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: ECUADOR: WTF!?  ( 5749 )
Hero Member
: 7883

« : July 30, 2013, 01:07:55 AM »

Hello AChat friends! going to the main page of my mail host, i find this news....

Ecuador shocked by inhumane practices at gay conversion clinics

Sent to a center offering to "cure" her attraction to women, Denisse Freire was raped and tortured -- in a practice Ecuadoran authorities admit has been tolerated for too long.

The country of 15.8 million people has at least 80 unlicensed drug and alcohol rehab clinics, many that are also used for anti-gay conversion therapy, Health Minister Carina Vance, who is openly gay, said.

Two people, admitted for addiction issues, died last year at the clandestine centers, she told foreign reporters at a press conference, adding that authorities have begun to crack down.

At these centers, "we have reports of physical attacks, the use of ice water on inmates," Vance said.

"We have lesbians who have reported what the clinics called 'sex therapy,' but which consists of being raped by men," the minister said.

Freire, now 25, was just 15 when her mother discovered her in her room with a female schoolmate.

Outraged, she sent her daughter to a "Christian camp" in a remote area in southeastern Ecuador.

There, Freire said, "they tortured me with electric shocks, didn't let me bathe for three days, gave me almost nothing to eat, hit me a lot, hung me by my feet.

"They told me it was for my own good."

There were also sexual punishments, all aimed at ridding the young girl of her homosexuality.

The center was nominally a evangelical Christian rehabilitation clinic for drug and alcohol addiction. But Freire said she was there with four other young people -- all because they were gay.

After two months, Freire escaped.

Her case was not an isolated one. Authorities say the inhumane practice is a wide-ranging problem that has ensnared even government officials -- such as the health ministry official who was recently subject of a criminal complaint after it emerged she owned a clandestine clinic offering therapy against homosexuality.

"We are talking here about a mafia, a network that operates nationally in each of the provinces, which are violating human rights," Health Minister Vance said.

Since March 2012, authorities have closed 18 rehab clinics: 15 for human rights violations and three for violations of health standards, the ministry said.

Still, more clinics remain.

In June, Zulema Constante, a 22-year-old psychology student, escaped a clinic in the eastern city of Tena, where she said her family had forcibly admitted her to cure her of homosexuality.

She was handcuffed and locked in a straightjacket. "I had to pray, they gave me food poisoning, forced me to clean toilets with my hands, and told me I was wrong to be a lesbian," she told reporters.

The clinic is owned by a health official in the region.

Constante's girlfriend, Cynthia Rodriguez, launched a social media campaign to report the case, building public pressure that allowed her to be set free after three weeks.

But activists say too many complaints are unsuccessful.

"Why?" asks Leah Burbano of the Lesbian Women and Woman Movement. Because the people forcing the victims into the clinics "are family and that creates an emotional weight."

"But this is not a struggle between parents and children. It's a struggle against these clinics."

Ecuadoran law authorizes forced treatment for addicts with approval from a judge.

But health minister Vance emphasized in no case is the forced treatment allowed to seek to "cure" homosexuality.


now......this makes me think how people looks at gay community: as a group of people who need to be cured from a medical patology! ok, it is something i can handle if they have a wrong prospective of a reality, but the innacceptable thing here is how they treath their "costumer": tied up, not able to hve a shower and....the hell......raped by groups!? Ok, this is something a so called "civilized" nation can't allow.....even if a girl or a man can be "healed" by omosexualy (just to use their term), this is not a way to properly do it, not using violence who can cause a trauma or worst.....

Don't had read the full english version but in the italian one, the Health Minister of Ecuador had declared two girs die last year in those clinic (80!).....now, what to think!? fuck........world is sick......damn sick!
« : July 30, 2013, 01:12:12 AM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #1 : July 30, 2013, 03:06:56 AM »

Some people are worse than any animal ever will be. No matter if they say it's for health, justice, to get informations, the name of god or allah, or alleged "in the name of love".

Sometimes, while watching a horror movie, I think "who is having such ideas? nobody woudl do it!" then you read or see news and you know, reality can be much more worse.

Hero Member
: 7883

« #2 : July 30, 2013, 03:19:57 AM »

Sometimes, while watching a horror movie, I think "who is having such ideas? nobody would do it!" then you read or see news and you know, reality can be much more worse.

and here come the question.....fiction simulate reality or vice versa!? hard to answer.......maybe both in my opinion!

