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+  AChat Forum
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| | |-+  Rotational MF & LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender ) Pose Releases.
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: We want Rotational pose releases so ALL orientations can enjoy this game.
YES   -173 (94.5%)
NO   -5 (2.7%)
I HAVE NO OPINION   -5 (2.7%)
: 169

: Rotational MF & LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender ) Pose Releases.  ( 102368 )
: 37

ff fs support and all their variations, as well as the larger group pos)))
Hero Member
: 507

Sign that

Jr. Member
: 84

I already said it in another topic, and I will do it again here.
It's spam time!
It's fight time!
I can't remember when was the last time we have a new pose... a year? A little les, maybe, but what I do remember is that when I came into the game it had been 3 YEARS since a pose release for FF.
And I think I never saw a MM pose release.
Recently a very close friend and her wife achived the goal of getting collars, and thanks to their fight I'm taking this flag again and I won't stop posting and spamming until ALL of the orientations have at least ONE of the following poses...
OK, no, I won't stop there... I won't stop until ALL of the orientations have ALL the following poses:

*Lovers siesta
*Talk about yourself
*Refreshing massage
*Body massage
*Hot Kissing
*Show me what you feel
*Slow dance
*Let's talk
*Liking from behind
*Kneeling lovers
*Lick me quickly

I't spam time... and I am being nice because I'm just starting... but the clock is ticking... and we all have our dark sides... I hope I won't need to let loose mine to get what I'm asking for...

Oh, and I won't spent a single $A until at least ONE of that poses is abailable for ALL the orientations. And the first five poses are PRIORITY.
Get used to hear from me, because, although I don't have much free time, I will use it to SPAM until I get what I ask for.
« : January 25, 2017, 09:44:40 PM Eidamir »

Look into my eyes, break through the surface, reach my soul and see who I am.
Fighting for more poses for the LGBT comunity!

Hi ACHAT, it's ME.

Happy to hear from me again? 


Thought you were finished with this PEST after releasing the COLLARS?
NOPE, not that easy.  NOT when there is so much 'inequality" in our WORLD.

Hey, I get it. I am blonde but NOT entirely stupid. I know this is a MALE driven "world". I have no problem with that, I happen to like all flavors and I am hetero in RL with the exception of ONE. :o  I have two MALE lovers here, both very close friends, and we enjoy all the poses that Zoe just mentioned for which ALL other partner orientations have NOT. This is NOT fair, it is an "injustice" to others.

I have just passed my first year here, I have learned much in this one year. We are all people, influenced by our surroundings and those we keep close. I can assure you the reason I came to this "world" is NOT the reason I stay.  I am evolving, it is natural. The longer I stay, the MORE important non-sexual poses n actions becomes. WHY? Not because I do NOT like SEX, but because there is MORE than that. If ACHAT really wants to keep it's "long term" players, those that purchase annual subscriptions and renew them, those that participate and contribute in forum, those that  care about this world. Then they ought to start chatting with us or jump in and see what is like to be an inhabitant here. This is NOT just an issue of "equality" for ALL but also makes GOOD business sense. And after all, isn't that what it is all about? The GREEN?

So ZOE *hugs n kisses* my dear friend, thank you being that brave voice in a sea of noise. I will pick up my sword and fight with YOU. We will SPAM until WE get what we WANT. Get what is fair for ALL in here. Then I will start asking for MORE...... but I will save that for a later post, I have a feeling I am not in a rush, this will be another LONG fight.

Don't be shy, if you made it this far in all my blah, blah, blahing, then whether you realize it or not ,,,,, you actually MUST care, So warm up your fingers, take to your sword, (keyboard), and start SPAMING.
Hero Member
: 1379

  I started complaining about this a few days into my membership.  (April 2015).

  Hardly any poses for S - S.  We have 21 of them.   None of the top 5 are available.  To my knowledge there is only one that we have in your list.  Slow dance.

