage is an unusual way. By land because the Danube is frozen. The harsh winter makes crossed dangerous, because of poverty and famine country that embraces both the peasants of these campaigns as wild beasts that roam there. The fear comes equipped with the traveler. Fear not armed (the winter break suspend hostilities on both sides) but the bands of brigands lawless.
The plague remains endemic in these devastated regions helps to give Islam a frightening aspect. I want to be reassuring when i discusse this common scourge in Europe poor: the disease she says is not as widespread. This is a misconception, spread by travel writers alarming to misinform their readers for obvious political reasons.

In the early 18th century, the diplomatic language used in treaties and negotiations between nations is French. But the Sultan's Palace, the Sublime Porte, only the Osmanli, the language of Turkish power, is allowed. Hence the need for foreigners to be used in the discussion and debates, drogmans recruited in the Greek population. Another difficulty hinders the good relations between the entourage of the Sultan and the foreign ambassadors strict protocol, complicated and slow political talks. Participants communicate through Greek interpreters, visitors are disarmed and must be clothed in a robe that is the traditional costume of the court.

I will not bore you with a relation of our tedious journey, but I must not omit what I saw remarkable in Constantinople, one of the most beautiful cities of the Turkish Empire, famous for its hot baths are frequented both pleasure and health. I stopped there one day with the intention of seeing. With the intention to go incognito there, I hired a Turkish coach. These cars do not look like ours, they are much more convenient for the country, because the heat is so great that the ice would be very annoying. They are made exactly like the Dutch cars with wooden lattice, painted and gilded interior is painted and decorated with baskets of flowers, usually interspersed with small poetic exchange. They are all covered with scarlet cloth, lined with silk, often richly embroidered and fringed. This drapery completely hides the people inside, but we can remove at will and ladies watch without being seen by the lattice. These cars hold four people very comfortably seated on cushions, but not standing.
This is covered in one of these cars I was in the bath at about ten o'clock in the morning. It was already full of women.
I admit all of this make me strange. Never i can feel the body heat like that. From that day I returned all returned.

I think all this was the cause of what followed.
It was not until I returned to the hotel and followed me all my followers that I was in contact with my interpreter, significant of the city of Carthage. The first contact was disturbing. I obviously crossed individuals dyed tanned but this one brought me to my lowest instints without it possible for me to reason with me. All this disappeared when we began to talk about crucile next day. But in the night I was horrified when I woke up, hand on a princess never had to put it ...

The next day accompanied by my care and my interpreter we entered without problems in the Sultan's court. As representante the king and in addition to my blood Sultan quickly gave us a private audiance. From this moment I'm obviously not allowed to tell you the source and destination of our interviews. We were there to Chaterine II the Great of Russia. After transmitting the wishes of my fathers, mustafa third handed us a letter and we asked leave. In his own way of looking at me I blushed for a moment but he looked down at the moment. My mission is finished it was time for me to return to my people.

I had to leave the next day. My interpreter Jondas asked me if I wished to relax me on his fields, on the bosphore sea. I had a moment of hesitation. I began to think back to the night before. But it was not possible for me to refuse hospitality. And it was not displease me to tell the truth. My mission was complete and i wished to spend the rest of the day outside the protocol. I ordered my guard to wait me at the hotel.

I learned from that moment to know Jondas. Charming, funny, sensitive, I was very quickly under his spell. I knew all this madness but when he kissed me I knew that I will no longer control myself. As of this moment my reason forsook me. I found myself almost naked in his hands. He decided to explore myself.

I do not know what happened to me. I was no longer myself. I experienced ecstasy. Then he started on me and on my breasts.

He then put me on the back and put his ready member of my sex. I was crazy. I asked him to introduce slowly. He did. Gently. I started to push a little cry. He was big.

Once accustomed I put my legs in the air to get better. And i ask him to kiss me.

I have no notion of time. I just know that it was intense, he then put me on the side to rest.

It made ​​me so enjoy that I do not know where I was

All I know is that his impious semance filled me deeper.

When I regained consciousness, he was beside me trembling. He humiliated a princess. He knew that death was not far away. I kissed him.

I will never see him again I was escorted to my hotel and left an account of my mission my father.

Thanks to :
Google translate
Historians ...
Lady Montagu
No thanks to :
My english

Note : This story is purely fictitious and only borrowed the names of historical figures
« : August 14, 2013, 02:16:23 AM hentaiboy69 »
Hero Member
: 10350

« #1 : July 27, 2013, 04:36:18 PM »

Thanks for your story gossop :) Lol.. I like your thanks to part...

: 10

« #2 : July 28, 2013, 04:04:39 AM »

Thank you Lover. Maybe antoher mission for the princess maybe  ;)

« #3 : July 29, 2013, 02:26:13 AM »

I, Jondas, Emmisary of Carthage to the Otthoman Court, resign from all duties and humbly ask for my mutation to Paris, Capital of the Empire of France to plead my cause to the Royal Court for what I committed but does in no way regret it.

A enchanting time, intense pleasure and passionate experience it was

Thank you HM Princess Gossop
Hero Member
: 7883

« #4 : August 02, 2013, 02:36:32 AM »

Well, Gossop....tanks for sharing this story with us and......weeeellllll....thanks to you for giving me a nice idea! something you all gonna know after i talk with my fellow mods Lover and Brandy!

And please....share more with us!   :-*

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #5 : August 02, 2013, 06:34:51 AM »

A lovely visual story. I hope you do more.

Well done. Thank you for sharing and  having the courage to post.  I always admire none native English speakers  telling their stories and hope it will encourage more to do so.

I enjoyed it very much.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Full Member
: 208

« #6 : August 02, 2013, 10:05:10 AM »

Very lovely story.
Thanks Gossop.
I hope to meet you

: 10

« #7 : August 05, 2013, 12:34:53 PM »

Well, Gossop....tanks for sharing this story with us and......weeeellllll....thanks to you for giving me a nice idea! something you all gonna know after i talk with my fellow mods Lover and Brandy!

And please....share more with us!   :-*
Thanks Hentai. Whats the idea ? :) Historic erotic story ? Maybe i write another mission if you like this one.
« : August 05, 2013, 12:39:46 PM gossop »
: 10

« #8 : August 05, 2013, 12:35:52 PM »

A lovely visual story. I hope you do more.

Well done. Thank you for sharing and  having the courage to post.  I always admire none native English speakers  telling their stories and hope it will encourage more to do so.

I enjoyed it very much.

Thanks Brandybee. I made my best.
: 10

« #9 : August 05, 2013, 12:36:35 PM »

Very lovely story.
Thanks Gossop.
I hope to meet you
Thanks Florise but i think we meet already :)
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