Oh, btw.....the ironic (well, ironic if this story isn't tragic) is the minister of health is a lesbian! and yes, my friend......humans can be worst then the ferocious animal sometimes: it's maybe an ancestral memories of when we where just a little bit more evoluted then animal!?

Hero Member
: 548

« #3 : July 30, 2013, 08:22:54 AM »


It's disturbing to me everytime I read something like this.  How people can do such things to one another is beyond my understanding. 

From Yahoo News
Jeff Stacklin July 26, 2013 Society

McGinty said of Ariel Castro after the hearing, "This man is the worst of the worst. He is the most violent sexual predator a community can offer. He's a manipulator; he has no remorse. ... The captor is now the captive." Castro will not leave prison, McGinty said, "except nailed in a box or in an ash can. ... That's the best justice we can achieve here."

Earlier this summer, a grand jury indicted Castro on 977 charges, including kidnapping, rape and murder.
As part of the plea deal, 40 counts that were considered redundant were dropped from the indictment. Ultimately, he pleaded guilty to 937 charges.

Authorities say Castro kidnapped the three women — Gina DeJesus, 23, Michelle Knight, 32, and Amanda Berry, 27 — and held them captive in his west side Cleveland home for the past decade. While in captivity, authorities say, he chained the women in his basement, repeatedly beat and sexually assaulted them, and allowed them outside his house on only a few occasions.

He also fathered Berry’s 6-year-old daughter while he held Berry captive, authorities say. When he impregnated another of the women, he beat and starved her until she miscarried, which led to an aggravated murder charge. It was that charge that could have resulted in the death penalty.

Castro previously had asked that his 6-year-old daughter be able to visit him, but McGinty said after the hearing that the plea agreement stipulates Castro is a sexual predator and he cannot see the girl.

The women, who did not attend Friday's hearing, were able to escape Castro’s home on May 6. They have not spoken publicly of their ordeal and have released only a video on the Internet thanking the community for being supportive.

McGinty said the women are continuing to get help but that they have "a long way to go," and he noted that "they were held longer than prisoners in Korea or Vietnam." He also said the women approved of the plea deal.

Cleveland City Council member Matt Zone, who represents the ward DeJesus lives in, said after the hearing that he spoke with DeJesus' mother, Nancy Ruiz, on Thursday evening. He said Ruiz did not want Castro to get the death penalty but instead spend the rest of his life in prison.

Reuters reported that the law firm Jones Day released a statement on behalf of the three women that said, "Amanda, Gina, and Michelle are relieved by today's plea. They are satisfied by this resolution to the case, and are looking forward to having these legal proceedings draw to a final close in the near future."

We have a member here in Forum Village, who spent her childhood with abuse like that.  Not by strangers, but by her own family... she left home as soon as she graduated high school, and had years and years problems, with several attempts at taking her own life, but you wouldn't know it now. Scenes of BDSM will still make her feel ill, which is why she's stopped reading the Forum.

 Love and kindness can do wonders... there is alway hope for that.

Thanks for letting me share,

Hero Member
: 7883

« #4 : July 30, 2013, 08:45:46 AM »

Nothing to say...this Ariel Castro have some serious problem, this is damn true, and really think there are no way for him to apologize for what he did......not 3 or 4 entire lifes can be enough! The lucky thing is this is the act of a single man (even he is not the only one in the world, we all know this!) and not a public structure who do it.....don't get me wrong, i'm not saying this is a secondary question, it's something we, creature with an evolute brain (sometimes this description of humanity make me laugh, like a bad joke) can't allow and can't going on again!

We have a member here in Forum Village, who spent her childhood with abuse like that.  Not by strangers, but by her own family... she left home as soon as she graduated high school, and had years and years problems, with several attempts at taking her own life, but you wouldn't know it now. Scenes of BDSM will still make her feel ill, which is why she's stopped reading the Forum.

ouch....this is no good.....i'm sorry and really sad hearing this!
« : July 30, 2013, 09:06:38 AM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #5 : July 30, 2013, 10:37:46 AM »

There is no accident... just saw this pic and thought it suits perfect.

This is one of the most dangerous animal of our planet. Each year he is responsible for multiple harm and millions dead persons!
On the left you see a killed wolf.

@ Pafe:
We have a member here in Forum Village, who spent her childhood with abuse like that.  Not by strangers, but by her own family... she left home as soon as she graduated high school, and had years and years problems, with several attempts at taking her own life, but you wouldn't know it now. Scenes of BDSM will still make her feel ill, which is why she's stopped reading the Forum.