  We even started a poll about this.  Nothing happened.  I don't even room with Shemales anymore, the variety is non-existent.

  I went quiet on this subject for a number of reasons.  Now that Zoe has mentioned it again I hand the baton, shall we say, over to you.  I really hope you have more success than I did.  I even started my own thread about it.


  231 posts later (most of them mine)  ::) and almost 28000 views.  I even messaged people in game about the poll.  Nothing.  I gave up.

  I support you and I wish you luck.

Jr. Member
: 84

OK, good for AChat, an SS relase... but not even close to what was asked for... not sure what the S comunity thinks of that one, but I think I'm not mistaken if I say that the "new" pose is not waht they want. If they are plening to realease THAT one for FF next... well, take it and...
And that's not all... I enter forum after seeing the new update and I find YET ANOTHER story I have heard too many times...
How many good ppl need to leave or stay out of game for some time before the creators of this world decide to put some rules and moderation into the game?

I got news for you, Zoë is not here, I am Saga, and I am not a nice girl.
Now, whever is in charge of this world, listen closly.
The clock is ticking and you are running out of time, and out of ppl. IF you don't do something about it...

*Lovers siesta
*Talk about yourself
*Refreshing massage
*Body massage
*Hot Kissing
*Show me what you feel
*Slow dance
*Let's talk
*Liking from behind
*Kneeling lovers
*Lick me quickly

IT happens everywhere, yes, but everywhere the authorities try to do something about it, in here I don't see no action at all, no response... hell they don't even TALK in here.
They even bother to read the words of their own customers?
Zoë belives they do... me? I don't think so.
Come on, prove me wrong, make some real changes, some POSITIVE changes, not that toxic like/dislike sistem that only had made things worst.
Expect to hear much more from me, I won't go away unless some real positive changes come into this world.

Look into my eyes, break through the surface, reach my soul and see who I am.
Fighting for more poses for the LGBT comunity!
Jr. Member
: 84

Paintings? Really? Is that what you think we want?
Oh, I know what you think:
"We released a new SS pose so they would go quite for a while"
Very very wrong...

Another usless update!

We want:

*Lovers siesta
*Talk about yourself
*Refreshing massage
*Body massage
*Hot Kissing
*Show me what you feel
*Slow dance
*Let's talk
*Liking from behind
*Kneeling lovers
*Lick me quickly

for all... and that is just a start... every pose should be available to all!

Ok, true, some are not meant to all orientations... any pose that involves sucking, stroking or doing something else with a cock would be totally useless for as a FF pose... but rest of 'em... we want...
Oh, and having the chose to use strap on or not on some poses would be good... I don't like strapon... but I know some girls do, so can understand to need to be there...

That's all... for now...
And I hope next update will be a pose for FF, FS, MM or SS

« : February 05, 2017, 11:13:05 PM Eidamir »

Look into my eyes, break through the surface, reach my soul and see who I am.
Fighting for more poses for the LGBT comunity!
Jr. Member
: 84

Making the breach between the poses abalible for MF and the other orientations and genders is not a good idea.
First an usless decoration for room, now a pose to add to the MILLONS of pose MF already have when MM have little more than one page of poses...
Clap clap, ACHAT, you are doing a great job in keeping this game for EVERYONE.
If you are not planning in keep it even remotly close to a equal game for everyone, then why bother in giving the OPTION to choose the orientation and gender? Just keep it a straight game... because I am feeling more and more left out of it... it makes me MAD and take away my desire to search a partner... why bother finding a nice girl to spent some time with when I can't do what I like to do with her?
If you take the time to search in shop in the main page of achat you can easly see something.
MF: 132 poses
MS: 85 poses
SF: 59 poses
FF: 57 poses
SS: 20 poses
MM: 18 poses

Does that seems remotly fair for the lebians, gays and shemale comunity of ACHAT?
I think not, so here again I am posting... and I will keep posting until we have more poses...
I won't shut up...
I won't leave...
I won't stop...
How many more MF poses will be released before we have what we want?
I am dual posting in 2 topics that ask the same thing...
One started 2 years ago... and the other 4 years ago...
So, no, I won't stop... this topics willl ALWAYS have a new post... at least, as a new update comes with some usless piece of shit.

Hush, Saga, not all of the updates are bad...

Maybe not, Zoë, but to reach an even close point of equality for all genders and orientation soon they should release updates EVERY day with poses for FF, SF, SS and MM.


*Lovers siesta
*Talk about yourself
*Refreshing massage
*Body massage
*Hot Kissing
*Show me what you feel
*Slow dance
*Let's talk
*Liking from behind
*Kneeling lovers
*Lick me quickly

Look into my eyes, break through the surface, reach my soul and see who I am.
Fighting for more poses for the LGBT comunity!
: 5

In my opinion all members should be threated equal, so I say YES!

Jr. Member
: 84

What the fuck? Flowers? Really? Are you fucking kidding me?
Yes, it's me, Saga, again. And if you keep this attitude you will keep hearing about me more and more...
First an update that noone knows what the hell it did... and then 2 updates today... one flowers... and the other one... only the gods of achat know what the hell it was... I guess a fix to a bug the last update brought into 2 MF poses... cool, they fix the mistakes they make... or at least SOME of their mistake... because they are still making the same fucking mistake.
No poses release for the lots of us that have so little poses...
We want:
*Lovers siesta
*Talk about yourself
*Refreshing massage
*Body massage
*Hot Kissing
*Show me what you feel
*Slow dance
*Let's talk
*Liking from behind
*Kneeling lovers
*Lick me quickly
For all!

Dear achat gods... do you hear it? Yes, that's it, the clock has started ticking again and you are running out of time!

Look into my eyes, break through the surface, reach my soul and see who I am.
Fighting for more poses for the LGBT comunity!
Jr. Member
: 84

Spent thousands of A$ to just have your name in a fucking list?
Is this a fucking popularity contest?
Yes, it's me, Saga, I'm still here and I am mad like hell, in case you didn't notice...
Still more toxic and usless updates and no fucking news about what WE want, what we are asking for!
Each update makes me more and more mad...
Stop fucking with us and do something that actually makes us want to STAY and not go away for the lack of attention to your customers.
Hear that? TICK TOCK The clock don't stop and you are running out of time...

Look into my eyes, break through the surface, reach my soul and see who I am.
Fighting for more poses for the LGBT comunity!
Jr. Member
: 84

Surprise, surprise, it's me, Saga again.
Get used to it, I will come each time a new update not related with what I am asking for is released.
CAMERAS? Seriusly? Is that the best you can come up with?
Ok, the poll is nice... but what about a poll to see how many people want more poses for LGBT comunity?
Come on, ACHAT, we want more POSES!

*Lovers siesta
*Talk about yourself
*Refreshing massage
*Body massage
*Hot Kissing
*Show me what you feel
*Slow dance
*Let's talk
*Liking from behind
*Kneeling lovers
*Lick me quickly

And there you have a nice list to start with.
The clock keeps ticking and you are runing out of time, can you hear it?


Look into my eyes, break through the surface, reach my soul and see who I am.
Fighting for more poses for the LGBT comunity!
Jr. Member
: 84

Yes, yes, it's me again, Saga.
And this time, I bring you some pictures to show you what we are missing.

And this are just SOME of the poses we all should have... just a sample.
Zoë asked me to thank Cassiana, our big friend, she did us the favor of taking pics of the poses we wanted to have.
So, thanks Cass for your help. :)
« : February 24, 2017, 09:45:55 PM Eidamir »

Look into my eyes, break through the surface, reach my soul and see who I am.
Fighting for more poses for the LGBT comunity!
: 23

Amazing ideas!
guys please support us!!!

Cheers Bella!
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