I'm sorry to read this. Hope she feels much better today and is able to forget what has happened to her. Though the forum has many other topics too...

Love and kindness can do wonders... there is alway hope for that.
Indeed. And good luck, people with these attitudes are the majority.

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #6 : July 30, 2013, 11:14:43 AM »

There are no doubt some sick people in this world,  we have had many... our last was  Fred & Rose West  in Gloucester..  He committed suicide in prison, she still lives in prison..  We  have had Myra Hindley & Ian Brady who still have not had the good grace to allow one of their child victims a decent funeral and give the family some peace. They are also in prison. 

Then in Austria , there was Josef  Fritzl...   

Some crimes can just never be forgotten, nor forgiven...

But anyone who has suffered such atrocities, and has found the will to throw off their victims cloak and stand proud as a survivor, and has the inner strength  to say I can choose now and I choose to live and win...  those are my heroes and those are the people who make me proud and in that moment , know you have defeated the likes of those above and they know it, and suffer for the power you have taken away from them... they are the slave of their own destiny , you are the Master of yours.

Be strong, be proud.  They will never win.

And please, don't stop reading Forum  :)   I will ensure as will the other Mods, that the warnings are placed on topics that may be hard core kink.

You are a valued member, like anyone else & we want you here. 

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 548

« #7 : July 30, 2013, 11:58:20 AM »


ouch....this is no good.....i'm sorry and really sad hearing this!

   Don't be sad HB... we all had to go through everything we did to get to the place where we are today.  She is loving life now (and has been for quite some time), and is genuinely happy with the person she is. 

I'm sorry to read this. Hope she feels much better today and is able to forget what has happened to her. Though the forum has many other topics too...

   She's okay with it now, she came to terms with her past.  She doesn't forget it, but doesn't dwell in it either.  You know of whom I speak, and you know her personality, but she feels that she doesn't want to cens-or anyone's views or opinions or make any complaints (though I had put up with them.. lol!!), so she just stopped reading.  The Forum was different when we first started, the BDSM themes were confined to specific places... Janine's Dungeon and Blue's House, for example, now it seems the BDSM thing has spilled over into other topics, too... Funny Finds and whatnot... which made her wary.  I'm not really into that style of play either, but I don't mind the pictures that have popped up in various places... after all I did spread my boudoir shoes all over the Forum... tee hee...

And please, don't stop reading Forum  :)   I will ensure as will the other Mods, that the warnings are placed on topics that may be hard core kink. 

   Brandybee, I'm not going anywhere (you can't get rid of me that easy... lol!!)... I love this Forum Village and all the inhabitants, though I haven't been posting much, I have been reading.  So there's really no need for cens-or-ing any of the topics, which putting any type of a warning on a topic will do to it.  It's really only one person so there's no need to affect others and what they want to post.

   When I read or find something that I think will interest her, I point it out.. the GaGaLand or Sexilicious's Animals posts, and the new fashions, for instance.

   I apologize to HB and the Forum for taking this off topic.

Thanks for letting me share,

Hero Member
: 10350

« #8 : July 30, 2013, 02:19:29 PM »

@ Pafe:
You know of whom I speak, and you know her personality, but she feels that she doesn't want to cens-or anyone's views or opinions or make any complaints (though I had put up with them.. lol!!), so she just stopped reading.

Yes Pafe, I know her. And the part of her, which I was allowed to ge to know, is a wonderful, lovely person.

I apologize to HB and the Forum for taking this off topic.
I am not HB, but I'm sure I may answer: You don't have to apologize. You talked about something very bad and sah which has happened. And this time, it's not as anonymous as it's usually is. Please don't think you have to feel guilty - there is absolutely no reason for. Quite the reverse. Always open your mouth when you have something to say.

Hero Member
: 7883

« #9 : July 30, 2013, 03:18:24 PM »

I apologize to HB and the Forum for taking this off topic.
I am not HB, but I'm sure I may answer: You don't have to apologize. You talked about something very bad and sah which has happened. And this time, it's not as anonymous as it's usually is. Please don't think you have to feel guilty - there is absolutely no reason for. Quite the reverse. Always open your mouth when you have something to say.

Don't need to apologize, Pafe. this thread is started with a news who bring to our attention something who can leave a sign in people who live it and to think of.....and what you said to us move in the same direction, so......

but it's nice to know she has win against her past......that's a big conquest!
« : July 31, 2013, 01:58:28 AM hentaiboy69 »

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